Quest Etiquette

Notification of new quests to be played online; suggestions for quests you would like to see; offers to help run quests.

Quest Etiquette

Postby L`aquera on Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:58 pm

1) All quests will be on a sign up basis. Those who have signed up, have thereby CONFIRMED they have read this page, and agree with it. It is the Game Masters responsibility to list the time of their quests, if there will be a chance for death, the type of combat (Quest or Combat dice), as well as assign the date and time, so that Ops and Quest team can be available to them. Characters who wish to participate then, are signed up, ready to go, and understand the rules laid down before them.

2) If you sign up and do not show for three quests over time, without VERY good reason, you will be prohibited from signing up for a quest for 3 months or until such time as you develop and run a quest for others. Also YOUR behavior OOC can and will have you suspended from being able to participate within Quests.

3) On quests, the quest runner is the final judge and ruler on all questions. You may not agree with the judgements, but remember it is a game. Also, when asked to HALT, please do so. The Quest runner can and will be allowed to remove your character from Quest due to your behavior, as a Mun OOC.

4) OOC arguing, complaining and sulky fits will get you kicked out of the quest and possibly banned from others. Polite discussion over a point, or questioning to understand something better is perfectly fine.

5) On quests, fights may be free-formed, they may use regular combat dice, or they may use quest dice. You should expect any one of them. They are at the quest masters discretion. Quest dice are a set form, therefore there is no confusing walking into quest, and will be as follows. !r 1d10 to hit, 1-5 is a hit, 6-10 is a miss. Then a !r 1d10 to assign the damage. The amount of Hit Points you are allowed, is up to the Quest master, and therefore will change from Quest to Quest.

6) Long or slow posters will be expected to adjust their posting to keep the flow of the quest going. Please realize, that in a group rp situation, with 6 participants, 1 round of posts at 5 minutes per post, takes ½ hour. Waiting longer for people to post will slow it down even more. So as common courtesy, adjust your speed or length, to one more appropriate for a group rp scenario. Pre-posting is helpful, if you can sense what might be appropriate. Then just adjust that post when it is your turn, and hit enter. It is also highly suggested that everyone keep their posts to one buffer, for the ease of the QM.

7) When going AFK during a quest, you must assign an AFK tag to your nick. Your turns will be skipped so that post order is not messed up, until you return.

8 ) Death is a possible outcome of questing, but only when it is declared on the Board you signed up on. Meaning to sign up to participate within a quest where it is stated. "This is auto consenting to death, if your character comes below the level of stated Hit Points." No Auto Killing is allowed.

9) It is recommended that all who run quests have a OOC room for their quest, outside of the TLI's channels so that they can kick/ban those whose behavior has lead to it, of the OOC nature. (Meaning bickering, constant conversation not of quest nature, etc). A member of Quest Team, or the OP on duty, should be asked to come within the OOC channel, so that the Quest Maker, if needed can kick from the OOC room they created, and the Op can kick those players from the TLI channel the quest takes place in.

10) Because of the nature of quests, things run in a turn based concept, meaning that there is a posting order. It is bad form to jump that, and while accidents do happen (damn enter button) to make multiple posts before anyone, with the exception of the GM who can post at anytime.

11) It is not acceptable for those to argue, complain, or sulk. It is a game for adults, and therefore a certain behavior is expected OOC. For those who cannot follow the Quest masters instructions, heed those warnings to correct the behavior, there will be ramifications. There is no excuse for someone else's behavior to ruin the fun of a whole event, nor should it be tolerated. Courtesy of the OOC nature is the main theme. The quest runners spend typically 10 hours or more of their time, developing and running a quest for your pleasure and fun. And so, a level of maturity and courtesy, oocly is required in return. It is as simple as this. Treat them as you would wish to be treated on the OOC level. Remember, it is just a game!

So what can happen, if I sign up for a Quest, but decide to throw a fit?
You will be warned. If you decide to not heed that warning, the following, CAN and WILL happen.

You will be kicked from the Quest.
You will be kicked from the Quest, and banned for a time from future Quests.
You will be kicked from the Quest, and banned for a time from future Quest, and have XP taken.

On a Side Note NPC's for quest cannot be the following:
No Angels/Demons
No portals to other worlds.
No Dragons. (Without the express permission of Ehlanna)
No D&D creatures.
No Lab created monsters. (Without the express permission of the Ops/QT)
No Unicorns.

All NPC's should, quite frankly fit into the game rules.
Monsters ARE allowed (HA! Had to make you laugh) , however a group of 3 questers taking out a Time Walker Spider God, more then likely will get a nix from Quest Team.
It is also recommended, that for your level req's, your quest doesn't run over 1-2 sessions. Questing online, is far different then questing tabletop, or in a larp, because of that, the time limit is set.
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Re: Quest Etiquette

Postby L`aquera on Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:26 am


Please check this out before entering any quest. Thank you! :)
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Re: Quest Etiquette

Postby L`aquera on Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:11 am

I'm going to leave a little note of understanding here. For those joining a quest, event, tournament, The Quest Runner is to be seen like an authority figure. What they say goes. If DEATH is PROBABLY/Possible be well aware anything could happen. From a slow death eating fungus up your body, to sudden fiery doom by Dragon/evil doer.

It is you, the quest joiners responsibility to look at the quest itself left on the board, read through all addendum's and possibilities and once signed up, you've accepted anything said as what could/will/might happen to your character.

Constant arguments, negativity, Suzy downer words/actions? Could have you removed by not just that quest, but others for a few months to a year. Be very wary of how you voice your frustration. Those Running a Quest have a lot on their plate and a lot to handle and constant negative actions produce constant negative responses.

We will start enforcing this very rule. So before you start griping so n so f'd up your char because YOU joined their quest knowing full well, 'ANYTHING' could happen.... Don't expect to be joining in on any reindeer games for a while there Rudolph. While I can understand frustrations? Find a new way to voice them or handle them beyond provoking negative responses.

Thank you.
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