Casual Rumors about the L'Orn d'Elamshin

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

Casual Rumors about the L'Orn d'Elamshin

Postby Kir^Trelander on Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:57 am

Though there's been no official notice posted anywhere, there is the fluttering spread of information by word of mouth from travelers and food-suppliers across the Empire about a shift in some of the Empire's business regarding a large holding that supplies much of the foodstuffs for various groups and establishments.

Sutara, long known as the Lady of the L'Orn d'Elamshin, has finally been acknowledged to have faded from public view and into her own business dealings. In her absence, her holdings had been managed quietly by her War Seneschal, Kir Trelander, and it seems such has resulted in an elevation to the long-time mercenary's rank. Seemingly to his own chagrin, but without argument from him, he's been elevated to hold a title of Lordship directly, rather than acting in stewardship. He maintains the same holding, but with his military background, there is speculation on how things will change, if it all, when it comes to the Empire's food supply.

Valara, his long-time lieutenant, serves as his Warmaster, given direct control of all things military within the House. The military side of it is experiencing drastic reorganization, based more on security, escort, and acquisition rather than a full on standing army. The priority seems to be in maintaining order of the holding and removing threats to the food supply, rather than projecting might, though there is speculation on whether either of them are capable of not flexing their iron grips.

North, a studious and less-known figure, was made into his Majordomo, handling most of the actual business affairs of the holding and maintaining a smooth and efficient operation. Whispers of this come with the proclivity of the Lord himself for the smaller races and their hidden durability, and some speculation of just how she runs the holding in relation to the Lord himself.

Several officers have been dispersed into various capacities within his inner circle, but there are new and old openings available for those who are both loyal and subservient to the Empire and eager to find steady, reliable work so long as they fulfill their obligations and duties. The military, while small, always needs those who can fit into the rough hierarchy of the House that emphasizes strength and an internal pecking order based on might, but an external unity to threats to the interests of the House. The household, much larger, actively searches for those available in daily business of a Household, as well as those skilled or wanting to learn skills in food production, hunting, cooking, and enterprises that can contribute to supply or refinement of foodstuffs.

While the Lord himself is known to be often absentee while tending to his own businesses, it's known to be a bustling household when the correct staff are found to join it.

OOC Note: The 'clan' itself remains called the L'Orn d'Elamshin in honor of the Lady who built it. However, the worktag is now -HoLD, it is now known as the L'Orn or House of Lone Destiny (the common tongue translation for the name of the holding), and we'll be making a conscious shift to play content oriented around agriculture, food production, general castle living, and protecting assets vital to the empire.
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Re: Casual Rumors about the L'Orn d'Elamshin

Postby Kir^Trelander on Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:54 pm

Rolling hills, shallow but evident. Fingers of timber that stretch out from a larger body of forest, fading into copses and groves, and then into clear land. Shallow brooks, small creeks, and gurgling streams. Long rows of tilled land, large expanses of waving grass and pastures, and a myriad of small roads and paths through small hamlets rather than the crowded causeways of Nanthalion. These are the visions of the country-road one would see on the way to the single jutting monument visible as one came closer to the middle of this land...a single large castle bearing banners and pennants of a flaming eye.

That castle was known as the L'Orn. It was short for some elven phrase, the L'Orn d'Elamshin or something. Most just called it the L'Orn, but the locals knew it for the name translated into common. The Lone Destiny. It was an odd name, but one that made a sort of sense to those who lived in the area. It wasn't the people within it that it spoke was the building itself, the land. It had a destiny all its own, a holding that had been claimed by a half-elven, half-moriel noble in the past before being passed on to its current owner. No matter who held it, the land and the castle itself remained the same, a constant in a world of change.

Fertile, filled with greens and rich golds in the spring and summer, the beauty of reds, yellows, oranges, and browns in the fall, and the stark white and dark of healthy snowfall and the rock, dirt, and trees it settled upon in the winter, it was the land itself that made this county. It had become a breadbasket for the Empire, never quite commercialized enough to make it grow into anything more than a wild retreat for those in the city proper, but quite homey for those who preferred the quiet away from the bustle of more populated centers. Simple folk, most of them, gathered in clustered hamlets where the small inns were the major source of evening entertainment before their next day of hard work.

The castle, however, dark and towering, built stone by stone to tower over the expanses, was the center of it. Daily patrols of soldiers spilled out of it, making their rounds to assist and protect the land that they were all so fiercely protective of; outsiders seldom came with purely good intentions. Farmers, hunters, craftsmen...they traveled to and from it to ply their trades and make their exchanges and, perhaps, enjoy a day amid a slightly-larger crowd. It provided security to the outlying villages, it took in stores for long and hard winters, and it took in taxes for exchanged protections and services of the military and representation in the Empire. Of course, those taxes weren't purely monetary. The soldiers had their own needs and desires. The Empire had its need for food in areas less known for nutritional productivity. Such was the way of things, but it was hard to think of it as any worse than anywhere else; at the least, the Lord seemed to grant favor to those who worked hard, to those who served his soldiers best.

The Lord. A hard man by all accounts, but by some he was a harsh lecher who had spent years as a War Seneschal, protecting them certainly, but making his rounds and choosing their finest daughters to satisfy his nightly comforts. By some, he was a cruel man, best avoided. But by others, he as a gruff, no-nonsense man striving for whatever justice could be provided in a hard empire, a good man tempered into what the Empire had crafted him into through years of service as mercenary, soldier, and now noble. A hard man to read, sometimes hard to understand, but insofar as he'd push your limits, he'd also set his own on just how far one could be pushed. Satisfaction with his station and dissatisfaction were topics that were discussed, though that debate could be ill-advised depending on what company you kept. It seemed there was a polarization of absolute loyalty and grudging submission, though few are the number who are outright against the man. Large, stern, and by rumor, as unyielding as the stone of the Valencian mountain god he worshipped, he was certainly an acquired taste, a taste more appreciated when one felt the fierce protectiveness and strength of his will in your favor rather than against it.

Unanimously, though, the land itself, the castle itself, the county itself was a fine place to settle, to work, to labor in and try to make a name for oneself, insofar as you weren't a paper pusher at a desk. It was a country county, a farming county, and the land itself was respected and loved. Let the city folk have their cobblestones, here they liked the dirty and simple. Let the world have its wars; here it was peace and order that people wanted...ironically, even if they had to fight for it.
OOC: Still, and always, hiring for positions in Kir's house. Note that I'm not a prolific quest creator, but I am a facilitator. That's not to say quests won't happen, but I am pushing for a strong feudal 'feel' to all play in the L'Orn. Bards, craftsmen, farmers, grovetenders, cooks, maids, wenches, courtesans, blacksmiths, soldiers, ranchers, riders, hunters...I can come up with a role for just about anyone who has a need for a payroll-based job. All I ask is use of the HoLD tag when you're within the area, and emphasis on playing with other HoLD members. The tag should mean 'open for roleplay' in any of the many facets available to a feudal holding, not 'Don't bother me, I'm doing a worklog'. Even if it's only a slight curiosity in whether something is doable, poke me, Valara, or North in PM to see what we can do. I'm looking to provide an avenue, a 'different' setting to the Belariath world, and a place to have other facets of your character played out to flesh out your characters while they get their flesh out. Heh.
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Re: Casual Rumors about the L'Orn d'Elamshin

Postby Naomh on Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:08 pm

Word around the L'Orn is that the Majordomo was up to something. North, the oddly quiet, studious fae who was oft seen floating around the castle marking down notes and making certain work within the castle was operating smoothly has been becoming more active. Her movements around the grounds were faster and more animated and she has been having the groundskeepers working harder at clearing the area not just within but around the castle walls. Asking more questions about the food supplies within the castle. Word has it she's even been going out with the guards to visit the local villages to speak with their elders.

Rumours were flying of course, but all that was known for a fact was that the fae was planning something, and while the Majordomo was a strict and stern one, she still was a fae. Surely something interesting was coming.
OOC: as said, always hiring, I'm the player of North, the majordomo (house seneschal) of HoLD. While I'm slowly thinking up things to help stir up RP we do need more people. If you have someone interested in working in the non-military side of the house bop me and we'll see what we can figure out.
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Re: Casual Rumors about the L'Orn d'Elamshin

Postby Kir^Trelander on Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:45 pm

Saturday, March 24th: Spring Feast and Festival
***SOON****: Military Escort of Food Supply

Rumors continue about an upcoming festival to celebrate the prosperity of the hold and the Empire through the winter. Foodstuffs were plentiful, no shortages reported, and so as the weather turns, there is a gathering where all are invited to indulge. There will be guests from the city proper, Nanthalion, to be certain, as well as locals, and it will be a fine place to brush elbows with the high and low alike.

Word has it that the Lord himself will be offering purses for those who will entertain the crowds, even if only in providing background music for what is hoped to be a festive occasion. Any inquiring minds, any interested parties, should be in touch with the Majordomo North prior to the festival itself. One can only imagine what the Lord himself would do if he finds the occasion -boring-.

The Lord Trelander has been known recently to be specializing his forces to more efficiently serve in the capacities needed, less oriented around open warfare and more around security of hold and goods, and if need be, defensive and wilderness tactics. There will be a cargo train departing from the Castle soon, and the Lord is offering pay for mercenaries to accompany his forces.

OOC: This will not be a large event, but it will be an event. I will have a date forthcoming, but would like PM's for interest in being involved. I'm experimenting with a new system for future events where custom dicerolls are used to dictate events, which are then played seamlessly through freeform as characters see fit. There is no death in this event, but wounding is possible. Please don't post here with interest, either PM in channel or on the board, I'm only looking for 3-5 people. Where it's experimental, bear with me on wonkiness, but also feel free to provide feedback at the end.
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Re: Casual Rumors about the L'Orn d'Elamshin

Postby Wadeywade on Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:45 pm

Apparently this shift in the local politics had not gone unseen.
despite being accursed to wake in the eastern part of the world, Wade kept a finger on the pulse of many things im the Empire, and if not for his own.. situations, perhaps he might have felt that pulse fade. only to come right back. truth was, it was a shock to hear Sutara had moved on..
Still, he had the same obligations as before. as a mercenary he could work for anyone, any time now and not be bound by singular loyalty. he could shape hs interactions, and provide a solid, secure reliable source of power to those who were protecting the Empire in general and his people in specific. Vulpines everywhere had slowly come to learn of him, but perhaps a broader introduction was soon going to be. required..

(OOC: I can, as with all the nobles, work in a freelance capacity Kir. IE, Once I can get quest able and situated we can start kicking out broader storylines, or so I hope. I plan to do this for all the houses in time. get some dang SLs pumped out for people to quest on!
also, I can write them and.. my trouble may be running them but man can Idea! so if you need an idea guy., well, here I be. :) )
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
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Re: Casual Rumors about the L'Orn d'Elamshin

Postby Kir^Trelander on Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:25 am

Those who have any sort of business, or are looking for it, in the fields of agriculture or 'more rural' lifestyles have been exposed to further news of the L'Orn, the Lord Trelander's holding that was not so terribly distant from Nanthalion. He continues to make that shift, that 'downgrade' of his military arm that was not really a downgrade so much as an insistence that more could be accomplished with less. While he is always hiring guards and soldiers of particular note, emphasis continues to be on dutiful service to the Empire through squeezing every bit out of the breadbasket that could be squeezed.

The military wing went through a reshuffle, an evening out. Rankings, previously organized into cohorts and junior and senior officers, had become more management than it was worth. Notable soldiers were notable, and the others did their work or were expelled. A major shakeup occurred as Valara, a long-time figure...that was not necessarily at the Lord's side, but was always within his proximity...left of her own accord to pursue more personal goals. It was a low-drama affair, but the name of Menhir is spoken of as her successor as Warmaster to the Lord's forces and in charge of security of the holding and the Empire's goods. Casual statements say that he's about as friendly as the Lord is, but disciplined; it seemed the Lord had a 'type' for leadership in soldiery.

The Household is still run by North, the delightful Fae whom had started as a temporary Majordomo and grown into the role. When the Lord was often busy, it was North who seemed to pick up slack and ensure that the Keep, the hold, and the land were still well-spoken for and taken care of.

New faces have been seen around the castle and surrounding lands. Hunters ranging from the small inn in the courtyard out to the surrounding wilds, scouting and bringing back wilder meats that could not be raised, one named Caelian, and another a wolven going by Gabriel. The populace seems pleased that their hurts could be tended to again by a newly hired healer named Lucinda who seemed very pleasant and content with her own little infirmiry to run. Farmhands begin to work fields, store grain, run small maintenance tasks about the hold. An older fellow named Connor, in particular, had become a regular face.

There were still all those old faces as well, though some kept to themselves within the Keep itself or ducked away to avoid too much attention, like the catling maid, Cyan, or the cooks Calvan and Velve.

All in all, it remained much the same even through change; while it was not the bustle of the city, the country had its own pace of activity to be tapped into.
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Re: Casual Rumors about the L'Orn d'Elamshin

Postby Menhir on Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:45 pm

The Bronze Dream, Menhir, would be seen spotted moving through the city though frequently spotted at the Inn speaking with individuals of various backgrounds, though of course there are the chances of meeting with the individual at the Keep itself. The general chatter is that the drak'sen is actually speaking with common citizens about recruitment or invitations to work the territory of the L'Orn d'Elamshin though it might seem that the requirements are more than what a half-assed attempt would get seeing as the majority of applicants have been rejected up to this point in time, having no time to suffer fools. The inscrutable creature sometimes outright rejecting some individual or another without even bothering to speak with them first. It is clear that there are standards to be had, but perhaps those standards would give evidence of seriousness and quality requirements.
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