August 30th Topic Purple"

Weekly projects with absolutely no chance of either fortune or fame. Open to all.

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August 30th Topic Purple"

Postby Tehya on Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:24 pm

Thought it might be fun to center on a color this week. Topic is "Purple" It will be nice to see the original Art, Poetry, Stories, and Photography for this one.

Please come back and comment on your fellow players work, I am sure they will appreciate it

This does not have to be TLI based
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Re: August 30th Topic Purple"

Postby Stormbringer on Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:11 pm

Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
Check your baggage at the door and bring some magic through your
window onto the world of Belariath
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Re: August 30th Topic Purple"

Postby Tehya on Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:29 pm

Nice picture SB

Ramblings of a Plum

If I were a piece of fruit I would be a purple plum. Not only is the color beautiful, no doubt I’d last awhile in the bowl before being consumed. My skin would be smooth to the touch, and I would accent the other fruits in the bowl. The peach would roll away lazily from me knowing I’d rot touching its fuzzy coating. The banana would lay nestled into that mysterious crease in the center.

When finally I am lifted to the lips to be eaten, the touch of my skin to someone’s lips would be smooth and tart they would savor every bite. With abounding succulence I’d quench their thirst and stain their lips leaving traces of me being there.

Of course my pit would be my inner core, and when thrown in the waste bin, I’d get even for being eaten. I would call upon the army of fruit flies that would annoy my taker of life while he sat by the computer trying to write and snatching them one by one in his hand.

Oh to be the purple plum.
A plum is a great fruit for all the reasons that you list. I have always enjoyed the way the blueish/purple hue of a plum stands out in your hand. Appears almost as a "mellow" color…strong yet chilled and controlled. While it does have a pit that may be "disposable" and cause for distress in one's trash the pit is also its center and rebirth if you will. From that seed it grew to be and from that seed others could grow from it...I always tried to plant sunflower seeds in hopes they would grow to giant stalks of sunflowey goodness. Nothing but weeds ever grew, that or I should have not tried planting them in my carpet...hmmm

On to bigger questions and things... I think it is only fair that I answer my own question as well…The other half of your plum =) If I were a fruit…I would be a tomato.. Why a tomato you ask? That is an excellent question. Firstly,...most people don’t recognize a tomato as a fruit, and therefore by its very nature it makes it unique =) Don’t we all want to feel unique and special and also treated this way by others? Also...A tomato is a delicate fruit too. It does have a protective covering, a "shell" if you will, and inside that is the true essence of a tomato...Protected yet delicate to the touch and juicy when ripe. Same as our personalities are often fragile and delicate once we get to fully explore them, the masks we wear upon initially meeting people is the outer covering and protection. Often times we feel vulnerable when we take chances, but it is during those times and new experiences that we also have the greatest potential for personal growth and exploration. The other interesting things about tomatoes' is the fact that they have relatively little distinct taste. That is what makes them so good on many things and the reason we can derive so many uses for them.

You may consider them a "bland" fruit, due to their lack of apparent palatable value, but just think of all the diverse types of foods and sauces they are a part of and belong. Everything from hundreds of types of pasta, to salads, even to some deserts! Crazy I know =). The ability to be both nothing, and everything all at once.. Interesting concept in itself. To be recognized and known and make an impact on this life and that of others, yet transparent and still able to pass between many different realms without great barrier.

It seems all to many times now a days, the people we encounter in our everyday lives make such superficial impact, that we seek for more in others. We are left with unfulfilled expectations and often times adjust our own perspectives to better accommodate others, hoping one day they will realize the “fruit” of our labor and the personal energy that has been invested. Closer to the truth however, is that these people and individuals in our lives that we so seek to change, will never change, and only we can be left to change ourselves yet again.

This becomes a tiresome and destructive cycle as I am sure you can imagine, and the games and fronts and persuasive tactics others have, are just too tiring for me to deal with anymore. I know who I am, the things i believe in, and the strengths I possess. I hope to find people of like mindset, who are also mature individuals and open to new experiences and people.

I have tucked each in every word away in a small box that is lined inside with gold. The precious gems I wear against my skin are not diamonds or rubies but words. One could steal everything I hold valuable, but they can’t steal words. You see I have a special lock on the box that holds words and it has been known never to be broke into. Not yet at least, my memory refuses to leave me. I put the jewels on this morning upon waking, and I loved the feel against my skin…thank you.

This day will be special because people will look at me when I walk and wonder what the sparkle in my eyes is about. I shall not tell them, it’s my secret…that lock shall not be turned by anyone but me. I will access it like a thief in the night when I feel lonely or complacent.

I had a pretty dream last night and when I woke up I was probably like plum wine, rich, and became even more priceless when I gained the words in the inbox.

Holding them selfishly, I read deeply into them.

A tomato, how interesting, acid sometimes…but that’s good. Sometimes acid even rids the tarnish off of steel. Your not so bland after all, in fact I think you can be sweet, or very tart. I feel a slight tartness from your taste. Is that bad…no. The fruit of your labor is not left un-recognized, you have such a clean smell compared to the smog and acid rain. When you are cut open you bleed against my counter. I shall not cut you, I promise. Yet when devoured by the lips alone your succulent juices only are taken, and the seeds are left to replant, for another that is as lucky as I am.

Have you ever noticed or planted a tomato plant, there is always that one that has a special beauty, others are tarnished a bit. It usually stands out on the branch daring the gods to puncture it with hail or a nasty bird’s passing beak. I think you are a tomato, for you hold the same attitude, you’re right out there staring at everything night and day, getting to know it, when others just walk by not even noticing the beauty about them. Just don’t let anyone can you, such a disgrace to be bottled up for years in a dusty cellar. If they do, I will challenge them and roll down every step in my purple glory and push you off the shelf.

Like a rose in bloom in the spring\par
I noticed only the bloom and not the thorn's sting\par
whether pain was outweighed
or even ignored
the remaining wound cannot
now as a scar, maybe easy to hide
maybe not
It sometimes tears open again
the things I wish I forgot
then there it is, bleeding again from within
like a hemorrhage from which there is no relief
memories, thoughts, words
it all comes rushing through
the gaping hole in my chest
and the stab wounds in my back
Into my mind they go to stay and rot
The things I wish I forgot
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