The War in the North

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

The War in the North

Postby L`aquera on Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:55 am

What was the conclusion? Stormbringer had ordered the annihilation of the Grey cloaks, a tribe of Northern Barbarians that had become quite sly. The question of why they were so intelligent had risen a few times and she had no real answers. Nor did the pyro think it some unknown factor, as such it was possible this was her downfall or, an elevation. Realistically, she just couldn't see them working within the darkness of the Spirette, nor, they having a Portal. There were several factors involved in that, one of which, it took time, a few pheonix stones to reach such long distances and, a portal would be more than visible above ground level via their mephos. Not to mention, the beasts were drawn to said magics in droves. No.. there had been no Portal found, but what her spy-work network had found, was mages working with them. Possibly using a portal spell to transport but a few here and there.

It certainly answered several questions of how the aggressive tribe had managed to get in and out of their city so quickly. There was of course, the city within Lord Drakewings holdings, but they would still have to get to the Valencian Portal and that was still several days ride away. Mages were a fickle lot, its not as if you could look at them and know what magics they most held to. That was a problem. But a plan, none the less, had come to a conclusion. Stealth fighters first to take out the Barbarian scouts. Air strikes from above, earth mages below to roust them free of their Keep. Ground forces would then march in and wipe them out. Anything left? Well that would go to the remaining Tribes of the Northern Barbarians to pick up and sell or use. Something the Emperor had wished on and would be given.

She wasn't worried the other clans would interfere, not after hearing about how the conclave meeting had gone so right now? She was inking parchment to send out to nobles and what was needed to be ready. While all notes were similar, not all were of the same..

~To My Lords and Ladies~

Greetings, I hope this finds you well and prepared. Most of you are aware of the upcoming skirmish or war, with the Northern Barbarian tribe of the Grey cloaks. Forgive me if this is to brief, but you have a few days to contact me to change or arrange what is needed. On Sunday (5PM Central time) we will be amassing and sending our men and our selves.. to battle against those barbarians needlessly poking at us. Our Emperor suffers no fool and certainly, he will not suffer this idiocy any longer. War is no longer a maybe but an understood factor and order. Have your men prepared. Air, stealth, ground. First we strike with those that are of a stealthy nature to take out any scouts of the Grey cloaks and any guards around their Keep. Then the air strike. Those with mephos are welcome to join me as I will be leading said air strike with fireball to spells that range long distance to bow and arrow lit on fire. Earth mages will bring their Keep down into ground forcing these fools out from the protection of sturdy walls and into the Ground troupes. Decide now where you plan on placing your men or yourselves. I've put Lord Shaka and Lord Scathien in charge of ground troupes for good reason.

While I expect you all to be battle ready.. some of you aren't suited to this. Unto you Lord Sorgram I pass this along. Your Seneschal is not to be on my field of battle. Ever. She isn't knowledgeable nor ready to face such a task. Pick another in her place. We cannot hand hold and force one to take directions nor give them. Perhaps Van Masterson would be a better choice. He at least, isn't afraid to ask questions and gain knowledge. Nor give direction where its needed and ordered. This is not a debate. Those of my own may chose where they are most needed, you all know your skills. I expect my own Seneschal Zully to help in ground forces with jhore aplenty.

Good luck, I shall meet you all in Virelith early in the day.

Lady L`
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Re: The War in the North

Postby Balard on Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:13 am

Will be there hopefully :D
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Re: The War in the North

Postby Marren on Sun Oct 15, 2017 11:15 pm

Eolande will be there.
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Re: The War in the North

Postby L`aquera on Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:27 pm

The war itself had gone, slightly faster than anticipated. The pyro wasn't sorry, all that had been left was to track them down in Nanthalion and Valencia. Her scouts however... didn't find one wolven. At least, not the ones described. Sifting through the rubble in the cold break of dawn, bodies were found of half breeds, shreds of Robes that weren't quite all the way burned through noted and taken with. There wasn't a whole lot to do really beyond the clean up however, thats something they wouldn't do. Everything was left for the other clans to confiscate, including their slaves in the fields. Something they'd already noted had been done when they went to check. She shouldn't be all that surprised, obviously the Northern barbarians hadn't missed the light display last evening, it gave her a bit of a smirk thinking how right the Emperor had been, when she might have worried just a bit to much. Rising up, she'd dusted off her gloves and moved back to her golden mephos, strapping in and heading for that cave.

There were eggs to collect and a contingency of her men to leave at the mouth warning others off, keeping them free of it. It was Empire business now, Empire property. She'd have to show Lord Scathien the place because she damned sure wasn't going to be collecting them all by herself. Certainly Sorgram would be helping out. Just not today. She'd seen clutches forming and knew that this might be the last chance to collect before winter fully hit. She was careful of course, bringing with her four large bulls into that cave to keep the others off of her and the new mephos attention onto the larger breed while she snuck in and began pilfering from one clutch to the next. The eggs were large and heavy but she simply and carefully wrapped them and placed them into oversize saddle bags to keep them warm and deposit them upon the sands of her old hatching grounds upon Keep grounds.

Everything was a flurry of motion, worry, stress, watch over shoulder and then, slip upon Sinergys back and get the hell out of there. She should have asked for help really, but after the last had been let down, she realized sometimes you just let things evolve and walk away. At least for now, the far North was secure. And she could count more heavily on the lords of Valencia and St Eva then expected. Even as Sin pranced his way out of that cave and the other bulls soon followed, did she finally take in a deep breath. Now, to get home, deposit eggs, write up another report to the Emperor or simply give it to him that night in person, her work up North was finished. Now.. the South however? That too.. would begin and she wondered just what trouble they would sink their feet into this time.
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