Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

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Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby Kooky on Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:30 am

Below is a suggestion I've been working on for a while.. Thoughts are appreciated!

The House Gladiator Sect

These are gladiators from the Noble Houses. The way they work is that there are no buy-ins and no mehrial rewards. Instead, House Gladiators are allowed to use their House-tags while fighting. Their points go towards honor for their House as well as their own personal record, to be House Champion. Every four months there is a large tournament that is for all House Champions to compete in the Championship known as Champions of the Empire, to gain the prestigious title of Imperial Champion, and the chance for various awards by donation. There will also be a single tournament each year for anyone who's ever held the title of Imperial Champion.

1) House Gladiators do not have buy-ins nor are they awarded mehrial for their wins. They earn points.
2) Just participating earns one point for their House and one point for them personally. Winning earns two points respectively. An officiate may reward bonus points for extraordinary maximized/good luck rolls, honorable behavior, and other gladiatorial virtues.
3) House members cannot fight others of their own House, save for the exception of the Championship. A House can have more than one House Champion, such as in the event of a different House Gladiator winning the Championship for their House each month. House Champion titles only reset after the Champions of the Empire.
4) At no time can any House Gladiator face the same opponent twice in a row. They may not fight any opponent more than three times a month.
5) At the end of the month when points are tallied, the Arena will fly the banner/colors/flag of the winning House. Each House Champion will have their portraits displayed as well. Houses have the option of rewarding their fighters at their own discretion. During this time, all points are reset to 0 until the next month's tally.
6) Only Arena officiates can oversee a match, the same as normal gladiators.
7) Modified CLAW is required. As such, stat enchantments do NOT count in evening the playing field, allowing CLAW to go off of level stats alone rather than integrating the enchantments that characters have bought with coin. This allows them to keep the advantages they have paid for while evening the levels.
8) ICly poisons are not allowed and can result in loss of House points, gladiator dismissal or suspension, or in the case of death, banning. OOCly, poisons are permitted, just be aware of the consequences should you be caught.
9) There are NO level requirements. Due to the use of modified CLAW, any level is welcome.
10) A player can enter as many characters as they want. If it comes down to one player's two chars facing each other, there will be no roleplay, but rather a session where just rolls are done and overseen by an officiate AND an OP.
11) Healing spells and potions are permitted if the caster/holder is the one fighting. Using a potion from someone beyond the fighting pit or being the recipient of a spell is cause for gladiatorial dismissal and possibly point deduction, if they're caught. The person who's participating in breaking rules can as well be banned from future events.

OOC Note:
This gives House workers a new avenue to work, allowing fighters to get paid to bring their House glory and honor and healers to watch and be on call to heal them, alongside Arena healers, and entertainers to act as cheerleaders and more. This may also encourage Nobles to hire more workers, as there is no cap on the amount of House Gladiators per House. They may even be encouraged to help outfit their fighters to give them better fighting chances, which is good for new characters. House Gladiators can be anyone (except the Noble themselves) who represents the House, so even a gladiator slave on payroll can compete, opening a new avenue for those slaves who are eager to serve even beyond sexual ways. Bards and House Bards are encouraged to work during these times to gain fodder for their stories and songs to boast about the prowess of the House they serve, and help to stir some competition between Houses.

As for modified CLAW, I've toyed around with this in great detail, and truly don't think a character's purchased advantages should be nerfed for the sake of balance. They were bought and paid for, for the advantage they give. This is one of those things that helps balance magical and physical fighters as well, seeing a magical fighter may not only have stat enchants, but +15 for rolls due to spells.. and physical fighters only have their given stats and bought enchants to rely on for their bonus.

Another point of note is that officiates will have rolls that go towards them "noticing" things characters are trying to get away with, such as healing someone else, dosing them with poison, or sneaking a healing potion.

Any arena worker can officiate if they are approved to do such.
Officiates are responsible for keeping track of the life and stam of opponents (over seeing) and seeing to it that rules are abided by. OOCly they must also post to the House Threads (which will be created on the MB in the Arena section) and post the outcome of fights and who won which points.
In the chance someone is trying something underhanded, an officiate can either outright observe such (within means of the play, proper spells etc..) or at their own discretion and option roll !choice or a stat roll against the other person. An officiate is not bound to make the optional rolls if they feel their char would notice what was going on, and their say is final.

Q: Can I poison my opponent?
A: ICly it's against gladiator rules, but OOCly, yes. You just need to abide by the rules of poisons and be aware and accepting of the potential consequences that can come of such. The magical wrist bands gladiators wear to even out the fights have no affect on poison and therefore cannot save a gladiator's life.
Q: I got caught! Can I bribe the officiate?
A: Sure you can, but it's up to them if they accept, don't accept, or accept and screw you over anyways. If they do accept, they're also putting their reputation and job on the line.
Q: Won't using CLAW make my bad ass char look bad if they lose to some level 1?
A: Possibly, though ICly the modified CLAW is incorporated through use of magical wrist bands, which are known to even the levels and make sense of the power restrictions.
Q: How does death work in these fights?
A: Killing your opponent can get you removed from competing. For this reason, the magical wrist bands stop death, even if the damage impact goes over the character's remaining life points. Instead, the opponent is rendered knocked out. But any blow after that, will kill them. This means the opponent is making a conscious choice and effort to kill their target.
Q: My character is a cook (or other non-military position) but I want to compete, can I?
A: As long as your Noble says you can, you can. Any and all House workers are welcome to join. Keep in mind though, that while participating will earn your House a point, losing earns your opponent two for defeating you. If you lose too much, your Noble may not see your participation as an asset.
Q: My Noble said I can't fight for them!
A: Sorry to hear, but their say is final. If you are found to be participating when you should not be, your Noble will be notified and you will be handed over to the Imperial Guard for fraud and messing with an Imperial Event. OOCly, you'll also be in some shit for knowingly screwing up the numbers and will be banned from participating in any future House Gladiator events under any character, possibly more if OPs or the Arena Master deems so.
Q: I'm low level, what if I get killed?! What if no one can afford my rez?!
A: In the case of any death, seeing as it is purposeful and NOT accidental, the opponent who did the deed is expected to pay for the rez. If they cannot, their House Noble is then expected. But seriously.. anyone who dies and can't afford the rez, and for some reason the opponent or Noble can't or whatnot.. do not worry. Many characters (and players) are usually willing to donate for the rez. Use it as development. Many characters will react to what has happened and no doubt the opponent will get a bad reputation from it, since these fights are about honor and not killing for glory. In any case, OOCly and ICly you WILL be taken care of. Do not fret. Do not whine. This is for fun and we've got your back.
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby Farvel on Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:31 am

I love this very much. 8) =D>
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby Azara on Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:59 pm

I second Farvel's comment!
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby Naomh on Fri Nov 03, 2017 10:49 pm

I'm against the enforcement of CLAW in this. Though I do support one consistent battle system instead of a 'let the combatants decide' as that has proven a constant headache.
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby miyuka on Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:28 pm

I'd say Qdice if you want a completely fair system and for everyone to be able to participate, but that comes with the cost of not being able to use all your fancy spells, abilities, armour, and weapons to gain an advantage.
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby Kooky on Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:48 am

The idea behind the modified CLAW is to let characters use their spells, use their wit and cunning, as even those watching can award or take away 1-2pts based on merit and the like. I'll have a much more detailed post on that coming up. It can adhere to favoritism.. but that's also why bribes are allowed, though not recommended. Anyone doing a bribe accepts the consequences if they happen to arise.

I wanted characters to be able to use their spells and equipment.. qdice is only "just so fun" and it's -all- chance, which is what makes it fair. It also removes any of the DEF and stat bonuses people pay for, for having an advantage. I want people to be able to use their advantages, to inspire more play, to inspire Nobles to encourage more activity, sparring, maybe even have a championship of their own House by hosting their own fights among their own workers, and rewarding the winner(s) or participants as a whole.

Realistically, Houses did not just sit idle. They were at war with each other, allied with each other, often through friendly and non-friendly competitions. Jousts were a HUGE thing too, something I would LOVE to see brought to TLI. I know that first and foremost TLI is an adult room and focuses on sex.. but it's more than just that for a lot of players. I've seen it grow in my short few years here. Houses in the days of ol' were heavy on spies and betrayal, thieves and honor, knights and champions. Houses hosting their own practices could easily be reason for spies to come back into more useful play. Let the Nobles influence the game of gladiators. Let them put on a show for their Emperor, see who dares say they house the best soldiers for our Lord. Who has the balls to prove it? ..It's a fun way of bringing in more play, more development and more sexy wench prizes for our sweaty combatants.
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby miyuka on Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:13 pm

ACtually first and foremost it's a Story line driven place, where sex can happen. The issue with your ideas that I can already see is that player participation will be needed. Belariath has always been a Player driven game for good and for bad. People have to not only be interested in it (which is the easy part) but they also have to be Online at the same time as another interested party and that's where things can get difficult. You can add all the incentives you want, but Real Life always comes first and time constraints can be a bitch. On top of all of that, you as the organizer of these kinds of things need to be front and center. OFTEN, or have some people who can be there in your stead to keep it running and make it flow. Also it helps if the system is simple and easy for all to understand rather than a complex one.
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby Farvel on Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:37 am

I actually like the idea of claw over qdice. Qdice has its purpose on quests, as they're a sort of escape from the normal RP, but that's where their purpose should remain. For all the talks about the dice system and how it could be improved, it's still a system that allows players to shape their characters' strengths and weaknesses how they see fit, and during tournaments that should matter. What's the point of developing your character if that development is never going to be accounted for when it actually matters?

This is, after all, where each house's best and brightest slam their metal and prove their worth. So how much time and money characters spent developing themselves to fighting prowess should actually matter. Armor should matter. Spell slots should matter. Enchantments should matter. Stat development should matter. Otherwise, you can just send in the house gardener against that knight and if using qdice, they'd have a 50% chance of winning. And as hilarious as that sounds, it would simply break RP immersion.

Kooky wrote:Realistically, Houses did not just sit idle. They were at war with each other, allied with each other, often through friendly and non-friendly competitions. Jousts were a HUGE thing too, something I would LOVE to see brought to TLI. I know that first and foremost TLI is an adult room and focuses on sex.. but it's more than just that for a lot of players. I've seen it grow in my short few years here. Houses in the days of ol' were heavy on spies and betrayal, thieves and honor, knights and champions. Houses hosting their own practices could easily be reason for spies to come back into more useful play. Let the Nobles influence the game of gladiators. Let them put on a show for their Emperor, see who dares say they house the best soldiers for our Lord. Who has the balls to prove it? ..It's a fun way of bringing in more play, more development and more sexy wench prizes for our sweaty combatants.

I love this so much! I do think there's room for a lot more inter-house (and while we're at it, inter-tower) conflict in the game. Historically, feudal houses always hated each other's guts and conspired against each other (and against the Emperor!) every chance they got. Sometimes openly, usually covertly, by espionage, sabotaging business interests, even the occasional poisoned wine.... I've seen in the last couple weeks noble houses making active efforts to try and recruit more people, and I'm loving it so far. Hopefully it will encourage more interesting RP to follow, and this tournament is a step in the right direction. :D
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby Kooky on Sun Nov 19, 2017 5:04 am

miyuka wrote: The issue with your ideas that I can already see is that player participation will be needed. Belariath has always been a Player driven game for good and for bad. People have to not only be interested in it (which is the easy part) but they also have to be Online at the same time as another interested party and that's where things can get difficult.

Agreed! I see player participation being a HUGE thing, which is the point. Let's get those Nobles more active with their Houses and each other. Let's have more things to do as House workers. Players being on at the same time is ALWAYS an issue in ANY and EVERY game. This happens with our current gladiators of the arena and any and every time an event is held.

miyuka wrote: On top of all of that, you as the organizer of these kinds of things need to be front and center. OFTEN, or have some people who can be there in your stead to keep it running and make it flow. Also it helps if the system is simple and easy for all to understand rather than a complex one.

I'll no doubt have to cut back on characters and/or jobs. I'm okay with that. As it is, every time my health lets me be here, I've been here. I also hope to see if the Arena can hire more officiates if we have this new sect, meaning other people can oversee the smaller one-on-one fights while anyone of manager position can oversee the larger bouts for Championships. I'll be updating my suggestion and taking suggestions and criticism to make it better, as well as explaining points on why I have decided to attempt a way of certain methods.
As things grow more solid, the outline will be more condensed and precise, with larger explanations available, but a quick and easy go-to-guide.

miyuka wrote: You can add all the incentives you want, but Real Life always comes first and time constraints can be a bitch.

That goes for all of us. You, me, other players.. Arena managers, officiates, gladiators, nobles..
I'll most likely be adjusting the timing of things, stretching it all out. This is my first draft after all. Even if I'm not the one doing it for whatever reason, if the idea is approved and liked, I'd welcome others to take over it if I'm not seen as fit for the task. Just trying to add something new to the game that seems wanted. n__n
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Re: Suggestion: The House Gladiator Sect

Postby miyuka on Sun Nov 19, 2017 2:00 pm

I don't mean to sound like a downer, I'm just letting you and everyone else reading this know the harsh reality of what it means to try and hold and run and maintain something like this. I've been here consistently quite possibly the longest out of anyone save for Ehlanna and I have seen plenty of these things come up and go away. It is difficult, but even when you don't seem to hav a lot of people just remember that even if it's just one, two, or three people you should always give it your all in these.
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