A notice!

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A notice!

Postby Miranda on Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:55 am

Miranda had had quite enough. Naturally she didn't phrase it like that, but the concept was the same!

She was just an innocent girl trying to make a living amusing people - alright, that was an utter lie, but even so! She should be able to try and earn a few coins whilst she plotted dastardly things, no?

And yet....Her tally of stage performances included being killed twice, having a bounty on her, abducted twice, stuck on the slave poles -three- times and Kirva knows what else! And then last night that bloody shopkeep heckling as well! Well, fair warning! And so Miranda scrawls out a note and slaps it on the door post inside the Inn...

"Any cunt who fookin interupts one of me acts again takes their life in their hands
and that goes double for that Joe fucker. Jus' cos yer run shop yer cunt don't mean yer can ruin someone elses living.


Well, that should do nicely she decides.......

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Re: A notice!

Postby Ryke Masha on Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:46 pm

*Joe would see the note scribbled away on the post of the inn and chuckles to himself as he adds his own little note below it reading* "That is if ye can manage to land a hit on me. I do so hope you remember what happen last time ye tried to use that dagger on me. By the way that dagger is aweful. Why not come the mmr and get a nice mithril one? I will even throw in a discount for you"
Ryke Joe Ariel Summer Takuran Fenris Elensar Aurelie Avidicus Dain Asami Myne
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Re: A notice!

Postby Tawny on Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:32 am

Tawny happened by chance to enter the Inn and notice a note on door post so of course being Tawny she stopped to read it. Tho she made no noise outwardly if anyone could see her eyes they would know this did not make her happy. She herself then takes up pen and paper and writes her own note and places it on the post as well..
I know not what has happened here exactly but I will be told. I will have answers if I have to drag each word from lips that wish to be sealed. Joe I will see ye at home and ye best not keep me waiting long. Miranda I shall speak with ye as well and know why ye threaten what belongs to me in such a way.

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Re: A notice!

Postby Miranda on Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:12 am

"Aw fer fook's sake, it's a sodding notice not a fookin' novel!"

Ah. Looks like Miranda has seen her note - and it's additions! She does however seem rather keen that no one else does - and so....rips Joe and Tawny's words off! Which now leaves her original note, albeit somewhat raggedy, back in place as she intends.

"Now oo' the fook is Tawny? anyways. Fuck it" and so dear Miranda takes that part of the note she has removed and scrawls upon it thus, before whistling over a fae:

"If yer can't look after yer stuff, mebbe yer shouldn't let it out of the house?" she writes adding to the fae "Ere get this to this Tawny whatserface, yeah?" and going back to practicing her acts!
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