Suggestion Imperial realestate broker: Renting

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Suggestion Imperial realestate broker: Renting

Postby Ithilwen on Sat Mar 31, 2018 4:17 pm

I was sitting down eating breakfast and a thought crossed my mind. I was wondering how my character was going to get a place of her own, and the thought of renting came across my mind. Now while I understand the Imperial real estate broker gives out mortgages this is slightly different then a mortgage.

The first kind of renting is what we think of it today. Person A approaches Person B about a property they have and are not using. Person B does not want to sell the property to person A, so instead decides to rent it out to them for 20 mhl a month. During that time person A may stay and use the property, but can not change or alter it with out the landlords permission. If person A misses payments then person B can evict the person from there property.

The second kind of rental is a installed payment plan rental. Person A once more approaches person B. This time person B wants to buy a new piece of land but all ready owns two places of land. Person A doesn't have enough money to buy the property out right, so a payment plan is set up. Person A may use the property but must pay rent on it every month until the total value of the property is paid to the owner. At which point Person A becomes the owner of the property.
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Re: Suggestion Imperial realestate broker: Renting

Postby Tehya on Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:26 pm

I think a lot of this is done ffrp. I have a cabin in the woods that the player Winn lives in. If it all had to be recorded by a real estate manager it would be a lot of work.

Sometimes its just fun to ffrp these ideas and have fun.
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Re: Suggestion Imperial realestate broker: Renting

Postby Farvel on Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:34 pm

I'm with Tehya on this, it would probably take a lot of effort to code in for little benefit. If you wish to live on someone's house (rent or no rent) you can already do that IC without any need for further coding.
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Re: Suggestion Imperial realestate broker: Renting

Postby Naomh on Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:29 am

I did have a thought about one of mine owning an 'apartment complex' where she'd rent out rooms to people.

It was quickly shot down by Ehl. Personal agreements are fine but trying to make anything of the sort official would be seen in competition of the inn and be shot down.

And also an important thing to remember, using Tehya's suggestion. Winn may live in the cabin but it is Tehya's property, if the REB repossesses her land, or if Tehya decides she wants to sell it off/get rid of the property or make changes to it, Winn has no say as her name's not on the deed in the REB.
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