Lillyth Darkrose SS interview meeting.

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Lillyth Darkrose SS interview meeting.

Postby Aticus on Sun Apr 29, 2018 12:23 am

The door to the Sorcerous Sanctuary swings open as the curvaceous elf entered the establishment clad in a rather revealing outfit. Thigh high heeled boots covered her legs as a skirt, cut with sharp, angular features, flowed down just above the tops of those boots. A mantle adorned her shoulders and reached down, cupping those large breasts. All in all, the outfit served to enhance her voluptuous features. The six foot tall woman was not the usual slender elf, but rather thick in all of the right places. Her cocoa colored skin flawless and smooth. The six foot tall woman was not the usual slender elf, but rather thick in all of the right places. Her large breasts bounced with each step as she made her way further into the shop, those long legs stepping in front of one another, making her fleshy ass shake and bounce from left to right and back again. The dress she wore seemed to hide something, though it couldn't be made out. She licked her ruby red lips as those violet eyes darted this way and that, surveying the patrons. She remembered the last time she was in here. How long ago that seemed. It didn't end well for her. However, this time, she would be in control. Never again would she be forced against her will. She would make her way towards the counter, hoping to speak to someone about getting hired. She noticed one of the employees working the counter, scribbling in a book while referencing others. "Excuse me. I am Lillyth Darkrose," she would say with a hint of pride in her voice, "and I would like to speak to one of your hiring managers. I wish to attain a job here and further my magical abilities and studies. If you would be a dear and fetch someone who can assist me, I would be most grateful."
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Re: Lillyth Darkrose SS interview meeting.

Postby Naomh on Tue May 08, 2018 12:19 am

The cauldron rocked with the force of the reddish liquid's boiling as Anaya slowly stirred the contents. This was always the delicate part, the contents within can go from furious boil to steady simmer within a heart's beat and when that happened it needed to be taken off the heat or else it was ruined. The door to the room opened and the dark torian raised a hand, no interruptions. Whatever it was would have to wait. A minute passed, then another, then with the hue of the steam changing before fading from sight the mixture calmed and Anaya quickly pulled it off from over the fire to the open air where it can cool. Once that was all settled she looked to the employee who was waiting on her. "Yes?"

The front of the Sanctuary was open for change, some employees liked having the shutters open to let in sunlight, making the store open and airy, when Anaya was within she preferred to embrace the 'Sorcerous' half of the name. Shutters were open enough to let air flow through and allow some dim light within, but the main source of illumination were assorted crystals that glowed from enchantments held within to fill the store with a faint eerie greenish glow. With the faint clicking of heels the torian strode from the back of the store up to the counter. Her black dress hugged her willowy form all the way down to the floor, even with the added height from her footwear, dual pools of deep brown and another set of vibrant green bring their gaze to Lillyth and run up the elf's form to take in the sight of her. The green-eyed raven upon the torian's shoulders, feathers as black as its mistress' wings, gave a clack of its beak, though the meaning of the familiar's actions only Anaya knew.

"Good day, and welcome to the Sorcerous Sanctuary." Her voice was soft but carried with an air of authority, gemstones embedded in the woman's cheek glittering and shining in the magical light with each faint movement she made. "I am Anaya, the manager of this establishment, I have heard you are seeking employment."
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Team member of: Dev, SI, Quest, Ops
Manager of: Sorcerous Sanctuary (Anaya), Unigo (Headmistress - Keani), Lodge of Strength (Head Priestess - Robyn)
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Re: Lillyth Darkrose SS interview meeting.

Postby Aticus on Fri May 11, 2018 7:19 am

The curvaceous Elf watched with violet orbs as the torian, Anaya, walked up to the counter, greeting her and repeating her inquiry of work. She would give a nod, long locks of hair falling over her shoulders as she watched the woman. She would place fingers tenderly upon her left breast and smile. "Indeed I am. I have been wanting to further my knowledge within the magical arts, and what better place to do so than here? Or so I am told. My skills are not grand enough for the towers just yet, so here I am, wishing to start at the bottom and work my way up." She would give a bow as she introduced herself again. "I am Lillyth Darkrose. Clerk of the Chocolates 2 Cherish and the General Store. Of course, those are simply a means to pay the bills and get what I need. What I desire is to be here, surrounded by magic and mystery. I long to learn all I can."
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