Dias Eesha - Bejeweled Drak Sen Hemanphrodite

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Dias Eesha - Bejeweled Drak Sen Hemanphrodite

Postby DiasEesha on Mon May 28, 2018 7:15 pm

To be judged, to be seen as worthy to the elders. This is the pinnacle of any Drak Sens existence To have lived up to the standards of those that dreamed them to be honored in time by being allowed to cross from their living dream state to one considered equal and equivalent to those that granted them life. Indeed, this was always the ultimate goal be they the warmest sweetest of dreams or the darkest most dire of nightmares. In this so too did the Drak Sen come to meet with the elders to ply that they had been worthy of such things. Worthy to be taken from the mortal coil and made into a dragon. Though such things where never quite certain, indeed one could give word and voice to their life, but in the end it was their actions weighed by the council that was the lions share of the weight to tip the scales. Some would not, some would be held with the dragons there to learn further and serve until called upon again to walk the world. Some would ascend to it and join the ranks. Others could very well return immediately, or be sent back quickly due to whim, or realization that their gift who they where was needed again. With the Elders, and their wisdom all things where possible.

As such the Drak would come upon this council in their days the cycle of their original life broken though not with any sorrow or joy in the matter it was simply accepted that as all must. Of course though there was no way for the Drak to know what was about to come. The elders where expected, the weight of the Draks life to be measured and considered carefully and then the final judgment given. Well, that was what was thought to be done anyways, though the Drak did not consider himself yet ready for the heady heights of becoming one of them and did desire to return to further extend the reach of his elder to gain more knowledge to further prove themselves as worthy of being dreamed to life. Moreover though, to be able to prove worthy of eventually walking among them within their world as one of them. Headstrong, determined, and honest he stood before them listening to their words, their questions and answering simply and truthfully. Words, of course where only part of the measure of the Drak though, actions weighed far heavier and his where seemingly cut short. Though, they had a certain quality to them, one that the elders saw less fit for being granted to return to stay with them. No, there where other machinations at work in truth.

It was all truth upon their judgment words exchanged between them the nightmare had done well in some respects and perhaps had traits that where worrisome in others. Still they all had their purpose in the Draks life, and a purpose in the elders decision. A life however can not be so quickly judged and perhaps it was thankful that the Drak had no real concept of time only existing as questions and answers flowed back and forth between him and the dragons he stood before. Prying into the reasons for who he was, what he did, what he thought he was becoming, in essence digging deeply into the very core of what the Drak was giving what the little nightmare had seen, felt, heard and more in each moment. Ultimately, prone to dangerous gambles and gambits, with a sense of honor, though his determination and drive towards such things was impressive and unwavering it did not quite add up to where he should be granted an ascendance Many days passed during it all as the Drak pleaded his case in his own way still yet slowly watching such lofty goals and dreams start to fade. Perhaps it was all for naught really, perhaps there simply wasn't enough there to give reason or case to him joining them as anything more then what he already was an extension of their will to aid and assist watch and observe.

Indeed as the unseen days passed on and on this would turn into such thoughts and even more. He had chosen and went for the peak, the mountain though was simply too high to far out of reach against the force of his will. He would not convince the elders to grant that shining glory and it left him with a somber realization, he had indeed chosen poorly to ask for judgment in only the sense that he would not be a dragon, not yet anyways. Returned to them he would remain only a soul and given back to his dreamer for them to speak and for him to aid her again. She however, saw the promise in the young soul, after all she knew him better then all. Sultana Miirik to him, a crafty and coy dragon that oft saw things slightly differently then most kin to the great winter dragon Szylandrial she was always a calm though playful and perhaps slightly mischievous thing, more like the winter flurries that teased the world playing with it just a touch before winter would truly blanket things, or bringing the teasing touch of beautiful storms of snow. She brought the soul to her side and sighed softly laughing a touch. "Oh my dream, silly little thing you are, this is not your time but I can not let you return so easily."

His head tilted at her words brows furrowing, was he not even good enough to stay with the dragons? Deep within that pulled at him dragging what he had thought at least, and Sultana would give him no answers to it either letting him simply stand there before her as she stared at the little creation given to her care. "You have a habit of walking into games of chance so easily, things with high costs and high rewards, though I admit the strength of your soul is a thing that should not be wasted. Still, a cost must be given. So therefore, I think I have found quite the little unique solution." those words drove further the little sens discomfort, Sultana was not one to tease at things unless she had some sort of purpose behind them and more so she did like every once in a while to play her own games her little twists of fate. "So my dear little dream, you have a simple choice to make now, either take my offer to return where you belong with my cost. Or, you can remain here without never really knowing how much you could have shone." His hands ran into his hair fingers curling into it, what kind of choice was that? He wasn't wanted here? Or was there something he simply couldn't see before that the elders and now Sultana did? He didn't know but he heard the inflection well enough the near bias of what she had said and yet she would give no answers further then her words no matter how often or how passionate his attempts where simply there in front of him waiting for an answer. She of course had all eternity to wait if the little Drak wanted it mattered not at all, be it immediately or far far beyond it was all the same to her all the same to the soul in front of her as well.

The Drak didn't know what the right answer was either way, and he simply stared at Sultana indeed was there even a right answer anymore? Either take a cost she would not give word to, or remain here under her gaze and guidance perhaps to never return again. It was the last half that slowly gnawed away at his mind like so many termites into wood carving little paths into his thoughts, and into his uncertainty. He couldn't accept the second, he knew her to be patient, endlessly so when it came to the things she did keenly cold she knew well how it would eventually seep into those she guided forcing action or thought at her whim. But, he also knew that the wrong choice could bring the other side of it, cold intelligence also had a razors edge on it and that could be used against him as easily as the pressing gaze and deathly silence from Sultana. Eventually it would break him, eventually it'd seep into his mind and force an answer, after all she knew him to the core and she knew what the answer would be, he simply had to accept it.

Eventually there was a sigh of resignation to the whole thing, the sound that Sultana wanted to hear more then anything else, he didn't have to give any words to the thought that drew it but still she pushed for it regardless. Watching that soul, that Drak finally crack under the weight of her options and the way she played them towards one side of the scales. "As you say elder, I will take your cost and return to where I belong then." To be judged, to be seen as worthy to the elders. This is the pinnacle of any Drak Sens existence To have lived up to the standards of those that dreamed them to be honored in time by being allowed to cross from their living dream state to one considered equal and equivalent to those that granted them life. Indeed, this was always the ultimate goal be they the warmest sweetest of dreams or the darkest most dire of nightmares. In this so too did the Drak Sen come to meet with the elders to ply that they had been worthy of such things. Worthy to be taken from the mortal coil and made into a dragon. Though such things where never quite certain, indeed one could give word and voice to their life, but in the end it was their actions weighed by the council that was the lions share of the weight to tip the scales. Some would not, some would be held with the dragons there to learn further and serve until called upon again to walk the world. Some would ascend to it and join the ranks. Others could very well return immediately, or be sent back quickly due to whim, or realization that their gift who they where was needed again. With the Elders, and their wisdom all things where possible.

Indeed the Drak would be sent back but the touch of that claw the twisting of his dream was the first thing to really make any sense in his mind. He wanted to gamble? To take chances? To live with a dangerous edge to each step? Well that was the source of her cost to the soul in front of her. She would bless and curse him with that razors edge leaving stark reminders of the one he was before he came to her this time, the white hair and violet eyes remained male form twisted and bowed under the touch curves forming from where there where none warping the proud male. His already lithe form only aided such things though not that there was any need for the elder to have an easier time of it, the dreams where theirs to form at will after all. Course Sultana herself seemed to have an infinite aura of amusement around her watching the dream warp. Shed make them perfect, and different, an outcast in form and yet leave just enough to remind clearly of the life before the change.

Before Sultana now stood all the Drak that she cared to make she believed this one able to carry the terrible weight of it, but time would only tell if they could. If they could hold onto their world and those they where close to, if they could continue to live as they did before disappointing her. To the newly re-minted Drak though it was a far different thing, the female touches where fine, if she wanted them there was nothing to be said on the matter fine features given, the swell of firm heavy bountiful chest, the flare of sloping hips curving out from where there was none before, the pert heart shaped ass full enough for a good hand full to most any race. That was fine, what wasn't though is what Sultana had let remain. The white hair, the violet eyes, the red lips all noted to that previous life unmistakable in quality. Further more to press deeper the conflict quickly growing in the young Drak was the retaining of the scales wings and tail, exact copies of the ones given upon his first dream, and finally the thick length gifted before resting betwixt those thighs hiding the new gash beyond as impressive as ever but now far far more problematic. Lips pursed and brows furrowed, had the Drak really earned to be made into a - words where lost hand curled against palms muscles tightened underneath the soft skin and plush curves and Sultana's final words rang in hir ears. "Do not disappoint me again."

Sent back to the world that shi had known already now as something that, should not exist, the young sens first steps where to hide that fact what the world didn't know couldn't hurt hir after all. But, that meant hiding from those shi had already known drawing away from them. Did shi really have any choice though? Shi was now a freak, a corruption, an affront to how the world should and did operate. Yes, in the end these where all hir fault shi had made those choices that led to it but shi couldn't wouldn't fight against the rising anger, shame, and resignation to the whole ordeal. Hir hands tore into her hair gripping and trying to rip it free, shi cried, screamed, begged and pleaded to an empty audience there would be no salvation, no turning back, no one to come to a rescue. Voice sent against walls echoing into the silence, until shi could scream no more, bring no more tears gone hoarse from it. Shi curled up silently and simply laid there given one last choice to make. Either stand, and fight for the life shi had known, or, break here and now in that moment. In the first, there was the promise of pain and rejection, of being singled out in the world as an abomination, a curse, or worse if such things existed. To watch her world possibly crumble around hir and leave hir alone regardless of such efforts. In the second shi would give up everything shi had, if only for the small comfort that none would ever know, hide away and hide what shi had become bury it beneath cloth and armor, raise the walls around her and push any away that tried to come near to hir. To accept the pain immediately and just allow it to wash over hir and break everything all at once.

What could have been hours or days passed as shi laid there buried under clothing and armor hiding away while staring blankly endlessly into the dark shi had made for hirself. Eventually that pile would stir as shi finally stood from the mess of it all, slowly donning the same clothes as before, though they barely fit properly, at least hir armor did. The only saving grace there a frown formed though as hir shaft was made more present due to it a sigh following before shi stripped and looked around for a way to hide it being seen as a woman would be far easier shi thought then being noticed as more, as worse. A furious rubbing of hir temples followed as shi struggled to find any answer before resting on one, perhaps unpleasant, a strap taken and used to press against it and hide it as best as possible against hir body. It would have to do if shi was going to try and get anything done in hir life now.

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