August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Weekly projects with absolutely no chance of either fortune or fame. Open to all.

Moderator: Tehya

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August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Tehya on Sun Aug 19, 2018 7:00 pm

This week's topic is "War and Peace"

Please enter your original Art, Poems, Stories, and Photography here,
After we receive all the entries we will vote on a winner.

Feel free to come back and comment on your fellow player's work, I am sure they will appreciate it.

A Prize of mhl goes to the winner!
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Ryke Masha on Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:45 pm

Last night of the kings

Twas midnight as the forest swirled with hushed voices as the castle is light with candles and torches as the master and mistresses walking through the hall as they laugh and show that they are tall. They dont see us gathering in black robes alike. We sit upon the edge watching as they show up what they have and we dont and they dont forsee the war to come. No one can forsee that this is the last night of the kings! Soon we come out of the shadows with our swords draw chanting "We are the folk and we have the right to stand up and fight for an independant life! We are the force and we will stand up for an independant life!" we are ready to live forever more as our hearts are filled with the will to survive as we charge into the fire battling against the gaurds. Soon a man appears on the castle wall as the fighting stops with the people chanting steel breaker as he jumps down landing with a powerful earth shattering thud with him grinning saying "I am on the hunt tonight. I already swing as you still pull" and with that rushes forth with the force of 1000 men killing ten soliders in a row "Dead on target" he laughs as the knights draw their swords running as the folk chant steel breaker over and over with him laughing "10, 20, 30" and with that he over takes them with super sonic speeds killing them all. As he kills four bards step forth saying "Winds will change and skies will fall when the bards arrive. When the bard's call sounds out loud we all feel soooo alive!" with that they start singing as the folk gathering their swords and themselves charging the castle's doors breaking in "Annihate the dark ones mind the battle begins! Earth will shake and fires burn when the bards unite! When the bard's call sounds out we are all sooooo aliiive!" and with that the castle fall and the people get the life they wanted but at what price

quick note I will give 20 mhl to who ever figures out all the refernces I put in this little story
Ryke Joe Ariel Summer Takuran Fenris Elensar Aurelie Avidicus
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Twerlinger on Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:03 pm

A moment of Peace in War


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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Tehya on Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:37 pm

Joe enjoyed the story and wish I could guess the answer, but I can't.

Twerlinger that is a very nice portrayal. Its quiet different than other pieces you have done. I like it!
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Ryke Masha on Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:15 pm

Yeah didn’t think most would get it. Some of those lines are from a metal vocal band known as van canto. I.e whenever the folks start to chant is when I pull from van canto songs which are awesome. Look bards call from them and keep in mind it is all vocal except for the drums. Had a coworker convinced they were playing guitar when it is actually a guy making his voice sound like that
Ryke Joe Ariel Summer Takuran Fenris Elensar Aurelie Avidicus
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Tehya on Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:42 pm

Pensiv the Vampire

Zonic the Zombie against Pensiv the Vampire

Message from a Vampire

There are so few of us now, I really need to fill this castle again but no one that I have embraced can replace Yvonna. I sit here and think of her nightly on my throne…my heart such as it is…will never be filled until one like her appears. My arms have sought other beauties near and far, but I wind up devouring them until they can be nothing like her, instead I find zombies that wander through the woods, that have their own appetites for flesh and blood.

I know it’s my fault and I have no recourse, except to kill the strong among them so I can survive. The people that used to fear me now whisper Zonic is the powerful one, and tremble from the sound of his name. My castle grows empty, and he has gathered the other dead that I destroyed to the abandoned warehouse to make it their domain.

This throne is lonely without her, and when I go out and hunt to survive I only see him drawing more and more into the old warehouse, now being taken over by zombies with Zonic as their leader. I shall kill him and his followers since it is becoming harder to hunt and survive with the competition growing in these lands.

My name is Pensiv and I have owned my castle before this country was settled, and yet my one true love, the woman embraced to be my mate Yvonna, was killed by Zonic. That was before I had the pleasure to destroy him only to see him rear up again in his ugliness and hate, even in death.

He was suppose to die, I drew every ounce of blood from his body, and devoured his flesh and heart with such a fury I thought that was the end of him, but what wickedness raised his battered and chewed up body to walk through my territory. He must repent before I find his weakness to rid him and his petulance from my country.

Plans to Destroy Zonic!

I read many books from the local library, my servant Hilder is sent weekly to gain another stockpile of books for me to read, and there is an underground book about how to kill a zombie by trapping their vapor into a bottle, once they eat salt they die. I have nothing to do but find my own nourishment in the evening and plan his demise.

Hilder my servant a mere human makes lists of foods he wants, and I buy them. He has become tiresome to listen to, but I notice he craves salt a lot. Maybe my sense of justice is twisted, but Hilder could be more useful to me than gathering books and taking time from my staff to cook for him. In fact tonight I have decided to allow him anything he wants to eat, and will order my cook to add more salt to every dish she makes.

The cook took the orders and since she didn’t consume food and was one of the clan, she spent hours cooking large steaming pots of food pouring ample salt to cure Hilder’s cravings.

He is a tiresome man, walking in to annoy me when I am reading, with his mindless rambling. That is when I decided to find a way to have Hider meet Zonic, and I would make my appearance soon after.

“Hilder you’re looking a bit swollen up, eating too much salt again?”

The pudgy man looked up at Pensiv who was a good foot taller than he was. It was a fact his wrists and ankles looked bloated, but so did his face most of the time. Those beady blue eyes blinked and he shrugged.

“Not much sense to look handsome around here, your staff doesn't have any appeal to me, I like living women.”

Penisv’s dark eyes sought his, he was a very handsome man, tall and slender and meticulous on his appearance. He wore a tailored suit and those dark eyes roamed over what would soon be Zonic’s dinner.

“I heard the old warehouse leader Zonic is starting a library, maybe you have seen or heard about it?”

“Yes Master, but surely you wouldn’t send me there, I heard they are worse than, mmm never mind but I really would rather not go there, or will you be coming with me?”

Hilder held his stomach for a moment and then nervously adjusted his suspenders over his swollen belly. It really made him nervous since even the vampire clan went on about how dangerous it was to be near the zombies.

That is when Pensiv’s eyes drew Hilder even closer, he was like a magnet with his charisma, and the short pudgy assistant went into a trance like state.

“You will come with me now Hilder, tell Zonic you have some special books outside for him, and I will wait with the books.

“Yes Master.”

Zonic’s demise!

Pensiv had a pile of books and slid them into Hilder’s hands and he turned leading the way out to go to town. The long road would took awhile to get to the factory, but Pensiv had his own way of traveling. Large bat like wings spread from his back and he grabbed Hilder and the books under one arm. A dark sweep hid them from view when they landed into the tree line outside the factory. He gave Hider a little push to go inside, and he did what was asked.

Horrendous screams were inside that factory and the stench of rotting flesh made Hilder snap out of that mesmerized state when he met Zonic at the door.

“The library has sent books for you to stock your new library and they asked me to deliver them. They are outside.”

Zonic was an intelligent man, but he also wanted to make a name for himself and outdo Pensiv so he walked outside with Hilder.

There was a loud snapping sound and Hilder was thrust back towards Zonic’s feet, the saliva leaked from his lips announcing he was dying. Zonic craved flesh that evening and couldn’t resist. He took him by the nap of the neck and began devouring him. The crunch of bone and flesh was enough to make his new found community come out of the factory to watch their leader.

When he was done with his meal of the pudgy Hider, he began to clutch his stomach and his ragged arms with flesh dangling began to steam up. Pensiv had read if he could capture the vapor in a bottle Zonic would be dead forever.

That flash of grunge and gray vapor drifted over to the bottle Pensiv held, and was capped off when the entire stream of steam filled it.

Pensiv smiled at the stragglers of the community and warned them.

“Move on or all of you will vanish like your leader.”

They didn’t speak, but more came out of the building hearing the man speak, and their ruler was now nothing but vapor in a bottle.

“I expect you out of my country by dusk tomorrow, but do tell me what sorceress created you?”

Pensiv’s eyes held their attention and they turned to point at a beautiful woman walking out. It was Yvonna and she looked as he remembered her, but was draped by clothes that were mere rags, and her eyes were not the glowing red like he remembered, they were dark hollows in her skull... or were they?

He stared and stared at her, she looked like the bride of death, but he loved her so much. That love was absorbed into her body and soul, and slowly her eyes turned the red he remembered on the hunts they went on at night, and her flesh patched together returning to the white smooth alabaster it used to be. That sweet intoxicating scent returned, and soon she walked into his arms.

“I had to go with them to get you back. It was the only way I knew you would find me.”

He locked her into his arms, and his lips found hers quickly... part of his own life being drawn back into her body. She would become his Queen and Mistress of his castle.

Chapter Two
Zombies leave the Factory
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Tehya on Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:30 pm

Time to Vote!
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Stormbringer on Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:24 pm


Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
Check your baggage at the door and bring some magic through your
window onto the world of Belariath
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Amethine on Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:47 pm

Apologies if this is a bit late, RL and things.

Presenting, a recent scene involving Abby and Airy (AKA, the A-Team!)

Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Tehya on Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:08 am

You all may have to vote again since I had to add 2 names to it.

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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Tehya on Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:06 pm

The winner is Amethine Congratulations. =D>
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Re: August 20th Topic "War and Peace"

Postby Amethine on Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:05 pm


It was really rushed too... thanks everybody! ^.^
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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