Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

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Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

Postby Cangelosi on Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:18 pm

(This started out as a writing exercise I've done over the past few years, and I feel comfortable now in sharing a little bit with you. I know several folks like Moz and Sarai have tried things like this in the past, but in the end, perhaps it's nice to see the Inn from the eyes of a lusty Northern minor noble. If you don't see your character here, don't fret. There's plenty more where that came from. Honest.)

Excerpts from the Journal of Dekkard Morgannus Drakewing:

Thoughts on:

Kaytoo, Barbarian Roughneck
"It seems the more I try to learn of the Hamr, the further I get from understanding their leader. Syune knows I have kept respective of her in regards to her accomplishment and talents, but the woman sees any form of flattery as insult, or at worse a prelude to betrayal. Certainly she's had her share of it if the stories I've heard are to believe. But no...I have no patience for second-hand information. She offers details about her life willingly enough to me now. Kaytoo may deny it up and down, but she is the most honest person in this town, maybe in the whole empire. Her prowess and knowledge of the land makes her an unrivaled hunter as well, and I highly doubt there are any short of the Emperor who can best her in a straight-on fight. She is truly an amazing individual and one I deeply respect and admire. But don't you DARE tell her I said that."

Tiffanny, Curly Haired Scrapper
"Tiffanny was the first Ktechlahan I've the pleasure to meet. Well, meet isn't exactly the word. She just showed up outside the arena one day and after a short while, decided to accept the training I offered her. Not much I could teach her, now that I look back on things, even with the more physical arts. First time we got serious was after one of those rough and tumble sessions, which ended with the both of us spilling into the river, the current pushing against our passions as they ran wild. Perhaps it was a prelude of what was to come, considering my later adventures with her clan. Still, Tiff does hold a special place in my heart. You can never put a girl like that, blonde ringlets bouncing, soft eyes darting here and there, as if she were looking for a hole in your defense, yet always ready with a smile or a tight hug. No wonder she's been so much in favor with Miss Jessika as well."

Akipurra, Sultry Feline Bardess
"The function of a bard is to seek out a story, weaving about it a tapestry of word and song, preserving it for generations to come. The story is never just lying there. It is beneath a layer of hurt and shame, most of it self-inflicted, and it takes a tenacious yet graceful soul to bring it to the surface, for an audience to enjoy, Akipurra was the one who first saw the chink in my armor, and brought out the storied history of my family, one I had believed I had tainted with my departure from the north. Along with composing my family epic, the catwoman helped to heal many wounds both physical and mental in a time I felt the lowest and disheartened. She never did look for credit, though I was glad to be her patron for several years. Like many bards, she could never sit still, and I imagine is still making her living in a far off tavern somewhere, spreading the word about us uncultured louts in Nanthalion."

Jonie, Recklessly Cute and Amusing
"Ah, little Jonie. Our run-ins were few and far between, but still memorable. I mean, there was that one time when she stabbed me with that cursed dagger of hers, but she kept claiming she was 'possessed' or something. That happens all the time, right? Still, most of my time with her was when I took her as a merchant slave. Considering she left my care a bit more spoiled and sassy testifies that I was never cut out to be as strict a disciplinarian that I fashioned myself to me. Darn cute, though, and you could never get angry with her for so long. Just one look of that innocent face and the batting of her white tail and you forget why you were mad. Then you might notice that your coin purse is missing and she's long gone."

Kattlin, Silver-Tongued Ranger and Philosopher
"Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a sucker for girls with strange foreign accents. It adds a sort of mysticism and in straining to understand their speech, I get myself lost in some of their other features, whether it be their scent, their fashion, or just the curvature of their body. Katt smelt like the wilds of the East, wore nothing below the waist, and her posture practically begged for you to take hold of her. She was quick to temper my lusts, however, even flat out denying my advances for a time before she started to let me in, little by little, into her colorful life. We formed a deep bond, one that one would associate more with siblings rather than lovers, though I can say our romps were some of the best experiences I ever had. Maybe I had expected one day that she would disappear into the woods again as mysteriously as she had come. I am not sad, however. Before she had departed, she asked to be my wife, and I accepted. Maybe someday when I am tired of this land, I will seek her out again, take her with me to the Ktechahan, grow old together. It is the sensible thing to do, considering all the things we had shared together."

Laria Swifclaw, Bundle of Ambition and Love
"I've heard plenty of analogies about bright burning candles lasting half as long as regular candles. When I first came across Laria, she was practically glowing. Fate was practically set against her at every step of her life, and yet she pushed back with a resolute fire that many warrior kings and philosophers only dream of. She was born a slave, and was determined not to die like one. Course, she and I disagreed on her business practices and methods, and I would eventually have to haul her perky arse out of many fires, most of which she started. I even proposed to her a few times, hoping that making an honest woman of her would cool her lust for glory. It never worked, of course, not for lack of trying. She would eventually succumb to illness shortly after one of her schemes to make me Count of Nanthalion. Although many friends advised against it, I provided for her funeral, and paid the catgirl the respect due to her. Laria was a true firebrand in the sense of the word and made many strong enemies, and yet I am not ashamed to have loved her."

Dreams, Ethereally Mysterious Kitten
"While composing these memoirs, I have noticed that I have had quite a few off-and-on relationships with a wide variety of bedfellows. One of the earliest I had was with a catgirl as pure as ivory and smooth as silk, looking like she had stepped out from the dreams of a goddess. How appropriate, since she gave her name as Dreams. I could be alone in his thoughts and then with a familiar jingling of bells and a soft breath along the back of your ear and there'd she be, leaning against my back, her claw tracing along my chest. Then, when I'd start to take her presence for granted, she would fade like early mist. With skills like that, it mystifies me how people have gotten Dreams still long enough to fasten a collar around her pretty neck, but it never stays long. She once asked me why I had never tried to enslave her, and I replied that it was redundant, considering how tight a grip she had on my heart. I'd like to think that she was satisfied with that answer…"

Mairu, Chocolatier and Lapwarmer
"Chocolates To Cherish is the local confectionary shop in town, and I've heard that it is a popular location for visitors to visit to satisfy their cravings for sweetness. What many do not know that the shop was conceived by the catgirl Mairu, who came under my collar shortly after I took the lead position of the ISA. She was cautious around me at first, having been passed from master to master before I got a hold of her, but she would eventually grow on me, gladly helping me with a little paperwork and testing out the new slaver toys and devices without so much as a peep of protest. She presented the idea of the shop to me after I left the ISA, and I put up the capital needed, and soon we were in business. I granted her freedom, and she ran the store for a while, then sold to another and returned to her ancestral home back east. Sure, Mairu would still visit my house from time to time, making sure I wasn't getting into too much trouble, because that's just how she was. The C2C as we liked to call it has changed ownerships over the years, but the spirit of the shop is the same: keep the customer satisfied and wanting more. Come to think of it, that was Mairu's philosophy for life too."

Brianna, Tigress of Lost Opportunities
"I've had eight slaves in total, not counting merchandise slaves who I've trained. I caught Brianna in the woods close to my house, more dead than alive. Once I nursed her back to health, she had told the story of how a dragon guided her to this place, claiming some greater destiny. Being the devout follower of Syune I was, I saw this as an omen, and soon she was wearing my collar. Needless to say, things did not go as well as intended. It would have been easier to squeeze blood from a stone than to get that tiger kitten to act like a proper slave. She and Mairu got along well together, though, and I could see that they would aid each other like sisters. Bri would eventually take classes at Unigo, and I released her the same time as her slave sister. I would like to think I did my best in interpreting Syune's will by taking her under my care, but still, whenever I run into her, I find her tongue just as sharp as ever."

Sabina, an Inn Institution
"I'm sure anyone who has been through the Inn knows about Bina. She's hard to miss, considering she's the one all bound up and scampering about like a nervous duckling. I've never once seen her use her hands, which she says is her punishment for being an above average thief. They're always tied up behind her, and yet she is always busy fetching the inn dwellers something in her mouth. Some people do take pity upon her and try to treat her with gallantry and kindness, which she finds amusing considering her purpose at the inn is to serve and to entice. I've never once heard Bina complain or feel sorry for her lot, so why should anyone else? Besides, she warms your lap just as well as any of the other slaves and is much smarter than you'd think. If she didn't wear that collar, one would suspect she would even make a bid to own the place considering how much she makes on tips alone."

Trician Stronghorn, Fashionable Minotauress
"Lots of people in Nanthalion joke that I have indiscriminate tastes in women, and that I try to bed females no matter what their race. There's a bit of truth in that, as I have romanced quite my share during my stay. One of my more unusual relationships is with the red-horned minotaur named Trician. We met during my ISA days, when she started out doing bodyguard work for my successor Andara. What started as lustful curiosity would later blossom into a satisfyingly complex relationship. Sure, there's the size difference, but that only means there's more of her to cuddle or lean against. We've had our share of adventures over the years, and not only is Trician reliable, but she's forever vigilant, throwing herself into any task given to her, be it a horde of goblins or modeling a new dress design. I did mention she's a model on the side, right? That's Tric for you, breaking the mold and going beyond expectations."

Miyuka, Cutest Songstress In Nanthalion
"I would meet the strange creature who called herself Miyuka shortly after my meetings with Tiffanny, and she would end up being my primary contact with the Ktechlahan tribe for some time. Actually, the full name she gave me was Eleanor Miyuka Althena Kitara Alanis Mezzoit, but she let me use her second name to save me time. Course, the whole reason of meeting me in the first place was that Tiff had told her I was a 'good kisser', and she didn't leave disappointed. Eventually we'd graduate beyond the kissing level, but never too far, considering the relationship she had with Braids, the moriel enchantress whom she would be bound to. Her fiery passion is a marked contrast to Braids' cool demeaner. I dare say the two are a perfect fit in what contrasts them. I couldn't ignore Yuka even if I tried, though. Such passion and spirit within a girl I have rarely seen before or since I came into this land. Having a soft, trilling voice and a cute little tail that never stops wagging also helps."

Braids Valentine, Clansmate By Circumstance
"It's hard for me to put into words the exact feelings I have for my clan sister-in-law for two reasons. First, our paths have crisscrossed so many times I had felt that we were fated at least to have some sort of relationship. Second, I fear what physical harm Miyuka would do to me if she ever caught me being too fresh with her. The two girls are practically joined at the hip now, such a cute pair they make. Course, what Yuka doesn't know is that Braids and I had met before she ever came to town, when she was still coming to terms with what to do with her life. Our passions have simmered and boiled on an occasional basis, and Braids has always sought me out to test her seductress magic. As if she needed magic to win me over. A nice smile and batting of those eyelashes are magic enough."

Amelinda, Model Slave and Subservient
"I heard Amelinda long before I met her. Not heard of or heard about. I heard her from the upstairs rooms in the inn as some burly brute was having his way with her. Poor girl had a knack for attracting the wrong type of attention. If it wasn't from people from her home kingdom wanting to drag her off to certain death, it was the nearest horny punk who wanted their prey to be weak and fearful. I took it upon myself to at least teach her the proper ways of sexcraft to please those she wanted in her bed and to turn off those she did not. Still could never figure out how to stop that loud grunting and moaning, though. Maybe it's some sort of reflex or something. Doesn't matter much now. She's the property of the chirot Eucep now, who is quite adept in keeping the lecherous types away."

Cleothina, One-Eyed Enigma
"Most of what is said about the dark assassin Cleothina is mostly rumor and gross exaggeration. I remember a time when that moriel was just another hired sword fresh from the Underdark, slightly confused and bewildered that all the males were not prostrating themselves before her. In fact, one of them had tricked her into a collar by the time I ran into her. Once she served her time, the two of us debated the theory of slave training, and were always getting into spirited arguments on how much free will a servant could be allowed before they get spoiled. Some of these had to be settled at the arena grounds, and others in bed. One night, after a rousing argument of the latter variety, she told me we just couldn't fight anymore. I never fully understood why she told me that, and to be honest, I've never had a chance to properly talk to her again since she lost her eye and devoted most of her time in the service of the necromancer Sha-Ka. We've exchanged glances every now and then, but never long enough. Maybe someday we can have another scrap for old time's sake, just to see if there's still a little bit of the spunk left in her."

India, Guardian of the Baths
"Did you know, fair reader, that there was a time when no one in Nanthalion had heard of a Drak Sen? Sure, as a believer of Syune, I had heard legends of a race so favored by the dragon goddess that they were literally created in the dreams of the dragon. I am no expert when it comes to draconian mythology, but I should say that when I met Miss India, golden scales and all, I could swear I was looking at Syune Herself. India must have saw something in me as well, for a short time later the two of us were in the baths, curled in each others' arms like long-lost lovers. The location of our first dalliance must have had a great impression on the drak, for it wasn't too long that she ended up applying for a job as a masseuse, and within a few years she ended up running the whole facility. She makes most of the soaps with her secret herbal recipe, and has expanded the bath to provide a wide variety of helpful services. It's even served host to some of the town's more memorable galas. Okay, maybe I'm overexaggerating my role in how India made her successful investment, but I'm not one who takes coincidences for granted. You always need to work with something that brings you pleasant memories, and our first night together in the still waters was no exception."

Angel Draconus, the Heart of DragonRose
"Angel was the focus of much of my early days within Nanthalion. An inadvertent drinking contest led to the loss of her virginity and the loss of my heart. The elf could never keep still, having to right innumerable wrongs and landing into more scraps than most barbarian males, but still had a way to keep an incurable optimism about her. She was the one who kept me and Victoria sane through some of our hardest trials, and it would be remiss for me to deny her impact on me regaining an enjoyment for life I had thought lost with my time in the army. A redeemer in more ways than one. I wish I could only find more words to describe the impression she made on me."

Victoria Celas, the Rose Maiden
"Lady Victoria slipped into my life quite unexpectedly, a moody, blonde tomboy knight trying to eke out a living with her sword. Being enthralled by the elf Angel Draconus as I was, it would be inevitable for our paths to cross and our lives to entwine. The self-described rose with thorns would not let too many close to her, but no matter how much it hurt me, I would vow never to abandon her in times of need. Perhaps it was irony that the guardian angel of DragonRose would develop a pair of wings of her own as time went by. Irritated the hell out of the torians in the process, but Vic was never one to shy away from the occasional gamble. She's the one who set up the casino after all, our own regular Lady Luck."

Kyrspeth Anwar, My Hedonistic Instructor
"If you want to talk about one of the oddest relationships I had with a woman in Nanthalion (and consider I had quite a few), then maybe I should talk about the cleric Kyrspeth. Girl used to serve at the pleasure of an entire Underdark house, and as such developed a strange and intriguing libido. She would always chide me about being too soft or too romantic. No, if I ever wanted something from her, I had to be rough, like the old days. Maybe this helped me get over the stigma I felt in leaving my army days behind. There is a benefit to being forceful sometimes, after all. Though Kyr would consistently call me on my wimpy passion, she was patient with me, helping give some pointers for training some of the slaves when I was appointed head of the ISA. I had suggested she succeed me to that post, but with her being tied closely to the healers and all, it was deemed a bad fit. Speaking of tied, that elf was one of the first free people I'd ever seen begged to be tied to the slavepoles. She was all about sharing herself for better or worse."

Kytara Sung, Unigo's Resident Sexpot
"Most of the story I heard about Kytara's...ah...condition is secondhand, but from what I can piece together, she was on the wrong end of a magician's dual and got horribly cursed as a result. Okay, I'm using curse in the loose sense. She was made irresistible to man and woman alike, coupled with desires and lusts that would drive lesser beings insane. To her chagrin, her plight caught the ear of Unigo, and it wasn't long before a few of the adepts took her to the magic school for observation. It must have went well, for Kytara served as the head of Unigo for a while after Old Man Rincewind's retirement. Controlling the school on a day to day basis can be taxing, but she didn't seem to mind. As her magical abilities reawakened, she seemed to come to terms with her affliction, even testing her wiles on me in a few occasions. One person's implied handicap became Unigo's boon. I'm sure the sudden influx of new students had something to do with the new headmistress and her hands-on approach to arcane arts."

Ielenia Moonwhisper, From Collar To Ermine Cape
"There are plenty of rags to riches stories in our town. Runaway slaves come in all the time and better themselves until one day they reach high position in one of the local guilds or open up a popular shop or even attain high rank in the Imperial Guard. The last example did happen, and I am testament to it. See, the golden-haired elf known as Ielenia finished her servitude in the Underdark (like Miss Kyrspeth) and headed into The Lonely Inn just in time to be gang-raped by a bunch of my old colleagues with a grudge to settle. Once that whole unpleasantness died down, I sought her out, maybe due to a sense of obligation. During that first interview, she showed herself to be a shrewd negotiator, though she did have an unfair advantage of sitting in my lap at the time. She was my secretary when I was in the ISA, and when that job phased out, Lenny ended up with the Imperials. Our paths may have gone a bit farther apart in the past years, what with her concentrating on the security of the realm and I doing nothing much in particular, but I've got my memories, and she has her pride. Those are not aspects of the psyche easily taken."

Alta Nova, My Guardian Angel
"Torians are supposed to be fragile things, gliding through the stratosphere on a wing and a prayer. They are for quick attacks, not entrenched warfare. If you can smack them around once, they won't bother you again. That's what I was taught before I headed into the south. Leave it to a certain torian named Alta Nova to prove me wrong. After one or two drunken tangles, we ended up associating with each other on a few important quests, getting to know each other each step of the journey. There is something magical about her, the way her voice chimes and echoes when excited or pleased, the way those wings shimmer like red metal behind her, not to mention the fact that I have never seen her wear anything other than plate armor. You'd think angels would want something lighter, but Alta is certainly far from ordinary. She does seem a bit bloodthirsty at times, and she's had a few run-ins with Victoria (she didn't like her wings, of course), but she has shown me mercy enough to let me call her friend and lover. I use definition of lover in a looser sense as the torian's idea of lovemaking involves a few heated nights of passion every month, and I end up feeling sore for days afterwards. Who'd think a girl from a race considered fragile could possess such strength?"

Kerian, Impulsive Dark Magician
"There is an old adage among the Saraphan people that says the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend. I dislike having to fight, especially if it is an unnecessary fight founded upon misunderstanding. I do not know how I first provoked the dark mage Kerian, but whatever the cause was, it led to a share of scraps that damaged lots of Inn property and landed me in plenty of hot water with Mistress Ehlanna. I had to swallow my pride in asking my opponent for a truce, though I knew I had the upper hand. The two of us had a summit, sharing two bottles of the best Elven Red I could find. We found quite a bit of common ground between us, and though Kerian did have this annoying habit of toying about with necromancy, we ceased hostilities and went to becoming lovers. My first diplomatic victory in Nanthalion, and certainly not the last."

Lyann, Explorer of the Senses
"The forest elf from the ill-fated village of Elinmyr came into the inn with a bow on her shoulder, a far-off glint in her eye, and a satchel full of some of the best elven wines I had ever had the pleasure to taste. She had told me her home made its fortune off of the intoxicating liquid, and helped cultivate an appreciation for wine in general. It was not a drink to make people forget about troubled times, but an elixir to make them remember the good times and the good people they meet. Every meeting I've had with Lyann always seemed to recharge me, and though she has gone through such hardships that would sour a lesser creature, she only seems to have gotten more graceful and more delicious with age."

Ehlanna, Love Goddess
"Any story of the town of Nanthalion cannot be completed without a mention of our most colorful resident and owner of The Lonely Inn itself. You can say what you will about the philandering, hoarding, or panty stealing, but this town would not have grown up to its current state without the consent and forethought of Mistress Ehlanna. Apart from our beloved inn, she has helped establish The Naked Bird, our local clothiers, as well as set the blueprints for both our general store and weapons forge among other things. She is as wise as she is insatiable, but it seems more of her lusts are generally directed towards the catgirl population. Rarely ever seen her working her wiles on men. Guess there's a story behind that. And before you ask, no, I never had the pleasure of any intimacy with the elf, not for lack of trying. I gave up eventually once I realized that I was just not on her same level. How can a mortal seek to compete against one who is close to divinity itself?"

Catirena, A Not-So-Ordinary Existence
"I've had quite a few run-ins with the raven-haired mage called Catirena over the first few years I came to the inn, all of them leaving me quite tired and satisfied. She and her elven lover Alissia were often guests in my booth, and welcome company they were. Both of them were sultry and mischievous, and if I was not careful they'd be carrying me off to their room to practice some of their newer "dances" for me. Ali would later leave for more lucrative jobs in the south, but Cat keeps close to Nanthalion, jumping from one job to another. Never stopping, always spreading love wherever she goes. I can see nothing wrong with such an endeavor."

Jessika, Queen Of My Domain
"My previous dealings with Miyuka and Tiffanny should have prepared me in meeting with their Ktechlahan chieftain, but I will admit I was still taken off guard with Lady Jessika the first time I met her. Freckled cheeks, hair like fire, tiny bat wings that wiggled on her back whenever excited, the girl was just bristling with an energy I had never felt or seen in any female since. She would fill a void in my life left when Victoria disappeared, and although not the most beautiful girl I have encountered, Jess is certainly the most engaging. Our courtship would be interrupted by distance and rumors of her death, but it was only a matter of time before the two of us bonded appropriately. Sure, I still wander from time to time, but knowing that my nomad queen will always be waiting for me back at home ensures my trips will never be long ones."

Marren, the Lifegiver
"One never associates the Wolven with the healing arts mostly because they are more adept at bashing and biting things, sort of like furry ogres. I resent those sorts of comparisons because I spent most of my early life living nearby a tribe that had emigrated to St. Eva and got to appreciate their tenderness and loyalty. I can see plenty of those feelings through Lady Marren, a shaman I met first at a noble banquet, serving guests wearing nothing but a smile. Her selflessness is unique among her breed, but her pride is not diminished in the slightest. Perhaps she thinks too little for herself, and I would have to spend days helping her recoup. In such a short time, Marren has had to face hardships that would have humbled a less sturdy soul, but with the companionship of her hunting falcon, she only gets stronger with each passing day and every trial. Truly this is a girl I can trust to watch my back as I can watch hers."

Callie Volopa, The Lady's Finest
"Many of the older folk will remember that the Vulpines were quite rare in the North until the formation of the town of Nanthalion, but by the time we established ourselves, they came in droves. Artisans, philosophers, dancers, cartographers, it was like a general renaissance followed when the foxes emigrated. Callie is a good example of the sort of artistic breed that helped this land flourish. She and the male Matwyn were instrumental to establishing a homebase for newer kinsmen integrate into the empire, and to establish a chapel of The Lady, who is the prime deity of the Vulpine people. As for the vixen herself, she is quite hedonistic, but is never one to forget favors. I keep on telling her that if she grows any more tails, she wouldn't be able to sit down properly. I've truly been blessed to know her, though."
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

Postby Cangelosi on Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:36 am

Some more recently discovered excerpts found by a goblin eunuch cook in the St. Eva Palace Kitchen:

Tehya, the All-Knowing
"It's a popular saying in the north that history is dictated by those who become the first to record it for posterity. It must be a popular saying in the elf lands too because the Emperor's historian Tehya has made it her business from day one to detail the highest and lowest moments of our land. Her eye for detail is only matched by her cold resolve for the truth. Many of the minor nobility feel threatened when about her, and probably for good reason because with one stroke of her pen she can exalt or damn them for posterity's sake. And how do I manage her? Why, by keeping honest and telling her stories from the old lands. She is as much an entertainer as she is a researcher, and I'm sure past authors didn't have her beauty that can make an entire room go silent as she enters."

Matwyn, Dangerously Fluffy Archfoe
"Readers may notice that I seem to favor upon writing more about the female population of Nanthalion than of the male population. Some might even hypothesize that is because I only see fit to write my thoughts upon those I have had enjoyed carnally. If that is the thought you have in mind, reader, bear in mind that the next person I talk about, the vulpine priest Matwyn, is not one I would consider shagging unless deeply intoxicated. As a matter of fact, I believe he sees me as a rival, especially considering how I seem to get a hand upon many of the newer foxgirls that reach the city limits. Perhaps he is not too far off, but I do note that although he resembles a short red puffball, he gets plenty of tail himself. Maybe I should be the one complaining."

Raphaelwyn, She Who Keeps Me Intoxicated
"Most writers neglect to mention the bartenders that serve them the liquid repasts as they spend long nights forgetting about the past and pondering the future, but then many did not have the fortune to meet the catwoman I know as Raphy. She isn't the most beautiful of her race I have laid eyes upon, but she is certainly the most selfless and caring. She was one of the few that came to comfort me after the death of my Laria, and I've poured out my soul to her just as much as she would pour out my favorite drink. Certainly Raphy has seen me at my lightest and darkest, and still prefers my company, and that is truly what you want in a friend and lover."

Cirri, the Wanderlust
"Every winter, when the snow starts to blanket the land in a bright white, I tend to stay on my guard. It's not because I fear that assassins would have one last stab at me before hibernation, but because I know that eventually I would come under a snowball assault from a certain wolveness from the north. It is a yearly tradition that these cold battles would take place, to keep my senses sharp and my aim keen. Cirri herself is no slouch either, which is a change from when I first found her on my property naked and trying to make herself at home in a badger burrow. She's distinguished herself since then, and her fierceness in battle has become legendary in these parts. She'd be even higher on my list if only she didn't pack her snowballs with rocks."

Lucky, the Reluctant
"This town changes you. It changes your fortune and it changes your purpose, either for the best or for the worst. When I first saw the blonde and buxom Lucky enter town, she had just come of age, She had an eager spring in her step and a sparkle of wonder in her eye. Of course, many unscrupulous sorts would take advantage of her to slake their own lusts, yet that never seemed to discourage her. No, it seems the more she interacted with others, the more she learned about herself. One such interaction with the mage Infernis would lead her to seek out Unigo to study magical theory and practice, not to mention changing that flaxen gold hair to a raven black. An apprenticeship would turn into a slave collar and another set of skimpy clothing, yet despite it all, the girl has never lost that spunk that had me dragging her to my bed, or at least bending over my table."

Infernis, That Old Decrepit Bastard
"I have always been cautious in writing my thoughts about the nobility, considering that I had only recently joined their number. Still, it would be remiss of me not to mention the high-born Infernis, who has been at best a notable annoyance and at worse a thorn in my side. In the early days he did his best to discredit me and my homeland, contending that the Saraphan Kingdom was a 'fabrication from a dragoon's expansive imagination'. Even with his scoffing and belittling, he was one of the first nobles to join me in the Marches during the Northern Campaign. Of course, he couldn't resist one last barb as the two of us stood outside of Talon Keep during the final battle, while both of us looked upon the rebel forces 'I had thought your imagination a bit more expansive than this,' he said, no hint of irony in his voice. Never misses an opportunity, does he?"

Phaing, an Aspiring Architect
"If you've ever taken a moment to stop and take a close look at the buildings within our town, you will no doubt notice they carry a simple air of elegance, not like the spires of St. Eva or even the old-time sprawl of Thallis town. That is partially responsible for the lady who has been in charge of the Real Estate Office. Lady Phaing is as relatable as she is approachable, and between improving buttresses and working out the frames of our new trade ships, is busy making an indelible image on all she meets. I relied on her judgment to build my own keep outside of town, and it has been worth every mehrial I've paid on it. A creative mind from head to toe, and an amazing mixture of elf you could ever aspire to befriend in a lifetime."

Crow Iron-Claw, Little Devil Guardian
"When I first saw the little silver-haired kittybat at the Arena practice grounds all covered in bandages and sleeping under one of the spear racks, I assumed her for another discarded sextoy left behind by one of the gladiators. Little did I expect her to be a most capable fighter herself! Crow practically ate, drank, and slept there for the first few years until my clan-sister Miyuka convinced her that she'd feel better with a proper roof over her head. Yet even with all of the civility and finery Yuka shows, Crow has never stopped having an unquenchable desire for competition and combat. At least she's learned to how to cuddle now…"
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

Postby Phaing on Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:11 am

Why did it take me so long to see this?

TY for your mention of Phaing, the irony is she left the Architectural business to concentrate on marriage, kids and a Horse Ranch where fine breeds will be raised.
Double Irony-- came out of retirement to design an archetype for the neglected in-town Small Home. Posting details in REB today.
Never say die, eh? :wink:

And, so bittersweet to see mention of Crow.... who is sadly missed, among so many others. :cry:

Thank you for being so thoughtful Morgan.
I'll have to be nicer to you next time we meet.
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Re: Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

Postby crow on Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:23 am

Sushi wrote:Why did it take me so long to see this?

Because you neglect the forums? Lazy. ^.~

Sushi wrote:Why did it take me so long to see this?And, so bittersweet to see mention of Crow.... who is sadly missed, among so many others. :cry:

Awwh, *Hugs*
I'm not gone. I lurk the forums.
Just not had much time for rp.
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Re: Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

Postby Cangelosi on Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:05 am

*Thanks to the recent "misposting" of some correspondance from St. Eva, more excerpts have appeared.*

Tsuneko Remito, Magic Cat
"He literally came out of nowhere, a mouser Ehlanna hired to deal with an infestation at the Naked Bird. I have no idea how Victoria took a fancy to him or why he ended up wearing her collar. What I do know that he grew on me. While he served DragonRose, he read up all of the magical literature around the house, soon ending up at the halls of Unigo under (and sometimes atop of) Lady Kytara. Maybe some of my bad habits rubbed off on him too, considering some stories I've heard about his conquests. Now a magical researcher in the East, he sends the occasional letter to see how his decrepit ex-master is doing. Nice to know my influence on one blue-furred catboy might help shape a new school of magical thought...I think."

Naomi Bloodclaw, Living Folktale
"There have been stories from the Wolven population in the North of a pale huntress who preyed upon separatist legions in the recent civil wars. Some call her the "Reaver", others the "Bitch of the Glades", and by other unflattering titles. I first knew her as a red-haired whitefur, fresh from her tribe and eager to start her own pack. At first, I teased her, but the more she spoke, the more I felt that naïveté was more a facade for a truly ambitious female. It took me a full two years to fully win her trust, and by the time hostilities started, she volunteered to assist me in preserving our homeland. Considering the great risk she took in her guerrilla campaign, she had to change her appearance many times. Gone is the fury auburn locks and the snowdrift fur, but still burns within Naomi that same sly demeaned that had smitten me so many nights ago."

Thunder, The Kitten Who Struck Twice
"First time I met her, she was a young girl in Duke Dupre's harem. A slip of a girl, eyes obsidian, marred with a streak she said came from a lightning strike. She was caught, like me, in a foolish attempt to free the slaves. I paid for that mistake dearly, yet my life was spared. Many years later, she appeared again, a stranger to a land that took me in. I learned later that she had been the one who plead for my life, which was her right since she was indeed his daughter. Perhaps regretting not doing more, she keeps a dark, surly mood, one I can occasionally penetrate due to our history. In a way, I owe her for setting me on this path to Nanthalion. Maybe someday, Thunder can forgive herself, as I had long forgiven her..."

Twerlinger, Felicitous Bookworm
"Like my little Tsuneko, Twerlinger started at the bottom, apprenticing here and there to any artisan or talismonger who would hire him. Never spoke much about his past, and I never pressed, considering many Of us come to this town for fresh starts. Soon, he became more involved within the artisan circles, leading to the establishment of the local apothecary and estate offices. From time to time we'd exchange recipes for poultices and discuss topography while his cute servant Amara sat nearby, ever so bouncy. I swear that someday I'm going to make sure the two of them spend a good fortnight up north with me and Hessika, snuggling under the furs and just chat. Then again, both our duties don't allow such frivolity, but I swear, if that tail of his starts wrapping about my thigh one more time I'd ...

*the further readings are made illegible here*
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

Postby Joytoy on Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:33 pm

Morgan, these are fabulous! To see the interpretation of our vast array of talented players from the perspective of such a long time residence is awesome. Even better, I say, because of all the wonderful names I haven't seen in even longer.

I feel I should have done something like this over the years, to keep a better recollection of all the people I have interacted with. I believe this is a new habit I shall have to perform.
Beating, whipping, piercing, breaking, scarring, kissing, biting, licking, fucking, bleeding, aching, waiting, stroking, begging, longing, craving...
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Re: Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

Postby Wadeywade on Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:50 pm

would love to see his thoughts on Wade. :)
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Re: Musings - On TLI Characters While In Character

Postby Marren on Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:45 am

I'm happy to see his thoughts on Marren, though I admit to being curious what he thinks of Eolande Keita.
Regardless, well done my friend. Well done.
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