Have been a part of TLI for a long time. I have friends I've had since I first joined and to this day. See ,that is the thing. Be it a thousand miles away or around my house having coffee. If a friend is in need I will always do my best by them.
I realise this is counter to some views and I'm not wholly in disagreement. But not everyone has a support network to turn to about their problems. Being able to vent them to someone that cares can really make a huge difference to someone's day. I've lost count of the amount of times I have been that support for another.
That being said I cannot always do so, safeguarding my own well being is something I have had to learn online. I think inherent in any community there are always going to be differences of opinion, but I think that some of my best and must memorable storylines have come to life because of having such close, genuine friendships with some here. Many of whom do far more then just RP with (nothing naughty meant by that lol).
I like being able to give someone a reason to smile. In fact my OOC antics have often been to help create a more fun-filled environment. While wholly aware am not everyone's cup of tea.
I really just wanted to put across another view, based on my awareness of mental health issues and that OOC we are all human, we all have the same urges, emotions and desires. We all make mistakes and the written word cannot always convey everything we wish it too. At the end of the day I believe TLI's strength is based on connections with other people, and what better way to have fun then with people that value you