New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Questions and suggestions about the rules of the roleplay and how things work

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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Lindor on Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:32 am

They opted to not kill your character, sparing you the expense of a Rez (100 mhl). Speaking in IC terms only, what your character does/says in this game has consequences. He mouths off to the powerful, they are in their right to hurt him/put him in his place. “Might Makes Right”. It’d be weird/untrue to their characters if they didn’t, just based on level. Still, they had the good grace to not off him. Generous, really.

That said, I find it refreshing to see a level 1 with the balls to mouth off to higher levels. Awesome. I, for one, have enjoyed playing with you and the authenticity in which you play your character. I just wish you’d keep that energy more IC and less OOC, for the sake of your own longevity here...

Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:36 am

Lindor is right re the whole consequences thing of course - and at least he didn't die which at level 1 is a real bummer! (for some reason I get my characters killed all the time including at that level *has no idea why...*)

That said I can see why calling dice when the levels are so far out is frustrating; unsporting almost. But there is a big difference between walking into the Inn and someone just deciding to kick your chaps ass using dice; or your chap causing enough trouble that they felt worth it. That tolerance level naturally depends on the other character's nature too. So I suppose the whole "did he ask for it" has to come into play. We do have more forms of combat than just dice which are laid out on the main website, but a player has (I believe) the right to call for dice should they wish.

However! I found some sage advice which may be of use here: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=16698
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:32 am

Lindor wrote:That said, I find it refreshing to see a level 1 with the balls to mouth off to higher levels. Awesome. I, for one, have enjoyed playing with you and the authenticity in which you play your character. I just wish you’d keep that energy more IC and less OOC, for the sake of your own longevity here...

Thank you for that. It's truly appreciated. I too, have enjoyed playing you/Lindor! =)
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:40 am

Farvel wrote: So what exactly are you whining about?

Initially, I was 'whining' about "What do you do from Lvl's 1 - 5?", as it seems you cannot do much, which I later learned is incorrect. After a few responses, and a few more in-game experiences, the 'whine' became - "That's a bit overkill, and am i the only one thinking that's a bit power played and *not creative?" Unsportsmanlike would be the word.

Now, it's just a mute point. I'm learning, and having learning curves. Thank you for your suggestions!
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby miyuka on Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:30 pm

What would have been dickish, or powerplay is if you walked into the bar, told someone hello, and they smashed you in the face with a much, said hello and then made you do a combat roll, and murdered you so that you had to wait for a rez. You got to interact, show that your char gives 0 fucks about authority (or is just ignorant of whom are the nobles, either works well), get some RP out of it, and get smashed without having to worry about the fees that come with it. This place has levels, yes people will be more powerful than you. I dunno what places you play at where you can just walk in with a fresh level one character and expect to be on par with people that have been there longer, but here, thanks to the beauty of free form and people enjoying that type of play (not everyone obviously) you can, in fact, exist as a "mean guy" or "Mean girl" from the get go and have people even though they are higher level than you, actually let you play your part without just one shotting you. It's something I see often enough and even as someone with many characters that are well past level one, even enjoy such play myself.

All that being said. As someone pointed out, you went up to a pair of nobles and their senschal. Of course you are going to get your ass handed to you. These people are nobles for a reason. In an empire that's built on might makes right, these Nobles are chosen for not just their expertise in whatever fields, but because of their immense power. Most of us high level folk aren't going to just murder-kill you and make you have to get a rez and all that, though even if it should come to that.
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Vladimir on Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:34 pm

lol, I feel bad now, having totally recommended you go start trouble with high level folks. :lol:
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Lindor on Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:36 pm

don’t lie, Vlad. You don’t feel bad in the least.. :lol:

Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby miyuka on Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:18 am

It can lead to some fun times, I have enjoyed doing it myself with some of my low ones, and vice versa. Mostly cause the way I see it, my char isn't aware of their "level" so to speak, so maybe where they come from they are the baddest mofo around, but then they come to the "Big city/empire" and as it turns out, the saying "There's always some one better than you." turns out to be true.
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Lindor on Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:21 am

Yes, and as previously mentioned you weren’t killed, had your healing paid for, were offered a job, and got to be doted upon by Lindor... :wink: Quite a lot of attention for being so new (and reasons to play/plot revenge). Many are not as lucky.

Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby L`aquera on Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:32 am

I'm going to be discussing this and some other issues that have cropped up in the OOC tonight around 6PM central time in the OOC. And I do mean.. DISCUSSING. There will be no yelling involved and we'll have some question answer time as well. Thank you.
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