"Training" at the SS

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"Training" at the SS

Postby Rhezha on Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:05 am

Rhezha heads down the road to the Sanctuary, bare feet moving quickly over the cobbles of the road. She wears a black silk dress, a little different from her usual dress robes, definitely cooler for summer and more comfortable than the heavy armored dress. Upon her back is her pack, specially designed for those with wings and filled with books, scrolls, and a few other items she tended to carry with her. Dracoris glides past her as they approach the Sanctuary, taking up roost on the edge of the roof, looking like a sapphire gargoyle perched above the entrance. Rhezha gives him a smile as she approaches the door, knowing he'd keep an eye on things outside and inform her if anyone else was coming, particularly anyone dangerous. Unlocking the door to the interior, she slips into the darkened store. She licks her lips, glancing around. There didn't seem to be anyone on duty at the moment. Normally she'd turn the sign over to open in case any customers came, but she figured that headmistress Anaya wouldn't want to be bothered while teaching Rhezha. The half-breed heads towards the back of the store, feline eyes easily piercing the gloom. "Anaya? Umm, mistress Anaya?" Without knowing if anyone else was there, she was reluctant to use the title she'd been instructed to when alone with the manager. She licks her lips, shifting the backpack upon her back a bit nervously. She never quite knew what to expect with these training sessions...
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Naomh on Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:35 pm

With the letter that had been sent, and a message given in reply, Anaya had been expecting her pupil's arrival though done with an air of mystique that ever amused the dark torian. The inside of the store was shadow, seeming to be void of anyone as Rhezha strode in with the only light available was what was seeping through the window shutters and what Rhezha decides to bring with her. However the halfbreed would not be alone for upon its favoured perch hidden upon the mantle of the fireplace a large green-eyed Raven watched her entrance and took flight. The faint sounds of black feathers cutting through the air would whisper from the silence. As the enchantress in training made her way further back the scent of cinnamon flavoured tobacco would greet her, another subtle but undeniable sign of Anaya's presence within the store that gave way fully when a magical greenish glow slowly appeared from the open door to the manager's office and the voice of the mistress of the Sorcerous Sanctuary called out, "Enter."

Within the manager's office sat Anaya, dark brown skin illuminated by an enchanted crystal on the corner of her desk with fingers idly playing upon the gem's surface as she watched the doorway for Rhezha's entrance. Black wings folded close against her willowy form dressed in black blouse of long sleeves and tight-fitting skirt, gemstones upon her cheek glint in the magical glow. Within her hand rested a pipe long of stem with delicate carvings upon the small wooden bowl. It was something that amused her, and something that also felt quite fitting for her, this 'sorceress' appearance she has embraced throughout the years.
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil : http://belariath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186
Team member of: Dev, SI, Quest, Ops
Manager of: Sorcerous Sanctuary (Anaya), Unigo (Headmistress - Keani), Lodge of Strength (Head Priestess - Robyn)
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Rhezha on Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:03 pm

Rhezha continues through the store a bit nervously, the darkness of the shop odd, the shutters on the windows uncharacteristically closed. But the mistress of the store had indicated she would be there which eased her nervousness somewhat. Feline eyes quickly adjust to the gloom and she soon sees that raven flit towards the back of the store. Rhezha's teeth glint in the gloom as she smiles, moving with a bit more confidence towards the back of the store. Nose twitches at the scent of that flavored tobacco and she lets out an unexpected but small sneeze. Sniffing, she blinks rapidly before continuing on. Reaching the headmistress' offices, she pauses uncertain, her pointed feline ears perking up as she listens for movement inside, or any other signs for what the pureblood might have planned. That green glow was strange, but soon Amaya's voice was cast forth, bidding her to go in. She licks her lips, but does so, bare feet quiet as they carry her into the chamber.

"Hello mistress." Was the feline's soft greeting as she beholds the other woman. Violet eyes are quickly cast down, a soft blush rising to her cheeks. She wasn't sure she'd ever get used to calling Anaya that. Growing up, she'd certainly used it many times for those far above her in stature, but with Anaya it was different. There was an inherently sexual connotation to the title and everytime Rhezha used it, she was reminded of what they had done together, what they shared. She pads softly towards the woman's desk, standing in front of it. She clasps her hands behind her back before she seems to change her mind, arms falling at her sides. As though suddenly remembering something, she straightens her back, chin lifting a little as her modest chest is pushed out slightly, though her eyes remain cast down. Small hands fidget with the folds of her dress, as though uncertain whether she aught to pull it off or not. The headmistress was fully clothed, but that of course meant nothing. The half-breed had forfeited her choice of covering to the woman and the torian could easily ask her to remove it while remaining perfectly clothed herself. "Um, thank you for seeing me... I- I read those books you wanted me to..." She trails off, realizing that she'd already said that in her letter. She falls silent, trying to think of something to say that wouldn't be inane or repetitious. Wings shuffle uncomfortably upon her back, pink tongue darting out to wet her lips before those eyes glance up at her again.
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Naomh on Mon Aug 26, 2019 3:03 am

"My pet." Anaya returned the greeting as Rhezha entered. The torian's twin pools of deep brown, almost black, eyes regard the halfbreed before her, taking in the sight of her in that outfit and the way she shifted nervously. Her face was expressionless but inside she was quite pleased with Rhezha's return, she was starting to become quite fond of the girl who worked so hard and dutifully when around, as clumsy as she can be at times. There was something just simply adorable to her nervous and quiet nature as well, though with the time they have spent together thus far Anaya has come to understand there was more to that shyness than basic personality. There was a troubled, scarred girl within Rhezha and the healer within her desired to help her, though with the developing dynamic between the two of them it was certainly its own unique method of aiding her.

She would remain silent when Rhezha brought up the books, letting Rhezha's nervousness and suspense build. Staring into her gaze when she would glance up at her, locking with it and holding that air of quiet, firm confidence to try and wordlessly trap the halfbreed into either lowering her gaze again or risk losing herself in that gaze. Whichever would happen Anaya would finally break her silence, perhaps even cutting Rhezha off should she try to mutter something else. "Good. Most of the basic knowledge of what is done here is within them. As long as you can perform the enchantments from here, that is all you need to know..." Stem of pipe was brought to lips for one final draw before ashes were gently tapped out onto a small tray, cinnamon scented smoke curling slowly past the dark torian's lips before she would continue. "I have an empty shelf next to the door. I will have several of these shelves in other locations but for now the one I mentioned is the only concern. Those who wish to continue to learn from me shall place all of their belongings upon this shelf whenever they are within a room with one of these shelves until I state otherwise."

A power play, of course, Anaya was asserting her dominance, but in her own firm yet gentle way. An order was not given, there were no glares or threats but instead a gentle voice that carried the air of one expecting their words followed, an option laid out before Rhezha with a slight but definite emphasis on the word 'all' belongings. If things were to continue the halfbreed would have to completely bare herself to Anaya, expose herself to the dark torian's gaze, and anything else she chooses. A chance to back out, or to prove her dedication to her lessons with nothing to hide... and ever with those sexual tones that tend to cling around those who follow the path Anaya has taken.
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil : http://belariath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186
Team member of: Dev, SI, Quest, Ops
Manager of: Sorcerous Sanctuary (Anaya), Unigo (Headmistress - Keani), Lodge of Strength (Head Priestess - Robyn)
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Rhezha on Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:13 pm

Rhezha shivers a little at that title given to her, so demeaning yet so affectionate. Her nervousness remains though, accentuating her anticipation about what they might do together. Would she be asked to remove her dress? What would she say if she did? Shame fills her and it was almost as though she could feel that mark digging into her skin, fangs piercing her heart. She licks her lips, but when she glances up at the woman during that awkward silence, she finds herself frozen by the other woman's gaze, even breath catching in her throat. She gazes into those ebon pools, unable to tear her eyes away. Such strength and confidence lay in that gaze from the torian. It made her feel small, subservient, yet also filled her with a feeling of importance, belonging. It was still hard to believe that such a beautiful, powerful woman would take such an interest in her. Finally the spell is broken with the dark woman's words and Rhezha flinches, violet hues quickly cast down to the headmistress' desk, breath returning suddenly and a bit quicker than before. She struggles to regain her wits, chest rising and falling with her heavy breathing. She nods jerkily at the woman's words, checks aflame with flush. She swallows hard, eyes flicking towards the woman's hand as she taps out those ashes, longing for something to distract her mind from the nervousness she feels. When the shelf is mentioned, the feline turns to look at the shelf, nodding a little. "Yes, mist-" She cuts off, suddenly realizing what the woman meant by *all* belongings. Head ducks in embarrassment, heart pounding as she shivers with anticipation and nervousness. She swallows hard, looking over at the shelf again. She glances back at Anaya, almost making eye contact. But she knew what she had to do. What was expected of her.

Breathing hard, she takes several steps closer to the shelf, licking lips. She shrugs out of the straps of her pack, slinging it forward and onto the shelf. That was the easy part. First her tiara comes off, pulled off her head to let raven black hair fall down around her face. A single lock hangs between her eyes, over her nose. She passes a hand over her face, but it does little good, the rebel strands simply falling back over features. She had been growing her hair longer, relying on her circlet or tiara to keep it out of her face and she rarely took it off except to sleep. The black hair gives her an even more vulnerable look, as though she were trying to hide her face from the world behind those silken locks. She glances shyly back at Anaya with her tail twitching nervously. Hands move behind her back, untying the black bow that wound around her slender waist. With it released, her dress loosens around her, becoming shapeless as the folded silk unfurls. Another shudder then before she pulls the loop around her neck up and over her head. She holds it for a moment before dropping it, sucking in a breath as the silk slithers over her skin to pool at her feet. With her back turned towards Anaya, only her furred back and pale buttocks are visible, sleek tail nestled between firm rounded cheeks. The long appendage quickly curls around a lithe leg, a nervous and protective motion. Stepping out of the fallen dress, she stoops to pick it up, folding it hastily to be placed next to her pack. She shivers, now utterly naked. But she wasn't finished. Violet hues squeeze shut as her embarrassment peaks. But she didn't want to disappoint the headmistress if she found out the half-breed hadn't followed instructions. Swallowing hard, her feet splay a little on the floor, legs opening. A hand moves between her thighs, digits pushing between plump lips to feel the edge of an object inside her. She concentrates for a moment, pushing it out, legs quivering with sensation for a moment. She gasps as it slips out, sliding heavily into her waiting hand. She withdraws her hand from damp folds, holding a metallic egg, glistening with honey. She sets it on the shelf with a dull tap, her legs quickly closing once more.

Black and violet wings curl protectively around her shoulders, spreading across her front to hide her breasts and tummy, wingtips barely meeting at apex of legs to obscure puffy sex. She turns back around, eyes downcast. She licks her lips, not daring a glance at the torian. No matter how kind or accepting she was, not how safe her office was, Rhezha couldn't help but feel awkward being nude in this place with such a beautiful, elegant woman. She shuffles forward again, bare feet quiet on the floor. Besides her normal shyness, she wasn't sure how the torian would react to the sight of her completely uncovered...
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Naomh on Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:35 pm

Will Rhezha accept? Anaya was certain she would, the girl seemed to enjoy the submission along with her tutelage at least as much as she enjoyed giving the directions and lessons, but surprises happen and it would not be the first time Anaya has made an unfortunate misjudgement. As she finished her directions Rhezha consented, then paused, the weight of the order settling in and the nervous, shy reaction from the winged catgirl made Anaya smile softly. A small smile of encouragement, she was safe here, nothing she truly did not want to happen will happen. This evening was between mentor and pupil... with more than a little of mistress and pet thrown in for the enjoyment of all.

Dark eyes watch each movement, gauging every pause and taking in the sight of inch after inch of skin was exposed. The caress of silken fabric along Rhezha's body as it fell to the floor was quite a delightful sight. Then, a surprise. A squeeze egg, carried within all the way here... lifting a brow the dark torian was quite curious as to the reasons behind this but remained silent. The answer will come in time. For now her pupil was finished getting ready and Anaya finally rose from her chair. Already so abnormally tall for her kind, her willowy form could challenge some magi in height with the tall heeled shoes upon her feet, heard as they clicked ever so faintly upon the floorboards but not seen due to the length of her tight hobble-skirt. She approached the nervous woman before her, hand reaching up to cup her cheek as she leans forward and places a gentle kiss upon her forehead. Her approval given in act, not words.

"Now, my pet... we shall begin." Thumb brushes along cheek before she starts walking slowly around Rhezha, fingers trailing upon bare skin of shoulders and dark feathers of wings. A teasing, tantalizing distraction from the questions to come. "So what are enchantments? What is the act of enchanting?" Starting from the beginning once more, drawing out these lessons and the halfbreed's 'torment' at her hand.
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil : http://belariath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186
Team member of: Dev, SI, Quest, Ops
Manager of: Sorcerous Sanctuary (Anaya), Unigo (Headmistress - Keani), Lodge of Strength (Head Priestess - Robyn)
Assistant manager of: Thallis (Lady of the Azure Isle - Naomh), Sutara's house (Majordomo - North), Arena (Records Keeper - Kateri)
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Rhezha on Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:49 am

Rhezha licks her lips as the torian rises, her heart thudding in her chest. Those enveloping wings shift a little, as though to ensure they covered as much of her front as possible. A shiver passes through her as the woman approaches, feeling more vulnerable than ever. A feeling only strengthened by the fact that her arms were trapped beneath her wings, unable to use them while the feathery appendages were protecting her modesty. Lips are licked again as those amethyst eyes gaze up at the woman. With the darkness of the room, her pupils are wide, black pools surrounded with crystalline violet, giving her a look of innocence, of vulnerability to accent those loose black locks framing her round face. A deep, shuddering breath is pulled in as that gentle hand cradles her cheek, soft and cool. Then that kiss of forehead is given and she shudders a little with emotion. Such gentle care, sweetness offered... it was almost unbelievable after her recent experiences. She smiles shyly up at the woman as she pulls away, gratitude and happiness swimming in those deep eyes, threatening to pull tears forth. That smile falters a little bit at the headmistress' statement, her previous nervousness returning. What would the woman ask of her? More lessons in concentration? Those were the most difficult, that trailing finger reminding her how hard it could be to think straight when the torian was like this. Her nakedness didn't help either, subconscious constantly wondering if some part of her was sticking out of her feathery cloak. Toes curl against the wood of the floor, rubbing each other as her flesh tingles from that digit moving first through fur, then through feathers. She swallows hard when that question is finally asked, same as the first time they'd had a teaching session together.

Her voice is a bit shaky, uncertain when she answers. "Umm, it's... it's binding magic to an inanimate object... I uh..." She shivers as that teasing finger sends a quiver through her. Another hard swallow then before she continues. "It requires the focus and skill from the enchanter, and um... energy to fuel the magic." She takes a deep breath, steadying a little with her explanation about magic topics. Such things always calmed her down, relaxed her ofttimes troubled and chaotic thoughts and emotions. It was one of the things that drew her to magic. Besides giving her power when she'd otherwise be helpless, it was the one constant thing in her life. It was more dependable than people, more fulfilling than mere objects. She continues, pulling more from her brain to give as detailed a response as possible. "It also requires something to make that spell and energy permanent, to bind it to the object. Enchanting allows people to use magic when they might not be able to otherwise. I um... I guess in a way it's a method of distilling the enchanters skill and knowledge so that others may benefit from it... um, though I suppose that someone could use another source for the enchantment, like a spell scroll..." She shrugs a little, furred shoulders lifting her hair for a moment. She looks over at Anaya, biting her lip. "Umm, is that enough? Am I, uh... correct?" She always hated open ended questions like this, she never felt like she gave enough information. Still, she couldn't think of anything she might have missed, unless she aught to go into the process of making an enchantment for the sanctuary? But no, her question seemed aimed at the magical theory of it, the practical explanation. She watches the torian nervously, waiting for her judgement, trying not to focus on the fact that she was nude with this beautiful and elegant woman looking her over. She was still incredibly apprehensive about telling her of recent developments and had refrained thus far, but that could only last so long. Would she still want the half-breed as an apprentice? Or would she seem broken to her, no longer worth effort?
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Naomh on Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:01 pm

That look of innocence and vulnerability and the emotions that were threatening to bubble up and break free after the kiss, they hint once again that Anaya was dealing with a damaged little thing. Stirring up the two sides of the dark torian's nature. The healer in her wanted to scoop Rhezha up in her arms and hold her close, to comfort Rhezha's fears away. The sadist wanted to see those tears flow, to hear the whimpers and whines come from such an innocent looking woman. Within her the desires and emotions mixed together to form Anaya's thoughts and plans to tease this girl and torment her, but with a soft touch that comforted. Hopefully pushing her for the enjoyment of both in a safe place for Rhezha.

The answer given was satisfactory and the building confidence as the answer went on, despite the teasing trailing of fingers did make Anaya smile. "Mmm... perhaps, do you feel it is the correct answer?" She stepped in front of the halfbreed and gently hooked her chin with a finger, keeping her gaze aimed upward into her own deep, dark pools. "You need not feel so nervous, My Pet, there is nothing you need to conceal from me... So answer the question again, this time..." Hand drops and both would touch the wings covering Rhezha's form, putting just the faintest of pressure on them as if trying to part them. "In the middle of the room, facing me. Do not hide behind these, stand tall, arms and wings behind your back, tail free and not wrapped around anything... answer with all the confidence you can muster." Right now it was less what the answer was and HOW it was being answered, and should Rhezha obey Anaya would stand facing her again, arms crossed in front of her and staring down her pupil with the look of a discerning teacher. Judging everything Rhezha was doing from stance to words, to even where her eyes were looking.

And of course admiring that naked form.
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil : http://belariath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186
Team member of: Dev, SI, Quest, Ops
Manager of: Sorcerous Sanctuary (Anaya), Unigo (Headmistress - Keani), Lodge of Strength (Head Priestess - Robyn)
Assistant manager of: Thallis (Lady of the Azure Isle - Naomh), Sutara's house (Majordomo - North), Arena (Records Keeper - Kateri)
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Rhezha on Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:27 am

Rhezha frowns a little at the woman's response. Did she think it was correct? "Well, I feel I could be forgetting something, but... I think that's right. I mean... yes." She blushes a little, licking lips as her eyes fall away. She knew that the torian wanted a more firm answer from her than her typical noncommittal responses which rarely had any confidence behind them. But that finger lifts her chin gently, forcing those deep pools back up to the dark woman's own gaze once more. A shiver passes through her, but she holds that gaze, using it to steady herself, letting herself be drawn into those dark, warm eyes of the pureblood. She takes a deep, shuddering breath as the woman instructs her to relax a little, trying to let herself calm down. But her breath catches as those hands urge wings away from her torso. She keeps them in place, heart suddenly pounding as she licks her lips. She looks away and down a little as the woman finishes her instructions, giving a barely perceptible nod to indicate she'd heard. "Um, mistress... I... I have a confession... I should have told you when I first came, I'm sorry..." She sniffles, squeezing eyes shut against tears welling forth. "I... I just want you to know that you are more my mistress than anyone..." She swallows hard, summoning all the strength she could muster. "I... I've been marked..." She murmurs this last bit almost too quietly to be heard, still keeping her eyes away from the torian. As soon as she utters this though, she turns away, walking to the center of the room. If Anaya was to reject her, she had to at least do this, obey her last instructions as the feline's teacher. Jaw clenched, she turns back towards Anaya, but her eyes remain fixed several feet to the side of the woman, distant and focused, clearly keeping those tears at bay for the moment. Her tail straightens a little, hanging behind her just above the floor, somewhat limp and lacking any sign of happiness or relaxation. Her shoulders tense, she pulls her wings away from her front, revealing her nude form and of course the very thing she'd been hiding thus far.

Just above the pink of left nipple is a black mark marring the pale flesh of her breast. It's the silhouette of a spider, legs outstretched as though gripping the woman's tender flesh, fangs apparently poised to plunge into her body. About an inch and a half in diameter, it's obvious but not overpowering, a clear mark of ownership. Rhezha shudders, but takes a deep breath and starts speaking, eyes still fixed upon the far wall, not wanting to see the torian's reaction. "Enchanting is the process of binding magic to an object, using both knowledge and magical power. This allows the invested energy to be used by nearly anyone in possession of the object regardless of proclivity for magic." Her voice quavers, but is spoken with a mask of professionalism, the feline putting on her best face to recite her definition. Her shoulders are tense, muscles standing out a little as she wrings hands together behind her back, slick with sweat. Legs are clenched tightly together, though her thighs quiver occasionally, as if her knees were ready to collapse. Her heart beats almost deafeningly in her ears and she could practically feel that black mark upon breast, digging into flesh, poisoning her very soul. But would it poison her relationship with Anaya? She couldn't dare to hope that it wouldn't. The pain of being cast aside would be unbearable as it was and any hope that things could be any other way would only make that pain exponentially worse. She continues to stare at that far wall, refusing to look at the other woman, tears now trickling down cheeks as she maintains her stance, breathing ragged and emotional.

Mark: https://i.imgur.com/dn0V2SP.jpg
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Naomh on Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:59 am

Anaya was pushing Rhezha for one main reason: She was training an enchantress for the Sorcerous Sanctuary. There will be customers who will give her trouble, try to argue over prices and enchantments and these people will need firm and solid responses even if the enchantress herself was uncertain of the answers and not cave in to the pressures of what an annoyed customer wants. So while she enjoyed nervous and shy, timid and vulnerable, when it came to the duties of the Sanctuary she needed to bolster up Rhezha's confidence, at least enough for the halfbreed to put on the air of it even if she's uncertain an nervous. So in that, she was pleased to see when Rhezha, despite looking about ready to collapse, was able to answer firmly and confidently.

A faint murmur of satisfaction in a mix of other emotions.

Leading up to the answer of her repeated question, Rhezha's admittance of something she had kept secret was met with a raised eyebrow and faint tilt of head. The sudden surge of emotions from the halfbreed, her tears and the mention of being more her mistress than anyone causes Anaya to stand straighter, and then she saw the mark. A spider, small but clear, placed in a spot with goal unmistakable, especially with the context of Rhezha being marked. Anaya stared at it as Rhezha repeated the answer about enchanting, the wizard's mark glowing to her enchanted vision to make it that much more prominent and causing a surge of emotions that caught her by surprise.

Heels click upon the floorboards, stride as stiff as her wings as she reaches out to touch that mark, as if feeling its realness, face a mask when she looks to Rhezha once more and sees just how upset her pupil was. She looked about ready to collapse then and there. Remembering some lessons from the past Anaya took a deep breath and said, quite simply. "Tell me, everything." She did what she could to contain herself but the edge in her voice was there, not directed at Rhezha but at the one who had put the mark down, two emotions rising to the forefront above everything else. Possessiveness and protectiveness. The level of both she was feeling had her off-guard, though they showed in only a stiffness of body and taughtness of wing and voice.
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil : http://belariath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186
Team member of: Dev, SI, Quest, Ops
Manager of: Sorcerous Sanctuary (Anaya), Unigo (Headmistress - Keani), Lodge of Strength (Head Priestess - Robyn)
Assistant manager of: Thallis (Lady of the Azure Isle - Naomh), Sutara's house (Majordomo - North), Arena (Records Keeper - Kateri)
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Rhezha on Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:30 am

Rhezha flinches as the headmistress strides closer, able to see that tension even from her peripheral vision, hear the sharp clack of heels. A shudder passes through her frame, readying herself to be struck. Her eyes squeeze shut, a soft sob escaping her, wings quivering in fear and shame. But rather than a harsh slap or worse, a gentle stroke over that mark makes her gasp, eyes flaring open to look at the woman. She frowns, uncertainty ruling over features, though shame still echoes in every inch of her soul. She couldn't tell if Anaya was mad at her or not. She was clearly incensed, but she couldn't understand why. Was she truly that possessive? How aught she feel about that? Was she just an object for Anaya to protect? A resource? Or did she actually care about the feline and want her to be safe with her? She flinches at the woman's words, quavering a little before her. She still didn't know if Anaya was angry with her, but if she wanted information, it at least meant that there was a chance to redeem herself in the torian's eyes. She closes her eyes, looking away from the visage of that dark woman. She takes a deep shuddering breath, struggling to prepare herself for the story.

"I... made a mistake." She says, but pauses, frowning. "No... I've... ruined my life through my own carelessness." She grits her teeth in frustration, choking out a sob. Eyes open again to stare down at the foot of Anaya's desk, distant and pained. "I... attacked an Imperial Guard." She says simply, quietly. She pauses, letting that soak in for a moment, thinking about it herself, reminding herself of the hopelessness of her situation. "I... almost killed her." She shakes her head in despair. "She could have turned me in, had me imprisoned." She looks up at Anaya then, pleading with her to understand. "I would have been locked away for the rest of my life, however short it would be there." Tears stream down her face, soft sobs breaking up her words. "She... she said the guards there would rape me, beat me, every day..." She looks away again. "And... she learned the word, my word..." She sobs wretchedly, hugging herself now, wings curled around shoulders protectively, shivering with emotion. "She kept saying it, but she offered an alternative to the Imperial prison..." She sniffles miserably, shaking head slowly. "That I become hers... not enslaved, but subject to her every command and whim. Utterly under her control." She sobs, curling inward even more, as if she could implode and disappear from this existence forever more. "I... I had no choice... she... promised a chance at freedom one day, which is more than I would have in prison..." She clenches her teeth, struggling to push back the tears once more, at least have a little dignity as she explains her hopeless situation. She looks up at Anaya, desperate for some sign of mercy, or at least understanding as to why she had to take the deal, the mark. "The woman... she's cruel, Anaya... she tortured me with the word, saying it over and over until I passed out... She..." She breaks off, sobbing. Unable to describe what the moriel had done. At least, not yet. It was too soon, too fresh.

She staggers backward a pair of steps, not really feeling any better after telling someone her story. She just felt empty, devoid of hope. She turns away, slumping against a wall, sobbing gently as she clenches in upon herself. She hadn't wanted this. She didn't come here expecting to reveal the mark so soon. She thought she might have a chance to come to terms with it, at least a little... But she couldn't simply deny Anaya when she told the half-breed to disrobe. Nor when asked to expose herself completely. She had simply hoped for a little more time being Anaya's innocent student. And she still hadn't told the torian about her other mistake...
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Naomh on Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:11 am

The possessive tenseness and protective anger surprised Anaya, especially the level of it. She had seen Rhezha off and on for a while and did not know near as much about the feline as she would like, even after taking her on as a pupil. She did have to force those emotions back and contain herself when she told Rhezha to explain, what followed made it both harder and easier for Anaya to contain them.

Rhezha's distress was obvious, and it only grew as she told, the sobbing tempered back the sadist and brought forth the healer in Anaya. She was reminded again one of the things that made her decide to bring the halfbreed under her wing... she was a broken little thing. One that needed someone not to try and shape her but try and help mend the pieces together, a task that has become significantly more difficult with the story she was just told. Tears flowing down Rhezha's face, words broken with sobs as she began to curl up against the wall upon story's end, unable to say any more.

And there was Anaya, wrapping Rhezha up in a warm embrace, wings partially extending to further surround the halfbreed as if to block off the world as she tries to pull her close and give a soft whisper into an ear. "You need not say any more, Rhezha." She was still angry, at this woman and her ways, frustrated that it was one of the guard that is involved with this, upset that Rhezha felt like she had to hide it from her, but right now all that was pushed aside and her focus was instead on the immediate. There was a woman she felt quite fond of and increasingly close to in need of a shoulder to cry on, and it was that that Anaya focused upon. Everything else could wait right now. Hand would slowly rub up and down Rhezha's back as she held her in an effort to comfort her, a soft "Take your time and let it out, My Pet..." would be given to both further comfort her and let her know it was forgiven for now.
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Rhezha on Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:33 am

Rhezha sobs quietly, losing herself in her anguish. So when those arms close around her, she jumps, sucking in a breath. A moment of confusion pauses her crying, but as those wings close around her, soft words spoken, she lets go, crying even harder. She hugs Anaya back, clinging to her like a drowning woman, cheek shoved against chest as she shakes with the force of her sobs. It felt nice to be held like this, enclosed in the woman's arms. It made her feel... safe. But more importantly it portrayed the fact that Anaya forgave her. That she wouldn't cast the feline aside for being so foolish. She gives herself over to the woman, hugging tightly as that hand strokes along her back, running over soft fur and the scar branded there. "What am I going to do?" She sobs quietly, tears smearing across the woman's chest, soaking into her dress. She obeys the woman though, taking her time and letting her tears, her anguish, her pain all pour forth. It had been a *very* long time since she'd been able to truly let her emotions free like this. If she had a choice, she would have resisted with Anaya, but it was simply too much. Too much had built up and Anaya's gentle confidence, her loyalty and caring tore away those walls to let out the flood of emotion.

The half-breed isn't sure how much time had passed by the time she starts to wind down, letting out hiccuping sobs and sniffling miserably. Gently, she pulls away from Anaya, looking up into those deep eyes as an arm crosses over her breasts modestly. She felt incredibly vulnerable, her eyes soft and wide as she gazes upwards. She hugs the woman again, this time not so desperately and whispers to her. "Thank you..." This time when she pulls away again, she's a little more calm, head bowed as she sniffles, arm crossing back over her chest. "What can I do?" She asks quietly, looking back up at Anaya with brow gently furrowed, looking to the torian for help in this helpless situation. "I- I don't want to become something I'm not..." She bites her lip, looking like she might cry again, but no tears would come. She was empty, drained. There was a certain clarity with that though. An acceptance of her situation that allowed her to think about it without the terror or shame clouding her mind.
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Naomh on Sat Sep 14, 2019 4:41 am

Anaya knew from experience that sometimes the best thing one can do is cry. To let all the stresses and worries overflow and escape instead of letting them continue to build up until one can no longer contain them any more. It's even better if there is one you trust to hold you close as you do so, sharing their strength with you. There was one once, long ago, who did such for her back when she was a different woman, now she gets to hopefully be that pillar for another. Swaying softly and rubbing Rhezha's back as she held her close, not releasing until she felt Rhezha pulling away, but she kept her touch as gentle hands upon shoulders as she smiled sadly down at her at the thanks and welcomed the hug with her own gentle embrace. After that came the question, one that made Anaya feel even more sad for she had no good answer for.

"Come..." She answered, hands sliding down to try and gently take Rhezha's, not forcing the halfbreed to anything but hoping to take her hands so he could guide her over to the fireplace. There she had the furs laid out, with autumn settling in the nights were getting colder and Anaya could start indulging in a favourite hobby of hers, but for right now they were a comfortable, more relaxed and intimate place than her chair. Should Rhezha follow the dark torian would settle onto the furs, with padding nearby to lounge against, and guide the halfbreed down to her so she could hold close. "Endure... The best you can do right now is endure and wait for a chance to free yourself from them. Perhaps they will tire and move on, or something can come up in your favour that you can use against them. I am afraid there is no easy answer to this one, My Pet." Should they be settled down, or should they still be standing as long as Rhezha was within reach Anaya would bring a hand to her cheek and held pale skin with a gentle touch. "Should you ever need a place to hide and rest, to recover, the Sanctuary and my home are open to you but I would advise against hiding too long, lest that would only agitate them and make it worse. Otherwise as long as you wish to remain a freewoman I am afraid there is little more you can do right now."

Not an answer Rhezha was hoping for, she knew and she allowed it to show on her face, and for that she gave a kiss on her forehead for an apology. "But as long as you are with me, you shall be safe. Do not feel like you need to hide anything from me, please."
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Re: "Training" at the SS

Postby Rhezha on Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:31 pm

Rhezha looks up at the torian, seeing the answer in those sad eyes. She looks down again, nodding and following the woman's lead to her nest by the fire. She feels more despair than ever, but forces it away until Anaya could say her thoughts. She sniffles, free hand rubbing at her nose, feeling a bit lost. She was out of ideas, no thoughts came to her, no inspiration for how to get out of this mess. She settles onto the furs beside Anaya, leaning against her a little as she stares into the fire. She leans her head on the other woman's arm, her wings splayed behind her as she sits closely with the black-wing. That single first word sends a shiver through the feline and she looks up at Anaya, biting lower lip. She nods a little, but otherwise doesn't respond when the woman finishes, laying her head back against that soft dark arm. She always loved the way Anaya's skin looked in the firelight, the warm glow dancing over that dark flesh, making her look so much more vibrant, more alive than when she was lit by magelight.

As that hand cups her cheek, she looks up at the woman without pulling away from her arm, fire reflected in those violet hues, almost seeming to consume them, burn into her very soul. She gives the woman a half smile at that offer of sanctuary, nodding gently before pressing even closer to the woman, arm wrapping around back to hold onto the woman at hip, as if never wanting to let her go. "Thank you..." She murmurs, letting out a shuddering breath. It felt incredibly nice to be able to share this with someone, share this burden though she felt guilty for loading Anaya with it. Still, to have a place she could go to be safe, where she could hide from the woman's cruelty... it was a relief. When the torian makes that subtle suggestion that she take a collar to escape though, she shakes her head. "No... I don't think that even being a slave would help. She's just... she doesn't care. She'd still expect me to serve her, even if it went against my master's desires." She shudders a little, fingers squeezing gently at the woman's hip as she looks back at the fire. That kiss to forehead is met with a shiver of enjoyment though and she looks back up with a shy smile, seeing that guilt and apology on the woman's face. She shakes her head a little, trying to reassure the torian as that shy smile turns a bit sad. She'd gotten herself into this mess, it was her burden to bear. She hugs her closer though at that promise of safety, pressing cheek to arm. "I know... And... and I won't." She had always felt safe with the woman, but she feels a twinge of guilt by not mentioning her other problem. But... she couldn't go through that. Not now, when she was so vulnerable and raw.

She falls silent, staring at the fire for a time, simply enjoying the woman's closeness. She would be content to stay there for days, but she knew that was impossible. She swallows hard finally, stirring as she looks up at Anaya. "Should we get back to the training?" She asks quietly, eyes soft and relaxed, though that worry still lurks at their edges, likely never going to leave until she was out from under Katipo's thumb.
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