Eggs of the Earthshaper

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Eggs of the Earthshaper

Postby Archaon on Wed Mar 25, 2020 3:29 pm

While everyone did their best to combat the Wildgrowth plague, and eventually succeeded, there had been discoveries made in the dense jungle during the search for the cause, and for remedies.

Large caves of sorts were located, littered with the remains of broken trees, large boulders, and large unidentifiable marks on the ground that none had ever encountered. Upon entry, it was discovered that it was no ordinary cave, but a sanctuary.. for some creature's young in the form of eggs. Some of the eggs had already spawned whatever was inside of them, while others had not.

Deeper expeditions into the cave yielded the sight of feasting, as large larvae were discovered gaining sustenance whilst they were growing. What could have possibly created such large larvae? They did not exhibit any signs of hostility however, and careful inquiries were able to maneuver around them without incident.

It was then, at the order of Archaon, that eggs were to be collected and cared for in the same manner to discover what exactly Dethsiris would be dealing with. At the mountainous site of Zayla's residence, a cave was created specifically for the eggs to be housed and cared for using the same methods mephos eggs would be cared for using warmth and shelter. As the eggs would hatch, the same larval creatures would emerge and wiggle forth to find vegetation.

To ween them into a more docile like mindset, it was surmised that feeding them plant life rather than carrion would perhaps calm their minds enough that they would become amicable to those around them, and with luck, they had. Over time, the larvae grew exponentially and would morph into a larger pupae, nearly twice its original size.

As the pupae would consume more delivered vegetation, it began to shift in color, and appear to morph once again over time. The pupae would remain still, and the inner machinations of life would finally reveal the final form of this mysterious insectoid life that had, until now, remained unexplainably elusive despite its size.

What emerged then was an astonishing creature that defied all sense. A massive chitinous beetle emerged in its gloriously iridescent color. A large curled horn crowned its head, whilst two more curled forward to each side of the crown. Chittering curiosity, and the need to fuel itself with more food, it had finally revealed itself entirely. This was the creature that had constructed the cave, and relocated the stone and wood to its lair as if to say.. I live here.

Now, with this discovery, the drak would formulate an idea to spread word of this.. and perhaps create further intrigue much like the more diminutive Dethstrier had done. Missives would be sent out, calling for the other Nobles and perhaps the Empress herself, as well as a select group that had performed great service for Dethsiris and the Empire to receive the honors of becoming the first group to care for one of their own.

I'm shooting to do this on a weekend if enough interest is gained prior to the 28th or 29th, willing to provide up to 10 eggs for the event. If enough interest is indeed gained, I will try to perform the event around 5pm EST for either day, whichever day works for the majority. Any questions, feel free to ask me and I will ammend this post if need be to reflect concerns and inquiries.
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Re: Eggs of the Earthshaper

Postby Shiho on Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:26 pm

Admiral Aavran is most eager to continue this story, but can only join on Saturday (and even then I might miss part of it with the difference in time zone)
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Re: Eggs of the Earthshaper

Postby VanMasterson on Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:58 pm

Yarost wants a egg! I will be there, sadly Van cannot as he more then enough critters.
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Re: Eggs of the Earthshaper

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:40 am

The Three A's will want three B's!
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Re: Eggs of the Earthshaper

Postby Rida_Cherryglade on Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:40 pm

Ronja is definatly ready and willing to care for one of them.
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Re: Eggs of the Earthshaper

Postby Archaon on Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:01 pm

As mentioned in OOC, I will most likely run this during the entire day tomorrow as soon as I settle in. That way, those of differing time zones will have a chance to come in at any point during the day to gather an egg. I will also lock this down as of now, so anyone whose name is here will be eligible to receive an egg.

Gabriel (received his early as he will be unable to attend)

If there are any names I have forgotten, let me know asap, and I will amend this post.

The day will mainly consist of receiving an egg, and an explanation as to how to properly raise one as we know so far, as well as what to feed them. There will be full grown beetles present as well to give a 'visual' to what one will expect once they are fully grown.
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Re: Eggs of the Earthshaper

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:24 pm

What is the incubation time on these? As in, how long until they hatch and how long until they grow to useful size...then to full size?
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