Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Southern Part of the World with a large Ancient City

Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:09 pm

The Dethstrier ... aba8b0.jpg

The Dethstrier is a small canine roughly the size of a typical terrier sized dog, but with some real unique characteristics. Instead of normal canine ears, these unique pups have ears that resemble rabbit ears. Their tails appear bushy, and colored variously in white and orange, much like the colors of a koi fish. They are short furred, with exception to their head and chest which are not much more furred than their bodies are. Whatelse that makes the Dethstrier unique amongst other canines are their eyes. Their eyes are one solid color, normally a baby blue, but have shown uncommon difference of color ranging from greens and reds to yellows and even more rare.. a purple color. Aside from these unique physical traits, they appear to resemble miniature huskies in terms of fur coloring. They typically weigh no more than 25lbs, and are roughly 9 to 15 inches in height from paw to shoulder, and live relatively long for any sort of canine.

Abilities: Exceptional hearing, as well as a strong sense of smell that can sniff out a rodent from 300 feet. Their solid color eyes are also finely tuned, able to visibly see in all color ranges, as well as see heat patterns (think Predator). They excel at hunting down rodents of any size, and do show a slice more intelligence than a regular canine, being able to recall friend and foe.

Disadvantages: Their visual senses can cause them to stay away from lots of intense heat as it may cause temporary or even permanent blindness if exposed for too long. Their ears are also pretty sensitive to very loud noises and it may spook them easily. They also have a tendency to chew on clothes and shoes if they feel bored.

Special: The Dethstrier can be trained just like any other canine breed to understand commands, guard, hunt, and even be home trained. Their exceptional senses can be an asset when guarding a home, or used for hunting down small game and rodents.

In Battle: The Dethstrier does not have any combative capabilities outside of natural instincts to bite, bark, and chase down whatever they perceive as a threat or if they are on the hunt for rodents.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:47 am

The Earthshaper Beetle ... 5af528.jpg

Name: Earthshaper Beetle
Found Where: Deep Dethsiris jungles/mountains
Size: 8 feet in length, 5 feet from toe to shoulder

Description: Perhaps the first of its kind, or even something imagined by Gaea herself to serve as the sentinel of her jungles, the Earthshaper Beetle had lay hidden in the dense thicket beneath the earth in their extensive burrows that much resemble a cave entrance. An Earthshaper Beetle is a gentle giant for all intents and purposes, only showing their aggressiveness during mating and territorial disputes with other beetles, or fending off those that would consider them prey.

The Earthshaper Beetle is a very large beetle, with a curved horn that crowns its head, while two long horn-like protrusions jut forward from its chitinous plating above its head and curl around its spiky crown. Six insectoid legs give this armored beetle its propulsion, providing an ample gait much like a horse, or a short burst of speed when charging forward towards its antagonist. Their eyes are like that of any other insect. Compound style eyes that can see an incredible range of angles, colors, and quick to respond to sudden motion.

Its exoskeleton is considerably tough, and colorful. Their color ranges are within earthen colors such as greens and browns. The shells are thick, even by beetle standards as they have developed a means of protection from their once mortal predator of the past; the mephos. They once were able to fly, but the mephos had hunted them into the dense jungles where they remained grounded. Because of this, their wings grew useless, and over generations, eventually ceased to grow at all in favor of a thicker exoskeleton.

An Earthshaper Beetle is also extremely strong for its size. One could essentially topple a tree if it had enough space and speed, or even lift their competition over their bodies as a show of dominance. They even have the capability to move heavy stone and round boulder that easily could weigh three times their weight. This strength becomes evident when one notices their burrows accented with large stone and broken trees near what would normally look like any other cave.

Male Earthshaper Beetles are the more intimidating looking beetles as they possess the distinctive tri-horn appearance that they're best known for. The females have a much shorter horn style, almost non-existant in some cases and are usually the smaller of the two sexes, but that does not mean they are any less weaker than their male counterparts.

Abilities: Burrowing, climbing, and raw insect strength give the Earthshaper Beetle a unique presence in any situation. Once they start to charge, it is nigh impossible to stop them. They can crawl along vertical surfaces, but at a slower than normal pace. During their mating season, typically during the summer, the beetle releases a pheremone that attracts other beetles. During this time, their aggressive nature may take hold. Males may fight one another for dominance, in which case, it may prove wise to just let them fight each other.

Disadvantages: An Earthshaper Beetle that finds itself on its back is in serious trouble. They do not possess a means to right themselves upon their legs again, and may require the assistance of no less than 2 persons to attempt rolling them to their feet. They are also susceptible to being attacked from the rear as that is their only blindside.

Special: An Earthshaper Beetle that has been recently hatched may be tamed to become both a beast of burden, and as a land based mount. Their considerable strength in moving large boulders gives them excellent strength to haul heavy carts, or even able to roll boulders towards an enemy if in the right circumstances. They are herbivores, and can consume a cart of vegetation in a single sitting.

The beetle's lifespan ranges from 20-40 years, growing fully in the span of 6 months. An egg reaches larval stage in about a month, and the larval stage to young beetle another month, with the other 4 months as a molting and maturity period to represent their exoskeletons becoming tougher and tougher as they reach complete maturity.

In-Battle Only: The charging nature of the Earthshaper Beetle can provide their rider with a +5 to their damage roll due to the sheer strength and size of the beetle. The difficulty of controlling the beetle once it begins charging also only allows this charge ability to happen once every 3 rounds of combat. Their highly durable exoskeleton can also provide a +5 defense to physical attacks only while mounted.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:59 pm

Name: Dethatiel
Found Where: Deep Dethsiris jungles/ mountain
Size: 1 to 3 ft length

Description: The Dethatiel is a tropical bird that lives up in the canopy of the jungle. They have some of the most colorful feathers that can be founds. The Dethatiel feathers tend to constantly change colors as the light of the sun hits them. At one moment they could look red with some blue, than the next green with purple. The feathers fade into the next color.

They live in groups and are often heard singing through out the jungle. The males songs tend to get very interesting as unlike most birds that sing in chirps. Their songs are a mix of what they have heard to help make them sound more interesting to females. One male song was once made up of many different words from different languages, females moaning, cat giving out a cry as it died, and a bell.

They have a very odd ability to mimic any sound they like to make into their songs. They are some of the smartest birds one could find. As they can learn to talk and have simple conversations with handlers and able to ask for things.

Abilities: Mimic sounds, and can learn to speak
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:00 pm

Name: Stone Bat
Found Where: Deep Dethsiris jungles/ mountain / caves
Size: 1 to 2ft length

Description: The Stone Bat is an odd bat, one that some be leave Gaea made while creating the jungle. The stone back is a pretty good size for a bit ranging from 1 to 2 ft normally. They get their name from how they look while sleeping during the day, The bats sleep in cave or other stone like structures. As they sleep they fold their wings around them in a way that makes them look like Stalagmites hung of the top of the top of their homes.

They live in groups to help provide protection to each other and make it looks like there are many stalagmites on the roof of the cave or stone structure. Though the oddest thing about them is how tough their skin is and how it feels. Though they are not as hard as stones their skin has a stone like feel to them making them seem like they are made of stone helping to try and devise predictors from eating them.

They normally eat fruit, insects and frogs. Though while well on every so often eat mice, rats or other small rodents. Being bats, they are only active at night
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:01 pm

Name: chameleon Rabbit
Found Where: Deep Dethsiris jungles/ caves
Size: 4 to 6feet in length, 2 to 3 feet from toe to shoulder

Description: Thought to be someones idea of a sick joke, or someone that has been out in the jungle to long eating mushrooms. Because the very idea of this creature being real was thought to be very unlikely as there is none like it that has been seen before.

The chameleon rabbit is a very large rabbit about the size of a wolf thou just a little smaller. Males are often bigger as they are normally between 4.5 feet to 6 foot long while females are 4 to 5 ft normally. While talking about wolves this breed of rabbit as more in common with wolves than a normal rabbit would. As they move in family groups, or packs and tend to be Territorial and protective of those they see as part of their family. They tend to hiss, and growl when danger or rivals get to close to their family.

The chameleon Rabbit is a highly intellegent creature, and have great problem solveing skills. As of now finding a good way to keep them in in-closers or cages have proven difficult. One was found flipping the leach of the cage opening and escaping.. To see if this was a fluke or not the rabbit was placed back into the same cage. Within a few moments it would been seen using it's paw to reach out and flip the lack once more to get out.

They are omnivores rather than herbivorous. They do need to still eat plants, but also tend to form hunting groups to go out to find prey. Their ability to blend into the back ground do to their fur changing colors helps to make them a very effective hunter. Using hisses, and growls to help to communicate to others in the group.

The chameleon rabbits has been found to be able to be tamed at a young age. Pups of from a female rabbit have been found to form bonds with the handlers and would often end up learning from them. They end up seeing the handlers or those that raise of them from a young age as family and become protective of them. They tend to make good guard animals do to their great hearing and ability to camouflage into the back ground

Abilities: camouflage, great hearing, cunning, and highly intelligent gives the chameleon rabbit gives the jungle an interesting presence in any environment. Once they make a bond they are loyal to their death and well do anything or fight anything to save those they care for.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:03 pm

Passion Tree
TERRAIN: Tropical

DIET: Carnivorous
TREASURE: *GM Discretion

NO. APPEARING: 1-2 per forest
ARMOR CLASS: *GM Discretion
HIT POINTS: *GM Discretion
NO. OF ATTACKS: See Combat
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Psilocybin pollen
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Toxic sweat beads if in the process of digestion; anti-herbivore defense mechanism

A Passion Tree is the center of very dense jungle foliage. It does not need sunlight or water for they are strictly carnivorous and there is no shortage of animals to feed on in tropical climes.
Beautiful orchid-like flowers line almost every branch, able to ‘puff out’ a feathery cloud of hallucinogenic pollen. Having large leaves that act as ‘sleeves’ for their vine barbed tentacles, they can easily lash out from their hanging or blossomed places on branches that hang low like a weeping willow.

The passion tree can attack multiple targets at once in a 360° circumference, at the GM's discretion as to how many vines are active on the tree. Vine count can range from 10-18.
If target is disabled from the psilocybin, no close physical attack needs to be made for the barbed vines to entangle the victim, to be drug and lifted to the top where its 'mouth' resides. Defense against the pollen is ranged magical defense. If target is protected against the hallucinogenic pollen, then close physical attacks can be made depending on how many vines are activated. If target is ensnared, the victim can struggle to break free by rolling close physical defense. If the passion tree is successful in capture of target and swallows the victim, each successive round of digestion is .25 of a LifePoint; as digestion is VERY slow. At the moment that digestion begins, enzymes are released and toxic sweat beads form on trunk and leaves.

Usually located deep within the jungles of Dethsiris, where the humidity is at its deepest as well as the forest’s shadows, the Passion Tree can be thought of as the grove’s most diabolical provider of nutrients. It is thought to be a main life-line to other vegetation when heat becomes even too much for the plant life.

Passion Trees are sought out for the treasures contained around the trunk and inside the tree itself; leftovers from previously digested adventurers/animals - undigested scales, talons, metallic dragon horns, etc.
The Sneedle Beetle is the only insect that can prey upon the Passion Tree as it has immunity against the toxin secreted during tree digestion and has been known to infest and kill these “divine” trees.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:05 pm

Sneedle Beetle

DIET: Herbivore
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immunity to Passion Tree Toxin
SIZE: 1 - 2” long

Sneedle Beetles are small and look like worms with a pronounced pincer beak for a mouth. Their bodies are segmented plates that taper down to a squirming tube-like end. They have four segmented legs that can be used to grasp, climb, and manipulate objects. One beady black eye just above the beak gives the insect limited sight. These insects are 2 inches long and are dark olive green in color; a perfect camouflage.

Sneedle Beetles are harmless to almost every species except for the Passion Tree. If a Passion Tree becomes infested with these insects, the tree itself will exhibit signs of corruption: pustules and decay and eventually death.
Sneedles can inflict 1 LifePoint of damage with a singular bite, but the bite itself is not poisonous, just a small painful pinch. They can be squished even though their bodies are chitinous.

Sneedles wander about from the hive to search out food. If any of the scouts come across a bit of Passion Tree pollen, they hurry back to the burrow and communicate to lead a lengthy line straight to where the tree resides.
Mating is when the drones crawl out from the burrow to find taller grasses, vines, or trees to tap out a rhythm of knocks to be answered by a searching half-queen; of which only 2 are born in each hive. If mating is successful, then the new queen wanders off with a few drones and creates a new burrow.

Because Sneedle Beetles are immune to the Passion Tree’s toxins, it is believed that they are utilized as a way to keep the trees from becoming even remotely populated. It is thought that indigenous creatures harvest a nest when found, to toss into an area where there may be new growths of Passion Trees cropping up. Also, in times of need, the dried chewy remains can be eaten; if the taste can be tolerated.
Sneedle Beetles can be eaten and are quite nutritious but taste like rotted celery, even when cooked.
These creatures are the natural predators of the Passion Trees of Dethsiris but can subsist on a variety of other plant-life.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:08 pm


DESCRIPTION: Scorplacera are small winged scorpions; flying nightmares. Their wings glow in the dark so as to draw larger predators towards the flapping colors. The wings can be different colors.

COMBAT: These arachnidea use their pincer claws for pinching damage as well as their sting to poison. The claws can also be used to hold onto prey or victims so that the tail may continue to stab it's venom into it's target. If the target is poisoned, damage is 1/2-1 point per round per sting.

HABITAT/SOCIETY: Since scorplacera are used to the heat and rains of tropical forests, they tend nest in trees, building mud-boughs on the underside of large leaves, similar to mud wasps. At dusk, the scorplacera begin to stir from their nests, crawling out to 'dry' out their wings with a buzzing flutter that sounds like cicadas. Once their wings are dry, they flutter from the tree, the luminescence shining brighter as they buzz about.

ECOLOGY: Scorplacera use their fluttering color to attract prey. Once the prey is near, the scorplacera land and continue their wing flexing. If the target is near enough in inspection or tries to attack, it attacks, grabbing the prey with it's pincer claws and attempts to stab the target with it's stinger to inject it's venom. This usually slows the prey and eventually kills it. The scorplacera sometimes do not wait for the target to die and immediately begin eating the target.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:21 pm

Urchin Beaver

DESCRIPTION: A swimming mammal that resembles a beaver with a duck-like bill. Like a platypus, but with quills that flare up like a porcupine; when in water, spikes rest against the body to assure smooth swimming, but while on land they rise, looking like urchin quills about 10 inches long, to protect themselves from predators. Their claws are poisonous but not lethal to people.

COMBAT: When threatened, these creatures will try to run away at all costs. But when cornered, they will first use their barbed quills to deter the attacker. If the spike attack is not successful, then the animal resorts to attacking with it's venomed claws. The animal's claws each hold a small amount of venom (If successful to hit, 1 DMG per round if poisoned; not stackable). If attacker is 'spiked', barbed quills are hard to remove without cutting them off or out of the punctured flesh.

HABITAT/SOCIETY: The animals are usually found nesting in the sides of a river, in a burrow-hole surrounded by mud or sunbathing near a flowing body of water and diet consists of insects and water plants. They are protective of their nests as that is where they raise their egg-hatched young.

ECOLOGY: These animals are well-prized for their tasty meat. It requires expert skill in cooking and preparation to cook them as the chef will need to be careful about the venomous quality of their claws. If the preparation goes badly, the improperly removed claws will taint the meat and make it so anyone who consumes it gets sick or the meal is inedible.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:28 pm


DESCRIPTION: The ground-mouther is a burrowing mammal that looks like a gofer with the mouth of a molerat. It's extended teeth are very sharp and incredibly larger than what looks normal in comparison to the rest of its body. Smooth close fur gives camoflauge and allows the creature to move almost seamless and much faster through small underground tunnels.

COMBAT: The ground-mouther uses it's wiles to escape most predators but will use it's large sharp buckteeth to bite and tear. If a bite is successful then it remains latched on until torn free, in which during the grapple, the creature's claws are always a success to hit.

HABITAT/SOCIETY: It lives in groups and is rarely found alone. It hunts by burrowing little tunnels and hiding inside. Once a prey - usually a rodent or a small bird - comes near, it lunges out, grabs the target with its teeth and drags it inside, to tear and feed along with usually two or three members of its group. These animals can usually be found around farmed land edges as mice and other herbivores frequent the fields.

ECOLOGY: Many locals believe ground-mouthers are both a hindrance and a convenience as they help rid of unwanted vermin but at the same time are known to injure the young if they venture foolishly into their territory. The meat is edible but sometimes considered "gamey" if not properly prepared.

Spit Slug

DESCRIPTION: The spit slug is a slimy snail-like creature the size of an average beetle; about 2-3 inches in length. It is green-yellowish in colour. The mouth parts are lickened to a caterpillar.

COMBAT: When a spit slug is threatened, it shoots out a pungent liquid from its small mandibles. The target is usually discouraged enough to fall away from the slug and is only momentarily affected by the strong odor which can be washed off with water and soap.

HABITAT/SOCIETY: The spit slug is found residing on leaves and only on the underside of leaves when nurturing its eggs. The females can be found on any plant that is poisonous which is helpful to the random adventurer to tell which vegetation is edible.

ECOLOGY: An interesting trait is that only the females seem to feed on poisonous plants, making their spit attack more odorous to possibly to help ward off predators from its young. However, they tend to die once their eggs hatch, finally succumbing to the poison.

Merculex (Mer-kyoo-lex)

DESCRIPTION: Merculex are tiny mosquitoe-like insects that emit a glow during or after a blood feeding. The drones measure about a 1 inch while the queen can grow as large as 6 inches. The drones' wings are usually transparent with an iridescent sheen to enhance the glow of their bodies. The queen looses her wings once she ascends the hive and begins egg-laying. A merculex queen is larger than the rest and has a distinct pattern on its body.

COMBAT: Drones will swarm any intruder that happens upon the hive in order to protect the queen; they aim to drain the blood entirely of the attacker. The queen will not attack on its own and will try only to escape.

HABITAT/SOCIETY: In the merculex hive, only one queen is allowed to reign. If a queen merculex looses the hive habitants, it dies. If the hive looses it's queen, a random drone will undergo a change to take the queen's place: usually taking two weeks to mature into a fully-grown queen and seating itself in the dead remains of the previous ruler to ingest it. Waste not, want not.

ECOLOGY: Blood is not the only nutrition that merculex feed on. If in a swamp, the larvae feed on algea, swamp slime, and have also been known to feed on sibling merculex larvae. If the hive resides in a cave, the larvae feed on slime dripping from stalactites made of bacteria. Merculex can also feed on plant nectar but will not access the glowing bloated bodies. They are not very dangerous and cannot kill a person normally, but watching a swarm of them feeding on a dying animal can be a sight to behold. The locals of Dethsiris believe that bodies swarmed by these insects are doomed in the afterlife, suggesting that the 'glow' from the insects is actually them absorbing the soul of the damned.

Cornubell (Korn-yoo-Bell)

DESCRIPTION: The cornubell's feathers on its body are black, which contrasts with its colorful horn. Males may have four or more colors that seem to blend from one into another. Male cornubells have said horn beak, however, while the females have only a stub beak and lack the color variants of their male counterpart. The females, however, do have a distinct cry (like short bursts of a whistle).

COMBAT: If the cornubell is attacked, it will respond likewise, seeking only to escape the attacker by damaging it and then trying to climb or fly away. Cornubells are very adept at climbing and navigating tanglements, vines, and easily slipping through canopy.

HABITAT/SOCIETY: Like other tropical birds, these avians are usually solitary for the exception of nesting. When they seek a mate, they cry out - the louder they are, the higher the chance they will attract one. Their nests sit in the upper branches of the canopy, far above most predators.

ECOLOGY: The cornubell with more than four colors on its horn is considered a very rare find and is worth a lot to the locals, who believe they are absolute symbols of virility. Because of their constant mating, these birds do not look like they will ever become extinct from overhunting.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:30 pm

Please also note that anything listed here is purely to give more "life" to the setting much like any plant or animal would, and are not meant for other purposes other than what is described here. If anyone wishes to add these as a more colorful experience to their roleplay, then by all means have at it.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:27 pm

The DethFrog

The Dethfrog is a black frog with markings of red, electric purple, bright yellow , or even a vibrant blue. These seemingly harmless amphibians can grow up to 3 inches in length, with textured pads on their toes to give them the ability to climb trees or stick to other surfaces they choose to utilize. DethFrog diet consists
of mainly insects that chance themselves in the vicinity of these otherwise harmless critters. Often found on the under side of leaves, one would think with that bright pattern they would have many predators, but therein lies their greatest secret for they are coated in a powerful toxin.

Poison Coating: Typically harmless, the DethFrog's unique defense mechanism is the very reason they appear somewhat shiny. A thin coating on powerful poison coats their little bodies that can cause nausea, vomiting, and will lead to paralysis. if not seen by a healer within a few hours time, the possibility of death may occur. All other normal frog-like abilities also pertain to the DethFrog such as leaping and climbing vertically.

Frail, yet slippery if attempts to grasp them occur. Their aim with their whip-like tongue is not as accurate when leaping.

Poison Coating: As mentioned previously, these little frogs have a thin, slippery coating of poison that can cause paralysis and even death if not given proper treatment within a few hours time.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Archaon on Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:01 pm

The Rainbow Parrot

A bird about the size of an African Grey Parrot (ref: ... 52_4x3.jpg) only with longer tail plummage. Their feathers come in all manner of color. Males tend to be of a more brightly multicolored variety, while females are the more darker shades of their colors, and seem to only display a singular color, but in different shades of that color. These rather intelligent birds make their nests any and everywhere within Dethsiris, making them perhaps the most prolific creature in Dethsiris.

Abilities: Exceptional eye sight that allows them to see food items from hundreds of yards away. They are highly intelligent, having been observed using keep stones like the tops of walls or courtyard cobbles to break open nuts and some fruits so they can eat the good bits. Working latches as well does not appear to be beyond them, they can be found sometimes getting in to store houses if the latch is to simple. They have also been heard to mimic words and sounds that they have heard many times over, often confusing a passerby or two.

Disadvantages: Their thieving nature sees them attracted to shiny objects like jewelry and trinkets, often times attempting to steal them as if to use them for their nests. Hollow bones typical of all birds limits their capacity to carry objects heavier than a bunch of bananas. Their mimicry can sometimes get loud, almost to the point of annoying, and perhaps offensive.

Special: They can be obtained as a pet much like a dog or cat, and trained to perform menial tasks such as fetching a lightweight object, or holding a small conversation if they learn enough words.
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Odette on Sat Jul 23, 2022 6:52 pm

Elemental imps

Elemental imps are strange mischievous little creatures. No one knows where they come from but legend says they are the lost souls of those that wanted to harm the forests of dethsiris combined with the natural spirits of the shaman world fused into one by Gaea herself as the new protectors of the forest.

Appearance- There are 4 types of elemental imps that can manifest within the forests of dethsiris. They all range from about 2 to 3 feet in height. They are slim creatures compared to their height and kinda look like mini goblins but more adorable looking rather then horrific creatures. They are made of their respected element they have full control over. A fire imp is made of flames that almost look like flowing lava. Wind imps looks like swirling gusts of wind that rotate into the shape of an imp. Water imps look almost like they made of glass but upon closer inspection they are actually flowing water covered in a thin sheet of ice giving them form. Earth imps are the most normal looking imps at first sight but they are cobbled together with different forms of dirt and rocks covered in small vines and flowers

Behavior- The elemental imps are rather mischievous creatures. Due to their nature of being made of spirits of nature and man combined they like to have fun and playing pranks on those they come across. As fast as they are to prank others they are just as fast to make it by being sweet and helpful. But despite their playful trickster nature they are protectors of the forests and they take that job very seriously when they see people disrespecting nature and will aim to get them to leave as fast as possible but they will not hesitate to kill if they need to.

Interesting notes: Druids and Priests/Priestess of Gaea will be able to feel when a Jungle Imp is near. If there is one or both present, the Jungle Imps will tend to show themselves to them first, and speak with them only if they are others. If there is no Druids or Priests/Priestess, they will show themselves to the one that cares for nature the most. Do not piss off the Jungle Imps. They can and will make your trip miserable and deadly. They will help you if you respect them and especially nature, and can help out with their magics as well.

Written by: Sha`Ruse
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: Dethsiris Flora and Fauna

Postby Odette on Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:10 pm

The teleporting Cats
The teleporting cats come in various colors, but all have the fangs of a sabertooth tiger from back in the day.
What makes these cats different from others, besides being magical, is that they have two hearts. So if one heart gets pierced, the other can still keep them alive.
Their brains are also larger than normal animals. This is believed to be why they can use teleportation.
They are strong and fierce and kill people for fun if they are to close to a nest or finds them easy prey. They have packs. like Lions, but unlike Lions they are run by an alpha male and female, the biggest and strongest of the lot. Their breeding is quick, having as many as 6-13 cubs at a time, and they breed twice a year.
The Alphas are the one that breeds, but the other females can as well by the alpha male. Thus having nursing mothers for the cubs of the alpha female when she goes out to hunt.

HP: 30 (for having 2 hearts)
Stealth: High
Strength: Can easily take a person down unknowingly. But WindWalkers can take them out.
Magical Properties: Teleportation

Written by: Sha`Ruse
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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