A messenger appears...

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

A messenger appears...

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Tue Sep 29, 2020 9:29 am

He was running to the gatehouse at a speed that would have done credit to a two year old gelding on the flat on race day. What may have once been fine clothes now spotted and spoiled. A man with a thousand yard stare, no less. Someone who had seen unspeakable horror and carried the trauma on him so heavily that he was oblivious to the more obvious horrors and traps that lay upon his route to the keep of the Lord Sha-Ka.

He pounds on the gate so hard and furiously he breaks his skin. "She's coming! She's coming!" he yells desperate for attention, only ceasing his efforts when a slit in the door opens. A curious eye peers at the figure over the top of a primed crossbow. "Who is?" it asks. The figure turns and points to the distance. "She is!" he gasps out before turning back to address the eye, pain and fear etched upon his face.

A flick of concern darts across the guards brow. What form of horror could have driven the man to such a state? Briefly he wonders if it was just Lady Azara back from her shopping trip early but no....that was unlikely to be it. Well, probably not at any rate. Not unless they'd run out of shoes to try on.

A grubby hand thrusts a note at the guard "For his Lordship. She was insistent!" the messenger bleats out. Curiosity getting the better of him the guard takes the proffered parchment asking "Tell me. What did she do to you?". The messenger pales visibly as recent memories dance across his mind. A small sob bursts out unbidden, as his fearful face darts a glance back to over the horizon before turning back to the gate. "She was..." he gulps before slamming his eyes tightly shut. The flick of concern grows into something more akin to a concentration upon that guards brow. Gods alive just what happened to the poor soul in front of him.

"She was...." the messenger tries again, summoning up his last reserves of mental resilience "...sarcastic! And my Gods, the sniffs. She sniffs at you!" he wails before the memories get too much and he crumples to the ground in racking sobs.

The note

My Lord,

One trusts that you are well and her ladyship hasn't been causing you too much grief. Personally, I never believe the rumours I hear about her and I'd advise you to do likewise. Whatever people say, I simply find it impossible to believe that the crew of the frigate "The Mary Lou" would have the patience to wait their turn like that even if it was three at a time.

But onto more important matters. I have been frightfully busy of late, although naturally all in the manner of furthering the glory of your name. I confess this has taken me to some more distant outposts of this benighted empire than I would have liked but it's been a small price to pay for being in your service.

Naturally you will wish to reward me properly for such duty and who am I to argue with the wisdom of his Lordship. I have a few small loose ends to tie up, or rather untie if I can recall where I left the blasted cat-girls and then I look forward to resuming my duties.

I remain, your most obedient and loyal servant.

Rebecca Valaris

L'Vlos Cryso)
Qu'ellar d'Aphyon

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Rebecca of Valaris
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