Georgia Riverblossom's Shop Steals

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Georgia Riverblossom's Shop Steals

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:00 am

MAY 9, 2021

Georgia Riverblossom has lived in Nanthalion all 18 years of her life, and has been stealing since she was 8-- pickpocketing, and occasionally smashing-and-grabbing shop cash boxes. She knows the town's layout by heart, but this is the first time she's ever attempted to steal from the Might Makes Right weapons shop, and... she's nervous. If someone's in here, they would have ready access to a number of weapons at their disposal, and could make her life very difficult. The halfling is dressed in a white shirt that shows off her busty frame; a pair of black leather pants; and is comfortably barefoot. She has a dagger strapped to her hip, her only means of self-defense. She tries to pull open the door of the Might Makes Right weapons shop, and sees that it's locked. Patiently, she begins working the lock.

+Jackal-IG> aThe town was quite familiar to Jackal by then... its hundreds of back alleyways and darker corners wish he wandered with suprising stealth for his size. Usualy he didnt bother with making himself unseen or try and hide his presence... but that night since it was his first proper patroll he figured that he would put some effort into making sure what ever good for nothing was about wouldnt se him coming. He was familiar enough with the under belly of nathalion that he knew that it wasnt a matter IF something would happen that night more when and were... and if they saw his pin... well things would be called of... he wasnt exactly dressed like a guardsman other then the pin though wearing his usual black boiled leathers and furs together with the gamberson beneath that... his bright yellow gaze studying one shop to the next as he made the rounds keeping to the shadows.

Anodelle was wandering the town center. It was her first foray this deep into town, the purple haired dryad has been reluctant to delve so deeply into town. The Inn was the center of her intended observations, but the rest of the city influenced events that went on there, so she was making limited forays into this even stranger place. She looked about all this so strange to the Dryad.

Alexei_Windrunner strolled from the inn looking around quietly as he grumbled to himself. He's dressed simply in a set of leather armor with a dagger at his hip dark eyes quietly scanning the streets as he keeps watch for any signs of trouble, still a little bit paranoid as he frowned moving towards the center of town. His dark black fur let him blend into the night well, and his footsteps were quiet as he spied the dryad near the town center studying quietly

The lock won't budge after three solid minutes of Georgia's best efforts, and the halfling is feeling awfully exposed here. Okay, time for plan B. She sees a couple of large wooden boxes on the side of the MMR. She slides one into position near the window. Then, standing on tiptoe, she lifts the other one on top of it. Backing herself up a few feet, she gets a running start and leaps five feet into the air, landing on top of the platform gracefully. Then she examines the window, trying to pull it open-- and almost laughs out loud when she realizes it's unlocked. Gleefully, she slides into the weapons shop and dangles by her fingertips from the windowsill before landing on the floor.

Now that Georgia is in the weapons shop, she realizes that she has no idea what to look for. She's mindful that if she starts touching everything, she's gonna leave a lot of evidence behind for the Imperial Guard to bust her with. Besides, she has no expertise with weapons, and may need the advice of an actual shop salesman if she's going to pick out a new one. Ultimately, she decides she's just gonna help herself to whatever's in the cash box. She pulls out the four 20-mhl coins that are stashed there, and carefully places the box back where it was.

Alexei_Windrunner quietly strolled through the square watching Anodelle curiosly though trying not to let the woman know she's being watched as he does moving and finding a place to rest a moment and just take in his surroundings.

Anodelle heard something building or another. The golden skinned nymph wandered towards the sound, looking curiously at the place. "Might Makes Right" What an odd name for a shop. What do they sell there? Legal advice? She shakes her head and continues sauntering along the row of buildings.

This is going very well, almost too well, which makes Georgia exceedingly nervous. It's broad daylight, after all. Trying to be casual, she unlocks and opens the door of the MMR, looking quickly to the left and then to the right, and seeing Anodelle, a dryad, nearby, but not looking directly at her. She closes the door behind her.

[16:12] <@Ehlanna> !payout Georgia`Riverblossom 80 mhl
[16:12] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Ehlanna has given 80 Mhl, 0 copper to Georgia Riverblossom

<+Jackal-IG> The back alleys were sure empty... almost to empty to his liking so he followed close to the main roads... it was easier to see things from there anyways looking out from one alleyway to the next... idly picking at his nails... stalking. This wasnt to different from his usual hunts he had to conffess... and now he was getting paid for it. Sure convenient he must admit. His ear perked at a noice... the click of a latch perhaps but he didnt take it as anything in particular... eventualy growing bored of skulking in the shadows he stepped out into the light of the lanterns lighting the main road...

Alexei_Windrunner tilted his head moving towards the weapons shop as he spotted movement raising a brow at the halfling woman that appeared.

Anodelle ran headlong into an orc as he stepped from an ally. The slim girl when down in a tumble of arms legs and hair. Her flimsy dress half torn and hiked over her waist as she recoiled from the impact. "OH MY!" she exclaimed, and tried re-orienting herself before making an attempt to stand.

Georgia gives Alexei a lustful smile. She realizes that he may have seen her exit the Might Makes Right, and she needs an explanation if he doubles back and tries to go in. "They needed to close early for cleaning," she says. "Said to come back tomorrow." She shrugs. "I'm gonna go see if the clothing shop is open."

<+Jackal> The orc barely had time to step out before someone ran right into him and bounced of his broad chest... and he watched as the prupled haired nymph spralwed out onto her ass on the cobblestones as he bared his toothy grinn... then unhooked the ig pin from his chest... tucking it into one of his pouches as his head tillts slowly to the side "now now... what do we have here hmm?" he says with a deep chuckle as he grasped for her... picking her up by the shoulder and onto her feet... but afterwards his strong hands dug into her shoulders... not letting her back away from him... "runing head first into a serving man of the empire..." he chuckles "mmm one might think you wanted to distract me from my work..."

Alexei_Windrunner tilted his head and raised a brow studying her and narrowing his gaze shrugging and tilting his head. It wasn't really any of his business was it? He studied the smaller woman smirking a bit his eyes alight with mischief. "Mm i see.. shopping was all that was on the agenda then?" He slipped in closer to converse with her.

Caolan-NB sat on a stool behind the counter at the Naked Bird, sewing buttons onto an order that was to be completed later when he had the shop closed for a while. Sew sew sewing. The elf seemed quite content doing things.

"That was all I had in mind going *into* today," Georgia says, giving a flirtatious flip of her hair, "but who knows; a good-looking man comes around, and maybe I add him to my calendar. Do you know a man like that?"

Jackal would snort at that and instead of letting go of her he hefted her over his shoulder... picking Anodelle up like she was nothing but a doll "oh did i now? that wasnt what i remembered..." he says grunting "i remember you runing into me and making a grab for my coin purse..." he chuckles "mmm well at least thats what going to be on the report..." he grunts and slaps her across her bare ass just beneath that torn dress cover... "mhpf... oh dont you worry... im sure we can smooth such a over sight over though..." he chuckles and then starts to carry her towards one of the alleyways.

<+Caolan-NB> Little things. The sweeping had been done, the mannequins have been posed and straightened, the little thing looking quite content.

<+Anodelle> Jackal might have expected a girl he picked up to scream and carry on. But Anodelle was a nymph after all. "Ohhhhh. If you wanted a lay, you could have just asked. Or just told me to." There's a sound of ripping that makes it's way tot he orc's ear, and he sees the remainder of her dress flutter to the ground bedide them.

Alexei_Windrunner smirked a bit as he stepped closer to Georgia stretching out some muscles flexing a bit as he looked her over. "Can't say about handsome.. but i know an athletic young wolven that might enjoy a bit of fun.." he smirked grinning and looking to her. "And maybe... I might forget about seeing you slipping out of a closed shop." he winked grinning at her.

Jackal would let out a laugh "oh?" well that wasnt the reaction he had expected that was for sure... but he couldnt complain to much about it... grunting as he feelt up her bare ass and her tigh grinning whide as he sat her back down infront of him "that sort are ya? well then... up against the wall... ass out..." he says grinning "ill have to frisk ya sneak thief..." he says even though she stood there completely nude giving his atentions away completely.

[Jackal and Anodelle poof.]

If Alexei had expected Georgia to blush, or try to deny it, he'd be mighty disappointed. She has absolutely zero fucks left to give when it comes to the practice of stealing from shops. "Shoulda lit a lantern or something," she murmurs. "Oh, well. Wanna come watch me spend it? Maybe help me pick out some comfortable clothes, and see me change into them?"

Alexei_Windrunner tilted his head grinning and nodding. "Wouldn't mind getting to see you slip out of them too when all this is said and done." He spoke rather plainly. Not mincing words as he looked her over grinning. "So my little thief, does such a lovely thing have a name for herself? You can call me Alexei.." He grinned and gave a bow offering her his hand. "At your service."

"Georgia Riverblossom is my name," the halfling replies. "Been doing this most of my life. Finally, my parents had it with me, and kicked me out the last time I got caught. I'm better off without them, anyway. They were always embarrassed by me. My mother's some high muck-a-muck in the imperial palace, and my father works for Ms. Callie at her restaurant. You know... *respectable* jobs."

Alexei_Windrunner snorted and smirked a bit shaking his head. "I always preferred getting my blade wet. Or my dick wet.. or both.. coin is good but well, the life of the brigand is a bit more exciting..."

"Right? I love the thrill I get from pilfering coins or goods," Georgia says. "Not knowing who to trust, having to be on your guard. But let's get into character; the clothing shop is right here." The three-foot-tall halfling, who's wearing a white shirt showing off a generous amount of cleavage, as well as a pair of black leather pants, reaches up for the door handle and opens the way to the Naked Bird. She's comfortably barefoot.

Caolan-NB hummed quietly as he sewed, not minding it was off key, or anything else wrong with his humming. It was quite nice for him to have a little time alone in the place. He wished he had more time like this. Then the bell on the door rang and he raised an eyebrow, setting aside his sewing and taking the thimble off his finger.

Alexei_Windrunner smirked grinning and looking her over tilting his head. "Ah yes of course. By your lead there miss. " he smiled warmly.

Georgia's large, triangular halfling ears aren't just for show, and she briefly hears some humming from behind the counter before the voice cuts itself off. "Hello," she calls out in a lilting soprano voice. "Down here." She waves at Caolan to get his attention; he'd have to look down a considerable ways to see her from where he's sitting. The halfling stands only three feet tall.

Alexei_Windrunner towered over the little halfling quite significantly by comparison. xei_Windrunner looked around the shop and kept close to his companion just taking in the sights and letting her do most of the talking.

Caolan-NB 's ears flicked a touch and got to his feet, leaning on the counter to peer down to the figure. Someone he was taller than! He smiled politely to her, "Hello there miss. What can I help you find today?"

"I'd like a shirt... a green one, please... a pair of brown leather pants that end about 18 inches above my ankles, and a heavy brown fur cloak, please," Georgia says. She brushes her long red hair out of her face coquettishly, flirting with Caolan a little bit-- an act. Georgia only ever uses her body to get what she wants. Rare indeed is the person she's found actual affection for.

Alexei_Windrunner browsed the racks tilting his head and grinning some. "Just browsing. And I'll pay for the lovely lady. " he nodded smirking some.

At Alexei's comment, Georgia turns and looks quizzingly up at him. "I suppose if you do that, you'll expect me to sleep with you? I *am* quite capable of paying for my own clothes, you know." She doesn't add the words 'especially now that I'm 80 mhl richer,' but she could have.

Caolan-NB nodded to Alexei then moved on his way, collecting a cloak from the halfling section, making sure it wasn't too long by eye... then he brought that over, "Here you go miss. Give this a try, see if fits."

<+Alexei_Windrunner> "Didn't expect it no. Just thought I'd do something nice for a pretty lady. But if you'd rather do it yourself you can. " he smirked shrugging.

Georgia lifts the cloak up onto her shoulders. "Oooh, I like this. It's nice and warm. Is this brown bear fur?" She looks back at Alexei, twirling around on bare feet to show off her new potential acquisition.

<+Alexei_Windrunner> He smiled admiring it looking over thy fur. "That's a rather nice pelt too. Whichever hunter took that was very careful.

<+Caolan-NB> "Yes it is. As far as I can tell anyway." A nod from the elf as he handed it over, then tilted his head as she twirled. "Looks good on you miss." A smile from the little elf, then he headed for the rest of the shop, to search for a green shirt for the woman, hmming briefly.

Georgia nods. "I had a cloak like this, back when I was a child. My grandfather made it for me. I outgrew it, and my family sold it. I wish we'd kept it... he died a few years later. I have precious little of him left." She sighs softly. Then, she scoffs at herself, angry at showing vulnerability in front of strangers.

Alexei_Windrunner raised a brow studying the young halfing smirking watching the young woman as she reminisced chuckling softly. "It does suit you quite well."

Caolan-NB nodded firmly, "We all miss our grandparents at times.." A green shirt, and some brown pants-- which he had to measure by the way to make sure they would fit her description-- were chosen. The pants took a couple of tries to find just the right ones, then he came over, "And what about these? What do you think?"

"They look good," Georgia says, having taken the moments that Caolan had used to get her clothes off the rack, to regain her composure. "Thank you. Okay, Alexei, come with me and let's see if these fit." She hands him the clothes as if he's her personal butler, and leads the way to the changing booth.

Alexei_Windrunner smirked and followed after looking over the racks curiosly chuckling softly. "Anything else i can do for you my lady?" He teased.

Caolan-NB nodded, motioning her to the changing booth and stepping back so she could pass easily. The little thing tilted his head a touch, watching the pair for a moment, moving to straighten a rack.

Georgia looks up and down Alexei's body, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, and says, "I'll let you know." Without a moment's hesitation, she strips out of her white shirt, revealing that she's not wearing a bra-- and then she takes off her pants and panties. Standing there naked in front of the much taller wolven, she extends a hand so that he can give her the clothes she's trying on.

Alexei_Windrunner reached over to hand her the clothing taking a good look over her nude figure and nodding his approval a grin gracing his features.

Georgia grabs hold first of the pants, and then laughs-- "I'm not even *buying* any new panties yet," she comments-- so she puts her old panties back on and slips into the pants, first with the right leg, and then with the left. Then she puts on the shirt, and does a twirl in the mirror. "What do you think?" she says. She hasn't put the cloak back on, yet.

Caolan-NB went to the counter next, collecting a few things and then started to write out a receipt. Sounded like things were going well in the change room.

<+Alexei_Windrunner> "It does fit you nicely. And seems to accentuate your features quite well. " he studied curiosly grinning.

"I like it too," Georgia says. She sticks her head out from behind the curtain. "Ah, sir? What's my total so far?"

Caolan-NB looked up to Georgia as she called, "You're at 11mhls so far miss. Were you looking for anything else?"

<+Alexei_Windrunner> "Hmm... anything in particular you think might look good on you there Georgia darling?"

"Oh, I've got more to play with than I thought. If you'll excuse the double-entendre," Georgia says. She comes out fully from the booth. "How do I look?" she asks Caolan. "I think I'll get some underwear to go with it."

Caolan-NB smirked a little at the woman's comment, tilting his head a little, "It looks very good on you miss. The panties are only 1mhl a pair, despite the style. Unless you want silk or spidersilk. Please feel free to look around and acquire whatever you'd like."

Alexei_Windrunner nodded motioning to the lovely halfling woman eying her and grinning. "Could see you in some lovely silk undergarment now."

"Think so?" Georgia goes to the lingerie section, and finds some black silk bras and underwear in her size. "This looks nice." She looks over at Caolan. "Do you sell hats here? I don't see any offhand..."

<+Caolan-NB> "No hats I'm afraid. There's a shop in Valencia that sells them though? Belladonna. They've got a good variety of things."

"Okay," Georgia says. She looks over at Alexei. "Wanna watch me try these on, as well? Are you capable of behaving yourself?"

Alexei_Windrunner just smirked eying Georgia and nodding. "Oh I'm sure i can behave myself. I'll just stay and enjoy the show my dear. " he growled softly a subtle playful tone to his voice

"Pity," Georgia teases, tousling her hair. "Okay." She carries her own lingerie, this time, and walks with Alexei into the dressing room. She disrobes, and slips on the bra and panties. "Ooooh, very sexy," she says, doing a 360 in front of the mirror. The panties show off a fair amount of her ass. They're thong panties, really.

Caolan-NB waits patiently, taking his time to amend the inventory list for what needs to be reordered.

Alexei_Windrunner smirked a bit grinning. "I'm sure the shopkeeper wouldn't enjoy me having my way with my lovely companion here in the shop. Though believe me the thoughts have crossed my mind for sure. If i wouldn't absolutely split my tiny companion clean in half." he smirked grinning, just teasing to see how the woman would react. "I think it suits you well though Georgia. Maybe in a couple different colors to give you some variety?"

Georgia laughs softly. "Well, he's out there working right now; it'd be awfully mean to distract him from his work. And then he'd be responsible for cleaning up after us. Don't worry about splitting me in half, though; I've been with people as big as you before." She steps outside the booth. "Sir? Can I get two more sets of these, please, one in red and one in purple?"

Caolan-NB looked up, blinking curiously at Georgia, his eartips pink. The expression on his face was as if he hadn't been listening in. "Red and purple. Yes miss. I'll get them right now for you." He abandoned his inventory list and went to go do just that, peering at the small woman very carefully for a moment or two, "Pardon my look, miss. Just trying to make sure I get the right sizes."

Alexei_Windrunner laughed and grinned nodding. "Oh I'm sure you have. Woman that certainly knows how to party aren't you?"

"When necessary," Georgia says. She eyes Caolan as he takes a look at her body, and explains that he's measuring her with his eyes. "Take your time. The General Store is the place that sells rings, right?"

<+Caolan-NB> "Yes they do." A nod from the little elf who went on his way to collect a red bra and panty set, and a purple one. "They sell all manner of jewelry there"

Alexei_Windrunner nodded and grinned a bit watching the others tilting his head and stretching out some looking his companion over quietly.

"Okay," Georgia says. "I think this'll do me for now." Eventually, she'd get a toe ring and have a Clean enchantment placed on it to keep her feet from getting dirty on the road. But this will be sufficient for her NB needs. "How much do I owe you?"

Caolan-NB nodded as he smiled sweetly to Georgia, "35mhls miss." He smiled sweetly, coming back to the counter and starting to bag things.

<+Alexei_Windrunner> "You're sure you wouldn't like the gentleman to foot the bill for you?" He teased grinning to Georgia winking.

Georgia slips 35 mhl on the counter for Caolan, along with 5 mhl to cover a tip. "Tell you what," she says to Alexei. "If you're so intent on buying me something, how about covering the cost of my inn room for the month? That's where I'm headed next."

[19:13] <+Georgia`Riverblossom> !money give Caolan-NB 5 mhl
[19:13] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* Georgia Riverblossom subtracted 5 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Caolan Leafwhistle
[19:13] -Desdaemona- You had 100 mehrial and 0 copper and after using 5 Mhl 0 Cop have 95 Mhl 0 Cop remaining

[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 29 brown bear fur with leather mantle
[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 16 green
[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 27
[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 1 2mhl red silk
[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 1 2mhl purple silk
[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 1 2mhl black silk
[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 10 6mhl red silk
[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 10 6mhl purple silk
[19:18] <+Caolan-NB> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 10 6mhl black silk
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Cloak' to Georgia Riverblossom for 3 Mhl and 0 Copper
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Shirt' to Georgia Riverblossom for 3 Mhl and 0 Copper
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Trousers' to Georgia Riverblossom for 5 Mhl and 0 Copper
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Panties' to Georgia Riverblossom for 2 Mhl and 0 Copper
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Panties' to Georgia Riverblossom for 2 Mhl and 0 Copper
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Panties' to Georgia Riverblossom for 2 Mhl and 0 Copper
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Bra' to Georgia Riverblossom for 6 Mhl and 0 Copper
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Bra' to Georgia Riverblossom for 6 Mhl and 0 Copper
[19:18] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Bra' to Georgia Riverblossom for 6 Mhl and 0 Copper

Caolan-NB grinned "Thank you miss," was said politely as he saw the tip, bowing his head.

Alexei_Windrunner chuckled and tilted his head grinning. "Mm i suppose i can do that much for you miss..." he grinned at her. "Perhaps we can share a drink, get to know each other some?"

"That sounds agreeable," Georgia says to Alexei. To Caolan, she says, "Would you mind bagging up what I'm not wearing out, please?" That's the purple and the red sets of lingerie, along with the clothes she'd walked in with.

<+Caolan-NB> "Of course miss." He bagged up everything, including the clothing she handed over to him, then slid the bag across the counter with a sweet smile. "Is there anything else I can help with today?"

Georgia looks to the black-furred Alexei, seeing if he needed anything.

Alexei_Windrunner shook his head after a moment of thought. "I've everything i require for the moment. But thank you sir for your time."

"Yes, thank you," Georgia says to Caolan. "I'm sure I'll see you around town." Exiting the store with Alexei, she waits until the door is closed behind them before she says, "Thanks for not spilling the beans. I've been around a few people that just have no discretion about these things."

Caolan-NB bowed politely to Georgia and Alexei, "Good evening then," was said to both of them. The little elf smiled still to the pair, then he put the coins away and went back to his sewing.

Alexei_Windrunner looked to Georgia smirking.."i promised you I'd keep my tongue and I'm a man of my word most days... i might cut somebody's throat that crosses me but i won't lie to their face about it. If i mean harm I'll fucking say something aye?"

"It's good to know you're not a snitch," Georgia says. "Let's rent a cart to take us to the inn. It'll be faster that way, and easier on my feet." Georgia makes her way over to a corral, where an old woman waits with a buggy, and she pays her 5 mhl to transport herself and Alexei to the inn.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Georgia Riverblossom's Shop Steals

Postby CallieO on Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:11 pm

June 2, 2021

It had been a little under a month since Georgia had gotten kicked out of her parents' house; to help get herself started out right in the world by herself, she'd stolen 80 mhl from the Might Makes Right weapons shop and had gotten away with it. Today, she thinks she'l try her luck at the Apothecary, a place she's never been. She starts fiddling with the door lock.

Georgia's first attempt at picking the lock of the Apothecary fails. She takes a moment to take a look around. There are no living creatures in sight. She'd even left her Grand Danoise dog, Garrus, back at the bandit camp. If she were caught red-handed in the act of her theft, her dog might be confiscated, and that would be a tragic loss. At least, back at the camp she knows that Zuru would take care of him if anything happened to her.

Georgia takes a deep breath and struggles to find her inner calm as she fails a second time to pick the lock of the Apothecary. She thinks about just breaking the window and entering that way, but that way leaves a lot of evidence behind, and she'd rather not get busted by the Imperial Guard.

On her third attempt, Georgia finally gets the door open a tad, and again she looks around outside to make sure she wasn't observed. It's very quiet outside. Inside the shop, there's no one, not even a mouse. The racks have been neatly stacked and organized, making it easy for Georgia to find anything she might be looking for. Hm. She grabs some Agrimony, a dose of Seductress Aura, some Romantic Setting oil, and then checks the Apothecary's pay box, helping herself to the 30 mhl left in there.

[09:01] <@Matwyn> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 207 0 mhl
[09:01] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Agrimony' to Georgia Riverblossom for 0 Mhl and 0 Copper
[09:01] <@Matwyn> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 172 0 mhl
[09:01] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Seductress Aura' to Georgia Riverblossom for 0 Mhl and 0 Copper
[09:01] <@Matwyn> !shopitem sell Georgia`Riverblossom 219 0 mhl "oil"
[09:01] <@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Romantic Setting' to Georgia Riverblossom for 0 Mhl and 0 Copper
[09:02] <@Matwyn> !payout Georgia`Riverblossom 30 mhl
[09:02] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Matwyn has given 30 Mhl, 0 copper to Georgia Riverblossom

Thinking that she hears a noise, Georgia exits the establishment without thinking to return the step-ladder she'd used to reach the Agrimony. And a lock of her long red hair gets snagged on the paybox hinge. And she takes off as fast as she can from the Apothecary until she's put some distance between herself and the scene of the crime.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Georgia Riverblossom's Shop Steals

Postby CallieO on Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:59 pm

JULY 2, 2021

Georgia Riverblossom walks down the streets of town, ready to make another attempt at stealing from a shop, her third since getting kicked out of the house she'd grown up in. She'd stolen from the MMR and the Apothecary; tonight she thought she'd try her luck with the Real Estate Office in downtown Nanthalion. It's about two o'clock in the morning; the sun has long since gone down. Georgia has deliberately left her Grand Danoise dog, Garrus, behind at the longhouse, not wanting him to be harmed should she get caught. The halfling jiggles the doorknob of the office and sees that it's locked. So she begins using her picks to unlock it.

After about thirty seconds of concentrated effort, Georgia manages to unlock the Real Estate Office door. She enters, closing and locking the door behind her. Nothing to see here, Imperial Guard! Georgia wastes no time in walking behind the counter and peeking inside the REB's paybox. She grins gleefully. Five whole 20-mhl coins inside! This is her lucky day-- if she can avoid getting caught on the way out.

Georgia pockets the coins, and replaces the coin box exactly the way she'd found it. Sans the coins, of course. Then she returns to the door, unlocking and opening it softly. She quickly peeks outside to see if there's any witnesses; seeing none, she closes the door behind herself and leaves. Easy-peasy. But she wouldn't celebrate until she was safe at home.

[13:51] <@Archaon> !payout Georgia`Riverblossom 100 mhl
[13:51] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Archaon has given 100 Mhl, 0 copper to Georgia Riverblossom
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

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