Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

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Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:19 am

CVC Kiosk
May 13, 2016
Callie and Sarmani

Sarmani heads into town, not realizing the coffee cup she's holding probably belongs to the inn, still absently drinking it to let the bitter taste keep her awake.

It's about eight-thirty at night, and the sun has gone down, but Callie's restaurant still has a few customers enjoying their food. Callista's Vulpine Cuisine is an outdoor kiosk with an awning on three sides, and is located in the town square near the park. It's been a relaxing day, thankfully free of the rain that's plagued the rain for four days out of every week for the last three weeks. Callie is behind the bar counter, chatting with a male rock troll named Morn, who's on his fifth of nine spicy vilka sausages. At the chess table, a bespectacled male vulpine, Brian Perano, plays a spirited game with his elven girlfriend Raewen as they enjoy some chicken jinjona skewers.

Sarmani came up to the kiosk, looking about. She sniffed the air, intoxicated by the smells, her ears trembling. She didn't seem to notice Callie immediately, as if she was somewhere distant. Her pale skin gleamed with something sparkly. Sarmani flicked an ear, the cup disappearing in her hand as she stepped, long slender legs crossing the distance. Her twin tails hovered behind her.

Callie looks up from her conversation with Morn, and her smile brightens as she sees her vul'tova approaching. "Charavizhra, Sarmani vul'tova!" she exclaims, coming out from behind the bar and wrapping Sarmani into a hug with her arms and side tails. "Gosh, it's been... about nine months, hasn't it? I've missed you."

Sarmani is taken in the hug, her eyes flying open, and she finally sees Callie. Her face softens instantly, leaning forward to press her forehead against the elder vulpine endearingly. Her tails played with hers. "Callie,vul'tova." She said, in her usual clipped manner. "It's been a long time yes. Experiments. Ones I did not expect. I have been....elsewhere. And you, my dear? You've been good, I take it?"

"I've been wonderful," Callie says, smiling warmly and gently stroking Sarmani's right cheek with her hand. "The restaurant's really taken off, and I've made quite a name for myself as a small-business owner. It's also enabled me to make many wonderful new friends, and grow closer to old ones." Callie uses her Telekinesis to float a menu into her hand, and gestures for Sarmani to take a seat at a table while Callie sits at the chair perpendicular to her. "It's time for my dinner break. Will you sup with me?"

Sarmani nodded, taking a seat. "Of course I would." She glanced at the menu. "My, diverse selection. Quite impressive. Ooloosha'noc sounds lovely, if alright." She smiled. "You have such ties to this place. You form networks around you. I wonder at what marvellous quality makes you such." she swishes her tails about behind her, faint sparkling dust swirling around it. "I do find myself at a loss, though I am happy for you. And to see you again."

Callie replies, "My secret is simply hard work, and being kind to everyone. Those two qualities in particular make me very hard to dislike." The vixen feels free to admit these things; after all, The Lady does not teach Her children modesty. "And it helps that I'm a master chef, and I show my customers a level of hospitality and safety that's rarely seen in the inn. Surely, Fugly's incapable of it."

Sarmani laughs. "Quite. You have no competition that can stand up to your level of service and beauty." Sarmani smiled, flicking her ears. "You are fascinating. I've always enjoyed how many genuinely loving people live in this nation of strength. They choose to be that way, when flushed with power. It's an interesting study, no?" Sarmani let her tails relaxed. "Our Lady seem to epitomize that - glory and power and vitality, rather than cruelty."

"Oh, I agree," Callie replies, smiling brightly. "There are many loving people here, and I'm friends with many of them. Unfortunately, there are also many people here who are sick and twisted. But I'm with you in saying that The Lady is a goddess of love, not one of hate. She didn't even kill Najaka, who had no redeeming qualities whatsoever."

<+Sarmani> "Quite. What end is there to violence simply to eradicate what we find distasteful?" Sarmani pondered. "I find the evil fascinating as well - we can learn so much about how to protect others and even heal the wicked by understanding them. Of course, understanding can lead to empathy. One is shaped by ones's power, as Necromancy shows. I can't speak for the Lady's own motivations, however. Perhaps she simply did not wish to emulate Najaka's violence in eradicating."

"That's my contention," Callie says, nodding twice. "Oh, what would you like to drink?" After Sarmani replies, the Musha Villa adds, "The Lady has respect for life; all life. Life is sacred to Her, as it should be to us. But there are those people who are so evil they can't be reasoned with, and one must kill them to stop them from killing others. I found that out while I was in VEGA, protecting Midvale from the Run'ya Najaka."

Sarmani nods. "Hrm, some wine would be nice. Red." She replies. "You do have a point. Though evil does return if killed, doesn't it? Understanding it can lead to more effective means of protection, and prevention." She grinned. "The subject of many experiments. I have only faced a few such darknesses - truly fascinating creatures in their violence. Perhaps I am strange to see the Lady's teaching thusly."

Callie has two Elemental Servants behind the bar. They're made of translucent-blue hard water surrounded by a flexible, impenetrable membrane, and they're shaped just like herself. Callie has one of these minions bring out a half-full glass of Verlosi Tribe merlot, and a bottle of lemonade, out to the table. The other minion carries two bowls of ooloosha'noc. Callie herself, meanwhile, uses her Telekinesis spell to float over two baskets into her hands. The baskets are small, wicker, and wrapped in cloth; they contain two potato rolls, a butter dish, and a knife. As Callie unwraps her basket, she explains, "The potato rolls come free with every meal. In your case, though, no charge this time for anything." The drinks and bowls are set down. "Ooloosha'noc, sha la zosho ki kuna palza," Callie intones. ["From my heart to your stomach."] It's a traditional vulpine meal blessing.

Sarmani echoes the blessing, beaming happily. "You are too kind to me, dearest." She smiles, taking a bite of her food. Her tail floofs, her ears flutter. "I have so many words for this. Wonderful. Substantial. Flavourful. You truly are a great chef." She ate with gusto. "How can anyone not love you, blessed of the Lady?"

Callie takes the customary first bite of the ooloosha'noc before Sarmani can; vulpine chefs are entitled to that right. It's also a responsiblity, dating back thousands of years: 'I'll prove to you it's not poisoned.' Callie laughs when Sarmani asks that question, and is clearly delighted by her praise. "How, indeed?" she asks with a grin. "Cooking is one of life's greatest pleasures. It really brings people together."

<+Sarmani> "Hrm, yes." She reached out, taking a sip of the wine. She seemed rusty on many of her vulpini customs - the forest had taken its toll. She lifted the glass. "Do share a toast with me. To your excellence."

"Whoa," Callie says, opening her bottle of lemonade with an application of her Sharpen Claw spell. That sounds like vanity even to Callie. She selects an alternative. "Let's toast instead to the success of the restaurant, the rewards it brings, and to us, renewing our friendship." She clinks her bottle against Sarmani's glass, and takes a soft sip.

Sarmani takes a long drink, smilling and nodding to the modest alternative. She lets a hand slide down the table, resting against Callie's as she drank. "Forgive my gushing praise. I've been in the wilderness too long. Too many spells and notes, not enough contact. You're the first I've spoken to in at least half a year." she sighed. "A price to pay for one's ambitions, I suppose."

Callie smiles, gently stroking Sarmani's knuckles with her thumb in a vulpine gesture of support and comfort known as smalza. "Why were you away so long? You mentioned something about... experiments."

<+Sarmani> "Oh yes. I was testing my theories. Extensively." She got a distant look. Her hand relaxed at the smalza, gently curling to clasp Callie's. "Attempts to understand some implications of the energies of my magic. To understand what I'm seeking." She laughed. "Fire's underlying essence, for example, and the fundamentals. And the source of darker impulses. I had to travel deep into the forests to find suitable locales for generate the effects I desired. Such places are disorienting. Uncomfortable. Somewhat unpleasnat."

Callie eats with her other hand while continuing to stroke Sarmani's, and listens intently to her friend. "Did you come to any conclusions?" Callie asks, sounding fascinated. Callie has studied magic for many years herself, and is *still* learning new things every now and then. Just the other day, she'd successfully cast a spell through her cat familiar, Caroline-- a Hydromantic Adaptation spell that had passed through Caroline and warmed Rida's wolf familiar, Mira.

<+Sarmani> "That magic draws heavily from the soul of the user, for want of a better term. And that my soul is divided." Sarmani sighed. "I am no closerthan I was when I left - I understand that there are qualities to a vulpine soul that influence the nature of the arcane, but that the human one is a much more subtle beast." She blinked behind her glasses, ehr eyes gleaming blue. "I do require more work, but I feel I would lose my ability to experience life should I not return. The touch of a partner. Food in my belly. Warmth and conversation. Ecstasy. Our Lady's gifts other than raw knowledge and metaphysics."

"True; there are times when too much learning all at once hinders our ability to seek pleasure. Everything must be pursued in moderation." Callie releases Sarmani's hand and takes a sip of her lemonade. "You look rather beat, and the inn is a long ways away. My home, even further. How about, after dinner, you and I share the bed in my bedroom here at CVC? In the Verlosi Tribe, such a room is a requirement for every restaurant. I think a nice, warm place to lay your head tonight would do you good."

Sarmani smiled, setting down her fork. Her food at disappeared. "How could I say no, my dear." She said with a languid smile. "Lead the way, when you're ready." She let her tails curl around her, brushing against the exposed skin of her neck.

Callie giggles softly. "Lemme finish my stew first; you can never tell when you'll need a little... energy boost." Callie only has about five bites of stew left, and she takes them one at a time. "Mmm, I can see you're relaxing already, just at the *thought* of sharing a bed with me. It's been that long, huh?"

Sarmani chuckled, her skin flushing prettily. "Yes, it has. My experiments kept me away from all contact. It was rather trying, I must say." She bit a lip. "I do admit that you are the person I wanted to see first."

"Really?" Callie says, smiling warmly. "That's sweet. And *am* I? The first person you've had contact with since your experiments?" Callie assumes probably not, since that's a mug from the inn that Sarmani's been carrying with her.

<+Sarmani> ", not exactly." Sarmani said with a flick of her ears. "I found the Inn first. I may have....helped myself to cup of coffee, as Fugly was busy. Strangely, nobody seemed to be there, and I don't remember pouring it." She flattened her ears, face falling insecurely. "I feel like....I was waking up from some long dream. And there was sparking dust everywhere..."

"Sparking dust, hmm." Callie has no idea what the significance of that may be. So she ponders it for a moment. "An aftereffect of your experiments, maybe. Or a hallucination. Sounds like you're suffering from a little bit of memory loss, too. That's to be expected, returning to civilization after so long. Everything feels bigger and stranger."

<+Sarmani> "Yes, it does." Sarmani smiles again - her eyes become distant, briefly, and an ear cocks briefly, as if hearing something. "It's been strange being in another land. Civilization suits me better than the wilderness, but it chafes against me." She laughs. "I suppose I'll have to get reclimatized. You'd be the one who'd understand that the best, if you don't mind me saying." She smiled, leaning on the table, her chest pressing against the wood of the table as she studied Callie.

"You're probably right," Callie says, after considering Sarmani's words. "I've gone on several trips before to distant lands-- mainly sites of vulpine religious significance-- and I didn't always have the luxury of sleeping in an inn every single night. Sometimes, I had to settle for a tent-- or even a tree. Generally, though, I don't stay away from civilization for too long. I like people too much."

<+Sarmani> "They do have their charms. And they are truly fascinating in their exploration. Though I suppose denying myself means I can better appreciate them for a time." She laughed. "I wonder if I am merely a bad adherent of the Lady's teachings."

While Sarmani speaks, Callie eats, and nods in agreement with what her vul'tova is saying. "I don't think so," she replies. "I think you've maybe been leaning a little too heavily on the 'self-improvement' aspect of triestan and a little too lightly on the 'pleasure' aspect, but as you say, abstaining for awhile makes you appreciate things more when they come. The Lady allows us to live 900 years, hon. She wouldn't want every single day to be the same thing."

<+Sarmani> "No, she would not." Sarmani's face lightened. She shifted her legs eagerly - just talking seemed to restore her vitaliy, her zest for this kind of thing. her blue eyes glittered. "I missed this. A fundamental part of my experience."

"What, the experience of being vulpine?" Callie asks. "Vulpine cuisine, culture, hospitality, and conversation?" She smiles warmly, and takes Sarmani's hand again. "Of course you have. It's part and parcel of who we are. The Lady built us to want these things." She leans in, and softly kisses Sarmani's lips.

Sarmani returns the kiss warmly, leaning in, pressing her chest lightly against Callie's. Her hand coils around the vulpine's fingers, rubbing the soft fur. She rested her forehead against Callie's. "And why deny it? It has its benefits." She said, her breath hot.

Callie nods and says, "Well, my food's done. And the other customers have paid up and left. I'll leave the Elemental Servants to close up shop. Wanna go back and lie down?" Her tail-language indicates that she's just talking about resting, and doesn't necessarily expect anything sexual to happen with them-- but she would not be opposed to the possibility. Vulpine tail-language is very unambiguous.

Sarmani smiles, her tails curling about the vulpine's legs. "Let's." She rose, still entwined with Callie's hand, as she let the other lead the way. Her ears flickled playfully as they made their way back - something about her eyes lingered on Callie's midsection and legs, admiring them.

Callie walks with Sarmani to the side of the kiosk, opening the door that leads them behind the bar counter. She quickly opens the second door, to her immediate right, which swings outward and leads to the bedroom. The bedroom seems rather Spartan, but it fits her needs-- a king-sized bed and boxspring covered by red satin sheets and a white woolen comforter; two end tables, with an extinguished lantern on one of them, and a small bookshelf about half-loaded with books-- mostly copies of what she already has at home. Callie goes to the lantern and lights it, and then steps out of her purple boots and white socks, leaving them near the door, before lying down.

Sarmani removes her boots as well, and her socks, leaving her tight leather pants and billowing shirt. She approaches the bed, climbing on, sliding in next to the vulpine. She let her hand wander across Callie's waist, brushing the bottom her breasts - her tails curled. Sarmani's feet brushed against the elder's. "Such a beautiful place. And your taste in literature is rather impressive." The half-fox murmured.

"Thank you," Callie says with a warm smile, as she strokes her toes against Sarmani's toes. She points to the bookshelf and says, "All five of Milana Serafin's novels. I taught my pet, Gareth Renthart, how to read Vulpani with them. I can't read a single one of Serafin's sex scenes to him without getting him really hot and bothered." She grins deviously at that.

Sarmani laughs. "He was the last one I was with, before I left. He and I were friends before we met, if I recall." Sarmani's memories seemed to flood back. "He did love teeth on his member. Do you remember my teeth?" She grinned, her human mouth full of vulpine-sharp fangs. She leans down, brushing them gently along Callie's shoulder and neck. Her hand slid up and cupped a breast, her grip firm and betraying her passion.

Gareth loves teeth on his member. Callie would have to remember that. Despite the fact that she has sex practically everyday, she's rather plain-vanilla with her kinks. When Sarmani asks her question, the vixen replies, "Mmmm... remind me." She feels those teeth shortly against her body, as well as Sarmani's hand against her clothed breast. Callie is currently dressed in her purple blouse with black and white trim, black skirt, underclothes, and her gorgeous Tears of The Lady necklace, a gift from the goddess Herself. The five-tailed vixen pulls Sarmani on top of her, and traces lines against the woman's buttocks with her fingers.

Sarmani slides on top of the other woman, her breasts pressing down against Callie's as she leans in, taking her lips. Her teeth nip at the other's lips as her hands slide into the blouse, deftly sliding under the fabric and along the soft fur to the breasts. She eased her hips into Callie's grip, tails thrashing playfully as she slid the blouse upward, hoping to remove it.

Callie grins and moans into the kiss as she allows Sarmani the dominant role in their foreplay, angling herself slightly as the blouse comes off, leaving her in a sexy, black, lacey bra. The vixen breaks the kiss for a moment so that she can look deeply into the younger vulpine's eyes, and be excited by the look of passion there that surely matches her own.

Sarmani looks back, her eyes gleaming behind her glasses. She was enjoying herself immensely, and Callie's beauty was intoxicating. She slipped her hands under the bra, removing it with a sudden motion that exposed the vulpine's breasts. She arched her back, grinding against Callie's hips deeply, as she grasps both breasts, maintaining eye contact as she massaged.

Callie lets out a soft murmur of delight as she feels her breasts lightly grasped and then deeply rubbed; the vixen arcs her hips upward a little bit to assist Sarmani in her grinding. "Mmmm, you seem to be hungering for this more than usual," she comments. Probably beause her friend has been away from civilization for so long.

Sarmani laughs, a throaty sound. "yessssss." She slid her hands down as she ran a tongue along Callie's chest, letting her teeth brush against the fur. She let her hands slide down, pushing under the belt of the skirt, moving it aside as she traces the insides of her thighs with deft fingers. Her hair flopped down over Callie's chest and midriff as her tongue did her work.

"Ahhhh, goddess," Callie groans, feeling the other vixen's hands and tongue doing a number on her body. Callie takes hold of the top of Sarmani's head, lightly tugging on the red hair there, hopefully not hard enough to cause her half-breed friend any serious pain.

Sarmani eases into Callie's grip, as she slides her hands around the vulpine's buttocks, suddenly lifting her upward. Parting Callie's legs, she pushed three fingers into her sex, circling inwardly along her walls with sudden passion. She let her teeth gently sink into the woman's breast, not hard enough to harm her or even cause pain.

Callie gasps as she feels those fingers penetrating her body, the vixen cooing at the way Sarmani's fingers curl inside her slightly. She loves the way the woman's teeth feel against her breast. "Mmm, don't forget mah tails," she drawls, letting a little bit of her natural Southern accent seep through.

Sarmani responds instantly, letting her hand slide along the luxurious fluffy tail, fingers parting the fur as they caressed. Her other hand curled and pressed, moving the flesh around. She let her teeth run along the circumference of her chest, sliding down to poise over Callie's hardened nipple. She let her tongue trace along it as she used her hold on the fox's tail and her sex to push her up more, suspending her as she moved faster.

Callie smiles warmly when she feels those teeth and that wonderful tongue stroking against her nipple, and the vixen allows herself to be pulled up by her friend, eager to experience whatever Sarmani has in store for her. With Callie, there are very few things that are off-limits.

Sarmani laughs suddenly, muffled by the chest as she lifts the woman up, Her hand suddenly gestures, and Sarmani starts to change - her physique altered, breasts becoming firm muscle to transition into a male form. His hand withdrew suddenly, leaving Callie hoisted as he shipped open his pants, revealing his member. With a sudden surge, he thrust it forth into her waiting sex, pulling her upward as he released her breast, to a sitting position.

Callie doesn't have much time to react between Sarmani shifting to male and the tod slamming himself inside her. But the surprise is very nice. "Mmmmm, Sarmani," Callie coos, wrapping her legs around him and moving a hand down to stroke at one of his tailbases. Callie's Verlosi Tribe has compulsory sex education for everyone when they turn 18, and between the reading and the doing, she'd learned a lot. Of course, that was many years, and many sex partners, ago. Today she's even better.

Sarmani gasped as he felt the hand brushing through his tail and massaging the base. Those fingers surpassed his own skill, but he wasn't about to melt ientirely. "Callie." He said, leaning into press his teeth against her neck, kissing. His hipsmoved, thrusting upward, pressing her breasts against his body as his other hand held a tail, stroking it vigorously.

"Ahhh, goddess," Callie murmurs. She begins to pray in Vulpani; of course, she's been speaking Vulpani the entire time she's been with Sarmani. "Thank You, Our Lady, for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails. Look down upon Your servants Callie and Sarmani as we make love, and may what we do be pleasing in Your sight. Keeshan." Sex is always a very spiritual experience for Callie, and she never forgets to give thanks to the One who's brought her here.

Sarmani releases his lips, saying the prayer he was taught. "Our Lady, thank you for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails, Look down upon Your servants, Callie, and Sarmani, as we make love, and may we please you in our devotion. Keeshan." The prayer invigorated him - he slid his still wet hand down her Callie's thighs brushing the base of her tail. His thrusts became more frequent, bouncing her upward as they plumbed her depths, the long shaft pressing inward warmly.

Callie lets out a little gasp as she feels Sarmani's hand, still slick with Callie's juices, stroking against a tailbase-- there was something deeply erotic about that. She begins to slowly bounce up and down the tod's manhood, taking her time with it, in no hurry to finish anytime soon. Why should she? They have all the time in the world.

Sarmani moaned aloud at Callie's movement, synchronised with his own. He slowed his pace to match her, thrusting firmly but rhythmically. He took her lips in a kiss, tongue wrapping about hers as he massaged her tails. His ears flicked, and his tails wrapped around her hand as she massaged their base, quickening his breathing.

Callie smiles warmly as she takes in Sarmani's reaction to what she's doing, and the vixen moves to Sarmani's other tailbase, stroking it as affectionately as she had the other one. The pace of her bouncing remains nice and gradual, as the vixen takes him deeply each time.

Sarmani yelps at the sudden grasp at his tails - they floof outward wildly, increasing to twice their size. HIs own hands stroke more vigoriously - he thrusts upward, lifting Callie slightly as he pants. "Ahahaha, yes. That's what I remember." he murmured aloud.

Callie grins in surprise as Sarmani's tails get so much poofier than normal. "Wow, that's really something," she says with a laugh, gently rubbing noses with her sex partner as she starts moving a little faster up and down him. She strokes the middle of his back with her neatly clipped toenails.

Sarmani returns the nose-rub, giggling at the attention to his back. His thrusts increase, bucking Callie's substantial bust against his chest. He strokes her tails faster as he pressed against her chest, enjoying the feel of them sliding along him. "My Lady, this is...incredible."

"Mmmm, isn't it just?" Callie says, sighing softly as she wraps her side tails around Sarmani, stroking those tail-tips against Sarmani's hips and the bases of her tails. She smiles warmly, kissing Sarmani very sweetly as one hand moves down to Sarmani's buttocks and the other up to a shoulder, massaging powerful fingers into it. Warrior's fingers.

Sarmani eases into the grip, muscles relaxing under strong fingers. The mage may not be a warrior, but he was a scholar, and wasn't about to let Callie render him completely incoherent. His hands slid down to her hips, gripping suddenly as he lifted her up, thrusting home. He increases his pace faster and faster, angling a bit more to throw her off even as she massages into him.

Callie lets out a soft murr of pleasure as Sarmani begins to pick up the pace of their lovemaking, the vixen continuing to massage the scholar's shoulder. She can feel the initial tightness of the muscles-- perhaps from sleeping on hard surfaces?-- start to loosen under her talented touch. "Ahhh, Sarmani, yesssss," she groans.

<+Sarmani> "C-callie."He gasped, losing control, starting to pump faster and faster. His member drove forth, quivering with barely-contained pressure as he bucked in time with Callie's tails floofing and thrashing wildly. He gripped her hindquarters, fur bunching between his fingers as she started to move faster and stronger.

Even though it's been a long time since Sarmani has engaged in this, perhaps the most pleasurable activity on earth, it's actually Callie who reaches her climax first, the vixen bucking wildly and letting out loud, subvocal cries of delight at the way her body and mind are reacting to this lovely treatment. Finally, with a cry of "SARMANI!", she comes, grabbing Sarmani tightly with her arms and legs, as her tails twitch spasmodically.

Sarmani feels the force of Callie's orgasm, buffeting his cock and driving him even further into passion. He graps onto her, rising suddenly, lifting her off of her bed and suspended in the air before his final thrust. His seed exploded forth as he exclaimed incoherently, emptying his essence into her in a final heave, before slowly dropping to the ground. As he pulled out, his spell faded - his body shifted again, full breasted female Sarmani returning to press her chest against the spent Callie. "M-my word, I must....I believe I misse dthis more than anticipated."

Callie nods in agreement, and rolls Sarmani over so that she's alongside the Musha Villa. Callie uses her Telekinesis spell to pull the white woolen comforter into her hands, and pulls it over both of them. She then uses Elemental Servant to create a small bird minion that flies into the candle of the lantern and extinguishes it at the cost of its own "life". Callie places an arm beneath Sarmani's neck, and pulls her close.

Sarmani leans in, nuzzling Callie's neck gently. "Hrm." She said thoughtfully, gently slipping her arms around the fox's waist, her own tails wrapping around them.

Callie smiles warmly, and says, "The best part of any lovemaking session, in my opinion, is the post-coital snuggling. Every now and then a partner of mine wants to skip that, and... well, they usually don't get another opportunity with me." Callie has a lot of people lining up for her attention; she can therefore afford to be choosy, even though it may seem, to an outsider, that she'll fall into bed with just about anyone.

Sarmani flicked her ears. "Why skip it? It's as pleasant as anything else." She smiled, cuddling the fox. "Besides, it's important to relish one's wind down. Heathy for body and soul. I'm in no hurry to leave this soft presence."

"Neither am I," Callie replies, lying down on her back so comfortably, and lightly wiggling her toes. "So, *you* caught a glimpse of my bookshelf. You think there might be interest if I opened up a small lending library with what I've got here? I've always believed that vulpine culture should be shared with the entire world. I'm proud of my heritage."

<+Sarmani> "As you should be. It's a rich heritage, one that I've always taken fascination with, though perhaps I am not as educated as I should be." Sarmani flicked an ear against Callie's neck. "I think there are many scholars like myself who would be interested, though I would be cautious about returns. Belaraith does encourage a certain propriety."

Callie smiles at the feeling of Sarmani's ear against her neck, and purses her lips. "'Cautious about returns,'" the Musha Villa quotes. "How do you mean? You think there'd be a lot of people who'd check out the books and never bring them back?"

<+Sarmani> "I feel like it's something that woould fit this land's philosophical inclination." She replied warmly. "Not that they won't have a reason to fear your wrath should you wish to collect. I do believe knowledge should be shared if it encourages new invention, and think it's a wonderful idea to foster new mages."

"Oh, yeah... fearing my wrath," Callie mutters. "I'm not sure I have the patience or the energy for 'wrath' these days. Imagine me banging down someone's door because they didn't return a book. Shuka triesta, I'd be doing that all day. Hm. Maybe it'd be better just to let them read the books while they're here at the restaurant, and save the borrowing privileges only for those I trust to return them."

<+Sarmani> "A reasonable attitude." Sarmani said with a smile. "One cannot let rage guide one's reason, afterall." She smiled. "I will most likely spend many a day here, eating and then reading, should you do this, though. If that matters."

Callie sweetly tousles her friend's hair. "It *does* matter, Sarmani. I'm glad you're back, and that you're *staying* back. I'd love for you to eat, read, and make love here. And I can't wait to introduce you to some of my friends, like my roommates."

Sarmani nuzzles more as her hair was mussed, the red locks spreading across Callie's neck. "Hrm....I'm sure I'll love them. You have good taste, from what I've seen." she said with a smile, kissing the soft fur beneath her.

"Thanks," Callie says, letting out a little yawn as she's kissed. The action had gotten really hot and heavy there at the end between herself and Sarmani; between that and the long workday she's had, she's pretty tired.

Sarmani smiled. "hrmmmmm. I think....being able to sleep might be nice. It feels like I've slept forever, but never rested, and here I feel, for the first"

"You *are* safe, here," Callie says with a warm smile. "This restaurant is an extension of my home, by Verlosi Tribe tradition. Everyone within it is under my protection. Sleep in total comfort here tonight, Sarmani, knowing that nothing and no one is going to harm you." She sweetly kisses her vul'tova on the cheek.

Sarmani lets out a soft murr as her eyes close. A moment of strange memories rise up, dark thoughts and arcane theories, but fade into the softness of vulpine fur as she drifts off to perfect sleep.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:22 am

Bath House
September 25, 2016
Callie and Ellyssa Flamewing

The day after hiring her friend Ellyssa Flamewing to work as an entertainer at The Lonely Inn, Callie Volopa walks into the bath house with her, the two of them laughing and sharing stories. "So, after a couple hours of catching nothing but small fries, suddenly I got this huge WHOPPER of a fish on my line. Before Kayta could help me reel it in, the sucker dragged me into the lake. I refused to let go, and it pulled me underwater. I was down there so long I blacked out." Callie had already established that Kayta was her youngest sister, and that they'd been six years old at the time of this incident.

Ellyssa shudders a little bit, remembering her own brush with drowning several hours previous, but she shakes it off with a smile. "Well, I'm glad someone pulled you out of there my friend" she says lightly. "Or else who would I have to cook me vulpine cuisine? The caravan master insisted that all of the people in HIS caravan would know how to swim, when I was growing up with that roving band of entertainers I've told you about? But, I would only go in the water long enough to prove that I could. My hollow bones help, but Torians weren't made for the water..."

"Back then, I wasn't much for the water either," Callie says. "But that fishing pole had been passed down to me through several generations of the family, and I'd be damned if I let it go. Anyway, when I woke up, I was staring into the face of a lovely brunette human lady. I passed out again, woke up, and Kayta was standing over me. I still had the pole in my hands." Callie shakes her head. "My parents were furious that I'd risked my life like that-- at that age, vulpines can't be resurrected-- but I think they were a little bit impressed, too."

Ellyssa looks a little wide-eyed as they pass the counter. "I can imagine they WOULD be upset". She says slowly. "Stubbornness isn't always a virtue, though I admit, I'm not one to talk..." She looks around the room and then back at the red furred woman. "So, you brought me here Callie, what did you have in mind? Shall we pay for a private room or use the main pool?"

"I'll pay for a private room," Callie says. "I only ever use the public bath for meditation purposes." She hands over two mehrial coins to a bath hand, who gives her a large, handled wicker basket full of toiletries. "Peppermint shampoo, please," Callie says to the bath hand, who nods. "I like to cast Hydromantic Adaptation and Water Breathing, and go to the very bottom of the pool, sit cross-legged, and escape from the world for a couple hours every week. But not when I have friends along with me."

Ellyssa nods. She knows of that spell from her reading and work at the Sorcerous Sanctuary, of course, but she knows it's something she'll never be able to cast herself. She moves to walk toward the private room, her feet almost seeming not to touch the ground as she walks. "I can certainly understand wanting to commune with your element, Callie," she says earnestly. "If I could find a way to sleep in the clouds sometime, I would. But my best spell for that won't stay in place up there." Upon entering the small room, she will unbuckle her belt and satchel and hang them on an appropriate hook and then sit on the bench to begin working the boots off her feet.

"Oooh, that'd be quite interesting," Callie says, "sleeping in the clouds." Callie places her mithril spear and VEGA calling horn on the weapons rack; in the wake of the recent attack on The Lonely Inn, Callie had taken to carrying the weapon and the signaling device with her wherever she goes. She then removes the satchel that contains her healing herbs, and places her Tears of The Lady necklace inside it. Callie sits beside Ellyssa on the bench, and she removes, in this order, her black boots, white socks, purple blouse, black lacey bra, black skirt, and black lacey panties.

Ellyssa has never seen Callie naked before, and she can't stop herself from peeking sidelong as the vulpines curves become more apparent and her red fur becomes so much more important a feature... Wiggling her toes a little as her boots come free, Ellyssa pulls off her gloves, fingers the clasp on her cloak dropping it to pool on the bench behind her and makes short work of the catch on her bra and the ties on her loincloth rendering her completely naked save for the abundance of mithril she almost never takes off. Wrist and ankle cuffs, belly chain, armlets, circlet and the newest addition, the torc around her throat, obviously NOT a collar, but occupying the same space that a collar had for so long... She murmurs a spell and her wings assume a glossy sheen. Suddenly almost shy, she looks away from Callie, hands crossing on her lap.

The only things that remain on Callie's body are a gold-plated, mithril earring cut to resemble a color-changing five-tailed fox, set in her right ear, and a silver toe band, on the third toe of her right foot. Callie neatly folds up her clothing, and places it in a cubby hole, before finally turning to gaze upon the redwing's nude body. "You look lovely, hon," she murmurs.

<+Ellyssa> Almost despite herself, the torian looks back at Callie, blushing slightly and looking unusually shy. "Thank you, so do you" she says a touch breathlessly. One hand reaches out almost of its own accord moving to touch the fur on Callie's shoulder, if allowed.

On the contrary, Callie leans in to the hand that Ellyssa places on her shoulder. Elly would now be able to see, for the first time in some cases, that Callie is red all over except for white fur on her hands, feet, tail-tips, cheeks, breasts, and pubic area. Her five tails sway lightly behind her, indicating a friendly disposition.

<+Ellyssa> "Mmmhm" she murmurs, running her hand through scarlet fur. "I had forgotten how SOFT vulpine fur can be... Wolven fur can be a little on the course side, but vulpine fur is nice and soft...." Her eye is drawn to those flashes of white that she's never seen before, naturally both by curiosity and because of the nature of the contrasting colors. She looks back up into Callie's eyes and blushes, pulling her hand back. "I'm sorry Callie" she says softly. I'm behaving rudely. I didn't even ask, I just started pawing at you." Her wingtips flutter slightly betraying some agitation.

Callie's emerald-green eyes seem to flash in amusement when Elly apologizes. She notes the wing-language of Elly. Callie has had years of experience with torians, especially with her pet, the creamy-winged Kura, so she's able to recognize the body language. Callie takes hold of Ellyssa's hand, leans in slightly, and places it on the base of her left tail, the one she'd been born with. "It's okay," Callie says. "Take the time to... explore me."

Ellyssa is glad that they are alone in a private room so no one can see the spectacular blush she can feel all over her body at Callie's words. Eyes wide, she looks into those green eyes and sees sincerity, and amusement! She utters the ghost of a chuckle at her own silliness. "As you wish" she says softly and scoots closer so the bare, smooth skin of her thigh brushes up against the soft red fur of Callie's. Slowly, she starts to run her right hand up and down the tail, burying her fingers in the fur, and, on impulse, scratching slightly at the very base of her tail. She pauses for a moment to gauge the vulpine's reactions again.

Callie lets out a soft murmur of pleasure as Ellyssa enjoys discovering just how fluffy and warm the vixen's tail-fur is. If she touched the vulpine's ebony skin beneath, she'd notice that it's relatively cold to the touch, and that's because Callie is five times over a water mage. Each time she'd increased her power, her core body temperature had lowered by 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. When Ellyssa scritches the base of her tail, Callie moans lustfully, her remaining tails slowing their waving.

<+Ellyssa> Encouraged, the redhead redoubles her scratching at the base of that lovely, fluffy tail as her left hand drifts up to caress the fur on her companion's right cheek, possibly pulling the two women's heads closer together. The twisting of that motion pulls the nipple of Ellyssa's right breast against Callie's arm and she gasps a little at the kiss of fur on that sensitive nub.

Callie smiles warmly as Ellyssa pulls her in slightly, and now Callie's hands are on Elly, one of them against her right shoulder and the other against the nape of her neck. One of many things the vixen likes about the female body is the bare shoulder. She begins digging strong fingers into the muscles and nerves there and on the neck, and then she leans in to give Elly a soft kiss on the lips.

Ellyssa gives a little moan in the back of her throat as strong fingers release a knot of pressure she hadn't known she had there, and proceed to work her nerves in a most pleasant manner. She is not at all displeased (more pleasantly surprised and bemused) to find that other hand drawing her lips to meet the vulpine's. It's not as if she's NEVER been with a woman before, and not as if she hadn't enjoyed the experience, but she has far less experience with pleasing and being with women then men, and she never thinks of a women in THAT way, until the moment is upon her. She moans again and leans into the kiss, her right hand still working Callie's tail and her left sliding up the back of her head to scratch at her scalp.

Callie now takes hold of Ellyssa's hand and places it on her right tail, breaking the kiss and saying, "They were given to me in this order: Left tail, right, upper, lower, center. I like when people touch them in that order. Shows they remember, and are thinking about me." She smiles, and says, "Did I ever tell you... how a vulpine earns her tails? Or what The Lady expects from us?"

Ellyssa is a little breathless after that kiss and she allows her hand to be moved meekly. She absently strokes the right tail a bit as she hears the question and shakes her head slowly, causing her waist length, loose flowing hair to swish over her bare shoulders. "No, I don't believe you did" she says softly, not at all sure where Callie is going with this, but content to let her keep the initiative.

"Well, then. Prior to creating the vulpine race, The Lady, our goddess, lived here on this earth for thousands of years, and brought Her message of peace to every civilization She encountered. When she decided to create Her own race, she made three attempts to create a husband for herself. Two were failures before she found the right one. They ended up making 14 children, who spread out across the world." Callie kisses Elly on the forehead. "The Lady asks us to experience pleasure in all its forms-- like She did while She was on the earth-- and also to practice self-improvement and hospitality."

Ellyssa is fascinated by the story and she files that information away in the storehouse of tales she's heard as her right hand drifts over to Callie's rightmost tail and begins to stroke it gently. "And" she says, a bit of a squeak in her normally so well controlled voice, "why would you tell me this, Dear Callie?" She leans a little farther in, her small firm breast pressing against Callie's arm.

Callie now moves a hand to gently stroke at the breast that her body's been incidentally touching for awhile. "Just to let you know, that when I pursue pleasure in ways... like this... I feel I'm doing a fundamentally spiritual thing as a vulpine. I believe The Lady looks down upon me with love as She observes everything I do. Maybe She and Her husband Trejani are with us right now in this room, smiling as They see us... explore one another." Callie kisses Elly again, more passionately this time, and as she does so, she says a silent prayer to The Lady, thanking Her for bringing Elly into her life.

Ellyssa feels a thrill of pleasure at that furred hand on her breast and she presses against it leaning her head lightly on Callie's shoulder as the vulpine speaks. She feels a familiar spurt of resentment (though surprisingly not as strong as it's been in the past) at Callie's mention of a god, ANY god, taking an interest in her affairs, especially the god that had taken Wade from her! But this is Callie, her dear friend whom she trust and respects. How can she resent Callie for believing as she does? She leans up into the kiss, right hand drifting to Callie's upper tail and left hand sliding down over a shoulder to cup a white furred breast.

Callie takes hold of the hand on her breast just long enough to help Ellyssa to her feet, and she continues kissing her friend warmly, turning down the passion slightly, and leading her towards the warm bath on the other side of the room. Her prayer continues in her mind: She thanks The Lady for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails, and asks that She look down upon them with love as they have sex... or whatever they're about to do. She and Elly have never made love before, and they won't necessarily do it now, though things seem to be headed in that direction.

Ellyssa is easily drawn to her feet, her wings flaring slightly. She is quite happy to be here with Callie and is interested to see where this interlude may lead. With her left hand still in Callie's hand, her right has to pause in its exploration of Callie's tails as they walk and she murmurs a brief incantation, mismatched eyes twinkling. A moment later a five foot long tail with red fur the same shade as her wings and her hair grows out of a spot just above the crack of her ass and she sends this new appendage flirting out to rub against Callie's lower tail. Arriving at the pool she moves to climb in and await the vulpine's entrance to the pool.

Callie feels something long, nearly prehensile, and furry brush against her lower tail, and she yelps slightly, wondering if something was in the bath that wasn't supposed to be. Then, realizing it was coming from behind her, she turns around and sees Elly... with a vulpine tail. She holds a hand up to her heart. "Whoa... frightened me for a moment. Thought it was a mandrili."

Ellyssa looks up at Callie, almost waist deep in the pool. "I'm sorry Callie" she says looking contrite. "I didn't mean to startle you, well, much anyway. I thought you'd like it. I hope it's not disrespectful somehow?"

Callie smiles lightly, and joins Elly in the pool. "No no, not disrespectful at all; it just was... surprising, that's it." Callie takes hold of the tail now, and begins to lightly scritch it. "It's only disrespectful if a vulpine uses it to make someone think his tail-rank is higher than it really is." She turns Elly around, and sits down, placing the torian between her legs, as Callie stretches them out in the pool. The vixen's white-furred bare toes barely breach the surface of the water. She wiggles them lightly.

Ellyssa feels tingles run up and down her spine from the unaccustomed sensation of having someone play with her tail! She meekly turns around at the gently insistent touch of Callie's hands and she spreads her wings up, so as to keep them as much out of the water as possible and also as much out of Callie's face as possible. Unless stopped, she sinks to her knees in the warm water between Callie's legs and flirts the part of her new tail that is not water logged back and forth from one white furred breast to the other playfully.

Callie murrs at the gentle touching of her breasts by Ellyssa's new appendage, and Callie says, "Your spell provides you with quite a beautiful tail." Both of Callie's hands are touching it-- one towards the middle, one towards the tip. "Did I tell you that my best friend, Syl`zhalti, recently earned her second tail?"

Ellyssa laughs gently, more for the pleasure of the tail manipulation than for amusement. "Yes you did, Dear Friend" she says lightly as she attempts to tickle the end of Callie's nose with her tail. "I am happy for your friend" she says amiably. Using the telekinesis spell, she calls the bar of peppermint soap to her outstretched hand and uses it to lather up her belly, breasts and upper back. "What did she do to earn it?" she asks curiously.

Callie smiles, opening up a bottle of peppermint shampoo, spreading it on her hands, and beginning to run it through Elly's tail. "Syl saved up her money and bought a house, only a block or so away from CVC," the vixen replies. "Close enough that she can step in for a meal whenever she wants, and we'll see a lot more of each other. Upon entering the house for the first time, Syl declared to me that she was feeling quite sleepy all of a sudden, so I conjured up some cots for us. The Lady manifested Herself to us almost immediately afterwards. I was actually allowed the opportunity to watch as Syl grew her second tail, which is a rare treat."

Ellyssa is being driven almost to distraction (in a good way) by the sensations in her unfamiliar new appendage. "You know" she says laughingly with a hint of something more in her voice, "that tail is going to last for less than a day and it's had no time in which to get dirty.." She reaches behind herself to scrub her lower back with soap. Then her hands drift back around to her thighs and perhaps a little farther inward for a moment... Taking a deep breath, she leans forward and immerses herself before straightening up and turning around between Callie's legs. Scooting forward, she reaches out to rest her hands on the vulpine's hips. "Now what about you?" she inquiries a touch huskily.

Callie says, "It's true that your illusionary tail is brand-new and already clean, but there's a difference between clean by the world's standards, and clean by vulpine standards. And I'm gonna make it clean by vulpine standards." She nods twice, and continues running her hands through the tail, moving her arms just long enough to allow Ellyssa to turn around to face her.

Ellyssa is momentarily distracted, kneeling in front of Callie and looking up into her big green eyes while the vulpine continues to wash her magically summoned tail. "What do mean, clean by vulpine standards?" she asks curiously.

"I mean, practically so clean you could see your own reflection in it," Callie says with a grin, which is, of course, hyperbole. "We like to look our best whenever possible, especially when it comes to our tails. It helps to remind the other sapients of Belariath that we are The Lady's descendants." Callie smiles, and kisses Ellyssa very sweetly on the lips, breaking the kiss after but a moment and pressing her forehead against the torian's in a vulpine expression of affection. Callie moves her hands down to the base of Ellyssa's tail, which, if the illusionary form includes the same nerve endings as a real tail would have, would be a major erogenous zone for Elly. And Callie has had 17 years of book-learning and experience in touching those areas just right. Her vulpine tribe, like most of them, puts 18-year-olds through mandatory sex ed training, which is just what it sounds like.

Ellyssa stiffens, and so do her nipples as arousal hits her like a shockwave at the totally unexpected thrill she gets from Callie's skillful manipulation of an erogenous zone she'd never had before. "Oooo" she moans softly, leaning forward to rest her head between Callie's breasts, her own breasts pressing into the vulpine's furry belly. "That feels soooo good..." Her wings flare out and flap gently as if in emphasis, spraying some droplets of water out to the edges of the room.

"Mmmm, I know," Callie says, giving Ellyssa another very soft kiss while keeping her forehead pressed to the torian's. "That's the feeling *I* get when other people massage *my* tailbase. And you're looking at the result of 17 years of experience and professional training. Remember I told you The Lady wants us to experience pleasure in all its forms? In that spirit, vulpines are taught how to please lovers of all species, and I got an A in that class." She continues to massage and soap up the birdygirl's tailbase.

Ellyssa tilts her head up into the kiss and slides her hands up from Callie's hips over her belly to just under the curves of her breasts and then around under her arms to bury her fingers in the fur around her shoulder blades and alternate between massaging pressure and scratching. "Mmmm, I believe that" she says breathlessly.

Callie's five red-furred, white-tipped tails sway very slowly behind her, in full view of Ellyssa. "See my tail-language right now?" she asks. "That's a vulpine sign of deep arousal. May I make love to you, Elly, my friend?" She wraps her legs around the torian, moves a hand up to tease at a particularly sensitive area of the woman's right wing, and scratches lightly just above the small of Elly's back with her neatly trimmed, unpainted toenails.

Ellyssa takes note of the sway of those tails, the part of her that is a bard, always thirsty for information, never quite goes away after all... She gives a cute little squeak as she is enfolded in softly furred legs and Callie tweaks one of her most responsive areas... Her wings flap gently and she is aware of a warming sensation at her core, though any flowing juices are simply drifting away in the warm bath water at the moment. "As you are perfectly well aware" she says lightly, her nipples still quite stiff, "I am aroused too. You are so lovely, and skilled and such a dear friend to me. How could I refuse?" She chuckles a throaty little laugh. "Since you ask so nicely, I am all yours! Do as you will and I'll try to keep up!" In truth, she is somewhat daunted by her friend's display of ... competence in this arena. She herself is an acknowledge mistress, in certain circles at least, of the art of pleasing a man, but she is much less sure of herself when pleasing a woman, much less a vulpine female. Her experiences with vulpine and wolven (aside from her first master, and he had never cared about emotions, only taking what he wanted) have been quite limited.

Callie moves her hand from Ellyssa's wing over to her right cheek, while her other hand continues to stroke at the torian's tailbase, letting her friend enjoy her new erogenous zone still. Callie pulls her head back to allow a little more space between the two friends and soon-to-be-lovers, and she speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani. Her right hand begins to glow blue. Callie now removes her left hand from Elly's tailbase, and presses it to the palm of her other hand. She rubs her hands together, forming something out of nothing. It's like she's making an object out of clay. Slowly, the object begins to take shape-- it's cylindrical.

Ellyssa continues to rub Callie's back, but her hands slide down to the fox-lady's flanks under the swell of her breasts as Callie creates a little more room. The nascent mage watches Callie's water manipulation with interest. It's not the first time she's seen this particular trick done, of course, and for a similar purpose, but she always finds it fascinating to watch. She dimly hopes THIS one won't be made of ice... She raises one eyebrow delicately as she looks up at Callie as if to say "and what are you going to do with THAT?"

It's not ice, but in fact the cylinder is made of translucent-blue hard water. It's the same material that Callie's Elemental Servants are made of. It's also the same material that Callie had utilized back in May, creating a net made out of it, when Ellyssa had fallen out of the sky and Wade had flown up to catch her. The cylinder is thick and long like a dildo, but *very* cylindrical, with no variation on the sides. Grinning wickedly, Callie lowers the cylinder into the water, and begins to slowly slide it into the torian's sex. It takes her deep. As she pushes it inside her friend's body, she twists and twirls it around like a kaleidoscope.

<+Ellyssa> The girl's eyes widen briefly as her suspicions are confirmed and then they flutter in an almost orgasmic movement as the cylinder fills her so fully, the moist walls of her sex spreading easily to accept the hard invader with no difficulty or discomfort despite the lack of any foreplay in around her nether regions. She gasps as Callie works the toy around in her depths and her hands slide up to rest on Callie's shoulders as she slumps forward. A part of her reflects that she could produce a similar cylinder to use on CALLIE, if she were able to concentrate, that is!

Callie closes her eyes, and has a look of intense concentration on her face. She has her index fingers opposite each other on the cylinder, remaining outside Elly's body, as she continues to slowly thrust and twist. The material sends sensory feedback information to Callie's hands, which she memorizes in her mind. Callie is one of the greatest water mages in the empire, and this is a masterpiece on her part. Slowly, she begins to mold the cylinder into a dildo that fits the contours of Ellyssa's sex, the pits, valleys, muscular areas, imperfections. It begins to feel better and better with each passing moment.

Ellyssa is amazed as she feels the instrument shifting and growing within her depths hitting her one by one in all her most sensitive spots in a way that she has never been so comprehensively, pleasurably filled before. "Oh, WOW" she murmurs falling forward again against Callie's cleavage. "That's AMAZING.... Ooooo!" She acknowledges to that small part of her mind that is still functioning normally, that she would NOT be able to do whatever it is Callie is doing with her humble morph enchanted flute...

Callie grins brightly, delighted that she can give her lover such pleasure. "Everyone's pussy is slightly different, in terms of dimensions and hot spots," she says, as if she's speaking to a sex ed student. She even *sounds* a little bit like the den-parent who'd been one of her teachers; she's doing an impression of her voice without even thinking about it. "This instrument is being specifically designed just for you. And I already know my *own* contours, so..." Callie lets go of the dildo with her right hand, but keeps her left hand on it. She speaks another word of Ancient Vulpani, causing the vixen's hand to glow light blue. When it comes into contact with the water, it cleans it-- removing the soap, shampoo, and all other impurities from it. If drunk, it would be the best water anyone had ever tasted, except for its hot temperature. Moreover, the water is now completely transparent, so Elly can see what Callie's about to do. She places her right hand back on the dildo, and lengthens it, creating a second to it, which is already perfectly contoured for Callie's sex. "Say it," Callie says. "Tell me you want me to fuck you. Ask me... beg me." She knows Ellyssa is naturally submissive, and Callie can play the dominant role, or the submissive role, with equal enthusiasm. So let Callie be the "top" in this situation.

Ellyssa is amused by the lecturing tone of Callie's voice, even as the perpetual learner aspect of her personality appreciates the information... Mismatched eyes widen as she watches the sex toy lengthen into a matching magical dildo end. At Callie's words, those eyes fly up to meet the fox-lady's green ones and search them for a moment, surprised to hear those
words coming out of her friend's mouth, but she feels an undeniable thrill as her friend touches on one of her weaknesses. "I .. Um... Er..." She flounders for a moment, lowering her eyes and blushing. Then she seems to find resolve, and desire appears in her eyes as she raises them once more. "Please M-Callie" she says softly, earnestly. "Please take me and use me. Fuck me for your own pleasure! I want to be yours!"

Callie looks upon Ellyssa with love, and leans in to slowly, passionately kiss the torian. As she does so, she pushes her end of the dildo inside her own sex, letting out a soft gasp into Elly's lips as the two of them begin to have sex for the very first time. She knows she'd hit paydirt in tripping Ellyssa's submissive instincts, and this is going to be fun. Callie breaks the kiss, and casts four more spells-- two on Elly, and then two on herself. So that Elly will not be overly alarmed by what's about to happen, she explains, "Unhindered movement in water, and water breathing." She allows Elly time to process that statement before pushing the torian downwards, her head beneath the water, and climbing atop her.

Ellyssa savors the kiss, opening her lips to the vulpine's tongue if she wishes and savors even more the gasp that Callie makes as the two become intimately joined by that bespelled water. She feels Callie's magic having some effect on her body and her eyes widen momentarily. Her lover's explanation makes instant sense to her only because of her extensive study of spells in common use, and her alarm is very brief. She slips beneath the surface under Callie's gentle pressing and experiences a moment of claustrophobic panic that eases as she realizes she can breathe, in fact. Her wings flutter quickly and then still, drifting beneath the water to extend along the floor of the pool out from each side of her. She looks up at the water mage above her in eager anticipation of pleasure and an interesting new experience...

Callie looks down at Ellyssa, pleased that the panic in her eyes seems to fade after just a moment; she knows that underwater sex is not a natural thing for non-water mage, non-mermaids, and it takes some time to adjust. She kisses Elly again softly, and then slowly begins to move in her, taking hold of one of her hands and intertwining their fingers together.

Ellyssa gasps, as the vulpine takes her, fascinated to watch the bubbles escaping from her lips and bouncing up towards the surface of the pool. She savors the kiss and moans as the magical dildo begins to move in her, her small frame moving back and forth in response to the pumping motion and her perky breasts bouncing cutely. She arches her pelvis to maximize her sensation and drive Callie's side of the dildo further up into the fox-lady's pussy. She grips the entwining hand firmly, her other running through the fur of Callie's thigh.

Callie continues her slow movements into and out of Ellyssa's body with the double-ended dildo, and begins to gradually speed up the tempo, unhindered by the fact that they're underwater, thanks to the Hydromantic Adaptation spell. She takes hold of the hand that Elly has on her thigh, and moves it to the vixen's center tail. After another few moments of thrusting, Callie lifts Elly's upper body out of the water, because she wants to hear the moaning and gasping of the other woman. She lets go of Elly's hand and touches the torian's illusionary tailbase again.

Ellyssa is astonished to find that she is moving around in the water as easily as she does through air (well, almost as easily). With her hand moved to Callie's central tail, she begins to scratch at the base as she is lifted partially clear of the water. She gasps for breath reflexively and then her gasping assumes a more sensual tone as the thrusting contoured dildo continues to hit all her deepest pleasure points. She bears down hard with her inner walls and concentrates on thrusting back in perfect rhythm with Callie as she snakes her free hand around the back of Callie's head and pulls her into another scorching kiss.

Callie grins brightly, enjoying the gasping of her dear friend as they fuck each other with power and intensity. When she grabs her and kisses her, Callie takes control, thrusting her tongue into the torian's mouth and fully dominating her, pinning her tongue and then exploring the inside of Elly's mouth. When the kiss is broken, the vixen murmurs, "Tell me how this is making you feel, Ellyssa. Mmmm, and moan for me."

Ellyssa squeaks as Callie's tongue drives into her mouth and she almost orgasms right there, feeling herself wrapped in the strong fox's arms, dominated as surely as if she were bound and controlled. She feels warmth building within her and a curious floating sensation as she drifts on a haze of pleasure, the magical dildo continuing to drive her wild. "Ummmhh" She says, unable to be more articulate for a moment. "You agh, you make me feel sooooo good Callie" she mumurs, leaning her face against a furred shoulder.

Callie is fully in control of her body and this situation, so she has no problem stopping herself from thrusting, which she does, so she can say, "Oh, c'mon. You can surely do better than that." She traces a hand against the curve of Elly's breast, licks at her nipple, and then sits there, waiting.

Ellyssa shivers at the lick to her nipple and utters a low moan of disappointment as the dildo stops moving within her. She wiggles side to side in something looking a little like frustration as her face drifts over to Callie's breast and she returns a lick in kind. Looking up at the other woman through lowered lashes, she says breathlessly. "You make me feel so good when you take charge of me like that Callie. You know just how to move within my its, well MAGICAL. PLEASE do that again? Please take me hard!" She turns back to licking and nibbling at Callie's nipple hopefully.

Callie murrs passionately, her green eyes seeming to flash with excitement as she hears just what she'd wanted to hear-- positive feedback mixed with a little begging. "Mmm, I'll take you, Elly," she groans. Callie sits up into Elly's lap, her toenails lightly rubbing against the other woman's tail, as the vixen takes a breast in one hand, and a wing in the other, scritching that wing in a tender, erogenous spot close to the rest of Elly's body. The kind of spot that isn't readily apparent, unless one has experience making love to torians and reading about the subject. She moves rapidly within Elly, their sexes underwater, and the vixen moans, "Yesss, you like this, don't you...? Like feeling how I dominate you, make you feel the way I want you to. You like the feeling of the warm water against your body as I take you in a way that a non-water-mage couldn't. You like the toy I created, just for us."

<+Ellyssa> "Mmmm YES" the writhing redwing says enthusiastically as Callie resumes control of the situation. Her hand begins scratching at the base of the vulpine's central tail agains and she moans in pleasure as the thrusting of the dildo combines with the stimulation of the base of her wings (which flare out and twitch appreciatively) and the base of her magical tail to hit her with more pleasure from more places than she can keep track of. Her nipples seem rock hard as she leans forward into Callie's front, rubbing her perky breasts against Callie's white-furred orbs. "I love feeling your dildo move in me, hitting me just RIGHT! I love not knowing what you're going to do to me, giving in to your superior experience. I love being out of my own element when I'm here in the water with you, Dear Callie!" she gasps out.

Callie smiles brightly, lovingly, and gives Elly a soft kiss on the forehead at hearing all these wonderful things. She and Ellyssa should have had sex a long time ago, but this is a great place for a first time, especially from Callie's point of view. There's literally nothing Callie can imagine in this place that she can't make into a reality. She'd even created an entire love scene from a famous vulpine novel in this place, using her Elemental Servants as the protagonists, utilizing her Elemental Craft spell to recreate the furniture and such, and using the fact that she's read that scene a hundred times to help along the acting. Something like what she and Elly are doing to each other now-- it's mere child's play compared to that. Which makes it no less powerful. "Mmmm, Elllllyyyyy," Callie drawls. "Elly bird."

<+Ellyssa> Unaware of the thoughts going through her partner's head, the redwing continues to writhe her slender body against Callie's, wings flapping gently for balance, her mind adrift with pleasure as she builds closer and closer to a body shaking orgasm. She revels in the knowledge that her friend is enjoying her body and she tries to time the thrusting of her pelvis so as to hit the pleasure centers in Callie's pussy even half as well as Callie is doing to her. "Mmmm" she moans. "What, Callie?" She turns her face up to look at Callie with a dreamy expression in her mismatched eyes.

Callie has a similarly dreamy expression, smiling brightly, fully enjoying the sensations that come to her body-- and she moans, five tails swaying slowly behind her in an expression of deep arousal. "Mmmm, you're so good, babe," she murmurs. "But you don't get to cum until I give you permission. And before you get permission, you gotta make *me* cum." She beeps the redwing's nose with an index finger, and grins wickedly. "Mmm, so lemme see how badly you want it."

Ellyssa has never actually had someone give her those instructions before and she ALMOST cums right there at the thought of being ordered to do something like that. But she doesn't, quite. The redhead has always been reactive, experiencing the most pleasure when she knows her partner is experiencing pleasure, so she has been holding off from that bliss, almost subconsciously. "As you wish Callie" she says breathlessly as she dares to attempt to take charge of the thrusting rhythm of the double ended dildo, her lips drifting down to engulf Callie's other nipple while the fingers of her right hand trace a line down the fox-lady's belly, over her navel and down to her slick entrance under the water. She begins to rub
in a circular pattern, seeking to find and manipulate her lover's clitoris by feel alone.

Callie smiles softly as Elly begins focusing her attention, even moreso than before, on pleasuring the vixen's body. She places a hand on top of the redwing's head, fingers caressing her beautiful wet hair, occasionally tightening their grip. The other hand goes to the base of the torian's tail, as Callie uses all the lessons and experience she has in pleasing vulpines in this manner, and applies them to this situation. She gasps when Elly finds her clitoris, and nods. "That's the spot," she confirms.

Ellyssa moans at the feeling of those strong fingers in her hair, hitting her latent desire to be controlled that still remains in her to some extent even as she has grown more and more desirous of being free in recent months. She gasps against Callie's nipple as her lover redoubles her assault on the nerve endings at the base of her tail. She grins at the confirmation and, knowing where Callie's love button is, she begins to work it gently, rubbing pleasure into the vulpine's center. "Do you like that, Dear Callie?" She asks, breaking away from the breast she is nibbling at for a moment.

Callie lets out a long moan as Elly presses her fingers into her clit, bringing shocks of pleasure through her body, causing the fox to curl her tails and toes. "Mmmmm yessss," she murmurs. "Goddess, you've got me so hot for you. Mmmm, make me cum for you, babe... ahhhh, I wanna cum for you so badly. And then, you can cum for me." She continues stroking Elly's head and her fuzzy tail.

<+Ellyssa> "Oh, I want you to cum for me so badly" Ellyssa gasps out. "Make me complete by enjoying what I offer you, Dear Callie!" she says as the fingers of her left hand seek to mirror the movements of Callie's hand at the base of her magical tail on Callie's central tail and the fingers of her right seek to push Callie over the edge into an orgasm even as she pumps the double edged dildo just a little bit harder against her lover's sex, gasping on each downthrust, as the toy rubs her walls. Only the need to feel Callie let go first is keeping her from giving into a mindblowing orgasm of her own...

"AHHHHHHH, ELLLLYYYYYY!" Callie exclaims, rearing her head back and crying out to the heavens, not caring if anyone outside the private bath can hear them. Hearing those words from the redwing, feeling the things she was doing to her tail and pussy, just sent her over the edge, and Callie pumps back into that magically-created dildo, lowering her head back down and giving Elly a desperate kiss. As she does, she prays to The Lady silently, thanking Her for bringing Elly into her life.

Ellyssa moans and smiles broadly as she feels her vulpine lover orgasm and she wraps her slender frame around Callie, returning the kiss with fervor. She is ... barely ... able to keep from orgasming in return, even though she would normally be helpless in the throes of mirrored passion, because Callie had not yet TOLD her she could give in to her own pleasure...

Breaking the kiss, Callie realizes that she hadn't yet given Elly permission to cum, and the poor girl is trembling so terribly. Callie begins to thrust herself against the redwing and murmurs, "Mmm, now you can cum for me, Elly. Gleirdosh. Come for me. Mmmm, scream my name as you do, like I just did for you." Callie holds her head back a ways from Ellyssa's body, watnting to enjoy watching every moment of this.

<+Ellyssa> Callie doesn't have to wait at all... The slender redwing tumbles immediately into a whole body clenching, trembling orgasm, throwing her head back in a wordless cry of pleasure. She dimly hears Callie's request and the cry shifts into an almost musical scream of "Ooooh Caaaallieeee!" As the girl leans back against Callie's encircling arms, only slowly going limp as the waves of pleasure remove her control of herself.

Callie gently strokes the bases of Ellyssa's beautiful wings with both hands as she holds her friend in her arms, leaning in a little bit to plant a sweet kiss on the torian's neck. She smiles lovingly, happy to be with her dear friend, to have finally made love to her. After a moment, Callie leans back against the wall of the bath, feeling a bit tired.

Ellyssa slowly falls forward onto Callie's bosom and then, almost regretfully, slides off the magical dildo and down beside the other woman. Leaning her head on Callie's shoulder, her hand drifts over to rest on the vulpine's lap. "You are so wonderful Dear Callie" she murmurs, exhausted herself.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:23 am

Foxden and Foxden Baths
November 30, 2016
Callie and Elkian

Callie Volopa and Elkian sit at Callie's dining room table, eating potato giojoni dumplings and egg drop soup with wontons in them. Callie takes an occasional sip from her bottle of limeade. "So, I take it you noticed the new addition to Foxden; that stone building just outside. That's my new bath house. Now I like to joke that if it weren't for the restaurant, I'd hardly ever leave home." She grins. "Pretty much everything else I need is right here."

Elkian chuckles a bit as he nods to the cheerful vulpine. "I see there, Lass. So does that mean I'll 'ave t' come 'ere all the time t' visit ya?" he teases a bit before taking another large bite from his plate with a soft breath of contentment and a bright smile to Callie.

Callie chuckles lightly. "Well, you're always welcome here, for sure. And I still go into CVC at least four or five days out of the week to run the restaurant. I just get up a little earlier now so that I can both eat breakfast *and* bathe before commuting." Callie takes a bite of soup before adding, "I also do a volunteer cooking day at the vulpine temple at least once every fortnight. I *sure* do get busy. But it's a fun kinda busy."

Elkian nods a bit listening to her booked schedule his eyes growing a bit wide to the thought of so much. "Lass if'n I dared t' try half o' what ya do I'd be runnin' meself in circles screamin' like a loon" he says with a chuckle before setting down his empty plate now and drinking down the last of his berry juice.

"Oh, it's not so bad, really," Callie says. "I'm helped by several things. One: Maraqwai gets me where I need to go faster than anything else possibly could. Two: My Elemental Servant spell means I only have to do one-sixth the usual workload myself. Three: I really do deeply enjoy my work. Cooking for an appreciative audience gives me pleasure."

Elkian chuckles a bit more as he nods "Love for what ya do is the key t' makin' sure ya can keep doin'." He says with a firm nod before setting down the glass "as for me I love t' work the gardens. unfortunately, I don't care much for the snow devils." he gives another playful chuckle before looking over to the vulpine again "Lass, as usual, yer cooking 'as made this old goat a happy man."

Callie smiles brightly, and takes hold of Elkian's nearest hand, his left hand. "I'm glad of that, Elkian," she replies. "Means you'll keep comin' back for more, and I'll be able to continue enjoying the pleasure of your company." She winks, teasing slightly. "So... what do you feel like doing now? A bath, maybe? Dessert? Snuggling in front of the fire?" She hmms. "Have I introduced you to Maraqwai yet?" She's honestly lost track of whom she has and hasn't shown off Maraqwai to.

Elkian looks up to the cheerful vulpine as she takes his hand into her own "I don't think I've met Maraqwai but I can't say no t' dessert or a warm bath either." he says while standing up from his seat to let Callie lead him around "Lead the way lass and I'll follow ya t' whereever ya want me." he gives her a playful waggle of his brow and a coy wink in return.

Callie grins, and slips on a brown winter coat and black boots. She opens the door to the outside, and makes her way towards the stable, keeping Elkian's hand in hers. It feels good. Callie lets go of Elkian's hand and opens up the stable door, leading him past two horses and towards a larger enclosure at the back of the stable. Turning to the left, Elkian would come face-to-face with a dark red mephos dragon mount. "Elkian, this is Maraqwai, which means 'sky dolphin' in Ancient Vulpani. Maraqwai, this is Elkian. Friend. Friennnnnd." At the mention of Elkian's name combined with the word 'friend', Maraqwai lets her defenses down, and leans forward a little bit, looking at Elkian with large, green, intelligent eyes.

Elkian gave a startled look to Callie as he lead her into the stable "ya keep a bleeding dragon in yer stable!" he says with an excited look before trying to calm himself again while he is introduced to the dragon his eyes looking into the dragon's now trying to maintain calmness and focus to let the beast take in and accept his being. "Callie, I ain't seen a dragon before. well not up close like this." he says in a very calm tone now trying to resonate with the majestic beast.

Callie smiles brightly at Elkian's reaction. She's seen this kind of excitement from people many times upon meeting Maraqwai. Every time, it brings a little joy and pride to Callie's heart. "She's a mephos, actually-- a type of mortal dragon, as opposed to the immortal dragons that dream up and guide the lives of our Drak Sen friends. I've had her for almost six years now. I earned that privilege because I was third-in-command of VEGA-- the Valencian version of the Imperial Guard, since disbanded." Callie takes hold of Elkian's hand again. "Here, place your hand on her forehead there, between her eyes."

Elkian slowly moved his hand with Callie's pressing softly to the forehead of the majestic beast as he spoke in a low soothing tone "It's a pleasure t' meet ya, Maraqwai." His hand gentle upon the mephos while he smiles brightly. Only retrieving his hand once the beast had enough of the contact. "Callie, I'm honored that ya'd show me such a lovely creature." he says softly before giving a slight nod to the vulpine.

"Of course," Callie says, placing one of her own hands on Maraqwai's forehead as well. The mephos deeply breathes in Elkian's scent, and gives a long blink, as if committing that scent and sight to memory-- which is probably what she's doing. "I'm very proud of her, and of the bond she and I share. Would you like to feed her before we leave?"

Elkian gives a soft smile to the mephos now "Dare I ask what does Maraqwai eat?" he asks with a quick glance around. The satyr spinning in circles to see what food source he could spy among the stables.

"Hay, for the most part," Callie says, "but also fish and small steaks. There's a cooler right here in the enclosure. Yeah, that one. Go ahead and open it up, hon. Give her a fish. The first thing you wanna do is use your free hand to scratch her beneath the chin." Maraqwai's eyes follow Elkian around as she realizes he'll be the one to feed her this evening.

Elkian follows Callie's words to the cooler and pulls a large fish from it. The satyr taking a slow step toward the mephos his free hand reaching under the chin to gently scratch while he holds the tail of the fish between his fingers and lifts it up toward the beast's maw. "easy on me now" he says in a soft tone to Maraqwai waiting for the fish to be taken from his hand.

Maraqwai coos lightly as she feels Elkian's fingers stoking her beneath the chin, and she responds by touching her head to that of the satyr, very gently. It's clear that she knows just how much bigger she is than Elkian, and how easily she could hurt him if she tried. She has no wish to do that. Callie identified him as a friend. She pulls back a little bit and, seeing the fish, she takes a long lick across the top of it before leaning in and slowly sucking it into her mouth. As she chews her dinner, she locks eyes with Elkian. "She *is* magnificent, isn't she?" Callie comments.

Elkian gives a soft chuckle when their foreheads meet and slowly withdraws his hands before nodding brightly to Callie "she's a fine steed and friend." he says with a quick glance over to the feasting creature "if'n I ever find myself willing t' take leave o' the ground beneath me. Someone like her would be me first choice." he gives another nod while he looks back to Callie with a gentle and calm smile.

"Well said," Callie replies, and in a moment of spontaneity, she leans in and gives Elkian a soft kiss on the cheek. She's growing fonder of him every day. "Well, after breakfast tomorrow, I'm gonna be heading out to CVC to open it up. I'd be happy to use Maraqwai to fly you anywhere you'd like to go. Naturallly, I use the Feather Fall spell on all her passengers, even myself, before taking her up."

Elkian gives a gentle chuckle to the vulpine's kiss upon his cheek "Thank ya lass." he says before shaking his head to her "ahh, no lass that's quite alright. I'm not entirely fond o' not being able t' touch the ground beneath me." he says with soft waving of his hands to support his nervousness with the idea.

Callie nods. "Well, I certainly understand that. My fiancee, Kayleigh? Her reaction to first flying on Maraqwai was thus: 'Caaaaallliiiiieeeee! Get me off this craaaaazy thiiiiing!'" Callie says that with a loving smile on her face, though. She clearly doesn't see this as a character flaw on anyone's part. "So, with Maraqwai and the horses down for the night, how about we spend some time in the bath house?"

Elkian gives a soft nod to the vulpine before shaking his head a bit "I'd be honored t' join ya, Callie." he says before offering out his hand once more to let himself be led through the foxden manor.

Callie closes up the stable behind Elkian, and walks towards the single-story stone bath house on the property, which is just alongside the main residence. It appears to be roughly the same size, though it's got one less floor. The snow makes soft crunching noises beneath Callie's booted feet until she gets to the porch, which has an awning above it. She opens the door and enters the bath house, feeling the warmth immediately. This first room is a dressing-room with cubbies for discarded clothing, and supplies for bathing.

Elkian walks into the bath house behind Callie. The satyr taking a small moment to let his eyes look over the vulpine's form now before stepping in enough to let the door close behind himself and looking over the room "this is quite a bit o' work ya've done 'ere" he says with a nod of approval "even put a few places t' keep tings along the side." The satyr gives a slow deep breath to take in the warm moist air now.

"I know; I'm very pleased with the work they did in such a short time," Callie says. "This bath house was constructed in only a week. It's great at keeping the heat inside, and it's a wonderful place for bathing, relaxation, and meditation." Callie sits on a bench and strips out of her clothes, showing no modesty whatever. She places her clothes in a large cubby hole, and goes to grab a wicker basket, placing some bathing essentials in it. "As a water mage, it's recommended that I spend at least two hours every week fully immersed in my element, to keep my powers at their fullest. So yesterday I came here in the middle of the night, cast Water Breathing on myself, and sat cross-legged beneath the surface of the large bath."

Elkian gives a chuckle before nodding along "I imagine that ya'll be enjoyin' this bath a lot now" he says before tugging the side of his loin cloth pulling it free from himself and placing it into a cubby along side the vulpine's clothing. The satyr giving a glance to the vulpine's bare form now and smiling "And I imagine that with ya I'd enjoy every chance ya'll allow for me t' be 'ere" he gives a playful waggle of his brow to her again before reaching out to softly press his rough fingers along the small of the vulpine's back.

"I imagine that's so," Callie replies, and she gives Elkian's form a good once-over with her eyes, even as he does the same to her. She's never been attracted to satyrs before, but then she's only ever met one prior to Elkian, and that one was awfully sexually aggressive. It had been an immediate turn-off not only to her, but to everyone else in the inn. The vixen's tails sway slowly behind her now though, in a sign of the vixen's arousal, as she imagines making love to the gentleman satyr.

Elkian lets his fingers softly trail along the base of the vixen's tails while he moves along side her to the water now. The satyr gently smiling up to the vulpine "after you lass." he says softly at the edge of the water giving her the first step beyond the water's edge while he watches her movements absorbing the beauty before him with emerald eyes softly gazing.

Callie opens the door to the large bathing area, which has room to fit at least ten people, maybe more. She places the wicker basket on the floor, and goes down a small flight of stairs to slip into the warm water with a soft moan of contentment. "Every water mage should have her own bath house," she opines. "I should have done this years ago."

Elkian takes in a soft breath as he nods to her. The satyr stepping down past the waters edge to join the vixen "I wouldn't know much about a water mage's preferences but I can say that a hot pool like this is enough t' make these muscles feel new again" he says in a soft sigh before sliding himself lower into the water now the satyr's waist hovering at the waterline now as he moves toward Callie with a soft smile.

Callie smiles and places her hands gently on top of Elkian's shoulders, casting a couple of spells on him that will hopefully make the experience of bathing more enjoyable. She casts Hydromantic Adaptation, eliminating the drag of the water and giving him dolphin-like swimming ability, and she also casts Water Breathing. She does this by wiggling her fingers just so and speaking words of Ancient Vulpani. "I didn't tell you how Maraqwai and I got together, did I?" she asks the old goat.

Elkian shakes his head softly to her words while feeling the soft touch of her fingers against his shoulders and a sudden sense of mobility within the water, as if the water where as thin as air to his form. "I can't say ya 'ave lass. but I'll bet it's a grand tale." he says with a soft smile to the vixen while his own hands softly reach to tease at the small of her back gently holding her near himself "Sounds like a tale t' tell over a glass o' wine, Callie" he says with a soft chuckle before his rough fingers dip down to rub along the base of those lovely tails now teasing them gently along the vulpine's back.

Callie lets out a soft mmmm of pleasure as she feels Elkian's fingers stroke against her tailbases, even though his fingers are a bit rough to the touch. Perhaps it's because they're different that makes it particularly pleasurable. "I think I'll save it for such a time, then," Callie says. "It's a really sweet story. I'm glad the two of you hit it off so well. She's really very friendly, and yet can get so *nasty* with anyone who dares to try and do me harm."

Elkian gave a soft nod to the vixen as he plays his finger's along her tails softly "Lass, It's a matter o' respec'. I don't pretend t' know much about the mephos but most proud creatures will defend those they hold dear from direct threats or even the possibility o' danger." he says with a gentle smile up to the vulpine "I know if'n I were t' come across ya in a pickle I'd do me damnedest t' save ya."

"That's right," Callie says. "And thank you. I feel the same way about you, and *all* my dear friends. That's one reason I try to keep myself in fighting form, even though most of the things I cut these days are already dead, ha. Since leaving the military, I've still had occasions in which my martial prowess was needed. But there's no need to spoil our fun with talk of combat, right?" The fox smiles, and gently gives Elkian a kiss on the cheek. She digs her furry, strong fingers into the small of his back.

Elkian gives a soft nod to the vulpine as he feels her fingers pull the the small of his back in return for the soft rubbing of his fingers against her tails gently holding them close. "Lass, If'n I needed a reason t' feel for ya more, that would be it." he says with a soft humming of his lips at the feeling of her fingers against him now. His emerald eyes looking up to meet with the vixen's now. "Would ya like me t' help ya wash up lass?" he says with a coy curl at the edge of his lip.

Callie smiles brightly. "That'd be lovely, Elkian. I have a very difficult time washing my tails by myself. When I bathe solo, I have to use an Elemental Servant like the ones that help me at the restaurant. But it's much more fulfilling to have someone else wash them." Callie uses her Telekinesis spell to float over a bottle of lavender shampoo and a washcloth into her hands. "Would you mind?"

Elkian softly lets his fingers dip between those soft tails gently petting over the base of each while he shakes his head gently "Lass, I'd be happy t' help" he gives a gentle smile before his hands reluctantly pull awaay from the vixen's soft tails opening for the soap and cloth. After taking them, He slowly slips around the vulpine's form and working some the of the soap into the cloth "if'n ya wouldn't mind maybe ya could lay forward for me?" he asks with a playful waggle of his brow as he gets a bit of lather into the cloth.

"Sure thing," Callie says, and she leans forward a little bit, casting Hydromantic Adaptation and Water Breathing on herself with identical words and finger motions. She smiles with anticipation at how good this is going to feel. "This is so much better than just having a small bathtub at the house which can *maybe* fit two. A girl can *breathe* in here."

Elkian couldn't help but admire the form of the vixen laying in the water before him his hands softly running along her hips up to those soft tails pooling the water over them and taking the first into his cloth covered hand to push suds of the soap into the fur gently. "I agree lass, it's good t' 'ave room and stretch out" he chuckles a bit while his hands work up the tail working the soap into her soft fur.

Callie lets out a soft murr of pleasure, closing her eyes and spreading her fingers and toes, wiggling all her extremities lightly for a few moments before ceasing. "Mmm, I wish you had a tail so I could reciprocate this," she tells him. "A vulpine's tailbase is one of the most sensitive spots on her entire body." Even moreso when a tail has been newly granted, which isn't the case here. She's had five tails for more than five years now.

Elkian softly chuckles as his hands work along the first tail fingers digging into the fur softly and working the soap along the tail into a thick lather. He moves to her side now his hips softly resting against her's while he admires the vulpine form before him with a soft smirk now "I'm afraid that me kin don't 'ave any tails. But I more than happy t' let you enjoy this, Callie" he says in a gentle tone pressing his fingers against the base of her tail once more to finish lathering the first tail.

"I wish I knew more about satyrs," Callie says, "but your kin is so criminally underrepresented in the empire. You're only the second one I've ever seen, and the first satyr friend I've had-- the first was rather sexually aggressive, and I didn't like him much. I don't mean he was rapey or anything, just a little too... forward with everyone." She holds her first tail up in the air so that it won't get rinsed too early.

Elkian chuckles a bit as his fingers work to the second tail now slowly pushing his soap coated fingers into the fur "I can't speak for all me kin, but me elder taught me that everyting has it's time and place, a gentle touch is just as powerful as a firm hand in the right company." he says with a soft smirk "but some of me kin can't resist the firm hand." while his soft emerald orbs look over the vulpines legs and up her back with a slow inhaling of the lavender scent in the air and exhaling with a soft content sigh.

"Well, I suppose then that satyrs are much like other species in that regard-- everyone's a distinct personality. I enjoy learning more about other cultures and beliefs, and sharing my cultural values with others as well. So feel free to ask me any and all questions you might have about vulpines in general, or me in specific." Callie smiles softly, and stretches out her legs.

Elkian works his fingers through the fur and cleans her tail with a few teasing rubs of his palms along her soft rear. The satyr's form responding of its own accord to the beauty before him "Well me kin and me are all Gaea's children but like all children each o' us is a bit different" he says with a soft chuckle to the vulpine while beneath the water his pride began to stir and swell with the excitement building within him. "what about yer kin? do ya have a lot in common or just yer features?" he asks while he rinses her second tail now moving on to clean the next gently.

Callie lets out a soft murr as she feels Elkian's erection against the middle of her lower tail, beneath the water. She's grown quite attached to the satyr, and imagines herself climbing atop him and making love to him. But instead she answers the question. "Vulpines are all descended from The Lady, who created Her husband, gave him to be raised by a catperson pair She was close to, met him as an adult, and they fell in love with one another. The Lady gave birth to two clutches of seven children each-- the Tayva Din, Original Children of The Lady. They were the first mortal vulpines to come into being. And vulpines can be very different, one from another. We have seven main tribes and many sub-tribes and sects."

Elkian works his fingers against the remaining tails of the vulpine one by one giving each a through cleaning. The satyr's form would softly rest against the vulpine's as he listens to her words "Our deities be amazin', Lass. I sometimes wonder if everyting is already known t' them." He says with a thoughtful sigh before leaning down to gently place his lips to the valley between the vulpine's shoulder blades. "I only hope that both are pleased with me desire for ya" He says a little more directly now as he gives a coy smile to the vixen.

Callie grins. "Oh, you have desire for me, huh?" she asks, as if she hasn't been paying attention to that. "I'll bet Gaea's pleased with that, and I *know* The Lady is pleased. She blesses us with the tools to be hard to resist for many people. And She has a deep, abiding love for other species, not just vulpines. Sometimes She even watches from the Celestial Realm with Her husband as one of Her children makes love."

Elkian made a point to slide his form behind hers now running his hands along her thighs as he slips his form against her's once more. The satyr's pride standing firmly now as he presses his hips against her's letting the heat of his growth be felt along the vixen's thighs and up toward her delicate flower. "Well lass, I hope that yer lady is pleased with what we give her t' view." he says with a heated breath against her spine and a soft shudder of pleasure as he takes in the feeling of her warmth.

Callie releases a soft sigh of pleasure upon feeling Elkian pressing his body so tightly against her own, and now that all five of her tails have been cleaned, the fox turns around to face the satyr, her emerald green eyes staring into Elkian's, which are much the same color. She deeply breathes in the scent of the gentleman satyr's body, allowing his pheromones to flood her brain. The fox is strong-willed enough not to let her passion run away with her, but it feels good to let go. "Shall we do just that?" she asks him.

Elkian took in a deep breath as he felt the fox's form turn before him finding himself pressed to the warmth of her chest as they stand together in the heated pool. The satyr looking into Callie's emerald pools while his own burn brightly only resisting himself for a moment before his lips move forward to meet with her's gently parting and taking in the flavor of the vulpine's kiss. His hands gently wrap around the delicate waist of his partner doing his best to eliminate the space between them and let his girth be pressed up along her waist.

Callie moans into the kiss, placing one hand against the small of Elkian's back and the other against the back of his head as they share this token of affection with one another. The vixen parts Elkian's lips with her tongue and explores the inside of his mouth, finding his tongue and pinning it with her own, gleefully. Callie shifts her body slightly, breaks the kiss, and asks Elkian, "Ready?"

Elkian moans out softly into the kiss as he found the vulpine's tongue invading his lips and seeking out his own letting it roll and dance beneath her pinning tongue. The satyr feels her pull away from the kiss as he instinctively inhales sharply to savor the flavor of the vulpine's lips. "I am lass." He says with a heated breath as his body shifts to bring himself lower now his pride sinking between the vixen's thighs as he looks up to her with a lustful emerald gaze.

Callie gives herself a moment to absorb the fact that she's about to make love to a satyr, which she's never done before; indeed, she's never been attracted to satyrs before. But Elkian has become a good friend, and the vixen very much enjoys his company. She reaches downward and slips herself onto Elkian's manhood, allowing him to slide right into her. "Ahhh, goddess... shuka triesta, bless us," she murmurs. She casts Purify Element on the water to remove the traces of soap and shampoo from it, and slowly begins moving up and down the gentleman satyr.

Elkian breathes deeply as the vixen takes hold of his pride slowly guiding him forward to her welcoming canal. The satyr's eyes clench closed for a moment as he lets his senses focus on the feeling of his manhood pushing toward her warmth. "Oh goodness lass" he moans out before his hands slide up beneath the vixen's arms holding softly to her sides as his hips press slowly forward. His fingers although rough in texture were surprisingly gentle with the vixen's form only giving light pressure to her when he wanted to let her feel his desire for her body.

Callie takes hold of one of Elkian's hands with the hand she'd placed on his back, and places Elkian's hand on the base of one of her tails. She smiles brightly, keeping her own eyes open, and she wraps her legs around Elkian's waist, stroking his back with her toenails. Callie places her forehead against that of the satyr, and inside her mind she thanks The Lady for bringing Elkian into her life, asks that She protect him from danger on the way home tomorrow morning, and, if She's willing, to look down upon them with love as they have sex.

Elkian lets his head rest against the vulpine's while his hand is guided down to her tails and he knowingly begins to softly rub his fingers against the base putting a hint of pressure at the joining of her form and that lovely tail. His hips slowly pushing upward to meet with hers letting the girth of the satyr seek out the deepest parts of his vixen lover. He breaths heatedly toward the vixen before moaning again from the sensation of her warmth engulfing the satyr's manhood.

Callie presses her breasts to Elkian's chest and returns her hand to the small of Elkian's back, tracing her fingers lightly against him in little circles. "Mmm, so good, Elkian," she murmurs contentedly, and she gives him another kiss, this one much more light and sweet, less passionate than the first one. She breaks it, and looks into Elkian's green eyes much like Maraqwai had done, as if seeming to take measure of his soul.

Elkian moans softly into her lips as they meet for that sweet gentle kiss. The satyr's emerald eyes buring brightly now as he looks into hers showing the purity of his soul to her in this lustful state. His hips slowly pushing up and meeting with her's while he holds her tightly to himself finding himself driven onward by her toes gripping to his back and his own fingers continue to dance alonger the fox's tail base occasionally changing to the next tail so that he didn't neglect a since part of her lovely form. "oh lass, by Gaea herself" he speaks to her in heated whispers as his free hand moves up her form softly gripping to the back of her neck and holding her.

Callie responds, "Bless us, Lady," invoking her own deity; perhaps they were *both* watching, and bragging about their respective subjects and their sexual prowess? Callie lets out a happy chuckle at that thought, her eyes moistening with tears, which she quickly wipes away. She places her forehead against Elkian's shoulder, reminding herself that she's not in competition with him; that sex is a very sacred act to her. It's a way of showing her dedication to the teachings of shuka triesta, who asks that she explore pleasure in all its forms. Why else would She have given Her children such a long life, a sixth sense of when they're being checked out, so many millions of nerve endings, and the ability to earn extra tails?

Elkian pants softly into the hair of his lover now as he held her against himself his hips rolling eagerly against her. The satyr moves to the edge of the water now as she could feel his muscles tensing against her arms and feet, working hard to aid in the rolling of his girth within her body slowly increasing his pace and thrusts while he grips at her neck more firmly to give him a bit of counter pressure to his pushing into her.

Callie moves a hand down to beneath the small of Elkian's back, feeling the "goat half" of him with her hand for the first time. She's surprised by how soft it feels; not quite as soft as vulpine fur, but not as course as actual goat fur, either. At least, not at this spot on his body. She pulls her head back so that Elkian can see her smile as she splays her fingers and wiggles them lightly against his fur. The fox also continues stroking with her toes, and moving up and down the gentleman satyr's manhood.

Elkian looks into the vixen's eyes with a lustful moan feeling her fingers splaying out through the softer fur toward his waist. The satyr pushes his hips up in time with her rocking so that he could push deeply into her. He would lean in again his lips moving to meet with hers showing a lustful passion as his tongue presses out to meet with hers once more this time dancing freely within her lips. His fingers grip a bit firmly against her tail now using her body to gain a bit of leverage for his thrusting upward.

Callie greets Elkian's kiss with a passionate one of her own, allowing him entrance to her mouth, the vixen deeply breathing in the satyr's pheromones through her nose, causing her hands to tremble slightly in excitement. She digs the fingers of her left hand lightly into the base of the gentleman satyr's skull, and then moves down slightly to the base of his neck, massaging by opening and closing her hand against his spine.

Elkian pants heavily against her lips while his tongue begins to move more lustfully around hers. The satyr feeling the soft gripping at the small of his head making him moan softly to her lips while his hips press upward with more drive now feeling like the vixen was claiming his form and he was eager to give all of it to her. The satyr's girth filling her deepest canal with his heat now as she could feel his pulsing and throbbing within her form a telltale sign of the nearing climax of the male.

Callie has never made love to a satyr before, never even considered it until she'd met Elkian. But she's had sex hundreds of times in her relatively short life, so she recognizes a partner's impending climax when she feels it. She murmurs into the kiss, and breaks it, squeezing Elkian's girth with her hips in a series of Kegel exercises as she murmurs, "Gleirdosh..." and then immediately translates it: "Come for me, Elkian." She picks up the pace of her riding and breathes in the pheromones even more deeply, as she's still a ways off from her own orgasm.

Elkian looks up into her eyes as he listens to her words giving him the encouragement to push him toward his peak combined with her gripping around his girth now. The satyr gave a lustful cry of bliss to her "I'm cumming lass!" as he held his hips tightly against hers, letting his swollen member pulse heavily inside the vixen releasing a torrent of his hot cream deep within her wanting canal. The satyr's fingers held tightly to her form gripping against her tail and the vixen's shoulder while he slaps his hips into hers firmly.

Callie gasps as she hears Elkian's words, and says, "Ahhh, goddess, come on, come for me, Elkian!" The vixen continues squeezing and unsqueezing her sex muscles against him, holding him tightly now, looking into his eyes, enjoying the look of pure bliss on his face. "Ahhh, yess.... Elkian!" she exclaims, and she presses down tight, keeping his quivering cock balls-deep inside her, and the fox cums as well. She splays her fingers and curls her toes, while her five tails sway lightly behind her.

Elkian shudders several times through the peak of his climax grunting out as he held himself to the vixen. The satyr's body tensing with each pulse of his pride spraying heavy puddles of his seed into the vixen. "Ffffook" he manages to stammer out as he rides out the ebb of his climax feeling the milking depths of Callie forcing his climax to ride out further and push more of his hot cream into her. He looks up to the vixen's emerald pools lost in the bliss of his lover's embrace.

Callie smiles languidly and gives Elkian one, then a second soft kiss on the lips before pulling away. "Mmm, that was just... divine," Callie says. Then she laughs softly. "No pun intended." She had, after all, been praying internally every now and then. Idly she wonders if The Lady really had been watching. She knows from firsthand experience that the Mother of All Vulpines has a vested interest in the course of Callie's life.

Elkian takes in a slow deep breath between the soft kisses of the vixen above him now. The satyr offering a return on her smile with one of his own slightly mild in comparison to the normal smile of the satyr but much more heartfelt. "I agree lass. I'd be lying if'n I said I wasn't hoping this would come t' be." he says with a soft chuckle to the vixen. His fingers idly running along the base of her tail once more as he held her close.

[Fade to black.]
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:25 am

November 29, 2017
Callie and Rida Cherryglade

It's two o'clock in the morning, and Callie Volopa writes naked by the light of a candle in her room/office on the second floor of Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, doing the ledger for the day. In her bed lies her dear friend Rida Cherryglade. It had taken some effort to steal herself away from the halfling's arms without disturbing her 15 minutes ago, but somehow, Callie had managed to do so. Callie is carefully tracking her sales, but hopes to be back in bed within a few minutes. She hadn't gotten a chance to do this earlier; Rida had claimed her instead.

Rida had been feeling needy yesterday.. a urge that needed setting and well Callie has helped a great deal tuckering the halfling out afterwards and she had drifted a sleep amongst the fur and blankets in the private room at the cvc embracing the vixens side and nustling against her.. then the vulpine had snuck off to do her work still in the same room but if she expected the halfling to not notice untill she was done with her work well then she would have to guess again.. becuss the lack of the vulpines body warmth did stir her soon and she pears a dark brown eye open and glances towards the desk where her gar'towa sat hunched forward over some pappers making notes.. outside snow was drifting down over a lantern lit streat the window sill looking like a collection of mountain and valleys in miniature at the moment sculpted in white. Rida without a word would set her bare feet down and then tiptoe over to the vixen dressed in just her spider silk lingerie she would slip unnoticed under the chair and in under the cover of the vulpines desk.. and then she would stroke a hand along the inside of callies thigh kissing it gently moving her way up it to catch the vixen's attention.

Callie's so wrapped up in her books that she doesn't hear Rida climbing out of bed, and when a vulpine doesn't hear something, it's *her* fault, with those large triangular ears. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen does, however, manage to pick up a slight vibration against the floor when Rida climbs beneath the chair, but she decides to pretend that she doesn't... even beyond the point where she's touched on the thigh by hand and tongue. "Mmmm, someone's touching me," she murmurs. "Wonder who that could be. I'm certain it can't be Rida; she's still asleep. I put her into a sex coma for probably the next week."

Rida just rolls her eyes at the obvious teasing and the halfling kisses her way up the vixens red thigh untill she had her nose burried in her the womans mons and her tongue was brushing up along those familiar folds. She was indeed not in a sex coma callie had helped a great deal but the halfling's libido had returned as soon as she had woke and now she was ready to resume with little regard for callies work. She strokes her hands up along those legs grasping her thighs and letting her small fingers dig into them slightly and her tongue pushes in between the walls of the vulpine's sex spreading her channel and pushing up against her upper wall exploring it eagerly. She tasted nice.. it was familiar and warm and the halfling worked so thoroughly it was almost like a ritual. The tongue was making paterns and her lips were constantly moving kissing and sucking wrapping around diferent parts of the vixens lower lips.

Callie lets out a soft gasp when she feels Rida's tongue slipping its way into her love canal, but she's intent on continuing to play the game, at least for a little while longer. She looks over at the empty bed. "Rida," she moans. She pauses for a few seconds. "Come get this silly person off of me, or I'll never get my work done. Oh, wait... you're still in a sex coma. Hm. This presents a problem."

Rida moans into the folds of callies sex burrying herself closer in between the vulpines thighs hands stroking up along her waist and side just barely reaching her chest in the end to stroke those large mounds to. She gives one of them a playful squeeze before she moves her hands back down to grasp callie by the rear one of the hands playign with the base of her tails as she continues to push her tongue furhter into that welcoming sex. She curls it causing those walls to spread a bit further and then she starts to search out that sweet spot that she had grown so familiar with. The tip of her tongue cirkeling that change in texture where the nerves collected. "mmmmm silly fox" she manages to say though it was quite distorted since her tongue was busy. "theres no stopping me"

Callie's tails and toes curl tightly, and she puts her pen back into its inkwell, reaching a hand down now to stroke the top of Rida's head. "Mmm, there's no stopping *me* either... so something's gotta give." Callie pulls her chair out from beneath her desk, and moves to stand, looking over at the bed and seeming to notice for the first time that it's empty. "Heeeeyyyy... what'd you do to Rida? Where'd she go? Leaving me here with a sex demon."

Rida growls playfully at that description and when callie rose to her feet the halfling was there still following along her maw liked glued to her sex lapping at those lush folds and swallowing what ever bits of sweet nectar her eforts rewarded her with. Ridas hand strokes callies rear and thighs massaging them as she leans her head to the side and shifts up slightly to wrapp her lips about the vixens clit sucking at it eagerly. though the scenario that callie was painting was far to intriguing for the bard not to pause for but a second to comment on it in the most dark tone she could muster "mmmm I took over her shape to use for my own needs.. I shall return it when my thirst is quenched.."

"Oooo," Callie murmurs. "So you're saying if I want Rida back, I'll have to please you. Well, I suppose that's fair. You're gonna want to keep coming back every now and then though, perhaps in different forms, just to see me." Callie lifts Rida up into her arms and places her down on the bed, on her back. She follows by kissing the halfling hungrily on the mouth, and beginning to trail those lips down her short, sexy body. When she reaches the area between her legs, Callie keeps going, trailing down her legs.

Rida would moan into the kiss and grinn at callies words "i take what ever form i wish even when i have a toy to embody.." and with that rida turned into a vulpine right infront of callies eyes dark choclate fur tiped with cream by the ears and tails stomach also marked with the same cream fur nipples pierced just like hers usualy and she hadnt particularly grown much when it came to height... (race blending) but the fur felt real and the tail keept brushing against callies thigh. "see? even your kin is not strange to me.." and then she was back to halfling sprawling out as callie kisses her way down her dark toned skin taking a deep breath when she feelt those lips move further down along her form. "oh goddeses.."

"Mmm, well... fox-kin aren't strange at *all*, in any way, shape or form," Callie says, as she continues kissing her way down Rida's legs. When she reaches the halfling's feet, she takes Rida's left foot into both hands and massages it slowly and tenderly, starting with her toes and going into her arch, sole, and heel. She completes the attention given that foot by kissing each toe individually, and then she starts doing the same thing, the same pattern, to the right foot.

Rida giggles at the comment and the way the kisses tickled her toes the halfling would squirm in delight and instantly break character even though she had expected it "that wasnt what i ment silly!" she gigles and roughs up callies hair playfully then she grinns "it seems you tickled the demon away dear"

"Serves her right," Callie says with a grin. "Implying that people might think vul'tovani are strange. Too bad though, I was looking forward to seeing if I could sex the demon away instead. Oh, well." Callie looks up at Rida, keeping her head-fur deliberately mussed up the way that the halfling had done it.

Rida giggles and kisses callie with a wide smile then she would grasp callie by the fur of her neck and guide her back down between her thighs. "oh no shes still influencing me oh help.." she sais teasingly in feigned distress and then she wraps her legs about the vixens shoulders traping her right by her sex as she starts to roll her hips grinding herself against the fox's muzzle. "mmmm" she bites her lip and closes her eyes waiting and hoping that callie hadn't lost her mood with the break in character... she realy wanted this.. her lower lips were slick with her lust sweet juices causing the folds to glisten in the lighting of the street lights coming from outisde and the warm orange light from the oil lamps that were lit inside.

"Oh, she's mmmmmm... come back!" Callie exclaims in faux horror, muffled by her proximity to the halfling' s body, adding, "We'll be consumed by her! Ohhhhh nooooooo!" Callie proceeds to get busy, slipping her tongue out of her mouth and stroking the younger woman's clit with precision and skill. Far from being turned off by the brief breaking of character, Callie is very much into the roleplaying right now.

Rida would moan leaning her head back when she feelt the vulpines tongue against her sensative clit and she would start to roll her hips eagerly grinding herself against the vulpines maw as those legs tightend about her. The room was soon filled with the halflings moans and gasps her hands grasping at the bedsheeths to get a firm hold. "mmmm thats more like it.. worship my presence vixen" she growls assuming her role again her head being leaned to the side for a moment that swell of dark brown hair framing her fair face and she watched the flame dance in the oil lantern on the bedside table. She bites her lip wanting more wanting to cum all over the vixen soak her fur and leave her drenched in her lust.. "you best go deeper.."she says grasping the vixen by the hair again to tug her closer.

"Mmmm, if you say so," Callie says when she briefly pauses her licking. She reaches up with one of her hands and slips her index and middle fingers into Rida's sex, curling her fingers and stroking them back and forth, feeling the halfling's wetness. Goddess, she's already nice and hot for her. Callie sways her five tails high above herself, slowly, demonstrating her arousal, and after a moment she lifts her feet up into the air as well, crossing them at the ankles.

Rida would purr looking down to meet Callies gaze and her hands brushed through that dark hair and strokes her along the ears and the small woman would buck into those two fingers. "mmmmm one more" she begs and shows teeth as she gritts them and throws her head back in pleasure. "please.. leave me in ecstasy.. or i won't leave your friend's form."

Callie lets out an "mmmm" against her friend's clit, and does as she's requested, sticking her ring finger into Rida's sex as well, so that three fingers are inside her. She can feel her friend's juices matting down the white fur of her hand, and she takes it nice and slowly, even as her tongue makes little circles around Rida's clit. She pulls her mouth off just long enough to say, "Mmmm, stroke my upper tail, demon," and then she goes back to tonguing her clit.

Rida would roll her eyes and chuckle at Callie's comment brushing her foot along callies back since her legs were wrapped about her shoulders and her toes would curl in pleasure the halfling grasping one of her own breast to play with the silver ring that went through the dark bud. Her other would grasp callies tail and she starts to run her fingers through the fluffy fur as far up and down along it that her hands could reach.. which wasnt far but luckily callies tails were long. She would moan lustily her back arching in pleasure as the feeling of that tongue brushing against her pink clit was driving her closer and closer to her edge.

Callie begins to pick up the speed of her fingering, gasping as the hot fluid from inside Rida's body just soaks her hand, some of it sliding out of her and dribbling onto the bedsheets below. She breathes in deeply the scent of her dear friend's arousal, and stretches her upper tail out to meet the hand that's stroking it. Callie flips and lightly bats her tail against Rida's hand, being loving and playful.

Rida would grasp the tail as callie picked up the pase gently tugging it to spur her on, feet still brushing agaisnt the vixens bare back as the curvy halflings body would start to tence up from the building pleasure. it could be feelt in the walls of her channel as well the muscles tightening around callies digits as they pumped into her and Ridas breathing was growing deeper and more audible. Then there was a string of loud moans escaping from her as her climax comes thighs squeezing her friend and lover tightern then ever locking that head there as her juices came gushing out to soak the vulpine woman. She watched that red fur grow darker around callies neck and maw as she squirted without holding back anything knowing that Callie didnt realy mind and once the waves of pleasure started to die down she would ease on the grasp of her legs to give her some air. She would then sit up propiing herself up on her elbows so she could kiss callie between the ears and lovingly bury her face in her dark hair. "mmmm thank you callie fox.. shall we take care of you now?"

"Mmmm, did the sex demon leave after but one orgasm?" Callie asks, as she moves to lie down on her side. "I'm more powerful than I thought. Go me! Welcome back, Rida." She grins, and moves to her back, gazing at the halfling in her glorious nudity. The vixen lets out a soft sigh of contentment, happy to have given Rida such a strong moment of pleasure. She wraps her arms around her and holds her tight for a few moments.

Rida just sticks her tongue out at the teasing callie made "yeah yeah all gone now get on your back ya darn vixen." she brushes a hand along callies cheeks and once she lays down rida would shift; to stradle her chest slinking out from callies arms to get in position atop of her. Then the nude halfling would lean forward and spread callies legs grasping each thigh so she could get at her sex her dark lips wrapping about the vulpines clit toying with the hood that coverd it before she starts to suck the bundle of nerves between pursed lips. she closes her eyes and rolls her hips were she sat dancing out of eagernes as her hands strokes the vixen sensualy. The motions were slow and teasing at first quite unlike the eagernes her lips were showing but then they grew more quick Ridas wet folds sliding back and forth just by callies breasts. There was a clear option for callie to lean forward and take rida oraly again though there was the risk that she would strain her neck becus of the difference in length.

Callie realizes that she's likely to strain her neck if she attempts to go full sixty-nine on Rida, so she declines to do so and just takes the opportunity to enjoy what the halfling is doing to her. The vixen keeps her eyes open, watching Rida's scrumptious body, and she moves her hands down to stroke against the halfling's buttocks. There are many people that Callie makes love to, but none is quite as fun as Rida is. She'll do anything and everything, and beg for more.

Rida would pinch callies poor clit between her teeth and then push a digit in between her folds spreading them and toying with her sex leting her thumb brush against her mons and labia as she slowly curls the digit inwards making it hook shaped as she wiggles it in causing it to feel much whider once inside of her and it allowed the halfling to explore the walls and all the little nooks and crannies of the vixens sex. She then pushes in a second digit spreading them apart further from each other and causing the vulpine to gape slightly her tongue diping in between them for a moment to taste her the lust that was building up before she simply starts to push her fingers at a steady rythm and her free hand goes to stroke at the base of callies tails and that firm rear. Her own dark skinned rear was grasped and played with smooth skin stroked and she could feel callies digits brushing lines between what rida assumed was her freckles.. it made her smirk and giggle looking back at the silly vixen with a beaming grinn "mmm enjoying the view?"

Callie begins to softly moan as she feels what Rida's doing to her, pleasing her sex with fingers and tongue. The vixen reaches her right hand around the halfling's body, dipping two fingers into her sex again. She has an excited look on her face, as the two of them please each other in this new position. "Mm, I *am* enjoying the view," she murmurs. "Little halfling sex demon."

Rida sticks her tongue out at her before putting it to better use parting those lower lips again and pushing it as deep into her vulpine friend as she could manage. The lower part of her face was getting coated by the vixens lust but rida didnt seem botherd one bit infact she was just going at thigns with more vigor rough laps of her tongue pressing those walls apart. She would then start to rub callies clit with her thumb fast passed and rough as she felt those digits play wth her own sex causing her to moan whilst pressed to callie.

Callie's left hand lifts itself up off of Rida's butt, and then spanks her hard with a 'thud' sound coming from the collision, instead of the loud 'smack' sound one might expect from one who's non-furred. Callie's feet shift their position slightly so that she can play at Rida's breasts with her curled toes. "Mmmmmm," Callie moans. "Ah, yes... fuck me, Rida. Don't sssstop..."

Rida shudders from the strike at her rear and the dancer would wiggle her well defined cheeks infront of callie the then swirls her tongue letting it lap up the juices callie were gifting her before she pulls back a bit and inserts her fingers instead four of them working togheter to please the vulpine as much as posible pumping deep into her whilst Rida goes back to her clit with her maw. The words and moans were encouragment enough for the small woman to push further her free hand grasping callies rear returning the playfull smack before she starts to massage it and dig her digits into the cheek. "mmmmm cum for me callie fox..." she coaxes "i want to be soaked." she kisses the poor clit and then gently pinches it between her teeth.

Callie gasps at the smacking of her rear, followed by the deep massaging of it. "Ahhhh yessss... I'll cum for you, my sexy lil' Rida ling," Callie moans. "Mmmm, I'm gonna come for you HARD..." She continues stroking the halfling's breasts with her feet, smacks her rear end again, and swirls her fingers in and out of Rida's sex like a woman possessed. It's as if it were Rida who'd awoken a sex demon inside Callie. Every vulpine seems to have one.

Rida growls and starts to push her hand further fiting more of those digits in going up to the knuckles into the vixens tight and warm sex watching those tails sway and feeling the muscles tense up around her hand. Rida would kiss callies clit and then nustle against her thigh watching it tence up and then the dark haired halfling would give that rear another firm slap with her free hand. "mmmmm thats a good girl" she purrs out moaning loudly when she feels callies digits work her further her vaginal walls clenchign around those digits. "mmmmm together?" she asks out of breath her eyes about to roll back as she starts to shift and grind her hips riding callies fingers syncing her movments with the vixen. "im almost there.."

Callie matches Rida's rhythm, groaning excitedly as she feels her orgasm starting to pass through her, causing her body to tremble with excitement. But she clamps down on it, curling her toes and tails tightly, trying to hold on as long as possible so that she and Rida can have simultaneous orgasms. Finally, she cries out the halfling's name and climaxes, taking a firm grip of Rida's ass with her left hand, and burying the fingers of her right hand deep inside the younger woman's sex.

Rida came not far after callie infact it was almost instant as the vixen cries out so does the halfling her head throwing back so that hari was flun back in wave and then she tenses her body and shudders her fingers still pumping into her friends sex to make sure her climax was riden out but rida herself soon slipped of callies fingers feeling rather sensative after her second orgasm after a night that had already brought alot of pleasure previously. She then slips of callies chest and curls up next to her wrapping her arms about her as she starts to lick her own and callies fingers clean of their lust.

Callie lays there in Rida's arms for a moment, a bit dazed by the intensity of her orgasm, and as Rida starts licking their fingers, the fox comments, "If you ask me, the sex demon should've embodied *me* instead. My climax was almost literally mind-blowing. Or she should have waited to leave your body until after you came again. Oh, well... I guess you and I have a reputation in the spirit world, huh?"

Rida just giggles and nods towards callie "i guess we do" she then licks between the vixens fingers making sure to get every last bit of those juices before she wraps her arms about her and nustles into her neck "mmm love you dear."

"I love you too, sweetheart," Callie says, and she uses her Telekinesis spell to float the sheet and comforter up to cover herself and Rida up to the neck. Callie pulls back so she can give the halfling a soft kiss on the lips, and then she resumes their previous position, wrapped so tightly against one another.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:26 am

December 19, 2016
Callie and Carthad

Callie Volopa and her dear friend Carthad are upstairs in the guest room at Foxden, where things are getting hot and heavy. Callie is sitting in the lap of the naked Carthad, and is pulling up her shirt, tossing it aside to reveal white-furred breasts. She grins wickedly at the human, eager to see her friend's reaction.

Carthad had his robe scattered around him where he sat, as Callie had pushed the folds up and off his shoulders before she'd even clambered onto his lap. This of course, was convenient for them both, as Callie knew he normally wore nothing under it, save for his tattoos and sometimes those odd vambraces of his. Now in just his boots, the silken furred vixen pulled her shirt up and to the side. His hands moving on her immediately, his left sliding up her front, gripping into the plushness of one of those breasts, kneading it in his palm, letting the nipple grind to his hand. His other hand slid around, gripping her bottom, her left cheek just below her tails, grinding her down on him, making her stroke her frame against his now bared shaft, resting heavy as ever against his thigh.

"Annnh, goddess," Callie murrs as she feels herself grinding against Carthad's bare shaft. "Mmmmm, shuka triesta, look down on us and bless us." The vixen crashes her lips against the human's, taking the dominant role, pinning his tongue down and exploring inside his mouth. Callie now wears only her black skirt; she virtually always goes barefoot when she's at home, and today's no exception. Her hands are placed on the back of Carthad's neck, and the small of his back, pushing strong fingers into the bundles of nerves there.

Carthad felt that skirt sliding over his thighs, and then further up to tease along his stomach, tickling there, only to have her shift so that he was under her skirt. The sliding of their bodies would let him know immediately if she was wearing panties tonight, which wasn't something she often wore when she was around Carthad. He didn't know about the others. As she would come forward, kissing him deep, he would return it with gusto. His tongue teasing and rolling against her own, but letting her taste of his mouth, letting teeth close to lightly rake along her tongue, sensitive and tasty as it was. As she would massaging and stroke at the back of his neck, he fought the urge to just fall back onto the bed with her atop him. Instead both hands would squeeze tighter, the breast massaged all the more roughly, while her cute bottom was practically mauled by hungry hand.

Usually Callie doesn't wear panties around Carthad, but she is tonight, for some reason-- black lacy ones which are quite gorgeous, at least to Callie's mind. Her five tails are swaying slowly behind her in an expression of deep arousal, and her toes are curling and uncurling, and occasionally wiggling, in excitement. She's eager to have Carthad inside her once more. He's one of her oldest friends here in the empire.

Carthad could feel more than see the tails moving in that pattern of desire. Mostly because they made the skirt move, and the skirt moving brushed along the hand that was toying with Callie's bottom, so that it would flutter and dance. As his hand would move to toy with her sex under that skirt, he would notice the panties and he would break the kiss with a light laugh, looking down through the valley of her furred breasts and back up to her face, "Panties must have worn them for my benefit. I imagine you want me to see them before I just tear them off of you hmm?" he would tease.

"Yes, no tearing, please," Callie says with a chuckle. "These things cost money, after all." She kisses him again on the lips, very gently and affectionately. She reaches down and divests Carthad of his boots, and then stands on the floor in front of him. She pulls off her skirt, leaving herself in just those panties.

Carthad watched her bend and turn to get his boots off, and then she was sliding off his lap, his thighs open wide to give her space to stand as she dropped her skirt. His hand coming up as he looked at those panties, his eyebrow arching, " they now? Are they ruined if they get too wet Callie?" he would tease as his hand rose again and stroked between her thighs, caressing along the slit of her, massaging that little mound through the panties, grinding his palm and dancing along those digits as he would throb between his own thighs. Half hard now and growing slowly, that mass of him steadily rising.

Callie unabashedly looks down at Carthad's manhood, imagining herself climbing atop him as she's done so many times before, and giving him the humping he so richly deserves. But she's in no hurry. She'll get what she wants eventually. "Mmmm, no, they won't... they'll get ruined if you tear them off, is what I'm sayin'." She grins and leans in, kissing Carthad again as she feels him beginning to finger her through her panties. Goddess, she's getting so hot for him.

Carthad watched her eyes fall down, to that slowly growing shaft, not even half hard yet, and already it would be too thick for her to wrap one of her slender hands around...though that was probably only one reason she kept allowing Carthad back into her home and her bed. Of course she would be thinking about hopping on...they thought about it constantly when around each other. As he would let his digits grind and dance hard along the line of her muff, spreading her nether lips open around his rubbing finger as he would lean forward to let his teeth and tongue nip and flick at her breast, before she had come down to kiss him hard, returning it, as his thumb would massage. Kneading where the apex of her slit woudl be, massaging there beneath.

Callie gasps at the licking and light nipping of her breast. She takes hold of Carthad's manhood, and, perhaps showing that her hand is bigger than someone gives her credit for, she begins to slowly jerk off the human. She watches in wonder as Carthad's cock twitches and grows in her grasp. "Mmmm, enjoy this, hon," she says to him, and she uses her other hand to pull off her panties, stepping out of them with first her right foot and then her left.

Carthad would grow in her grasp, thickening and rising still more as her busy palm would slide up and down. Pre would ooze from his tip, sliding out along his head so that she could gather it on her palm, should she desire. His flesh spreading her digits out, girthy tool expanding as he would grin at her, "I always do..." he would say in husky tone, as his hand would come away...just for a moment...while she stepped out of her panties. Then his hand would rise again, turning his fingers, and feeding his middle finger into the gripping snugness of her slit, no warning...but he didn't go fast, taking his time, to ease that thick digit into her.

Callie gasps as she feels the precum emerging from Carthad's cock, and again when he slips his middle finger into her tight cunt. She gathers the human's pre with her index and middle fingers, and lifts it up to her mouth, swallowing it with deep arousal written in her expression. "Mmmm, Carthad," she murmurs, grinning excitedly at him. She groans, half-closing her eyes, lost in lust.

Carthad would play her, as he knew how from years of their games and their lust. His hand coming forward moreso, slipping that middle finger deeper inside of her, and his thumb would dance and stroke, teasing along her clit...the bud of her stroking there as he would watch her face. She was tasting his seed, savoring the cum along her tongue, and he was making her wetter, jucier...ready to take him. As his thumb would roll in those circles around her clit, in time with light thrusting motions, gripping inside of her. Curling his finger within in come hither motion with that teasing rythm.

Callie lets out a long, lustful groan, and she climbs up onto the bed again, setting Carthad down onto his back. "Alright, I'm taking you good and *now*," she exclaims, holding onto his manhood and lining it up with her own sex. In a brief shift of limbs, they're together again. She places both hands on Carthad's shoulders, looking him deep into the eyes as she begins to move with him. Callie feels like she can read deep into his soul, find the true Carthad that lies beneath. How wrong she is.

Carthad indeed was something entirely different in her mind than he was actually beneath her. Under her was a necromancer, a rapist, to some a sadist. He was a power hungry, sex crazed, and utterly selfish creature driven by hunger and maniacal desires for -more-. That said, he was an excellent actor, and perhaps even a better lay, so that with a lewd squelch and soft ~POP~ of that slit stretching over his head and sliding down, Callie was once more moving up and down that girthy obtrusion that was his cock. Sliding along it as juices would flow down over him, and he let one hand rest on her hip to brace her, while the other sank into breastflesh, "Mmmmm....can't wait anymore i see.. "he would tease.

Callie, on the other hand, is exactly what she appears to be-- a kind, selfless hedonist whose prime concerns are family, friendship, and hospitality. She judges people by the way they behave in her presence, and indeed she's never heard even the slightest rumor about Carthad being an evil man. So it's very easy for her to make the mistake. But he hadn't been lying to her, exactly-- she'd never asked him if he was a bad person, because it had never occurred to her. "Nope, can't wait anymore," Callie confirms, and she lifts up her feet slightly, bare toes stroking against the human's ankles. She kisses him again, and deeply breathes in his scent, which has been magically altered so that he doesn't smell like death and decay.

Carthad let his hand fall away from breast as she would lean down over him to give another kiss. She had never asked him if he was a bad person, or if he raised the dead, or if he had raped her once bonded wife brutally in front of the bath house. These were all things Callie remained ignorant of, and would remain that way until Carthad drew his last breath if he had his way...and in his case...he never planned on drawing a final breath. He would live forever, to enjoy bounties like this. As she wrapped her toes and lefts around him, so that she was in a better position, and would start to move. His scent right now was masculine and heady, strong in that natural musk of his arousal, hint of sandalwood to him. His hips would buck then into her, driving himself home, a rough stroke that made his head collide with her womb with a dull -whud- of impact, bottoming out.

Callie gasps as she feels Carthad taking her so deeply, and continues moving with him, the vixen's breathing and heartbeat accelerating rapidly. Callie smells of the lavender shampoo she'd washed up with before Carthad had gotten here this evening-- Callie had recently had a bath house built next door to Foxden's main house. She also smells a little bit like min'taba quiche, which she'd cooked for them this evening. The vixen groans, "Ahhh... make me come for you, Carthad... I wanna come for you."

Carthad would take her words to heart, immediately moving his hands onto her, to hit certain spots, to stroke those angles that needes stroking. Specifically, his left hand came down to where there bodies would meet, his thumb pressing to the bud there, and stroking in smooth circles, teasing and flicking there lightly as he would move in time with her frame on for that...he took more control of that rhythm by thrusting up into her smacking his sack upwards against her sack, bottoming out in her again and again he would move more rapidly, power bleeding away into bombard her with sensation.

"Mmmm, Carthad, I'm so close... stroke my tailbases, babe," Callie pleads with him; she feels that'll be all that's necessary to push her over the edge. Her toes are wriggling furiously, her tails swaying very slowly, as she feels her orgasm quickly approaching. She begins to do Kegel exercises with Carthad deep inside her, hoping to get him off, too. "Annnh, fuck, Carthad!"

Carthad let his hand move then, from her breast, so that he was half sitting up. Body partially hunched as he would pound up into her, wiould buck and writhe and drive his cock into her again and again, battering her womb. As that palm sliding around would squeeze over her bottom and start ot massage her tail bases, rubbing them in time with his motions....though that timing was harder to keep. His pleasure was rising as well, sending him into her with shorter, quick thrusts, still deep enough to hit her womb, while he moved thumb against her clit, and now attacked the base of one of her tails, seeking to drive her right over that cliff.

Callie closes her eyes tightly and then opens them widely, looking right into Carthad's eyes as she screams, "AHHHH YESSSS CARTHAD!" and comes hard, the massaging of her tail bases being the catalyst that sends her into orgasmic bliss, as she'd anticipated. They're among the most erogenous parts of her body, and of course Carthad has known that for a long time. He's known her ever since she was a tri-tail.

Carthad met her gaze, and she would start to burst over him, would ripple and suckle along his dickmeat with those pumping hips and those gripping walls. He would massage her tail bases, and she in turn would massage around his cock. He knew the effect those tail bases could have, using them as a cheating way to turn the vulpine on for an age...but now they wre used to enhance, to end her over that edge, and the reaction was almost violent as she would scream down on him, milking him madly, his hips never stopping, his thumb never stopping that stroking of her clit.

Callie continues to ride Carthad all through her orgasm, hoping to get her friend off as well. "Mmmm, gleirdosh, Carthad," she gasps, and then she translates the Vulpani word: "Come for me." Her hands are digging deep into the small of his back and the nape of his neck, tracing around his spine in little circles, digging into those large bundles of nerves.

Carthad had to take the opportunity, as she would lean down on him, that riding slowly slightly, as she would squeeze fingers into his neck, and into his back, wrapping body to his tightly while her lower body would move, pumping and stroking along that shaft...he would throw his weight to the side. In that motion he would put himself atop Callie, who was still clinging to him, massaging and stroking those muscle groups, making his lower body spasm as she did. His hips churning now, on elbows and knees over her, breeding into her furiously, and she would feel his sack tightening as he drove her down into her bed, " close..."

Callie's fingers tighten their grip a little bit, and she moves a hand up to the top of Carthad's head, gripping his hair, as he pushes his hips against hers, trying to get himself off. She's still riding out the last bit of her own orgasm, and now their heads are alongside each other, the vixen looking up at the ceiling as she places her chin on the human's shoulder.

Carthad shuddered over her, that tightening spreading through all of him. It happened first in his sack, and then rippled up his shaft, and she felt that cock grow even larger inside of her, stretching snug vixen cunny to the point of near discomfort...but then again she signed up for that whenever she hopped on the necromancer, didn't she? As his shaft would grind against her womb, would thunder there with his thrusts, she'd feel the first thick rope of him bursting free. Gushing along her womb pouring forth against her, his sack no longer slapping to her ass, instead tight to his body as he emptied all that cream into her, while his body vibrated atop her, "Yesssss!"

Callie lets out a soft gasp when she feels Carthad coming inside her, and she holds him tightly to her body, embracing him with deep affection and wrapping her legs around him, feet meeting behind him, heels pressing into the small of his back. She feels another rope of his semen pouring into her body and she groans in satisfaction. "Ahhh, yess... shuka triesta, bless us."

Carthad feels her raise her legs, her arms, all of her wrapping around him, as if her tails themselves would close where they could. Her soft gfur brushing against his frame, cradling him, as his cock spasmed so deep within her, bottomed out and gushing against her womb, pumping her full of his seed. Her grip to him meant he couldn't pull back...couldn't pull out. Only the steady rocking of his hips in this moment of pleasure. His hips kept moving, churning and pumping into her, while his shaft would first spent those ropes...and then slow trickles, and lastly beads of his cum, all pouring inside of her, plugged by his thickness...and then his frame would relax, on elbows and knees, trying not to drop all his weight on her, "Mmmm....yess..."

When Carthad comes down off her orgasm, Carthad uses her considerable upper body strength, belied by her small form, to help roll the human off of her and onto his back alongside her. Then she smiles warmly, looking quite relaxed and content. "I can always count on you for a good time," she says. "Whether we're having sex or not, actually." She thinks to herself that as much as Carthad had cum inside her just now, she'd be *so* pregnant, except for the fact that vulpine females aren't fertile until the souls of their future children appear to them in a dream. That usually doesn't happen until they're over the age of 100.

Carthad laughs as he turns his head to look at her, as she had helped shuffle him off, and now they were beside one another on the bed. His shaft was still semi-hard, standing up swollen and ready for more, save that it was slowly shrinking in the cooler air, now outside of the gripping channel of the lovely vulpine. He would nod his head to her, "Mmmm...well i do always love the trips over here...a great dinner...and whatever fun we get up to afterwards. Yes I agree, we always have a great time, don't we." he would say his hand reaching over to the side, stroking up and down her naked thigh idly as they basked in the warmth of the afterglow.

"Yes, we do," Callie says, as the fingers of her left hand gently trace lines against Carthad's right shoulder. "And you no doubt noticed the new addition to the property when you got here? It's a three-room stone bath house. So there are even *more* opportunities for a new kind of fun in the future. You know how talented I am in the water."

Carthad nods his head, "I did see it...was wondering what it was...thought it might a a larder or something...somewhere to keep all your supplies. A bath house though, that does open up some possibilities. So, do you just summon those water companions of yours to hit all the spots you can't reach.." he would say giving her a wicked grin, teasing her as his fingers would squeeze along her thigh. She had confessed to using the constructs for such things...and it was always fun to poke a bit of fun on the subject.

"You mean, like washing my tails? Sometimes," Callie says. Had she deliberately missed the point? Hard to say, with the fox's sense of humor. "I prefer to have a real, living person do it whenever possible, though, 'cuz I can feel both the sensations from my own nerves and the simulated nerves of the elementals. It's like trying to tickle yourself. It's always more stimulating to have somebody else wash your hair than to do it yourself."

Carthad arched a brow at her, watching her face as she would seem to miss the insinuation of what he had just said. Then of course she would explain still more, and he would learn something he hadn't known before. His eyebrow would crease, as he thought on it for a moment, and then would speak, "So can feel everything those constructs feel? What about independently, or a a whole? Can you decide if you feel or if you don't...if they take damage in combat, do you feel that pain? If multiple of them engage in anything sexual, do you feel all of the pleasure as well?" He was a mage at heart afterall. the academics would fascinate him, as he turned toward her.

"I can control the degree to which I feel what they're feeling," Callie says. "I can control each of them individually, or give them specific instructions, or let them have a little more like free will. If they have sex, I feel the pleasure. But they don't work in combat whatsoever; that would require a level of concentration that's beyond my ability."

Carthad would nod his head, taking in that information. For all intents and purposes then he considered them inferior to his minions. His creatures had atonomy enough that he need not command them in combat, and they could fight on their own. He could not use their senses very well...but he also had -no- desire whatsoever to use his minions for anything sexual. callie's magic had its advantages, he considered his having greater utility, "So...if you just deadened your senses to them, couldn't they get all your tail bases just as you like them?" He would ask, teasing still.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:27 am

March 22, 2017
Callie and Rebekah Redtail

Callista's Vulpine Cuisine closed its doors for the evening about half an hour ago, and Callie Volopa lies on the couch atop Rebekah Redtail, kissing her lips slowly and passionately. Both women are barefoot; the Musha Villa wears her white silken shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, and underclothes beneath. Callie has one of her hands stroking the side of Rebekah's neck, and her other hand scratching behind an ear.

Rebekah`Redtail She hadn't expected the visit to the restaurant to become so intimate an affair but there was no denying it was always in her thoughts whenever she visited Callie. Not realising that the patchwork dress she'd put together had started to come apart at the seams while Callie held her. Only having slipped into her silken red panties beneath it because of how tightly it moulded itself to her body. She was unsurprisingly at all as lost for word as ever and Callie's scritching fingers had pushed the younger Vixen into a blissful daze. Her pulse racing while she squirmed and stifled her soft groans against Callie's lips, her own just as fervently seeking to prolong the kiss.

Callie had shared dinner with Rebekah upon her friend's arrival at CVC, and had had some lighthearted, friendly conversation. The restaurant had closed at 8 but Callie had invited Rebekah to spend the night, not liking the idea of Bekah going back to the inn by herself at this late hour. Callie hadn't shared that worry with her younger friend, though. She'd simply invited, and Bekah had said yes. They'd brought their drinks over to the couch, and now they sit on the coffee table, while Callie and Rebekah share their passionate embrace. Callie looks to be in no hurry to take things any further than they are right now, though in her mind she's imagining them making slow love together.

Rebekah`Redtail Romance and dating were things Rebekah really had no knowledge of to compare the long evening, heading into night time she'd spent with Callie. But throughout she felt pampered, special in a way that made her eyes shimmer with glee whenever they were upon Callie and they were rarely anywhere else, despite how it repeatedly made her cheeks blossom with colour. A little giddy from the alcohol, prone to giggling and having more then once dipped close to nuzzle her nose against Callie's affectionately. She was mercifully unaware of the dangers Callie kept her clear of that night, because she was wholly in the there and then. Parting her lips from her sister Vulpine's and edging the tip of her tongue over them in a sweeping motion. She brought her hands up to cup Callie's cheeks, silently admiring her companion and smiling which further lit up her eyes. "So good to me, miss you all time but Cal-lie not ever not know me." Still a little slow in piecing her words together, she swallowed, her mouth dry due to the arousal that had began to steadily throb within the core of her being.

Callie had drained about three-quarters of her glass of fox lust, just enough to give her a mild, pleasant buzz, all the way down to her fingers and her toes. But Callie's better at holding her liquor than Rebekah is; it changed her behavior in more subtle ways, perhaps made her slightly more horny than she otherwise would be. It's hard to tell with Callie, really. "I always enjoy spending this time with you, Rebekah," she replies, smiling affectionately. "And I don't begrudge you the time that you're not here."

Rebekah`Redtail The room wasn't spinning at least but there was a distinct lack of co-ordination from Rebekah when her arm stretched out to reach for her glass only to knock it over, sending the little that was left in the glass spilling across the surface of the table. "F-feel..wob-wob-bly." She stuttered her concentration on speaking slipping yet she looked upon Callie with an intensity from having to focus harder, hiccuping as she withdrew her hand, wettened from the spilt drink. She uttered. "Oopsie-ty." With a grin and giggle, her body though would be noticably squirming and that telltale flush was rising more deeply within her cheeks. "Cal-lie love me, does. Rebe, wub you like more then um..." Hiccuping once more she kept stroking Callie's cheek with her other hand.

Callie smiles sweetly and rises up off the couch, quickly using her Telekinesis to float over a sponge to soak up the spill before the drink gets onto the floor. Callie places the glass back upright, and climbs atop Rebekah again. "It's okay, hon. Easily fixed. And I *do* love you, sweet Rebekah. You're my very dear friend." She kisses her again, this time on the side of the neck, and gives her a little nibble there.

Rebekah`Redtail Her heart was fluttering within her chest and that hint of worry about her accident, disappeared a mere moment after it had crept upon her pretty features. There was no denying how smitten lil Rebekah was, she was well and truly wrapped about Callie's finger. Having lifted to grace Callie's lips once more instead to feel her neck so softly pecked and it was the follow up nibble that drew from the somewhat intoxicated foxgirl a moan that was louder then would have slid free had she had more control over herself. Looking embarrassed at how vocal she was, she was writhing needily and almost close to whining.

Callie grins excitedly at hearing the moan from Rebekah, and she shifts her feet up slightly so that her bare toes can play against her friend's ankles. One hand slides down Rebekah's body and lightly plays against her tailbase. This is like a dance, and Callie knows all the right moves. "Mmm, lemme hear how much you need this," she murmurs.

Rebekah`Redtail With her thoughts clouded some, she was experiencing everything else far more keenly, her breathing a series of ragged pants as that ever so sensitive erogenous region Callie sought out drew a much more needy whine from Rebekah's throat. "Caaaaaaaaaaaalie. please. is good girl." Her hands trying to pull Callie towards herself, her whole body continuing that sensual dance of longing that was causing her panties to become wettened with her sweet juices.

"Oh, I know you're a good girl," Callie says, as she places her other hand on the valley of Rebekah's breasts. She strokes there lightly with her fingertips, up and down, up and down. "But it's okay to be a little naughty, a little dirty, when making love. And you *certainly* can be as loud as the hell you want when you're making love. So lemme hear ya, Rebekah. Mmmm, say it loud enough that The Lady would hear you from the Celestial Realm."

Rebekah`Redtail Callie certainly was making Rebekah feel dirty and still the younger female didn't want it to stop. Having not really managed to secure a grip on Callie, at her mercy completly. She stopped even remotely holding back. "I NEED IT!" Her cry of want ringing out and she drew breathe again to starting begging. "Please. want you, want you, am dirty girl, am bad girl." She was sounding so desperate, pulled and pushed to explore her lust beyond their first union together.

"Mmmm, yes you are," Callie says, as she gently removes the patchwork dress Rebekah's wearing. Seeing some minor wear at the seams, the Musha Villa graciously casts Mend and runs her finger across the damage, repairing it. She thinks the dress is quite lovely, actually, and wouldn't want to tear it off, though it's tempting. Callie grins when she sees that her dear friend isn't wearing a bra. "Ooooh, you *are* a naughty girl," she says; "more than I suspected. I'm gonna have to *do* something about that."

Rebekah`Redtail Rebekah had thought she'd get away with not wearing a bra this one time, to cup and clutch her ample bosom in place. With Callie calling her out on it as the labour intensive dress Rebekah so proud of herself for creating was wriggled and carefully tugged from her petite form. A distinct flash of guilt filled Rebekah's eyes and she bit down on her lip hard, all the signs of a girl who knew she'd been naughty. Oblivious to what was upon Callie's mind, she was soaking her panties not just due to being teased with touches but Callie's words were arousing her too. "Did not be.." She weakly protests but it was clearly not true.

"Oh, suuuure," Callie says. "No woman goes around not wearing a bra without knowing *exactly* what she's doing. You've already admitted to being a bad girl; why lie now?" she asks. She moves her left hand to cup Rebekah's right breast and strongly grip it with her fingers. Callie twists it clockwise, pinches the nipple, and even casts Sharpen Claw, so that she can lightly rake her claws against Rebekah's breast, from top to bottom, lightly so she doesn't draw blood.

Rebekah`Redtail Her eyes spun away from Callie as she saw right through Rebekah's pitiful attempt at deception, it brought with it such a deepening sense of being a dirty girl who couldn't with that grope of her lusciuous soft globe of flesh, hold off a sharp gasp. her back arching and she found moan after moan spilling past her lips, helpless to cease expressing the pleasure that was consuming her. She gave no other signs of denial now, she knew she was naughty though not where Callie's thoughts were leading to.

Callie grins wickedly as she hears Rebekah's gasps and moans come now from everything that she does to her. "I think it's time for a change of venue," the Musha Villa murmurs, and she gives Rebekah a light kiss before standing and easily lifting her dear friend into her strong, soldier's arms. She uses Telekinesis to turn the doorknob leading to the customer bedroom here on the first floor of the restaurant, and when they've crossed the threshold, Callie closes the door with a simple, light lifting of her bare left foot. The vixen is thoroughly aroused by the look of desire and, yes, vulnerability on Rebekah's face.

Rebekah`Redtail There was every bit as much chemistry, pheromones and the scent of lusty foxgirl in the air as when Rebekah had given her virginity away. This time however Callie was definitely not in a mood Rebekah had ever witnessed her friend being in. She was finding herself wanting to admit and say anything that Callie wanted to hear no matter how much it caused her rosy cheeks to plume with more <colour. Kicking her feet a little in the air and like it was somehow a secret, trying to press her thighs together to hide panties sodden with the trickles of juices from her sex. She had an entreaty a constant plea in her eyes, and that vunerability indeed showed, her inexperience, her longing to make Callie happy too.

Callie's five tails sway slowly behind her in an expression of deep desire, and the vixen lowers her lover down onto the bed covered in red satin sheets; the pillowcases are fluffy cotton and colored white. The Musha Villa runs her hands all the way down the front of Rebekah's form; upon reaching her waist, she dips her fingers beneath the waistband of Rebekah's silken red panties and slowly, sensually removes them. Callie then holds up the moistened underwear to her own face, and breathes the scent in deeply. She closes her eyes and lets out a soft moan.

Rebekah`Redtail The bed chamber was luxurious, a place to make anyone, Rebekah especially feel special although out in the open on hard ground she'd still have felt so if it were Callie with her. Briefly her eyes were exploring the room, that was until she was settled on the bed. Her thighes being clasped together, aided in Callie's trailing fingers to eventually slip into the waist of Rebekah's panties, the ever so slow tug and wriggle to slip them free and off surely intensified that afore noticed expression on Rebekah's face, especially since she kept trying to bite her lip only to part her lips to pant. That moan for all that it was faint from Callie received a response that was far more vocal and unrestrained, like she was meaning to show she could be a good girl by moaning more dirtily.

"Mmmm, oh, goddess, Rebekah," Callie says. "You must be so wet already." She dabs her index and middle fingers against the wet fabric of the panties, and then lifts them to her mouth, taking a long, languid lick. Her green eyes seem to glow in appreciation. "Mmmm... ahhh, say for the goddess and Her husband up above to hear... tell them, tell me, that you want me to eat your pussy."

Rebekah`Redtail It could be said it was a favour returned, for Rebekah had tasted, Cal's cock, the only time and one she'd had slip between her supple, inviting lips. Rebekah didn't have any real idea how it felt to experience what Callie offered, it seemed to be more then it appeared to be too, encouraging Rebekah to discover her sexuality, to beg for what she wanted, to feel like a dirty girl for it but wanting it all the same. A look of intense concentration revealed itself and as of alcohol had dulled the usual spiking pain she experienced she called out clearly. "Please Goddess and God above, I want Callie to eat my pussy." Yet she lost that focus on looking to say the next part. Nervous and excited at once with a whole lot more guilt then before, drew one of her thighs apart from the other, her arousal glistening upon her soft pale skin of her bare leg and her nether regions alike.

Callie grins lasciviously, and gives Rebekah a ravishing, breathtaking kiss that lasts only about five seconds before she breaks it, trailing her tongue across the younger vixen's bottom lip. Then she kisses her on the nose, and finally climbs atop Rebekah, rapidly trailing kisses down her body. It doesn't take long at all before Callie has moved all the way down to her sex, and at this point Callie looks up at Rebekah, at the look in her eyes, and lifts her tails and bare feet high in the air. Callie's upper tail gently strokes at Rebekah's right palm. Then Callie takes her first lick of her dear friend's pussy.

Rebekah`Redtail She'd lost the plot, Callie experienced enough to not miss that Rebekah had become overwhelmed with arousal, only she'd soon discover that she wasn't even close to such pinnacles of ecstacy. The sexual hunger pouring from Callie's gaze made Rebekah feel like a meal that was about to be deovoured, not very far from the truth. The seductive, teasing trail from her kissed lips had Rebekah instinctively urging Callie on, her moans encouraging but still pitched higher, not so chaste and far more slutty, Callie sure was making sure Rebekah would be on her way to getting her own reputation. They were nothing compared to the first long lash of that agile tongue along her slickened petals, crying out wildly. Her hand turned over to grip at that offered tail, for she felt herself cinch tight, contracting her tight passage and squirming her rear end as she caught her breath, awaiting Callie's tongue eagerly.

Callie smiles warmly at Rebekah's initial reaction to what she was doing. "Mmm, just relax and enjoy it, sweet thing," the vixen says. "Rub my tail, moan and gasp, and lemme hear you say my name from time to time. Ahhh, love you, babe." She plants a kiss on Rebekah's clit, and then goes back to licking her pussy, using her right thumb to make little circles against the fox's nub.

Rebekah`Redtail "Y-y..Yes Cal-lie." Steading her voice with a little effort, her fingers pulling inwards and then sweeping back to feel the soft fur coating Callie's tail to slide between her fingers. Barely needing the added urging to moan and gasp, she was managing that quite fine, but she did try to slow her erratic breathing. A veritable assortment of noises including an uncharateristic. "Fuck.." when Callie's knowing fingers stimulated her clit to swell and ache whenever she ceased rubbing her there. "Cal-lie, ..Cal-lie..." Her name managed sure enough but she was too lusty and hot to not moan in excitement more then anything else.

Callie continues swirling her tongue around against the outer couple inches of Rebekah's pussy, knowing from her anatomy courses and personal experience that that's where the greatest number of nerve endings are. Callie's bare feet are high in the air, and she crosses her ankles and wiggles her toes for Rebekah's viewing pleasure. That upper tail continues to twitch, tap, and rub against the younger vixen's right hand, while the other tails sway low and slowly.

Rebekah`Redtail Callie the teacher, made Rebekah the student and her vocabulary had become more extensive already, doubtful there would be many who wouldn't like to hear a blushing, stuttering Vixen say she was a dirty girl. Fixing her eyes on Callie's leg movements rather then the ceiling above. She cut herself off midway through another outpouring of blissful pleasure, to proclaim with a delighted shriek and a steady trickle of her juices to lather Callie's caressing tongue. "Love you ....CALLIE!" Another sharper cry as waves of euphoric sensations crashed over one another, making keeping herself calm at all much harder to achieve.

Callie deeply sucks in Rebekah's juices as the younger vixen comes, and she lets out an "mmmm" of delight, the vibration hitting those sensitive nerve endings inside Bekah's sex. Callie takes a moment to say a silent prayer of gratitude to The Lady for bringing Rebekah into her life, and *back* into her life after a brief absence that had seemed all too long.

Rebekah`Redtail That orgasmic peak had struck her like lightning, to the mind at the very least. Frazzled by the quick surge towards climax and when it hit her, making muscles throughout her body tighten and flex spasmodically even her pussy clenching as if to capture Callie's eager tongue that would become awash with the sticky sweetness of Rebekah's release. Nothing much more then one moan followed by another echoing that cryout in bliss. Her body wasn't done yet, that thrumming vibration into her core made her arch her back hard and dig her fingers into the covers of the bed, cumming again in waves of pleasure that had her fall back gasping hard and then digging fingers of one and into her hair.

Callie groans as she feels Rebekah's pussy pressing down against her tongue, but she frees it and licks at her clit a couple times before pulling her body up towards Rebekah and lying alongside her. She looks her over from head to toe with an expression of great joy on her face and she says, "I love you so much, Bekah." Callie leans in and deeply kisses Rebekah on the lips, allowing her to taste her own pussy juices.

Rebekah`Redtail Who knew the reason, Rebekah surely didn't but when Callie having brought a few low groans with the last sweeps of her tongue from the gentle hearted Vixen she'd looked out for from day one of her tragic arrival to the lands of Beleriath. Only it was far less then tragic to Rebekah, with her past obliterated from memory the only love she knew was that Callie gave her and it made her love and trust in Callie absolute. Wriggling herself closer as soon as Callie laid down beside her, their was no hesitation in locking lips, in tasting her own cum which made her feel dirty true but she found herself enjoying being Callie's dirty girl, to 'voice' or soh wit somehow while she lapped with her tongue to taste more, she drew a heart with a fingertip over Callie's chest.

Callie smiles as she identifies the tracing on her chest, and when she breaks the kiss, she rubs noses with Rebekah. Then she lets out a soft yawn. "I think... I need to rest for a little bit. Maybe wake up in a couple hours and let you return the favor, maybe. Stay with me, sleep alongside me."

Rebekah`Redtail For all that words often failed her, tonight she'd discovered shockingly intense pleasure allowed her to speak clearly, which left her with the question of how much were those few moments worth for a few words. With Callie, literally everything. "" yawning because of Callie and playfully poking her she pecked her lips and then tucked her head in under Callie's. Feeling the happiest she had ever been, to sleep knowing Callie was there right beside her. "Cal-lie." All she said more but she tried hard to show her feelings when words failed her.

Fade to black.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:28 am

October 8, 2017
Callie and Irene Swanson
With Abby and Airy; Feat. Pork Chop

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon, and the lunch rush is starting to die down at Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, located at 110 South Meridian Street in downtown Nanthalion, just south of the town park. Callie Volopa, the five-tailed, red-furred vixen of the Verlosi Tribe, is cleaning up after a table of six vulpine siblings that have just departed, leaving behind a substantial tip and a substantial mess. Callie accepts the latter as the price for the former, however. She's dressed in a white silken shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, black boots with purple buckles on them, and underclothes.

[21:16] <+Callie`Volopa-CVC> !time
[21:16] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-09 02:16:27 - please remember this is NOT game time

<+Irene_Swanson> "I...I see. Well then I'll be going then." Irene would get up and quickly move to the door and out of the shop into the cool night air. Her pace was quick not a run but more a fast paced walk. She needed something to drink as her eyes darted around, and she could smell something delicious coming out of a building call callista's vulpine cuisine. Irene would walk up to the establishment and walking into it. Hopefully there were no satyrs inside.

Callie looks up from her cleaning of the table when she hears the bell ring above the double doors, and she gives a bright smile upon seeing the blond human, Irene, whom she's never met before. "Vizhra, and welcome to Callista's Vulpine Cuisine!" she exclaims. "Please, have a seat; enjoy my hospitality today!"

Irene would nod to the vulpine woman. "Hello there. I just came from the naked bird I think its called, and there was a satyr there. Was wondering if you might have anything to flush the system?" Irene face looked a bit flush while she adjusted her tunic.

Callie nods and says, "Tomato juice, believe it or not. It acts as a counter-agent to the specific kind of pheromones that satyrs give off. Takes a few minutes to have an effect, though. Perhaps you'd like to drink it in private, alone in the customer bedroom?"

<+Irene_Swanson> Irene's eyes would widen at the mention of a customer bedroom. "Why does a resturant have a customer bedroom?" She asked unsure of why there was a bedroom to begin with, but she had no idea tomato juice acted as a counter to such a thing.

"It's a rule-- actually, a law-- in my Verlosi Tribe," Callie says. "The Lady's Third Tenet is to practice hospitality. One of the ways I do that as a restaurant owner is to set aside a bedroom for customer use. They can use it during the day if they want some privacy, or at night if they need a place to lay their head. I also rent it out for Date Night Packages here. I'm outside my tribe's jurisdiction here in the empire, but I'm a traditionalist and I had the customer bedroom built anyway."

Irene would blink not realizing that such a thing was a vulpine custom from the woman's home tribe. "Oh...I'm sorry if I offended you. It just seemed odd. Not many restaurants with bedrooms." Irene would shift her weight in her chair wondering how long she had been around that satyr. "How long does it take this tomato juice to take effect?" She was considering using the room, if it took the juice a while to kick in.

"It varies depending on species and size, so I couldn't really say," Callie says. "No sooner than 15 minutes; probably no longer than an hour. You'll want a tall glass. Shall I pour some for you? I'll let you use the room for free."

<+Irene_Swanson> Hearing the times it was going to be a fifteen to an hour wait and see along with a tall glass of tomato juice. "Yes, it's at least something to help." Irene would look around the resturant not sure where she was supposed to be going. "Umm...which way is this customer bedroom?" She didn't need to risk being influenced by something else she didn't know about. Plus she need to get out of this tunic probably some less clothing would help.

Callie pours the tall glass of tomato juice, and leads Irene to the door of the customer bedroom, which is on the first floor. Inside the bedroom is a queen-sized bed, an end table with a lantern on it, a circular table with two chairs around it, and a dresser. The end table contains several sex toys. The dresser contains a change of sheets and comforter. There's a window inside the bedroom, facing west, with blinds and curtains surrounding it. "There's an attached bath," Callie says, "in case you want to use the tub, or splash some water on your face, or something. I know how potent satyr pheromones can be. One of my dearest friends is a satyr."

<+Irene_Swanson> The bed room was a lot more then she had expected. "You didn't spare any expense on this room." Irene's face would flush with color seeing the sex toys on the one end table. There was also an attached bath. Yes that would probally help to cool herself off. "Oh then I can have faith in that this tomato juice will work. By the way I'm Irene Swanson. It seems fate or some other power was fortunate to bring me here instead of someplace that might take advantage of some one new in town."

Callie looks surprised at seeing the sex toys on the end table, and she steps into the room, opening up the table and putting them inside. "Sorry about that," she says. "Though you're welcome to use them if you want. It's nice to meet you, Irene. I'm Callie Volopa, the owner and head chef. And yes, fate was smiling on you today. Relax, drink your juice, take a bath if you want, and afterwards we can talk if you like." Callie exits the bedroom and closes the door behind her, giving Irene some privacy.

Irene would nod her head in understanding. She would watch Callie leave, as the door closed. Irene would move over to the glass of tomato juice, and take a long sip of it. The liquid was much thicker then she had expected. She would take the glass with her into the bathroom, where she began to draw water for a bath, while she began to strip out of her clothing. She was right it did feel better to be out of those tight clothes. She would bend over to test the water, before getting into the bath and settling in. It certainly helped to take the edge off of her body. Now she could only wait to see how long it took to flush this out of her system.

[22:44] <+Callie`Volopa-CVC> !time
[22:44] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-09 03:43:52 - please remember this is NOT game time

[12:47] <+Callie`Volopa-CVC> !time
[12:47] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-09 17:47:21 - please remember this is NOT game time

While Irene concentrates on getting her mind right, Callie smiles as a male rock troll named Morn comes in with his moriel girlfriend. They go to the counter and order a plate of spicy vilka sausages to share, and two mugs of dwarven ale. Callie fulfills the order and the three of them begin to laugh and share stories and jokes with one another. Callie's laugh is a lilting soprano laugh, very musical and lovely to listen to. Morn's laugh seems to come from his belly, and he rears his head back laughing to the ceiling when something *really* amuses him. Both laughs travel inside the bathroom where Irene is relaxing.

Irene sat in the tub soaking when the sound of laughter began to filter into the bathroom, which got her to sit straight up. No, they weren't close by the sound of the voice. They were loud enough for her to hear all the way where she was. It was laughter which wasn't odd for the restaurant but it sounded like a male and female. Her mind began to remember what Callie had said about the room. Irene was starting to worry that they might need the room, but her mind also began to wander elsewhere to what they might do in the room. Shaking her head she would reach down picking up the glass of tomato juice and taking another long sip of the thick red liquid. She needed this to pass and fast, before things could potentially get awkward.

Irene's been by herself for about 20 minutes now, and Morn tells the story of the first time he'd gotten into a fight in The Lonely Inn. It hadn't turned out to be much of a fight, because of how much bigger and stronger Morn was than his opponent. Morn tells Callie and his girlfriend that he tends not to get into fights, because he really doesn't think it's fair. But he backs down from no one, because he can't afford to be thought of as weak. Morn tells how he ended the fight by punching his opponent on the top of the head, and then he gives an approximation of the look on the guy's face as he slumped to the ground, elicting peals of laughter from both Callie and the moriel.

Irene would pick herself out of the tub, making sure to pull the drainage corck, while she grabed a towel. Her hands had begun to prune, and she was feeling better. She would make sure she was nice and dry before putting her clothes back on. The last thing she needed was for her clothes to be wet, or transparent from the water. She could still hear the laughter from the group in the restaurant proper. It sounded like they were having a good time. Irene would look at the glass and see that it was half way done. The human woman would slip out of the room, and move back into the resturant proper. She would take a seat at the closest table to the room. Taking a sip of the tomato juice to make it look like she had been sitting there the entire time.

Morn and his girlfriend don't seem to realize Irene had just entered, but Callie has good awareness of what's going on in her restaurant, between her peripheral vision and her excellent hearing. Those large, triangular ears on Callie's head aren't just for show. But she calls no attention to Irene's re-entry, giving Morn another minute or so of her time before she grabs a menu and moves to the table where Irene had placed herself. Setting the menu down, Callie asks sotto voce, "Feeling a little better, I hope?"

Irene would smile at Callie as the female vulpine came closer. "For the most part..." Irene would take the menu from Callie opening it too take a look at the contents. "I figure it was best leave the room, before others walked in." Her gaze would look at the couple who were sitting a few tables away enjoying each others company. "Everything sounds so good on this menu. What do you recommend ?" Irene would glance up to Callie unsure of what to order from the menu.

"I wouldn't have let that happen," Callie assures Irene. "You were already in there." Besides which, Morn and his girlfriend have never actually used the customer bedroom, and Callie's not even sure if they're aware of its existence. "The most popular item on the menu is chicken jinjona, which is chicken cut into strips, rubbed into a special spice blend, skewered, and grilled. It's a great introduction to vulpine cuisine. I also prepare beef and pork jinjona. I like the giojoni dumplings, which can be stuffed with many different things. There's min'taba quiche, made with potatoes, cheese, sausage, eggs, onions, and milk. Great for all three meals of the day."

Irene would listen to Callie speak about items on the menuand what she recommended. "Well that is nice to know. Last thing any wants is some one walking in on them from coming out of a bath." Irene would stop to think about the choices, and it was probally safer to go with the introductory dish. "I'll have the chicken jinjona." Irene wasn't sure on the pronunciation of that last part, or if she had even said the word correctly.

"You got it," Callie says with a warm smile, and she wiggles her fingers just so, speaking a word of Ancient Vulpani and casting Elemental Servant. Behind the bar counter, an elemental minion appears in the shape of Callie herself, except it's translucent blue and made of hard water surrounded by a thick membrane. It's this Elemental Servant that goes into the meat cooler and pulls out some chicken, beginning to chop it, roll it into spices, skewer it, and get it onto the grill. Meanwhile, the real Callie says to Irene, "Do you mind if I join you?"

Irene would blink seeing the water Callie appear behind the bar and begin to prep the food. "Go right ahead and thats a neat trick there." Irene would lift up the glass of tomato juice taking a sip from it.

"Thank you," Callie says with a light smile, and she grabs a bottle of sweet tea from the cooler before sittindg down across from Irene. The label on the bottle has the vixen herself quaffing a bottle of tea and looking quite satisfied. Above the vixen's picture are the words Callie's "Darn Good" in both Common and the flowing alphabet of Vulpani. Beneath the picture is the tagline, "Your taste buds deserve nothing less!" Callie casts Elemental Craft, places her palms together, and with intricate movements of her fingers, she creates a bottle opener made out of hard water with a membrane. She uses it to open her sweet tea bottle and take a sip. "I'm a water mage, so I have very many neat abilities. Some have use in combat; some are simply to make my life easier. Like the minion behind the counter-- I can have up to five of them going at once. It enables me to get a *lot* of work done while still enjoying the time I have to meet new customers, and build friendships with old ones."

Irene would watch the vulpine sit at the table, before she conjured up another tool for her to use out of water. It was explained to the human girl that the vulpine was a water mage, and had more then a few neat tricks up her sleeves. "That sounds really helpful. At most I can do is some simple spells. You know the everyday sort." Irene would look at the bottle of tea and then back at her glass of tomato juice. "You wouldn't happen to know a place I could stay. I'm new in town just came from valencia." Irene was unsure of any places near by to stay at, but finding a place to stay would be a good didea.

Callie gives a light nod of acknowledgement to Irene's admission that she can only do a few simplistic spells. "Welcome to town, Irene. Eleven years ago, when I first came to the empire, I wasn't much for magic, either," she says. "For a couple months, I repaid those who brought me here by running some packages of theirs across town. Once I paid them off, I took a job at The Lonely Inn as a barmaid, and that should be your next destination. Go north on Meridian Street-- that's the north/south running street-- until you reach the intersection of Meridian and Main. Take a left onto Main, going west, and it'll eventually lead you out of town. About two miles out of town, you'll first see the inn's stables on your left, and then the inn proper. Monthly cost of a room is 10 mhl, and that includes food, drink, use of the stables and inn slaves, and the bath house across the street. Private baths cost 2 mhl, and if you want a bath attendant, they set their own rates. I recommend my roommate Galen Striker if you ever feel the need for a bath attendant. He has very talented hands."

Irene would listen to calli trying to keep the directions straight in her head. At least she now had a place of at least long term residency as long she could get the mhl to pay for the room. "You seem to know a few interesting people a satyr and a bath attendant with good hands. I hope there not both the same person." She would chide in a joking matter with the vulpine woman. "By the way do you know if any clothing shops that are hiring? I've been a seamstress most of my life, since I could hold a needle and thread according to my mother. Though I'm wondering if I perhaps should be doing something else with my life?" Irene would wonder about this, seeing how Callie had her life together with this restaurant.

"Why do you say that?" Callie asks, sounding confused. "If you're good at something and you enjoy doing it, it's good to see if you can get paid for it. Anyway, if the Naked Bird isn't hiring, you may consider the Belladonna, which is in Midvale, Valencia. It's a fancy clothing shop; most of the stuff there is made to order. I believe Miyuka owns that establishment. Also... nope, Galen's a human."

Irene had heard of Belladonna her mother had basically swore the shop out a few times for dwindling buisness. "That's just the thing I'm starting to enjoy it less and less. I mean I'm good with a needle and thread, but lately I just haven't been able to get into it like I use to. It's become less fun and more like well work." Irene would take a sip of her glass of tomato juice. "I rather not work at the belladonna my mother doesn't exactly like them. Plus I left valencia because I'm tired of it. The same people, in the same valley walled off by two fortresses. It gets suffocating after a while." Irene would make a motion to her throat with her hands like she couldn't breathe, while she spoke those words before placing them back on the table.

"I hear you," Callie says with a sympathetic smile. "I used to work for VEGA for about a year. Rose all the way up to the rank of captain and third-in-command of the whole thing." [VEGA: "Valencian Enforcement and Guidance Authority," the Valencian equivalent of the Imperial Guard.] "For my service, I was rewarded with my mephos dragon, Maraqwai. I left around the same time General Davak LaRone left the service, and while I was getting this place set up, I spent some time working for Lord Scathien at the House of the Rising Phoenix."

<+Irene_Swanson> "Oh you were part of VEGA!" Irene would exclaim in a bit of surprise not taking the vulpine for the military sort. "I'm surprised we never ran into each other, or perhaps we were just too busy with what we were doing at the time. Now look at us both tired of that little valley, and in a new place. Well new for me at least." Irene would have taken a sip of her tomato juice, before she noticed the glass was empty. "So what did you do at this house of the rising phoenix?" Irene would ask slightly more interested in the vulpine female.

"I was a squadron leader," Callie says. "I led a group into combat a couple times. This was back in '13. Wish I could say we did well, but in fact it just proved to my satisfaction that I'm not really the military type. I asked to be released from Lord Scathien's service, which he granted, and I moved to the East Coast town of Lingori'ka, where I spent a year and a half among the vulpines of the Lingorian Tribe. I was head chef of a seafood restaurant there, and in my spare time I surfed. Have you ever heard of surfing before?" Most people around here haven't.

<+Irene_Swanson> "No, I've never heard of surfing before. It sounds like the people of the Lingorian Tribe had a big impact on you. I mean you opened your own restaurant on vulpine cuisine." Irene would take a look around the restaurant taking note of what was going on. "I guess right now I'm just searching for that thing I would enjoy doing in life. Whatever that is?" Irene would look at her empty glass and then back at Callie. "Could I get some tea?" she would ask a bit sheepishly.

"Certainly," Callie says, and she rises to open the cooler again and get Irene some tea. She opens it for her with the conjured bottle opener. "Everyone has to find their calling, whatever that may be." Though she knows some people never do, and they end up working for years at a job that they hate. "CVC actually pre-dates my trip to Lingori'ka, technically... but before I went there, I was at a kiosk, and I opened it only for my friends, as an entertainment spot. When I moved back to the empire, I started running it as a for-profit business. And then early this year, I bought this lot and had this place built. I enjoy the atmosphere here. Fireplace, library, balcony, employee bedrooms, bath house outside. I've got a greenhouse where I grow some of my own fruits and vegetables."

Irene would blink hearing about all the facilities that came with the resturant. "Wow! You must really love doing this tohave spent that much mhl on this place. But then again if you enjoy it I guess money is not a concern." Irene would look over to the bar wondering how the food was coming along. "Do you have any other hobbies out side of this surfing, and running this place?" Irene would ask taking the ice tea with a nod and taking a sip of it.

The smell of the chicken jinjona has been wafting from the grill for the last two or three minutes, and Callie sees through the elemental's eyes that it's almost done. "Surfing's a hobby I don't get to practice much, because there aren't any big lakes or oceans around here. It involves riding water waves on a wooden board. But I have plenty of other hobbies. I mentioned I have a mephos. I like to fly on her at least three times a week. I enjoy swimming in rivers, ponds, and pools. I'm a master navigator, and I like to take my sailboat out from time to time. And I have sex a lot. It's part of my religion."

<+Irene_Swanson> The food was starting to smell good wetting Irene's apittite. She would listen to Callie's hobbies and blush slightly at the fact she mentioned she had sex a lot as part of her religion. "Oh what type of religion allows for that?" She was partially curious and partially unsure if the satyr pharamone was still inside of her.

"Triestan," Callie replies. "The worship of The Lady, Mother of All Vulpines. Her Three Tenets are to experience pleasure in all forms, seek self-improvement, and practice hospitality. I think I fulfill all three of those tenets in the running of the restaurant. It pleases me to do so, I'm always looking to get better, and I'm hospitable. Anyway, sex is a major part of triestan. There's hiyazhin, which is worship through masturbation, and there's orinjin, which is worship through sex with other people. And there are several other forms of worship that don't involve sex at all, so... don't think it's all sex, all the time." The jinjona is done, and Callie says, "Excuse me." She rises to her feet and moves behind the bar counter, plating the two jinjona skewers and ladling up a cup of peanut sauce.

Irene would listen to Callie explain her religion. It certainly was an interesting one she had to admit. Her face was a bit red, while Callie got up to get the food. "My mother has always told me to be a chaste maiden. She wouldn't let me near the wolven, vulpine, goblin, troll basically anything that had rumors of an uncontrollable sexual libido." Irene would take a sip of the bottle of ice tea, before moving a strand of her blonde hair, behind her ear. "It must be nice to have so much freedom to do as you please, because you want to do it." Yes, it certainly did sound like a wonderful thing.

Callie gives Irene a nod of acknowledgement, and she sets the plate down in front of her along with a fork and a cloth napkin. "Chicken jinjona with peanut sauce, sha la zosho ki kuna palza," she says in a lilting soprano voice. "That means, 'from my heart to your stomach.' A traditional vulpine meal blessing."

Irene would look down at the food that had been placed down in front of her. It smelled delicious. "Thank you for the food." She would take the fork and break off a pice of it before eating it. "Mmm..." Irene was surprised how good it tasted and could see why it was a customer favorite. "This is really really good." Irene would state, before taking another bite. Something had been on her mind though about the vulpine and her religion. "Excuse me for asking but do any humans practice your religion?" She had heard of some species practicing another religion. Though there were common religions practiced by multiple races. Irene just didn't know much about vulpine culture or their religions.

Callie smiles brightly at Irene's compliment; she never gets tired of seeing the looks of pleasure and the words of positive feedback from her customers. The vixen's five tails sway lightly behind her in a friendly manner as she retakes her seat, which, like every other chair in the establishment, has a slot for people to slip their tails through. "Sure; there are people of all races who practice triestan. We call them fuch'vulpines-- 'vulpines by choice'. They weren't born vulpine, but they choose to live as vulpines by practicing our religion. My late wife was fuch'vulpine."

Irene would take a sip of her tea while listening to Callie speak. So they had a term for people who practiced their religion. "I see you must get a lot of converts with such a religion. I mean it's practiclly a religion about doing what you want to do as long you enjoy it." Irene would take another bite from her meal another sound of satisfaction coming from her. The human woman didn't want to inquire about the vulpine's late wife, since it was probably personal.

"So long as we're also respectful of other people... yes," Callie says with a nod. "You're correct in suggesting it's basically a hedonistic religion, though. The way I see it, The Lady brought us into the world to experience pleasure; else, why would She have given us so many nerve endings, you know? And there's many ways to experience pleasure. It's not just through sex. Good food is one way."

<+Irene_Swanson> That did seem to be the only thing required was to be respectful of others. Though it was a religion to experiance the world through the pleasure it offered. Another way to experience pleasure was good food. "Yes, this certainly is a plesurable meal you've served up. I guess you could also derive pleasure through music, and poetry as well." Irene would take a sip of her ice tea before closing her eyes. "I'm sorry Callie. I've just realized I've been asking all the questions. Is there anything about me you would like to know?"

Callie scratches her chin, as she gives a mental command to her Elemental Servant to begin working on lunch for her. "Hm, well, you've expressed interest in *my* religion. Do you currently practice one yourself?" The vixen takes a sip of her own sweet tea, as Morn and the moriel girlfriend pay up and leave. Callie and Irene are now the only two people in the restaurant.

[16:53] <+Callie`Volopa-CVC> !time
[16:54] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-09 21:54:28 - please remember this is NOT game time

[21:04] <+Callie`Volopa-CVC> !time
[21:04] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-10 02:04:43 - please remember this is NOT game time

<+Irene_Swanson> "I wouldn't say so much practice, but my mother made me worship Uvelcra. She was always going on about the earth shaking, and mountains erupting if we displeased him. To be honest I don't know much about the going ons of Uvelcra, only that his temple is in a mountain and his altar is a giant mithril anvil." Irene would take another bite of her food, unsure of the specifics of the rituals and tenants of the god she mentioned.

"Hm," Callie says, scratching her chin again. "You've already told me more than I previously knew about Uvelcra. I know a little bit about the wolven gods, called The Seven, and about Ishtar, who has a similar belief structure as The Lady. But as I don't worship any other deity than The Lady, I haven't really dove into the other religions."

<Irene_Swanson> Ishtar it had been a name her mother had mentioned to her before time and time again. "Yeah my mother told me to stay away from temples of Ishtar. Her words I believe were that is not a proper religon for a young maden to be practicing. Its just a cult of deprived and immoral beings who don't have anything better to do with thee lives." Irene would take another sip of her tea. "She probably say the same thing about your Lady. Wouldn't be surprised if she said they were the same deceitful goddess masquerading under different names." Irene would stop to think about something "oh I think there is a story of Uvelcra sleeping with gaia mother of earth." She would tap her finger all most like she was trying to recall it.

Callie frowns when she hears The Lady being referred to as a deceitful goddess, and she's about to object when she realizes that Irene hadn't called The Lady that herself; she'd said that her *mother* probably would. "No, The Lady and Ishtar are definitely two distinct and separate beings, but they have similar philosophies." Callie's food arrives in the form of a deli sandwich-- roast beef and colby jack cheese on white bread with mayonnaise. Callie closes her eyes, says a silent prayer of thanksgiving to The Lady, opens her eyes and takes her first bite.

<+Irene_Swanson> "I know that and you know that but my mother doesn't, or if she does then she is something else." Irene would let out a fustrated sigh watching Callie finally begining to eat something. "Still The Lady sounds more laid back than Uvelcra. They say he pouts and complains when he isn't worshiped or his festivals unattended." Irene would take another bite out of food enjoying how it tasted.

"Well, *all* the gods and goddesses are like that to some extent," Callie says. "I remember during the Divine Silence several years ago, I organized a 24-hour party at the vulpine temple to show The Lady our love for Her, and ask Her to come back to us." The Divine Silence had been a time in which all the gods and goddesses had disappeared from the world, taking even their graven and drawn images with them, leaving only the temples and shrines intact-- and even then, the statues were gone. It had been a test by them of their worshipers' devotion.

Irene sat there her mouth slightly agap at being told about the divine silence. "That had to be some sort of party for her to come back. I'm surprised she didn't make you one of her chosen, or like a high ranking priestess. You seem to be very dedicated to The Lady and her ways." It was the exact opposite of Irene and her relationship with Uvelcra who she knew little about. "Still that had to be a scary time for you and the other vulpine that your gdodess just sort of packed up and left." Irene couldn't imagine what would happen if she was a devout follower and her god had just got up and left.

"Well, I suppose She *did* make me one of Her chosen, giving me five tails and all," Callie says, swaying them happily behind her. "Five-tailed vulpines are fairly rare in our society. Anyone who earns this many is called a Musha Villa" [pronounced MOO-sha VEE-ah], "a High Blessed One of The Lady."

Irene didn't realize that vulpines could have more then two tails. Even then she was impressed that Callie had managed to get five tails, and was sort of a high priestess to The Lady. "I guess that makes it your job to teach young vulpine, and those who are vulpine by choice The Lady's tenents and how to properly perform the rituals." Irene would look down at her plate when her fork didn't connect with anything a slightly disappointed look on her face. Apparently she hadn't paid attention to the food she had been eating to notice that it was now gone.

"Among other things, yes," Callie says. "I've also helped bring people into my Verlosi Tribe. I've met several vulpines who've never gone through their Soul-Joining Ritual, and therefore haven't received the gift of 900 years of youthful life that goes along with it. So I've written letters to the Verlosi Tribe Head Shaman on their behalf, asking if they can join a Soul-Joining Ritual. They've all been accepted. May have been harder if I wasn't a Musha Villa, but people tend to listen to us. Even though I'm very young by vulpine standards. 36."

<+Irene_Swanson> "900 years!" Irene would stand up from her seat in shock, before calming down and sitting back down. "You honestly live for 900 years after this soul-joining ritual ?" Even if Callie was only 36 that meant she had like another 800 years or so of life. Irene realized she wouldn't even live to be half that age.

Callie gives a light smile, rather surprised by Irene's stunned reaction. Then she realizes that anyone who has so little knowledge of vulpines probably *would* be surprised at how long they live. "Well, 900 years, give or take a few decades. The Soul-Joining Ritual is difficult, though. In my tribe it means undergoing a week of freezing cold and near-starvation. The islander Dakeeni Tribe hunts sharks in groups of three or four people armed only with spears. Some tribes jump from a cliff into a lake; some fight monsters, and so on."

[22:34] <+Callie`Volopa-CVC> !time
[22:35] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-10 03:35:39 - please remember this is NOT game time


[19:35] <+Callie`Volopa-CVC> !time
[19:35] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-11 00:37:04 - please remember this is NOT game time

Irene sat there entirely captivated about the fact vulpines lived for so long. She was beginning to wonder what this soul-joining ritual was and why the conditions had to be so extreme. "I hope you don't take offense to me asking this, but do you have the tails and years when you are born, or is that a side effect of this soul joining ritual?" Irene would take a sip of her ice tea, careful to keep tabs on how much was left.

Callie chuckles and shakes her head. "I'm not offended. You can ask me anything you want; CVC is a place of discovery, and I'm happy to share my culture with you." Callie has her Elemental Servant bring over two more bottles of sweet tea to the table. "Vulpines in the modern age are born with anywhere from no tails to two tails. I was born with one. From that point on, The Lady can grant us tails as She sees fit, based on things we've accomplished in our lives. On rare occasions, She even removes tails if we've dishonored ourselves. Our Soul-Joining Ritual happens, for most vulpines, in our 20th year of life. *Generally* speaking, The Lady doesn't start granting extra tails until after the Soul-Joining, but it *does* happen on occasion."

<+Irene_Swanson> Well that had answered that question more or less Irene thought to herself. Irene would take the bottle of sweet tea from the elmental servant, and place it next to her near empty bottle. "What is this soul-joining ritual, and why does it have to be accomplished under such harsh conditions?" There was no possible way she was part vulpine Irene thought to herself. First of all she didn't have the ears, though the tail thing wasn't a possibility. At least she checked which was a few moments ago she didn't have a tail.

Callie leans forward a little bit, steepling her fingers. "The Soul-Joining Ritual is an event that happens a few times a year in each tribe, usually when conditions are best for the testing. For example, my Verlosi Tribe goes up into the mountains and snow, so we wouldn't have a Soul-Joining Ritual in June. The Bijongo Tribe are cliff-divers, so they wouldn't have a ritual in January. And the harsh conditions are to prove your worth, your mettle."

Irene would scratch her head in confusion. "Why would you have to prove yourself?" She was a bit dumbfounded at the idea one had to prove themself, but then again she wasn't sure what the soul joining actually gave a vulpine.

"This might come off as a little harsh, but... it's a survival of the fittest sort of thing. Don't misunderstand me, though," Callie says. "Almost everybody, at least in the Verlosi Tribe, who attempts their Soul-Joining Ritual survives and gets their soul. Survival is no guarantee you'll get your soul, but it's a *near*-certainty, anyway."

<Irene> Now Callie was talking about a soul. Well the ritual was called a soul-joining. "So you under go these trials for your soul? I thought people were born with their souls is it different for vulpines?" Irene was becoming rather confused about this whole soul-joining ritual buisness.

"Vulpines are born with an elemental life force, like anyone else," Callie says, "but we have to earn our immortal souls through the Soul-Joining Ritual. This makes the first 20 years of our lives the most dangerous time of all, because if we die before earning our souls, we can't be resurrected. There's nothing to come back to our bodies." Callie shivers. "I could tell you a story about that."

<+Abby-CVC> Inside Abby's room, in Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, one can see a happy pig - one definitely fed so that it can remain healthy and chubby - just napping on its side, kicking one leg every now and then as it continues to be sound asleep. Such peaceful slumber, with it perhaps dreaming of its many happy days-- "--nothing...!" And suddenly Abby appears in the middle of the room out of nowhere in a burst of light and gust, raising her voice! <Arcana: Teleport> This startles the poor pig, who oinks in panic and quickly running over to hide under the bed! "Ack! Easy, Pork Chop! It's just me. Huh, where's Airy?"

<+Airy-CVC> Airy was already flitting downstairs, having realized Callie was needing help downstairs. ... She definitely detected Abby's arrival with some fae sense perhaps. Or perhaps just the sound of the teleport alerted her. "Ladyyyy Abbbbyyy!" She calls out outstairs. "Airy's about to help out downstairsss and is going to need Lady Abby help!" She then flits down to take orders and flits about to see who needs help and begin to take orders!

Irene had heard stories of people being brought back through resurection rituals. She had never meet any one who had actually been resurected. Her thoughts were interupted with the arrival of some one new coming down a flight of stairs she hadn't seen before. It was apparently one of Callie's employees. The vulpine had mentioned employee bedrooms. "That sounds terrible. Though I've heard of people being brought back through resurection rituals, but to not even be able to come back through that without going through this ritual seems a bit harsh." Irene would take the last sip of her tea, before moving to open the other bottle, before tilting it towards Callie. "Could you open this for me, and I like to hear that story?" Irene would mention but kept her eye on the new girl taking orders.

<+Abby-CVC> "Oof...!" By the time Airy calls for her help, Abby would have just finished pulling her pet pig from under the bed - though it looks to just making things harder for Abby on purpose by planting itself firmly on the floor. "Alright, coming down in a bit!" Abby stands right back and pats the belt around her waist. "Alright... Let's see..." She concentrates hard and twists the center plate; the mage attire she wears would be enveloped in light, disappearing off of her body, and its place a simpler attire would be conjured up via magic: a simple dark green dress with a dark brown vest. "... alright, I suppose this'll do. Pork Chop, you--" But as she goes to pull down her apron hanging by her door, she notices Pork Chop moving back under her bed, then peeking out at her. "... I don't have time for this." With that, Abby steps out of her room and ties her small apron around her waist as she heads down the stairs.

Airy flitted about, the cutest lil fae as she took her orders. She noticed Callie with Irene, and she flitted over questioningly, just to see if they needed anything, though she'd do her best not to interrupt their conversation. Too bad she had missed how cute Pork Chop was being. She would have loved it... if only for how he was giving Abby guff. She was tempted to flit over to snug Abby but she had to wait a little bit first!

Callie takes the conjured bottle opener, and uses it to easily leverage the bottle cap off of Irene's new bottle of tea. She waves to Abby and Airy as they come downstairs. "Hi, Airy. We're good for now." She now turns her full attention back to Irene. "When I was six years old, my sister Kayta and I were fishing on the shore of Lake Kilinia. I had a huge pull on my line, and before I knew what had happened, I was being pulled into the lake. Left, right, and finally under. But I was determined I was not going to let the fishing pole go. It was an heirloom that had been in my family for hundreds of years."

Irene would look up to the fae, before her attention went back to Callie. The woman had been out fishing when she got pulled under not wanting to let go of the fishing pole. "So did you let go, or did your sister try to save you, or did she go running for help?" There were so many possabilities even though the ending of the story was obvious.

"Actually, I blacked out, and when I woke up, there was a lovely human brunette woman staring down at me with a look of concern on her face. I passed out again. When I came to a second time, she was gone, and Kayta was looking at me. Remarkably, the fishing pole was still alongside me." Callie chuckles and shakes her head. "My parents were furious when I told them what had happened. Like I said, I *was* only six, far too young to have been soul-joined. If I'd drowned, that would've been the end of me. But I think they were also impressed with my determination."

<+Abby-CVC> "I'm here in case ya need any help with any more cooking or customers, Callie." Abby would finish tying her apron around herself as she makes her way near Callie and Irene, though she would not bother them as the two seem to be engrossed in whatever it is they are talking about. "I suppose I'll do some cleaning... but then again..." She looks towards Airy. "... I don't suppose ya know how to use the Clean spell, do ya?... I mean, ya do cover yourself up in sugar most of the time but I always just assumed ya don't use it because ya like being that way."

Irene blinked having not expected that sort of ending. Apparently a human woman had saved her, before her sister came to her side. "Let me guess ever since then you've had a thing for brunette humans?" Irene of course was joking with Callie. "On a more serious note did you ever find out who that woman was?" It felt odd a human woman would show up to save Callie, before disappearing not making sure proper help was there.

"I never *did* find out who she was, but yes, I *do* have a thing for brunette humans now. It wasn't long after the incident that I realized I have an attraction to humans, and to females. I also have an attraction to males, and to many other species as well. I don't discriminate, heehee." Callie takes her last sip of her first tea bottle, opens her second one, and takes her first sip of that one. "I also had that incident in mind when I decided to become a water mage. No more fear of drowning."

Airy would flit into the kitchen to give Lady Abby a snuggle and also orders! When asked about the Clean spell she shakeshakeshakes her head. "Airy hasn't learned that spell yet! ... Though she should." There is a pause. "You should too, Lady Abby!" She lets her know. "Airy just bathes in a bowl or cup of water to get all clean!" She declares happily. Of course, it's mostly that she is covered in sugar which nicely washed off like that.

<+Irene_Swanson> "Yes the tenants of your religion won't allow you. Wouldn't want to upset The Lady and get one of your tails taken away for being a bad girl." Irene was of course joking again. "Smart move, this way if you ever find youself being dragged underwater by a fish you can just part the river." Irene would make a parting motion with her hands. "Then again you could just command the water to catch the fish for you, but what is the fun in that?" She would take a sip of her tea.

Callie laughs brightly. "Water mage powers aren't quite *that* great, but I *do* have the ability to breathe underwater with the casting of a spell. I'm also a much better swimmer now than I was when I was six. You know, a little while ago I told this story to someone and they raised an interesting question that I don't have an answer to." Callie sips her tea. "What if the fish *wasn't* a fish, but was a mermaid or something? Some particularly nasty mermaids have been known to drag people down to their doom. Some of them don't even see it that way; they see it as liberating us from a miserable existence on land."

<+Abby-CVC> "... I wonder just how much easier your life is compared to us larger folk at times." Well, Abby cannot really do much without learning the spell just yet, but then again her sudden and unexpected ascension to a mage has been more 'learning to walk before crawling': with the mercenary learning just a few simple spells before already taking up the more advanced ones. To strangely good but still moderate success. She does overhear what Callie and Irene are talking about though, especially regarding 'drowning'. "Hey, Airy, how much do ya know about magic outside the ones you use?"

Irene would blink at the notion it was a mermaid that had dragged Callie under. "Well I've heard stories of mermaids turning into humans on land." She paused to think a bit. "What if, your line caught on to a brunette mermaid's clothes while she was swimming through the river, and you got dragged under..." Irene makes a tugging motion at her tunic to indicate the pull of the line. "Being six you wouldn't have had enough strength to pull the clothes off her, but the extra body weight probably made her realize she was draging you along for a ride." Irene would take a sip of her ice tea. "She noticed and by then you were blacked out, so she fetches you and your pole swims back to the spot she yanked you from and puts you back on dry land. After she sees if you are okay well she gets back in the river and swims off." Irene would tap her finger on the table. "That is probally why you can't find your mystery brunette your not looking in the water mage." The last part was a bit of a joke considering Callie could breathe underwater with just an incantation.

Airy just giggles at Abby's reaction to being told about bathing in cups and stuff. Airy hmms a little bit at the question though. "Outside of Airy's own magic? Only a little. Need to actually use it to really know about it... but she's heard stuff and read stuff, so she can help about that." She answers very honestly, as she continues to snuggle the mercenary as they talk. "Airy could look around to help out Lady Abby, if she needs?"

<+Abby-CVC> "That'd be helpful, yeah. I mean, I'm still new to this... Not to mention I don't uh..." She recalls just earlier in the day when she teleported near the Sorcerous Sanctaury, where she mishandled the spell just a bit which led to her appearing many feet above the ground and landing into branches and then some bushes. Both cushioned her fall, yes! ... but still hurt. "... have full control of a lot of my spells just yet. Though... I suppose I could ask Callie - she might know a lot more about being a mage. I'll wait until she's not so busy though."

Callie scratches her chin thoughtfully, and doesn't speak for a long time, as she absorbs Irene's words. "That is... entirely possible. I've never considered that possibility before, Irene... that the whole thing was an accident, and that I snagged on a mermaid who realized it and saved my life. That's something to think about."

<+Airy-CVC> "Airy will do her best!" She had missed Abby's mis-teleport, and Abby probably wasn'y going to tell her about it to keep her from worrying. She worried a lot, being tiny and cute. "Airy still needs to help you with that too!" Though, her magic isn't nearly advanced so her help might not be as encompassing as Callie's. "Ooh, that's a good idea! Isn't her magic super good? Airy's still very weak, after all."

Irene would smile a bit glad that she could give the vulpine a little more clarity on that event on that day. "My mother has always told me that events can become clearer if you talk with some one about them, or gain wisdom." Despite how much her mother nagged Irene. The elder woman had a knack for being right about things. "Out of curiosity what ever happened to the family fishing pole?" oddly enough she wanted to know about that of all things, since they had been talking about catching mermaids.

"My mother told me the same thing," Callie says. "Helped encourage me to be friendlier. The family fishing pole is at my home at Foxden, near the Unigo Tower of Magic. I don't often go fishing nowadays, though."

<+Irene_Swanson> A question would come to Irene's mind which would cause her to blush. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but since you can breath under water with a spell. Have you ever..." Irene would pull at her tunic, before taking a quick sip of her ice tea. "you know, ever had sex underwater?" in her head it was a perfectly logical if not embarassing question to ask. Though one had to wonder how she had come to such a thought.

Callie gives an nod, showing no indication that she's embarassed by being asked that question. "Sure, but not as often as you might think," Callie says. "And I've only been *able* to do it recently. Back before Umbara was created, the Water Breathing spell was one you could only cast on yourself, and like it is now, it was exclusive to water mages. So if you wanted to have sex underwater, you had to do it with another water mage, and in my life I've gotten along with relatively few of them." Callie chuckles. "When I first started down the Path of the Water, Ray`el offered to train me in return for sex, and I told him what he could go do with himself. He apologized many years later, upon recognizing that I'd become a brilliant hydromancer without his help." Callie takes a sip of tea. "But there was another problem, pre-Umbara."

Irene face would flush at Callie's openness about her sexual escapades. At least she had her principles about her. "what do you mean another problem pre-umbara?" Now Callie had her wondering about this problem. It might be helpful to at least learn a bit of local history if she was going to be around here for a while.

"Before the Tower Split, in which Umbara was spun off from Unigo and each tower began offering different magics for the elemental spheres, the Hydromantic Adaptation spell didn't exist yet. That spell eliminates the water drag on a person's body and also allows them to swim as easily as a dolphin. So, with the eliminated water drag, it's much easier to go beneath the water, breathing the water, and have sex," Callie says.

<+Abby-CVC> "Well, will just have to see. If anything, considering how many times I've used to... well... criticize mages for using magic, it's probably more proper that I learn everything on my own. ... bloody hell, if the girls from Damenkrieg wouldn't laugh at me for having a fae hang around me, they'd definitely laugh knowing I've dabbled in magic nowadays." Aside from the cloak and brooch that once belonged to Shoji and the very first great hammer ever forged within Nanthalion, Abby has pretty much further shed away from her old self during her Damenkrieg days. "Seems like Callie's got things handled down here though. I do hope to try and get something from a shop."

Irene face had turned slightly beet red upon hearing what the actual problem was. "Oh, I...I see. I guess that uh... is quite the problem." Irene would take a sip of her tea to try and calm herself down again. From the way she was reacting one would think she had very little if none sexual experiance.

<+Airy-CVC> "People do change, Lady Abby! After all, you love me with alllll of your heart!" She's going to get completely denied, but she'll keep at it! ... Fae don't exactly change, they merely adapt. Which is still how fae make it in the world. Airy is a big believer in adapting, and has done her best to! "Ohh? Which store?" She asks, flitting about adorably just to see if she's still needed!

"But really, having sex underwater isn't all it's cracked up to be," Callie says. "In the baths, it means putting your back on the hard tile of the pool, and by the time you're done, you're awfully sore. I've made love in many environments, but-- this may sound boring-- my favorite place to have sex is just in a nice, comfortable bed."

<+Abby-CVC> "Several... but really, I need the General Store the most. They got something I probably could use with my magic." And yes, Abby does not really respond to Airy's claim that the mercenary loves her with 'all of her heart' - though that may be due to the fact that Abby was partially deep in thought. She then looks towards Callie. "Callie, is it alright for us to head out for now? We'll be back soon, of course - I mean, Pork Chop's still up there."

Irene's face was now red as a tomato as she continued to hear Callie talk. She couldn't imagine what it felt like to be sore after doing it at the bottome of a pool. Then again she could, but she was trying to keep her mind from wandering. Hearing about Callie favorite place being a nice comfortable bed she would brieflly look back towards the customer bedroom. Then her mind began to think about how Callie would feel in her grasp, or how it would feel to be in the experienced vulpine's embrace. "No, bad Irene. Now's not the time to think about that." Irene wasn't realizing she had said the last part out loud.

<+Airy-CVC> Maybe Abby should have hope!! Or maybe the mercenary will just ignore her again when she proclaims something like that sometime. "Oooh, Airy will definitely come with you, Lady Abby, yep!" She declares. She giggles a little bit and settles in on her shoulder as lazily as possible. "Lady Abby, spoil me!" She commands! ... mostly to see if the distracted Abby will do it with no muss or fuss...

Callie hears her name being called by Abby, and she says, "Certainly. I can handle anything that comes up; it's been slow much of the day. Y'all have fun." She returns her attention to Irene, and raises an eyebrow as she speaks out loud what *sounds* like should have been internal dialogue. "To think about... what?" Callie asks.

Irene had one flaw when she was flustered, or extremely nervous about something, and that flaw was that she couldn't keep things to herself when confronted about them. "About the two of us sleeping together." There was a few minutes of silence when Irene realized what she had just said outloud. Her hands immediately covering her face to try and hide her embarassment.

<+Abby-CVC> "Alright. If ya need us, just send a fae our way, yeah?" And again Abby does not listen to that little voice. That is, until she looks at the little voice herself. "Alright, looks like we're good to go. Let's just hope some of the shops I want are open." With that, she takes off her apron and pats the belt on her waist. "Alright, Grey, looks like we're good to go."

Callie gives a half-smile. "Are you sure that's not the pheromones talking? The leftover satyr pheromones, I mean." It's been long enough since Irene's exposure to Zargek that it should have worn off by now, and she *had* had the entire glass of tomato juice, but Callie just wants to be sure. The very last thing she ever wants to do is take advantage of someone.

Irene would look up from her hands being in her palm at the mention of the pheramones. She had completely forgoteen about them. The human woman would stop and ponder for a moment. Her heart was racing, but that was due to her embarassment, and she was probably a nice red color. Another side effect of her embarassment. "I...I..." She stoped herself trying to gather her nerves about her. "Its not the pheromones. I guess our conversation about being able to do what one pleases, and then getting on the topic of sex. My mind just started to wander, and well that's where it landed." Just talking about it Irene could hear her mother nagging about how good girls don't have sex with other girls. Irene half groaned at the thought, while not looking directly at Callie.

Callie smiles gently, and takes hold of one of Irene's hands. "Well, I can't say as I blame you," she says. "The Lady designed Her children to be attractive to most people, and I take very good care of my body to ensure I remain so. A conversation about sex *does* tend to leave one thinking about it, so... that's my fault. Not that I'm opposed to the idea, mind."

<+Irene_Swanson> Feeling her hand in Callie's, Irene would turn to look back at the female vulpine. The female human listened carefully to what the vulpine had to say. Of course she wasn't opposed to the idea. Callie had opening and unshamefully talked about such things with her. "I know you're not against it. It...its just I'm a virgin. I have zero experiance with sex, and to have these thoughts about another woman. Especally another woman of a different species. My mother would have my head." Irene would look back towards the guest bedroom and then back to Callie. "Oh fuck it. Self improvement and experience pleasure right? Plus its better then probably losing my virginity to some drunk at the inn who doesn't understand the meaning no." Irene face was still red, perhaps still being under the influence of the satyr pheromones would of made this easier.

[23:24] <+Callie`Volopa> !time
[23:24] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-11 04:26:24 - please remember this is NOT game time

[Irene: Tomato juice SERVED; sweet tea SERVED; sweet tea SERVED, FREE; chicken jinjona SERVED]

Callie has her Elemental Servant go to the double doors and fae door, locking both of them and flipping the sign to show that the restaurant is closed. "A vulpine philosopher named Liaxo once said, 'Virginity is not something that can be taken, but something that can only be given.' If you wish to give me your virginity, Irene, I'll be honored to introduce you to the ways of making love."

Irene's eyes would watch the elmental servent move about the resturant locking the doors, and making sure the resturant was closed. There was more vulpine wisdom imparted this time by the philosopher named Liaxo. "How long did it take him to come up with that philosophy?" Irene would ask while looking at Callie. "Yeah I'm pretty sure I want you to have my virginity. Who better then some one with lots of experience, and the devotion to the craft of pleasure in its many forms." Irene began to remember an old saying. The beast teacher was experience itself, and she couldn't think of any one more experienced then Callie at the moment.

"Liaxo was a woman, actually," Callie says. "A very wise one, I'd say." She takes her bottle of tea in hand and leads Irene up the stairs; the first door they would come to is Callie's bedroom/office. Callie opens the door, and it's clear that Callie had gone for a mix of glamour and functionality. There's a desk against the left wall, a couple of lanterns, two end tables, and a king-sized bed with red sheets on it, with matching pillowcases for its four pillows. Against the right wall is a small altar, showing a ten-tailed, golden-furred vulpine female in between two candles, with an incense burner in front of the statue.

<+Irene_Swanson> "Oh, well then she was a rather wise female vulpine then." Irene would grab her bottle of tea and follow Callie up to the female vulpines room. Irene hadn't expected to go to Callie's personal room, and instead had expected to go to the patrons bedroom. The room was something she hadn't expected functioning as an office, place to sleep and a shrine to The Lady. Irene would look around the room in slight amazement moving over to the altar. She would bend over to take a closer look of the statue of The Lady. "Huh so this is what The Lady looks like, or at least what your people think She looks like?" Irene would gaze at the statue feeling more like a sacrifice with the altar in the room.

Callie smiles. The Lady's statue has Her standing up, wearing a shimmering white dress, arms outstretched as if to embrace Her follower. "This is the form She chose for herself from ancient times," Callie says. "And She substantiates into the world quite a bit, so we know exactly what She looks like." Callie sits down and removes her black boots and white socks, setting them near the bed. "Have you heard the story of how The Lady chose Her form?"

Irene would stand straight up again, before turning around to look at Callie, while she removed her boots and socks. Apparently the goddess of the vulpines appeared in the mortal realm quiet often. Enough for the vulpine to know what she looked like. "No, I've never heard the story." Irene would place her bottle of ice tea on Callie's desk, before moving towards the bed.

"You see, many billions of years ago, even before Belariath was created, The Lady existed along with the other gods and goddesses. But She was without physical form, representing Herself as a ball of golden light. Over a long period of time, the gods gave birth to the universe, eventually creating Belariath, all its flora and fauna, and then the sapient species. The Lady was fascinated by all this creation and wanted to get in on it." Callie removes her rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, leaving her wearing just her white silken shirt, black lacy bra beneath, and her red lacy panties.

Irene moved over to the bed and began to remove her shoes and socks. She listened to Callie's tale about how the goddess took on her known form. Irene would begin to undo the straps to her pants. "Oh so what did she do then?" Irene asked curious about this story of gaining a physical form.

"Well, She wanted to create a sapient race in Her own image, so the first thing She needed to do was decide on an image for Herself. So She spent years traveling the width and breadth of the world, watching the animals, and She eventually found a spiritual kinship with the fox, which is playful, cunning, and clever. She styled Herself in the basic form of the fox, except that She stands on two legs and has ten tails. And She chose to allow the members of the soon-to-be-created vulpine race the chance to earn multiple tails themselves." Callie smiles warmly. "No one other than The Lady has ever, or will ever, have ten tails. Many of Her children had nine, and many tribal head shamans have eight. Five is probably the most I'll ever get, and I'm content with that." Callie lays back on the bed, sinking her head into one of the pillows.

<+Irene_Swanson> "I see, so thats why vulpines look like foxes." Irene had finished pulling off her pants, but her tunic was long enough to hide what her panties looked like. They were nothing special though just plain ordinary white panties and bra. "So is there any sort of meaning behind the number of tails a vulpine has?" Irene would ask crawling onto the bed and next to Callie allowing her head to sink into the pillow next to the woman.

Callie replies, "They simply mean that The Lady has looked down upon a person and judged them to be on the right path. Tails always come when the person to blessed is sleeping. She also generally puts everyone nearby to sleep, but on rare occasions She's allowed people to see the blessing of a new tail. She let *me* see my best friend Syl`Zhalti earn her second tail." Callie smiles beatifically. "The Lady even substantiated before my eyes on that occasion; that's how come I know the statue is so accurate." Callie reaches out with her left hand and begins to gently stroke Irene's right arm.

Irene would lay there allowing Callie to stroke her right arm. "Well you've been a very faithful and good girl then for the lady to not only grant you five tails, but to also appear before you." Irene would look at Callie unsure of what she should be doing.

Callie nods, and she rolls herself around so that she's on top of Irene, placing both of the woman's hands on the top button of the fox's white silken shirt. "Last chance to back out," Callie says. "Are you sure you want me to... be with you... today?" Callie's feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable right now; she's already removed a few pieces of clothing, and to have Irene change her mind would be disheartening. But Callie has to ask, anyway.

Irene was a bit startled when Callie rolled on top of her, before guiding the humans hands up to the vulpines blouse buttons. Irene would undo the first button of the shirt, before she undid another button. "Yes, I'm sure I want to be with you today." Irene would undo a third button on the blouse as if to make her point clear.

"Okay," Callie says, and she leans down and softly kisses Irene on the lips. Then she kisses her again, a little more fervently. As Irene undoes the buttons on her blouse, the fox's black lacy bra is slowly revealed to Irene's gaze. The vixen's white-furred breasts are about average-sized for her height and weight.

Irene wasn't expecting the kiss causing her to blush, before a deeper kiss came from the vulpine. Callie's lips were soft, but soon even that kiss ended and Irene was looking into the vulpine eyes. Before her eyes began to wander further down to Callie's chest. Irene would lean up to kiss the vulpine, while her fingers continued to undo buttons to the vulpine's blouse.

Callie lets out a soft moan at Irene's kiss, and her tongue parts the other woman's lips, so that it can wrestle with the human's tongue and cause even greater pleasure. As Irene undoes Callie's buttons, Callie lifts up Irene's tunic, breaking the kiss just long enough to pull it off over her head. Then she's kissing her again, by which time the last of Callie's buttons has been undone.

<+Irene_Swanson> There was no need for her to be on guard with this woman. Irene eyes would close feeling the vulpine's tounge against her own. She could enjoy these new sensations with this woman. Irene's hands stop moving long enough to allow her tunic to be pulled over her head, allowing Callie to see her modest breasts housed in a rather plain and innocent white bra. Along with the white pair of panties she wore, but there wasn't time to speak before Irene found the vulpine's tongue back inside of her mouth playing with her tounge again. Irene could feel that last button be undone, and her hands tugged and pulled on the blouse trying to get it off the vulpine woman kissing her.

Callie angles her body slightly to assist Irene with getting the blouse off of her, and the fox breaks the kiss, smiling down at the human, their bodies separated only by underclothing now. Callie murrs, "Stroke my tails, especially the tailbases. Huge erogenous zone for almost all vulpines, and most of the tailed races in general. Wolvens, Drak Sen." She smiles, her five tails swaying very slowly behind her in a display of deep arousal.

Irene would look up at Callie when that kiss was broken her breathing heavily. Irene would just nod her head, while her hands reached around for her her fingers to gently brush Callie's tails. "They're amazingly soft. You must take great pains to keep them likes this." Her hands would gently clasp around the base of two of her tails, before she began to gently move them up, as far she could manage before going back down. "How does that feel?" Irene would ask not sure if she was doing this correctly.

"Mmmm, feels good," Callie says, smiling lightly and lifting her feet up slightly so that her bare toes can play against Irene's ankles. "And I *do* take great pains to keep my body in the condition it's in. I get a lot of exercise, bathe every day, use special shampoos and potions..." Callie grins. "But a girl's gotta keep *some* secrets to herself, right?"

<+Irene_Swanson> "Yes, they do." Irene's hands would move to the next two tails. Callie had five tails and Irene was curious which one was the most sensitive out of the bunch, though reaching these next two was a bit more difficult. She also began to apply a bit more pressure on these tails, not enough to be painful, while moving a bit quicker.

Callie lets out a soft moan as the next two tails are explored, and the vixen responds by undoing Irene's bra and tossing it to the floor. Gently, she begins to stroke the human's breasts with the flats of her fingernails. Irene might soon learn that no one tail is any more sensitive than the other tails anymore. She earned her fifth tail more than six years ago, and though each new tail goes through a brief period in which its senses are heightened compared to the others, that adjustment period has long passed.

<+Irene_Swanson> The tail stroking was having an effect on the vulpine woman, but it appeared these two tails were a bust, which just left the one tail in the center. Irene had to stop what she was doing so that Callie could remove her bra. A soft groan escaping Irene's lips feeling those fingernails teasing her. Irene would sit up so that Callie was now sitting on her lap so she could more easily reach that last tail. Her hand wrapping around the last tail while she began to stoke it just a bit harder and quicker then the last four. This left one of her hands free though, which rested on the bed.

As Irene adjusts her body so that Callie is sitting on her lap, Callie wraps her legs around her, crossing them at the ankles, her toenails gently stroking against the small of Irene's back. Callie leans down and begins to lick, suck, and nibble at Irene's right breast, while the woman's left breast is now teased by both of Callie's hands. She murmurs softly as her center tail is stroked; this one, in fact, is her most recent tail. Callie's other four tails caress Irene's hand from all sides.

<+Irene_Swanson> A soft moan would escape Irene's lips feeling those hands fondle and massage one of her breasts, while the other is licked, sucked and nibbled on. Her breath was growing shallower while a heat built in her body. So this is what it felt like to be aroused by another. She had only had brief taste of it under the satyr's pheromones. A light smile would come to Irene's face seeing Callie react to this tail being stroked. "Ugh it look like I found the winning tail." She could feel the other tails caress her hand almost encouraging her to continue. Who was she to stop pleasing the vulpine on her lap.

"Mmmm... seems like it," Callie says with a grin as she pulls her mouth away from Irene's breast for a moment. "That's the newest one. My left one is the one I was born with. Are you having... a good time so far?" Without waiting for a reply, she moves her mouth to Irene's left breast, giving it the same treatment as she had the human's right mammary.

<Irene> Callie hadn't even given her time to respond, before a soft moan left the human womans lips from Callie's administrations to her breasts. "Uhn...yes, I'm having a good time." Callie would feel the human woman's nipples stiffening under the vulpines touch. Irene would take her free hand, and gently begin to stroke Callie's left thigh, while her right hand applied slightly more pressure and quickened on the sensative tail. "Mmm...perhaps you would like me to stroke some place else besides your tail, or are you content to just having being attended to with a simple tail stroking?" Irene was of course both teasing and being serious unsure if Callie wanted her to touch anything else outside the vulpine's tail.

Callie says, "You can touch me wherever you want. Here... take off my bra." Callie leans slightly upward to give Irene a better angle to do so, and she smiles warmly, moving her head up so that she can kiss and nibble upon Irene's lips. The five-tailed fox is wearing only her black lacy bra and red lacy panties.

<+Irene_Swanson> "Anywhere I want you say." At least Callie was making it easier to take off the female vulpine's bra. Irene's hand would move to the clase in the back, and unhook it with skilled practice. The garmet would be tossed over Irene shoulder, and onto the floor. Callie was making sure she was too busy to talk by keeping Irene's mouth busy with kisses and nibbles. Irene free hand would slowly move up Callie's side, before fingers traced the edge of one of her breasts. Irene would take one of Callie's breast in hand getting an idea of its weight and firmness. Her other hand was still stroking that middle tail of the vulpine.

Callie murmurs into the kiss as she feels her bra unhooked and removed, and the vixen's tails continue to sway very slowly behind her as a display of her deep arousal. Callie breaks the kiss and whispers, "Yessss," when Irene begins to stroke at her breast. "Feels nice, Irene." She smiles, and traces kisses against Irene's neck, jaw, and cheeks, getting her tongue in on the action, as if she's sculpting the woman's face.

Irene was glad that Callie was enjoying the feel and caress of her hands on the female vulpine. She was new to this whole sex thing, but as things progressed she was getting a feeling of what Callie wanted. "So you like that don't you? I have to say you have some nice firm breasts on you." Irene's hand had begun to fondle the one breast in her hand, while her other hand stroked that tail. The swaying had slowed down a bit, perhaps she was paying to much attention to the vulpines tail. Irene would give that a bit more time to see what happpened next. The vulpine woman was showing her affection by licking, kissing at her features apparently captivated in what Irene was doing to her.

"I'm glad you like them," Callie says. "The Lady designed Her children to be the envy of the world. Your body's very lovely, too." She looks into Irene's ocean-blue eyes with her own emerald-greens, and kisses her passionately on the lips, using her tongue to delve into the human's mouth and wrestle against Irene's tongue. After a few moments, she wins the battle, and explores the inside of Irene's mouth. Then she breaks the kiss and begins to move downwards, tracing her mouth downwards, into the valley between Irene's breasts, and then lower still, onto her chest and navel. She continues moving down, and when she reaches the area covered by Irene's panties, she takes hold of them with both hands and begins to slide them off.

Irene face would turn a shade of deper red, before the vulpine woman kissed her. The two tounge's faught it out before Callie had won, and now the vulpines tounge was exploreing the mortal womans. Irene found herself on her back again, once the vulpine broke the kiss. She was breathing heavily while she could feel the vulpines lips and tounge on her, moving further and further down. Irene could feel the vulpines fingers take hold of her white panties, before she begn to pull them off. Irene didn't try to fight this lifting herself up some, so that the panties could come off a bit easier. The vulpine would notice despite not having any sexual experiance Irene was clean shaving in her pelvic region. A trail of sexual juice fallowing the panties as they were pulled from her sex's entrance. Irene's face was red from embarassment letting some one see her most intimate place. The place her mother always told her only her husband should see, once she married.

Callie pulls the panties completely off of Irene's body, and then takes the woman's bare right foot into both her hands, tenderly massaging it. "Irene," she murmurs in low heat, "thank you for this. I promise I'll try to make your first time wonderful for both of us... something you can look back on with great warmth."

<+Irene_Swanson> "oh." Irene would say in surprise when Callie began to massage her right foot. She could hear the tone of Callie's voice. How she wanted to make this enjoyable for Irene so she would remember it fondley. "Mmm...well your doing a good job of it." Irene was a little confused at why Callie had thanked her though, but she wasn't about to stop the vulpine woman.

Callie smiles, and takes about three minutes to massage Irene's right foot before giving equal attention to her left foot. As she worships Irene's body, she lightly hums an old vulpine folk song, a catchy one that one could dance to. When she's finished massaging the woman's foot, she sets it down on the bed and speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani, wiggling her fingers just so. Then she clasps her fists together and pulls them apart, forming an object with her Elemental Craft spell. Holding it in front of Irene, Callie says, "It's a double-ended dildo." One end is blue and quite detailed; there are 'veins' on it and it's contoured. The pink end, on the other hand, is very smooth.

Irene would close her eyes enjoying the bit of papmpering that she was getting from Callie, while listening to the vulpine woman hum. Her eyes would open hearing Callie begin to speak vulpine a word of it she didn't understand. Irenes eyes would go wide looking at the object Callie had materialized out of thing air. Irene was both anxious with anticipation, but also scared at the same time. Her fingertips lightly gliding across the instrument. "Mmm... you sure its safe to use this double ended dildo? I mean how does it even work?" Irene would look into Callie's eye a bit worried about the crafted instrument of pleasure.

The dildo is made of hard water surrounded by a membrane, and it's fully opaque. Callie replies to Irene, "It's quite safe, I can assure you. I'm a very talented water mage. The blue end has been crafted to contour neatly to my vagina. I'll put the pink end inside of you and let it meld itself to yours. After it does, it'll fit nice and snugly. And I'll be able to re-create it for future use, should we ever... desire to use it again."

Irene would listen to Callie's explination of what the dildo was made of, and how it functioned. Apparently the pink end would change its shape to better fit Irene, which meant it wouldn't hurt. She had all ways heard the first time was all ways painful at first. "Okay, I trust you." Irene would say to Callie. The vulpine woman hadn't done anything to make her not trust her.

Callie smiles, and then a thought occurs to her. "Of course, it usually hurts a little bit the first time. There's something called the hymen located inside one's vagina that has to be breached. It'll usually hurt for a little while, and then feel really good. There may be some blood."

Irene would listen to the vulpine woman. Apparently the reason it hurt the first time was due to the hymen being breached. Callie reasured her it would only hurt for a little while, before it would begin to feel good and it was normal for there to be some blood. "I guess it wouldn't be a proper virgin sacrifice to the lady, if there wasn't some blood." Irene of course was joking mostly to keep her nerves in check.

Callie chuckles softly, and takes Irene's right hand in her left hand, intertwining the fingers. As she often does when making love, she says a prayer to The Lady. She says it out loud, and in Common, so that Irene can appreciate it too. "Thank You, Our Lady, for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails. Thank You for bringing Irene into my life. May this, her first time, be pleasing both to us and to You. Please, look down upon us with love and bless us. Keeshan." ["Amen."] She lets go of Irene's hand and gently begins to slide the pink end of the dildo into the human's body.

Irene would blush feeling Callie's hand intertwined with hers, before the vulpine woman began to recite a prayer to the lady. The prayer was nice and only made Irene blush more by the time the prayer was ended. Irene would take a deep breath relaxing herself, before feeling the pink end of the dildo being inserted into her. It felt weird having something inserted into her special place. She could feel the rod spreading her open the further it went. "'s actually going in." Callie would eventually meet the resistance of Irene's hymen though, which would most likely require a bit more force to get through.

Callie nods, and when she reaches Irene's hymen, she knows it, because it's not really all that deep compared to the size of the double-ended dildo. Callie looks into Irene's eyes and says, "Okay, here comes the hard part. Let me know when you're ready." She smiles gently and gives Irene a soft kiss on the lips, very sweetly, as if to let her know that all women eventually go through this and it's going to be okay.

Irene could feel the dildo hit something rather early on. The human woman swallowed hard knowing what it was. Callie though was there to let the woman know that everything was going to be okay. Irene would take a deep breath while gripping the bed sheets. Looking up at Callie she would give the vulpine a simple nod to let Callie know that she was ready.

Callie presses down on the dildo, gently at first, but increasing in strength, watching Irene's facial expression and feeling the resistance slowly beginning to lessen. She hums a light song, and with her free hand, she again takes Irene's hand, intertwining their fingers. Callie waves their hands about lightly in the air, looking into Irene's eyes with her own wise, experienced green eyes. Irene's not the first person to give her virginity to Callie, and she knows that this is a most sacred trust.

Irene breath was heavy both from anticipation and anxiety about this moment. Not even a full day away from her mother and she was all ready doing something her mother had basiclly forbid her from doing until she was married. Irene would wince in pain from the dildo being pushed through. While Irene understood Callie was going slow to lessen the pain. Irene wished she just get it over with. That is when Callie began to hum again, before taking the human woman's hand into her own again. Irene couldn't help but smile at this. Her mind being taken off the events of the dildo slowly breaking her hymen.

Callie pushes the dildo in the rest of the way, breaking the rest of Irene's hymen in one sharp jolt, and then it's gone, and Callie holds it there for a moment. "Hm," she murmurs. She adjusts her Elemental Craft spell, and creates a lubricant that begins to gently flow down the pink end of the dildo, the end that's buried in Irene's pussy. The lubricant is mostly water, but not *completely* water, and is designed to soothe pain.

Irene would flinch suddenly. Grasping Callie's hand tighter when the dildo was suddenly pushed the rest of the way thorugh. "You were right. Oh....fuck does it hurt right now." Irene could feel something coming out of her end of the dildo it felt like cold water which was numbing the pain some. There was some water seeping out the dildo not plugging up Irene's hole all the way. Among the water down sexual juices was some blood further proof the human woman's hymen had been broken.

Callie smiles gently, and leans in to kiss Irene on the lips, again as if she's sculpting her mouth, and she places Irene's right hand on the fox's left tail-tip, which twitches and sways against the human's fingers. While kissing her, Callie resumes moving the dildo up and down, and now it's starting to morph inside Irene's body, taking on a thicker, richer shape similar to the blue end of the dildo. She's contouring it and molding it to fit Irene's sex very snugly.

Irene could feel Callie's soft lips on her own again, while the vulpine guided her hand to one of her tails. Irene wasn't sure which tail it was but could only feel its soft ness against her hand. Fingers traced the tip of the tail, before she gently grabed on to it, remembering what she had done earlier. Her hand began to storke the tail, but it appeared Irene's movements were in sync with the dildo. Muffled groans of pain slowly turned into moans of pleasure, while the dildo began to take form and shape inside of Irene.

As Irene begins to take pleasure from the dildo, Callie stops for a moment, slipping the blue end of the dildo into her own sex. It fits nice and tightly, as she'd known it would. She'd mapped out the interior of her *own* body before she'd tried this with anyone else. Now she climbs atop Irene and begins to move with her, moving her tail against the woman's hands, toes caressing toes, the vixen's lips rubbing and smooching Irene's face. Now they are well and truly having sex.

<+Irene_Swanson> Pain turned into pleasure for the human woman. Irene could barely think with the way she was feeling in the moment. That stopped for a bit allowing her to get her bearings some, before Callie was on top of her again. This time there was more force to the motion of the dildo causing the human woman to moan in pleasure. Her hands once again gripping Callie's tails stroking them. Their breasts and hardened peaks pressing up against each other. " I can't control myself." Irene would stammer out between panting breaths and moans, while her hips began to rock in motion with the dildo.

"Mmmm, don't try to," Callie replies, her white-furred breasts pressed up nice and tightly against the lovely orbs of Irene. "Just let yourself go; release your inhibitions. Let yourself enjoy it, as I am. Let me hear your pleasure; don't try to hide it." She grins, and moves one hand to the back of her neck, digging her index and middle fingers against the woman's spine and rubbing in little circles, while her other hand moves down to the small of her back and makes similar motions.

<+Irene_Swanson> There was just a moan from Irene, while Callie spoke. Telling her to not try and control herself. To let herself go and the inhibitions that came with it. She could feel Callie fingers massaging the base of her neck, and the small of her back. Her hips were bucking in motion and rhythm of her partner. Moans of pleasure not being held back, or tried to be stiffled. There was something coming though something her body was tensing up for.

Callie reaches around with the hand that was previously on Irene's back, and moves it towards her sex, taking her thumb and easily finding Irene's clit. She begins to stroke it with that digit, moving it back and forth in slow circles while saying, "I think I found your clitoris, hon. Direct, mmmm... stimulation of that is the quickest way to bring women pleasure."

Irene had been going with the flow of the situation like Callie had told her to. A sudden jolt of pleasure running through her body causing the woman moan instinctually upon her clit being played. "Ugh...s..something is coming, mmmm, Callie. I can feel something, ahh, building up inside" Irene's hands had slowed on the stroking the vulpine's tails. Her grip begining to loosen on them.

"Let it build as much as you can," Callie suggests. "Mmm, grip the bedsheets with your fingers, and curl your toes. Let your climax build until you can't stand it anymore, and then release all at once. Mmmm, you can do it, Irene. This is something you'll remember the rest of your life."

<+Irene_Swanson> That strange feeling inside of her Callie explained it a little bit. It was a mind numbing feeling one that was indeed hard to fight, but Irene would try. Her hands feel to her side hands gripping the bed sheets as tight she could hold them. Her toes curled moving the sheets below them. It felt like she was digging in to withstand some sort of blow to her body. Irene's climax continued to build with each of Callie's administrations, being nurtured and carefully grown. Each thrust of the double ended dildo back inside her channel, while the vulpine thumb continued to massage her clit. Her mind continued numb until it felt like she be driving insane, and then there was nothing. A sudden arching of the human woman's back her eyes rolling slightly back in her head, before her body slumped back onto the bed. Her toes uncurled and hands unclenched from the bed sheets. Irene had no idea how long she had manage to keep the dam up before it inevitably had burst.

This was Callie and Irene's first time having sex, of course, but Callie recognizes an orgasm when she feels and hears one. Callie's still a ways off from her own climax, but she puts everything she can into making Irene's as amazing as possible, including lifting her hand up briefly to lick her thumb and then putting it back down on the human's clit, rubbing it fiercely and with great intensity. Callie's other hand plays against one of Irene's breasts, but Callie doesn't kiss her, because she wants to see the look on her face as she comes.

Irene could feel it brekaing the dam she was so desperately trying to keep intact for as long she she could. She could feel Callie's hand rubbing her clit more fiercily, and it sent shock wave after shockwave of pleasure through her body. It didn't help that the vulpine woman was massaging one of her swollenand sensative breasts. "I..I'm..c..cum..." Irene wouldn't be able to finish the sentence. Her eyes becoming half lidded while she let out an intense moan of pleasure almost primal in sound. Her body twitched and spasmed from the release of the built up tension. Irene's body laying there with the afterglow of a woman's first climax, while her breathing was heavy.

Callie pulls down with her weight and lets the double-ended dildo stay deep inside Irene as the vixen stops moving, looking down at her from almost a 90-degree angle as she enjoys the sight of those muscles twitching and her mouth opening up to let out that loud gasp. "Mmmmm, yesssss, Irene," Callie groans, her right hand pressing its thumb down hard against the younger woman's clit. "Ahhhh, let it all out, baby!"

Irene body continued to twitch her climax. Sexual fluids unable to escape due to her body being bent slightly by the vulpine keeping the double ended dildo inside of her. The human woman could barely see Callie's face through half lided eyes, but could hear the woman's voice. Encouraging her to let it all out rather excitedly, and the human woman did. Irene rode that wave of orgasmic bliss until her body had released every ounce of pent up tension. The twitching of her body coming to a stop leaving the human woman weak from the sudden release of energy. The only cue that Irene was there was her eyes looking into Callie's.

Callie pulls the dildo out of Irene's sex now, as well as her own, seeing that there's just a little spot of blood on the pink section. The vixen uses a Clean spell to wipe it off, and also uses a Clean spell to remove the blood, sex juices, and sweat from the bedsheets. Callie gently places the dildo on the end table, and then slides over alongside Irene, lying on her back and wrapping an arm around her as the fox's breathing slowly starts to return to normal.

Irene could feel the dildo slowly being pulled out of her, and it would leave with a rather wet popping noise. Irene's breathing began to slow feeling the vulpine woman's arm wrap around her. The human woman's head would turn to callie. "Th...that was... I'm not even sure I can describe it." Irene's voice was slightly excited, if not a bit tired. "You sure you are okay with not reaching your own climax?" She knew Callie probally had far more stamina then she hoped to have, and would probably out last her each time. This thought didn't exactly make the human woman happy.

"Mmm, let me get us a couple of drinks of water or something-- unless you'd prefer something else-- and when I get back upstairs, we can have a little more fun, and I'll teach you how to make me come. Sound good?" Callie smiles sweetly, and gives Irene a soft kiss on the lips. "Something very important when you have sex more than once, is you've got to stay hydrated."

Irene would smile at the vulpine woman, while she spoke of getting them drinks and teaching her how to make the woman cum. "Yeah, and water will be fine." The vulpine's soft lips only graced Irene's for a brief moment. Irene would chuckle softly at that little fact. "Yes, I can see why its important. Lots of physical exerstion." Irene would playfully tease.

Callie grins. "I'll be right back," the vixen says. She slides into a white bathrobe and goes downstairs, returning in a couple of minutes with a pitcher full of water, and two tall glasses. She places everything on the circular table inside her bedroom and then casts two spells on the pitcher-- Purify Element, removing all impurities from the water, and Chill Touch, reducing the water's temperature to a brisk 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Each time she casts a spell, she speaks a single word of Ancient Vulpani, wiggles her fingers just so, and the water briefly glows blue before resuming its normal transparency. Callie pours some water for first Irene and then herself, and hands a glass to the human. Callie sits down on the opposite side of the bed and takes a long swig of water.

Irene would watch Callie slide out of bed before putting on a white bath robe, and leaving the room. This left the human woman with her thoughts for a bit, before the door opened a few minutes later. Irene would sit up in the bed, while watching Callie use her magic on the pitcher of water. "Thank you." Irene would take the glass of water from Callie, before taking a sip from the glass. "That entire experience just now was addictive. I'm not sure how you... how anybody can be content with just experiencing that sort of pleasure on occasion." Irene would lift the glass up to her lips again this time taking a longer sip from it.

Callie chuckles softly. "Well, not every time is that intense. And there's always something special about your very first time with a new partner, or your first time in general. But you're right, sex is a wonderful thing to experience. I pray to The Lady that you'll find someone to love one day. That's when sex is *truly* something special. And in the meantime, you can train for that day." Callie takes another long sip of her drink, and then sheds her bathrobe, putting it back in the closet before sitting down on the bed again.

Irene would listen to callie's words how it wasn't all ways as intense. Mention of finding some one special to share this sort of feeling with caused her to look down into the glass of water. That day seemed to be rather far off in her mind. Irene would watch while taking small sips of her water while callie slipped out of her bathrobe. "Yes, but training requires someone to instruct me on the various sexual acts. I'm sure there are a great many of them. Now where could I find such an instructor?" Irene of course was teasing callie, considering the woman more than qualified to train her in such things.

"I don't know," Callie says, giving just as good as she got. She smiles and lays down on the bed. "This may surprise you, but I'm not even the best person at sex that there is in the empire. Though I'm probably in the top 5, if I'm being honest with myself." The Lady doesn't teach Her children modesty; She wants them to be proud of themselves and their accomplishments. "I'd like the two of us to give each other mutual oral sex. Think you're down for that?"

Irene would giggle at callie's explanation that she wasn't the best person out there for such lessons. The human woman would get up from the bed taking one last sip of her glass of water, before putting it on the table the pitcher of water sat on. "I don't think modesty would suite you anyway." Irene would get back on the bed looking at callie. "There might be others better then you, but you're the person I trust the most in this field." Irene wasn't exactly sure you could call sex a field of expertise, but then again ishtar's priest and priesstess would probably argue on that fact. "Sure I am. Just tell me what to do." Irene voice was enthusiastic of learning more from callie.

"Okay, tuck your knees just so," Callie says, "and I'll get underneath you like this..." Callie manipulates their bodies into the "pretzel" position, with which she's had a lot of fun, especially with other women. "Now, you see how this provides perfect access to each other's vaginas, and to my tails? We can also feel each other's backsides and breasts, and the rest of each other's bodies, mmmm... very easily. It's an intimate position, don't you agree?"

Irene would move as she had been instructed to by callie. The two of them ended up in what callie called the pretzel position. Irene could see what the vulpine woman was saying. Irene was staring at the vulpines vagina, and knew the woman was doing the same. "Yes, its rather intimate position. What exactly do we do from this position any way?" Irene wasn't sure how to proced her hands resting on callie's lower back just before the base of the vulpine's tails.

"Well, here's what *I* do," Callie says with a grin. She leans in a little bit and takes a soft lick of Irene's sex. She can still taste the juices there from the last time she'd been stimulated, only about 15 minutes ago. "Mmmmm, lovely." She applies one of her hands to the small of Irene's back, and begins to press her fingers into the delicate bundle of nerves there.

Irene would let out low moan apparently still sensative from her previous climax even though it was only a few minutes ago. She could feel those delicate fingers on the small of her back sending a wave of pleasure through out her body. "Two can play at that game." Irene would place a hand to the small of callie's back fingers pressing into those sensitive nerves, while another hand began to stroke that middle tail. The human woman could smell callie's scent more distinctly in this position her mind thinking how nice it was, before her tounge would like across the vulpines sex tasting callie's own juices.

Callie lets out a soft sigh of contentment at feeling Irene's hands touching the small of her back and the middle tail, the newest one, and then when Irene touches tongue to the vixen's sex, the vixen murrs warmly, excited, and Irene would already be able to taste her juices from their previous coupling. "That's... that's wonderful, Irene." Callie lifts a hand up to guide Irene towards the vulpine's clit. "Now you feel that right there? That's the clitoris. That's the sweet spot for mostly every female. With men, it's the very head of the penis, which has the most nerves."

<Irene> Callie was approving of Irene's administrations, which made the human woman happy. Irene felt callie's hand on top of hers and allowed the vulpine to guide her hand towards a lump just above the vulpine's sex. "Yeah, I can feel it." she would answer, before callie continued with her explination which caused Irene to blush slightly. Irene would gently rub her fingers against that sensitive bundle, while her other hand continued to stroke the vulpines tail. Her tongue though would give callie's sex another lick. "How does this feel?" She would ask wondering if she was doing things correctly.

Callie groans and replies, "It's, mmmmm... so good, Irene. Use your thumb on my clit; rub it in little circles, like this." Callie demonstrates on Irene's clit, much like she had in their previous coupling, towards the end, to push the human over the limit. Her five tails sway slowly behind her in deep arousal, and again, this time in her mind, she gives thanks to The Lady for this wonderful day.

Irene would let out a soft moan. Feeling callie stimulating her clit again. The human woman would listen to the vulpine using her thumb to stimulate the woman's clit rubbing it in little circles. Irene's tongue was busy lapping away at the vulpine's sex, while her free hand continued to stimulate the vulpine's tail.

Callie groans as Irene continues touching her in these wonderful ways-- pussy, clit, tail-- and it makes Callie wish Irene had a tail too, so she could fully reciprocate. But she knows erogenous zones for every species; it had been part of her education. Callie runs her tongue against Irene's vulva, choosing not to go very deep, while one hand rubs her clit and the other presses its fingers into the small of Irene's back. Callie's bare toes curl and uncurl in pleasure.

<+Irene_Swanson> A moan would escape from Irene's lips feeling callie showing Irene who the expert out of the two was. "Ah...t...that feels wonderful callie." The hand stroking callies tail though had moved more towards its base, stroking it in shorter quicker strokes with a firmer grip on it, but not firm enough she was yanking at it. She moved her lips closer to callie's nether regions so her lips were kissing the woman, allowing her tounge to go deeper into the womans passage. Irene would take the vulpines clit between her thumb and pointer given it a gentle squeeze to see the reaction she would get from callie. It was safe to say Irene was feeling a bit explorative at the moment wanting to see what certain stimulus would do the vulpine woman.

Callie lets out an "oooo" sound at the light pinching of her clit, and the vixen is lost in a haze of pleasure, but always aware of what she's doing, always in control of herself and mindful of her partner. Callie returns the gesture Irene is doing, taking her clit in between the fox's index finger and thumb, so that Irene can experience exactly how it feels. She hopes this will be an educational experience for the human; in Callie's mind, men's and women's bodies are different enough that neither of them fully understands every little thing about one another-- unless they use the Swap Gender spell. But here, a woman is pleasuring a woman.

Irene could feel that shock wave of pleasure causing her to stop and lose herself for moment, before the human woman regained her bearings and continued. Apparently whatever she did callie was going to give back, so that she could feel it in response. Fine if that was how mentor wanted to play then the human woman didn't see why she couldn't up things. The vulpines womans clit would be gently twisted in irene's fingers for a few seconds, before the human woman let go. She didn't want to hurt the vulpine woman after all.

Callie splits apart her index and middle fingers, rubbing Irene's clit in between them, and uses her thumb to circle the woman's love button again. Meanwhile, Callie's tongue continues eagerly lapping at Irene's vulva, tasting the woman's juices, as the vixen feels herself on the brink of her first orgasm of the evening.

<+Irene_Swanson> "Oooh." Irene would stammer that familiar tension from before begining to creep up on her. There was a sense that callie was close to her own climax for the first time tonight, which excited Irene. The human woman doubled her efforts with the vulpines tail now stroking the base in firm quick short burst, while her lips began to kiss callies vulva, allowing her tounge to go deeper into the womans depths. Allowing the human woman to taste callie juices even more, as she felt inner muscles contract around her tounge. Irene would remember something and began to use her palm to stimulate callie's clitoris, careful of how much pressure she was using.

Feeling the entirety of that palm rubbing against her clitoris causes Callie's muscles to lightly spasm, and she lets out a soft cry of delight as her orgasm hits her fully. All five tails poof out and go still, her toes curl tightly, and the vixen's fingers and tongue redouble their efforts, as if to say, 'If I'm going over the cliff, I'm taking you *with* me.'

Irene could feel the vulpine woman climax, and was regretting getting so close to the woman's entrace. She was forced to suddenly drink callie's juices as they came flooding out from her orgasm. She could still feel callie working through her own orgasm and wondered how the woman was doing that. It didn't take much now that the experianced vulpine was serious. Irene muscles would spasm, while she lets out her own cry of delight. Her grip releasing from the vulpines tail. Unlike callie who could work through her orgasm Irene became all most paralyszed by the release brought on it unable to do anything else to the vulpine woman till it was over.

When she feels and hears Irene climax, Callie continues her ministrations for a few more seconds, and then pulls her hands and tongue off their places, so that both her hands can tightly grip one of Irene's legs. She smiles and says, "Mmm, let it all out, Irene! Let me hear it! Let The Lady and Trejani hear it, in the Celestial Realm!" She groans and places two of her poofy tails against Irene's hands, swirling them against her fingers.

Irene would lay there her cry of delight rining out for any one to hear. They could probably hear it in the next room or outside in the hall if the building wasn't properly noise proofed. Then it was over as quickly as it had come. Irene lay there half in a daze feeling the fluffyness of callies tails. Fingers would stroke that fur running through them, as the mortal woman lay there trying to regain her breathing. "Ugh.. remind me not to challenge you to these sort of things as a dare?" Irene knew she never win against callie for that matter, and would end up doing what ever the vulpine woman wanted.

Callie laughs softly, and untangles herself from Irene, taking a moment to lie beside her, on her back. "I mentioned The Three Tenets to you? The first is to experience pleasure in all its forms. The Lady grants vulpines tremendous sexual stamina to help us achieve that goal. It's up to each individual to stay in shape, of course, but our bodies are built to last. We rarely even have to deal with arthritis."

<+Irene_Swanson> "Yes, you did mention the three tenets earlier." Irene would answer while listening to woman's explination on why she had such a large amount of stamina. The vulpine woman would also see her own juices around Irene's lips and on the human womans cheeks. Apparently she hadn't been able to take all the vulpines orgasm into her oraly. "Those must be some fertility rituals your race has, if you have as much stamina as you do." Irene would look around her eyes falling on the statue of the lady, and more specifically of what she was wearing. "This might sound a bit odd at this time, but are you looking to hire a personal seamstress?" Irene figured if callie had gone to these lengths with her restaurant, perhaps she needed a seamstress on call.

Callie nods at Irene's comment about fertility rituals. Indeed, there are a few. "Personal seamstress, huh? Hm. Not me personally, but my best friend Syl`Zhalti, whom I mentioned before, is an artisan. She's an artist who spends a lot of money on clothing. Always has to be one step ahead of everyone on the fashion scene. She dresses very elegantly, and when she walks down the street, heads turn. She might be willing to commission you to make some clothing for her. You might also consider Lord Scathien, at the House of the Rising Phoenix. He's seeking out pretty much any and all talented individuals. You could make and repair uniforms, maybe."

Irene was disapointed that callie didn't need a personal seamstress, but the vulpine woman was kind enough to give a few leads on where she might find employment. One sounded like a fashion connoisseur, but keping up with someone who always wanted something new and fashionable made would be difficult. Then there was a lord who might need some one to repair uniforms and make new ones. It wasn't exciting prospect, but it was more stable and less stress. Both had their ups and downs to them. " lord scathien is at the house of the rising phoenix, while your best friend is where?" Irene had no idea where the rising phoenix was, or where her friend was located at.

"Syl's at in-town lot EE, a home in downtown Nanthalion, north of the park, on North Meridian Street," Callie says. She then gives the exact numbered address. "Be sure to tell her that I sent you. She's a lovely person but she'd be a little suspicious of you without credentials. Like I said, she's high-maintenance, but like all vulpines, if you befriend her you'll have a friend for life, and we take the obligations of friendship very seriously."

Irene would listen to the vulpine give her friends address trying to commit it to memory. Irene would giggle at the mention of the woman being high maintance, which didn't surprise her to much considering the woman liked to keep on top of her fashion. "Yes, you take your friendships very seriously." Irene was half joking roling onto her side while lifting herself up some to look at callie. "yes, well high maintance or not work is work no matter how demanding the clent is. Even if she doesn't hire me as a personal seamstress a comission is still a good place to start with someone. " Irene would place a hand on callie's abdomen leaning down to lightly kiss the woman on the cheek, before leaving the bed to get some more water.

Callie smiles at the kissing of her cheek, and when she sees Irene going to get some water, Callie rises to a seated position and takes a long sip from her own water glass on the end table. She sets the drink down, and says, "Another thing about Syl is that she'll sometimes disappear into her room, or at least her house, for days on end when she has her creative juices flowing. She won't come out until she either has a finished product, or she desperately needs to eat something. She can be a bit... obsessive."

Irene would dab some water to clean her face realizing that she had some callie juice on her face. The woman was reclusive according to callie not coming out of her room or house until she had to eat something. Irene would take a sip from her glass of water., while thinking. For the house of pheonix making a simple tunic would work out as a display piece, but for syl that would require something of higher quality and much fancier. Either way she would need materials, and a way to transport everything. A finger tapped against her glass, while she took another sip. "That will make seeing her a bit difficult. Do you know if she happens to have a favorite style of clothing, fabric, or design?" Irene would look down at her tunic on the floor. How long ago had she made that for herself? She wondered looking back over at callie.

"Syl's a silk connoisseur," Callie tells Irene. "The last time I saw her wearing formal clothing, she was dressed in a hooded cloak, which was burgundy on the outside and off-white on the inside. She wore alabaster walking slippers, size 8. Incidentally, I have her measurements written down on a sheet of paper in my desk drawer, because I occasionally buy her things I think she might like. If you make pants or a dress for her, you should tailor it with a tail-hole that will allow two tails to pass through. And every time a vulpine earns a new tail, they've gotta get all their pants re-tailored again."

<Irene> Syl liked silk. Well that was going to be expensive to buy enough silk to make an outfit. Irene tried to make note of the shoe size, which honestly didn't do her any good. She was a seamstress not a shoe maker. She listened though making note of the need for a tail hole in the design. "Perhaps I should specialize in vulpine clothing. At least I never run out of work. Everytime a vulpine grows a tail I get paid for new clothes." Irene had a joking tone to her voice. Placing the glass of water back on the table moving back to the bed. "What do vulpine traditionally wear, and oh does she have any fur?" Irene would ask sitting on the edge of the bed.

Callie laughs softly at Irene's jest about the tail alterations, and she takes another sip of her water before rising to her feet and retrieving her black lacy bra and red lacy panties. As she slips them on, Callie says, "She has red fur, a little darker than mine, all over her body except on her tail-tips and eartips, which are white. I don't know about her fur color beneath her underclothes. We're nicalshani-- friends who don't have sex with one another. As for what we traditionally wear, we're not much different from humans in our clothing style. When she's in her casual wear, her clothing would look perfectly at home on a human, except for the tail-hole of course."

Irene would watch as callie began to get dressed again. She was making mental notes of the things she possibly needed to acquire, while she found her panties and began to put those on, before trying to locate where her pants might have gone. "Do you mind if you make a copy of her measurments? It will give me a general idea of her body type." She would need to find out if there was any fur under syl under clothes, before she got started on something. If she was fully fured then she would need to adjust the fabric and how much of it was there to accomidate for the extra body heat.

"Certainly," Callie says, and she puts on her blouse and skirt before sitting down at her desk. She retrieves an inkwell, pen, a blank sheet of parchment, and another sheet that has Syl's measurements on them. She copies them precisely. "By the way, as a general rule, any vulpine who has fur on their body has fur *all* over their body. Unless it's the ears-and-tails-only type of vulpine. If you catch my meaning."

Irene would find her pants and puts them making sure the rope ties are done properly as to not come off while walking. She then found her tunic and pulled that over her head while callie wrote down her friends measurments. "I had that feeling but wasn't sure. I'll have to keep the materials light and of the breathable sort. We don't want something that will bake her alive." Irene would walk over to the desk, so that she could pick up the parchment. "By the way do you know where I can find a hem, some silk and well sewing supplies in general along with a clothing dummy?" now that she was thinking about it she was going to need a few things. Hopefully she had the budget for the expenses.

"There I cannot help you," Callie says. "My best guess, though, would be the General Store. Do you need seed capital? I always like to help small businesses starting up, and I've got no problem doing the same here." Callie is independently wealthy beyond her wildest dreams of 11 years ago, and she likes to *do* things with that money, like help out friends.

Irene would blink unsure of where to get the materials, but callie had at least pointed her in the right direction. "I'm not sure I need to see how much everything is going to cost. I wouldn't say I'm looking to start up a buisness just trying to find employment I guess. I mean I'll be operating out of a room in the inn." Irene would place a hand on her hip thinking about what she just said. "if I need any money though for this project. I'll make sure to let you know. Oh and don't tell syl I want it to be a surprise." hopefully this would go over well, if not she would need to try the house of phoenix then.

"My lips are sealed," Callie replies with a warm smile. She slips on her white socks and black boots. "Well, I suppose I'd better open up for the dinner crowd. You're welcome to rest in the guest room tonight if you'd like, but it's only 5 o'clock or so, and I don't even close 'til 8."

Irene stop to think about callies offer about staying here for the nigh, instead of trying to make her way to the inn. By the time it would be dark soon, and Irene didn't feel comfortable traveling the roads by herself at night. To much risk of getting lost, or any number of things could happen to her. "I would like that. Do you mean an actual guest room, or the customer guest room?" She had put emphasis on the word customer, knowing what might go down in that room, before she got to bed tonight. At least she have time to get a basic idea of what she needed to get for her project.

"The customer bedroom, where you were earlier," Callie says. "I'll consider it booked for the evening, and not allow anyone back there with you whom you don't want. I'd knock on the bathroom door before entry, though, as it's attached to both the dining room and the customer bedroom."

Irene had a feeling that callie had meant the customer bedroom, but had to be sure. "Is there parchment and ink in the room. I'm going to need and make a list of supplies I'll need for this project." A red tinge would come across Irene's face realizing the couple from earlier could have walked in on her, if one of them had to use the restroom. "Now, you tell me that its connected to the dinner." She was half mortified at the realization any one could of walked in on her while she was taking that bath earlier.

"I can get you some parchment and ink, sure," Callie says. "And I was right there; no one would have walked in on you. Though if you're using the restroom, it might be a good idea to lock the door, you know?" She smiles, and pulls out a few sheets of parchment for Irene, along with a spare pen and inkwell. "Here you go. Use the table in the customer bedroom for your writing needs."

<+Irene_Swanson> "Thank you callie." Irene would say taking the copy of syl's measurments along with the parchment, spare pen and inkwell. She would move to open the door to the bedroom, and head downstairs to the guest bedroom so that she could begin her planning.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:30 am

March 14, 2018
Callie and Maireine

"It was only a few weeks after my 18th birthday," Callie says, "when I got into an argument with another vixen, a classmate of mine named Clarice Punta. I don't even remember what the argument was about, but we both walked away in a huff." It's 7:50 at night, and at Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, Callie is enjoying a meal with her new elf friend Maireine, sitting on the couch and enjoying the light and warmth of the fireplace. "Later that afternoon, I'm in my bedroom studying, and I get a knock on the door. It was Clarice. She sat down on the side of my bed, and apologized. I did too. We spent a little time studying together, and... I don't much remember the segue, but before I knew it, we were kissing each other. Within half an hour, I was going down on her, and I suddenly hear the door slightly creaking ajar. My mother just kinda stood there for a few seconds with eyes wide open. And that's when I realized it's impossible to remove your head from another woman's crotch in a nonchalant manner. At that point, I should've said, 'Do you mind? I'm kinda busy,' and gone right back to it. But anyway, we quickly covered up, and that was my first time with another girl."

Maireine giggle a rather loud giggle at the end of that story now, somewhat unlike her since the elven woman was usually rather reserved, it might have been the effects of the comfort or drink, or perhaps she was starting to truly trust her but there she was, sitting slightly cocked in her chair and enjoying the warmth of the fire, silvery hair gaining a slight yellow tinge from the light. "Especially if you don't notice quick enough... wow well what a way to have your first time at least... I hope things weren't awkward after that? Dinners were always very weird in my house when I got walked in on even doing something remotely sexual." She asks with a wide smile. "Oh and on that subject... after that were there any men in your bedroom at all or were you born a tad odd like me?"

Callie takes a couple sips of her tea as Maireine reacts to her story, and she replies to the elf's second question first. "Oh, I've had men, women, vulpines, non-vulpines. I've even made love to a satyr and a goblin, and cared about them both very deeply. In fact, the goblin told me he loved me. But anyway, things weren't awkward at all-- Mom had actually gone there to let me know dinner was ready, and after Clarice and I got dressed, we found that Mom had made an extra spot at the table for her."

<+Maireine> "So it wasn't even mentioned at all? Clarice wasn't bothered? I find this all so hard to believe... the first thing out of my mother's mouth was 'Do you really have to do that ontop of my dresser' or something to that effect." She offered with a little smile now. "That's very open minded of you, it makes me wonder perhaps what more have I missed? Are goblins good at it? I just... don't like the color green, I wonder if there's any in gray... So hang on actually, now that I think about it, did you at least get a chance to finish before dinner or make it up to the poor girl!" She chuckles once more.

"As far as I know, Mom didn't even tell *Dad*, so it certainly didn't come up during dinner with us and my five siblings. This thing happened a couple weeks before the formal start of sex education, and as it turned out, Clarice and I were assigned to one another, so yes, I *did* get to make it up to her eventually." Callie chuckles. "I suspect that Mom set it up that way. She's always been very supportive of me."

<+Maireine> "Assinged to one another? Does this class involve getting someone paired up with and having sex with them?" She questions being taken rather aback by this. "I'm sure she'd be quite proud of you though, you've made quite a nice little name for yourself... and you've made friends with an incredible, talented, brilliant, beautiful and very humble elven artisan~" She jokes, placing on hand over her chest. "My first time was a bit later in life, alas, I was a very shy girl and reserved if you can believe that." She states, at this point Callie would have walked in on her at least flirting with with so many people that might very well be surprising.

Callie nods in response to Maireine's question about the class but, not knowing that the elf is surprised by that, she instead reacts to the next thing the elf says-- praise for herself-- which elicits a smile from Callie. Callie probably wouldn't add *all* those titles to her own profession at the same time, but the fox believes that what Maireine has said about herself is equally true for Callie. The Lady does not teach Her children modesty; She wants them to be proud of their looks, skills, and achievements. "Later in life by elf standards, or what? When does an elf's adult life start, anyway? Though vulpines can live to be 900, we're considered adults at 18, and are soul-joined at around 20."

<+Maireine> "Mmm I suppose later in life by... elf standards and in a weird way, by normal standards too if you do the conversation siince we only are called adults when we're ah... somewhereabove100" She says that last bit quickly and under her breath, hoping the vulpine woman doesn't hear or understand. "But even then, the community doesn't quite stop treating you like a true adult for somewhere between 1-5 years give or take, and well for me when folk found out I still wrote love letters to girls and was romantic with 'em, which is something seen as only for young folk, they usually hesistated to transition to calling me properly."

Callie takes a couple bites of her min'taba quiche. "Though I'm considered an adult, I'm only 36, so I'm a very young adult by vulpine standards. Most of us don't get married during our first century of life, but I've been engaged thrice now, and married once. As it is, I don't expect to become pregnant until I'm well into my second century." Callie scratches her chin. "Did you know that vulpine females are infertile most of their lives?"

<+Maireine> "I... no! I did not know that at all, why is that?" She asks, meditating on her own kind's view on marriage for a brief moment. "I'm not sure we have a set age for it... usually somewhere around 200 or so is when most get 'married' but it's more a prolonged engagement, we have very long life with fates controlled by whimsy, you want to know you'll not kill each other when you find you're morally and legally unable to depart."

"I hear ya on that," Callie says. "It's not something to be entered into lightly, for such a long-lived species. So, vulpine women don't become fertile until we receive a Visitation. The spirits of our potential future children appear to us in a dream, and ask to be brought into the world. At which point, we generally have anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of years to make that happen. We can procreate with a husband, boyfriend, regular sex partner. A triestani vixen even has the right to go into a vulpine temple and ask for one of the temple workers to father their child, understanding that the man has no futher obligation to her after that."

Maireine gives a very interested nod and leans in closer to hear better, drinking down the last of her tea she reacts as with most things when vulpines are related, wide eyed amazement and interest. "Do the men ever get these visitations then?" She questions, perplexed at the idea that perhaps there temple worker womes getting pregnant all the time and having the babies taken away. "You know... I can't help but firmly and endlessly curious about life for your people, like are you even the same as me under your clothes? If I get in bed with you, will your breasts glow with divine warmth?"

"Married men rarely get Visitations, but single men don't," Callie says. "It would be cruel, taking children away from their mother." When Maireine asks her next questions, the fox laughs softly. "Actually, you might find me a little cooler to the touch than you'd expect. No divine warmth here." Callie reaches out with her hand and strokes the side of Maireine's face. "You feel that? My body temperature is about seven degrees cooler than that of a regular vulpine, which is *already* one degree cooler than most sapients. It's because I'm a water mage."

Maireine shivers slightly at the touch, but smiles none the less, even turning to press a soft kiss on that hand before she gives a nod. "So... are you colder down there too?" She asks, a sort of wicked grin spreading on her face as she looks down at Callie's lap. This time there was no followup strng of questions, just quiet waiting for that one to be answered.

Callie's five tails begin to sway slowly behind her, a sign of her arousal, as Maireine asks that question and then turns her attention down to the fox's lap. Callie, it should be noted, is wearing a white silken button-down shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, and underclothes, and has long socks on. Somewhere in the midst of this conversation, one of her Elemental Servants has locked the door, because it had turned to eight o'clock, time to close. "A bit," she responds.

Maireine was dressed similarly to last time, in other words very simply in a blue dress, and those ever present boots of hers, she really should buy different footwear but... regardless she looked further at it and smiled, "A bit? A bit what?" She questions giving a shrug as she moves to reach a hand to Callie's leg and giving it a soft squeeze. "You could press it against my cheek too, if it's the right way to gauge that temperature difference... I won't lie though, I am very attracted to you, you're smart and interesting and I can't help but wonder what it's like to be with a vulpine or if you've been with an elf but... I'll try to keep this purely for education purposes, I swear!" She offers with a goofy grin, idly kicking off her boots to get herself a bit more comfortable now.

Callie chuckles softly and leans in, placing a hand on each of Maireine's shoulders and smiling at her. "Why keep it strictly educational? I find *you* deeply attractive, too, and I'm glad I've been able to teach you so much about my culture. Will you go upstairs with me? I can light the candles on my altar, and make love for the glory of The Lady."

Maireine moves her hand up Callie's leg, towards her hip and holds her gently by it with a smile, "My dear... I would be happy and honored to go upstairs with you, I... I'm not a religious woman but, just for tonight every single moan and feeling I'll dedicate to your wondrous Lady." She responds voice soft and intimate as she moves to stand after Callie, she had been part of an offering to a foreign god before but this time she wouldn't mind it.

Callie rises just before Maireine does, and she takes the elf's hand, leading her up the stairs as the Elemental Servant goes around and blows out a few of the lanterns in the dining room. When the fox and elf reach the top of the stairs, Callie says, "Wait here a minute." She enters the first door they come to, and speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani, wiggling her fingers just so, casting her Dawn's Early Light spell. A soft ray of light, like the start of the morning sun, comes out from her hand. Callie goes to the two-person square table inside her room, and lights the lantern there before canceling the spell. "Come on in," she calls to Maireine. Plenty of light to see by now. There's a wooden desk, a chest of drawers, a closet with some extravagant dresses hanging up in it, and a king-sized bed with red silken sheets.

Maireine follows after her happily and looks on confused as she's told to wait but wait she does, and she's not dissapointed when she strolls in and gets a first look inside the room, a strange feeling of homesickness overcoming her as she turns around in place for a moment to take it all in, "Aah... much better than my room at the inn, that's for sure, even without the large bed, just the company of whom I'm sharing it makes it better." She states, since a little flattery never hurt anyone, she'd then walk on over towards Callie, arms outstretching and pulling her in close to hold and steal a quick, soft kiss from those delectable vulpine lips, and then another deeper one if she's not stopped. "Mmph... right first the candles!" She states, showing some self restraint even if her second kiss is allowed through.

Callie accepts the first kiss, and the second kiss as well, both on their own merits. The first kiss is relaxed and a little tentative. The second one is a little more passionate, but not extremely intimate just yet. "Right, the candles," Callie says, her emerald-green eyes seeming to glow in the soft light of the lantern. "I hope you'll be my guest here tonight, by the way, and tomorrow morning, I'll make breakfast for us." Callie moves over towards the altar of The Lady, which has a candlestick on either side of a three-foot-tall statuette of The Lady. The Mother of All Vulpines' ten-tailed form is standing straight up, naked, with her arms out as if to embrace a friend, a lover, or a worshiper.

Mai would smile brightly and follow along with her, keeping her hands respectfully tucked behind her back as she was taught to do when faced when something new and strange, she didn't want to offend the woman who was so kindly offering breakfast and a place to sleep that night. "Of course I'll be your guest, you've already smitten me with your cooking so the offer of breakfast alone would be enough, but getting to share a soft, warm bed with my dearest new friend is the best part of it all." She add, unable to help it she'd move behind Callie and give her a soft kiss on the shoulder now.

Callie smiles warmly, and gently strokes Maireine's sides with her left and right tails, before lighting the two candles. Cupping the fingers of her left hand over her right fist, the vixen begins to speak. If she were with another vulpine, she'd speak in Vulpani, but she wants Maireine to be able to appreciate the prayer as well. "I thank You, Our Lady, for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails. Bless this upcoming time of worship. Thank You for bringing Maireine into my life. May all her hopes and dreams be achieved. Look down upon us with love as we have sex near Your altar. Keeshan." ["Amen."] With that, Callie reaches behind her, takes one of Maireine's hands in hers, and places it on the base of the fox's upper tail.

Maireine watches still in quiet contemplation, gazed fixed on the altar as the prayer rings through her ears, something about the words and praying to a god for being able to have sex tickled her in to a shy sort of smile, as if being caught masturbating almost, but there she stood repeating the prayer in her head, and even nodding her head in affirmation at the Keeshan, her only words coming once Callie turns around and brings her back from her little trance "I hope she approves~" She'd say as she felt her hand moved over to the base of that first tail and pressed her fingers around it, rubbing where it met her skin, thinking it perhaps a sort of pleasure spot on the vulpine, she'd also use it to hold her close while her other hand moved up to brush gently over Callie's hair.

Callie lets out a soft moan of pleasure, all of her tails giving a light sway, as the vixen leans in a little closer to Maireine. "The tailbase is an erogenous zone of almost every vulpine," Callie says. "They're important; don't forget them." Callie slowly turns around, allowing Maireine to keep a hand on that tailbase if she wants to, and now, facing the elf, Callie gives her a soft kiss on the lips while wrapping both arms around her and touching her at the base of the neck and the small of the back, pressing lightly into those nerve clusters.

Maireine nods a bit at this new information and keeps her hand in place! Gently rubbing and pressing it in circles, even lightly scratching at it with a soft little coo "Aye-aye Madam Callie~" She state, returning the kiss all too happily now, those wandering fingers on her back and neck making her shiver and press in to her body warmly, the hand that had been on Callie's hair moving down towards the base of another tail and giving it the same treatment. "Everyone seems to know this but... for elves, or at least me, the ears are a pretty good target." She offers as she moves towards the bed carefully.

"Mmm, that's good advice," Callie says with a lascivious smile. She's facing the bed, while Maireine has back to it, and slowly, she moves forward, taking one of Maireine's hands in hers and guiding her to sit on the bed. Callie takes a seat alongside her, and lifts the elven woman's feet off the ground one at a time, just long enough to remove her plain woolen socks.

Maireine moved to do the same to Callie after her socks were all done with, thoug Callie's had the added benefit of being all the way up to her knees, whch gave Mai plenty of chance to tease a hand up an inner thigh beneath that skirt whenever she pulled one of Callie's socks off; but rather than stop there the elven woman leans in to press a tender kiss to Callie's lips, all the while those hands on her legs move up to that silk shirt, one working on popping off those buttons while the other slipped in beneath it warmly, feeling over the peak of those breasts perhaps through a bra, or even if none was present she'd still take her time feeling over the full form of them before giving one a gently squeeze right as she reaches the very last button. Her dress would be easy to get off so she wasn't worried about removing it herself just yet.

[00:14] <Callie`Volopa> Let's review what our characters are wearing. Callie has on her white silken shirt, with the buttons all undone now. Beneath, a black lacy bra. She has a rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, and red lace panties.
[00:16] <Maireine> Mai would be wearing a light blue dress, reaching down to her midthigh, black and blue lace panties and bra, the dress simply slides on with some decorative buttons at the front

Callie is, indeed, wearing a bra, a black one with lace on it. The fox slides herself out of her shirt and lets it flutter gently to the floor as Maireine strokes her encased breasts. She lets out a soft "mmmm" of contentment at the treatment, and she leans in a little closer, stroking Maireine's left ear while Callie looks down briefly at the high elf's lovely bare feet.

Maireine follows those eyes curiously and smiles, wiggling her toes a little bit for the fox lady she'd whisper "You like 'em?" with a soft giggle as she leans in to kiss and nibble on Callie's neck, hand massaging her breast in a soft circle now, very slowly pushing that lovely boob free of its confine... until she decides to speed up the process a bit by tugging that bra down and more or less scooping Callie's left breast out so she could properly feel up that furred, soft mound of hers. Her other hand movng down to fuzz a bit with her skirt, trying to find out whether or not to tug it down or if a button might hold it up somewhere.

Callie nods and says, "I do, Maireine. I've always been big into feet." She smiles and lets out a happy moan when she feels her breast exposed and pulled out of its bra. Callie reaches behind herself and unclasps it. "Mmm, of course, I think mostly *all* bodies are beautiful in some way." She tosses her bra down to the ground, revealing both white-furred breasts now to Maireine's gaze. The vixen's rainbow-colored skirt, Maireine would learn, is just being held up by its waistband, and by the fact that Callie has all five tails slipped through a tail-hole in it (as well as a tail-hole in her red lace panties).

Maireine smiles a bit and starts tugging down that skirt as she speaks "Well *tug* if that's the case, it's my duty as your guest to put them to use~ You'll have to direct me a bit though, never thought of ways to use them for sex you know." She speaks, moving down to press her row of kisses over Callie's collarbone, her hands moving around the waistband of Callie's panties, towards the rear where those five tails poked through the hole, she'd stroke and squeeze the base of each, digging her fingers softly in to them before moving one hand over towards her rump to give that also a fond squeeze.

Callie nods at Maireine's comment, and says to the elf as she tries to tug down the skirt, "You'll have to pull my tails out of the tail-hole before the skirt'll come off. You get used to it after awhile." She winks. "And you know... every time The Lady has granted me a new tail, I've had to get all my pants and underwear re-tailored, 'cuz the hole becomes slightly bigger."

Maireine moved her hands to do just that then, slipping one along the waistand to make a little room, grabbing firmly but carefully to one of the tails and pulling it back slightly, gently curving and pulling it out of the hole carefully "Well... you'll just have to invite me over for late dinners more often then... and then up to your room, or right there in the restaurant, so I can get more practice, I imagine getting in to your clothes with more tails was also awkward for a time, is that why nudity is so common in your religion?" She questions, lips grazing over a nipple as she'd her head down lower.

Callie lets out a soft gasp when she feels Maireine touching her nipple with her lips. "Mmmm... it's an honesty and openness thing, really. We go naked before The Lady as an affirmation that everything we own, everything we are, belong to Her, and besides, She's seen us naked many, many times." Callie slides Maireine out of her dress, and begins to play at her clothed breasts.

Maireine slips out of that dress fairly easily now and tosses it aside, messy elf that she is, she'd try her best to sit in such a positon as to be able to let her play with her breasts through her bra, and still continue and eventually finish pulling all those tails out from the skirt, giving a nod as Callie speaks. "mmm that'd make me feel... oddly spied on, but many people have seen me naked at this point in my life, in person and in a vase." She states, moving Callie's hand(s) towards the front of her bra where the clasp for it was if she so wished to take it off.

Callie nods, and she unclasps Maireine's bra, removing it one breast at a time before tossing it to the ground. "So lovely," the vixen comments. "You take good care of your body, Maireine." She smiles, and pulls Maireine's head back so that she can softly kiss her lips. The vixen is in no hurry to get to the sex, as amazing as it will probably be for both of them. They have hours to spend together tonight.

<+Maireine> "The hair is the hardest part... stone and dusts and the like tends to get in there and I have to comb it regularly or else I leave gravel on my pillow." She muses, pressing that tanned, taut chest forward with a little sly smile "Everything else is just a product of lifting heavy rocks and wood and of course, nature~ It helps that my mother was a dancer and all." She states, though she was used to going right for it, she seemed fairly adept at taking her time and exploring each other, toying at nipping at vixen's body here and there, petting through her fine fur. "I wish I had had the chance to experience another vulpine before yourself though... this all feels so new to me."

When Maireine admits her vulnerability, Callie smiles a tender smile at her, and reaches up to gently caress her new friend's left ear. "You couldn't ask for a better teacher, I assure you. Sex is supposed to be fun; don't let your heart be troubled." Callie gently places Maireine down onto her back on the bed, and positions herself over top of her, removing the woman's panties. Callie gives Maireine another gentle kiss, and then she takes hold of her left foot with both hands, and begins to work her thumbs into the woman's sole.

Maireine gives a delighted little smile at the soft caress, easing herself on to her back she'd watch as Callie moves, the sensation of her body tickling over hers making her wiggle around beneath her, panties tuggd out of the way, it'd exposed her almost completely bare shaven sex, save for for a tiny patch of fubic fuss left on her mound well trimmed and kept, just a tiny triangle almost pointing the way to go. "Mmm well... I'll try to be a good student then~" She coo'd quirking her brow curiously as she felt her work on her foot, which caused a small giggle to erupt from her. "This is new~".

Callie takes a moment to gaze at Maireine's sex, and when she hears the elf giggle and comment, the fox says, "Not unpleasant, I hope." She stops moving her thumbs for a moment, looking at the bottom of the woman's foot, waiting for permission to continue, or a request to do something else.

Maireine shook her head "Oh no! Not unpleasant, just not used to getting a foot message before... or during sex, by all means continue! Go ahead and give me the full Callie experience my dear" She offer blowing her a kiss after she briefly props herself up on an elbow. "Whatever you want to do with me~"

Callie smiles brightly, and says, "I want this to be the best sex of your life, hon. I want you to look back on this fondly for centuries to come." Callie continues to dig her thumbs deeply into the muscles of Maireine's left foot arch, and then moves them down to the heel, and then back up, and finally to the toes. "Such exquisite feet you have..."

Maireine had rather small and dainty feet, skin smooth and blemish free~ She wiggled those toes aganst Callie's fingers teasingly and flexed and pushed her foot against her hand some more with a soft sigh of delight given in to the air "mmmph if it's too good, I might just fall for you" She teases, moving her other foot to rub against one of Callie's breasts.

Callie chuckles softly at Maireine's warning, and leans into the feeling of the elf's right foot against her left breast, looking like she deeply enjoys the contact. Callie's five tails sway slowly behind her in a sign of her arousal, and her emerald-green eyes seem to flash from time to time in the half-light of the room.

Maireine "Oh?" She goes, not explaining what she questions instead she keeps up the contact, pressing and rubbing that breast in a sloow circle, even going so far as to take a nipple between her toes and pinching it as best she could and tugging back a bit, apparently she found the woman's sweet spot "Mmm better keep massaging my foot or I'll stop~" She threatened teasingly.

Callie giggles when she sees Maireine spread out her toes a little bit and tweak the fox's nipple with two of them. "Mmm," she murmurs. After a moment, she takes that foot into her hands, and over the course of the next several minutes, works the knots out of the foot muscles, starting at the arch, moving down to the heel, and then up to the toes.

Maireine smiled pleasantly as she sees her foxy friend enjoying herself, the elven woman propping herself up on her elbows to see, she gives a quizzical glance as her foot is taken hold of but then what occurs next seems practically orgasmic by the look on Mai's face, sheer and utter delight washing over her expression. "Mmmph... by the gods and all the rocks in the hills, Callie... you're incredible at that."

Callie gives Maireine a warm, happy smile. "Kintay ra," she replies. [Vulpani: "Thank you."] Having now finished massaging both of Maireine's feet, she places them down on the bed, and begins to kiss up Maireine's right leg, starting at the toes and moving up to the ankle, calf, and knee. She bypasses the woman's sex and continues up her chest, gently kissing and licking up the middle of Maireine's chest.

Maireine wiggled her toes around a tad in the air after she's done there, giving a litte coo as the string of kisses goes up, and up and... misses her sex entirely, but all the more makes her grin and giggle, both hands reaching down to pet through Callie's headfur, running her digits along it tenderly as she goes up more and more... she couldn't resist however, teasingly squeezing her breasts together around the vulpine's muzzle after the first few kisses and licks, not that it would stop her, but to further welcome the fox in to the warm, soft embrace of her body as she showered her with affections.

Callie gives a soft murr when she feels those talented fingers in her headfur, stroking her so warmly and gently. When she finds herself trapped between those exquisite breasts, she licks, sucks, kisses, and nibbles on the beautiful skin there, as each hand grasps a breast and caresses lovingly. After a moment, Callie tweaks both nipples with her fingers.

<+Maireine> Mai giggled out a tad as the vulpine went, relatively speaking, wild on her breasts, a flurry of sucking and kissing, the nibbles in particular took her by surprise and she found herself wiggling around beneath her each time she did; her own fingers working their way over to Callie's ears, rubbing over the base of them just as she got to her nipples and elicited soft, gentle moans from her lips.

Callie lets out a soft gasp when she feels Maireine's fingers against the fox's large triangular ears. She pulls her face up slightly from the elf's body so that she can say, "Mmm, just like that," with encouragement. After a moment she adds, "Behind the ears, too. Right where the ear meets the rest of the head."

Maireine grins wide at the reaction her fingers got and keeps at it, rubbing and massaging those big ol' ears and when she gets her instuctions she goes "You mean... here~" Right before both her hands go for the base of those ears, pressing and massaging her fingers around in tender circles, squeezing slightly and going from the base up to the tips and then right back down again, over and over.

"Mmm yes, but gently, hon," Callie says, smiling wonderfully. She moves her body up a little more so that they're level with each other, and she softly kisses Maireine on the lips. After a moment, she makes the kiss a little more passionate, parting the other woman's lips with her tongue and wrestling with Maireine's tongue for control of her mouth. She claims it, and begins to explore inside.

<+Maireine> Mai's own tongue fights bravely before being vanquished by the greater foe, and she's left ever so softly suckling on that invading tongue, just as her own teases and rubs against it as it explores over every nook and cranny of her maw; Mai's hands meanwhile go just a little bit softer as instructed, nice, soft, sloooow circles being drawn over those ear bases, even ever so gently scratching behind one to see what'd happen.

Callie breaks the kiss after a couple of minutes, and she lets Maireine rub and scratch her ears for a few more seconds before pulling up. She speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani and wiggles her fingers just so before joining both her hands together, side-by-side, in an "open fist" with her fingers curled but not clenched. She has activated her Elemental Craft spell. Then she separates her hands, and shows Maireine what she's doing. A narrow cylinder is being created-- one side blue, the other side pink. As Callie continues to spread her hands out slowly, apart from one another, Maireine would see that the blue side has ridges, marks, and imperfections in it, compared to the pink side, which is utterly smooth. Extending both sides to a length of about 9 inches, Callie holds the finished product in her hands. "Can you guess what this is?" she asks. The device has a bit of flexibility, but it's still very hard, and partly translucent, made of hard water surrounded by a thick membrane.

<+Maireine> "Mmm... a bit of spice in an already fun night with you." She offers with grin as she sees the double ended dildo take shape before her own eyes, the elven woman finding herself biting her lower lip gently at the thought "I've used some of these before, but very few and far between, I'm afraid... certainly not made out of magic... water is that?" She questions, hand reaching to touch and squeeze that faux dick in Callie's hands, looking very well impressed at it. "You wouldn't have imagined my surprise if you'd... blindfolded me and just used this without showing it first though."

Callie snaps her fingers, sticks out her tongue for a moment, and replies, "Darn. Didn't even cross my mind. But anyway, I want to show you what I can do with it. And yes, it's made out of water, believe it or not-- hard water, with a thick membrane, something that can't exist in nature." Callie kisses Maireine gently and then says, "But before I put this to good use, I wanna hear you ask me to."

Maireine giggles a bit and gives her an 'oh well' sort of look. "So... you summoned it here, I suppose? I'm not very good with magic, simple things here and there but the terms and schools evade me." She murmurred before she's drawn in to the gentle kiss, finding herself lingering close to those lips as she hears this "Oh? You wanna hear me ask you to what? Use it on me?" She pouts and goes on, "But... I'm no good at begging! I'm a proud elven woman after all, you can't simply ask me to kneel down before you, my sweet, sensous goddes of sex just like that! Is it negotiable~?"

"I didn't summon it exactly; I created it," Callie says. "And you don't have to beg me... just ask me. I wouldn't ask a proud woman to beg, even though it *is* just the two of us here." Callie holds one side of the dildo and lightly waves it in Maireine's face, as if to remind her what awaits her.

<+Maireine> "Just us two huh?" She muses, wiggling her eyebrows a tad a the thought "Well... I suppose I could be a good girl, and ask nicely, just to show you how much I like you and... because I really want it. Cal... would you please put your creation to use in me, and you?" Very good listener she was!

"Mmmmmm, okay, hon," Callie replies, smiling warmly at her dear friend, and she takes the pink end of the dildo and inserts it into her own mouth, deliberately licking and slobbering all over it, getting it really wet. She then pulls it out, holds it up for Maireine's examination once again, and slides it down her body, tapping Maireine occasionally with the tip. Then she slides its tip inside her sex, and begins to slowly twist it back and forth in the elf's vagina. And then a curious thing happens-- the dildo expands slightly to better fill Maireine, and takes on ridges and bumps, much like the blue side, but in a different pattern.

<+Maireine> She look on at this in great interest as that faux dick was slipped in to Callie's mouth, with much the same admiration as some would look on at her as she carves away at a block of marble to create a face; a little shiver and coo escaping from her as the now soaking wet dildo runs itself down along the length of her body, her breath getting trapped in her mouth when the first few taps against her netherlips come warning her of what's to follow, but she's of course ready and when that toy slowly pushes its way in it's business as usua- "Oooh! by the gods! It's mmph did it... get bigger?" She questions with a little shudder, her hands running down across her belly, one of them feeling over her mound pointlessly as she shakes her hips around a tad. "Mmmph full of surprises you vulpines."

Callie grins brightly at Maireine's sudden reaction to the unexpected swelling of the dildo, and she says, "Yep... I'm mapping it to the internal topography of your pussy, hon. It's not a vulpine thing, actually... it's a water mage thing. I'm well-versed in using so much of my magic for day-to-day activities." Callie continues to slowly push the faux cock in and out of her friend's sex, and it expands just a little more, and continues to gain little pockmarks here, little ridges there. Finally, Callie pulls it all the way out of Maireine, and with a lascivious smile, she licks the tip while looking deep into the elf's eyes.

Maireine squeezes her toes against the bet firmly a that toy starts to pump in and out like that, and it did just that, conform and explore every little inch of her pussy that it could reach as her walls squeezed and held on to it. One of her hands reached back and pet along Callie's back gently, the elven woman giving out soft little moans in to the air "I... I get the feeling that, during magic class you spent a lot of your time mmph~! learning how to do more sexy stuff with your magic than otherwise~" She teased, giggling to herself momentarily as that dildo fnally pulled out "You should teach me to use magic for my day to day too dear~" She offered again teasingly, before she grew a tad more serious and returned that deep look with a shy smile "ye-yes?"

"I just might do that," Callie says with a warm and caring smile. Now she slides the blue end of the dildo, which had been marked and ridged originally, into her own sex, and then pushes the newly-refined pink end into Maireine's. Slowly, she begins to move with the elf. "Mmmm, you ought to consider... walking the Path of the Water, hon," Callie says as they have sex. "It's not only good for self-defense, but there are just so many fun things you can do with it."

Maireine gave a little grunt and moan as that toy re-slipped in to her warm, wet folds, finding herself to fit it like a glove not surprisingly, she gives a few, soft little pumps of her hips up in to Callie to make sure she's well hilted within and... to make that didlo shuffle within Callie just a tad more "Path of... the water?" she'd question curiously in between breaths, the hand on Callie's back moving towards the base of one of those tails, rubbing and pressing her fingers in to it deeply much like Calle had been the soles of her feet "Mmph do... do you like having these pulled on? Probably not right?" She questions as she dips her in to nip and kiss over Callie's shoulder and neck.

"Not pulled on, but caressed softly with your fingertips," Callie says. "You can pull on the tail-tips lightly, though. Mmmm yeah, the Path of the Water allows for great freedom. At the tier I'm on, you can create just about anything you can conceive of." In fact, she has a couple of surprises with the dildo that she's keeping in her back pocket for right now.

<+Maireine> "Mmm just wanted to know... I get the feeling that I'll be visiting you more, and more, and more often so... I want to know exactly how to make your knees rock~" She teased as she rolled her hips up in to Callie some more, pressing her fingers across that erogenous tail base tenderly as she listens to the explanation about the path of water. "Must take an awful long time to get this good though"

"It took me years," Callie says as they move together, slowly building to a stable equilibrium. "Some of it was book-learning; some of it was self-taught. But I didn't have the advantage of mentorship. One person offered to teach me, but his price was too darn high." Callie's toes begin to gently stroke themselves against Maireine's toes as the two women move with each other.

Maireine reaches that hand down from her tail towards Callie's rump, squeezing and kneading it tenderly as they move on, pushing and pulling the dildo in out of each other steadily; Mai returning the gentle strokes all too happily as she listens between little coo's and nods "Ah, well that's the price you pay to avoid falling for the same mistake, sometimes that price just happens to be too much. It wouldn't be a half bad idea, could use some magicry on my work even..."

"Well, I'll be happy to teach you whatever I can," Callie says, letting out a soft gasp as the dildo excites a certain bunch of nerve endings in the shallow area of her vagina. Callie moves a hand down there, and after a moment, Maireine would feel another shift in the form of the dildo-- two little tendrils shoot out from it and would rub against the women's clitorises.

Maireine feels this as a sudden jolt of electricity as the tendrils start rubbing in to her, making her buck her hips up and press those ridges in to her own little bundle of nerves, this all makes her come crashing back down and give out a long "Fuuuuck... that scared me a little bit." She admited, laughing softly as she moves to press a gentle kiss on Callie's lips.

Callie grins and laughs as well, and why shouldn't she? Sex is supposed to be fun. Callie looks over to that statuette of The Lady on her altar and says a silent prayer to Her, thanking Her for bringing Maireine into her life. As she leans into the kiss, Callie speeds up the pace of her thrusts a little bit, wanting to get Maireine off soon.

Maireine runs a hand up to her breasts, cupping and squeezing them in delight as Callie starts picking up the pace, quiet little huffs and moans escaping her lips, fingers running around in soft, short circles over her own nipples and then gently tugging at them over and over as she starts pumping her hips back in to Callie's own movements, the elven woman positively losing her mind, "Callie~! I'm soo close, keep going!" She shouted, back arching up in to the air now.

Callie nods, and moves her head down to savagely kiss and gently nibble at Maireine's right breast for a few moments, before moving to her left breast. "Ahhh, mmmm... I am too, babe...ahhhh, come for me, Maireine... I want you to come for me." The vixen's five tails are spread out to their maximum extent above their bodies, and one of Callie's furry appendages gently teases at one of Maireine's hands. Callie curls her toes as she feels her climax hitting, and she tries to stretch it out as long as she can.

Maireine smacked a hand on to the bed bellow them and squeezed the bedsheets tightly, hips deftly bucking up in to Callie's own movements until her body tensed up, squeezing tightly around that toy and holding her hips up in place in orgasmic bliss as she reaches her peak and cums around that dildo, eyes closing tight and her lips quivering a tad for the moment. "Mmm Callie~ Callie~" She moaned out her new sex partner's name in to the air over and over in delight.

"Ahhhh, goddess... ah, Lady... AH, MAIREINE~!" Callie exclaims, that last bit of thrusting, and hearing her name screamed in orgasmic bliss, all that the fox needed to come as well. Callie grips the bedsheets just above Maireine's shoulders quite tightly, bunching them up in her fists, as she looks down at Maireine's face, enjoying the sight of her body in climax.

Maireine puffs and pants in to the air a bit, slowly coming down from her high in a string of giggles and shivers now, her arms both come up to wrap themselves around Callie's back and hug her tightly to herself, the elven woman pressing a flurry of kisses all over Callie's face and head, and shoulders too.

Callie giggles softly as Maireine kisses her repeatedly all over her upper body, and after a few moments, the vixen pulls the dildo out of their bodies, rolls off of Maireine, and places the Elementally Crafted object on the nearest end table. She wraps an arm around her friend and smiles warmly at her.

Maireine returns the warm smiles and continues her row of kisses, softer and more, calmly planted here and there as she moved down to a breast, gently nipping it once also before she speaks "Did it take you long to learn to summon that?" She'd question before going back to landing affection on Callie, particularly over a nipple with a little lick and kisses here and there.

"Mmm, feels good, but let's just cuddle for a little while, hon," Callie says, gently scritching the hair on the back of Maireine's head. "It took me some time, yes, and a great deal of expertise to learn how to mold it to a person's vagina. I can remember every one that I've made, and re-create it at any time."

Maireine looks up at her and smiles "Oh sorry, my libido gets away from me sometimes" She muses now just simply resting her head a bit above Callie's chest, eyes resting close now. "Mmm really? Absolutely every single one of them? That's quite astounding... just not that many partners or great memory?"

"A great memory, and talent with my Water Magic," Callie says, as she uses her Telekinesis to pull the blanket up over the women's naked bodies. "Next time we make love, I'll have yours in my mind, too. Really, there's very little I can't create with my magic. That's why I believe the Path of the Water reigns supreme."

Maireine smiled and nodded quietly at that "Oh, I'm sure personal bias doesn't play a role in it at all." She teased, simply snuggling up to Callie and helping keep the other nude woman warm.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:31 am

New CVC and CVC Bath House
January 28, 2018
Callie and Luciorus

It's about seven-thirty at night, and Callie Volopa's Elemental Servants have finally cleared enough snow off of Main Street and Meridian Street that Callie has been able to move them to the lesser-used boulevards of downtown Nanthalion. They've been working nonstop since the first day of the blizzard, a week ago today. Inside Callie's restaurant, the vixen sits barefoot on the couch, reading one of her favorite novels, by contemporary vulpine author Milana Serafin. Callie's fifth Elemental Servant has cleaned up the place very nicely since Callie's last customer had left half an hour ago.

Luciorus walks down the road, wooden cane crunching in trodden snow. He looks resplendent with his silk slacks and shirt, with doublet and coat over them. As always, he had his various bits of fun hidden away in the pockets and his bronze vambraces hide underneath his sleeves. Golden wings sparkle in the lantern lights lining the roads. Eyebrow arches as the street is suddenly clean and dry in the town proper. Apparently someone... or something was hard at work. Cane clicks lightly upon cobblestones as he heads to Callie's restaurant. He didn't want to disturb her while she was tending to customers, so he had made sure she would've closed up. He saunters up to the door and knocks firmly and politely, glancing about as he waits for a response.

Callie looks up from her book, turns around on the couch, and sees Luciorus through the glass pane of the door. She smiles warmly, and makes a 'come on inside' motion with her hand. He'd find that the door is unlocked, because the restaurant won't close for another half-hour. The fox sets her book down on the coffee table, stands up, and moves forward a little bit to properly greet the gold-winged torian. Callie is dressed in a purple blouse with black and white trim, black skirt, and underclothes.

Luciorus looks through the paned door, just in time to see the Vulpine gesturing him in. His eyebrows rise in greeting, head bobbing. He opens the door, striding inside. "Callie! It's so good to see you again. It's been far too long!" He grins at her, golden eyes subtly flicking over her form, noting the bare feet. When he reaches her, he would offer a hand to her, kissing her hand and bowing if she took his invitation. "I hope you have been well?"

Callie takes Luciorus's hand and is rather charmed when it's kissed and when he bows. She takes hold of her own skirt and does a demure curtsey. "Charavizhra, Luciorus," she replies. ["Fondest greetings!"] "And yes, it's been a little while. Over a month, I think. I've been doing quite well, thanks. I've catered two weddings since last we saw each other. Even was called upon last-minute to officiate the first one, which was a huge thrill for me."

Luciorus smiles at her good fortunes, eyebrows rising. "Indeed? That is very good news!" He leans his cane against a chair to remove his coat before folding it and draping it over another chair. "I only wish I had such luck in my own affairs... But let us not talk of such things. Could I trouble you for a drink?"

"Certainly," Callie says with a gentle smile. "Something to warm the bones, perhaps? I have hot chocolate, coffee, and hot tea all ready to pour. And maybe you'd like some soup or stew?" The fox is very happy to see him, and it can be seen in her expression and tail-language.

Luciorus smiles fondly at her, enjoying the Vulpine's sweetness and seeming innocence. "Some coffee would be wonderful! Perhaps in the halfling style?" He takes up his cane again, leaning on it comfortably. "Some stew would be nice, yes. What do you have available?" He watches those tails sway happily, a distracting motion which brought attention to those finely sculpted legs.

"Well, I've only got the dregs of cucanasha left, and I wouldn't feed anybody that; it's basically flavored salt water at this point," Callie says. "But I've got plenty of rabbit stew left. The rabbit was brought to me just this morning by my soul-sister, Velina." Callie goes behind the bar, her hips sashaying for Luciorus's view, and she begins to make the Halfling Coffee. [Irish coffee].

Luciorus lifts eyebrows in delight. "That sounds wonderful Callie! Your hospitality is a welcome change of pace." He moves to follow her over to the bar, eyes tracking down to watch her legs move below those swishing tails and skirt. He lets out a soft pleased sound, eyes going back up to her face in a lopsided smile.

Vulpines have been commanded by The Lady to seek out pleasure in all its forms, and obviously sex is one of the greatest pleasures in life. To help Her children fulfill that tenet, which is in fact the First Tenet of triestan, The Lady has given vulpines a natural sixth sense that makes it easy for them to detect when someone's checking them out. Right now, Callie's sixth sense is clearly telling her that Luciorus is liking what he sees. Of course, how could he not? "Yes, hospitality is hardly a watchword of the inn," she says.

Luciorus grins in agreement. "Aye, that is very true. And the food certainly leaves something to be desired. I have been waiting for one of your delightful dishes for a long while, Miss Callie." He watches her hands move to prepare the coffee, motions deft and confident. "And it would seem you've been doing this a long while. Might I ask how long you've owned your restaurant?" He leans against a bar stool casually, not actually sitting in it.

Callie sets the halfling coffee down in front of Luciorus and smiles at him. "I've owned the restaurant about six years now, but for most of that time it was an outdoor kiosk just north of the park. I had this place built and moved into it about a year ago. And I mean 'moved into it' in quite a literal sense; this is my second home now. In fact, it could be argued it's my first home. I sleep at CVC more often than Foxden."

Luciorus immediately takes up the coffee, lifting it to sip a bit of perfection. Golden eyes close for a moment, savoring. Wings stretch slightly in enjoyment, feathers rustling dryly. "Ahh... Callie, it's precisely how it should be, it's fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I can't tell you how much I've missed this drink." Opening his eyes, he looks over at her, visibly more relaxed. Eyebrows rise at her explanation. "So you actually have another house?" He looks around, noting the beautiful decor and furnishings. He takes another heavenly sip. "Your kiosk must have been quite successful if you were able to support a house and build this at the same time. Not that I'm surprised, of course. Even working out of limited facilities, I'm certain your food is sublime. Not to mention the allure of a beautiful cook." He gives her a wink, golden eyes glittering, a sly smile on his lips. He takes another sip, cream leaving a mustache that's quickly smeared away with shining, pink tongue.

Calie gives a bright smile at having the drink complimented by Luciorus, and says, "I'm glad you're in a position now to really enjoy yourself here at the restaurant. Goddess, but you were in such *terrible* shape when I first saw you. I'll never forget it. But I had the feeling that all you needed was healing and a little kindness."

Luciorus feels his face darken a tad at the memory. He gives her a bittersweet smile, hands turning the mug in his hands. "Perhaps, though I have seen little enough kindness since then. In any case, I am forever in your debt for saving my life. I merely hope I can repay you some day." He takes another sip, face lightening a bit from the ambrosia. "But enough of the dark past. I'm very curious about you. I feel I know rather little about you. Besides your charming beauty and grace, of course." He gives her a sly smile, moving to sit more fully upon the stool.

"Okay," Callie says. She ladles some rabbit stew into two bowls-- one for Luciorus and one for herself. For a drink, she grabs a bottle of sweet tea from the drink cooler. It has a picture of Callie herself on it, happily quaffing a bottle. At the top of the label, it has the words Callie's "Darn Good" written in both Common and Vulpani script, and at the bottom it says in both languages, "Your taste buds deserve nothing less." As Callie uses a bottle opener on her drink, she says, "I'm 36 years old, and I was born and raised in the Verlosi Tribe city of Verlosi'ka, in the Ulma Valley, about a day's mephos travel south of here. I was born with one tail; I had to earn the rest."

Luciorus arches an eyebrow at the sudden start to the Vulpine's life story. He hadn't expected her to be quite so... forthcoming. Nevertheless, he listens interestedly, taking sips of his own drink. He notes the script and picture on her drink with an amused chuckle. "What do you mean by earn the rest? They don't simply grow in? That was always something I was a bit confused about..."

Callie grins. "A lot of people think that, but no, it's much more wonderful and complicated than that. Most vulpines worship The Lady, Mother of All Vulpines, who found kinship with the clever fox and used its form as a basic template for Her own-- except She walks on two legs and has ten tails. Later, She created a husband, Trejani, for Herself, had him raised by a barren catperson couple of Her acquaintance, and the two of them met when he was an adult. They were immediately smitten with each other, married, and it was through Trejani that She gave birth to the first fourteen mortal vulpines, the Tayva Din-- 'Original Children'. They spread throughout the world, siring and giving birth to the vulpine race. The Lady brought us The Sacred Teachings, and told us what She expects of us. Do you know of The Lady's Three Tenets?"

Luciorus nods, interjecting a "Fascinating..." He continues to listen carefully, frowning a little at her tale. "I do not. I merely know them as general guidelines vulpines tend to follow." He takes up a spoon and lifts a bite of stew to his lips. Slurping a sip, blonde eyebrows lift once more. "Mm. I should not be so surprised at this point about the quality of your fare, but you still manage to surprise me with every new thing I try. What is that spice?" He quickly gulps down the bite; it had cooled in the time he had taken to rave about it. "And the rabbit truly is quite good. Fresh, flavorful, and tender." He takes a sip of the coffee once more, drifting in culinary bliss.

When Luciorus asks what that spice is, Callie says, "You don't expect a woman to give up *all* her secrets, do you?" She winks. But she's quite pleased with the compliments she's receiving about her stew. "The Three Tenets are to seek out pleasure in all its forms, strive for self-improvement, and express hospitality. I like to think I accomplish all three in the running of my restaurant. But anyway, the tails were granted for courage and self-improvement. I got my second one after I stood up to a couple people who were trying to kidnap my friend Zaphikel. My third one came in when I became a water mage. My fourth one was a complete surprise; I guess it was just for general self-improvement. And I earned my fifth when I helped my late wife find her long-lost sister."

Luciorus smirks playfully at the woman's wink. "I must say, you do fulfill the first and last tenets here in the restaurant. But it's hard to see where you might improve upon what you have here." He listens to her stories about earning her tails, feeling a stab of regret at the mention of her late wife, thinking of the slippers he'd ruined. "So... when you're granted the tails, are you visited by the Lady? Or do they simply begin to grow in?" He continues his meal, carefully savoring every bite and sip. Who knew when the next time was that he would eat this well?

Callie smiles. "Depends," she says. "The Lady generally casts a Sleep spell on the lucky person and on anyone else nearby, so that no one sees the tail growing in. By the time you wake up, it's the same length as all the other tails. But there are many documented cases when The Lady has decided to let a lover or close friend watch the tail growing. I've been on both sides of it. Allisa watched my fifth tail come in, and I watched my best friend Syl`Zhalti gain her second tail. In both cases, we were actually visited by The Lady. In fact, The Lady even kissed Allisa." She takes a couple bites of stew. "When I saw The Lady approach Syl, I was very afraid. I thought She was coming to take her home to the Celestial Realm."

Luciorus feels his mouth gape a tad. To be actually visited by a divine being... "Wow... that's quite incredible." He thinks about his own gods and the multitude of Torians who no longer held belief in them. At least, not as active deities. "You said that most vulpines worship the Lady. What of those who do not? Surely such stories and proof of her involvement would convince any vulpine to recognize her?" He takes another sip, frowning with curiosity.

Callie sips her sweet tea while her friend asks his questions. "Well, it's hard, in this world, to be truly atheist, when all the gods-- not just The Lady-- have clearly proved their existence and their interest in the lives of mortals. There are some vulpines who worship both The Lady and another deity, which I don't. There are some who are agnostic. And there are some who worship Her second husband, Najaka. Actually, the one She ended up with permanently, Trejani, is Her *third* husband. Her first two attempts at marriage didn't go so well. Therefore, triestan is one of those religions in which we admit that our Goddess has made mistakes."

Luciorus listens somewhat idly, still paying attention, but beginning to lose interest. Religion was not one of his passions. "You seem to know a lot and feel strongly about your worship. Have you been a priestess before?" Sadly, his stew was beginning to run low, though he still carefully savors each bite as he listens to the vulpine.

Callie shakes her head. "Not so high up as a priestess, but I *did* have religious training as a teenager. I thought about becoming an acolyte, but my life led me in a different direction. Still, I'm faithful and true to The Lady, and proud of my cultural heritage." She smiles. "That's one reason why I set up the restaurant-- to share my heritage with the empire. Vulpines come here for a taste of home, and non-vulpines come here for new experiences."

Luciorus finishes off the coffee, gulping some of the foamy cream at the top. He smiles at Callie. He could certainly respect someone faithful to their own kind. "It sounds as though you've had quite an eventful life. You've certainly come out all the better for it though. A woman of taste, through and through. I am a bit curious how you decided to become a mage and chef rather than a priestess though. Seems to be quite the shift." He takes another bite of stew, nearly his last of the bowl.

Callie sees that Luciorus' stew bowl is almost empty, so she places the menu back in front of him. "Have you left room for dessert? Well, I had a tragic moment in my life that made me question my faith for a little while. Maybe someday I'll share it with you. I grew fond of the great outdoors and became a ranger; did a little hunting and gathering for awhile. Five years after my soul-joining, I left home and took the scenic route to Nanthalion." This is perhaps the first time Callie's mentioned a soul-joining. "I spent a month running packages around town to pay off the wandering salesmen who'd brought me here. Then later, I decided to become a mage, because I grew fascinated with magic."

Luciorus lifts eyebrows in surprise. "My, Callie. I feel as though I am a guest of honor here. You'll make me more indebted to you..." he looks over the menu, trying to decide while listening to her continue her story. "What is a Soul -Joining? Is it another Vulpine custom?" He looks up from the menu, curious how she would answer and still not certain what to try. He knew that whatever he got would be fantastic, it was simply difficult to pick a single one. His thoughts are a little preoccupied as well. This woman had done a tremendous number of things in her relatively short lifespan. He watches her curiously, never sure what new surprise he'd get from her.

Callie nods. "At age eighteen, we're officially called adults, and go into two years of adult education to help us prepare for our Soul-Joining. Along with other things, we gain access to the uncensored version of The Sacred Teachings for the first time, and we undergo sex education. In sex education, we actually have sex in pairs and small groups. We're also provided with a textbook showing how to make love to other vulpines and members of other species. Even looking at you right now, I can see a map of your likely erogenous zones." She hasn't yet gotten to what a Soul-Joining is, but she wants to see Luciorus' reaction to what she's said so far.

Luciorus nearly chokes upon his last bite of stew when she mentions a map of his erogenous zones. She hadn't even indicated an interest in sex thus far... He's not sure what to think about her reading his body like a book, but can't complain about the path the conversation has taken. His eyebrows rise at her, an amused smile beginning to cross his face. "That's... fascinating. Nothing like a few orgies to get things going, right?" He chuckles, looking back at the menu. "I'll have... the orgasm pie." He betrays no hint of suggestion in his face, leaving the connection up to her to make.

Callie blinks. She hadn't seen *that* coming. "Before you finalize that order, you might want to read the description carefully." Callie places Luciorus' empty stew bowl in the sink to be washed later, and smiles at the gold-winged torian. "It's called that for a reason."

Luciorus frowns at the vulpine, then at the menu. "But surely that's simply a joke? I'll admit your meals are genuinely pleasurable, but to reach a climax from one?" He shakes his head, obviously dubious of the claim.

"I trust you've never heard of Tianopo honey?" Callie asks. "It's cultivated in only one place in the world-- the village of Rinaya on the East Coast, at a triestan monastery there. The monks there have but two goals in life-- worshiping The Lady, and raising bees. They've kept the secret of Tianopo honey for, oh... tens of thousands of years. In the smallest amounts, it causes sexual arousal. In the right amount, it'll cause orgasm. If you eat *too much*, you'll orgasm for a long time, which, trust me, is not as wonderful as it may seem."

Luciorus lifts his eyebrows in surprise. "I... see. As much as I am intrigued, I just had these pants cleaned. I would prefer to not have the mess to deal with." He smirks, looking back over the menu. "Hmm, in that case, what would you recommend?" He looks over to her, leaving the decision to her.

Callie chuckles softly. She's actually a bit relieved that she'd managed to turn Luciorus off the orgasm pie; it'd be a bit awkward at this early stage of their friendship. "How about the carrot cake?" she suggests. "An invention of the Lingorian Tribe when they had to ration sugar a couple thousand years ago."

+Luciorus closes the menu with a snap, still looking at the vulpine. "Carrot cake it is!" He gives her a grin, sliding the menu out of the way. "Though I would like to try that pie sometime... it sounds quite unique." He smirks, wondering how many times she had tested the pie to get the taste just right.

"It's really quite something," Callie says. "Every now and then, back at the kiosk, two people would participate in the Tinjako'hox Challenge. They'd eat their pie slices at the same rate, and whoever came first lost, and had to do whatever pleased the other one, sexually, in the customer bedroom. Those were fun games. I even participated myself, once or twice." Callie cuts off a piece of carrot cake from the glass case and places it on a plate, setting it and a fork in front of the torian. "Another Halfling Coffee, Luciorus?"

Luciorus nods, brows arched, clearly intrigued by the contest. "I'll have to take that challenge sometime. Perhaps I'll even challenge the creator." He smiles at her, eyebrows waggling. He leans back a bit, looking down at the cake. "Well, I'll certainly not say no to an offer of that delightful ambrosia again." He lifts the fork, licking his lips in preparation for what was certain to be another adventure of flavorful delight. "Anyways, I do believe you were telling me about some of your customs?"

Callie mixes another halfling coffee for Luciorus, and then she takes another sip of her sweet tea. "Customs... hm. Do you remember exactly what we were talking about?" In fact, she'd gotten up to the age of adulthood, but hadn't yet reached the part about soul-joining, because they'd gotten tangled up in talking about sex.

Luciorus looks at her in ponderance. "Hmm... I'm not quite sure... I believe you were talking about being made a woman? Various orgies and fun times?" He snickers and takes the prepared bite of cake. It's surprisingly sophisticated, the cake portion complex and not very sweet. The buttercream icing provides the perfect counterpoint, adding that bit of needed sweetness. He inspects it with raised eyebrows. "Hmm, I must say, not what I was expecting, but it is quite good!" He takes another thoughtful bite, nodding.

"It wasn't until I had carrot cake as a child that carrots finally won me over," Callie says with a chuckle. "Didn't used to like them. Anyway... ah! After two years of adult education, not all of which includes sex, we have our Soul-Joinings. In most tribes, including mine, that means achieving a dangerous or difficult task. The Verlosi Tribe students go up into the mountains and experience a week up there in the cold with just the clothes on our backs and whatever we can scavenge."

Luciorus raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Two years? Makes me wish I was vulpine, just to have 2 years of sex..." He chuckles, shaking his head before taking a sip of the coffee to cleanse his palate. Looking back up at her, an eyebrow lifts. "Indeed? And do they simply let those who fail die? And why would such a rite be called a soul joining? That sounds like something you'd do with someone else..." he frowns thoughtfully, taking another delightful sip of the drink.

"Soul Joining Rituals *do* have a certain attrition rate, yes," Callie says, "but I'm pleased to report that everyone made it out alive in mine, anyway. Me, my five siblings, and the two other groups of siblings that were with us. Most of the time, when you survive, you get your soul at the end. Your immortal soul basically pours into your body." Callie points up to the picture on the wall of the kitchen, entitled 'When We Received Our Spirits' by Zorva, a legendary contemporary Verlosi Tribe artist. Zorva and her six siblings are sitting cross-legged in the snow of the Jannitza Mountains, circled around a campfire, as their souls, depicted as streaks of light, come into their bodies.

Luciorus "hmms" in response to her explanation before turning in his seat to look at the painting. He frowns. "So... Vulpine children have no souls? What happens if they die before or during the ritual? And... is there truly a bolt of light like that?" He was surprising himself with his ignorance, he had always thought himself rather well read. Granted, other cultures and religions had never really appealed to him, but still. With someone so knowledgeable about it though, he was finding it surprisingly interesting... and confusing.

Callie smiles gently. "No, I suspect the bolt of light is just artistic license on Zorva's part. We're all born with an elemental lifeforce, but if we die before receiving our souls, we can't be resurrected. Therefore, the murder of a child calls for a more stringent punishment in our society than the murder of an adult with a soul, since at least the adult can be brought back."

Luciorus frowns, still not understanding. "But... what happens to the child? Surely they don't disappeared as though they never existed? Does the Lady not take them?" He broods for a moment, thinking about her alien customs. "What... what does it feel like? Do you feel different after?" He asks uncharacteristically thoughtfully, frowning at his plate.

"The Lady *does* take them to the Celestial Realm, yes, and rest them safely there for all eternity," Callie says. "As far as what it feels like to earn one's soul... it felt immediately refreshing to me, as if I *hadn't* suffered through that entire week. It caused some minor personality changes, and made me interested in a few new things." She smiles, but there's a little sadness behind her expression if Luciorus is observant enough.

Luciorus looks up to her as she explains, nodding slightly. He watches her intently when describing how it felt. He's not sure why, but he was intensely curious what it would feel like. Perhaps he feels like he has a hole that needs filling. Or that he needed something good. Or maybe he just wanted to know if it was a mind-blowing sexual experience. In any case, he does catch that glimmer of sadness and frowns at it, but doesn't mention it, figuring she wouldn't appreciate the wheedling. "That's fascinating... so it's more like an energy burst than a completion or fulfillment?" He returns to his cake, taking another delicious bite.

"It's kinda both," Callie says. "The energy burst comes with it, and enabled us to make it down the mountain far more easily. But we could feel our spirits, and a greater... depth of character, of emotion, even of knowledge, than we had before." Callie takes a sip of her sweet tea. "When we earn our souls, our aging slows considerably, too. I'm 36, but don't really look any older than I did when I was 20. Vulpines have an approximate maximum lifespan of about 900 years, and even then, our bodies basically feel like they're in their late 40s, early 50s, in human terms."

Luciorus looks at her in surprise. Always the lawyer, he begins to play out what if scenarios in his head. He realizes the futility and silliness of asking them of her, so he refrains. "Indeed! I would not have guessed you were that age, Miss Callie." He knew about how long they lived, but it was still a bit surprising to see it in effect. He takes a sip of coffee, beginning to feel full and satisfied after the large meal.

"Did you think I was older, or younger?" Callie asks with a twinkle in her eye, knowing quite well that it's an impossible question for a guy to answer from a girl. She finishes up her sweet tea and, seeing that it's a little after 8, goes to the front door and locks both it and the fae door.

Luciorus looks up at her, a slow sly smile bending his lip. He admonishes her, the end of his fork bobbing at her. "Tsk, tsk, tsk... Oh, Miss Callie. You must think me a naive boy. I'll not be answering that one, thank you..." he chuckles, taking another bite of the cake as she walks away. Turning to watch her, he frowns. "Is it closing time already? I'm terribly sorry Miss Callie. I would not wish to impose upon you. Could you just allow me to finish this delightful cake?" He looks at her politely enough, but his eyes mostly focus upon those furred thighs and ample curves.

Callie laughs softly when Luciorus declines to answer the question. Smart man. "Yes, it *is* closing time, but you can stay and finish your cake. In fact, you can stay longer than that, if you want to. I have a customer bedroom that's gone unclaimed for the evening. It's a clean, safe place to sleep, and it means you won't have to trudge back to the inn in the cold."

Luciorus lights up with a smile at the offer. "Indeed? That would be wonderful, Callie! You have *no* idea how bad the beds are there. And the food!" He shudders before letting out a wry smile. "And don't worry. No midnight treks in favorite slippers..." Sadness crosses his features at the memory of his disregard for her slippers. He really hadn't meant to hurt her... "Callie..."

Callie chuckles softly; she does *indeed* know how bad some of the beds are at The Lonely Inn, so she'd had her mattress there replaced many years ago by one she'd bought herself. There was no help for the food, though, except hiring better cooks. When Luciorus says her name, she smiles at him and replies, "Yes... Luciorus?"

Luciorus grimaces and sighs. "I just... your wife's slippers..." he looks down at his plate, completely out of his comfort zone. "I guess... I guess I just feel bad about it?" He frowns, looking back up at her. "I'm sorry, I'm no good at this.... I guess I just want you to know that if there is anything I can do to make up for it... just let me know?" He smiles awkwardly at her, hoping she would understand.

Callie give a light frown. "I don't... really wanna talk about it," she confesses. It still hurts her to think of those slippers totally destroyed by Luciorus's carelessness. They'd been a gift from her late wife Allisa, and now Callie has one less thing to remember her by.

Luciorus sighs, resigning himself to eternal guilt from the vixen. "Perhaps someday I'll make it up to you..." he shakes his head, taking a bite from the nearly gone carrot cake, though it had lost some if it's vibrant flavor. Trying to perk up and lighten the mood, he turns back to her. "So what do you usually do for fun after everyone leaves?" He gives her a smile, though sadness lurks not far behind.

"Well, *immediately* after closing, I do the ledger for the day, and then I go into the bath house in the back for a soak," Callie says. "I tend to read a little bit every day, and I always pray to The Lady before I go to bed. Sometimes it only takes a few seconds; other times a few minutes. I have a boz'na service every first of the month-- that's a memorial service for those I've loved who've gone before me."

Luciorus nods at the mention of ledger work and smiles at the mention of a bath. "I had hoped to get a bath tonight. I don't recall, is there one in the guest room?" He asks before taking the last bite of cake. He's recovered some of his confident attitude, and takes a swig of coffee, further bolstering him. "That's a very good tradition, Miss Callie. Perhaps I aught to..." he says thoughtfully before shaking his head and standing, mug in hand. "Is there anything I can do to help you close up?"

"There's a bathroom connected to the guest room, yes," Callie says, "but I'm talking about the somewhat larger bath house right in the back of the restaurant. That's where I go." When he asks if he can help her close up, she says, "If you could do the dishes we just dirtied, that'd be very helpful, while I go upstairs and do the ledger. It'll take me a few minutes. Afterwards, we could go in the bath house if you'd like to."

Luciorus grins inwardly. Exactly the words he'd wanted to hear... "Of course, Miss Callie. Though, ah... I must admit at having very little practice with such things." He grabs his plate, moving towards the kitchen. At her invitation, he pauses and turns back towards her, a smile on his face. "Why that sounds perfectly lovely, Miss Callie. I... look forward to it." Turning back, he heads into the kitchen, finishing off the coffee before placing the mug and plate in the sink.

"Thanks for your candor," Callie says with a soft smile. She scratches her chin and considers. "The dishes you clean, leave them on the drying rack so I can inspect your work and see if they need further attention before I put them away. When you're done, you can relax on the couch for awhile if you want, and read a book maybe."

Luciorus smirks a little at her request, but nods in acquiescence. After setting the dishes in the sink, he frowns at them a moment. How was this done? Maybe it's like cleaning a blade? Well, water is a necessity, he knew that. He runs water over them, rinsing off the loose stuff. Glancing about, he sees a brush and scrubs the rest of the food off, though a layer of grease still coats the bowls. He notices it and scrubs some more, but it's basically just smeared around in the cold water. Shrugging, he gives up, placing the bowls on the drying racks. Heading back into the common room, he heads over to the mentioned couch and looks through the books she has on display. He lays his coat over the back of the couch, exposing his doublet and silk shirt.

While Luciorus washes the dishes, Callie goes upstairs to her bedroom/office with the day's receipts, cash, and ledger. It takes her about 20 minutes to diligently record the profit and loss summary. She's pleased to see that the restaurant had made a bigger profit today than yesterday, when the blizzard had still been in full force. The vixen finishes up her books, locks the ledger up in her desk, and exits the room, heading back downstairs.

Luciorus peruses the bookshelf, looking through the titles. He smirks at one of them, pulling it out right away. He reads the title aloud, amused. "The Verlosi Tribe Guide to Multi-Species Sex Education, heh, 23rd Edition. Oh, and edited by Lamine Vasara heh. What the heck." Taking it over to the couch, he sits down, going to the table of contents. "Hmm... humans, elves, halflings, goblins? Ech... Oh, Torians. Hmmm..." He turns it to the section regarding his own kind, curious. "Hmm... proud, sometimes prudish. Prudish? Heh, she obviously didn't meet me..." He turns the page, arching any eyebrow at an illustration. "Huh, well, I guess they did their research if they know about the wing bases..." He shakes his head, going back to the table of contents. He notices an intro section which covers vulpines themselves. "Mmm, here we go... let's see what Miss Callie here enjoys..." he flips to the page, quickly reading intently. He's so engrossed he doesn't hear the Restaurant owner come back down the stairs. He's got the book in his lap, resting on the sizeable tent caused by the ideas the book had sparked in his mind. Finally as her footsteps reach the floor, he looks up. "Oh, Miss Callie. You're already finished, that was rather quick..." Book snapped shut, he shifts in his seat, trying to hide the massive bulge. He's not ashamed of his arousal, just a bit embarrassed by his reaction to a book.

[Luciorus: Halfling coffee x2 SERVED; rabbit stew SERVED; carrot cake SERVED]
[Callie: Sweet tea SERVED; rabbit stew SERVED]

"Seemed longer than it was," Callie says. Callie moves a little closer and sees the book in Luciorus's lap. "Did you learn anything?" she asks him, with a twinkle in her eye. "I've read that entire book all the way through, several times. My parents always told me that if I wanted to become a well-rounded person, I needed a proper sexual education. That in so doing, I'm fulfilling The Lady's First Tenet."

Luciorus smiles up at her, a bit off balance, but still smooth in speech. "Hmm? Ah, yes. I believe there may be a few things of use here." He smirks at her. Good parents. Better than his, anyways. "Indeed? And have you tried every method described here?" He arches an eyebrow in question, mouth curled in a sly smile.

"Well, I haven't had sex with *every* species in Belariath," Callie says with a chuckle. "Minotaurs and centaurs don't do anything for me. I didn't used to be attracted to goblins or satyrs, either, until I met Fiain and Elkian, respectively." Callie collects her socks and boots, and slips them on. "What'd you learn about vulpines? I can only assume that's the first section you turned to."

Luciorus snickers at her open description of sexual preferences and arches an eyebrow at her question. "And what makes you think that, Miss Callie? Were you... hoping?" He grins at her. "To be perfectly truthful, it was not the first section I went to." He watches her, looking for her reaction, though his eyes kept wanting to slide down to those lithe furred legs.

Remembering the incident Luciorus had had with Zyrion the morning after Callie had healed the former, Callie can't help but tweak the torian's nose a little bit. "I know. You looked up the section about chirots, right?" She's suggesting that Luci's hostility towards the leather-winged species might be a cover for the fact that he's deeply attracted to them. But she smiles and gives him a wink, letting him know she's kidding.

Luciorus looks at her in shocked outrage, pulling in a breath to deny it. The anger and disgust are in clear evidence on his face, but just as he's about to spit his venomous words, he notices that teasing smile and wink. Letting out the breath with a huff, he relaxes a little, features smoothing out once again. "Heh, I- I see... Ah, no actually I was curious about what it said of my own kind. It seems to be fairly accurate..." He shakes his head, a bit embarrassed he didn't see through her ruse.

Even though she'd been there for Luciorus's altercation with Zyrion, even Callie is amazed at the level of vitriol and hatred on the gold-winged torian's face. Wow, she'll never tease him about chirots again. "Yeah, the torian section is quite accurate according to my in-person observations," Callie says. "I have a lovely torian girl as one of my slaves. Between you and me, perhaps my most beloved slave. She and I make love often."

Luciorus lifts his eyebrows in surprise, mouth curling into a smile again. "Indeed? Perhaps I'll have to meet this slave of yours..." he imagines a beautiful Torian lady wrapped up with the sexy vulpine and licks his lips. Pulling himself together, he stands, tent now only a hillock on his front. He stretches, wings rustling as they spread. "Well, I could certainly use a nice long soak in the baths, how about you?"

Callie smiles warmly and replies, "Yes, I think that's a wonderful idea. I don't have the path to the bath house cleared of snow, which is why I put my boots back on. Come, let's go." Callie opens the back door, and leads the way about 10 yards out, on a path, towards the bath house.

Luciorus nods and follows her out the back of the restaurant, once again enjoying the alternating sway of the Vulpine's tails and skirt. He slogs through the snow, boots crunching across the icy surface. "What made you decide to have the bath house separate from the restaurant? Wouldn't it be easier if it was part of it?" He asks this curiously, blonde hair and gold feathers rustling in the chill wind.

"You're right, I should have," Callie says. "Definitely seems like an oversight on my part, on a day like this. Don't worry, though; I've got an idea that'll make our return journey more pleasant." Callie opens up the door to the CVC's bath house, and the temperature difference is quite stark. If either of them wore eyeglasses, they'd be fogged up about now. Callie grabs a wicker basket and begins to fill it with shampoo, conditioner, soap, towels, and washcloths.

Luciorus shivers a little when they head inside the bath house. "No problem at all, Miss Callie, though I do fear for your health, walking back whilst damp." Eyes adjusting from the relatively bright snow glare of the evening, he looks around at the bathhouse. He takes off his large coat, hanging out by the door before proceeding a little further inside.

"I'll dry myself off quite well before walking back," Callie promises. She removes her boots and socks again, lifting her right foot partly off the ground so that she's standing on her toes, before flattening it out and doing the same with her other foot. "Shall we go into the private bath?" she asks. "That works best for me, I think."

Luciorus nods and begins undress as well, kicking off his boots. He watches her remove her boots and socks, leg muscles shifting underneath soft, luxurious fur. "This is a nice sized bath, is it available to all your customers?" He sets the boots by the door and proceeds towards the private bath with her. "Yes, that sounds most excellent. So much more... personal that way." He unbuttons his doublet on the way, baring more of the white silk beneath. White silk pants slither as his footsteps quietly sound on the floor.

"Yes, it's available to all my customers," Callie says. "A lot of times, people like to use it during Date Night Packages. After dinner and before breakfast, I don't much care *what* they do, so long as they don't let anyone else in, or disturb my sleep, you know what I mean?" Upon reaching the private bath, Callie lights the lantern inside, and its light makes a delightful refraction against the hot water of the bath. She sets the basket down on the floor and removes her blouse and skirt, leaving her in just bra and panties.

Luciorus chuckles softly at her explanation and the implications therein. He glances around the private bath, enjoying the ambience for a brief moment before shucking off his doublet and untucking his shirt. Golden eyes remain fixed upon crimson fur as more is revealed with seemingly little thought to propriety. "Not too shy, are you?" He teases, a twinkle in his eye even as that white silk tent again appears on his front. "I like the choice of underwear, too. Could it be that the kind chef Callie has a more sultry side?" Having unbuttoned his shirt, he removes it as well, showcasing a strong (but not massive) chest covered with white, fluffy down feathers. They flow across his shoulders and down his flanks, leaving chiseled abs with bare skin. He quickly pulls the drawstring of his silk pants, letting them pool at his feet. Never much one for time-wasting underwear, his full, impressive length springs into view. Not quite full just yet, it bobs about lewdly. Above the base of that throbbing flesh lies a fair sized tuft of fluffy platinum blonde hair, the only hair on his body. Down feathers continue to flow down the sides of his thighs, covering knees and calves, though leaving shins and feet bare. He watches for her reaction; even though she had seen it all before, she hadn't seen him even close to his full glory, merely a bedraggled broken frame of a man. He walks over to the basket to see what scents she had picked out, giving her an eyefull of strong quivering muscles, if she cared to look.

Callie nods at the torian's comment about her underwear, unabashedly looks Luciorus over from head to toe and says, "This is much more fun than last time I saw you like this. It's good to see you're feeling so much better." When Callie had first seen Luciorus, as a matter of fact, she'd had doubts in her ability to save his life. Of course, the power to heal hadn't come directly just from Callie, but from The Lady. Callie strips out of her bra and panties, showing that both her breasts and pubic area are covered with white fur, as are her hands, feet, tail-tips, and cheeks. Inside the basket, Luciorus would see a Rosemary and Mint Nobble Cube of soap from Lladre's Pixie Brew and Bubbles. The shampoo and conditioner are both lavender-scented.

Luciorus smirks at her brazen assessment of him, enjoying the banter. He looks away from the soap, not really paying attention to the contents, much more interested by the perfect curves of his bathing partner. When she strips out of her lacy undergarments, that smile spreads, golden eyes raking across that furred form. "I must say, Callie. You are quite a sight. Your coloration is quite striking, very befitting of a vulpine such as yourself." His cock obviously agrees, bobbing excitedly as it engorges fully. He works not to throw himself at the vixen, instead taking a step towards her and offering a hand. "May I help you into the bath, Miss Callie?" He wondered what her fur looked like when it was wet. Surely it would be nearly as beautiful, clinging to her luscious curves. Golden eyes again meet hers, glinting in the dim light.

Callie waves her tails slowly and stands there in front of Luciorus with her hands clasped behind her back, hiding behind nothing. If she's looking down at his fully erect manhood, she gives no indication, but the way her tails are waving is indicative of vulpine arousal. When Luciorus offers her a hand, Callie extends her right hand towards him, showing him her white-furred knuckles. "Charmed, Mister Luciorus," she says, in her most ladylike accent.

Luciorus smiles wolfishly at her sweet appearance as she presents herself to him. He licks his lips in anticipation, enjoying her delicious form. Broad golden wings stretch and twitch excitedly, moving the warm air around them and causing little ripples on the water's surface. Smirking at her tone, he nods his head in a slight bow. He leads her by the hand down the stairs into the hot pool. Once she had settled, he would follow her in, water quickly soaking into the down feathers, though they remain the purest of white. "Ah, much better. Would you not agree?"

Callie dips all five of her tails into the water, though her upper tail is blocked by the others from submerging fully. The vixen keeps her back to Luciorus as she sways her tails gently, swishing them to and fro. "Much better, yes. I have someone working for me whose job it is to clean the restaurant and the bath house every day, and she does a great job."

Luciorus watches her descend into the bath, frowning for a moment at the way she moves her tails. What was it that book said? When they sway and wave like that, it means they're aroused? He grins. She was hard to read, but it seemed she definitely had the same idea as he did. He speaks as he grabs the shampoo from the basket. "They do a good job. I can only imagine the amount of work they have to do after some of the guests..." He leaves out the part in which he hoped to be one of those guests. He pours some of the shampoo on his hand and lathers it between his hands after setting the bottle back down. If allowed, he would spread it across the woman's turned back, adding more water to froth it through her red fur.

Callie lets out a soft murmur of pleasure as she feels Luciorus's hands rubbing against her back fur, and she deeply breathes in the scent of lavender shampoo. She stretches her legs out in front of herself, and her white-furred bare toes just barely peek above the surface of the water. "There's one couple in particular that leaves a tremendous mess when they're done, but they tip well, so I put up with it. My cleaner, Tallinna, is working gratis for the time being, because I helped her get into the Verlosi Tribe and earn her soul."

Luciorus smiles at her compliance, massaging the shampoo into her shoulders before beginning to work his way down her back. Fingertips gently dig into the tense muscles by her shoulder blades, working on a few knots there. "I see... sounds like you earn a lot of favors by helping others. Do you enjoy helping people?" His hands work their way down, adding more shampoo as needed. They rub her lower back, moving forward to caress her flanks before returning to her spine and dipping down near the base of her tails. Soon both his hands are working the area just above her tails, massaging and spreading more shampoo into her tails. A pleased smile curves his lips as golden eyes rake over her sudsy form.

"I do, you know, I really do," Callie says without hesitation. "Several months ago, I came upon an elf woman named Ceridwyn, who'd lost her lute and was looking for a sponsor. Within an hour of having met her, I got her a new lute and began sponsoring her. Before I bought it for her, I had her display her musical talents, of course, but she blew me away. Every now and then you might see her playing at the inn, or at the restaurant. Just... another example."

Luciorus grunts interestedly as she speaks, now running his hands up and down her back. "Well, you certainly showed me that kindness, I hope you will allow me to repay that in some way." He lowers himself and sits directly behind her, careful to keep her tails between them. His surging rod presses between the fluffy appendages, poking up through them and above the water. His legs spread around the vixen, inner thighs resting against her hips. He gathers some more shampoo and spreads it through her hair, rubbing and skritching behind her ears as he lathers up the soap. Once her hair is washed and scalp thoroughly massaged, he would move on to her arms. His powerful hands rub lithe arms strong from endless work at the restaurant. "You've worked up quite the musculature here, Miss Callie. I'm impressed..." As he's working, he's constantly shifting behind her to reach and massage. Hard body and member both rub against her soft, frothy back, sharing in the lavender scented soap.

"Thank you," Callie says; "I try." Callie can feel the torian's manhood pressing up against her tails a little bit, and she quite deliberately teases it, and his scrotum, with those five lovely limbs. "When I saw you outside, naked and broken-winged in the snow, I couldn't just do nothing. Believe me when I say I know exactly how close you were to dying that night. I didn't want that on my conscience... but you've turned out to be a good friend, on top of that. I don't agree with some of the decisions you make, but..."

Luciorus grunts softly as her incredibly soft tails envelop his twitching shaft and sack, tickling and teasing. It takes quite a bit of effort for him not to lift her onto his mast right there. However, he wants her to enjoy it to the fullest, perhaps relax after a full day of work. Besides, sometimes waiting made the action all the more enjoyable. His hands finish with her arms, leaving only her front and legs to do. "People die every day in the Empire, there's no need to blame yourself for one that you didn't cause. Of course, I am eternally grateful that you did help me." Gathering more shampoo, he reaches under her arms to slather her belly and chest just under those perfect swells. His hands drift downwards, rubbing across her taut belly, dipping below the water's surface to massage her hips and upper thighs. He doesn't touch her white tuft or what lay within. Not yet. Instead, he pulls his hands free of the water, rinsing a bit of the suds off her belly. He smears an ample amount of shampoo between his hands and reaches for her white-tipped breasts. If allowed, he would gently slather the shampoo across her firm flesh, suds rising and dripping down her form. He wouldn't ignore those perky nipples, but neither would he pay them special attention, simply lathering the fresh smelling soap for now.

Far from disallowing it, Callie leans into the touching of her breasts, reaching out with her middle tail to gently stroke it against Luciorus's chest. The vixen smiles and moans softly, letting the torian know how good this feels. Callie curls and uncurls her toes above the surface of the water, and takes hold of one of Luciorus's hands, pressing it a little tighter against her breast.

Luciorus lets out a pleased sound at her reaction, feeling that tailfur tangle with his own downy fluff. With her urging, he massages more firmly, hands sliding easily through her fur to mould her breasts. Fingertips tease as his palms knead, mashing and stroking her tender flesh. Now that things were heating up, he leans in to kiss the side of her neck, teeth nipping through her fine fur. His wings wrap around them both, golden feathers soaking up water as they dip beneath the surface to caress her thighs. Their length is such that the bend of them is still at her shoulders, like a shimmering tower shield across her front. He continues kissing up her neck, occasionally biting through her fur at the soft skin beneath. He speaks softly into her neck, curious about her reaction. "Well, Miss Callie. You certainly are a passionate one. Just how long has it been for you, hmm? How long since someone made you moan and scream in delight?"

Callie smiles at Luciorus's question, and somehow manages to stifle her desire to laugh. She decides not to answer her friend's query directly, not wanting to shatter his ego. "I'm a vulpine," she reminds him. "Sex is an integral part of my life, even my religion. We feel that by making love, we're fulfilling The Lady's First Tenet, to seek pleasure. Having said that... you and *I* have never done it before, and I think we ought to rectify that, yes?" Callie pulls away from Luciorus just long enough to turn around and face him. She reaches out for him, speaking a word of Ancient Vulpani and wiggling her fingers just so. Her outstretched right hand glows blue, and when she places it on the torian's shoulder, its magic infuses him. {Hydromantic Adaptation} "Do you already find it easier to move in the water?" she asks him. "There should be no water drag now."

Luciorus recognizes a dodge when he sees one and realizes he's being perhaps a bit too gentle with this one. She could take quite a bit and knowing her, she'd certainly let him know if he went too far. He watches her hand reach out, eyebrow arched and a half smile on his face. At her question, he moves forward, testing the spell. To his surprise, it felt as though he were moving through air. Suddenly, he reaches out and grabs the woman by the hips, pulling her close to him and upwards till their faces met. "Very true, we shall have to remedy that." He leans in to kiss her insistently as he lowers her onto his cock. The crown of that massive knob nestles against lips veiled by white fluff, but not penetrating yet, just teasing and rubbing.

Callie smiles into the kiss and takes hold of the back of Luciorus's head, smiling as she pours compassion and need into the gift of affection. When she breaks the kiss, Callie casts Hydromantic Adaptation on herself, and wraps her legs around the torian, crossing them at the ankles. "Mmm, take me, Luciorus," she moans. "Let our gasps of pleasure reach The Lady in the Celestial Realm. Let Her watch with Her husband, and perhaps be inspired."

Luciorus enjoys the Vulpine's desire, tongue flicking out to taste her. He resists frowning in exasperation at her poetic, worshipful request, not wanting to insult her. Instead, he simply accedes to her plea, pulling her gently onto his throbbing mass to find her opening, splitting her plushy lips in the process. Once in position, he suddenly jerks her hard onto his hungry pole. She nearly slips off of him, her tight hole almost too small for him. He manages to pop inside though, groaning as he feels her flesh submit to his raging shaft. He gives another Herculean thrust, pulling her almost entirely onto him. Waves splash through the bath from the force of his pull, lapping at his flanks and abs. He pauses there for a moment, letting her adjust. He leans in to give her another demanding kiss, tongue snaking out to explore her mouth. His hands shift from her hips back to her buttocks, kneading them and moving to grip her tail bases again, massaging and rubbing each one in turn.

Callie groans with intense desire as she feels Luciorus trying to push himself into her, and having a little difficulty at first. She adjusts her body a little bit as he pulls upwards, and at last they're together, and it's wonderful. Callie watches her friend's eyes as their bodies join, and she sees his deep passion for her. She opens her mouth for him, allowing him to probe further, and when she feels his hands against her tail bases, she moans into the kiss, holding him tightly to her body.

Luciorus grunts softly into her mouth, savoring the intense feeling of her tightness wrapped around his girth. He breaks away, turning in the bath until her back was against the wall. His wings wrap around her, padding her back and pulling her closely to him. Her breasts mash against his chest, nipples scraping against his hard muscles. His ivory down feathers tangle with her own white fur upon those plushy mounds. Only now does he begin to withdraw from her depths, slowly dragging his flared head across her muscles and nerves. Golden eyes stare into hers, watching her need and desire grow. One hand leaves her tails, moving to cup her sex as he withdraws almost entirely from it. His hand massages her soft flesh, digit slipping between folds to rub her swollen clit. His other hand continues it's assault on her tails, rubbing and swishing them through the water before massaging their trunks. He gathers three of them up when his knob threatens to pop loose of her pussy and uses them as leverage to pull himself back into her depths. The reentry is just as slow as the removal, teasing and sensuous at once. Wings pull her close to his neck as he enters her and he kisses along her ear, nibbling the tip and edges.

Callie lets out a soft gasp of delight and a little pain when Luciorus grabs three of her tails a little tightly, as if they're handles, and the thought occurs to her to gently stroke his wings. However, the first time she'd ever seen him, his wings had both been broken, and though she'd healed him, she hadn't had a *great deal* of contact with him since. So it behooves her to ask this question. "Luciorous... are your wings still tender, or may I stroke them? I'll be as gentle as I can. I'm just... mmm... deeply attracted to the..." She was about to say 'winged races', which is true, because she likes chirot and magi as well, but she substitutes at the end and says, "torian race." That would be more pleasing to his ego.

Luciorus grins as she lets out that needy little gasp. He drives slowly into her, bulging shaft sliding tightly past her velvet walls. He groans in pleasure as he once again bottoms out inside, her opening stretched around the base of his girth. "Please do..." He grunts, ignoring her pause in his pleasure. "And it is a rare treat to find anyone as sensuous as you." In truth, they were still a bit sore, but they hadn't been touched in so long and here, in the heat of the moment, a little pain wouldn't necessarily ruin the vibe. Besides, if Torians were indeed her favorite race, which would be unsurprising, who was he to deny her a bit of fondling of his glorious feathers? Golden eyes pierce her own as his finger encircles her clit, rubbing and teasing incessantly. Again, he slowly pulls out, hoping to tease her with his arduous thrusts, flared head strumming past her tight muscles. It takes a surprising amount of effort to withdraw, her constrictive tunnel urging him to take her harder. "Mm... and so tight..." His hand on her tails begins wandering, stroking through wet fur before finding the little knot hidden beneath to tease lightly.

Callie smiles when granted permission to touch Luciorus's wings, and she reaches back and begins to delicately stroke them towards the very top, using her fingernails as the point of contact. With her legs crossed behind the torian's back, she also plays her toes against him, near the small of the back. Callie watches the pleased expressions on Luciorus's face, and when he finds a particularly sensitive spot on her tail, the fox leans in and kisses him again on the lips.

Luciorus groans in pleasure as those adept hands run over his wings, preening his feathers with her nails. They rustle under the Vulpine's back, shuffling in enjoyment. It requires a monumental effort on his part to maintain the slow, sensuous motions of his thrusting, teasing her into higher pleasure. His pace does increase though as he rolls his hips against hers. Delving fingers massage her puffy mons and labia before sinking between to encircle her nub teasingly a couple times. His hand continues its exploration of her tail bases, rubbing muscles under the soft, sodden fur. He growls into the kiss, returning it and nipping at her lip. Golden eyes glitter in pleasure before they close, the Torian focusing on her mouth, delving his tongue inside to explore.

Callie parts her lips to permit Luciorus entry into her mouth, and she moves one of her hands to the back of his head to grip tightly as the other hand continues lightly rubbing a wing. She moves it out to the tips of his feathers, perhaps so delicately that he can't even feel it, before pulling it towards her, to the base of the wing. Callie lets out a soft gasp when she feels the torian rubbing against her sex and then her clit, and she moves a little faster with him, keeping up a nice rhythm.

Luciorus shivers as she ever so lightly touches upon his feathery tips, moaning softly in that kiss. His eyes open as she caresses the short feathers by the base of his wings. A surge of need flows through him, demolishing his will to hold back. He groans as he roils against her, powerful organ taking her clenching tunnel more forcefully. His hand leaves her sex, rising to her head to rub the shells of those ears, massaging the firm skin under soft skin. The other hand grips and massages her tails, swirling fur under the water.

Callie gasps and groans as she feels Luciorus begin to take her harder and faster, and she cries out, "Ahhh, goddess... mmmm, look down upon us with love and bless us!" The vixen grips a little more tightly at the back of Luciorus's head, but remains so very gentle with his wings, knowing how delicate they are. A single sprain or broken bone could make flight impossible. The people who'd punished Luciorus by breaking every bone in his wings had certainly believed in overkill.

Luciorus grunts as his powerful shaft spears into Callie's fur-hidden opening. He ignores her fervent cry, instead focusing on rolling his organ through her tight, sopping tunnel. Again and again he pounds past clenching walls, probing her g-spot while grinding his pubis against her soft mound. Her gentle caresses of his wings are torment, a light tease of the feathered flesh. He knew it was likely for the best that she were gentle, but it was driving him nuts, causing chills and need to flash across his body. He takes his frustration out on her, pistoning into her depths with greater fervor. His hand falls to her chest to knead and rub the furred mound while the other grips the base of her tails, massaging the muscular limbs through her ample fur. Splashes echo through the small room as the water froths angrily around the lusty

Callie lets out a loud cry of delight, moving the hand that's on the back of Luciorus' head down to the nape of his neck. She massages her fingers deeply into that bundle of nerves there, as her toenails continue to scratch and tap at the small of the torian's back. She vigorously pumps her hips against his, and softly caresses the very tips of some of Luciorus's feathers. Callie is a woman in the throes of passion but always in control of everything she's doing. Finally rearing her head back, she gasps, "LUCIORUS!" and comes hard, looking up at the ceiling.

Luciorus grinds that raging shaft tirelessly within her tunnel, moaning deeply as she throws herself against his thrusts. His own pleasure rises as well, threatening to spill over. Ivory teeth grind as he holds back, wanting to hang on a bit longer. He groans in pleasure as he feels her convulse around his shaft, muscles clenching tightly about him. "Hnggghh... Callie! Fuuuck!" His own head tilts back to the ceiling as he fights the rising tide urged onwards by the Vulpine's expert motions. He thrusts into her wildly, forcing past her tight muscles, using her tails as a handle to fight any resistance. His other hand tweaks her nipple, a bit rough in the fog of pleasure surging through him.

Sensing that Luciorus is close but hasn't quite gotten to his orgasm yet, Callie doesn't let up even as she's coming, locking her eyes on his, seemingly gazing into his soul as she ruts against him. Callie begins to do the Kegel exercises she'd learned nearly 20 years ago in sex ed class, remembering that it causes guys to feel like they're being gripped very tightly, and she applies just a little more pressure to his wings with her hands. She's still awfully gentle, though, compared to what she *could* do. But she doesn't want to cause him injury.

Luciorus groans, thrusting like a man possessed into the vixen's clenching hole. He stares right back into her emerald orbs, watching the pleasure overtake her. Her clenching takes him by surprise, the power of her inner muscles stronger than any he'd felt. It felt as though she were trying to crush him, a contest of who was stronger. Who would give way first. He grunts, forcing his way to the hilt once more before pulling almost completely out. The squeezing of her hands sends a flash of pain through his wings, just enough to send him finally careening over the edge of his own climax. With his hand at her tail bases, he pulls her onto his throbbing shaft one last time, burying his length into her spasming depths. He moans loudly as his seed ripples down that powerful organ, head swelling as he begins to empty himself into her deepest core. Spurt after spurt of alabaster cream courses into her, painting the inside of her walls with his virulence. Golden orbs stare into her emerald eyes, pleasure evident as he twitches his hips against her. He gives her a satisfied smirk, leaning in to kiss her, nipping at her lip. "Damn, Callie. You... certainly know how to... get a guy there, don't you?" His voice is husky and deep, thick with his pleasure as he spasms and grinds against her pubis. As he floods her tunnel with his seemingly endless potency, hands continue their work to extend her orgasm as long as possible. The one on her tails grips and massages, working fingers into the taut muscles. Her breast is continuously moulded to his hand, lightly squeezing as his fingertips tease her swollen nub and encircling flesh.

Callie nods in response to Luciorus's question, and says, "Sex education, remember? But there are a few things... mmmm... that *every* guy likes." Callie moans softly as she feels her tails and breast played with, and she leans back onto the wall of the bath, as she looks up at him with deep affection and lust. After a moment, she pulls herself off of his manhood.

Luciorus snickers softly at her response, finally finishing his monumental orgasm with a last few twitches of his spent organ. His hips still rotate slowly though, grinding softly against the woman, evoking soft pleasurable tingles throughout his manhood. He begins to soften inside of her, post coital bliss spreading through his heaving form. He grins down at her. "So just how often do you take men into your bed?" He groans in mild disappointment as she slides herself off of his cock. His sperm coated length falls free to flop loosely in the water, still quite sizeable despite its loss of rigidity. He continues, hands moving to caress across her form, sliding over drenched fur. "Miss Callie, it seems you rather enjoy sex, yet you are too kind to take it from those unwilling. I would imagine you are quite lonely in a city such as this, where whatever is desired is simply taken." With his wings behind her, he would try to pull her atop him, leaning back to float in the water, drifting in the warm bath with her in his arms, enveloped by golden wings.

"I take 'em frequently," Callie says. "Men *and* women, actually. And I'm not lonely at all, hon." Callie stretches her arms out at her sides, and then wraps them around Luciorus as he takes her into his lap. "No, there are plenty of people who are willing and eager sex partners for me. I suppose I *could* take what I wanted, but as you say, I'm way too nice. And it's not my style. I *did* have to sexually punish one of the inn's slaves awhile back for being an asshole to a customer, though."

Luciorus laughs a little, nodding. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." He floats, drifting idly as his hands explore her form, simply enjoying her weight and fur against his muscular flesh covered by snowy down. "Your wife must have been someone truly special to attract your attentions amongst all your other partners. I hope you don't mind me mentioning her, I'm simply curious." His hand rises to stroke her hair, gently massaging her scalp and ears. His own head tilts curiously as he waits for her response, blonde hair hanging lankly.

Callie's eyes develop a faraway look as Luciorus mentions Allisa, and Callie takes a moment to think about her. "She was an incredible person," Callie says. "A dancer and singer. Our relationship was, we allowed each other to have other sex partners, but we saved our *love* for one another. To force a penitent vulpine to be truly sexually monogamous would be a bad idea, anyway. Sex is a large part of our religion."

+Luciorus nods, growing a bit more serious. "You still love her." It wasn't a question. He strokes her hair, eyes searching her features for emotion and reaction. "What happened? Why could you not bring her back? It seems obvious she had much to live for still. If you were both truly devout, there should have been no problem bringing her back." His tone is neutral, though his eyes remain concerned and caring. He thinks of his own deities, wondering if they would deign to allow him back into the world. Or if they even had enough power to do so. Many a torian consider them mere myths at this point...

Callie gives a shrug, and pulls herself out of Luciorus's arms; this is the first time in about half an hour that their bodies aren't touching. "It's not as if she died in my arms, or anywhere near me... in fact, for all I know, she's still alive. Dead, I could have handled with a resurrection. Instead, she left one day on an adventure, and never came back."

Luciorus feels his eyebrows arch. "Just... gone? So she could be held somewhere captive." He reluctantly lets her disconnect, hands trailing her limbs as they part. He gets his feet under him, moving to a side of the bath to lounge, flaccid member floating weightlessly between his legs. "If it were me, I would follow her to the ends of the earth to get revenge upon those that would take her from me." He frowns, considering. "Unless... It was her choice? Why did you not accompany her? Surely you'd want to go with her anyplace dangerous to protect her. Unless..." He trails off, golden eyes gazing away as he follows the chain of logic. Perhaps their 'love' hadn't been so unshakeable. Maybe they had a fight and she left Callie for someone better somewhere else. This made sense. Love was simply an excuse to keep someone sexually true to you anyways and if they had an open marriage, then there would really be no reason for them to be together.

Callie eyes Luciorus. "I don't particularly want to talk about it," she says. "I gave her three years, and then allowed Kayleigh into my life. I'm engaged to *her* now." Callie allows herself a wry chuckle. "Actually, getting married so young bucked my society's and family's expectations of me. Most vixens don't get married until they're old enough to get a Visitation, sometime in their second century of life. Father was also surprised that I married another woman."

Luciorus{vMv} holds a hand up in supplication. "Of course, Miss Callie, I apologize." He tilts his head in surprise at her announcement of engagement. "Truly? Congratulations!" Although enthusiastic, there is a slight tilt to the words, his true opinions almost bleeding into his words. He doubted this marriage would go any better in the end. Without sex to hold them there, what reason would your partner stay? "I do hope I'll be invited to the wedding? She's a very lucky woman to have you, I hope you find great happiness together." He chuckles at her story. "I'm not surprised. I imagine an impressive woman such as yourself would care little of the expectations of others. I get the feeling you've experienced much in your life and it gives you a different perspective..."

"I'm sure I'd *love* to have you at the wedding, Luciorus," Callie says. "As long as you don't mind traveling to Verlosi'ka to be there." What Callie doesn't say is that she has some doubts herself about Kayleigh, and whether or not sex is the only thing that matters to the human knight. "At some point in my life, I'll get married to a vulpine tod so that we can have full-blooded children. But as I said, that's still a ways off. I have to first be visited by the spirits of my future children."

Luciorus{vMv} grins. "Glad to hear it. I do not mind travel at all. I traveled quite a bit as a child actually." He nods in understanding, realizing that she knows that this marriage could end badly. Or at least with this Kayleigh's death from old age. "Callie... do you think you love Kayleigh?" Even if he didn't believe in love, he recognized that others did. He didn't want Callie getting emotionally invested only to be hurt again. The last bit of her explanation causes him to arch an eyebrow. "Visited by future children? How can something which does not yet exist visit you?"

Callie gives Luciorus's first question the time and attention it deserves, instead of immediately answering. "Yes, I think I do," she finally says. "And maybe it'll be enough. Allisa was taken from me long before I expected her to be, and I don't know if the same thing will happen with Kayleigh. Best-case scenario, she'll die of old age, long before I do. As far as the Visitation goes..." Callie lifts both of her feet out of the water, and uses shampoo on her white-furred toes. "Though it's true their bodies haven't formed yet, their spirits were birthed in The Lady's Celestial Realm long, long ago. They live in a state of bliss with The Lady, Her husband Trejani, those who have gone before, and those who are yet to come. But eventually, spirits get restless, and want to explore the pleasures of... corporeal life. They form friendships, brotherhoods, and sisterhoods in the Realm, and eventually decide they want to be a family. Then they visit a prospective mother, in a vision."

Luciorus{vMv} nods solemnly, carefully refraining from displaying scorn at her claim of love. "I merely ask that you be careful with your emotions, Miss Callie. Short lived creatures can be fickle and unreliable." He goes on to listen to her explanation, doubt coming over his features. "Indeed... and what if you do not like your supposed children? Or decide you don't want as many as visit you? Besides, it seems as though much of the mystery of life is removed if this is true. You would already know who your children are."

Callie had never really thought about it this way. "Well... their personalities are hardly set in stone in the Celestial Realm. They've experienced none of the hardships, nor the joys, of life, after all. And I suppose if I didn't want that many, I could give some of them up for adoption. And there's nothing that says I *have* to bring them into the world at all. I'll have a limited time to be fertile, and afterwards, The Lady would close my womb again. I *do* so want to have children, though. Part of the reason I work so hard is to provide a good life for them, whenever they come."

Luciorus{vMv} cocks his head thoughtfully, a small smile on his lips. "Would The Lady approve of giving away her blessings? It seems as though to refuse her gifts would be an affront..." Leaning against the wall of the bath, he figures it's probably about time to wash himself, considering they had gone straight from cleaning Callie to the fun part. He grabs soap and a washcloth, starting with his toned arms, suds spreading over the skin. "Do you expect to be a good mother, Callie?" He moves on to his muscled chest, wash rag gliding over veiled musculature, ruffling his down feathers. He looks at her intently then, almost predatory. He continues the task of washing himself, though moving steadily down his body as he waits for her response.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:32 am

June 8, 2018
Callie and Kura

Callie Volopa, seated on the couch at Foxden, lifts Kura up off of her seat and places her cream-winged birdygirl on the fox's lap, kissing her quickly and passionately. Callie's fingers quickly find the bottom of Kura's shirt and move to pull it off over her head, and she breaks the kiss just long enough to do that. Then she's back kissing her some more, and giving Kura a loving rub of those beautiful wings.

Kura{CV} a little yip found her lips as she was lifted up so deftly by the surprisingly strong vulpine, but any chance to exclain her surprise with the sudden passion was smothered by those hungry lips claiming her own. Only the humm of her throat as she offered a low moan in reply. Her mind fidgetted to catch up to what was transpiring, but her arms came to find their place in grasping a hug around Callie's shoulders before they were lifted to tug the wing-friendly shirt from her frame. Now exposed, her pert nipples stood rigid with arousal. Such was an easy, unsubtle reaction to any of Callie's intimate maneuvers. As if Callie herself had some kind of switch she'd merely throw to send the cream-winged Torian girl into a leaking, sexy hot mess at her will. Hands finding her wings and offering that patented vulpine Mistress' firm rub sent a delightful shiver up Kura's spine to elicit an arch of her back. Serving to push her breasts against Callie's own as she cradled in her lover's lap.

Callie's dressed in a white silken button-down shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, and nothing else, not even any underwear. She'd hadn't worked at CVC today, instead preparing all three meals for herself and Kura, and going flying on Maraqwai in the afternoon. Dinner had been about an hour ago, and they'd spent a lot of the time in between sitting here on the couch, talking, and then reading. A couple minutes before lifting Kura up into her lap, Callie had placed a bookmark in her novel and set it down on the coffee table. It might have been the book that had brought Callie into such a lascivious mood; Milana Serafin always writes such amazing sex scenes. Callie takes hold of Kura's hands and places them on the top button of the vixen's shirt.

Kura{CV} lowers her eyebrows, a kiss-stifled giggle escaping before her deft hands were at work freeing the buttons of Callie's shirt. She of course made every effort to draw her hands upon the pillowy breasts of her vulpine Owner as she did so, working the buttons a bit exaggeratedly from side to side to entice a jiggle from them. All the while working to free them properly and have them firmly gripped in her hands. That didn't take much time at all, as she worked the final button and spread the shirt apart. Quckly losing any interest in its whereabouts as her fingers gripped around the perfectly proportioned appendages. Her hips slowly moving in an unconscious rhythm to grind her rounded little ass against the thick and firm thighs Callie sported. Her wings spread slightly and offered a telltale flutter, neck craning to press her lips deeper into Callie's own.

Callie smiles and gives a soft laugh at how Kura so quickly divested the vixen of her shirt. She's gotten really good at that over the years. Kura is one of the few people Callie knows who can really match the fox for passion. Callie gasps when Kura begins to caress her newly-bared, white-furred breasts, and she returns the kiss with deep excitement. Her five tails sway slowly behind her in an expression of intense arousal.

Kura{CV} eyes catching the flitting of her Mistress foxtails out of the corner of her eye, she hummed a moan once more, her hips now taking on a slower, more deliberate grind of her only panty-clad ass agianst the soft fur of Callie's thigh. Her fingers danced among the short, silken tendrils of white fur upon Callie's breasts. Finding her nipples and working them daintily between her index finger and thumb. A light tug, a subtle squeeze and timid twist were offered up to the pert nubs. Kura drank in Callie's passions, knowing just how much enjoyment she was bringing to her Owner to simiarly enjoy the empassioned pleasures of flesh she was ever so capable of offering up.

Callie breaks the kiss just long enough to speak a word of Ancient Vulpani, wiggle her fingers just so, and cast Elemental Servant. A minion shaped just like Callie appears between the two women and the fireplace, and exists just long enough to light the two candlesticks that flank the statuette of The Lady on the fireplace, before it disappears. After Callie completes the somatic component of the spell, she goes right back to kissing her dear birdygirl, with one hand on the small of her back and the other between the younger woman's breasts.

Kura{CV} takes the brief moment of respite from the delicious assault of Callie's tonguie and lips to catch her breath while eying her using her magics in such an utterly mundane, adorable way to change the atmosphere of the room. She tightens her grip on a nipple playfully for just a brief moment before she was once more enraptured in Callie's hungry kissing. She hmmmmmed and pressed her chest against that palm with an arch of her back the rode her spine like a wave down to her ass to draw another writhe from it in Callie's lap.

As Kura grips Callie's nipple, the vixen's bare toes curl lightly against the floor. She breaks the kiss again, this time for a longer period. "Ah, goddess," she murmurs. "Mmmm, look down upon us with love, shuka triesta. Bless us as we make love." Callie smiles, and reaches down with both hands to pull Kura's panties as low as she can get them. She uses her Telekinesis spell to pull them the rest of the way, and off of her. Once that's done, Callie begins to trace her right thumb against the torian's clit.

Kura{CV} again took the moment of Callie's prayer to the vulpine goddess to catch her breath, surely wondering just how Callie managed to get such words out after kissing like they had been. Kura was beading with sweat down flawless ivory skin already from the act. Callie sure had quite the stamina for this. Goldenyellow eyes flit down as she felt the tug of her panties, already dampened, around and off of her ass and hips. The bird offering a wiggle of assistance to aid the removal until Callie was able to again so cutely abuse her magics to draw those garments the rest of the way down long, slender legs. Her hips spread to give the lightly furred mitt that access it was obliged to find purchase upon her pussylips, only serving to elicit a lip-nibbled groan to egg the many-tailed vixen on.

Callie groans with excitement as she continues to thumb Kura's clit and elicit such wonderful sounds from her pet's lips. Callie would never say this to Kura or to anyone else, but Kura is her most beloved slave. She'd set her free to explore new experiences, and then she'd come back, to the place she'd always thought of as home, and to the mistress who'd so dearly missed her. Callie would never forget that. Callie murmurs to the birdygirl, "Kura... mmmm, how I love you so," and she places a delicate kiss on the younger woman's forehead, in the middle.

Kura{CV} let loose a breathy, labored moan as that skilled thumb so perfectly assaulted her nub, resisting the urge to clamp her thighs around that hand. The act of which drove a tremble through her legs while she concentrated on the pleasure beaming into her at Callie's whim. "MMmmmmmm Mistresss, you know I love you desperately too." she admitted quickly between a breath, grinding now lewdly into that hand. Her wings stretched wide and shivered at their apex before fluttering back against her back; sending a breeze of their aroused scents to swirl lightly around them and for the candles to flicker momentarily. Her hands continued their work against Callie's breasts, kneading with enhanced vigor, thumb and index finger bieng less dainty in their grip, tug, bend and squeezing.

Callie smiles sweetly, looking at Kura with deep love and excitement as she switches their positions, moving the two of them so that Callie is lying on the couch with Kura atop her. She doesn't plan on being in this position for very long, however, because she places one of Kura's hands against the top of the vixen's rainbow-colored skirt. Once that's removed, there will be no barriers between them. Callie assists by reaching back with her hands and pulling her five tails out of their tail-hole.

Kura{CV} delighted in Callie's guiding hands, alluring in the part she played as Callie's plaything as much as she did as her lover. To be a tool for her Owner in the same capacity as a beloved other, was what it meant to belong. Once more, a display of her deft, articulate digits, she smoothly drew that darling skirt down around that curved waist. A simple, solitary motion that expressed not only the care and passion for the opportunity to make love with Callie, but the skill she'd developed in facilitating it. A long cry from those early days, a wet behind the years, freshly collared slave. Working the bushy but lusciously soft tails through the custom-tailored hole thereafter, and running the skirt down and off Callie's furred toes. "Mmmmm, such a lovely sight as always." she beamed to view that purely archetypal pair of budded lips, glistening and waiting for their mutual enjoyment.

"Thank you," Callie replies, and she smiles excitedly as she lays there naked for Kura's view and enjoyment. Callie closes her eyes for a moment, seeking the strength and stamina to guide her through what she hopes will be the next few hours of sensuous lovemaking, and upon re-opening her eyes, she kisses Kura tenderly on the neck and moves up her face until reaching her mouth. "Mmmmm, mah Kura birdygirrrrrl," she murmurs, and then she kisses her lips with heat and passion, wrestling with her tongue for a moment before dominating it.

Kura{CV} leaned back in as Callie drew her in to continue their kissing. Kura's tongue findings it's place in the firm control of Callie's own. She'd be smiling if her lips were wrapped up in empassioned making out. A sneaky hand couldn't wait to cop a feel, though, as it slithered down between her own thighs as they straddled the vixen to then dip down between the shapely, furred thighs to her prize. A solitary finger drew downward along the outside of the ridged sex before sliding to the center of Callie's inner thigh below the dripping cunnie. Her hand guided a slow finger, merely the tip of which rode between and spread the slickened entrance just so where it glided upwards and hooked only momentarily on Callie's hood. A light resistence, then the finger plopped out with a dribble of aroused nectars coated her skin.

Callie lets out a soft gasp and, now that she and Kura are both naked, Callie finds the strength to lift the birdygirl up into her arms, in a bridal carry. She locks eyes with the torian as she walks from the couch towards her bedroom, using Telekinesis to open the door before them, and her bare right foot to close the door behind them. Callie places Kura down on her back on the bed, with her head resting on a firm pillow, and then she reaches underneath the bed for the purple silken ropes she likes to use with Kura. She displays them for her and asks a question with her eyes. That question is, 'Do you need to do anything else in the immediate future that would make tying you up a bad idea?'

Kura{CV} squeaks a bit as Callie's deceptively powerful arms shift her whole light, hollow-boned frame in one go. Her wings instinctively tucked up behind her, and while Callie lifted to walk them to the bedroom, Kura teasingly lifted her still moistened finger and plucked it into her mouth to suckle clean of Callie's juice. Her eyes held a devious little lusty gaze, enjoying muchly the way Callie could simply handle her with such ease. It felt delightful to be at the whim of her vulpine owner. It was here whole pleasure in life, to serve her with love and devotion to the pleasures of the flesh and the heart.

Oh goddess, Kura sucking Callie's juice off of her finger is so fucking hot to the fox. If Callie were a wolven, her eyes would be a solid red right now, and they may never have even *gotten* to the bed. As passionate as Callie is, though, she's a rational, intelligent being, and she wants to set a proper stage and forum for this. When Kura gives her permission, with her eyes, to tie her up, Callie ties the torian's arms behind her back, and contorts her legs slightly so that her heels were almost touching her rear end. She decides, after some consideration, not to use a gag or blindfold right now. "You remember our safe word?" Callie asks. It's been a little while since they've used light bondage.

Kura{CV} with those wide goldenyellow eyes watching in wondrous anticipation of those familiar silk ropes being brought out. Her chest rises and falls with a heated excitement while Callie moves to begin tying her. She's leaking visibly at this point while a giddy giggle finds her songbird voice. Her body ever so malleable in Callie's grasp, not fighting her in the slightest while the deft and expert hands of Callie did their work to secure her. "Mmmm... Mistress Callie... I do not recall the safeword... " she admitted, breath hot on her lips.

Callie places a kiss on the tip of Kura's nose and says, "It's pineapple." It must have been longer than Callie thought since the last time they'd made love like this, for Kura to have forgotten that safe word. But Callie will make it up to her. The fox puts Kura on her stomach, with her wings and bare feet high in the air, and places Kura's face into Callie's crotch. Callie reaches out with her left hand and begins to tighten her fingers against Kura's blonde hair.

Kura, feeling well and properly bound now, at Callie's whim in full, giggled slightly as Callie readied herself. "Yes Mistress, Pineapple, I will remember!" not before long her lips were stifled by Callie's furred crotch finding its way right before her face. She didn't need to be verbally instructed here... as if it were at all needed. Her head pushed forward, taking in the light scent of Callie's sex before planting her lips upon it to kiss and suckle. Her attentions were made to the outsides of her folds, daintily lapping up any wetness that had surely formed before her attention would shift downward to where her slit started toward her tail. With one lock lick, her tongue drove those puffy, heated pedals apart while the lightly rumpled tongue hald a long, satisfying, deep lick from bottom to the top just beneath the vulpine's hood.

"Ah, yessss," Callie murrs as she sits there on the bed with her legs extended out in front of her, the vixen's bare toes curling and uncurling every now and then as she feels such intense pleasure pouring through her body. Callie's five tails sway slowly behind her, indicating her deep arousal, which is a frequent thing when in Kura's presence. The love these two have for each other is second in Callie's mind only to the love she shares with Kayleigh, the woman who is going to be Callie's wife. Callie grips Kura's hair just a little tighter, and with her right hand, she begins to lightly caress the left side of Kura's head, especially around the ear.

Kura{CV} hummmed a low moan as Callie's fingers tightened in her creamwhite hair, the light pressure on her scalp did wonders to focus her thoughts on the pleasure she was doling out to her Mistress' sex. The feeling of 'helplessness' was quite the turn-on for the birdwoman. She of course.. such a sweet, dainty thing.. could not help what brought a tickle to her kinkiness. A long time under Callie's service, and she'd all but developed a taste for it! Though bondage wasn't the only taste she'd developed.. for at the moment, that hot dripping pussy she was mouthing and tongue-fucking also was fulfilling her tastes. The nectar-coated tongue drove through the valley of Callie's pussylips, slotting in as best she could manage to the tunneled hole hidden within, only to sporatically find purchase on the engorged nub begging for her attention. Kura's frame held lightly but securely in her bonds only showing a struggle of her efforts to consume the pleasure the vulpine woman directed her with that dominant hand nestled in her locks.

Callie's warm smile turns lascivious and mischievous, and she begins to talk dirty to her birdygirl. "Mmmmm, just like that... FUCK me like the slutty birdygirl that you are. Let my pussy juice pour all over your face, right here in front of The Lady and Trejani. Let them get so excited watching us, that they get horny and start fucking *each other*. Mmmmm... yesssss, Kura. You make your mistress so proud and happy." Callie takes her right hand and moves it to one of the key erogenous zones of Kura's left wing, which Callie had learned in sex ed class at the age of 18, and had first put to use four years later when she'd been with her first torian.

Kura{CV} groaned muffled into Callie's groin as those words found her ears, her own sex dribbling with the arousal of the moment to coat her thighs and the bed beneath her. She suckled and smacked, lapped and nibbled, letting Callie guide her head against the warmth in aid of her efforts. As the hand came upon her wing, her back arched against the light bindings of silk and that wing instinctively began to unfurl on its own to welcome it. Kura was wild with lust, and probably couldn't get a coherent word out if she desired. She'd fallen deeply into the moment, into her headspace of submission and sex. The only two people in the world at that moment was her Owner and herself.

Callie pulls her legs up a little so that she can feel her feet against those of Kura, and the vixen lays down flat on her back, with her head near the foot of the bed. Using Telekinesis, she floats over a pillow to rest her head against, and she looks up at the ceiling as Kura continues fucking her with her mouth. "Mmmmm, make your mistress come for you, sweetheart. I'm so... fucking... close. No one else fucks me as well as you do." And that's no small compliment. Callie has a very healthy, diverse sex life, even for a vulpine. But most of the people she has sex with are motivated by lust, not love, and certainly not worship. It's better when it's with someone you love, and the truth is, Kura is much more experienced at this than Kayleigh is.

Kura{CV} drives home her efforts, pushing her mouth against Callie's pussylips in a last ditch effort to push the well-travelled vulpine over the edge. Her tongue burrying itself between those folds to slot as deep as she could into the ungulating tunnel of Callie's vagina. Her tongue worked in and out, spreading wide and curling upward to try and tease that inner treasure behind her pubic bone. Pressing the tip of her tongue as tightly as she could, no matter how sore it made her to try for it. Her body was shivering with passon against the bonds, sweat beading off her creamy, silken skin as her wings lightly fluttered as if trying to help propell her in her task. Her own juices indescernable from the sweat of her efforts, body baking in the heat of lovemaking and effort to satisfy her Mistress demand of her.

"Ahhhhhh, yessssssss! Yes, Kura!" Callie exclaims as she comes hard, her head angling forward so that she can look at the back of her lover's head at the moment of the fox's climax. "Ahhhhh, I'm coming for yoooooou, my beloved pet!" Callie bucks her hips repeatedly against Kura's face, making sure to pull back every now and then long enough for Kura to catch her breath. The vixen's pussy juices are just dousing Kura's nose, mouth, tongue, and lips, and after a few moments, Callie pulls herself back to give Kura a little breathing room.

Kura{CV} reddened face as she pushed herself until she finally had what her lustful drive had been after in its quest to please her Mistress. As the muscles of Callie's thighs tightened against her head, that sex gripping her tongue before Callie bucked her hips against her face. Kura lapped it all up, breathing hotly, chest rising and falling beneath her, tits squished against the matress. Her face was a mess of Callie's pleasure before she leaned her head against one of those furred thighs and began to catch her breath. A dribble of that luscious nectar rolled down the side of her cheek to the already well-entrenched puddle of pleasure under her chin. She was wordless, only heated moaning of each deep breath escaped the bound torian.

Callie turns Kura over onto her side for a moment, and leans in to give her a few gentle kisses on the lips, tasting herself on the younger woman's mouth, and getting her own juices to coat her forehead. Laughing, Callie takes her fingers and deliberately applies her love sauce to the backs of her own large, triangular ears, as if she's remembering her mother's exhortation to always wash behind her ears, and is deliberately thumbing her nose at that voice of authority. After doing this, Callie speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani, wiggles her fingers just so and, before her birdygirl's eyes, changes gender into a man with a nice swimmer's build. Cal's manhood starts out at half-mast, because Callie wasn't in a state of deep arousal when the spell was first activated.

Kura{CV} giggles some as she's rolled onto one side, still helplessly.. sexily bound by those gentle silk ropes. Her sore, red tongue lathers slowly around her lips to clean them.. hardly.. before they're claimed momentarily in a sloppy kiss. She nibbles at her lower lip as she stares up from the bed, curiously watching as Callie went about her strange behaviors. Not surpirsed.. by her own personal sex goddess' actions, figuring it was some vulpine ritual she'd not yet learned. Though when those familiar words are spoken.. ones she'd only heard one or twice before, she marvelled at the transformation from curvacious, voluptuous vulpine into lithe... handsome fox. As that cock stood half-hardened, she gawked as if she'd not seen one before. For in truth.. she'd only seen a small few of them. Even less in such proximity, save for the one Ray'el's who'd raped her long before coming to Callie's ownership, and Callie's other slaveboy, and Cal's whom she now admired in a lewd curiosity as if to ask... 'for me?' with her widened eyes and blushing, still-wet cheeks.

Cal smiles as he sees Kura's reaction to the change, which he doesn't really do that often. Callie is very comfortable in her own body as a very attractive, five-tailed, female vulpine, but she does like to shake things up a little bit every now and then. She feels more vulnerable as a male, and doesn't allow herself to be vulnerable with very many people. Cal moves behind Kura, and begins to rub his half-flaccid dick against Kura's left wing, giggling softly.

Kura{CV} exhaled some as Cal moved behind her, out of sight, only able to feel the sensations of his actions against her when that hardening, fleshy member rubbed against her wing. She giggled in return to him, closing her eyes and giving into the bonded helplessness there upon the bed. She dribbled ever more... anticipating this rare treat with her Owner.. to have her male form the likes of which she'd not seen in years. Her breasts hung to one side, pursed together by gravity, laying one atop the other atop the bed and shifting with her breath as it began to work up once again in the excitement. Oh how she'd forgotten what it was like, the desire was eating her alive!

"Mmmm... I want you to tell me how this is making you feel, birdygirl," Cal says with a grin. He can feel her slave's excitement; her shallower breathing, her wings wiggling just so. "Mmm, and tell me how much of a slut you are, and how much you want me to fuck you right here on this bed, in the sight of The Lady and Trejani."

Kura{CV} moaned as the words came to her, the way Cal demanded it of her, to be so lewd when outside of the bedroom she was the most proper, polite, and reserved little slavegirl. She bit her lip and arched her back as her mind swam in the words, both of what he instructed, and the thought of her actually speaking them. She inhaled sharply as a tingle drew through her pussylips in that moment.. perhaps a minor orgasm brought about by the delicious lewdity. "Please... it makes me so hot and juicy Master! Please I need you to fuck your birdy, please Master! I want your cock to spread me! I need you inside of me, I want your cum Master!"

Cal grins wickedly when he hears these wonderful words coming from Kura's mouth. "Mmm, but do you think you really deserve to feel me inside you, slut? What can you do to prove yourself worthy of a Musha Villa, one of The Lady's High Blessed Ones?" Is this a trick question? In truth, Cal's about ready to paw the ground, but he wants to test Kura's wits and intelligence, and see if she could come up with a good answer.

Kura{CV} groaned as his words hit her, only delaying that which her loins were driving her to beg and succumb to. She grit her teeth, back arching again with the mention of him being inside of her once more playing on her dirty dirty mind. "I am not worthy, Master! I am not worthy! Please, fuck me! Make me worthy of the Lady's High Blessed One!" she cried out wings fluttering at her back, legs pressing against the bindings some.

"Mmmm, well, I can't very well fuck you when I'm as soft as *this*," Cal states. He places his endowment, including his scrotum, into one of Kura's hands, which is still tied behind her back. "Why don't you... get me a little more ready for you... and then, you'll have the reward you seek." Cal's grin is now from ear-to-ear, and his ears lay back against his head, five tails swaying slowly in deep arousal. If this is the kind of thing Kura likes, the two of them will have to do this much more often. This roleplaying they're engaging in is very stimulating, not only to the body, but to the mind as well.

Kura{CV} Her mouth opens wide then she grins as that meaty member finds her hands behind her back. Oh he was not giving it to her easily, and it only made her squirm for it that much more! She was dying to have him deep inside of her, to pump her full. It showed as her hands greedily grasped him blindly, awkwardly working to find a good position on his shaft to stroke and squeeze it firmly. Her other hand cupping and kneading his balls in hopes to quickly bring him to full mast so that he might finally claim her pussy for his own!

Cal lets out a soft gasp as Kura begins to skillfully manipulate his male bits, which he enjoys so very much. Cal sometimes forgets how pleasurable it can be to be a man. Kura carefully touching his balls is very nice, especially. While she works on him, Callie digs the fingers of both hands into particular pleasure points on Kura's body, namely the back of her neck and the small of her back, moving in firm, slow little circles.

Kura{CV} mmmmmmms as those fingers find her weaknesses... of which she has many and further of which her vulpine owner knows ever so expertly how to manipulate them. The sensation draws her fingers a bit more firmly against his member, pinching his sack slightly as her hands clench against the pleasure of Cal's touch. Her squeezing not interrupting the slow pumping of that cock as it engorged for her, as awkward as it was to try and give him the requisite stimulation while her hands were tied behind her back.

"Ahhhhh, goddess," Cal groans in low heat, and as Kura brings him to full hardness, he pulls off the bindings that had been holding Kura in the same position for the past 15 minutes or so. For them to have the kind of sex Cal wants to have, Kura would need to have her limbs free, for the most part. Cal casts a Clean spell on the comforter and sheets, removing the wet spots from their sexual exertions, and then Cal lays Kura down on her back, against a soft pillow at the head of the bed. With his five tails high in the air and enveloping them, Cal begins to push himself into Kura, missionary-style.

Kura felt the bindings go free, her hear skipping a beat as she knew just what was next. While briefly lamenting the removal of the bindings, she didn't care much once she saw Cal staring down at her so imposing.. that hard cock ready to impale her as she'd been squrming and begging to have in the moments prior. She spreads her legs.. the cleaned wet spots would not be gone for long as Kura's red dripping sex waiting for him to push that thick shaft inside of it. Her breasts lay to either side of her chest, wings spread against the bed with yellowgold eye intent upon him in a hungry lust and timid submission one in the same. Her hair matted with sweat, feathers ruffled and unkempt, chest heaving with the built-up anticipation before finally that cock found its home in her and she squealed out a moan. Forcing her head into the pillow behind her while her hands gripped it, Kura sang aloud to feel that thickness inside of her that she had not felt in what felt like ages.

Cal grins lasciviously at the delicious sounds his slave is making as he enters her, and in contrast to the dirty talk he'd used while Kura is tied up, he speaks very tenderly to her right now. The roleplay is over and the lovemaking, the true lovemaking, is starting. "Mmmm, Kura... I love you so. You're the best pet I could ever have. And you show your love and care for me every day." Kura does that by maintaining the house every day in Callie's absence; she's in charge of the in-house chores, while Gareth takes care of the outdoor chores. It's a system that's worked great for them for years. And when Callie comes home, she finds Foxden in perfect working order every time.

Kura{CV} understood that the time of their play had come more to their typical, serious, sensual demeanor and she nibbled at her lower lip to stifle another moan as a shift of that cock within her tickled a long-untouched nerve. "Mmmmmmmm I love you too, my lovely Mistress." she beamed, licking her lips some and still tasting the earlier sex upon them. "I will always care for and respect you, you are the one true love I have in my life. The one who holds my leash. The one who makes me feel wanted, and brings pleasure. The one whom I can bring pleasure to just the same." her hips ground under him, sex gripping and massaging him in a rhythm to keep him hard.

Cal lets out a soft 'mmmmm' at those words, his green eyes seeming to flash with excitement and desire as he just watches Kura's lips moving, speaking sincerities out into the warm air. Callie can't think of a single reason that her love for Kura could ever come to an end; even when she'd sent her away for awhile, she'd never stopped loving Kura. The day she'd returned home had been one of the happiest days of the fox's life. Cal takes hold of both of Kura's hands, intertwining their fingers, and kisses her slowly and deeply as they fuck each other a little harder now.

Kura{CV} With her hands above her head, she feels Cal's find them to which she returns their grip. The motion of their pace starts to pick up, the slurping of her well-lubricated sex echoed off the walls, dribbling nectars on his sac and coating her widespread inner thigh. Her legs, trembling, moved to encircle him and lock her ankles amongst the furred tails the encompassed their lovemaking. Her wingtips curled, finally having Cal's lips upon her own once again to which her still sore tongue leaped past and reunited with the vulpine's.

Cal wrestles his tongue against Kura's for a moment, inside Cal's own mouth, before claiming dominance and pushing it back into Kura's own mouth. From there, Cal explores the woman's inner mouth, tracing his tongue against those perfect teeth of the torian's, while one of his hands goes to the back of her neck and the other to a rather obscure erogenous zone on her right wing. The fox's five tails sway high above both their heads, very slowly, testifying for all the Celestial Realm to see that Callie is deeply, intensely in love with, and passionate about, Kura. He begins to speed up his thrusts; he's already come once in this lovemaking session, and he wants to get Kura off as well. She's more than earned it.

Kura{CV} A muffled squeak found her voice as both Cal took control in their tongue-battle, her easily defeated to let him push her back and delve within her lips still tasting of their earlier escapade, while at the same time that hand finds the right spot on her wing and neck to send waves to ticklish and pleasured sensation rolling down her spine which arched in kind. Her wing stretched against that sensation, and her eyes closed once more. As the speed picked up, a dull slap of thighs began to emerge. Mixing with the muffled moaning in her throat and the hot breathing escaping her nose. Such a lewd yet wonderful sound!

Cal is no longer capable of coherent thought; he's simply overcome with the desperate need to get himself and Kura off as quickly as possible. He can't deny the needs of his biology; he needs to feel that dopamine rush. He moves both his arms now so that he's just holding Kura tightly, and places his legs around the torian's legs, with his toes digging into the comforter, sheet, and mattress below them. He breaks the kiss, looks excitedly into Kura's eyes, and asks, "Are you close, my pet? Ahhhh, I wanna hear you as your dam bursts."

Kura{CV} as the pace picks up, and the kiss breaks just at the right moment as her breath came fast and heavily. Her mouth gaped and eyes shut tightly as the pleasure built in her tunnel with it's tight grip on that fleshy rod working it's way into her. The slapping got louder, and as did her squeal and chirring moans. Her perfectly proportioned handfull tits jiggling with the rhythm while Cal spoke of his want from her. He would have it soon enough, as Kura had not had the pleasure of a man in several years. Nothing had plumbed her depths quite like Cal's cock, except perhaps the infrequent dildo Callie liked to use on her. After such a night of buildup and yearning for this copulation, her cliff wasn't off on the horizon, as instead she plummetted right over it. Her hips clenched HARD, fingers digging painfully into the bed, perhaps even tearing a hole as she gripped and pilled it toward her. Her pelvis hucked uncontrollably against that cock, while the vice of her inner muscles bit down on him and the nectar squirted in long spurts all around the periphery of his girth to coat his groin and balls. She trilled a moan, a screech and birdsong ripped at her throat beneath his pounding.

Cal lets out a "YES! YES, KURA!" as he feels Kura's juices pouring out onto him, and he bangs her harder and harder still, coming only a few seconds after the birdygirl is able to do so. At the moment of his ejaculation, Cal roughly grabs two big fistfuls of torian breasts, until they turn pink, and he moves his head down to lick in between them with his tongue, which is longer-than-average among vulpines. As he starts to come down off his orgasm, which is over far too quickly for his liking (a disadvantage of his male form), Cal withdraws himself, and a few little droplets of his sticky, white seed land on her pubic area. Cal deactivates the Swap Gender spell the same way he activated it in the first place, and Callie lays atop Kura for a good several minutes, the fox and bird just enjoying their afterglow.

Kura{CV} felt a resurgent wave of warmth hit her as his seed began to flow, filling her quivering, cock-milking depth, only aiding to spur her orgasmic bliss onward for a few moments more before she felt her well-stretched sex being freed of his girth. Her body twitched a few times more, breasts burning from that brief squeezing before she felt the familiarlly voluptuous cuirves make their home upon her form. She caught her breath wordlessly, eyes still closed and head haphazardly laying to one side on the sweaty pillow. Her arms and legs were limp, nay her whole naked, feathered body was limp beneath her Owner. So spent, so fulfilled, basking in their blissful moment of silence only perturbed by their heartbeat and breathing. She hadn't felt this utterly and truly exhausted in ages.

Callie slides up off of Kura, casts Clean on them both, and uses Telekinesis to pull the king-sized comforter blanket up so that Callie can reach it with her hands. She tucks herself and Kura into bed, and kisses the birdygirl on the forehead. "Good night. I love you," she murmurs, and assumes the position of the small spoon, as she often does when they sleep together, so that Kura can wrap her left wing around them both.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie Protects, Makes Love to Amethine During Blood Swan Mo

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:34 am

June 4, 2018
Callie and Amethine

Amethine was panting, the glass bottles and vials clinking together violently as she ran across the rooftops. She had been running for 10 minutes now, having walked into town to quickly drop off some alchemical ingredients to the Apothecary lest they go off; but was now very much regretting her actions when a Moriel she didn't know spotted her and lunged for her! Amethine had evaded his grasping hands and had tried her level best to lose him, even quickly clambering up a drain gutter to reach the roofs but nothing was deterring the Moriel's pursuit, he seemed to be enjoying the chase! "Sweet Gaea I didn't think it'd be THIS bad..! Leave me alone!!" She leaps to land on a pole sticking out of the sidewalk and slides down it to reach the ground again, then continues through an alleyway, taking a number of sharp turns before recognizing where she was. There was only one place in all of Nanthalion that Amethine felt she could reach before collapsing from exhaustion, Callie's restaurant. She inwardly prayed it was open.

It's about eight-thirty at night, and the sun has set, leaving the illumination of the Blood Swan Moon as the brightest thing in the sky. Many of the inhabitants of the town of Nanthalion have sealed their doors to prevent the bloodthirsty dark elves from causing injury to them. In situations like these, they can't even trust that their friends among that race won't try to hurt them. CVC had closed for the evening half an hour ago, and the doors are all locked. Callie is nearby, though, sitting behind the bar counter and going through her evening paperwork. She's dressed for battle and armed for bear, however-- she has on her old VEGA uniform, consisting of a black hooded robe with silver trim, though her hood is down. The uniform has captain's insignia on it. She also wears brown pants and brown boots, and has her mithril spear strapped to her back. Additionally, she wears her Tears of The Lady necklace and has a pouch attached to her right shoulder. There's an Elemental Servant dutifully keeping watch just inside the doors.

Amethine was pulling out all the stops to elude her pursuer, she was sprinting as fast as she could, and a couple of turns before heading for Callies she had grabbed a stone and threw it in the opposite direction, holding the bottles with her hands to stop them making so much noise and she ran as quietly as she could, trying to buy herself as much time as possible. The blood-red moon would normally be quite fascinating to her, and she was watching it curiously the entire trip to town but right now all she could do was unceremoniously stop at the resturaunt door, desperately trying to open it. The sudden noise was sure to bring her pursuer to her location shortly, and Amethine's voice almost cracked in fear. "Oh no..! NO!". Then she spots something behind the doors and recognises the silhouette with a gasp "...! Callie! Callie please! Let me in I'm being chased!". The catgirl is panicked, and rightly so since she can hear his quickening footsteps growing louder now.

Callie looks up when she hears someone trying to open the door, and gasps when she hears Amethine's urgent plea. "Shit," Callie says, and while the Elemental Servant rapidly unlocks and opens the door, Callie comes out from behind the bar, unsheathing her mithril spear, which had been the instrument of the first killing she'd ever committed-- in combat, helping to save the city of Nanthalion from invasion. "Come in quick, Ammey!" she says.

Amethine looks mightily relieved when she sees that Callie is unlocking the door. As the door is being unlocked she quickly frees one of her empty vials and looks back to shout "Damn! Please let the INN be safe!". She put some emphasis on the word 'Inn', then when the door opened she threw the vial down the street as hard as she could and quickly dashed inside, rushing for the bar counter where she wouldn't be seen from the front, hiding on the floor with her back to the little shelves under the counter and peeking around the side. The vial could be heard smashing a ways down the street and Amethine hoped against hope that it, along with her words, would be enough to convince her pursuer that she wasn't inside the resturaunt.

While Amethine ducks inside the restaurant, Callie locks it back up and keeps her Elemental Servant nearby. Callie herself moves back behind the bar counter and out of sight of the person who'd been chasing Amethine. Callie can see through the Elemental Servant that the moriel chaser is headed north up Meridian Street. "Clever girl," Callie says to Ammey, referring to the catperson herself. She pulls the shades down and changes the Elemental Servant's form into that of a tiny little grasshopper. "Ammey... sweetheart, are you hurt?" she asks.

Amethine shakily gets to her feet after the Moriel passes, feeling quite a bit safer now that the door was locked and the shades were down. The catgirl remains silent for a few seconds, not answering the question until suddenly she turns and just throws herself forward with a bit too much enthusiasm, hugging Callie's waist tightly! "By all the celestial graces Callie thank you! Thank you so much! I was starting to think I was done for! I was trying to evade him for so long!" She had felt she was running for a lot longer than just 10 minutes, but now that she was safe she really didn't want to let go of her saviour any time soon, at least until Callie decided enough was enough and try to seperate herself from the vulnerable catgirl.

Callie doesn't appear to be in any hurry to free herself, as she wraps her arms and side tails around her dear friend whom she's only known for a relatively short time. "It's okay," Callie says, and she kisses Ammey in the middle of her forehead. "You're safe now. You made it here, and everything's okay..." This is hardly the first time Callie has used her restaurant as a sanctuary for a friend, or even just a casual acquaintance, to escape danger. One time her friend Chandaria had come here to flee a rape gang.

Amethine didn't think she would need to hear those comforting words and actions, but somehow they helped. Maybe she was more distressed than she thought? Realizing this, she almost reluctantly pulls away from Callie, brushing herself off with an embarrased little "uh.. sorry...". She takes a deep breath in, getting over her near-death experience, it was hardly her first but still not something she could get used to. "Thanks.... I, I didn't know how dangerous it would be out there... Abby did try to warn me. Oh.. uh.. don't tell her I was here? She'll never let me hear the end of it...!". She glances around at the empty tables "I.. I'm sorry for being such a sudden imposition Callie, I didn't mean to barge in on you like this.. you were probably just getting ready for bed and... and...". She just spotted Callie's clothes and robe now, and they looked nothing like what someone would wear to bed. "What uh...? That's an interesting outfit?". Amethine was used to seeing Callie wearing much more casual clothing, so seeing the Vulpine in something so starkly different was quite a change.

"Your secret is safe with me, Amethine," Callie promises, and she reaches into the cooler to get her friend a bottle of "Darn Good" lemonade, opening it up and handing it to her. "And you're my dear friend. You're never an imposition, I promise." When Ammey comments about Callie's mode of dress, the vixen says, "Yes, this is what I wore when I used to work in the military. The Valencian Enforcement and Guidance Authority, to be precise-- VEGA, for short. I rose to third-in-command of the entire operation."

Amethine smiled at Callie, and accepted the lemonade gratefully and she takes a seat at the bar, taking a small sip of the drink and listening to Callie explain her uniform, looking quite surprised at her implied military experience. As Callie talked, Amethine would almost subconciously be hugging her tail, wrapping it around one arm, grasping it with the other and having the tip resting at her cheek where she was leaning into it ever so slightly. Having Callie's tails wrapped around her during the hug reminded the catgirl of home, of how she held her mother's tail like this and it made her feel safe. She didn't even know she was doing it, she didn't want to admit just how much she needed to be near someone protective. "Wow, you're just full of surprises, huh? An ex-military commander would have no fear for a night like this then, huh?". Amethine tried her best to remain cool and casual, but she was definitely still shaken from her recent experience. She still had her nagging, lingering doubts about Callie owning slaves in the back of her mind but right now, she wouldn't choose to be anywhere else.

Callie smiles gently, and takes hold of Amethine's free hand, rubbing her thumb against the younger woman's knuckles in a vulpine gesture of support and comfort called smalza. "No fear," she says. "And I was prepared to take in refugees. The minion by the window, and me downstairs doing the paperwork instead of up in my room." Callie has lied about one thing, though-- of course she's afraid. She's afraid not only for her friends and her business, but for herself. She knows that even as powerful as she is, she's not indestructible.

Amethine gripped Callie's hand securely, she didn't know what the Vulpine was doing but it felt nice so let her continue. She smiles a sad little smile. "Refugee's huh...? Well, guess that's twice then. I... I was going to ask if it would be okay to stay, but I think that kinda answers that questions.. heh.". Amethine tries to giggle, but it just doesn't seem to want to come out. She really wants to try and be brave and strong, but she was just too shaken for it right now, but can be sure of one thing. "Well, if anybody else does come in, I'm prepared to tend to their wounds. As... as a novice healer. But it's better than nothing!"

"Yes, it is," Callie says. "If it makes you feel any better... moriels under the Blood Swan Moon *usually* go for soft targets, and won't try to break down a locked door when they don't know if anyone will be there. In other words, you're much safer here inside than out on the streets tonight. And you're welcome to stay here just as long as you want."

Amethine nods. "That's good to know...! I had no idea just how... volatile they get. All I did was just walk past! Still.. it's over now. How can I ever repay you for your kindness?". She senses that Callie would be too kind to accept any kind of repayment and preemptively insists. "No no, really. One wrong move on my part and I'd probably be dead by morning, so in a very literal sense you could say you saved my life. Surely there's something I can do for you to help repay your kindness? I doubt you need money considering how amazing your Resturaunt is so, maybe a chat or, we could discuss each other's pasts or hug again or I could help you with your papers? I just don't want to feel like a leech to your generosity is all!". Admitedly, most of the options she gave were things a friend would probably do for her anyway, but her companionship was the only thing she felt she had that would be of value to the Vulpine.

Callie opens her mouth to decline any offer of repayment, only to shut it again when Amethine immediately insists and suggests some options. "A chat sounds good," she says. "Gimme a few minutes to complete my paperwork and file it upstairs in my room, and I'm all yours for the night." If Callie had made a deliberate double entrende, she gives no indication of knowing it. She's getting a bit better with her poker face.

Amethine nods with a smile, the adrenaline in her system was slowly starting to thin out, though her ears would be on full alert, listening for any noises to gauge potential danger. She does raise second, overthinking the phrase "all yours", but once she thinks Callie was out of earshot she softly moans, muttering quietly to herself "My literal savior, and I offer a chat in return... not that I could offer more anyway. 'All mine..' naah, doubt she even sees me that way. Dunno if that's a good thing or not actually... okay, see when you start talking to yourself like this, you're too nervous and wound up. Should probably stop.". And she does, continuing her train of thought internally instead. She takes another sip of the lemonade, which tasted quite exquisite and moved to near the locked door. She was keeping herself completely hidden, but was listening to any sounds outside until Callie returned.

Callie goes back upstairs to her paperwork and quickly becomes so wrapped up in what she's doing that she doesn't hear the sotto voce conversation that Amethine is having with herself. She likes Amethine a great deal, but similar to the way Amethine thinks of Callie's motivations, Callie doesn't think that Ammey feels 'that way' about her. Which is okay; Callie has several friends that she doesn't have sex with.

Amethine was listening intently at the window but she couldn't hear anything. She could even hear Callie shuffling about the papers upstairs, or maybe she was imagining it? The dead quiet was playing havok on her imagination, and with nothing to focus on her head was in overdrive, were any of them plotting to get in? Did that one moriel sneak back? Was Callie safe upstairs? Was she safe down here? Wait where was that elemental? Was she alone? Amethine was a bit lost in her own little world from the quiet. Wait, she heard a voice wondering where an elemental was! No.. that was her own voice, was she talking to herself again? "... I really need to stop doing that. Yup I definitely don't want to be alone tonight." With that strange train of thought having concluded itself, she moves back to grab the lemonade to give her hands something to do while she waits for Callie to come back.

After a short time, Callie finishes her daily ledger and files it properly in her desk. Then she comes back down the stairs, seeing Amethine drinking her lemonade. It doesn't take the fox long to realize that her friend is still very rattled by the events of the evening; it's written in her tail-language especially. "Would you like to sit on the couch with me?" Callie asks.

Amethine spins back to face Callie as she returns, her ears were perked right up, her tail curled up behind her back and twitching every now and then. She looked quite tense, but seeing Callie, especially in an outfit of power like her old military uniform was at least a little comforting for the catgirl. "Uh.. yeah, yeah that'd be nice actually. I can't hear anything out there anyway...". She moves to the aforementioned couch, standing beside the many-tailed Vulpine to walk in together.

"I've got an Elemental Servant listening and waiting," Callie says. "It has probably better hearing than either you or me. Relax, hon. I'm right here." Callie lights the two candles on either side of The Lady's statuette on the mantle of the fireplace, and then she slides down onto the left side of the couch, smiling at her dear friend.

Amethine would probably have challenged that claim but she didn't quite have the heart and just nods. She wanted to be relaxed and calm like she usually is but that moriel really shook her, she really feared for her life and it was going to be a good few hours until she had calmed down from that. Amethine looks in interest to The Lady's statuette as Callie lights the candles, holding her arms nervously and once Callie chooses her side of the couch, Ammey sits right beside her friend, almost deliberately letting one or two of Callie's tails rest on her back, pulling her own tail to the side to avoid sitting on it, wriggling a little to get more comfy. She had brought up her feet so that she was entirely on the couch. "Thanks again, Callie..." Amethine breaths a sigh of comfort, though it was a little shaky.

Callie smiles softly at the light contact that her right and lower tails are making with Amethine's body, and for a little while, the vixen closes her eyes, allowing herself to relax for probably the first time since she'd opened the restaurant at ten o'clock that morning. It's hard to be at peace when she know that at any moment, a bloodthirsty moriel could come smashing through her door. The danger probably has not passed, either, but she can order her minions into a higher state of vigilance than she herself is expressing. Right now, Ammey needs comfort. And Callie helps supply it by stretching her right arm out across the catperson's shoulders.

Amethine leans right over to rest her head on Callie when she feels the arm wrap around her, it was an almost automatic reaction, snuggling right into Callie's side. She didn't particularly enjoy being so vulnderable and defenseless like this, but there was no denying how comforting the Vulpine was. "I kinda feel bad about the Inn... I just sent that guy straight for it, I hope there's nobody there tonight who'll attract his attention like I did...". It was a split-second decision to shout the diversion when she rushed in, she wasn't even sure it would work but the Inn felt like the only reasonable place that she would go to hide. If she couldn't get in here then it would have been her only hope anyway. The catgirl was quite still against Callie, her eyes wide open and her ears on full alert, though her tail does move to entangle itself around one of Callie's.

As Callie and Amethine get ever closer, Callie's tails begin to lightly sway behind her back in a show of arousal; she knows that it would be wrong to take advantage of someone who feels so vulnerable right now, but she can't help the way she feels. The vixen says, "The inn's far enough away that maybe he'll tire himself out before he gets there. Anyway, you did the only thing you could think of, hon. You'd have never made it there. You were panting and gasping for air upon arrival here."

Amethine caught the mild tail swishes out of the corner of her eye but thought little of it, not realizing what it implied, she was quite new to Vulpines in general. "Maybe... but I can't allow myself to think that, if I believe even a little bit that I wouldn't be able to make it then I'd have had no chance. My ability to run from danger is all I really have, if I can't rely on that then I'm efffectively doomed.". She snuggles in a little deeper, her head inadvertently resting into the border between Callie's side, and sideboob. "But you were there so I don't have to think about what might have happened..." Amethine smiles a little now, thankful that she had a friend to rely on.

Callie nods. "You're right. So just relax, and let's talk about other things. Have you made many friends since arriving in the empire? Do you think you might stay, or are you just passing through?" Callie feels very relaxed now, snuggling so closely to Amethine.

Amethine wiggles in place, adjusting her posture a little to prevent aching joints after a while. She was quite glad for the change of conversation topic and leaps on it. "Humm... well, I met that mercenary arena-champion lady Abby and her very excitable fae, Airy! They're quite interesting. Oh and I met another couple of Vulpines too! Though I've not seen them again, but I'm sure we'll meet again at some point since I've decided that, since Abby has offered me a place at her keep and I have my job at the Apothecary, I'm more financially secure than I've ever been and.. well I can't just jeep wandering the wilderness forever. This place has so much knowledge that I could tap into, so yeah it's dangerous, but so was me being alone in the forests and fields so, at least here I have a bed to sleep in at night.". She felt quite comfortable talking to Callie, she actually had plans for her life here but had another train of thought that was derailing the previous one. "Hey uh, this is a restaurant, do you get your ingredients and stuff delivered like bread or wheat and stuff? I'm just wondering if... I know any of the little border villages that do deliveries here.". Amethine knew it was a long shot, but thought it would be pretty cool if Callie or other shops were ordering from people that she had apprenticed for.

Callie smiles happily when Amethine tells her that she'll probably be staying in the empire for awhile. She's grown very fond of the catperson. "I get deliveries from several different places," she says. "I get much of my fruit from the village of Pungo, including their legendary strawberries. I grow my own blueberries and zucchini in the greenhouse. The Tianopo honey comes straight from Liranja. And there are other ingredients that I buy in the market square."

Amethine hums in thought, Pungo ringed a bell. She hadn't really heard of Liranja, or hadn't been there. Was she a farmhand for a torian in Pungo? "Those strawberries.. they don't come from a plantation owned by a white feathered Torian do they..? Kinda big guy that likes to smile?" Describing the Torian reminded her of why she remembered Pungo. She may have destroyed an entire years supply of peaches when she may have burned the warehouse they were being magically preserved in by over-fueling the fireplace. The catgirl's eyes would be quite wide if they weren't already and she awaits Callie's response with almost bated breath.

"Yeah, Jayson Tate is his name," Callie says. "Darn tallest torian I've ever seen before. Well over seven feet tall. And built like a brick shithouse, as my uncle is so fond of saying. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen him fly before. I'd be surprised if wings so delicate could lift a man so large." Callie chuckles. "But he's a sweet guy, really he is."

Amethine gulps in embarrassment when Callie confirms the name. "Y~yeah.. I know him! I was assigned to be one of his farmhands back in my youth, uh.. hey...". She spoke a little quickly and hurriedly so she can get to the questions she wanted to ask. "There wasn't a time when he couldn't supply... peaches for a while, was there? The big old juicy ones?". Amethine's face was getting a little flushed now, looking like a sheepish schoolchild who got caught breaking the rules.

"Yes, he told me that the warehouse had caught fire. It took him about three months before he could supply me with any more." Callie looks inward as she remembers the conversation she'd had with Jayson. "He didn't seem angry about it, though, he seemed... saddened, and disappointed, because all that hard work had gone up in smoke."

Amethine nervously giggles a "...o~oops?" mostly because she still didn't know how to properly react. "I didn't mean for it to happen... nobody told me those logs were specially treated to burn hotter and longer!". She sounded quite guilty as she spoke, she still felt really bad about it. "I hope he's still doing okay... at least it wasn't as bad as the blacksmith in Ashstone... Oh! Sorry..!". Amethine suddenly wriggles a little bit, she had been sitting on one of her bottles and it just shifted, poking at Callie's leg, so the catgirl spends a few seconds to detatch it and a few more from herself to rest them on the floor in front of the couch, away from where she or Callie might stand.

Callie blinks. "That was you?" There's a brief, awkward pause before Callie says anything else, and then finally she chuckles. "Small world, isn't it? Yeah, if I were you, I wouldn't be in a hurry to go back there. Might still be a little lingering resentment. So, what's this about a blacksmith in Ashstone?" If Amethine burning down a year's worth of a harvest had been the *second-* worst accident she'd gotten involved in, she could only imagine what the worst one was. Did that one actually involve fatalities?

Amethine feels a little relieved that Callie wasn't berating her for her past follies, though she holds off on the fact that the peaches was probably the 6th worst thing she's caused during her series of unfortunate events, and the sad thing was only a few of them were actually probably preventable. "Oh... nothing... y'know, except for the forge cracking and molten metal spilling everywhere, causing the entire 2-story building to collapse into it's foundations and effectively ruining the livelihoods of 3 businesses in the process... but one of them was a front for slave capturing so.. it's not, it wasn't all bad?". She looked very sheepish now, she's not been back to Ashstone since either. "I uh... mentioned I apprenticed to a lot of professions right? Now you.. might be able to guess why..."

"Wow," Callie says. She'd probably do best not to hire Amethine to work at CVC. But she's too polite to actually say so. Slightly too polite. But she can't help but tease Ammey a little bit: "So, how are you gonna destroy the Apothecary?" she asks. She takes Amethine's left hand in her own right hand, and does smalza with it again, rubbing her thumb against her catperson friend's knuckles.

Amethine giggles at the teasing "Aw come on, that's no fair... though, step one would be getting trusted enough to actually get to man the store.". She kinda resented the fact that she had came to be known as a bit of a klutz, she was actually quite graceful! The difference was that most people's little slip-ups include tripping, or knocking over a glass whereas she caused molten metal to spill everywhere. Amethine was going to continue about how she could bring about the Apothecary's collapse but then her hand was taken and she notices that Callie is making the same motions as last time, indicating that it had some meaning behind it. "Uh, why're you doing that?". She sounded quite curious.

"Mmm?" Callie doesn't seem to quite realize that she'd even been doing it. Then she looks down at Amethine's hand and sees that she, Callie, is stroking the knuckles again. "Sorry," she says, and lets go of Ammey's hand. "It's a vulpine thing. Smalza, it's called. It's very relaxing for vulpines, even very young ones. Parents use it to calm down fussy babies; friends do it to comfort each other."

Amethine 's ears droop a little when Callie drops her hand, she was rather enjoying the experience and with her fast reflexes, grasped the gentle hand with her own to attempt to reciprocate the Smalza that she had been given. Ammey didn't see much comfort in the knuckle-rubbing more than just the act of holding her hand, but did her best to replicate the same pressure and movements that she had felt. "No no.. it's fine, I kinda...". A blush, and a quick change of topic. " 'Smalza' you said? Like this...?". By repeating the act on her friend, Ammey hoped to imply that she was fine with it.

Callie smiles and murrs into the contact, leaning a little more into Amethine's body. Her upper tail moves to join her lower and right tails in touching the catperson's back. "Mmm, just like that," she says. "Especially *between* the knuckles. It's very relaxing. At least... it is for vulpines."

Amethine raises her eyebrows at the immediate effect this had on Callie. She rests more into Callie as she gently grips the Vupine's hand as her thumb slowly rolls over the knuckles, applying just the lightest extra bit of pressure between the ridges and wondering if that will increase the effect. She continues like this for a while, it was nice to just rest into each other like this, she definitely had to remember this Smalza thing for the future. The moment is broken slightly when Amethine's head suddenly jerks upright, thinking she heard a noise outside but quickly determines it was nothing and returns to her previous position. Her ears are still on full alert, as they have been all night and while her tail is currently resting among Callie's it's not quite as relaxed as it could be.

Callie can't help but notice the fact that Amethine had made a brief, sudden move with her head. Understanding what was happening, Callie speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani, wiggles her fingers just so, and creates four more Elemental Servants. They take up various positions downstairs and upstairs, and some of them transform into smaller forms when they reach their destinations. With five minions guarding them now, Callie and Amethine would be well-informed if something were about to happen tonight. "Try not to worry," Callie suggests.

Amethine watches the minions move off looking a little guilty. She knew that Callie only did that because she reacted to a phantom noise. "Sorry... I can't help it sometimes, if I'm spooked or attacked it takes a long time for me to let my guard down, I can't help it... I know we're safe here, and you've helped me relax a lot... really! It's just... I'll try and not react...". She sounded a little regretful, and she had let go of Callie's hand when she summoned more elementals, and now was trying to grasp it again as though to continue like nothing happened.

"You've been through a very frightening experience," Callie says, allowing Amethine to retake her hand, and kissing the back of Ammey's hand tenderly. "You've been traumatized by the events of the night. That's nothing to be sorry about."

Amethine was relaxing back into Callie, smiling at the kiss and too focused on trying to perform Smalza again to think about what she was saying and was almost lazily responding. "No that was just scary... traumatized is what happened on the fishing ship Brass Owl near Thallis..." It takes a second, then she makes a small gasp and covers her mouth with her free right hand. She hadn't meant to say that. The Brass Owl was a fishing vessel that famously disappeared, there were reports of a lone survivor but authorities never knew what happened since the survivor refused to talk. Amethine wasn't sure if she was ready to talk about that, she hadn't told a soul what happened.

Callie hmms, scratching her chin with her left hand as she smiles. "I can't say I'm familiar with the Brass Owl," she admits, though she sounds interested in hearing the story. Anything to keep talking to Amethine and help the both of them relax on this first night of the Blood Swan Moon.

Amethine looks up in slight disbelief, she thought that story had been everywhere. Thallis IS pretty far though. "You... you haven't heard about it? I, well... it was a fishing ship that... disappeared.". She chose her words carefully, she really was unsure about her confidence in retelling the entire story, and so far was opting to repeat what the authorities told everybody. The catgirl was definitely not comfortable in remembering the events that transpired, but had a sneaking suspicion that Callie would probably be a good candidate for extracting the information from her, would it be possible that talking of a much deeper trauma would alleviate her nerves on the current one? Amethine had her doubts.

"You say it traumatized you? You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to," Callie says, as Amethine continues stroking her knuckles. The fox is very relaxed now, and she even cedes direct control over her Elemental Servants, allowing them a modicum of sapience. They'll alert Callie about any unexpected noises or sights, and Callie can still look through them whenever she wants to, but she doesn't need to concentrate on them-- giving her a bit of peace of mind.

Amethine merely nods in response. She continues her Smalza action, but now she's trying to not focus on the very vivid memories of churning waters, screaming, blood and splintered wood everywhere. After several seconds of silence Amethine suddenly pipes up "It's been... brought back into memory recently, Airy's got a pet that looks just like one of...". She can't finish her thought and merely shudders, falling silent again, focusing on her thumb's movements, though her overall grip is a little tighter now.

Callie feels Ammey's grip getting a little tighter, but it's not tight enough yet to cause the vixen pain. Callie lifts their hands up so that she can kiss Ammey's hand again, and then she gently tries to pry her hand free. "You were on that ship?" she asks.

Amethine does nothing for a few seconds, then merely nods slowly. It would be hard to deny that, and any form of investigation would probably reveal her to be the survivor. She let's Callie extract her hand quite easily, and just lets her hand flop wherever Callie lets it go, seemingly either lost in her own world, or focusing extremely hard to not get lost in her own world.

Callie lets Amethine sit there for a few seconds, and then, to try and comfort her, she gives the catperson a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry, Ammey," she says. She's met several people who were the lone survivors of some great catastrophe. The annihilation of a tribe or village by other people; an unexpected volcanic eruption; shipwrecks; house fires. Callie realizes every day just how incredibly lucky she is.

Amethine remains silent until Callie pecks her cheek and she can't help but smile at the gesture, muttering ".. it's fine. I'll need to talk about it someday, just... I don't think I'm ready yet. At least I can talk about the bandit raid, though that wasn't as bad..." The boat was certainly the most traumatic experience Ammey had gone through, but she's had a number of tough experiences before she arrived to Nanthalion, it was so easy to hide it all behind her cheery personality, she's not really properly dealt with the issues before.

"Perhaps... another time?" Callie suggests. "When we can both *fully* let our guard down?" It's probably not a good idea, right now, to be telling ghost stories and tales of some of the horrors and traumas the women have experienced in their lives, when at any moment a bloodthirsty, insane moriel could come and try to beat down their doors.

Amethine mulls this over for a few seconds before responding with "... maybe.". It would be quite a while until she would consider herself back to normal, but at least she felt quite secure beside the vulpine which was a great help, she would otherwise be quite jittery. Amethine then wraps her arms around Callie's waist and squeezes a hug in, then relaxes, the only sounds she could hear were their own breathing, the soft rustle of movement of the couch and the gentle scraping of her various bottles and vials as they brush against each other occasionally, enjoying the silence mostly because she didn't quite know what to say now.

Callie smiles warmly and returns the embrace, her ears perking up a little at the sound of those containers touching each other. Idly, she wonders if any of them is breakable, and whether or not one would shatter if it hit the floor. She doesn't ask that question, however. Instead, as she falls into a deep state of relaxed intimacy, she begins to move her head ever-so-slightly upward towards Amethine's, as if leaning in for a kiss.

Amethine was enjoying the intimacy of the moment just as deeply, her eyes half-shut with a smile of content on her face. Granted, her ears and tail were still signaling that she was not totally relaxed, but other than that she was quite happy. Her half-open eyes do note Callie's strange head movement, was she about to fall asleep? No her head would be moving downwards if that was the case. Amethine kept quite still, her curiosity preventing her from doing or anything that might disrupt the Vulpine.

Callie leans in a little more, with her eyes closed, and at about the point where she thought Amethine would meet her in the middle, the fox opens her eyes when she realizes that the catperson hadn't moved. Callie smiles shyly and, figuring she'd misread the situation, pulls her head back away, as if to deny that she'd ever leaned in for a kiss in the first place, and retain a little bit of her dignity.

Amethine was watching quite curiously, and only realized what Callie was attempting when she stopped and moved back. In a split-second decision to not want to deny her friend she hatches a silly little plan and, barely a second after Callie had looked away Amethine gives a short, worried gasp and twists her torso as though turning to her end of the couch. "...! What was that?". It was a ruse however. and as soon as Callie would look around to see what she was talking about, Amethine would be ready and suddenly lean right in and not-so-subtly attempt to give Callie that kiss.

Callie's eyes widen in alarm, because neither she herself, nor her five Elemental Servants scattered around the house, had heard *anything* coming from outside. But apparently Amethine had, and it's up to Callie to protect her. Callie jerks her head up again, and this time Ammey *is* there to meet her, and their foreheads collide, instead of their lips. "Ow," the fox says, moving a hand up to rub that spot on her head where she'd bumped it against Amethine's skull.

Amethine lets out a short gasp of pain, leaning back a little to rub her own head and then just lets her head rest against Callie, giggling uncontrollably. "Dahahahammit... that didn't go to plan at all...". She quickly gets over her giggles and looks to Callie with a genuinely warm smile, the first sign of genuine happiness all night. "Sorry Callie... you okay?", she moves up her hand to gently caress the spot Callie was rubbing, moving her thumb in a similar way to how she was performing Smalza on her hand before.

When Amethine starts giggling, Callie can't help it-- she starts with a case of the giggles, too. After catching her breath, she sees that look on Ammey's face and takes heart from it-- the awkwardness, like onto that of schoolchildren kissing for the first time, is just so awfully cute that it's made Ammey grin, even though about an hour ago, she'd literally been running for her life. "Yeah," Callie says. "Everything's great." She leans in again, this time a little more steadily, and she tilts her head slightly to give Ammey a gentle kiss on the lips.

Amethine leans in to give her friend what she wanted, still smiling from the silly impact from earlier. She knew that she was lonely and had had a massive scare, so probably wasn't thinking straight; but she reasoned that Callie would hardly be feeling too calm and comfortable herself, considering the amount of elementals she sent out to keep watch over every concievable entrance of the resturaunt and a kiss between them would probably be a good way to ease their worries a little. With these justifications, Amethine's warm, soft lips pressed to Callie's own, the catgirl gently pursing her lips to apply just a little pressure, enough to convey willingness but not using her tongue, she would let Callie decide how much she wanted it, this was her idea afterall. Amethine wasn't entirely sure she was ready for more, but she wasn't scared of such an outcome.

Callie smiles happily when the kiss is broken, and she gently places her forehead against that of Amethine in a friendly gesture. The vixen's head still hurts a little bit from the impact a few seconds ago, but the pain is already starting to lessen. "Tell me, Ammey," Callie asks her. "Do you like to read? I've got many good books here on the shelf. Stories about vulpine heroes and legends; cookbooks; a sex education book; a book about water mage spells... lots of things."

Amethine softly sighs as they share a moment with their heads resting together, smiling contentedly, then she looks quite curious at the options supplied to her. Her cheeks noticibly start to blush at the mention of the sex-ed book, but Amethine pushes that one to the back of her mind for now. She doesn't need to make herself horny at a nice moment like this, though that kiss... "Uh..*ahem*, yeah..I do enjoy reading, though mostly for expanding my knowledge... the only book I really own is a kind of primer on various plants and their properties, which is woefully ill-informed, though I kinda prefer it that way since I get to go through it and test it all, and correct it. But uh, a cookbook you said? I apprenticed as a baker's assistant once... and a butcher's, so I learned a little bit of cooking? I've never managed to properly learn anything, but watching the masters work kinda reminds me of me and my potioncraft. It's all about measuring ingredients, combining them in a certain way and stuff...". Amethine felt quite comfortable rambling on, it wasn't often she got to talk about these thoughts of hers. Wandering alone for years on end gives you a lot of time to think, so she had strange connections and opinions about all sorts of things, and comparing cooking to alchemy was one of them. Using magic to complete some more advanced sexual positions was another... and there was that other book sneaking into her thoughts again.

Callie smiles at Amethine's rambling, glad to see that her friend is starting to grow more comfortable in her presence. She'd gotten the impression, not too long ago, that Ammey was beginning to see Callie in a more negative light, when Callie had admitted to her that she owns slaves. There's absolutely no reason at all, in the fox's mind, why that should impact their friendship, but it surely hadn't been Callie's imagination that Amethine had disagreed with her on that topic. Using her Telekinesis power, she floats down the book "Things Wobaki Taught Me to Make", written by the vixen herself, and hands it to Amethine. Then she TKs "When Pretense Falls", a novel by Milana Serafin, for herself.

Amethine accepts the book with a little bit of surprise, not actually expecting Callie to give it to her. Then again she DID mention it out of all the others, but only because she was trying not to imagine the debaucherous delights that could be find in that one certain book she absolutely wasn't picturing, and she'd probably get lost reading about magic or Vulpine history. Still, the cookery book might give her some inspiration for her potioncraft, or maybe learn a few tricks next time she has to eat alone in the wilderness again. Amethine spots the book Callie had chosen for herself however "Mm? "When Pretense Falls"? What's that about?". Then she glances down at her own book and before her friend can respond she realizes "Oh! You wrote this? Hehe, you're not trying to show off are you?". Amethine still was leaning into Callie's side, very much enjoying the intimacy of the moment. There was always that naggling worry there about her owning slaves, and of Sakiko's reaction, but she couldn't even begin to think about brining herself to talk about it. Not now. Not when she needed a friend by her side, and Callie had been nothing but a dear, valued friend. There would be time in the future to discuss such things, and Amethine didn't doubt for a second that Callie had told the thruth about them all willingly accepting Callie as their owner, so she had no reason to feel ill-at-ease. For tonight, and maybe a few after, Amethine needed the comfort of those she trusted.

Callie laughs softly. "Don't get too excited about the literary merits of the cookbook, hon," she says to Amethine. "It's very much a Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 cookbook. 'When Pretense Falls', though, is the third novel by my favorite contemporary vulpine author, Milana Serafin. It's a gripping tale of adventure, passion, and betrayal that takes place during the civil war that broke the Otala vulpine tribe off from the Fire Tribe. Based on a true story."

Amethine smiles at Callie "I'm sure I could learn a lot from it. If only because I'm starting with almost zero knowledge to begin with! So adventure, passion and betrayal...? I could probably relate to that. Maybe not so much on the 'passion' side, at least probably not the way it is in there!" Which was true, while Amethine did have the occasional lover, she wasn't in any one place long enough to develop any kind of romantic attachment to anybody, which thankfully limited the amount of betrayal she had. Though adventure, she could write her own novel series on. "I take it you enjoy a nice read from time to time? I've never really had the time before." Amethine wiggles, ready to leaf through the book she was given, her tail curling up more into one of Callie's own as she relaxes into a comfortable position.

"I'm very much an avid reader," Callie says, "and Milana Serafin is amazing. She's a little frustrating, though, even for vulpines: She releases only one novel every hundred years, on each of her centenary birthdays. The most recent one came out seven years ago, and I got it the day it came out." She smiles wistfully. "I savored that book; I read only one chapter every day. When it was over, I was happy with the book, but there's nothing quite like doing something the first time. You know?" Is she referring to just the book, or to the first kiss that she and Ammey had shared a few minutes ago? Was that a twinkle in Callie's eyes?

Amethine seems almost stunned "Every hundred years...? Wow....". She was going to say more about her surprise, that at least the books were almost guaranteed to be good if they're being penned over such a long time, but even so that is quite the wait! Amethine herself would die of old age by the time the next book comes out, and Callie would still be there... suddenly a huge wave of emotion surges through Amethine, she thought she had a lonely life but only just now appreciated that Vulpines likely outlive most of their friends. Amethine suddenly looks to Callie with strong feelings of empathy, just imagining this brought sorrow to the catgirl. There was nothing she could do about this either, other than be there for her friend when she can. "... yes, I agree. You can repeat and relive things many times over, but the first, that can be so... magical.". Amethine had many fond memories of her first time of something, like the first time she created a fully working Healing potion, or the first time she made a loaf of bread. The first time she kissed Callie. Amethine wasn't going to feel sorrow tonight, tonight was about happiness for her. She was adamant about that now.

Callie nods, and as if picking up a little bit of what Amethine is thinking, she says, "It was my mother who introduced me to Milana's work; she's had a couple of those books released during her lifetime. I'm likely to live long enough to read her very last novel." Callie opens up the book and shows one of the pages to Amethine. "You see that the left column of every page is in Vulpani, and the right column is in Common. As a result, this is a great way to teach someone how to read Vulpani. And I've done so, with my fiancee Kayleigh and my pet Gareth."

Amethine looks at the page shown to her and while she can read the Common side quite well, involving somebody trying to sneak about avoiding guards, the Vulpani side was just comlete nonsensical gibberish to her. She grew up learning both Catfolk and Common, and she didn't doubt that with training she COULD learn another language, but as for right now it was all just lines and squiggles. Amethine's face then visibly winces at the word 'pet', she didn't mean for it and wanted to hide it, but it just brought into focus the fact that Callie owned many slaves, and called one of them 'pet'. Amethine knew that Callie loved her slaves, and they her, she knew that there was nothing but mutual respect for both sides, but it was just something Amethine couldn't wrap her head around. It'd go against everything she grew up believing, everything she fought and lived for. The catgirl had spent her life avoiding slavery because slavery hunted her down mercilessly, and even while meeting Erin, the concubine to owner of the bakery, she just didn't quite feel right. Amethine didn't particularly want to talk about it, not while she needed her friend close, but that wince probably did it anyway.

Callie notices the expression Amethine gave when she'd mentioned her pet Gareth, and she sets the book down gently on the coffee table for a moment, replacing the bookmark. "You still don't approve," Callie notes. It wasn't a question. "I understand. Not everyone does. Not everyone understands. In fact, even Kayleigh would prefer that I not have slaves."

Amethine leans up from Callie now to look at her with a very apologetic look. The catgirl had gone and done it now. "... I'm sorry Callie" It wasn't so much an apology about how she felt, but an apology of agreement that she didn't fully approve. "I... I don't mean to offend you, or those you love...! I just..." Amethine didn't really know what to say now, she didn't know if she SHOULD say anything, she didn't know how Callie was feeling right now, so kept silent for now leaving her sentence hanging to see how her friend reacted, her heart lodged in her throat as she waited.

Callie smiles softly. "Would it make a difference, do you think, if I introduced you to Kura or Gareth? I think you should know how much we care about each other. I couldn't do all the things I can do, without them taking care of Foxden for me. And when we're together, it's a joyous, happy time."

Amethine leans back into Callie's side with a sigh of thought, and is silent for several seconds. ". . . I don't know. I, I can understand reasons why, I can appreciate specific circumstances... protection, safety, undying affection... I've thought about it a long time Callie, far too long. I just...", Amethine pauses. She was about to ramble on about her whole life there, but she stopped herself. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to ramble on about it, tonight shouldn't be about me, it should be the two of us being safe together." She hugs Callie's side tight in a show of friendship, of needing to be close.

Callie nods, wrapping her nearest tail against Amethine's waist, and she says to her, "Okay. We'll just agree to disagree for the time being, and talk about something else. Anyway... if you're interested, I could totally set you up with Milana Serafin's complete Vulpani/Common Novel Collection. It's very easy to learn Vulpani through them. It's a beautiful language."

Amethine quickly nods and moves an arm to hug and stroke the tail wrapping around her, it felt nice and comforting. "Maybe we can discuss it more and fully express our sides another day... debate's a good way to enhance both person's knowledge afterall...?". Amethine didn't want to seem like she was just shutting down Callie outright, and she was a sucker for a good, intellectual argument. Then she makes a point to lean her head to look at the closed book Callie had set aside. "Oh I wouldn't want to impose... they're probably really expensive...! But yeah with a book like that, and a friend guiding me, I could probably learn quite a bit of the language...". At the word friend she hugs Callie again, she really didn't want to seem like she hated Callie for owning slaves. It was hard for her to accept, sure, but she was willing to look past it until they could talk about it properly in the future.

"They're not as expensive as you might think," Callie says. "Besides which, I've got copies here and at Foxden. So no matter where we relax together, you'll be able to pick up and read the books." Callie smiles and leans into the hug, placing her right hand against Amethine's left knee.

Amethine gently strokes Callie's right thigh in response to her knee being touched, the catgirl's graze is delicately soft and lives up to any stereotypes about catgirls being sensual creatures, softly petting through the brown pants of Callie's uniform. They had already shared a kiss, that still brought a smile to Amethine's lips, so this seemed like a natural move to Amethine after that and thought little of it. "I guess I'll have to visit a whole lot more often then, teach!". A small joke to show her willingness to learn the Vulpine language.

Callie grins at that, her large triangular ears fully up on her head, and her five tails swaying lightly behind her in a friendly manner. Leaning a little closer to the catperson, she moves in for a kiss, and this time, same as last time, she's successful in reaching Ammey's lips with it. She takes one of Amethine's hands in her own, and closes her eyes as she enjoys the sensuous, sweet melding of those lips together for just a brief moment. Then she pulls away.

Amethine squeezes her taken hand as she returns the kiss, it wasn't entirely unexpected but still a pleasant surprise considering the gravity of their earlier conversation. She felt quite a fluttering in her chest during the kiss, she wasn't used to someone being so, gentle, and gently squeezed at the vulpine's lips with her own, enjoying the soft embrace until it's broken wherupon Amethine blinks a few times, coming back to reality and her ears flicker cutely on her head, tail wriggling a little from excitement. "Uhm... hi!".

Vulpines can have as many as eight tails, and those appendages, plus their eyes, face, and the rest of their bodies, are very expressive. As a result, vulpines are very good at reading *other* species' body language as well. And Callie can tell that she'd just taken Amethine's breath away, practically, with that kiss, as if it's water in the desert. "Hi," Callie replies, and she presses her nose against Amethine's, giggling softly.

Amethine didn't know how to respond at first, she definitely enjoyed the kiss and the resulting nose wiggles very much, they were so passionately sensual and the catgirl's body was responding in the way any catgirl would, excitement and arousal. though Amethine was still a bit shy about it. The gentle wiggles and movements of her body, from her ears to her tail and everything inbetween was of a catgirl who was passionately excited. During the nose press Amethine smiles and lets out a few breaths of laughter, but doesn't let the vulpine pull away, instead reaching up to the back of her head to pull her into a kiss that she wanted to start now, her hands running down Callie's neck and shoulders as she presses herself into those lips again, feeling every inch of the her friend's soft luscious lips with her own, her jaw was open and would accept any tongueplay, but she wasn't instigating that herself.

Callie lets out a soft 'mmmmmmm' as Amethine strengthens the kiss, and the fox has to make a quick decision as to how far she's willing to let this go. She's noticed that Amethine has opened her mouth, and Callie is very tempted to delve into it with her tongue, pull off their clothing, engage in foreplay, make love. But no... this isn't right. This isn't the right time, with Amethine feeling so vulnerable, with her having so recently run for her life. Callie breaks the kiss, and is content right now to just look into her friend's eyes.

Amethine almost reluctantly lets Callie pull away and looks back into Callie's gentle eyes with her own, there was clearly longing there, a desire. She doesn't say anything, wondering if she had pushed too far or if Callie was having second thoughts, the catgirl's face is flush, her ears were perked up but now flush with her head, though her tail still twitches about, knocking into Callie's own tails. In this moment, she definitely wanted to continue, she was a bit worked up now and Callie was the only one who treated her with respect so far about this sort of thing; but she already pushed for it and Callie backed off, so now Amethine just sits there staring back at Callie with such longing. She was preparing herself for Callie to say no, not tonight, and she'd have arguments for almost any point the vulpine could bring up, but she wouldn't, now if Callie didn't want to.

Callie smiles gently at her friend, and kisses her on the forehead, before standing up and stroking the back of Amethine's head. "Let's get something to eat," she says, her voice carrying an uncharacteristic waiver. It's never easy for a vulpine to turn down the possibility of sex. But Callie really believes that doing it right now would ultimately do Ammey more harm than good. "How about we share a bowl of strawberries?"

Amethine looks almost heartbroken when Callie stands up, but quickly tries to hide how badly she wanted Callie and tries to look just disappointed. The kisses and caresses had been wonderful, and now that the Catgirl was in the mood she really wanted more, especially with such a close friend, but casts her eyes to the floor as she nods. "Strawberries... sure, I could go for some strawberries. They're really good in honey.". Amethine wasn't aware of Callie's special variety of honey, or if she was she wasn't remembering it as she meant just regular sweet honey, but given the situation, the vagueness on the type of 'honey' suggested could be taken either way. The catgirl sounded quite resigned though, catgirls were so easily worked up and now that she was she had little else on her mind, but didn't have the heart to fight for it. She didn't want to anger or upset her friend any.

"Okay," Callie says, and with skill and speed, she caps and slices about 20 strawberries, giving them a light coating of sugar, and brings them out in two bowls, along with a jar of regular honey. Callie wouldn't spring Tianopo honey on anybody without warning, and besides... orgasms were the last thing Callie wanted to do to Ammey right now. Not that it isn't tempting. And goddess, Amethine had looked a little hurt when Callie had stopped, hadn't she? Had that just been Callie's imagination? Callie hmms, and sets the tray down on the pile of four blankets near the unlit fireplace. "C'mere," Callie says, and she kicks off her boots and socks, placing them on the other side of the coffee table.

Amethine stayed put with her own thoughts while Callie prepared the strawberries, and at her beckoning Amethine nods, taking off her own hiking boots and socks to follow Callie's example and moves over to sit cross-legged on the blankets next to the fire. She couldn't help but feel just a little rejected at Callie's reluctance to continue after their kisses, and her tail hung behind her limply with her ears, well the ears were still on alert, though not nearly as perked and active as they were earlier. Still, it was nice to spend time with her friend, she could deal with her arousal herself later, she was just a bit disappointed that it wouldn't be shared with one of the people she liked most. "Thanks, Callie. They look wonderful.". While her voice didn't quite have that same cheerful tone it usually did, she tried to pretend. They truly did look delicious, and the sugar dusting was a nice touch that she wouldn't have thought of, though she goes for what she knows she likes and dribbles the honey all over the her bowl, then pops one in her mouth and chews on in uncharacteristically slowly with a false smile on her lips. She'd feel better soon, it was just going to take a number of minutes first.

Callie closes her eyes, silently says a prayer to The Lady as she eats her first strawberry, and listens carefully with her spirit for a reply. She doesn't expect the actual words to come into her mind, but she *is* seeking some sense of... reassurance. She needs to know that this is going to turn out okay. When she opens her eyes again, it's with a warm, even teasing smile. She takes hold of one of Amethine's strawberries, and holds it up to her friend's lips, waiting for her to take a bite of it.

Amethine felt at least a bit more peaceful now, the fire was cozy, the blankets soft, the strawberries sweet and her friend comforting. As she finishes her first strawberry, she's pretty much ready to enjoy a nice evening between two friends. She's about to reach for another strawberry when her eyes widen as she spots Callie had already lifted one out to her. With a moment's confusion she relaxes into a much more genuine smile and slowly takes a bite, letting her teeth sink through the fruit while almost breathing a laugh or giggle. There was no way she could be mad at Callie, she didn't understand Vulpine culture, for all Amethine knew this was way more intimate and meaningful to Callie than sex would have been for her. She chews her deliciously sweet and juicy treat with a soft smile, staring back at her friend.

Callie grins and gives a soft laugh when Amethine takes the bite of strawberry, and then she pushes the rest of it a little further so that Ammey could eat the other half. When she did, Callie would be able to feel the catperson's lips with her index and middle fingers. Callie traces those lips gently with the bottoms of her fingers, and leans in, giving her a tender kiss, tasting the honey on Ammey.

Amethine fealt lifted seeing Callie laugh like that, and happily accepts the rest of the strawberry, smiling quite a bit as Callie gently ran her fingers around her lips, but mostly because it was rather ticklish. Then Callie leans in again, and again their lips lock in a kiss and Amethine can't help it, a small, desperate whine escapes her during it. Her eyes open wide when she realizes she made the noise, she was being teased so much with these kisses and it was only the respect for her friend that prevented her from asking, almost begging for more.

As Callie kisses Amethine, she feels an incredible sense of peace, and she realizes that she had made a mistake by not accepting Amethine's advances a few minutes earlier. Yes, Callie has the restaurant as locked down as one can get on a night like this, but she had failed to trust The Lady. Surely, making love with a dear friend, partially for The Lady's glory, would ensure that Shuka Triesta would watch over the both of them and give them protection. And besides, if Callie dies while having sex, then that's just the way she goes, and she can think of far worse ways. Callie continues kissing her dear friend, and she moves the two bowls of strawberries out of the way, breaking the kiss just long enough to cast Elemental Craft and create a cover for both bowls so that the strawberries won't attract ants. Then she delves back in for another kiss, and this time, gives Ammey the tongue.

Amethine was almost ready to pull back, bracing herself for when the kiss was broken again, but Callie keeps going. Somewhere far and distance Amethine can feel that the bowls were being pushed aside, and after just the shortest moments to catch her breath, to try and make sense of it, but then Callie starts kissing her again, and harder, she can finally now feel her vixen friend's tongue slipping in and it's met with Amethine's own, the catgirl finally getting to taste and play with their tongues, a sign of more to follow and she eagerly joins in. Amethine makes the same desperate whine as before, but of confused happiness, as though questioning if this is actually happening now. Amethine felt elated, happy, if there was anybody she wanted to do this with, it was Callie.

Callie spends a good couple of minutes with her tongue in Amethine's mouth, wrestling with that of her catperson's, and after a moment, she takes the lead, claiming victory over Amethine's tongue, and she begins to explore inside her friend's mouth. As she does this, she traces her hands against Amethine's back-- one against the back of the woman's neck, the other against the small of her back. Strong fingers delve into those points.

Amethine moans softly as Callie assaults her tongue so greedily, and after some blissful minutes Amethine feels the vulpine start to become more assertive, they still kiss each other ravenously but now her tongue is more docile, acquiescing her mouth to Callie. When the vulpine leans in that little bit to take charge, Amethine almost instinctively slides herself forward a little so that she's more underneath Callie, propping herself up on her hands but allowing some of her weight to rest on Callie's fingers at her neck and back, moaning softly again. Callie was clearly showing herself to be the more experienced here and Amethine was definitely more than willing to let her take control, they may disagree on slavery, but sexual submission? Amethine wouldn't dare admit it out loud, but there was no denying that there were certain fantasies in her imagination that were more than just a little exciting to her, and most of them involved being submissive in some way; which would have been mostly innocent until a chance encounter with a bard brought the desire for bondage and other such extremes into her mind. These lingering thoughts were pushed to the side though, for now, Amethine focused on the moment, and in this moment, her foot was grazing along Callie's thigh slowly and sensually.

Callie finds herself sliding atop of Amethine, and within a few minutes, in an orderly fashion, the fox has slid off both women's clothing. Breaking the kiss, Callie stands up and takes Amethine into a bridal carry, bringing her into the customer bedroom and using her own bare foot to close the door behind them. She sets Ammey down on her back on the bed, and gazes at the woman's body for really the first time.

Amethine marveled at the skill used in disrobing them both so effortlessly, she even managed to keep her straps and belts wound about her dress like the way she took off her dress, which usually involves a lot more wiggling. Amethine's feet dangle cutely during the lift, her head resting against Callie's warm, soft breast. When lain on the bed the catgirl doesn't move to much, save for getting slightly more comfortable, her feet flat so that her knees are raised slightly, legs parted and her arms up by her head, showing Callie everything. Aside from maybe a few cuts or scrapes along her limbs from wandering about in the woods, her skin was smooth and unblemished with no scars or marks to speak of. She was quite lithe and her soft breasts lay semi-flat on her chest, nipples quite stiff. There was not a hair to be found save for a small groomed patch of pubis, and Amethine's face was flush with arousal as she was being treated to Callie in all her vulpine glory. Amethine's tail was flicking about on the bed between her legs quite excitedly. "You... are quite beautiful...!"

Callie murrs softly at Amethine's comment and says to her, "You're very lovely yourself, Ammey." She does a slow 360-degree turn for Ammey's amusement, and after completing it, Callie says, "Mmm... I thank The Lady for having met you, Amethine. You're already such a dear friend. Bless us, shuka triesta; look down upon us with love."

Amethine can't help but giggle softly when Callie turns for her, and just has to lift herself up on her helbows and raise a foot to let the vulpine's many tails brush past it as she spins. She looks a little confused at hearing 'shuka triesta' but still smiles warmly as she responds "And I you Callie, I'm so happy to meet someone as wonderful as you!". For the first time tonight, her ears are relaxed and still, though her tail is still quite swishy.

Callie smiles warmly at Amethine, and climbs into bed with her, lying alongside the catperson. And then she begins to kiss her lips, very gently at first, but with increasing passion as she feels the heat building up in her. Callie takes the flats of her fingernails and strokes them against Ammey's breasts, but even as the two of them begin their foreplay, Callie is attentive, through the Elemental Servants well-placed around CVC, to make sure that the two of them are safe tonight.

Amethine turned onto her side to properly look at Callie as she crawls up beside her and leans into the kiss, smiling all the while. The catgirl's hand reaches up to brush through Callie's hair and gently slides down her cheek, neck and arm as she feels a tingling feeling on her breasts from the cool fingernails sliding along them. Amethine lifts a leg to let her foot and lower shin slide along Callie's leg, doing what she can to be as sensual as possible. She didn't have a lot of experience at this so was trying her best to be as stimulating as she could, which was difficult because she was really quite getting into the kiss, still tasting a hint of strawberry from earlier.

Callie lets out a soft murr into the kiss when she feels the younger woman's toes stroking her leg, and she wraps one of her arms around Amethine, stroking at about the middle of her back. Breaking the kiss finally, Callie smiles warmly at her dear friend, and touches her forehead to that of the catperson in an affectionate gesture.

Amethine feels quite encouraged by the noise Callie made at her foot stroking, and keeps it going even as one of Callie's arms wraps around her, stopping only when the kiss is broken. Amethine smiles back and when Callie touches her forehead to the catgirl's own, she gives a soft, happy little sigh of contentment, moving her arm around to her friend's back to in a gentle hug as she rests the weight of her head against Callie's. Amethine was quite peacefully happy, there may be evil raging outside but here in this bed, both of them could enjoy a sweet moment of bliss.

Callie smiles at the way Amethine sighs, and she takes the hand that had been stroking her breast, and puts it atop the catperson's head, lightly stroking the woman's dark-brown hair. She kisses the bridge of Ammey's nose, and then licks it, just to be silly. Then she kisses Amethine's forehead. "I like the little noises you're making," she says.

Amethine has quite the little smile of her own on her lips, being just so happy at this moment. Amethine was about to run her own hand along Callie's side to smoothly slide down and around a breast when her nose is kisses, which elicits a small "Hm.." of enjoyment, then a surprised "mngh?" followed by many blinks at the lick, rounded off with another little sigh, "Well, I like the way you lick!". She sounded quite silly, as though she were arguing in the silliest argument ever. With that said, her hand does indeed move around to Callie's breast, tracing the soft line between red and white fur to softly feel and caress the breast, her fingertips gently pressing into the flesh underneath her friend's soft fur.

Callie lets out a soft murr of delight as she feels her breast played with, and she says to her, "Mmm... loving it. Use your other hand to stroke one of my tailbases. Just like with catpeople, stroking vulpine tailbases feels really good." The vixen grins and kisses Ammey again on the lips, parting them with her tongue and teasing the inside of Amethine's mouth.

Amethine lets out a soft "..oh!" at Callie's suggestion, she didn't even think about that! She usually avoids her own tailbase because of just how debilitatingly pleasant it feels when massaged, but maybe that's the point? The catgirl shifts a little closer so that her other hand can continue the soft fingertip presses and strokes while her other hand makes its way down Callie's side and back. Amethine opens her mouth willingly, letting her own tongue feel Callie's as her hand reaches the many tail-bases; it felt a little strange that there was more than one tail there, but it didn't stop Amethine picking 3 of them with her fingers and, gently at first, start to press into them and massage them, softly digging and moving her fingers in just the same way the catgirl knows would drive herself crazy with pleasure and hoped a similar effect could be achieved in her friend.

Callie gasps into the kiss when Ammey starts working those fingers into three of her tailbases; she hadn't anticipated that the catperson would do more than one tailbase at a time, and it feels... wonderful. The fox curls her bare toes and strokes them against Ammey's ankles as she closes her eyes and again silently prays blessings to The Lady while kissing Amethine.

Amethine opens her eyes at the gasp, fearing she did something wrong, but then she feels Callie stroking her ankle in a similar way to how she had stroked Callie's leg earlier and feels encouraged to continue. The catgirl is, if anything, eager to please, and closes her eyes again as she starts to strongly massage the tail-bases with her fingers, deliberately using small circular movements that work so very well on her own tailbase, Amethine's tongue sliding past Callie's to feel and explore the vulpine's mouth now.

Callie isn't surprised by the fact that Amethine knows how to stroke her tails so well; Ammey has a tail of her own, of course. Callie withdraws her tongue from the catperson's mouth and allows her friend to go roaming inside the fox's mouth, while letting out soft little moans and moving a hand to gently caress the midsection of Ammey's tail, which, if she's like most catpeople, isn't quite as sensitive as her tailbase.

Amethine moans softly herself when her own tail is played with, it was twitching occasionally in Callie's grasp but not enough to break free. It's true that her tail itself isn't nearly as sensitive as her tailbase, but it was still quite pleasant to have it stroked and caressed with knowing fingers. The catgirl's tongue was eagerly roaming in Callie's mouth, tasting and exploring as her hands continued to stimulate both breast and tailbases, the hand on Callie's breast now rolling a thumb around and over the nipple, teasing it.

After another couple minutes of the kiss, with the two women exchanging strokes of tails, Callie breaks the kiss and pulls her head back a little bit. Then, speaking a word of Ancient Vulpani, she wiggles her fingers just so and presses her palms together, before pulling her hands apart. A double-ended dildo, 14 total inches long, forms in Callie's hands. It's made of opaque hard water surrounded by a thick membrane. One side of it is blue, and is pockmarked and ridged. The other side is pink, and is very smooth, almost like glass.

Amethine was quite into the kiss and almost let her head fall forwards when Callie broke it, then she blinks a few times and regains her composure somewhat, some of their mixed saliva clinging to her lips. She responds with a small "Wha...?" at the strange sound of Ancient Vulpani, but then she recognizes the object forming in Callie's hands and makes a rather interested "...oh!", she had seen a similar spell before but not one based on water, and she just can't help herself, her curiosity is truly her downfall as she has to reach up with a hand and slide a finger down the length from one side to the other.

Callie grins. "Yeah, you know what this is, but you don't yet know what I can do with it. You'll find out, though." Callie laughs lightly, and takes hold of the pink end of the dildo, giving it a small lick on the tip before slipping it between her lips and giving it a thorough once-over with her mouth. Then she slips it out, and begins to trace that pink end down Ammey's body. When she reaches the area just above her crotch, Callie looks into Ammey's eyes as if asking permission. And she is.

Amethine raises her eyebrows a little a this, a small smile of excited wonder on her lips. From most others that statement could be considered almost theatening, but Amethine just smiles, watching Callie teasing stroke it all the way down her body, and then when she stops Amethine looks back up to see Callie staring quite intently back, and offers a reassuring smile before looking back down. She was absolutely far too curious, and aroused, to even consider not letting Callie continue!

Callie slips the pink end of the dildo inside Ammey's sex, and begins to push it back and forth. Every now and then, Callie twists it, and the marvel of what she has done slowly begins to reveal itself. As Callie uses the pink end of the dildo on her friend, it gradually changes form, becoming just as pockmarked, ridged, and tight as the blue end is. It's adapting itself to match the inner topography of Amethine's vagina, causing her even more pleasure. It's practically a mold of Ammey's sex, but it produces its own lubrication.

Amethine had lifted a leg to allow Callie easier access, and when she feels the glass-like object glide in she sighs expectedly, so happy to finally get the stimulation she so desperately craved earlier, humming a soft moan to herself as the object is slid in and out with a couple of twists for good... "...ooh? Oooohh..! Oohhh what? Oh! Oohh my!" Amethine could feel it changing, shifting shape, filling her up much more fully than she could have though possible! She shifts onto her back, legs open wide to stare down through her breasts at Callie's hand moving around down there, her soft moaning sounding a lot more excited now. "By all that's...! It's... changing to fit me?". She looks to Callie with a look of curious wonder on her face, as though wondering if the much better sensations that she's feeling is actually intended.

Callie grins lasciviously and replies, "Mmm-hmm. It's not doing it automatically, either-- I'm feeling the feedback from it and making a series of tiny adjustments myself. And once I've got it fully set, I'll be able to create it from scratch in its final form. Mmm, what do you think? Is making love to a water mage every bit as wonderful as you hoped it would be?" Before Ammey can answer, Callie kisses her gently on the lips, and then pulls back, resting the side of her right head against a pillow as she awaits Amethine's reply.

Amethine emits a small "Mmmh.." at the kiss, then looks between Callie and her hand a few times. Then is about to respond when the dildo shifts slightly "Aaahh..! Ooohhohoo..!" the catgirl's face is bright red, looking very flushed with passion, then she gulps and looks into Callie's strikingly green eyes with her own mismatched ones, and says in a voice loaded with lustful passion "Can... I sleep over more often...?"

Callie giggles at Ammey's question, and kisses her on the forehead. Then she places the catperson on her back, climbs atop of her, and inserts the blue end of the dildo into her own snatch. As one might expect, her side of the dildo has already been well-fitted to the fox's vagina; that's why it looked so different from the original pink side. "Mmmm, okay," she says with a chuckle, finally responding verbally to Ammey's question. "But I can't promise I'll *always* be in a sexy mood, you know."

Amethine blinks as Callie moves her into position, and smiles a sultry smile as she watches Callie slide onto her own end, vaguely wondering just how much that end's seen use but looks into Callie's eyes before wrapping her hands around Callie's neck to lift herself into another little kiss on the lips, then flops back down on the pillow. "Maybe not.. but I'll be happy to help if you want to be...!". She still held on with her arms, but it was a loose grasp, more like an affectionate, loose embrace rather than any kind of hold.

Callie grins at that and gives Amethine another kiss on the lips before breaking it and saying, "You've got a great sense of humor. Making love to you is so fun." Taking more of the dildo into herself, Callie begins to thrust her hips back and forth, and she wraps her arms around the back of Ammey's neck, keeping her a little pinned.

Amethine smiles as she gives a soft giggle at the rather unique compliment. But then Callie starts to move in earnest and Ammey leans back into Callie's arms with her eyes closed in a passionate moan, willing herself to be pinned to encourage Callie to continue, her own hips buck into Callie's a little at first, giving small gasps and moans of pleasure at the amazing toy inside her, but quickly finds Callie's pace and tries to match, moving the dildo in Callie as much as in her. The grip on Callie's neck is a bit tighter now, not wanting it to stop anytime soon.

Callie slowly increases the pace of their lovemaking over the course of the next seven or eight minutes, the fox showing not only tremendous restraint but also wonderful stamina. Vulpines are well-known for their prowess in bed, and for good reason. The Lady has blessed them with amazing bodies that possess a superior metabolism and cardiovascular endurance. In addition, Callie works hard to keep herself in great shape, because sex is not only one of her favorite activities, but it's an act of worship, and all acts of worship, be they sexual or non-sexual, deserve the best that Callie can give to The Lady.

Amethine was keeping up with Callie's pace quite well, and as the minutes passed she began to realize that Callie wasn't slowing, but wasn't speeding up either, she was keeping a nice steady rhythm. She had one night stands that had finished by now, but not her, this promised to be a long night to remember. "Ooohhh fuck yes..!" is all Amethine can muster to say as she hooks her legs up and around Callie, resting her heels at her tail-bases, giving them a nice little rubbing as the vulpine relentlessly pumped that dildo into them both, urging her onwards. Amethine was quite glad to be at the bottom, she doubted she could give her friend the performance she so clearly deserved.

When Callie feels Amethine's bare feet touching her tails, the vixen grins; she's always been quite the foot-fetishist, and feeling Ammey's feet touching such an erogenous zone of her body is really turning Callie on. "Mmmm, I'm gonna speed up a little," she warns her friend, just a few seconds before doing so. The vixen kisses Ammey a little more roughly than usual, and then she breaks the kiss and begins licking and kissing at her friend's neck.

Amethine opens her eyes, she got quite the reaction out of Callie! Whether it was lifting her legs, or pressing her feet and heels at Callie's tail bases she wasn't quite sure, but decides there's nothing wrong with grabbing one of those tails between her feet and gentle pulling down, sliding the soles of her feet along a tail before starting again with another. "Hhh...! Don't.. restrain yourself or, hold back... not for my benefit...!" is her response to Callie's warning, she wasn't really against rougher play, but like most things in life, Ammey was curious, this time curious to see just how far Callie could go! When she does speed up, the catgirl lets out a long moan, nuzzling her chin toward's Callie's head as she licks and kisses her neck.

Callie doesn't reply to that comment, at least not verbally, but her hands are put into action, her right hand stroking Ammey's left breast and tweaking at the nipple, while her left hand moves down to the woman's tailbase. She smiles, knowing exactly what this is doing to Amethine, and she feels heat building up inside her, along with the understanding that she won't be able to go much longer without experiencing her first orgasm of the night.

Amethine responds quite vigorously to Callie's hands, more than would be expected. Amethine had been keeping her hands away from herself to try and last longer, but with Callie going for her sweet spots, her willpower breaks down and, with her feet still trying to awkwardly play with those tails, she lets go of her friend's neck she was holding onto and moves her hands down to her crotch, all semblance of self-control gone as she mashes her joy-button desperately, her left hand grabbing and squeezing at the nearest possible Callie breast dangling over her. "CalliiIEEEEEEEEEEHHH!!!!" is the only warning as the catgirl very quickly cums, hard! Her whole body convulsing from such a long pent-up need. She locks her legs tight around Callie's waist, preventing them from seperating until Amethine relaxes.

Callie groans excitedly as she hears Ammey's cry of delight, screaming the fox's name so loudly that she could be heard all the way in the Celestial Realm, probably, even if The Lady wasn't actively listening in. The fox's orgasm isn't far behind, but given the fact that Ammey has gripped her waist so tightly with her legs, she has to do something else other than thrusting. Fortunately, Callie has another trick in her back pocket. She reaches down to the dildo and modifies it again, and two tendrils appear, with their bases in the middle of the dildo, going in opposite directions. Each tendril comes to a rest on one of the women's clitorises, and begins to massage it in a slow but tight circle, as if the tendril were an actual living thing. It's just enough to push Callie over the top. "Ahhh, goddess... mmmmm, shuka triesta... AMETHINE!" She cries out, and looks passionately down at her friend's face as she comes hard.

Amethine immediately straightens her legs as soon as feels her clit played with without her touching it this time with a shocked gasp of passion, allowing Callie to get a last few thrusts in before the catgirl feels the vulpine also orgasm. Amethine looks at her friend with a dreamy smile, eyes half-open from her own orgasmic high and lays limp beneath Callie, legs flopping onto the bed. She can't think of words, she just lies there, quickly recovering from her blissful state. Being quite amorous creatures, catgirls like Amethine can be easy to arouse again rather quickly, especially with one they like unless it's clear in their mind that the festivities have concluded; and Amethine looks quite blissfully happy right now.

Callie pulls the dildo out of the both of them, and as she slides upward so that she can be alongside Ammey, she keeps hold of the magnificent toy that she's created. Both sides of the dildo are still quite slick with the lovers' sex juices, and Callie smiles lasciviously as she presents the dildo for Amethine's inspection. The tendrils are still attached, allowing Ammey to see them for the first time-- and she's also seeing the topographical map of the pink side of the dildo for the first time. Then, with a wink, Callie licks the tip of the pink side, tasting her friend's essence.

Amethine gasps and sighs as she feels the wonderfully wet fullness slide out of her, seemingly quite out of energy, though this does little to stop her curiosity as she leans on an elbow to get a proper look at the device that was just inside her, marvelling at the different shapes and textures of the two sides, and those tendrils which causes her eyes to widen at first, reaching up to gently feel one of the tendrils coming from the middle of the dildo. Then Callie licks her end, and with a smile mimicking her friend's, Amethine scoots closer to reach up and lick the blue end. With the way she's reaching with her head, and her back arched just so, she's inadvertently looking very submissive in this pose, and whether deliberate or not, she gives one long lick along the blue end, smacking her lips a little before murmuring "Mmmh... you know, I think I might prefer the source...?". A small suggestion to continue to please her friend, all semblence of fatigue gone, as one of her hands grazes along Callie's stomach, heading lower, though giving her friend plenty of time to refuse.

Callie grins at that, but says, "Let's take a short break. We need to eat those strawberries, still." She hesitates to add these next few sentences, but it's a dangerous night and she needs to say it: "Everyone's been steering clear of CVC this evening. I've got an Elemental Servant bird flying throughout the town, and she's seen neither hide nor hair of a single person since your arrival."

Amethine leans over to rest her head on Callie's stomach, staring up at her friend through those white-furred breasts with a big soft smile on her face, the previous tiredness suddenly back. Amethine does look a little concerned though at the extra sentences "Well that's, surely a good thing, if all of the Moriel's are nearer the more populated areas? ...". She was about to say something else, about her she must have been distracted even during their passionate lovemaking, but Amethine says nothing and instead silently resolved to return on a night when Callie can devote all of her attention on either pleasing Amethine, or letting the catgirl please her! She doesn't get up immediately, and when Callie speaks up or motions to move, the catgirl would moan cutely and nuzzle into her friend's stomach fur a little, but otherwise not move. "Mmnnn...! Five more minutes...!"

Callie giggles and pushes off slowly, saying, "You're... not... making this easy!" But she does free herself from Amethine's embrace. "Mmm, I wanna change locations, anyway. The customer bedroom is nice, but it lacks some of the homey touches that make my bedroom, my bedroom."

Amethine is, in true cat-like fashion, very surprisingly difficult to shift from the warm fuzzyness of that tummy, but with enough effort does eventually move, where she rolls onto her front and kick her legs and tail in the air playfully. ".. 'homey touches'..? Like what? Ooh.. do you have more toys or gadgets?". Amethine sounded quite excited by the prospect.

"Hm maybe," Callie says. "You'll have to come with me to find out." Callie hands the double-ended dildo to Ammey, and then departs the room, quite deliberately shashaying her hips and swaying her five tails behind her. As she passes the living room, she uses her Telekinesis spell to float the two bowls of strawberries, which have elementally-crafted covers on them, up into her hands. She climbs the stairs, giving Ammey a nice view of her soles.

Amethine takes the dildo and runs it through her fingers a few times, feeling the unique-ness of both sides that's still wet from them both, then shakes her head and quickly follows. Her refractory period is pretty short and is already quite eager to continue, watching the strawberries fly into Callie's hand, she really has to learn that spell sometime soon, and dutifully follows Callie closely. The movement of her tails could be quite hypnotizing but she spots something, her friend's feet are moving a bit strangely, as though showing the soles off deliberately. Amethine gets quite a number of ideas, only some of which are quite wicked and, with a smirk, follows Callie into her own private room.

Callie's bedroom is about half again as big as the customer bedroom, and comes with a king-sized bed with blue sheets; a circular table with two chairs and an unlit lantern; a desk with a chair, filing cabinet, and unlit lantern; a walk-in closet; a chest of drawers; an altar with a statuette of The Lady flanked by two long candlesticks; and an end table with drawers and an unlit lantern. Callie casts her Dawn's Early Light spell to provide enough light to see by, sets the strawberry bowls on the table, and goes around the room lighting all the lanterns and candles in the room with flint and tinder. Then she cancels her Dawn's Early Light spell.

Amethine looks around at the furnishings, it's certainly more than what she purchased from Abby at The Works. The catgirl "Oooohh..."'s at the spell that illuminates the room exactly as though an early morning sunshine had just suddenly arisen, but then when the spell fades the room becomes a bit darker, but still well illuminated from the lanterns and candles; though the soft flickering flames causing the shadows to dance does set a better ambience. The catgirl stands naked in the middle of the room, watching Callie and not really knowing where she should sit, her own tail swishing away behind her.

Callie sits down at the circular table, at the chair facing the door, and gestures for Ammey to sit across from her. She uncovers the strawberry bowls, and takes hold of one of Amethine's strawberries, which is drizzled in honey. "Now, where were we?" she asks. Callie pushes the berry forward towards the catperson's mouth.

Amethine takes the offered seat and giggles, accepting the strawberry by running her tongue all around it to lick the dripping honey before sinking her teeth into it, being just far enough to be able to also give Callie's fingertips the smallest of kisses.

Callie giggles softly when she feels Ammey's lips lightly kissing her fingers, and then she places her own fingers into her mouth, tasting the strawberry, honey, and yes, the erotic aftermath of their first time having sex. "Mmmm," Callie says. "Now feed me one of mine. I think we're gonna need all the energy we can get tonight."

Amethine 's eyes light up a little as she chews on her strawberry, finally swallowing it. "We are...?" is said in an almost seductive tone, which feels a little strange to Ammey since she's not used to using such a tone. She takes a couple of Callie's strawberries that are dusted in sugar and holds them up to Callie between her fingers, the double ended dildo resting on the table as she leans over to reach Callie.

Callie nods in reply to that question, and opens her mouth, deftly sucking the strawberries inside and giving Ammey's fingers a light lick before slowly masticating the sweetened fruits. "Something to consider for later," Callie says after swallowing the strawberries. "Have you ever had yatava tea before?"

Amethine almost giggles from the tickling sensation of Callie's tongue licking her fingers, but lifts up another strawberry for Callie, and at the comment to consider, she pops one of her own honeyed strawberries into her mouth. Though her expression shifts to curiosity as her head tilts to the side slightly. "Yatava...? No, no I don't think so... why? What is it?"

"Yatava is an odorless, tasteless herb that imparts energy to many different races, including yours and mine, when consumed in certain ways," Callie says. "It's not an aphrodisiac, though, and it's non-addictive. A lot of vulpines put it in flavored tea, and consume it as part of our worship rituals-- or for a quick pick-me-up in the middle of a long day."

Amethine turns her head to the side somewhat, still keeping both eyes on Callie, an almost knowing smile dawning on her lips. "Or... for long nights...?". She hadn't come across such a herb before, perhaps it wasn't native to the areas that she's explored? Amethine was certainly most intrigued now!

"Now you've got it," Callie says with a grin. "I'm not surprised you haven't heard of yatava; it's native to swamps, of all places. There are a couple species of small swamp lizard that like to consume it. Fortunately, a little yatava goes a long way, so we can leave them plenty of yatava to eat while still having enough for ourselves and other sapient species."

Amethine nods in understanding "Swaaaamps... yeah I avoided them mostly. Though... shouldn't be too difficult to cultivate in a greenhouse or something... I should look into that!". She was easily distracted by the prospect of new plants to play with, and forgot why she was even in Callie's bedroom to begin with. Then a look of quick shock as she remembers. "Uh... but maybe not right now...? Hehe.."

"Oh, yeah, of course not now," Callie says with a grin. She raises another honey-glazed strawberry up to Ammey's lips. "You know... I should give ya a little bit of yatava herb to play around with, see what you can mix out of it. Might make some fascinating results. I do *not* recommend giving it to most animals, though. It'll just make them hyper."

Amethine eagerly takes the strawberry, but not without giving Callie's fingers a quick lick as they pull away, nodding in agreement, coming up with all kinds of ideas. But then she stops dead, and stares at Callie when she says the word 'hyper'. Then smiles quite mischevously. "You realize, the first thing I want to do now is see what happens when Airy tries some?"

Callie laughs. "Oh, goddess. I see one of two possibilities. Either she'll flit so fast across the room that she'll break the sound barrier... or nothing will happen at all, because Hyper Airy doesn't look any different than Regular Airy." Callie leans in and kisses Amethine on the nose, and then pulls back.

Amethine giggles a little, then her ears wiggle happily at the kiss and she smiles back to Callie, holding up one of her friend's strawberries. "I'd certainly be hoping for the former!", her mischievous little mind is already concocting ways on administering the herb to Airy surreptitiously. The catgirl probably won't act on any of them, but it's still fun to think about.

Callie chuckles again, and takes a bite out of the offered strawberry, splitting it neatly in half. "If you feel you *must* feed her some yatava tea, do it well away from CVC or any imperial property, okay?" She grins and takes a bite out of the other half of the strawberry, her ears fully perked up, enjoying the flirting.

Amethine giggles a lot more. "What about the musical instrument place for Bards? You know how perfect that sounds!". She looks at the strawberry half she's holding and pulls it back and holds it as though she's about to gently toss it like a basketball, implying she wants to see if she can't land it right in Callie's mouth; Amethine is having the best time right now.

Callie opens her mouth as wide as she can, wanting to see if Ammey can score a goal between her lips. Her five tails are swaying happily behind her in a very friendly manner, and her eyes seem to be glowing in the light of the room.

Amethine takes a couple of seconds to aim and, trusting her natural dexterity, gives the strawberry a nice high and dramatic arc through the air, and it clips the upper lip of Callie's mouth, then hits her bottom row of teeth and rolls in. Amethine looks quite pleased with the result and her ears and tail both wiggle about playfully as a result! "Heehee!"

As the strawberry is thrown through the air, Callie keeps her mouth open wide and doesn't move, but her eyes catch the trajectory of the berry the entire way until it falls from sight. She's quite surprised when it lands in her mouth, and the fox bites through the strawberry and swallows it. "I'm beginning to think there's no limit to the wonders you can perform," she says.

Amethine gets all shy and blushes from the compliment. "Aw don't say that... I just have good hand-eye coordination! It's one of the perks of being cat-like, I mean, I can follow Airy's flitting movements no problem, no matter how dizzy she tries to make me!". She offers a shy little smile and pops one of her own strawberries in her mouth.

"I can *generally* follow her around too," Callie says, taking a bite of one of her strawberries. "At the very least, I can hear her coming into the restaurant, because the fae door's bell is slightly higher-pitched than the double doors. I originally designed that for a dear friend of mine, Fayetta, who came in all the time and was briefly one of my employees. She left the empire awhile back, but I have fond memories of her."

Amethine tilts her head to the side a little, ears folding back a bit in sympathy "Aw... well I hope she's doing okay." She had popped another of her honeyed strawberries in her mouth, and didn't want to touch Callie's arm consolingly with her sticky fingertips, so instead chose to gently rub her foot up and down Callie's leg, unaware if her actions could have a rather different meaning.

"I'm sure she is," Callie says. After a moment, Callie's eyes grow serious, and she says, "Can I be honest with you for a moment, Ammey? At the risk of ruining the afterglow?" She doesn't know if Amethine is really ready to hear what she has to say, but the catperson deserves an explanation.

Amethine leans back a bit in surprise, her foot moving back to under her chair. "Oh...! Uh, of course Callie. You can tell me anything.". She felt that things had gotten serious now, and was almost afraid she had done something wrong, but was giving her friend her full attention, staring at her green eyes with her own mismatched ones.

Callie takes a few breaths before speaking, and doesn't grab another strawberry. "There were a few brief minutes here tonight during which I'd decided not to make love to you this evening. Just as I decided to grab some food for us. I felt it would be... taking advantage of your vulnerability. I mean, you literally got here because you were running for your life. You came to the only place you could where you knew you'd be protected, and... I didn't want that protection to seemingly come with a price, you know?"

Amethine felt a twinge in her heart at that. That could not have been easy for her to say, but Callie really seemed to have the catgirl's best intentions at heart. Amethine pushes her chair back and stands up as though to leave, and suddenly with great speed and dexterity, moves around the table in one sudden fluid motion to grab Callie into a big tight naked hug. "Aw you silly vulpine...! You're so great! If I didn't really and truly want to do it I wouldn't have agreed to it so far! You're one of my best friends Callie, I wouldn't have done anything to hurt that friendship!". She plants a big silly kiss on Callie's cheek before continuing. "You'd be surprised how often I'm running for my life, honestly a night of debauchery is a great way for a catgirl like me to feel better after it!". She was hugging so tight, lying in Callie's lap, so very thankful for such a friend.

Callie's heart sinks for a moment, but just a moment, as Amethine stands up. She thinks this is it, she's just driven that catgirl away. And then before she knows it, Ammey is in her lap and hugging her. The vixen smiles, and wipes aaway a couple tears of joy when she hears what her friend has to say. "Ah, I'm so relieved," she says after a moment. "Another part of it was that I didn't know how well I could protect you with my minions while my real self was... you know, otherwise occupied. But I decided that I'd prepared as best I could, and I'd leave the rest up to The Lady. I know how much She cares for me; my status as a Musha Villa is evidence enough. Would She allow us to be hurt on a night like this, knowing that sex is a form of worship for me? I think not."

Amethine giggles when Callie mentions her relief and she continues to huggle the vulpine, nuzzling into her soft fur. "Well I mean the door's locked tight and shop-type places are usually harder to bust into than other places so it really is unlikely for anybody to...", then something clicks, and she pulls away a bit to look at Callie's face properly. " is a form of worship for you? Really?". She sounded genuinely surprised, Amethine knew little about The Lady and had no idea about any of this.

Callie gently breaks the embrace and gives a non-verbal cue that she wishes to stand up; when she's free to do so, she walks over to the shrine she has here in her bedroom. Tall white, lit, candlesticks flank a statuette of The Lady, which is painted gold and has ten tails. On the front of the altar is a ten-tailed starburst pattern, the insignia of triestan, the mainstream vulpine religion. She looks at The Lady's statuette for a moment and says, "The Lady has Three Tenets that She wants us to follow. Seek pleasure in all its forms, strive for self-improvement, and practice hospitality." She turns to face Amethine. "I fulfill all Three Tenets just in the running of the restaurant. Cooking food for people gives me pleasure; I work to improve the menu and recipes constantly; and obviously I provide hospitality. Worship through sex is a key part of the First Tenet."

Amethine gently slides off of Callie to let her stand up, and follows her to the shrine, peering at the detail in the statuette. She turns to Callie when she notices that the vulpine had turned to face her, and nods slowly in interest. "And self improvement of your water abilities too! So if.." Amethine turns back to the shrine. ".. you worship The Lady a lot... and sex is.." she turns back to Callie with a small smile, almost knowing smile on her face. "You must have quite a lot of experience then!"

"Oh, yes," Callie says with a warm smile. "I've been having sex fairly regularly since I was 18. In fact, the Verlosi Tribe provides sex education when one turns 18, and we mean that in a very literal sense. I was assigned a partner for classes, got a textbook, and everything." Callie chuckles. "Hikasha and I were nervous about our first time being in front of people, so we went out somewhere private and did it there first."

Amethine looked very surprised at this "Oh wow...! You had to do it in front of a class..? I.. I'm almost afraid to ask what you had learned in this education!". The catgirl was blushing just imagining the scenario, then looks around the room, almost mockingly. "Though I do wonder what you... preferred to learn about!", the catgirl's curiosity truly knew no bounds.

"Well, I had sex with guys, sex with girls, with a couple different species, and in groups," Callie says. "Did well on them, but I got stuck with a rather nasty partner for BDSM stuff, and I grew to hate being tied up. Still do. It used to give me panic attacks."

Amethine looked quite surprised at the casual description of her experience at this sex education, but her ears fold back sympathetically at her admitting her distaste for BDSM. The letters forcefully drew up recent memories for the catgirl, but she shoved them to the side for now with a slight shake of her head then focused her attention on Callie. "Aw that's terrible, does being restrained still cause panic attacks? Was it just that you couldn't move or.... or, would you rather not talk about it?", She sounded like she wanted to help Callie with it, but then remembered as she spoke that she didn't really have much right to pry like that. Callie had been alive for a long time, and Amethine figured that she could hardly have been the first person to offer help in that regard. There was also that part of her that was curiously fantasizing about it, but she shook that thought out again, silently cursing that Bard that she had met in the woods.

"I haven't done it for a long time, so... I couldn't say, and I'm not eager to find out," Callie says. She shrugs. "But anyway... I truly believe The Lady is looking down on us tonight, enjoying what She sees, and giving us Her protection. That doesn't mean I'll recall the Elemental Servants, of course, but I feel... relaxed. Confident. Wanted, and loved." Callie walks over to Amethine, and gives her a soft kiss on the lips.

Amethine 's eyes flutter a bit after the kiss that felt laden with love, all she can do for a couple of seconds is just blankly smile back at Callie; then thinks of something to say. "Well, if that's something you don't enjoy, then what DO you enjoy? The First Tenet's pleasure in all forms right? What can I do for you that would bring you the most pleasure?", Amethine continues to smile as her eyes adopt a more relaxed, welcoming look, with her tail swishing happily behind her.

"I think," Callie says with a grin, "that you mentioned earlier you might prefer the source. I believe we ought to test that theory. Mmmm, but first... we should pray to The Lady. Ask Her for Her continued protection. Rest assured, I'm remaining vigilant, but... I *know* in my heart that She's looking out for us, tonight of all nights."

Amethine blushes a little, she had forgotten she said that, not that she was complaining about Callie's impeccable memory. Though her request to pray to a goddess she didn't follow took her by surprise, though not as much as her suggestion at what they should do! "Oh..! Uh.. well, sure I guess! But uh... I wouldn't know the first thing to do... or say... I'm not even a vulpine like you or anything."

"It's okay," Callie says, smiling warmly. "I can do the praying for the both of us. The Lady loves all the races of the world, not just the one that She brought into existence." Callie takes Amethine by the hand and stands with her in front of The Lady's shrine. "Shuka triesta, Mother of All Vulpines, I love you and praise Your name. Please continue to provide Your Holy Protection on this dangerous night. Bless this time that I share together with my dear friend Amethine. Thank You for bringing her into my life. Keeshan."

Amethine hurriedly follows Callie back to the shrine and looks between Callie and the shrine repeatedly while Callie talks, then suddenly thinks that maybe she should bow her head in respect, so that's what she does. She starts blushing a bit more at the specific thanks of her meeting Callie, she certainly felt no divine presence when she first walked into the Inn, thogh her compass DID break randomly which caused her to... during this train of thought Amethine realizes Callie had stopped talking and quickly tries to make up for her wandering mind. "Oh..! Uhm Keeshan!", then she looks up at Callie to see what was to happen next.

Callie smiles at Ammey repeating the Vulpani benediction word, and she turns her head to the right and plants a gentle smooch on Amethine's left cheek. "You are... so amazing, my friend," she says, and she strokes Ammey's tail with her right tail. Then she leads her to the bed, and sits down upon it. "Come here, you."

Amethine 's ears flicker at the praise and the kiss, and follows Callie to the bed. At the request to 'come here' she at first doesn't know what to do, come where? She could kneel down or sit in her lap if she chose but decided on the safer option and sat down on the Vulpine's left, sitting quite close and looking up with a smile.

Callie leans in, places one of her hands on Amethine's cheek, and kisses her sweetly on the lips. After a moment, she gets onto her knees on the mattress and kisses her again, the vixen starting to really get into this, feeling the spirit moving her. Then she breaks the kiss, and laughs. "You know... it's a bit too bright in here, wouldn't you say?"

Amethine gently rubs one of Callie's tails as her cheek is carressed, returning the kiss tenderly, the catgirl then turns on the spot as Callie moves onto her knees, the movement makes Amethine almost stand off the bed now, using her hands to prop herself on it. She smiles warmly at her friend. "Mmmh... maybe a little, but I can see in the dark anyway it won't make that much difference to me."

"Hm, all the same..." Callie rises from the bed and blows out two of the three lanterns. The mood is much more romantic and sensual now. She doesn't waste time, and soon returns to the bed. "There," she says. She takes hold of Ammey and lies her down on the bed. The vixen lay down next to her, and begins to trail soft kisses around her face.

Amethine hums in approval as the light drops, but the room isn't plunged in total darkness, Amethine approves of the mood the light brings now. Amethine obediently lets Callie move her onto the bed properly, and moans softly as her face is peppered with kisses, Ammey taking the opportunity to rub her hand and foot up and down Callie's side, her hand rubbing quite close to, but not quite reaching the soft white fur of her chest just yet.

Callie lets out soft little "mmms" of pleasure at feeling Amethine's extremities touching her body, and in between kisses she speaks in Vulpani, words from one of Milana Serafin's romance adventure novels. Amethine wouldn't be able to understand it, except that every now and then, Callie speaks Amethine's name. It's as if she's replacing the character from the novel with Amethine herself.

Amethine raises an eyebrow slightly, wondering what Callie was yammering on about. She's saying the catgirl's name but isn't actually talking to her? It soon clicks that she might be fantasizing about that book she was reading earlier. Amethine couldn't remember any details from the book, but tried to make an educated guess; if Callie was fantasizing about it, perhaps she was putting herself in the role of the main character? If that was the case, what kind of person would the character romance, bearing in mind the novel is set against a civil war? If the heroine was an assertive and strong character, it would stand to reason that the chosen partner was more submissive, so how would this submissive character react to getting their face peppered with kisses? Eventually, with a moan, Amethine decides to hug Callie closer to her, pressing their bodies much closer together in a tight embrace, but with her slight movements makes it clear that it's up to Callie to either stay like thiss or roll them both over or do something else. It's around this time that Amethine thinks if she isn't overthinking things...

Callie places her side tails against Amethine's legs and continues to slowly, deeply kiss her friend, this time without pausing. She breathes in the scent of Amethine, and silently praises The Lady for bringing her into her life. Goddess, the warmth she's feeling is incredible. Lying next to Amethine is like lying in the sun on the first day of spring.

Amethine lifts her legs slightly, rubbing her feet and toes along Callie's legs while also letting those side-tails fully curl around her legs. Amethine wriggles a little to get comfy, not daring to break their kiss or embrace, yet subconsciously ensuring that the catgirl was slightly under Callie's slightly larger frame. Amethine was reveling in the deepness of their kiss, tongues dancing with each other as her hands slowly rubbed up and down Callie's back, keeping them tight. She couldn't remember when her breasts felt this warm, being so squished against Callie's own, but the feeling was exquisite to her.

After several long minutes of deep kissing, Callie begins to turn on top of Amethine's body, until they're in perfect 69 position. With one hand lightly stroking the toes of Amethine's left foot, and two of her tails caressing her stomach area, Callie finds the catgirl's sex and starts to work on it with her tongue. Ere long, a soft "mmm!" of happiness emerges from Callie's mouth.

Amethine looked a little confused when Callie broke off and made to move away, but then quickly understood what was happening, though a light giggle could be heard at first when her toes are stroked at, causing both of her feet to curl and move about cutely, though she didn't move her feet away from Callie's hands, allowing her to continue. The catgirl was practically dripping wet with all the foreplay, but she barely notices at first, being too enraptured by Callie's sex right in front of her. She had eagerly leaned in to rub her nose and tongue over it, breathing in the scent of Callie's arousal, but then a tongue is introduced to the catgirl's folds and this illicits a sudden strong moan of delight from Amethine, her warm breath washing all over Callie's sex, but the catgirl wastes little time and proceeds to lick and tease at the area at first, before attacking the clit and parting those lips to taste the vulpine directly. With the catgirl's hands free, she knows what to do with them, and soon Callie would feel massaged and scritches at all of her tail-bases, at once. The catgirl was quite relentless at this!

Callie pulls up from Amethine's pussy just long enough to murmur, "Ohhhh, goddess!" and then she redoubles her efforts, her tails swaying very slowly atop the women's nude forms, indicating Callie's deep arousal. The vixen's feet are on either side of Ammey's head, and every now and then she strokes her with the side of a toe. Callie raises her head long enough to look over at The Lady's altar, and the statuette flanked by the two lit candles. Whenever she has sex, she never forgets that it's a form of worship of her goddess, The Mother of All Vulpines.

Amethine doesn't have the self restraint to be able to pull away from Callie's folds, all she can do is hum a deep moan as she buries her tongue deep into Callie's hole, curling and moving her tongue to cause as much pleasure as she can. Amethine's legs open more on their own as Callie deepens her actions, which causes her own tail to pull free after being trapped under a leg, it now swishes to and fro in obvious arousal, or just happiness. Amethine switches occasionally from tongueing Callie to nibbling and suckling at her clitoris, the fact that the vulpine's juices were leaking all over her only heightened the catgirl's arousal, and she moaned deeply again.

Callie can feel herself dribbling onto Amethine and she's unashamed by it; this is exactly what she'd had in mind when assuming this position. It was a position requested earlier in the evening by Amethine, that the catgirl had had to wait for for a little while. And she's also getting her mouth and nose wet with Ammey's juices, to say nothing of the inside of her mouth and her tongue. Ahhhhh, fuuuuck, she's so excited, and getting close already to another orgasm. There's nothing quite like the feeling of another person's tongue on you, especially when it's someone you've come to care so deeply about.

Amethine was flying high in her own world of pleasure, she had had sex before, but to do so like this, with somebody she cared for was leauges more enjoyable! She was drinking as much of Callie's essence as she could, hungrily pressing herself as far as she could go. Amethine's hips were starting to buck gently into Callie's face, indicating that she was getting close to orgasm, and then Amethine gets an idea. Despite all of the wonderful sensations, and the glorious tongue of Callie's, the catgirl couldn't help but try and think of a way to make this even more enjoyable. she remembered the way Callie had lifted her feet as they walked upstairs, and she could definitely feel her toes gently rubbing against her head. So, with a smile, Amethine at last pulls free of her friend's sex and, with one hand poised to strike with the other still attacking what tail bases it could reach, the catgirl slides her fingers into Callie's pussy, fingering her feverishly as her thumb rubs the clit. At the same time, Ammey turns her head to the left, and nibbles at Callie's toes, running her very wet tongue all over and between them!

Callie's eyebrows raise when Ammey slips her mouth out of her sex, and then... then she feels the catperson's teeth on her toes! The unexpected movement almost causes Callie to kick Amethine right in the teeth; instead she recoils to prevent it. Pulling up, she says, "No... use a hand; I don't want to hurt you by mistake." Her feet can handle being stroked by those lovely, skilled digits, but they're far too ticklish to withstand being licked and nibbled at.

Amethine giggles a little at the reaction, her head quickly bobbed out of the way as soon as Callie's foot twitched, but only gives another lick or two before relenting and swaps her tongue for the fingers inside Callie's pussy. She lets out another giggle this time, but this giggle was of intent, a challenge was now offered and Ammey would at some point like to take that challenge, so see how long she can lick and suckle at Callie's toes before finally getting hit. The catgirl's curiosity will one day be her undoing, but for now at least, her much more agile fingers sroke and play with Callie's toes and soles of her feet as her tongue resumes draining all of the juice it can find within Callie's hole, now moaning softly again as her hips resume their gently bucking.

"Mmmmm, better," Callie says as she feels the switch, and then she goes right back to delving inside Amethine's pussy. Goddess, Ammey is so wet for her, and that fills Callie with pride. And Callie is happy with how she herself is so aroused for Ammey. Her toes and tails begin to curl and uncurl, and she closes her eyes, feeling herself trembling wildly.

Amethine did enjoy the taste of Callie's juices more certainly, but she wasn't deterred from attacking Callie's toes with nibbles. but that would have to wait as amethine then felt Callie's whole body treimbling a little. Was Callie about to hit orgasm? Anething didn't hesitate, and immediately tripled her efforts, thrustigng her own hips up and leaving herself propped up so that Callie could get into her better. She was so close now, and was quietly hoping they could hit orgasm together this time.

Callie's body vibrates with terrific excitement and she moves one of her hands down to rub vigorously onto Amethine's clit, her index and middle fingers pushing and moving in a circle, as she feels herself coming, and coming hard. She buries her tongue deep inside Ammey's sopping cunt, breathing in deeply the sweet scent, as her toes curl tightly.

Amethine was far too close to handle such a sudden surge of pleasure, she desperately moans into Callie's pussy, her voice muffled, within seconds the catgirl hits the point of no return and starts cumming hard as she cries out, rather muffles "ooohhcaaallIIIIEEEEE!!", gushing out her juices is a display of her extreme arousal for Callie. Though this was not before Amethine managed to mirror Callie's actions somewhat and use her fingers and numb to powerful effect, rubbing Callie's clit hard!

Hearing her name cried out to the heavens causes Callie to lift her head up and scream, "Ohhhh... AMMEEEEEEEEEEEY!" Her tails flump down towards the rest of her body, and she bumps her curled toes a few times against the soft mattress. Then, as she comes down off her orgasm, she flips onto her back and moves alongside Ammey, head-to-head.

Amethine had held her face there, a front row seat for Callie's orgasm and just before the strength in the vulpines arms gives out, the catgirl gives one last dutiful little lick before flopping back herself. Then she just lies there panting, mumbling deleriously from the orgasm, that was WAY more intense than earlier for her! Ammey just lazily rests her head into Callie's enjoying another small moment of silent intimacy, completely forgetting just how soaked her body was from Callie being above her.

Callie uses her Telekinesis to float the topsheet above them, puts her left arm over Amethine, and presses her forehead against that of her friend, smiling in gentle contentment. What a day this has been; what a rare mood she's in. Ammey had started this evening by running for her life into Callie's restaurant, and was going to end it in Callie's arms.

Amethine nuzzled close into Callie, hugging her tight as the blanket is drawn over them. The blanket kicks off a placebo effect for Ammey who, thanks to the post-orgasm exhaustion, had no trouble falling asleep quite quickly, but not before she leans up to kiss Callie on the lips again, tiredly, but very happily muttering "Thank you Callie...for everything...", she remembered how scared she was but that seemed so very long ago to her now. She was safe and warm, and only the slightest, tiniest bit guilty that Abby and Airy wouldn't actually know she wouldn't be returning to the cabin that night. Amethine displayed her total trust for Callie by falling asleep right there, half-hugging half-lying on top of the vulpine, with a very genuine smile on her face.

"Good night... Ammey," Callie murmurs, as she begins to doze off as well. But before she does, she casts Sleep Watch on herself and Ammey, just in case someone or something *does* manage to get past the formidable defenses she'd put up in the restaurant this evening. Thankfully, Callie doesn't have to be awake for her Elemental Servants to be working. And then she falls asleep, Ammey's contented face being the last thing she sees that night.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Checking in and Getting to Know Connor

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:36 am

The Lonely Inn
October 3, 2018
Callie and Connor
Also Naomi and Harmony
Feat. Maraqwai

Callie Volopa emerges from her room atop the stairs, looking gorgeous in her purple blouse with black and white trim, black skirt, black boots with purple buckles, and her Tears of The Lady necklace. She's also wearing a mithril ring set with a blue sapphire on the third finger of her left hand, and a red five-tailed fox earring in her right ear. As she descends the staircase with grace and confidence, she sees that no one but Fugly is behind the bar counter right now, and while she actually mixes a halfway decent fox lust, she's just not in the mood for babysitting the ogress right now. So she goes behind the counter and begins to mix it herself, without putting on a barmaid apron or anything identifying herself as an employee.

Naomi swivle sher ear at footsteps comign from above and turns in timeto see callie slip behind the bar. smiling warmly she greets her "hello miss callie. having a good day?" having just arrived downstairs herself she lifts her mug of tea fugly had brought her as it was somethign fugly could notreally mess up too badly. watching callie fix her own drink she smiles but says nothing.

Connor walks into the Lonely Inn, glancing around with interest. His cloak is worn, his boots are muddy, and his beard and hair, though showing signs of once being black, are now peppered with gray. but his eyes, a soft blue-gray, glance around the Inn with amusement sparkling in them. A place like this could be home, at least until it was time to move on again. Looking at the bar, he walks up to Ogress working it. "Beg pardon, Ma'am. I was hoping I could let a room, if any are available."

"I am; thank you, Naomi," Callie says with a gentle smile. She looks over at Fugly as Connor tries to get her attention, but the ogress, seeing that the fox has come behind the bar, goes out *from* the bar and starts chasing after a nearby catboy. "Fugly-- Fugly!" she exclaims, but it's no use. The catboy, in his panic, runs up the stairs, and Fugly charges up behind him. The vixen shakes her head, but after a moment, she just has to laugh, because sometimes there's no other way to react to the insanity of this place. "Sorry about that," Callie says as she moves over towards Connor. "She, um... has been working the last eight hours, I think, and she's gotten a little randy. I'm not on the clock, but *I* can check you in."

Connor stares as Fugly runs out, mouth dropping open as she yells something about "splitting at least two of yer lives into four." Unsure if he wants pursue the matter, he hears the Vulpine and sighs as he walks over, offering his hand. "Thank you, ma'am. Was a bit worried what I'd gotten myself into here." He also sees the Wolven and gives her a nod before taking a seat across the bar from the beautiful Fox. "Name's Connor, by the by."

Naomi chuckles at fugly's inattentiveness because of a catboy then sips her tea. looking to connor then to callie she ponders for amoment before deciding she will let callie handle this one this time. sippingher tea she looks connor over for a moment before looking away so as not to be staring

Callie takes Connor's hand and shakes it, replying, "Vizhra. ["Greetings."] I'm Callie Volopa, a Musha Villa of the Verlosi vulpine tribe. This is my friend Naomi. In addition to being an assistant manager here, I'm also the owner and head chef of Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, on 110 South Meridian Street downtown. This seems like a very rough-and-tumble place for a good-looking, well-cultured gentleman such as yourself, Connor." Callie is definitely flirting, but she's very sincere about it.

Naomi would nod to connor when introduced by callie and sips her tea after giving connor a warm graciosu smiles "welcome connor" letting callie take over then she falls into a contemplative silence.

Connor laughs at that. "If I were noble born, maybe I'd be a gentlemen. Nobles gotta learn that kind of stuff." He leans in and pretends to whisper, though the whisper is designed to be heard by anyone listening. "Peasants do it just so we don't get strung up the first time the Nobles come for taxes." Giving her a wink he laughs. "I've found the more I use the manners ma gave me, the less I have to use this." He pats his sword. "I'm sure I'll be very comfortable, especially with a talented chef like yourself on staff." Then he takes the hand he'd been shaking and gives it a kiss. "But if you choose to think of me as a gentleman, I certainly won't mind." He gives Naomi a nod as well. "Thank you very much, ma'am."

Harmony` would make her way out of the forest.. pauseing just as she crossed the thresh hold from the forest onto the road before the inn.. Her crystal blue eyes peering back and forth along the road for a moment before she would start forward again.. Still wearing her seafoam green dress she would make her way up the front steps of the inn.. and pushes her way in.. letting the door slowly close behind her. Stopping just within she would raise her slim hand to her hair and brush a couple of stray strands of her red hair from her eyes.. causeing some of the pearls and seashells that were braided into her hair to clink softly as she glanced about the room.. letting her eyes adjust.

Naomi swivels her ears a bit at heairng the door and feeling th ecoldair seep inside as well she looksaround and noting harmony would wave to the woman with a big smile

"'Diplomacy is to do and say, the harshest thing in the nicest way,'" Callie says, quoting some ancient human philosopher whose name escapes her at the moment. "Me, I've gotten powerful enough that most of the time, unless we're in a state of war or heightened alert, I don't even bother carrying a weapon around with me. So, you said you'd like a room, Connor? I can arrange that. It costs 10 mhl a month. It comes with unlimited free food and drink here, use of the inn stables and slaves, and use of the bath house across the street. Private bath rooms are a nominal 2 mhl per use, and if you require the services of a bath attendant, they set their own rates, and some are better than others, of course. Shall I sign you up?"

Connor considers, then pulls out his purse and counts some coin. Grimacing a bit to himself, he nods and places the coin on the bar. "Worth it for the food and drink alone, but I'd best find some work between now and next month." Pushing the coins towards the fox, he glances over his shoulder at the dancer, then looks back at Callie. "So, Miss Callie Volopa of the Verlosi, does the Inn benefit from your culinary talents as well?"

"It does," Callie replies, "and I can warm up some beef stew that I made earlier this afternoon, if you'd prefer not to wait too long on your meal. Otherwise, I can make anything on this inn menu. As far as work goes, I have a couple of leads for new people, if you'd like to hear them."

Connor smiles, and gives a grateful bow. "The stew's the most important to me, Ma'am. Been on the road for a few days and ran out of rations yesterday." He settles onto the barstool and pushes the cloak back so he can acclimate to the warm tavern air then pats his belly. "I can look into work tomorrow. If I did anything else first, my stomach might revolt. Oh, and a mead, if you have any."

[22:04] <+Connor> !money sub 10 mhl
[22:04] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* Connor subtracted 10 mhl 0 cop

"I hear ya," Callie says. "I'll get right on it." Callie pulls a frosted mug out of a magical cooler, retrieves a bottle of mead, and opens the mead with her Sharpen Claw spell. She pours it to about three-fourths full, and leaves him the bottle. Callie collects the 10 mhl from Connor and puts it into the inn's paybox. Then she casts Elemental Servant, creating a minion made of translucent-blue hard water surrounded by a thick membrane, but otherwise looking just like her. It's this minion that goes back into the kitchen to start warming up the stew. Meanwhile, Callie pulls the inn registry book out from beneath the counter and hands it to Connor along with a pen and inkwell. "Sign your name on any of the empty lines, please," she says.

Connor gratefully takes a deep pull on the mead, and watches with interest as the minion fox runs after the stew. "Amazing the stuff they use magic for," he says with a smile. Then, as instructed, he glances at the registry, and starts to look a little uncomfortable. "Ummm... would it be okay to just make my mark?"

"That's fine," Callie replies, without a moment's hesitation. She's met plenty of people who were illiterate, even her fiancee Kayleigh. It had been Callie who taught Kayleigh how to read both Common and Vulpani. The vixen knows that not everyone has had the benefit of the kind of education that she had, growing up in the Verlosi Tribe.

Connor nods gratefully. "I've had to stay on my toes. One friend encouraged me never to sign anything near Nanthalion... for obvious reasons. I don't think you're the sort to collar a guy over a technicality, though." He places his x on the empty lines, then gestures towards the stage. "Is entertainment pretty regular?"

"I'd never collar anyone without their express consent," Callie says. "Whether it's for myself or for the inn. You're right; I"m not that kinda person." Callie looks at which line Connor had signed on, and she hands him a key, saying, "Room 314. Up the stairs, first hallway on your left; seventh door on the right." To answer Connor's question, she says, "We've got an entertainment staff that I've been working on building up; usually it's the lute, violin, or harp, sometimes with singing and dancing. The entertainers are not slaves, so we ask that they not be treated as such, nawmean?"

Connor follows the pointed finger, registers where the room is, then bows low. "My lady, the idea of a bed following your stew is the best news I've had in months, and I thank you." He gives her a tired smile, then takes another pull on the mead. "The Inn slaves... they are for laundry and the like?"

Callie gives Connor a nod at his compliment, and when he asks about the inn slaves, she chuckles, thinking he was kidding. Realizing that he's not, she clears her throat. "Most people use them for sex, actually. Others, as substitutes for barmaids when none are available. We ask that they be returned in an uninjured state, otherwise the perpetrator will run afoul of the Imperial Slave Authority and the Imperial Guard, and that's a place you don't want to be."

Connor blinks at that, and then nods slowly. "Uh, erm, right." There might even be a hint of a blush under the beard, which he attempts to cover with a drink. "Well, I'm certain no one wants anyone hurt. I'll... keep an eye on them." He glances around the room, smiling to see it filling up. On impulse, he tosses a coin to the dancing girl. All he could afford, but she'd done a good job, from what he'd seen.

[Connor tips Maribelle 1 mhl.]

Callie nods, and she sees through the Elemental Servant's eyes that the stew is warmed up, so she says, "Why don't you take a seat at one of the tables, so we can get better acquainted? I don't wanna be behind the bar counter for much longer and be forced to do any, you know, *real* work." She chuckles softly. "I'll be right back with stew."

Connor nods, then gets up and slowly walks through the crowd, and seeing an open table makes for it. The table next to the one he is choosing has a a redheaded woman at. He gives her a short bow, knuckles his forehead with a polite "Evenin' ma'am," and then takes a seat, slowly allowing his long legs to stretch out before him, giving a long, slowly relaxing sigh. No sleeping under bushes for a month. It would be worth it.

Callie returns in only about a minute, carrying a tray with two bowls of beef stew and a glass of fox lust on it, along with spoons and red cloth napkins. She sets everything down properly, and uses her Telekinesis spell to return the tray to on top of the bar counter. By now, Fugly has returned from her brief tryst with the catboy. The vixen sits down across from Connor, and slips her tails through the slot in the back of the chair, which is common to all the chairs in The Lonely Inn. She'd bought them from Matwyn upon becoming an assistant manager here. "So, you've been on the road a few days, you said," Callie comments to Connor.

Connor tops off his mead with the bottle that was left, and offers it in a grateful toast as he sniffs at the stew. "Yeah, and a few days before that, and a few days before that, off and on again for oh..." he considers, "a year or so now. Mostly guard or mercenary work, when it was available. Just looking for something." He takes a spoon and takes a bite, and the noise he makes is pleasurable almost beyond anything human. "Oh, Lady Volopa, you are a shining angel from the gods, or the spirits, or the Dragons, or whichever is in the best mood. Thank you!"

Callie grins, giving Connor a light nod. "I'm a shining angel from The Lady, actually. Mother of All Vulpines." The goddess does not teach Her children modesty, but instead, to be proud of their achievements, appearance, and skills. She takes her first bite of the stew, and lets out an "mmm" as she chews. "You should stop by my restaurant sometime; a meal there will make you feel like a new man. In fact, come by sometime at 7:55 in the evening, and I'll let you stay the night for free in the customer bedroom." She takes her first sip of fox lust.

Connor laughs. "I suppose it would have been a conflict of interest for you to offer that before I'd rented the room here." He's already several spoonfuls into his stew when he glances at the door and notes the entrance of the Torian, Myra (though of course he didn't know her name) earning a bit of a widening of his eyes. That dress was really something. Giving his head a small shake, he turns back to his dinner companion. "Long way from the farm..." he mutters, then looks up again. "In that case, my Lady, may YOUR lady be praised for all she taught you, and bless with all you deserve and more."

If Callie has seen Myra enter, she's made no sign of it, intent as she is on Connor right now. "Kintay ra," she replies. Then she immediately translates it: "Thank you. So, let me tell you about those jobs that I mentioned." She takes a couple bites of her stew before speaking. She's quite hungry herself, having only just now gotten up. "There's an Amahil caravan in town, led by a woman named Becca Swift, who will pay you 20 mhl a month for doing some courier work across town for them. It's all strictly local stuff, and you'll still be able to make it to your inn bed at the end of every day. There's also a man, a noble named Kir Trelander, who's looking to expand his house. I don't think he's looking for warriors, though; more like laymen, but it couldn't hurt to ask. Be just as polite with him as you are with me, and tell him I sent you."

Connor takes mental notes of the names, and knuckles his forehead to her. "Thank you very kindly ma'am. I have to say, most of the places where I've stayed, the innkeep didn't much like the look of me, though I know Nanthalion gets more visitors than most towns. Still..." he gives her a smile, "a dinner with the chef is an unexpected treat." he takes some more bites, and discovers the dish almost empty. Washing it down with the mead, he sighs in contentment. "Good food, good drink, good company. You've warmed my heart."

Callie gives Connor a gentle smile. "I'm certainly glad of that," she says. She finishes up her own stew. "Would you like me to show you to your room? Maybe I could... warm that up for you, as well." The vixen gazes at Connor's body from head down to his chest, everything that's visible above the table.

Connor tilts his head with a smile, and glances at his drink. Sometimes, a woman would look at you a certain way, and you knew that the worst thing you could do when she did that was open your mouth. Best let her wonder if you were an idiot, rather than prove the matter to her. Taking a near final swig, he stands up, and offers a hand to help her up as well. "It would be my honor."

Callie nods, and rises to her feet, taking Connor by the hand and looking at his key again. "Room 314, I said. Okay." She leads the silver-haired, ruggedly handsome human up the stairs and towards that room. When they get there, Callie says, "Here, I'll open it up for ya." She winks; she's got a cute plan in store for Connor.

Connor walks behind her, admiring the way her tails sway as she walks. As they come up to the door he nods and reaches to hand her the key she'd given him. He was tempted to start touching, but he hadn't known many Vulpine and didn't want to misread the situation... not this close to having a bed indoors. He smiled. "As you wish, my lady."

Callie unlocks the door, and casts Dawn's Early Light so that a soft light comes out from her hand. Using this light to see by, she ignites a couple of lanterns in the room with flint and tinder, and then dismisses the spell. Now that they can see one another in here, Callie waits until Connor closes the door behind him-- and then pins him against it, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips.

Connor smiles as the magic opens the door, and congratulates himself on his restraint... she was just showing off magic, which he could hardly fault her for. "Best room I'll have slept in in ages," he says, as he steps in, and then suddenly there she is, kissing him up against the door. You see? This is why you don't talk when you're unsure. His arms, strong from years of farming and more recent hardship, gently gather around her small form, lifting her up so she needs not crane her neck, one arm around the small of her back while another ruffles in the hair near her head, stroking one of those soft ears. "Your hospitality," he says when they part, still holding her, "is unmatched...."

Callie giggles softly, her tails curling demurely towards the rest of her body. "Well, practicing hospitality *is* The Lady's Third Tenet," she says. "And seeking pleasure is Her first. So, I think She'd be pretty happy with me right now." Callie leans into the stroking of her right ear, and brushes his sides with her left and right tails.

<+Connor> "Where were the Gods like that when I was a boy..." Connor chuckles to himself as he carries her slight form into the middle of the room, kissing her face and neck as he went. Then, arriving at the bed, he laid her down gently on it before standing and pushing off his cloak, placing his pack on one of the side tables. His clothes were worn but in good repair, a simple green travelers tunic and brown breeches. He then sat beside her, and began removing his boots. "So you are Callie Volopa, of the Verlosi, when you are working. Who are you to the ones who kiss you in the dark?"

Callie remains laying down on the bed, but removes her boots and socks while in that position, revealing her lovely, white-furred bare feet. "I'm Callie, a Musha Villa, meaning 'High Blessed One of The Lady'. I was born with but one tail, and the other four, The Lady blessed me with for displays of courage and self-improvement. I'm a highly-respected person, not only among my own people, but here in the empire as well. You needn't fear when I'm around, nor do you need to fear me."

Connor smiles to himself as he kicks off his left boot, then turns to the woman laying beside him, a hand stroking her cheek. “My Lady, my belly is full, I’ve had a mugful of mead, I have a soft bed and a beautiful woman to warm it for me.” he leans in close and gives her a kiss, and trails a finger gently down her cheek, to her neck before straightening up again, his hands going to the buttons of his tunic. “My only fear at this particular moment is that I am about to wake up.” he glances around him. “Though I suppose I could also be dead. As Afterlives go, this isn’t half bad…”

Callie laughs brightly. "It's a pretty good afterlife for you and me, anyway. It'd be a terrifying afterlife for catboys, though. You think *this* is good, though, you should come to my restaurant. *Every* dish, specially made by a master chef. Either me, or one of my employees. And I've also got some honey mead there that can literally turn you on." She undoes the singular button on her purple blouse to loosen it, and then lifts it over her head and neatly folds it before setting it on the ground. The vixen's breasts are now covered only by a red lacy bra, but some of their white fur can be seen on the edges.

<+Connor> His shirt comes off as he finishes the buttons, revealing the torso underneath. It is muscular, for sure, but not the chiseled muscle of a professionaly trained fighter, but rather the muscle of a farmer. The skin on his back and arms is heavily bruised, the bruises of a man whose armor stopped the edge but did nothing for the impact, and criscrossed with the scars of many wounds healed without the aid of magic. Even so, he moves relatively freely, and smiles as he looks at her torso, his finger tracing around that bra. "You're so beautiful..." he says with a soft laugh. "Though there may be some question as to your taste in men..."

When Connor says that, Callie slowly rises from the bed, placing a hand on each of the older man's shoulders. "I've grown past the point where I'll jump into bed with just anyone," she says, quite seriously. "When a Musha Villa finds you interesting, don't denigrate yourself." She smiles, gives him a gentle kiss on the lips, and wraps her arms and side tails around him.

<+Connor> He nods. "Then, Musha Villa, I'll never mention it again, my solemn vow." His arms go around her as she holds him and pulls her close, lifting her into his lap and setting her there gently, while he again returns the kiss. His arms go to her bra and gently undo the back with relative ease, then his hands part, one rising to hold her head in the kiss, the other venturing down to explore the Vulpine ass still in its breeches. This is done carefully and gently, so that she may feel held and secure, rather then attempting to imply imprisonment or control. Leaning back from the kiss, he leans over and gives the tiniest of nips at her right collarbone, light and playful.

Callie smiles at Connor's promise, and kisses him again, putting a little more passion into it, and she traces her fingers along the scars on his chest, careful to immediately pull them away if he were to make a protestation of pain. When she breaks the kiss, she says to him, "To get my pants off, you'll need to thread each tail individually through the tail-hole. It doesn't hurt; you'll be okay." She gives a gentle laugh. "Every time a vulpine earns a new tail, she has to go get her pants altered. Unless she's the type to let her pants hang lower."

Connor nods, then leans back, undoing her pants in the front. He then lifts her, standing up and setting her gently belly down on the bed and carefully climbs onto the bed on his knees, straddling over her and gently taking a tail in his hands one at a time, running them through his thumb and fingers from base to tip before carefully easing it through the holes in her pants. As each is completed he bends over and places a kiss gently where tail reaches ass before moving to the next one, going left to right, then gently sliding them off down her legs.

"Oh, my," Callie murmurs as she feels Connor sliding each tail out individually and kissing the tailbase of each one. This feels too good for the vixen to really put into words. When her skirt is removed, she lifts her bare legs up into the air, and turns her head to smile back at the human, dressed now only in black lace panties.

<+Connor> His hand rests on her bottom for awhile, massaging it through the panties while leaning over her, kissing her neck and the side of her face before again returning and going through the whole process again, this time with those lacy panties. He had to admit, if it took this much work, they must be QUITE dedicated to the concept of underwear. Finally, as the last tail slides out and the panties are gently but quickly removed, he scoops an arm under her torso and lifts her up until her back is against his chest, and allows her bra to fall away, his hands exploring her breasts with interest. "Let me know what you like and what you don't..." he whispers.

Callie helps Connor by lifting herself up into a seated position on the bed, and she leans back against him, cross-legged. When he asks the question, she smiles and says, "Here and here," pointing to first her mouth and then her sex, "but not anywhere else." Meaning, she doesn't enjoy anal. Her breasts are completely white-furred, as are a little part of the fur around them, and so are her pubic area, hands, feet, tail-tips, and face cheeks. "Mmmm, I love being touched on my tails, especially my tailbases... my feet, and my breasts. And the backs of my ears."

<+Connor> "Mmmmmhmmmm..." Connor hums to himself as his exploration of her body continues, his lips kissing at the back of her ears, his right hand exploring her breasts, his left idly playing with her leftmost tail. As always, his movements are strong but gentle, secure but not wanting to hurt or frighten.

Callie lets out a soft murr of pleasure when she feels those lips against her ears, in particular, and she leans forward a little bit into the hand on her breasts. She curls her toes and tails, and her right tail begins to stroke against Connor's bare chest, teasingly.

Connor laughs as he feels that tail against his chest, continuing to explore her lovely body. "You are a treasure, my lady, an absolute treasure. But now, it seems I have you at an unfair advantage." With a gentle nip at one of her ears he gently disengages, letting one of her tails trail through his hand as he backs of, stepping off of the bed and standing next to it. And it's true, dude still has his trousers on. His hands go to the fastenings as he starts to undo them, his face still holding the smile of a man not entirely believing that he is awake.

Callie chuckles at that, and turns over on the bed so that she can face him, her feet now resting against the floor. She unabashedly looks him over from head to toe, and in her mind, she says a silent prayer to The Lady. She thanks the Mother of All Vulpines for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails. Callie prays that She will look down upon them with love as one of Her Mushani Villa enjoys herself in the best way that she knows how. And then she looks around the room, taking in the warm ambience.

<+Connor> As those weather stained trousers fall to the floor, his legs tell much the same story as his torso. Not as much bruising or scarring, but muscle built of hard work over years rather than specialized training. He actually looks a bit hesitant in the moment, looking down on himself and all of the disfigurements he carries, not to mention his quite obvious excitement at what is happening in the moment, but as he looks on her smiling face he decides to assume she's here because she wants to be, and so steps forward, wrapping her up in his arms as he pushes her back onto the bed, placing his weight upon her as carefully as he can as he kisses her face and neck, enjoying the feel of her naked body against his. one arm holding her at the small of her back, the other idly playing with one of her ears... oh yeah, he saw how she enjoyed that. As they kiss and move, he slowly gets into position, but doesn't rush it. They have all night... for all he knows, they have all time. Afterlife hadn't been taken off the table, after all.

Callie's emerald-green eyes seem to glow a little bit in the soft light of the lantern, and when Connor climbs on top of her, she reaches out with her hands, placing one on the nape of his neck and the other on the small of his back. She runs her fingers in little circles around those sensitive bundles of nerves, just like her sex ed class had taught her to do with humans, all those years ago. When they resume kissing, Callie closes her eyes, and lifts her left foot slightly off the mattress, running curled bare toes against the older man's ankle.

Connor gives a groan as his muscles work around those nerves bundles, feeling tension he hadn't realized he still carried start to drift away. His excitement also gets powerful to the point of almost being painful, and he realizes he can't wait anymore. Gently repositioning himself he lifts his head slightly so he can look her in the eyes as he pushes into her, feeling as her body welcomes him with warm hospitality. Not all the way, though... part way in he pauses, pulls back a second. He'd never attended a class, but plenty of women had helped him learn what was best over the years, and so he knew the "straight to the hilt" approach was for VERY specific situations. So he pushes a little further, retreats. And a little further, then further still, feeling as breathing matches the rhythm he sets.

Callie lets out a soft moan of delight as she feels Connor's body entering hers, and the hand on his neck moves up just a little bit so that she can stroke the hair on the back of his head. She smiles up at him, and when he starts to move within her, she helps him find a natural equilibrium to start with. "Mmmm, Connor," she murmurs, and she kisses him again, very gently, on the lips, before she begins to trace his face with her mouth.

<+Connor> He smiles at her as he continues his motions, deeper each time, and returns the kiss with gusto before allowing his mouth to drift to her ear. "Musha Villa..." he whispers, as if tasting the words and enjoying the taste. Then, on an impulse, there is one strong thrust, and finally he enters her all the way, holding himself at that point of fullness with a gasp. Then he withdraws a bit, and all the way again, but this time a little faster and harder.

Callie's fingers curl a little bit in their spots on Connor's body when he hilts himself inside her, and looking into his eyes, the fox moans, "Mmmm... val vay, shuka triesta." ["Bless us, Our Lady."] Then she pulls him down a little farther so that she can feel more of his body against hers, and their heads are alongside one another. She hooks her feet around the backs of his legs, and matches the new pace of his lovemaking.

<+Connor> You can only keep a pace this frenetic up for so long, and after days of travel, Connor isn't in the mood for wasting energy trying to impress with his longevity. Why steal from round two by artificially lengthening round 1? He breathes hard as he releases into her, his muscles tightening all over as he squeezes her close, kissing her passionately. And as he feels himself relaxing, he rolls, allowing her smaller body to rest on top of his. "An absolute treasure, my lady, that is what you are." A hand idly plays with one of her tails, travelling down and squeezing her ass before slowly trailing up the full length of the tail, and then back again.

Callie murmurs softly as she feels Connor coming inside her, and though she's not close to her own orgasm, she shows no disappointment when he needs to take a break. The vixen allows him to lift her up on top of him, and slowly, her breathing begins to return to normal. "You're wonderful too, Connor," she says. As he starts playing with one of her tails, she asks him, "Am I the first vulpine you've ever been with?"

<+Connor> He nods. "First I've actually met, in fact. There was one who visited my village once, years ago. Three tails, priestess of some kind, spoke to Sir about ways to improve our field outputs. He didn't listen, usual noble bullshit, call in an expert just so you can act like you know better than she does, but word of what she'd said got around and all of our gardens did better after that." He smiles up at her. "I was a boy, and I remember thinking she was pretty." He smiles up at the vixen laying on him. "Never thought one would get interested in me, though." He doesn't disparage himself... he remembers her instruction. "You're a miracle with your fingers."

"Thank you," Callie says, and she moves so that she can lie alongside Connor, on her back. "Yeah, it's just like a noble to ignore advice that he's been given. Maybe if she'd had five tails, he'd have found her words more palatable. Throughout the course of vulpine history, there have been people who have said, written, published, and sung things that mainstream vulpines of the time would consider scandalous or heretical-- only to be blessed by The Lady with a new tail for it. That's a pretty unambiguous way of finding that She's on your side."

<+Connor> "He was too much of an idiot to care about that. I think he just wanted us to see him tour the farmland with a pretty Vulpine at his side." He rolls his head to look at her. "And now I have one laying beside me, I can say that I completely get the desire. But unlike him, I know to listen to a lady." He rolls over on his side, and his right hand goes to her sex, gently massaging. "Any advice for a man who would greatly like the beautiful lady to be a... ah... repeat visitor in his nights?"

Callie scratches her chin and carefully considers a response to Connor's question as he rubs his hand against her womanhood. "Well, first, you gotta be willing to listen to the stories that I'll share from time to time. I've got a lot of them-- from my childhood, my teenage years, my year of sex ed class, and so on. You'll have to get used to me speaking highly of myself-- what other races may think of as vanity, is really just honesty on my part. The Lady does not teach Her children humility."

Connor nods. "I think I can manage that, especially when your talents have been so well established." His playful touching continues as he leans over and begins nibbling at her ear. "Please continue, what else can I do?"

"You gotta brush my tails," Callie says, "and get used to long periods of foreplay. Oh, and you've also gotta not be afraid to ask for anything. If there's something I can do to make *you* feel more comfortable, let me know. And if you ever see me around, not busy, and would like a fox to warm your bed for you, that's a good time to ask."

Connor rolls over still more, and kisses her deeply. "All sounds perfectly reasonable to me," he says with a smile, stroking the fur of her face before settling himself up against the bed headboard. "And during your day if you ever get tired on your feet and need a warm lap to sit in..." he smiles, then lifts her so she is in his lap, his member starting to get hard again between her legs, "you have only to take your seat there, and it is yours." Another kiss as his hands massage the bases of two of her tails.

Callie leans into the kiss that is given, and when she's lifted into his lap, she pulls back a little bit so that Connor's manhood is in no danger of penetrating her. In fact, she's able now to get her first really good look at it, and she smiles as she sees it slowly growing. "So, am I one of the most unique women you've ever been with?" she asks him.

<+Connor> "You are that, for sure..." Connor chuckles, hands massaging the bases of each of her tails in turn. "I've known some unique women, to be sure, but none of them had even a single tail, let alone five." He tilts his head to the side, a bit curious. "Do I stand out among your lovers?"

"Yes," Callie says, without hesitation. "You're a true gentleman, Connor. Don't ever lose that. Don't let this place beat it out of you." She smiles gently at him, and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. Then she breaks the kiss and reaches out for his hardening penis, but before she takes it in her hand, she says to him, "May I?"

Connor closes his eyes with the kiss, then smiles. "Nobles are gentlemen. Commoners just learn to survive. But thank you, my lady. I will do my best." He then follows her glance and smiles. "You absolutely may."

Callie reaches down with her right hand, placing its palm against the top of Connor's glans. Then she begins to weave with her fingers, tracing little lines down the man's cock. "Do you... do you like having your sack gently pinched?" she asks. "Without harming the balls, of course." She realizes that she's told Connor all about how to please her, but Callie is relying solely on her past experience with men in general, and human men in particular.

<+Connor> "Ohhhhhh..." Connor moans as her hands start working. He shakes his head. "I'm not much of one for pain in bed..." he says. "There's always plenty of that to be found elsewhere." He leans forward as she works, stealing kisses around her face while she strokes him.

"Okay," Callie says, and she takes full hold of Connor's manhood, moving her hand up and down it. "Do you like having your cock licked and sucked? And what else do you enjoy?" Callie is moving her hand at a glacial pace right now, but squeezing just slightly.

<+Connor> "Would you believe..." Connor says as he tries to focus through the feelings he's getting right now, "...that I don't really know? What we've done already... kind of exhausts my experience..." he takes a ragged breath. "I never married, and there were only a few women over the years who..." His back arches a bit... "anyway... none of them... offerred..."

"Okay," Callie says again. She kisses Connor very sweetly, and very briefly, on the lips. "You and I will discover it together. If I start doing *anything* that makes you uncomfortable, let me know right away; I won't be offended." And then she slides down onto her stomach, with her head down near his manhood. Her five tails splay out in the air, and she lifts her bare feet up there too, crossed at the ankles. Overall, she's giving him something very pleasant to look at. After looking up at him for a moment, she takes hold of Connor's cock again, with her four fingers wrapped around his glans, and the fifth one making a gentle circle around his urethra, but not penetrating it.

Connor was never one to be too passive, and he reaches forward, still massaging at the base of her tails with one hand while playing lightly with his ears with the other. "Deal..." he whispers.

Callie moves her hand down farther on Connor's cock, towards the base, and licks the tip of it, smiling at the taste. She can taste her own juices, and also the remnants of his cum from when he'd ejaculated inside her only a few minutes earlier. She swirls that tongue against his glans and urethra, listening and watching carefully for the human's reactions.

Connor groans at the sensations of her mouth around him, and his handling of her becomes slightly less gentle... his grip on her ass more firm, and he pulls his hand from her ear as if in anticipation of doing the same there. "Oh gods..."

Callie takes hold of the hand that had been on her ear a moment ago, and places it on the fur atop her head, letting Connor know that *that's* an okay place to be more firm. After tonguing him for another 90 seconds or so, she opens her mouth, and slips him inside her.

For awhile, Connor's head lolls back, hands holding the woman as she pleasures him intensely... gods, he'd really waited this long to try this? Still, as his eyes start bugging out, he leans forward. "W-wait... s-stop... come here, before you make me... uhhhh... "

Callie pulls herself off of Connor's cock the moment he says the word 'stop', and she frees herself from the hand on her head. "Feel good?" she asks. "Maybe a little too good for right now?"

<+Connor> "I don't know..." he says, trying to marshal himself, "how many times I have left tonight. You should have it... you should get there at least once before I go twice, my Lady." He gives her a tired grin. "It's the gentlemanly thing to do..."

"Okay," Callie says, and she kisses Connor on the cheek. "You're really sweet, hon. A lot of guys couldn't care less, as long as they're satisfied." Callie climbs back up into Connor's lap, takes ahold of him to line him up properly, and slowly lowers herself onto him.

<+Connor> "And a lot of guys don't have a Musha Villa offer to warm their beds for them..." Connor says with a smile as he watches her body lower onto him, feeling her pushing herself down around them. One hand stays on that beautiful backside of hers, offering support, another goes to one of her ears, gently playing. "The two facts are probably related." He settles himself in as she finds a motion she likes, it feels good, but not so overwhelmingly so that he won't be able to keep it up for long.

"Mmmm, probably," Callie says. "As far as I know, I'm the only female Musha Villa who lives in the empire. Five-tails are fairly rare, and most of us choose to fill spots on tribal councils and things." Callie begins to slowly move up and down Connor's manhood, finding a nice balance of pleasure and relaxation.

Connor's right hand continues idly exploring her body as it finds that perfect rhythm, bouncing up and down on top of him, his eyes watching her tails sway around, fascinated. He also focuses on breathing, keeping that soothing beat to keep him going so she can hit the perfect rhythm, following and matching her. "Musha Villa..." he murmurs, mostly to himself. "My five tailed Vixen..."

"Mmm-hmm," Callie murmurs, and she smiles, giving Connor another gentle kiss on the lips before breaking it, and taking a look down to see the joining of their two bodies. The vixen's tails move very slowly behind her, in sort of a shaky sine wave, showing Callie's pleasure, and pointing out how her cool, calm center is disrupted a litle bit by her passion. She feels a slow-building climax coming into place, and knows that it won't be long now.

<+Connor> Feeling her body begin to tense around him, Connor gently returns his hands to that marvelous bottom, squeezing according to the rhythm she sets, assuring he pushes just a bit deeper, just a touch stronger, his eyes full of her breasts bouncing to the motion of her body. "There you go, sweet vixen... just let go... I'll be here to catch you after..."

Callie nods at Connor's comment, and she speeds up quite a bit, using the Kegel exercises she'd learned in sex ed training to tighten her pussy's hold against Connor's manhood. She places a hand on top of each of the older human's shoulders, gripping them, and she holds him deep within her as she lets out a cry of "Ohhhh... CONNOR!" She comes hard on that cock, and her juices begin to coat it.

<+Connor> Feeling her go, Connor finally allows himself to go as well, once again releasing into her beautiful vulpine body, though a bit more coherently than the last time and, true to his word, gathers her body into his arms as she collapses forward into him, kissing her and stroking her ears and head as he does . "There you are, sweet one, I have you. " Feeling himself slowly slip out of her, he allows himself to slide back down the sheets so that his head rests upon the pillows, her body still gripped securely in his arms, kissing her lips and face as he does so. "I have known men, in my time..." he whispers as he settles in, "who would have led armies and crashed castles to claim a woman such as you as his own. I know better than to try to tame a fox," he chuckles, "but for the first time, maybe I can understand them. Will you still be here when I wake in the morning?"

As Connor flatters Callie, the vixen slides down and lies alongside him. If vash'ri [full-furred] vulpines were biologically capable of blushing, Callie would surely have done so. When Connor asks his plantive question, Callie smiles and says, "I will be... assuming you don't get up *too* awfully early in the morning. I'll have a surprise waiting for you when you awaken."

[Fast-forward to the morning.]

Connor yawns and stretches as the first light of dawn peeks through the window... still a farmer at heart, this is sleeping in for him. Rolling over to look at the window, he is reminded of why he might have slept as late as he did, and reaching over, he pulls the still sleeping Vulpine form to him, kissing her neck as he holds her back to his chest under the blankets. "Well, I seem to have awakened as I feared... and yet you are still here. Good morning, my lady."

Callie murrs, "Mmmmm, morning Connor," though she's not yet fully awake. Indeed, her eyes haven't opened, but she recognizes the voice of last night's lover, and her fingers begin to stroke against his shoulders. Her five tails start waving lightly behind her back. She smiles, and finally opens her eyes, looking deep into Connor's.

Connor chuckles and rolls so she is laying on top of him, allowing him to look up into her eyes from the pillow. "So here I am, warm bed, fox in my arms, and I have to face the day and find a job. Or..." he chuckles, "I hold you here, live on what coin I have as long as I have it, and enjoy this until I get cast out into the cold." He gives her a long kiss. "What wisdom does the five tail have for me?"

Callie leans into the kiss as she's pulled atop Connor, and when he asks her for her advice, she gives it some good, honest consideration. "A vulpine philosopher once said, 'Good times never last forever. Therefore, don't rush them.' I think you should enjoy the feeling of a warm bed and a fox in your arms for as long as you can... though eventually, we *will* need to get out and get some breakfast. I'll take you to my restaurant and cook for you when the time comes."

Connor chuckles and nods. "And after that, back to real life. My coin won't last forever." A hand finds the base of her tails again... having learned how she likes having them played with. "Now, I know you don't like me speaking ill of myself, so take this for truth, rather than humility. I am a peasant, my lady, a farmer. You..." he grins, "are a lady, important and renowned. Those things... do not often mix, and I do not want to be the one who makes others think less of you. The Noble Lay who goes to the bed of the farmer..." he shakes his head. "A bard would love it. Most nobles would not."

Callie smiles gently, letting out a soft murr as Connor finds the bases of her tails and strokes them just right. "Then let me put your mind at ease, Connor. I'm respected, yes, a pillar of the community. But I'm not a noble. Emperor Stormbringer has never asked me to become a noble, and if I was ever asked, I'd probably say no."

Connor shakes his head as he kisses her again. "That's where you're wrong, Lady Fox. You say you are no noble... then speak of turning down the Emperor in the same breath." He chuckles. "That marks you as a noble, more than any title or ceremony. If I was to draw the Emperor's notice, odds are I am being executed for ambitions above my station." Another kiss. "I mean no offense. Quite the contrary, you are the noblest noblewoman I have ever known."

Callie breaks the kiss rather quickly, but it's no less enjoyable than the previous one. "You're probably right about the execution thing. If there's one thing I've learned in my time here, it's best *not* to come to the emperor's attention if you can avoid it. But I actually *have* met the emperor before. A little over three years ago. I was catering the last day of the Slave Olympics, as I had three of the previous four days. The emperor complimented my food, and I spent about the next four months just... geeking out about it. Stormbringer has this powerful, charismatic presence about him. When you're around him, you feel as if your life's work is being judged, and I was found worthy."

Connor smiles as she geeks out about the success of her food... pride in one's accomplishments were always worthwhile. "From what I have heard, you're lucky he didn't seek to add you to his harem. I hear his slave collection is quite... varied." He shakes his head. "I worry about you, is all. You've been very generous with me, and I wouldn't have that hurt you if I could avoid it." He then grins. "There is the other voice, of course, the one that says I should do whatever it takes to make you my own, but that is just my heritage speaking. I know better."

Callie smiles gently, and moves a hand down to the small of Connor's back, tracing her fingers there languidly. "I know how you feel," she says. She's had a lot of friends and sex partners fall in love with her. At least, that's what she assumes he means. "Anyway, I'm powerful enough to protect myself from rape, collaring, and murder; I learned very early on in my time here that I needed to get strong as soon as possible."

"Good to know," Connor says, and is ready to let the matter lie, merely holding the woman close and enjoying her while he has her.

Callie lets out a light stretch, extending her arms as far as they'll go, and pointing her toes before relaxing. "Have you decided where you'll go first, for a job? I mentioned Becca Swift and Kir Trelander last night."

<+Connor> "I'll find Swift first..." Connor says, raising a hand to stroke her ears and head fur. "Then, to the hold. He has good land, and if he could use a farmer, best to find out quickly."

"That's probably your best bet, doing it in that order," Callie says. "Becca Swift and her Amahil caravan were how I got out of my hometown, Verlosi'ka. This was about... 12 years ago, when I was 25. I wanted to leave home and see other places for awhile. Verlosi'ka is a wonderful place to live, but it's about 95% vulpine, and I hadn't seen most other races except in my sex ed textbook. So I struck up a friendship with Becca, and she let me ride in one of her caravan wagons as far as I wanted to go. I disembarked in Nanthalion, and paid her back by acting as a courier for her for the next three months, at a set wage of 20 mhl a month."

Connor nods. "That will at least pay for my room and board, with a bit left over for odds and ends. Maybe, if m'lord Trelander is hiring, I can start putting away for my own place with a bit of land to garden." Continuing to stroke her, he takes another kiss, and then looks to the window. "We should probably start to face the day, eh, milady?"

"Yes, we should," Callie says, and after kissing Connor one more time, she gets out of bed and rises to her bare feet, taking her time to get her clothes back on-- her purple blouse with black and white trim; black knee-length skirt, black boots with purple buckles on them; underclothes; and her Tears of The Lady necklace. "Have you ever seen a mephos mount before?" she asks as she dresses.

Connor stands, putting his own clothes on, wincing a bit as the coarse fabric drags against bruised, scarred skin. "Never up close," he says, "At least, not to my knowledge."

Callie scratches her chin, finding that second sentence to be rather odd. "Yes, well... if you'd ever seen a mephos, you'd know about it. They're big dragon mounts. I have one. Maraqwai is her name; it's Ancient Vulpani for 'sky dolphin'. She's gonna be our transportation to the restaurant this morning."

Connor visibly pales at that. "Wait. We're going to FLY to your restaurant. On a dragon." He looks down at himself, then back up at her. "Okay, now I KNOW that the Gods are just messing with me."

"They might be," Callie says, as she finishes putting her clothes on. Then she sees the look on his face, and detects what might be panic in his voice. "You're not a fan of the idea?" Callie sits down on the bed next to Connor, fully-clothed, looking at him.

<+Connor> "I... I just..." Connor's eyes dart to the window, as if to verify that the sky is a thing one might fly through. "I've never flown before..." of course he hadn't, because he wasn't a bloody Torian... "and those things go rather... uh, high..."

Callie takes hold of Connor's left hand with her right hand, and runs her thumb against his knuckles in a vulpine gesture of support and comfort called smalza. "I'd never put any of my friends in danger, hon. I'll give you time to let Maraqwai warm up to you, I'll cast Feather Fall on both of us in advance just in case we should fall, and I'll take it nice and slow."

Connor sighs. Great. If it goes wrong, she'll cast magic. Another thing he hadn't done much of. With a sigh he nods, and finishes putting on his cloak. "Okay," he says with a smile to Callie, the look his mother had described as 'tip the headsman', "Let's do it, then..."

Callie nods, and stands up again, handing Connor his room key, and she exits the room ahead of him, swaying her tails and hips to give him something nice to look at. "Don't forget to lock the door behind you," Callie says. "Especially in this place."

<+Connor> Well, he WAS happy for the distraction. Following the tails, he locks the door behind him and follows her out. "Roger. They have some unsavory types, I've heard."

"Oh, *honey*," Callie says as she walks down the stairs. "You've no idea. If you don't lock your door, you might come in here late at night and find someone waiting for you. *Always* lock your door." Callie exits The Lonely Inn and heads for the stables, noting that there's a green covered wagon, absent a horse, outside the stables. She points to it. "That's the wagon belonging to Idessa Holiday, who runs a service called Idessa's Horse and Buggy. It's for carrying people and cargo. She charges different rates depending on where she's going."

Connor smirks as they walk, gesturing towards the stage on the way out. "I don't think i have much to worry about. They're after the pretty ones, like that poor elf there." He shrugs. "No one is gonna break into a room and risk the anger of management to get an old gray farmer."

"Mm, you might be right," Callie says. She walks into one of the stables, and stops when she reaches the end of it. Turning to the right, she opens the stall, and a dark red mephos lifts her head and then rises from a curled-up position on the hay. Maraqwai is 15'7" from head to tail-tip, with a wingspan of 19'8". "This is Maraqwai," Callie says. "Maraqwai, this is Connor. Friend. Friennnnnnnd." At the announcement of the human's name, and the introduction of him as being a friend, Maraqwai moves towards him slowly, gazing at him with large, intelligent green eyes.

Connor nods as they come out to the red mephos and again pales. But was it that they could smell fear? Well then it would. Because Connor is afraid... but tries to stay brave. "Uh... hi there, Maraqwai..." he tries giving a slight wave. "Yeah, I'm Connor, I probably smell like your mistress, so I hope that helps..." he glances at her. "he's not the jealous type, right?"

"Maraqwai's a girl, actually, and no, she's not the jealous type at all. Nor am I her mistress-- I'm her partner. We look out for each other, and occasionally fight together." Callie gestures to a wooden cooler on the ground. "Open that up and pull out a fish, Connor; then slowly hand it to Maraqwai."

"Right, partner." Connor says. Glancing at the cooler he sighs, then goes and retrieves a fish. "Okay, so I smell like your PARTNER, sorry. Here you go... have a fish." He holds it out, hoping she can take the fish without taking fingers.

Callie sighs, hoping that Connor will grow to like Maraqwai. They'd been having a nice morning until Callie had mentioned that she wanted to take the mephos to CVC with them, and ever since, Connor has kinda clammed up a little bit. Maraqwai leans in a little bit, and sucks the fish directly into her mouth. She doesn't let Connor so much as feel one of her teeth. The fox smiles warmly. "Now give her a little rubbing on the nose, like this," Callie says. Callie reaches out with her right hand and strokes in between those two magnificent eyes of the mephos.

Connor closes his eyes for a second. He's about to pet a dragon. Mephos. Whatever. For the privilege of being taken into the friggin sky. He takes a deep breath and then opens his eyes, slowly reaching forward and petting the Mephos on the nose, as instructed. "Ok, Maraqwai, there you are, girl, I'm a friend..." He glances over at Callie. "How am I doing?"

"You're doing wonderful," Callie says. "Here, let go for now, and I'll tack her up." Callie says the word "Downnnnn" to Maraqwai, and the mephos lowers herself to the ground, allowing Callie easier access to saddling her up. "Okay, let's get her outside."

Connor nods and walks along with them, heading outside, keeping his eye on the pair as they went, as if they might, at any moment, burst into flames. "Ok, yeah." He tries to think of something to say. "So, uh, when did you two start partnering?"

"She was hatched almost eight winters ago now," Callie says, as she leads Maraqwai outside by the reins. "I was one of several people who was granted a mephos for my service to the empire-- at the time, I was third-in-command of VEGA, the Valenican Enforcement and Guidance Authority. Basically the Valencian version of the Imperial Guard." Callie and Maraqwai are now outside. "I was late in getting there, and didn't see her hatch, but she was looking around in alarm because so many others had been chosen, and no one had come to her yet. She was alone and afraid, and I was drawn to her. I fed her a little piece of raw meat, stroked her beneath the chin, talked to her, and carried her home in a basket. At the time, she was considerably smaller than my cat."

<+Connor> "She's done some growing since then..." Connor says with a smile, before his hands go up. "N-not that I'm calling her fat, or anything!" He looks up. "So how high does she fly? And how fast?"

Callie hesitates before answering, figuring that Connor doesn't really want to hear the honest answer to that question, but she finally says, "I've had her go about 40 miles per hour-- that's her top speed, not one that she can maintain indefinitely-- and as high as 20,000 feet in the air. But today we won't be going *nearly* that fast or that high." Callie places a hand on Connor's shoulder, speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani, and wiggles her fingers just so. Her hand glows blue for a moment as her Feather Fall spell is cast on him. She proceeds to do this again for herself, touching that same hand to her opposite shoulder.

<+Connor> Magic. Great. Still, she's trying to be hospitable, and he didn't want to be rude. "Okay, well then, if she's ready to carry us, I'm ready to hold on." He looks to the Mephos with a weak smile. "I'll try not to grip you too hard..."

Callie nods, and climbs aboard Maraqwai's saddle, gesturing for Connor to come on up behind her. Once Callie's got Maraqwai pointed in a southeasterly direction, she says to her, "Up, Maraqwai." The mephos begins to move her wings, and then lifts herself up into the sky. 50 feet, 100 feet, 150 feet, and she stops at an altitude of about 200 feet, hovering all the while. Then Callie sets her off towards CVC at a speed of about 15 miles per hour. They soar above the arena, and a few small trees. "That's the arena right there," Callie says. "Gladitorial combat, but occasionally I do banquets there as well."

Connor is in the air. He's climbed trees in the past, but this is higher than that. By, like, a lot. But hey, there is a sexy fox in front of him, and not two hundred feet down, and he has a perfectly legit reason to touch her. So he does, his hands on her, leaning forward, he focuses on her fur. It feels good. "The Arena... yeah, looks good, must be big meals."

Callie adjusts the direction that Maraqwai is going so that she can show Connor down Main Street. "Healer's House on the right... now the General Store, bank, Body Arts, Naked Bird, and the Chocolates 2 Cherish. First major street going south is Meridian Street, and here's where we turn right. There's the park, on our left. And here's CVC." Callie slowly lowers Maraqwai to the ground.

Ready for breakfast, Connor hops off, but not so quickly as to give offense. "Hey, that wasn't bad at all. Good girl, Maraqwai." He then steals a kiss from Callie as she gets down. "Okay, time to see what the master chef makes for breakfast."
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:37 am

October 9, 2018
Callie and Connor
Feat. Caroline

It's about seven-thirty at night, and the sun had gone down roughly 30 minutes ago. Callie Volopa sits on the couch at Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, reading one of her favorite adventure novels, and every so often leaning forward to take a sip of hot chocolate. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen is dressed in a white silken button-down shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, and underclothes, and her feet are comfortably bare. Her red tabby cat familiar, Caroline, sits curled up on top of the couch, behind the fox's head, facing towards the double doors so that she can see if anyone enters.

<+Connor> In walks the town's newest farmer, a tired but happy look on his face, as well as faint smell of smoke, as he enters. He smiles, and waves to Callie as he comes in. "Evening, Lady Fox."

The bell above the double door rings, and Caroline opens her eyes just before Connor starts talking. Callie smiles brightly, sets a bookmark in her novel, places it on the coffee table, and rises to her feet to greet the farmer. "Charavizhra, Connor!" she exclaims. Then she translates it: "That means 'fondest greetings' in Vulpani. It's a hello we reserve for our friends, family, and lovers. You look like you've come from a hard day's work."

<+Connor> "You're right about that. Been tending Lord Trelander's fields. Thanks for that tip, by the way." He takes a seat at a chair near the table and, seeing that no one else is around, pats his lap, inviting the Fox to take her seat there. "I actually could use some of your wisdom, if you're willing to spare it."

Callie takes Connor by the hand and says, "Let's relax on the couch, actually. And sure, I'll offer any advice that I can. I'm glad Kir hired you. He sounds like a chill boss to work for." The vixen lets go of Connor's hand and takes another sip of hot chocolate.

Connor shrugs and moves to the couch. "Yeah, I met him at first without even knowing it. Thought he was an overseer, not Lord of the Hold. All worked out, though, I'm working the fields between the hold and the Inn." He smiles at her. "Got off to a good start, clearing thorns and thrushes, and then had a bit of good luck, met a Dryad at the Inn, got her to show me which trees needed tending, which needed felling, and confirmed no curses. With a promise to plant five acorns for every tree I cut, and to leave one in particular alone, we could have a boosted crop." He smiles. "Dunno what milord will buy to plant, but you'll want to buy from us. Dryad best crops are the best."

"I will certainly consider doing so, if your crops are some that I'll need," Callie says. When Connor sits down, Callie rests herself in his lap, setting her chocolate down on the coffee table and handing him a brush which he can use on her tails if he likes. "Just be sure you follow that dryad's deal precisely. You promised to plant at a five to one ratio; if you plant at a *four* to one ratio, she'll know about it."

Connor smiles and begins brushing the tails. "Oh, I know. Always honor a deal with a Dryad, like grandpa said, even though the Lords always collared them before the likes of us could ever get to them." He sighs. "Poor things, trapped in palace gardens, meanwhile folks are starving outside. Anyway, she's kept showing up, and I think she's getting sweet on me. She was expecting me to rape her in the fields, I think, and when I didn't, she got curious. When she saw I cared about the trees she said I should care for..." he shrugs. "She's super pretty, but I worry. Her tree belongs to some Lord, not sure which, who uses it to ensure her obedience. If she keeps up as she is, and I think she means to, I don't know how to take care of her."

Callie scratches her chin thoughtfully at Connor's dilemma. "I'm not sure there's anything you *can* do, if a lord's got his eyes on her. Just remain friends with her, keep up your end of the deal, and be there for her emotionally if she needs you. It's always good to have friends."

<+Connor> "I don't know that it will be that simple. I mentioned that I am old, by human standards, and she started talking about becoming my Eternal Tree, as happy as you please. I think she might be in love, or at least, the Dryad's version of it. Now, I know not to count on a Nymphs constancy, but neither do I want to hurt her, especially since if it hits her hard enough..." he sighs, then gives Callie a bit of a pinch at the base of her middle tail. "I was just a farmer trying to survive a week ago. Now I get invited to dinner by beautiful Vulpine Ladies, and have Dryad's mooning over me. Nanthalion is odd..." he gives her a grin. "Then again, maybe you were right about not selling myself short." He sighs. "She's not collared, is the main good news. Whoever this Lord is, he thinks leverage on her tree is enough. And a week ago, I'd have assumed that to be true."

"Your... Eternal Tree? She's talking about being your wife, or something? I don't really know a lot about dryad culture, if they even *have* a culture." Callie smiles softly at the pinching of her middle tailbase. "So, what's changed in the past week that has made you think differently of the situation? Is it your newfound popularity with the ladies?"

Connor shakes his head. "When a Dryad dies, or gets so sad that they want to, like with grief, they become an Eternal tree. They just... cease to be, and a tree grows in the space where they were. If you ever passed one of those trees that looks like a woman..." he nods. Then shakes his head. "And she's DOWN for it, at least at the moment. Keeps showing up, despite all the danger traveling alone puts her in. She might even risk damage to her tree." He sighs, "I'm sorry. Not the best thing to talk about with you in my lap. Just... on my mind. Want to do right with her, and you know Dryads when curious. She's not going to stay away for my asking."

Callie gasps softly. "You're telling me... she wants to die? And she's feeling happy about the possibility? Do you suppose it's because of the leverage that lord has on her?" Callie is trying hard to understand the dryad's motive for becoming an Eternal Tree, and that's the best she can think of.

Connor shakes his head. "More that she's willing to. I was warning her about human mortality... that for a being like her, and you I suppose, my age will become a problem relatively quickly." He sighs. "She didn't care. The way she reacted to the idea, she almost found it romantic." He sighs as he continues brushing. "There would be worse things in
the world than being loved by a Dryad, especially as a farmer. " He smiles as he looks at her. "Probably a dumb thing to worry about. Dryads will do what Dryads will do, unless collared."

"So will vulpines," Callie says. "We're rather happy-go-lucky, devil-may-care like that. If I wasn't already engaged, I daresay you'd be high on my list of candidates, Connor. And I know full well that you'll be lucky to live another 20 years." One of the tails that isn't currently being brushed, her lower tail, rubs lightly against the human's chest. "Long-lifers such as vulpines try to adopt a philsophical attitude about living with short-lifers-- enjoy them while we can."

Connor nods and kisses her. "Well, might as well take my chance to kiss an engaged Fox." He grins.

Callie leans into the kiss and then turns around in Connor's lap so she's facing him, but still encourages him to brush her tails. "So, you suspect she's into you, but are *you* into *her*? Do you see her as anything more than just a good friend?" Callie's red tabby Caroline had jumped down from the couch when she saw Connor, but is now climbing up onto the cushion next to him, and giving him a light meow.

Connor smiles. "I might... she's super sweet. Never thought at my age it could be a thing. Maybe it is. Never thought you'd be interested in me, either, but I seem to remember a great night in my room." He moves on to another tail.

"Ain't life an interesting party," Callie says with a chuckle. "You're attractive and charming enough that I reckon *several* girls could get into you. Just do right by us, and we'll do right by you. At least, me and probably the dryad. Can't speak for anyone else."

"Hard to believe..." Connor says with a laugh. "but here we are. And who knows? Maybe I'll work, save, buy a plot of land, and be set up. A pretty Friend with Benefits to cook me good meals, a Dryad to bless the fields and warm my bed, maybe a couple slaves to ease the housework and long cold winter nights..." he laughs. "Life is strange, Musha Villa. Life is passing strange."

Callie smiles warmly, and gives Connor a gentle kiss on the lips. "That sounds like a wonderful goal to have. The Real Estate Brokers in Nanthalion are holding everyday sales on specific plots. They might still be doing it when it comes time for you to settle down. I own... three places now. This place; one in the forest called Foxden; and a villa in northwest Sha`Shir that'll be on the beach when it's fully constructed."

"That sounds lovely," Connor says. as he continues to brush her tails. "A bunch of places I've lived, the land was all spoken for. This has been a lovely change of pace." As he continues touching and brushing her, he grins. "I'd gotten the impression that you were spoken for, earlier, but this is the first time you mentioned a fiance. Tell me about them. I have to say I'm curious what it takes to catch this particular fox."

Callie chuckles. "Her name is Kayleigh, and I met her about three years ago. I was in a private bath, awaiting the arrival of some guy from the bar whom I don't remember anymore. I had only a couple of candles lit, and Kayleigh walked in while I was bathing. She apologized profusely, but I told her she didn't have to leave... and I think we had sex like four times that evening." The fox grins. "I'd never met a human with such sexual stamina. I found out later that the guy whom I was expecting, instead finished his beer and passed out in the middle of the inn's common room."

Connor laughs at that, then looks around. "Poor fool. His loss, obviously." The restaurant seems empty. "Is it just you in here today? Any of your folks working in the kitchen?"

"Well, there *were* a couple extra people during the day, but it's past seven-thirty at night now," Callie says. "Almost closing time, in fact. I like to handle this hour by myself. There's not really enough work this time of night for more than one person, and if it *does* get busy, I can just add a few Elemental Servants."

"In that case..." Connor says with a smile, "I think it's high time I got to see this kitchen of yours." With a quick motion, he slings the beautiful vulpine over his shoulder, the arm holding her there playfully toying with her tails as he walks back into the kitchen area. "Very nice... very clean..." he says, appraisingly, then walks to where her various beverages are kept. "What do you think, sweet fox? Some of your special mead for the evening?" He glances at her over his shoulder. "Assuming no one is waiting for you, of course."

Callie laughs brightly as Connor lifts her up like a sack of potatoes and continues playing with her tails as he heads behind the bar counter with her. "Wait, you want the Tianopo honey mead? You know what that does, right? Did I tell you what that does?" When they find out what Tianopo honey does, a lot of people decide not to eat it, out of embarassment.

Connor smiles as he clears a space on one of the counter tops, laying her down on it. "Labels say a lot of things," he says with a grin. He takes the bottle he grabbed, pops the top, then holds it to her mouth, slowly lifting it to get her to drink. "Maybe I want to find out... first hand..." he chuckles. "If I could write, I'd probably take notes."

As charmed as Callie is by Connor's playfulness, she shakes her head. "No, not here. Upstairs, in my room. First door on the right. Never on a cooking or preparation surface. It's a rule I have. And take two bottles of the mead."

Connor considers her for a second, then nods, and grabbing another bottle for himself, again hoists the Vulpine in his arms as he starts walking up towards the room she mentioned. "Fair enough. But get started on that bottle..." he says with a grin as they mount the stairs, opening the correct door when he comes to it.

Callie giggles, and says, "Yes, sir!", taking her first sip of honey mead and smiling as she feels the soft arousal coursing through her fingers and toes. Inside Callie's room is a king-sized bed with red sheets, pillowcases, and a blanket on it; an end table with lantern; and a desk with a chair and two candles. There's also a small shrine to The Lady, on top of which stands a statuette of the vulpine goddess flanked by two large candlesticks.

Connor carries her in, and for all his brusqueness, is still quite gentle as he lays her down on the bed before grabbing the bottle and taking a deep drink myself. "I'll say this for Nanthalion..." he says as he puts the bottle down, his hands going for his shirt. "It sure has brought new life to old bones." He smiles at the fox as the first buttons come undone. "Of course, that may just be the Fox in tune with her goddess and the dryad being... well... who they are." He gives her a wink.

Before she forgets, Callie creates an Elemental Servant downstairs and has it lock up the double doors and the fae door before dissipating. Callie takes another sip from the bottle of mead before placing it down on her end table, the fox making no move to remove her clothes as of yet. She is dressed in a white silken button-down shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, and underclothes, and her feet are comfortably bare.

As his shirt comes off, Connor walks to the edge of the bed, folding it carefully and setting it down on the end table. Kicking off his boots, he slowly crawls onto the bed over the fox, smiling down at her. He's beginning to feel the mead, and takes another pull from the bottle before kissing her. "whoever that fool was..." he whispers into her ear as he pulls away from the kiss, "should be flayed alive for passing up a chance to join you in the baths." He looks her in the eye. "I've lived a while, now, and if I've learned anything..." a hand passes under her skirt, hooking a finger in the underclothes he finds there, "it is never to pass up a good thing."

Callie takes a long sip of the mead as she sees Connor taking off most of his clothes. She has enough experience with Tianopo honey to know how much of her arousal is her own, and how much is the result of its consumption. A lot of it *is* the sight of his removing his clothes. "Yes, he *should* be flayed alive," Callie says. "Teach him a lesson. TAR THE BASTARD!" She laughs. In addition to being aroused, the alcohol of the honey mead is making her just a little buzzed, too, though one bottle of the mead is nowhere near enough to actually get her drunk.

Slowly, gently, and with as much teasing as possible, Connor works the five tails out of the holes in her panties before removing them, dragging them down over her legs and, pulling them loose, he grins, teasing her sex with his fingers while his other hands go to the buttons of her silk shirt. "Drink deep, sweet fox. Your hands may be busy, soon."

Callie grins, and pours a little more of the honey mead down her throat, loving the taste, and enjoying what the drink is doing to her. Her whole body is tingling now with arousal, her five tails swaying slowly behind her once those furry appendages are removed from her skirt and panties. She looks up at Connor with lascivious eyes, eager to be with him again.

Another kiss, then Connor's hands go to his trousers, removing them quickly as he can, if not necessarily gracefully. He does a better job with her skirt, pulling it down over her legs while kissing along right behind where the fabric touched, taking a moment to lean in and taste her between her legs before standing back, looking her over, "at attention," as it were. "You know," he says with a smile. "You're a lady of your people. Honored by your Lady," he gestures to the statue. "I never am sure just how 'in charge' you want to be when we do this."

Callie feels that now is not the time to gently correct Connor that she's technically not a 'lady' of her people-- that honor would go to her oldest-living female ancestor, who's pushing the age of 900 years old right now. "When I make love," Callie says, unabashedly looking up and down Connor's body, "it doesn't matter to me whether I'm on top or on bottom; whether I'm dominant or submissive. I'm just looking to have a good time."

Connor nods, and with a smile, removes his trousers, stepping out of them while his hands fondle her head, leaning forward for a kiss before his hands go down, grasping her hips and turning her over so that her belly is facing down. "In that case," he says with a grin, and sets himself behind her, his cock head resting on the lips of her sex while his hands play at the base of her tails, gripping them firmly, though gently.

Callie grins, and wraps her side tails around Connor's waist, lightly stroking the exposed skin there while her other three tails-- upper, center, and lower-- lightly wiggle where they are. From this position, she can see the shrine to The Lady over in the corner, and she gazes intently at the statuette flanked by the candlesticks, thanking Her silently for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails. She asks Her to look down upon them with love as one of Her Mushani Villa enjoys life in one of the best ways possible, fulfilling the First Tenet.

Connor settles in, feeling as his touches excite and prepare her, and as he can feel her moistening down there, he starts to push in, feeling as she accepted him, and then pushing deeper, sighing as he feels her body around him, and always playing with those tails. "Ah, Musha Villa... there you are..." then, as he reaches about half way, his hands move to her hips, preparing for a strong final thrust.

"Here I am," Callie says with a sly grin as she feels Connor sliding inside her slowly, and then stopping and taking hold of her hips. "Mmm, this feels so good." As he pushes up into her, she uses a Kegel exercise to tighten her sex's grip on him momentarily. She loves to see the reactions of people when they realize she can do that.

<+Connor> As he pushes the rest of the way in, Connor's eyes go wide as he feels her tighten around him... "that feels amazing..." he says as he pulls back, then thrusts again... and again... and again. A hand starts giving small smacks to her backside to accentuate the rhythm.

"Oooo, do that," Callie says when she feels Connor start to smack her rear end. It doesn't hurt, and it doesn't make a lot of noise, either, as her bottom is covered by red fur. Her body shudders lightly with excitement, and her toes and tails curl a little bit. As Connor begins his rhythmic thrusting into her, she counter-thrusts, eventually finding a shared equilibrium.

Connor, having finally found that good rhythm, rocks with it, continuing the smacks with her encouragement, "Are you sure?" he asks with a smile. "I think your butt is turning red." he chuckles at his joke as he continues the motion, gasping for breath at the sensations he feels.

Callie laughs, and says, "Yeah, that's enough spanking for now," suggesting a moment later, "Rub my tails, hon. Stroke them and give them the attention they deserve." Callie looks over at The Lady's statuette again, and she allows herself to imagine that The Lady and Her husband Trejani are looking down on them right now and getting off as they see what Callie and Connor are doing with one another. It's a very arousing feeling.

Connor nods as he takes those tails in his hands, grasping them at the base with each thrust and allowing them to trail back through his fingers as he pulls back, just to repeat again, with two different tails, at the next thrust. "Here's to Your Lady, Callie, may She be pleased by what She sees."

Callie smiles brightly, lets out a gasp, and says, "Keeshan." ["Amen."] Continuing in Common, she says, "Yes, shuka triesta, look down on us with love! Unnnh, I'm Your humble servant, now and forever!" She begins to buck against Connor quite quickly now, every so often tightening her vagina with those Kegel exercises.

Connor continues rocking with her, gripping harder, pounding in harder, until he feels himself right on the edge, and with that final squeeze she gives him, he's had all he can take, gripping her tight as he drives in as deep as he's gone, exploding into her.

Callie feels the delicious warmth of Connor's seed pouring into her, and that's enough to push her over the top as well, groaning and coming hard with him.

As he pulls out, Connor pushes her forward onto the bed, crawling over her until he can wrap his arms around her torso. "You're amazing..." he says with a smile. But he can still feel the mead in him, "But I think you and I have a long night ahead of us..."

Callie chuckles and says, "No doubt you're right. But let's cuddle for a few minutes; give ourselves time to recover."
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie's First Time with Shiho

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:40 am

October 2, 2018
Callie and Shiho

Callie Volopa sits in front of the couch at Callista's Vulpine Cuisine after-hours, enjoying the tail-brushing she's receiving from Shiho, who's on the couch with his legs spread so that Callie can have room to slide close to him. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen of the Verlosi Tribe is dressed in a white silken shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, and underclothes, and her feet are comfortably bare. She'd invited Shiho here to have dinner with her after the restaurant closed, and now they're enjoying each other's company while their food digests. "Did I ever tell you the story of how I became a water mage?" she asks.

Shiho knew Callie's time had been rather busy with the latest event at the restaurant where the healers had been honoured, even when she luckily possessed the magic to let 'others' do the cleaning. Still he had been more than a little eager to come over and help her relax and of course he hoped that they would do some relaxing together later. But he always was a patient man and right now was taking his time brushing Callie's tails.. left.. right... upper...lower... middle.. left... right... upper...lower... middle. A constant rhythm, making sure to follow the order that she liked the most. At least, one hand focused on the tails and the brush he used for it. The other hand might be taking some more liberties with the rest of her body, although the night was still young and he was still feeling rather full from the meal she had presented, so it just were some teasing but mostly innocent caresses. "Do tell." He said with a teasing grin on his lips that she might just hear in his voice. He truly loved to hear her stories so that was not the reason for the teasing, as long she remembered there was a time for stories and that there was a time for other sounds. Right now Shiho was very accepting time to hear stories.

"I'd just about learned all the early Arcana spells I could," Callie says. "After I learned how to fly, I started with serious thoughts as to what path I might take. I could continue as a regular Mage, become an Elemental Mage, or do a few other things. I compared and contrasted vigorously, and ultimately decided to follow the path of my ancestors, becoming a Water Mage." Callie smiles gently as she enjoys the tail-brushing and caressing. "Some people would have chosen Water Mage *just* because it was traditional, but I did it based on research. So the next question was, 'How would I accomplish this?'"

Shiho smiled as he just had picked up the fly spell the other day on his way back to town from the portal. His feet would be so grateful for the spell. And of course the five tails he was brushing were a clear sign that Callie would achieve everything she put her heart to, but he could easily imagine there were younger years were every step and decision had to be weighed before it was taken. He enjoyed listening to her voice, even when his hand caressed
over her back as well as lightly circling around the bases of the tails the other hand was brushing. At times he truly teased, letting a finger touch those bases, knowing how it affected her, but mostly he behaved. As far a man could in the company of a beautiful woman. "So, what did you decide to do?" He asked her, making sure that she knew that he was listening and was interested in the tale.

Callie murmurs softly into the gentle touching of her tailbases; Shiho darn well *knows* how that affects her, but she's certainly capable of enjoying it without losing her mind. "I picked up a copy of the Water Mage Cantrip Journal," she says, "and from 9 at night until 5 in the morning, I read it straight through without a break. I did the exercises at the end of each chapter, too. When I was finished, I fell asleep right there where I was-- on the floor, with my back against my inn bed." She laughs softly.

Shiho smiled and lightly kissed her neck. "You know there are more fun things to do in that time right?" He teased, the air of his words lightly caressing the spot he had just kissed. But of course he really had no right to speak as there were enough moments where he had ignored the most beautiful of women to read to that one rare book or to learn about a certain subject. "When you put your mind to something, you will do it." He then said more seriously and of course that was something he could very much respect.

"Oh, no doubt there were a *lot* of things I could have been doing that would have been more pleasurable, but that would have been a very temporary pleasure," Callie says. "The Lady also asks us to seek self-improvement, and that justified what I was doing. So, I fell asleep with two tails and red fur... and I awoke with three tails and *blue* fur." Callie reaches up to her right ear, touching an earring there with her thumb and forefinger. She speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani, and her fur of crimson red and creamy white changes to arctic blue and icy white.

Shiho smiled and nodded. "I know and you have improved yourself a lot." He complimented her, or just stated a fact as the five tails very much proved that. He smiled as she changed in front of him and his hand now lightly brushed over the fur that wasn't covered by clothing. The other hand was very diligent working on the task with the brush, although the brushing itself was gently and soft. It also was time to switch from the right tail to the upper tail again, which seemed very fitting with her story although Shiho still preferred her right tail over the others.

Callie smiles warmly, waving her tails slightly in response to Shiho's grooming of them, and she says, "Oh, I have indeed. You should've seen me back then. I was total rapebait. And almost *did* get raped on my first day in the inn. Now I'm powerful enough that no one would dare try. A woman can own the best restaurant in the empire, declare it violence-free, and have that be respected because of her *own* experience in battle. Now, how about that?" she says.

Shiho grinned and started to circle the base of her right tail with his finger, lightly but very intensely. "And of course you are so well known that anyone hurting you or going against your wishes would get more than half the town chasing him." He said with a grin. "So hopefully you will enjoy what I have planned for you." He teased. "Since you love telling stories so much, perhaps you should tell me a bit about what things turn you on the most." Of course his interest in that subject was very serious but the question wasn't. He looked forward to learning everything about, without her needing to tell him. Some hints were naturally welcome, but he mostly just wanted to have her thinking on that subject while his fingers played with her.

Callie nods at Shiho's comment about her popularity, and she says, "I daresay I'm more popular than the emperor himself. Even Lord Stormbringer has enemies. I don't really think I do, except for maybe one or two." When Shiho asks her that question, she gives it some serious thought. "Well, you're already achieving two of them right now," she says. "Stroking my tails, and in the right order, too. Don't think that's gone unnoticed. And I also like when someone's willing to listen to me, to share my life with them. Beyond all that... I enjoy having the backs of my ears stroked, too. I like hot, passionate kisses, and warm hugs."

Shiho chuckled at her comment about the emperor. "I think most people are more popular than their emperor, no matter the country or empire. You have those that are jealous of the power, try to take it for themselves and those that just be good to share that power. Neither counts as popularity." He smiled as she started to answer his other question and also very well noticed the order in which she replied. As she mentioned her ears, he was quick to test her words and gently teased them in the same way he had teased the base of her tails earlier. He sat up a bit, bringing his mouth closer to one of her ears and breathed gently against it. "You will have to show me how you like those kisses..." he invited her, of course having enough ideas but he simply liked having her make a move to kiss him.

Callie lets out a soft murr as she feels her ears played with by Shiho, and then when she feels his hot breath whispering against her left ear, she nods, and turns around on the floor. She takes hold of Shiho's hand and leads him to the pile of four blankets that are in front of the fireplace. Lying down on them, she turns him to face her, and begins to give him a gentle kiss that slowly grows hotter and more passionate.

Shiho grinned as Callie took his hand and happily followed her to the fireplace. His hand gently caressed her hair as she turned to him while his eyes clearly admired her. It was not the first time he was spending time in a mostly quiet restaurant with Callie or that they kissed, but he treasured every kiss as if it was both the first and the last. Kissing had been one of the many subjects he had been actually educated on, but more important than that, he simply loved kissing. With his hand behind Callie's head, he almost trapped her against his lips and followed her lead in making the kiss more passionate. His tongue teased but did so very lovingly and even during the passion of the kiss, his eyes watched her, admired her beauty and presence.

Callie moans lightly as she feels Shiho responding to the way her lips move against hers, and she teases his lips with her tongue before using it to part them, and exploring his mouth. She takes one of his hands and places it against her right tailbase, and then she moves her own hands to the nape of his neck and the small of his back. Her tails and bare toes curl as the fox feels more and more pleasure.

Shiho had been teasing her for most of their time together, but now with the clear invitation there is a real sparkle in his eyes. They both know that her right tail is his favourite and he wonders if that is the reason why she guided his hand there, or that it was a random chance. His tongue dances with Callie's tongue while his fingers start to work on her tailbase.. a lot more convincing than his earlier teasing. The company of the Vulpine really was arousing him and she was very right that this was a hot and passionate kiss. His other hand was still behind her head, but now moved slightly to find her ear again, grinning against her lips as his magical hands teased her there as well.

Callie lets out an "mmmmm" into the kiss when she feels her ear so gently and expertly touched by Shiho. In her mind, she's already wondering what it would be like to have Shiho inside her, giving her all that he has to give, and she wonders if she'll live up to his expectations. Surely, he's been thinking about this for just as long as she has, and no doubt he's built a mythology around her. But as she continues the kiss, she feels confident. She's made love hundreds, if not a thousand, times in her life, and it's something that she's very, very good at. As her tails sway slowly behind her in arousal, in her mind she gives thanks to The Lady for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails. She asks that She look down upon her and Shiho with love as they share their passion with one another.

Shiho was in no rush to end the kiss any time soon although both his hands grew far more teasing and exploring. Of course Callie's tailbases were the most charming targets right now, but he also showed quite the interest in the Vulpine's ass while his fingers left one tailbase and claimed the next. He clearly was grinning even as they kissed, enjoying the beautiful company. He wasn't very strong, not compared to the experienced Vulpine, but still he should manage to roll the attractive woman on top of him without breaking the kiss. There she would surely feel how her company and the kiss were affecting him but he wasn't shy about such things. Quite the opposite, he preferred her to know and feel as words were easy but this couldn't be faked. Gently he bit in her lip.

Callie slips her mouth off of Shiho's when she feels him bite, and she giggles softly as she opens her emerald-green eyes and looks at him. The vixen lifts her mouth up and kisses his nose, grinning. "Mmmm, you like my bum, huh?" she asks him. "I can't say as I blame you. It's one of my best features." She gives him a warm hug, enjoying the feeling of his chest against her clothed breasts, and she digs her toes slightly into his back.

Shiho smiled as Callie opened her eyes again and commented on him liking her ass. "A very fine feature yes." He agreed to her agreement with a grin, before caressing her back as she hugged him. He was in no rush to break the embrace although with her body on top of his and pressed so close together, there was no hiding what effect her company had on him. But of course if she hadn't known that earlier, there was something wrong with the beautiful Vulpine. Teasingly he grabbed her ass again, ignoring all her tails for a moment.

Callie murrs gently when she feels her rear end grabbed again, and she reaches down to grab Shiho's bum now as well. Her other hand, she places at the back of Shiho's head, and she leads him into another kiss, this time a very gentle one. Then she breaks the kiss and begins to paint his face with her lips. Up to his nose, his forehead, his cheeks, and back down to his mouth. The whole process takes about a full five minutes. Callie is in no hurry tonight. All the while, her tails sway slowly behind her, a testatment to her continuing enjoyment of what they're doing.

Shiho loved the taste of her lips as she gently kissed him again. Right now he could only enjoy as her lips explored his face while his hands massaged and groped her ass, but of course it didn't take long at all before he included her tails in the play again. Especially her right tail, but not limited to just that one. This was not something to be rushed so he was more than happy to let Callie take her time with him, but if she at some point decided to
tell him another story he would gag her and take her right here in front of the fire place. He would still listen to her story after that, but right now there was no real need for words any more. As she eventually found his mouth again, he claimed her lips with another passionate kiss, loving the dance of their tongues.

The time for stories is over right now, replaced only with Callie and Shiho's need for each other. The vixen takes hold of one of Shiho's hands, his dominant one, and places it on the top button of her white silken button-down shirt. Beneath is only a lacy purple bra, with black and white highlights. She breaks the kiss just long enough to nod permission to Shiho, and then she kisses him again, nice and slowly, breathing in through her nose so that she doesn't have to come up for air.

Shiho grinned as she brought his right hand to the top button of her shirt but the grin was soon hidden against Callie's lips again. While the passionate kiss is shared, Shiho fumbles with the button for a moment before simply ripping the shirt open. His hand soon started to explore the bra... but more the breasts under the shirt. After all, he loved breasts almost as much as a nice tempting behind and Callie's charms were very interesting. While his hand teased and played, his tongue remained equally playful.

Callie breaks the kiss and frowns at Shiho when she feels around and sees that her top button is missing off her shirt now. "Shiho," she says in a disappointed voice. "Next time, just let *me* do it." She gets up off his lap, and starts looking for the button, which must have fallen to the floor.

Shiho noticed her looking around for the missing button and as he had felt the little thing jump away, it luckily didn't take too long before he found it. Bringing it back to the spot where it used to be before, he restores her shirt with his mend spell. "Your passionate kisses make it hard to focus." He says in an apologetic manner, although his hand still rests very close to her breasts. Of course he could have managed the buttons as he was rather skilled in multitasking but he had been unwilling to give her body less than his full attention.

Callie wrinkles her nose, and finally chuckles. "All right," she says, smiling at him. "I forgive ya. Come on, let's go upstairs. We can get more comfortable." She undoes a few more buttons on her shirt, and tosses it into Shiho's face before heading upstairs, her tails moving in a teasing fashion as she goes up the stairs backwards so that she can see the human's reaction to her.

Shiho licked his lips as he watched her open her buttons further and followed her upstairs, walking a bit less comfortable than before. The previous time they had only been in the restaurant itself and the bathhouse, so the upperfloor was still a mystery to him, but he paid very little attention to the place. There was just one mystery that he had eyes for right now and he happily let her guide him where she wanted to go.

Callie goes into the first door she comes to, which is her bedroom/office, and she quickly lights the lantern on her desk. In addition to the desk and chair, she has a king-sized bed with red sheets; a small circular table with two chairs around it; and an end table. Callie stands in front of the door, her five tails swirling lightly, waiting for Shiho to enter. When he closed the door, she'd pin him against it and start kissing him feverishly.

Shiho soon had both his hands under her ass again, keeping her trapped against him while she pinned him against the door. His kisses were equally needy and passionate and no matter how loose his pants were, there was no hiding how eager he was to be with her. He hadn't seen anything in the room yet other than the beautiful Vulpine that had lead him there. His hands groped her ass, aroused and hungry for her. His mouth was forceful with hers.

Callie removes her mouth from Shiho's just long enough for her to lift his black shirt over his head and toss it to the floor behind her bare feet; her lower tail bats it around the floor playfully before she resumes kissing him. Callie places Shiho's hand on the back strap of her bra, breaks the kiss, and says, "*Do* try to take better care of this one," with a teasing Southern accent.

<+Shiho> "You are no fun." He teases back, but instead he shows his force by the way his tongue claims her mouth again, while his hand actually is quite gentle in opening her bra. He doesn't remove it right away.. mostly because his eyes are aimed at Callie's eyes and he would prefer to see the revealing of her breasts but he enjoys staring into her beautiful eyes even more. He is a man that appreciates beauty and attractive bodies but not to the point that a pretty body is all he notices.

Callie keeps her eyes open for this particular kiss, and is surprised that Shiho does the same; her fingers run against his unshod back, tracing little circles and lines against it with the flats of her fingernails. She wraps her left and right tails around Shiho's body as they continue their slow foreplay with one another, but in her mind the two of them are already making love, and she feels as if The Lady and Her husband Trejani are gazing down at them from the Celestial Realm and smiling. Maybe they're even getting off on this.

Shiho grins as he feels two of her tails wrapping around his body and gently caresses her beautiful body. Gently he kisses her again, lightly teasing her lower lip with his teeth. "I opened it, how about you remove it." He commented teasingly, hoping she would take a step backwards so he could get a good view of them. Of course he had seen all of her in the bathhouse, but some parts of her he would love to see all the time. His hand gently kept brushing against her body. He wanted her, but really wanted to take his time with her.. after all they had all night.

Callie does indeed pull away a little bit, with her hand holding up her lacy purple bra from in front. After a brief, teasing moment, in which she gazes into Shiho's eyes with her own emerald-green ones, she slowly lowers her hand, exposing her white-furred breasts fully to his sight. The fox gives Shiho a warm smile, and places one of his hands at the valley between her two breasts.

Shiho kept his eyes locked with her eyes for as long as possible, he was raised with manners. The lust and pleasure of being with her was clearly visible in his gaze and it wan't until it was clear that she was going to remove her bra that his gaze went lower. She was beautiful, especially in her topless state. His hand was warm against the valley and his fingers lightly teased her breasts. The little distance between them was quickly removed as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her right breast. He really seemed to have a thing for the right side of her body it seemed. There was a second kiss and then his tongue lightly brushed over her nipple. He wanted her to feel him as much as he felt her.

Callie lets out a soft gasp upon feeling Shiho's lips and tongue on her right breast, and the vixen caresses the back of his head, running her fingers through his black hair. Her tails and toes curl in response to these good feelings she's having, and she wraps her other arm around Shiho's waist, pulling him on top of her as she slides down onto her back, on the mattress.

Shiho was not ashamed at all that she could feel just how hard her beautiful body made him, although there was still a bit too much fabric between them for his liking. His hand started to fully caress her left breast now, while his mouth claimed the right nipple and started to suckle upon it, although he also included his teeth in the teasing. There were many forms of foreplay and this was one that he happened to like a lot. He hardly paid attention to Callie's bed and mattress, only feeling her body right now. He wished he could see down on their own bodies as he wanted to see the effect he had on her and her tails, but was confident enough to have some idea of how he made her feel.

Callie grits her teeth a little bit in minor pain when she feels Shiho starting to use his teeth on her breast, but the pain is pleasurable enough that she doesn't complain. The two of them are still wearing clothes on the lower halves of their bodies, and she knows her rainbow-colored knee-length skirt and red lace panties will be easier to remove if she's on top, so after about a minute, the vixen rolls on top of the human, and directs both his hands to her tails.

Shiho looked with a grin up to her while his hands were happy to play with her tails again, focusing most of his attention on her right and left tail bases. "Such a beautiful woman." He commented simply with his exotic accent as he admired her body, wishing he had more hands to tease all of her body. He grinned happily, loving to be here with her.

"And you're a very attractive man," Callie replies, smiling brightly at him. "Now, to take my skirt off, you gotta thread each tail through the tail-hole individually. It's a pain; I know." She shrugs; what can you do? "Vulpines have to get their pants re-tailored every time we earn a new tail."

Shiho grinned, hoping she had some understanding how much of a pain it was when being this aroused, but he was a man of skill and patience. He kept teasing her left tail a little longer, especially the base and carefully explored the exact nature of her tailhole before he started to make an attempt of freeing the tail. It went quicker and easier than he had expected, almost as if her body was meant to be exposed to him. Once the left tail was free, he of course continued with the right tail next. He still took things slowly, trying to find a good balance between freeing and teasing her. Slowly he freed each tail in the right order... which was quite the challenge to remember while his gaze was aimed at her tempting breasts.

As Shiho removes her tails from her skirt, one at a time, Callie notices that he's doing it in the right order, and rewards him with a dazzling smile. When the fifth tail is removed, Callie strokes her left breast with one of her hands, while the other one helps Shiho lower the skirt down and off her body. Her tails now come into Shiho's full view, swaying slowly above their bodies in a sign of her arousal.

Shiho let his gaze travel over her body, wondering if she could feel the heat radiating from his gaze. Perhaps this was how fire mages were made. He loved the way her tails moved and swayed, perhaps not understanding the meaning fully, but he knew how he felt so he had a pretty good idea of how Callie felt. His hands found her tails again, but like before he also was highly interested in her ass and made sure she could tell by the way he was lightly groping her flesh. His lips missed her mouth and he hoped that no matter what happened next, he would very soon get the chance again to kiss her.

To spare Shiho some extra work, Callie threads her tails out of the tail-hole in her panties, doing it much more quickly than Shiho had with her skirt, and then she lowers them down and off her feet, giving them a light kick in a leftward direction. Now she places Shiho's left hand on her bare ass, and encourages him. "Squeeze a little bit."

Shiho might not immediately be able to respond to her words as he simply was mesmerized by her.. but only for the shortest of moments. Then he was more than happy to follow her encouragement and squeezed her bare ass. He was a friendly, loving, charming man but like so many in the empire he did love to tease with spankings at times so perhaps some day he would lightly mark Callie's ass in that way but right now he just loved the feeling of that tempting and arousing flesh. Of course now he was the only one still partly dressed and he hoped that soon that would change as he hoped Callie would get as intimate with his flesh as he was being with hers.

Callie lets out a gentle moan at the feeling of Shiho's hands lightly squeezing her bum, and the vixen takes hold of the waistband of his pants, removing them and whatever lay beneath. She looks down in unabashed excitement at his semi-hard manhood, and reaches out for it with her right hand-- but she stops just short. "May I?" she asks. She figures the answer is yes, but consent is very important to her.

Shiho held his breath for a moment as Callie started to remove his pants and watched her as she studied him. "Go ahead." He told her, trying to sound casual but it would be impossible for the Vulpine to miss the aroused shiver in his voice. He never minded to take things slow, he was a very patient man that loved to tease his bedpartners, counterpartners, table partners and what ever other location things happened in, but Callie was a beautiful and erotic being and it felt good to finally be naked with her. Once more he realized that he would tie her up and gag her if she started another story about Vulpine history, but it wasn't that serious of a thought or fear. His hand caressed over her body, although he was curious to see and feel what she would do next.

As Callie's body is stroked by Shiho, she extends her arm out all the way and takes gentle hold of Shiho's manhood. She runs her palm in small circles around the top of his glans, and then wraps her four white-furred fingers around it, while her thumb plays against the lower edge of the glans.

Shiho loved the feeling of her hand and fingers teasing his cock, but didn't let it distract him too much from his own attentions to her body. She had such a beautiful, arousing and soft body and he expected half that every time he would see her after today, he would be quick to get his hands on her to simply tease or arouse her. As she caressed him, his cock grew even harder for her but he did his best to distract himself from that by letting his hands tease her ass and tails again. He always tried to study his new partners before he acted, but his hands were very confident as he teased Callie.

Callie reaches with her free left hand and places one of Shiho's hands on the base of her left tail-- her birth-tail-- and lets it go, placing it now on Shiho's right shoulder as she continues to explore his cock. After a moment she asks, "Do you like having your scrotum gently pinched? Avoiding the balls, of course."

Shiho started to center his attentions on her left tail base. His hand was warm, as was the case with most spellcasters that didn't dabble with necromancy... well, or ice magic... and he shared some of that warmth with her tail without using his magic. "As long you keep it gentle, you can try most things." He said with a grin, consenting to quite a bit if she really was interested in certain things but of course he aimed to have her too aroused to really get him in trouble. He loved meeting new people and becoming very friendly with them, but Callie was a special creature.

Callie nods, and she moves her right hand down a little bit, trapping some of the loose, wrinkled ball sack in between her thumb and forefinger. Squeezing gently, she tries to stretch it out a little bit, very careful to observe his reactions to what she's doing, so that she'll know when to continue and when to stop.

Shiho loved the exploration of each others body they shared and soon his caresses to her tailbase became more daring and teasing at the same time. He aimed to affect her and while she studied his reactions, he did the same to her. He loved the way she teased his balls and his cock now was fully hard for her. His lips missed the taste of her mouth, although perhaps it was time to taste other parts of their bodies. He had many skills, but perhaps his mouth was the best trained one and one day he would drive her crazy that way.

Seeing that Shiho's cock is now fully-hard for her, Callie slowly slides down onto her stomach, with her tails and bare feet high in the air. The human's manhood is now directly in front of her face, and after looking up at him for a moment, and saying a silent prayer to The Lady, Callie takes hold of him again, and licks the tip of his cock.

Shiho groaned as he felt the first lick of her tongue, for a moment simply just focused on what she is doing to him. He watched her, preparing himself for the next tease from her before focusing his attention on her tails and ass again. She had such a tempting ass and seeing the way her tails moved, he could imagine some of the arousal she felt. Again he gave some attention to her left tail, before his hand gives the tail its freedom again and gropes at her bare ass again. His dominant side want to get the chance to spank her lightly later, but right now he was far too happy with their mutual exploration so he just caressed her ass his cock seemed to beg the Vulpine for more attention.

Callie licks him again, and then begins to swirl her tongue against him, before finally opening her mouth and taking Shiho inside. The vixen sways her five tails very slowly behind her, and curls her toes, as she makes love to her dear human friend. Who would have thought this whole thing would have begun about six months ago with her simply walking randomly into the Sorcerous Sanctuary with a meal?

Shiho groaned as she licked him, he loved taking his time with his partners but this time he was far from being in charge over the situation. His hand continued to grope her ass, ignoring all those swaying tails for now. He explored her and the way she reacted to his touches but with the play of her tongue, it was a difficult study. When he had first met her, she had seen as this important and well known Vulpine while he was just a new face in town, of course he hadn't been blind to her beauty but never had he expected this. Dreamed of this for sure.

As Shiho caresses her backside, Callie lets out a soft "mmm" against the cock in her mouth, moving up and down him slowly and swirling her tongue around him expertly. Even though she'd literally learned oral sex techniques in school, she's not strictly methodical when it comes to making love. She lets things go as they may. The fox looks up at Shiho's body with her emerald-green eyes and feels her arousal building as she does this, one of her favorite activities.

Shiho was loving her mouth and tongue and studied her with interest but then moved his hand away from her backside and brushed his fingers over one of her ears. "Let's share this fun..." He told her, the lust strongly noticeable in his voice, making his natural accent even stronger. "I want to get my mouth on you as well..." It was a dangerous grin that stood on his lips, eager to taste her and to drive her insane with his tongue. If she agreed he would move so they were in a 69 position, either next to each other on the bed, or with her on top of him.

Callie decides that she'd prefer to be next to Shiho in 69, instead of on top of him, so she agrees and makes it so. When her mouth is briefly pulled off of him, she says, "Rub and scratch my tails while you're at it, hon," and then, she takes him into her mouth again, having gotten him fully hard in the last few minutes of going down on him.

Shiho often was the more dominant one in a relationship, but that didn't mean he had hardly any experience with his tongue. He knew how to tease with his mouth and how to remain in charge while doing so. He might not have heard Callie's school time... and surely he would hear that story at some point in their future.. but he had received a similar education in the Nethergloom. A human male surrounded by cruel Moriel women had to learn certain things to
stay alive, although there were enough scars on his body from wounds that he had received in that time. Right now the Nethergloom was far from his mind as Callie's body and activity was the only thing he was focused on. He was happy with her advice as he wasn't very experienced on the company of Vulpines, but teasing her tails was something he was learning quickly. His tongue started to explore her lips while his hands travelled to her left tail again. The first few touches on her sex were innocent enough, except for the part that it was his tongue on her sex.

Callie lets out a soft moan when she feels Shiho begin to use his tongue on her, groaning and splaying out her fingers with pleasure. The vixen closes her eyes and allows herself just to enjoy the moments they're sharing together, and she takes one hand to his scrotum again, pinching the wrinkled skin there very gently and spreading his sack out wide. Callie listens intently for all signs of his pleasure or displeasure, wanting this to be some of the best sex Shiho's ever had. She's very competitive like that.

Shiho didn't really let her distract him from the task his mouth had received from him, he wanted her insane with his skill and coming back for more, but his sounds did tell the tale she wanted from his body. He groaned as she teased him with her mouth and fingers while his own hand eagerly played with the tail base of her left tail. Slowly his tongue moved into her for a slow exploration, trying to find all the little spots that affected her most. He knew how to search and he knew how to affect his partners. His breath played over her lips, at times filled with a loud groan.

Callie gasps when she feels her dear friend's tongue inside her, and every so often she lets out a soft moan when he finds a tender spot. She breaks off from his cock just long enough to say, "The clitoris, hon," and then she resumes what she's doing. The clit does, in fact, have many more nerve endings than anywhere in the vagina. For Callie, it's practically a magic pleasure button.

Shiho grinned as Callie pointed out there was one spot he was very clearly ignoring but he continued that for a little bit longer, first aiming to understand her. Again his tongue came very close to his clitoris, only to evade it at the very last moment and retreating even completely out of her pussy. He teased her lips for a moment again with his tongue and breath, but a moment later his tongue went back into that tasty spot... and this time he clearly included her clit in his play, almost finding that spot of her first. His tongue was skilled in caressing her clit while at the same time claiming the most sensitive spots of her tailbase with his fingers.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:41 am

December 5, 2018
Callie and Shiho

Callie Volopa and her dear friend Shiho are upstairs in Callie's room at Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, both nude, relaxing in Callie's bed between lovemaking sessions. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen had invited Shiho to enjoy dinner with her here after the restaurant had closed, and things had kinda progressed from there, as they did so often with Callie. Right now, they're both lying on their sides, facing one another, with the fox stroking Shiho's cheek with her fingers, and one of his ankles with her toes.

Shiho smiled as he watched his beautiful friend and gently caressed her neck with his fingers. "That was quite the celebration of my new job." He said with a wink. "And I thought dinner had already been very fantastic." He very much loved the meals Callie prepared for him at the restaurant and today she simply had outdone herself, perhaps encouraged by his news that he had been hired to work as a researcher at Umbara. The towers had been his main reason to come to the Empire and now he had finally made the step to learn more about them. But right now he was not thinking about the towers at all, Callie had a way of making sure his thoughts and attention stayed with her. The meal and the dessert had been great, but the Vulpine herself had been the biggest treat. He let his hand slide slowly lower, from her neck to one of her tempting breasts while at the same time he leaned closer and kissed her again. He had lost count of how many kisses they had shared already and this would hardly be the last. He started the kiss gently.

Callie grins at Shiho's compliment, and she leans into the kiss and the touching of her breast, while her own hand moves from his cheek down to the small of his back. She returns the kiss, just as gently, and then breaks it. "You know me: Any excuse for a celebration. And this is as good an excuse as ever. I'm proud of you; you're achieving your dreams." She smiles and kisses him again.

Shiho this time made the kiss more passionate, his fingers playing with her nipple, but more gently than he did with some others. Their lovemaking had been very intense but luckily he knew some tricks to recover his stamina quickly as he was far from done with this day and with her company. His teeth lightly teased her lips as the kiss came to an end. "I guess I will have to make you this proud more often." He then said with a wink, not that he really had to complain about their nights together, but this evening really was something. "I hope the place will have to offer a lot of knowledge to me, although I am also learning quite a few things from you." His lips found her neck and kisses her there, not for the first time.

Callie gasps and angles her head upward, to make it easier for Shiho to kiss her on the neck. Her left tail, closest to the ceiling, strokes against his side. "And mmm, what is it that you've been learning from me?" she asks. "Keep it clean." She winks, and moves her hand up his back, tracing the flats of her fingernails against his skin.

Shiho grinned at her words. "Well, that takes away 90% of the things." He teased and kissed her neck again as she offered it so nicely to him, this time the kiss was somewhat more intense. "But no, I have learned a lot about the Vulpine history and their stories and far more about my favourite vulpine." He said, letting his hand caress that left tail while it stroked his side. Soon he found the tailbase and playfully teased her there, knowing how much she loved it.

Callie moans softly into the kissing of her neck as she listens to Shiho's lessons. "I so love to tell stories," the vixen murmurs. "As a Musha Villa, it's kinda my job to pass on the oral and written histories of my people, and to guide people towards a better understanding of my culture and our religion. My own personal history... is part of the vulpine history."

Shiho grinned against her neck as he was quite aware of how much she loved telling stories and it was a good thing he enjoyed hearing them so much. He nipped lightly at her neck, but not hard or mean enough to give her a reminder of it later. "But I guess the favourite thing I learned about you, is the manner you love kissing." He spoke and claimed her lips again with his mouth. This time the kiss wouldn't quickly end as he know how much she loved passionate kissing. Of course he was quite the open book to her where it came to sex. The way he loved her tails and ass, was highly attracted to her breasts and also clearly enjoyed to mark his women with hickeys or love bites. He could be gently or be rough, although he behaved his rough side around her. He loved watching her undress, especially when she wore something very sexy for him. Most of all he loved the sounds that he could get to escape her when he took his time brushing and teasing her tails and their bases.

Callie mmmms into the kiss, and she climbs atop him after a moment, using her Telekinesis spell to float the heavy comforter up into her hand, and she covers them up with it. The only light in the room, this late at night, comes from the lantern on Callie's desk, which is several steps removed from the bed. The candles on the altar are currently unlit, since they haven't gone there yet this evening. The fox feels warm in Shiho's arms, and she loses herself in him.

Shiho grabs her ass, groping her lightly with one hand while the other hand now gave love to her right tail. He was loving his meals at the restaurant more and more, especially when Callie had time for this kind of dessert. He was happy with how their friendship had evolved over the year, mostly in the last few months. He had fully recovered from their previous lovemaking and looked her deep in her eyes. "I want you again." He said with a grin, hoping she didn't have to open the restaurant too early the next morning.

Callie smiles when she feels Shiho touching her right tail, and that favorite tail of his strokes his hand and wiggles in his grasp. The vixen murrs, looking into Shiho's soul with her emerald-green eyes. "Mm, you can have me, hon," she says. "Want I should... warm you up first? We have all the time in the world." And then, as if she'd just read Shiho's mind, she says, "Allivia is working the opening shift tomorrow. In fact, tomorrow's my day off."

Shiho grinned at her words, not at all worried what Allivia would think if he were to come to the restaurant in the company of Callie the next morning. "Well, in that case... how about we warm each other up and make this a very nice and long night?" He said with a grin. He loved pleasing a beautiful woman with his tongue and to take his time with her. "And perhaps we could do more fun things tomorrow." He suggested, clearly not eager to leave her company
any time soon.

"That sounds lovely," Callie says with a brilliant smile. The fox kisses him a few more times, and then traces her right hand down his body, fingers stroking gently, until she reaches his manhood. Carefully, she takes hold of it, and begins to roll his glans in the palm of her hand, smiling at the delightful feeling of softness against her.

Shiho was quite hard again, but not was fully as she so often made him, so her hand was quite welcome. His hands kept exploring her body, gently teasing her breasts some more but also brushing over her sides and stomach. His lips never were far from hers, loving to kiss her and enjoying her company. It would be quite the long night but very very much worth it. Once more he nipped at her neck, groaning softly at the way she played with him.

Callie lets out a light sigh of contentment when she feels the touching of her breasts and nibbling of her neck. "Mmmm, goddess, Shiho... I thank The Lady for bringing you into my life." She takes a moment to look over her right shoulder towards the altar, and then turns her head back towards him.

Shiho smiled at her words, feeling quite the same way about her and hoping to stay in her life for a very long time. Her hand was doing a very good job of arousing him, but he felt it was now his turn to distract her from her thoughts. Once more he kissed her neck before shifting slighly in their embrace. The next kiss he gave her, was placed on her shoulder, before placing a teasing kiss on her throat. At the same time his hands lightly caressed her soft body, one soon playing with one... could it be the right one, yes it was... of her tails. After placing a warm kiss on her left breast, he looked up with a grin and unless she found some convincing way to stop him, he would simply keep kissing his way downwards.

Callie finds herself at a loss for words now as Shiho starts kissing different parts of her body... neck, shoulder... and moving downwards, as if trying to reach a goal. She murrs excitedly when she feels his touch on her right tail, which seems to be his favorite, for some reason. Her mind quickly flashes to how she earned that tail-- for looking out for her friend Zaphikel when two people had tried to kidnap him. But those thoughts quickly fade away and she goes back into the moment, this wonderful man treating her so well.

Shiho needs a few more kisses before his lips plant a kiss on her left thigh. Once more he looks up to her, a playful grin on his lips before placing a warm kiss on her sex. He had acquired several skills during his travels and studies but this really was one of his favourite ones. After the kiss, his tongue carefully explored the lips of her pussy, always eager to understand it completely and to drive the beautiful Vulpine insane. At the same time, his free hand gently caressed her leg, while the other hand was playfully rubbing and stroking the right tailbase. This was not about his lust right now, although it was very exciting to him to do this.

Callie gasps when she feels Shiho's tongue against her most intimate place, and she reaches her hands down to grasp at the hair atop his head. "Mmmmmm, Shiho... fuuuuuck... don't stop, hon," she murmurs, her legs moving up a little off the mattress before going back down, and her toes curling.

Shiho was quite sure she could just feel the evil grin that stood on his face, although it only came from a desire to have her even louder. Slowly his tongue snuck inside of her and teased her, without ever making it to her clit. His tongue came very close but every time it seemed he would touch that hot hard nub, his tongue would retreat in the opposite direction again. Just as ignored was her g spot, simply aiming to have her squirming and torturing with his loving tongue. She hadn't really gotten to see his dominant side yet, and he had no interest of truly changing that today.. but he did want her to feel that she was his right now and that she loved what he could do to her.

Callie closes her eyes and murrs excitedly when it feels like he's about to touch her clit-- and then the cheeky man moves back away from it, as if he's trying to avoid it and, in so doing, make her go crazy. Well, that's okay, for now. Callie is enjoying the intimacy, and has no intention of prematurely speeding things up. The fox lives for the moment when it comes to making love. Besides, what he's *currently* doing to her feels so good already.

Shiho enjoyed the little tells she had to offer him and just for good measure, his tongue then lightly brushed over her clit for the shortest of moments before exploring her lips again. His teeth also joined in slightly, of course making sure not to hurt his beautiful and sexy friend but the right mix of pleasure and roughness could make things very intense. Gently he nibbled on her, his hands still lightly playing but it was easy to understand most of his attention was at the activity of his mouth. Slowly his tongue went deeper inside of her.

Feeling the need to touch Shiho as well, Callie lifts her right leg up and strokes her foot up against the human's side. Then she lifts her left leg up as well, and crosses her legs at the ankles, pulling him a little closer. The fox lets out little gasps of encouragement as she feels not only the pleasure, but the mild pain of his biting. Her tails sway very slowly beneath her, and she looks up at the ceiling, imagining that she can see The Lady up there, with her husband Trejani, enjoying what She's watching.

Shiho enjoyed learning the things she enjoyed as he was one to study everything around him before acting. He was perceptive and there wouldn't be many sounds of the Vulpine that escaped him. Every little sound was information to the loremaster. His teeth continued to be included in his teasing behavior and slowly... very slowly... his tongue moved deeper but rather than teasing her more, Shiho this time went directly for his goal. Carefully he searched for that little spot that would make all his previous teasings be forgotten and he let himself guided by Callie's sounds. Once he would find her g spot, and he really held no doubt that he would, he would assault it with the tip of his tongue. He absolutely didn't mind the way her legs were trying to keep him in place, or even tried to drag him closer against her.

Callie murrs brightly when Shiho finds her G-spot, letting him know right where it was, as if he wasn't already aware of it. "Shiho," she groans, stroking his hair with both her hands, holding him close with her legs, her bare toes curling tightly. Every little touch he gives her lights a spark within her, and the sparks are adding up.

<+Shiho> It was hard to say what he enjoyed more. The sounds she made for him or the way she tasted on his tongue. He kept playing with her g spot surely driving her insane with that just as much as he had when he was clearly ignoring it. He loved it when a beautiful woman spoke his name, especially when the word was so filled with lust. His hands kept teasing her, lightly groping at her ass with one hand, while the other reached out and found her breasts again. He was highly attracted to her beautiful body and while he was working to drive her higher and higher with his tongue, he was also feeling very aroused.

If Callie didn't know any better, she'd believe that Shiho had had access to the same kind of extensive sex education that Callie herself had been heir to, by virtue of being a member of the Verlosi Tribe, a community that values education in all things. The Lady's First Tenet is to seek out pleasure, and by the time she'd become ensouled, Callie had been equipped with all the necessary tools to achieve that directive, and the other two as well. And before she'd left her home of Verlosi'ka, she'd had a pretty diverse sexual history, at least with other vulpines. She'd come here partly to make friends of all the *other* species. Shiho's still a very recent friend, having met him only about eight months ago, but the two of them have bonded very quickly.

Shiho retreated his tongue slightly, but only to switch his attention from her G spot to her clit. Had the thing been hard before, now he really felt pleased by the clear sign she was enjoying what he was doing to her. He concentrated all his attention on it, even slightly sucking on the hard nub before he would tease it with his teeth for a short moment. He believed she could truly enjoy the mixture of pleasure and pain he was causing although he would make sure to stay far on the good side of pleasure. Then he moved both his hands to her sex, opening her fully for him. Then he truly started to feast on her, not planning to stop until she was screaming or cumming.. and he would prefer the combination of the two.

Callie can barely hear the sucking against her clit over the sound of her own surging heart, pounding in her ears. The vixen curls her fingers tightly into the bedsheets, arching her back up wantonly, as the pace of her breathing picks up. Every breath is a "Shiho... Shiho... Shiho... oh, goddess...", and so on. In the throes of passion, she doesn't forget the person who's making her feel this way, nor She who provides the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails.

Shiho saw no longer a need to tease her, loving the sounds that were coming from her. Every breath of her bring arousal to him as well and he is quite keen on hearing far from her. He slows down his play for a moment and gently breathes against her hot wet sex, before tongue truly assaults her. He switches between her clit and G spot, drinking her juices and trying to get to explode for him and her goddess. He loves the way she tastes and is quite sure this will be the breakfast he goes to enjoy most mornings when he wakes here at the restaurant. Some times his teeth lightly join to please her, but mostly he simply uses his skill with his tongue.

The way Shiho's tongue and, to a smaller extent, his teeth are making Callie feel, is just too much for the fox. Looking down at him and grabbing a tight hold of the back of his head with her right hand, she calls out, "SHIHOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and comes, hard, the vixen's juices coming pouring out of her as she gazes down at this amazing man in her life. She holds him very tightly with her legs until she's ready to let him go, about a full minute after her orgasm has subsided.

Shiho was kind enough to give her only three more licks as the powerful climax claimed her and then just enjoyed the sounds of her breathing and the warmth of her body. He loved this new beautiful and charming friend he had, still happy for the day she had just shown up at the Sanctuary with her meal. His fingers lightly caressed her legs that kept him trapped for the time being, but he fully enjoyed this little prison. "I think you enjoyed that." He commented teasing when she had gotten some time to recover and he moved to pull her close against him again. He kissed her with love, happy to snuggle with her for a moment, although it would be nearly impossible to miss how aroused he had gotten himself.

Callie lets go of Shiho with her legs, and adjusts herself so that she's lying atop him, her white-furred breasts pressed up against the loremaster's chest. Her toes lightly play against Shiho's ankles, and she replies, "Mmmm... you sure know how to make a girl feel happy and wanted. I was thinking to myself a few minutes ago, how it seems you're well-educated about these sorts of things, like you grew up in my tribe."

Shiho chuckled softly. "So.. you could still think. I guess have to do better next time." He teased her with a big grin on his face and kissed her gently. "My travels eventually lead me to the Nethergloom and while the education you received surely was fun and loving, there a human man has to adjust or he will die." He still had several scars on his body from his time in the Nethergloom, most of them only healed by time and not with any form of magic. "But the things I learned there, are still very useful to me, so it has been worth it." He then told her with a wink and caressed her beautiful body with his hand.

"As I understand it," Callie says, gently stroking the small of Shiho's back, "the Nethergloom isn't the most safe place even for moriels. I'm surprised anyone would choose to go there. Not that I'm suggesting you necessarily did it willingly." Callie smiles lightly, and looks gently into Shiho's eyes with her own emerald-greens.

Shiho stared into her eyes and gently caressed her body some more. "I go where my studies and search for knowledge lead me. And do my best to pick up as much as I can." He said and winked at her before softly kissing her on her mouth. "I am happy to now call this town my home now and to have met such a beautiful woman." Softly his hand ran over her sides, clearly still very aroused. It was a good thing she had told him that tomorrow would be her day off and that sleep was not yet a requirement for them.

Callie returns the kiss, and when Shiho speaks his last sentence, the fox grins. "Ah, you ol' smoothie," she says. She rolls over so that she's beside him now, facing him. Her five tails flutter gently behind her, and Callie takes the human's left hand, placing it on the tail he loves so very much, her right tail.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am


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