Ashe's Shop Steals Stories

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Ashe's Shop Steals Stories

Postby Odette on Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:17 pm

Ashe's First Shop Steal
Callista's Vulpine Cuisine

Shyntolin landed the mephos in the square by the fountian ..he slipped from the saddle and reached up helping Ashe down from the beasts back.. then he patted her neck and let her fly home .. he turned to the kitten and nodded looping an arm arouns her waist as they started to walk .. i will wait out on the street while you do what you feel is right .. and remember be careful try not to leave anyhitng behind"

Ashe would get off the mephos and look at Shyntolin as he slid his arm around her waist and started to walk. The kitten had her ears and tail well hidden and wore a cute yellow dress and her black ankle boots. She was slightly nervous as she had never done this before but her Master was with her and would help her..right? ¨E..Euhm..o..okay Master..¨ She softly said. She would look around. How was she supposed to know which store she would rob? She would look at Shyntolin. She would whisper in his ear. ¨M..Master..I..have never done..these kind of things..Where to start?¨

Shyntolin smiled at her slightly .. "its not hard dear .. we will pick something closed and easy.. " he walked with her keeping his voice low as they went.. he paused infront of the CVC and tipped his head .. he had never been in the restarunt but it always seemed busy.. "how bout there" he pointed to the shop.

Ashe would nod to his words and she had never been to the restaurant before as well. She had seen that it was alway´s so busy but surely if it´s alway´s so busy..then there must be a lot of cash, right? She would walk with him and then she would nod again. She would put on her gloves, not wanting to leave any fingerprints! She would look one last time to shyntolin and bite her lip. She could do this..this was exciting!. She would first walk gently walk pass the restaurant and starts to look for a backdoor. Not going for the front door! She would walk into a alley and soon she would find a backdoor of the restaurant. She would look around for a moment, not wanting any witnesses. She wasn´t sure if Shyntolin was going to follow her or not but she was focussed on the task at hand. She would gently turn the handle and she would blink. Wait? It is unlocked? This was good..or really bad. She would softly open the door and sneak inside, gently pushing thhe door closed behind her and go on her fours, just in case somebody was there, trying to be as stealthy as possible.

Shyntolin leaned against the building across the street from the restarunt and waited for her .. well there wasnt the sound of breaking glass so that was a good thing.. he smiled a bit and crossed his arms tipping his chin down and closing his eyes and waiting .. she would do just fine with this.

Ashe would crawl on her fours and used her catears in case she could hear something suspicious. It looked nobody was there in the main room where there was the register so she would stand up again and grin. She would then make some kind of carthweel over the counter to get behind the register. She was acrobatic after all! She would then take her lockpicks and start to work on the lock of the register. She would be gentle..trying to wait until she could feel the click and then she would grin even more. Yes! She opened the drawer and saw only 20 mhl in the drawer. Her ears lowered for a moment. ¨Well..that´s a disappointment.¨ Expecting that a good running business would have more money in their register..but well it was something! She would put the money in her pouch just like her lockpicks and then she would close the drawer again. It was a good thing that she got her gloves on. She would carthweel over the counter again when she made sure that everything looked like it did before. She would then go back to the back entrance, making sure she wouldn´t get caught. It seemed that nobody was here and just some dumb employee left the backdoor unlocked. She grinned more and would open the backdoor gently, walking outside and closed the door behind her. She would then walk out of the alley with a big bright smile. Her arms behind her back, pushing those big tits forward as she walked towards Shyntolin. Once there she would smirk and bite her lip. She would sway her hips and her tail. She was soo excited and horny at the same time! This was soooooo exciting!! She needed to contain her purrs!

Shyntolin eye opened looking across the street at her as she came out of that alley way.. "well? all went well then?" he breathed pushing off the wall and looping his arm around her waist again leading her off away from the shop just in case..

Ashe grinned even more and she would bite her lip and nod. ¨It was easy! The backdoor was unlocked and nobody there. I guess some employee forgot to lock the door. I got some money Master!¨ She would whisper in his ear as she was soo excited! She would bite her lip and purrr. Trying to keep her tail and ears hidden but she was getting reall REALLY excited and aroused.
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: Ashe's Shop Steals Stories

Postby Odette on Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:37 pm

Ashe's Second Shop Steal
General Store

Shyntolin made his way through town his arm around Ashe's shoulder as they strolled through the square .. he leaned in to whisper into her ear softly .. "want to try your hand at another shop?" he smiled at that slightly his fingers gripping her shoulder for a moment then he let her go smacking a hand against her ass to push her forward .. all the shops were closed at the moment so she had her pick of targets.. a smile curled across his lips .. he was rather proud of her skills so far.. if she could only get pickpocketing down now aswell

Ashe was walking through town and couldn´t help but to smile brightly. It felt good to have his arm around her shoulder. Her catears and tail were well hidden and she wore a cute blue dress and black ankle boots. She would bite her lip as he whispered into her ear. She would nod and grinned to Shyntolin. ¨Yes Master..¨ She whispered back and would let out a purr as he smacked her ass. hot! She would look around for a moment. Well..What shop to pick. She would stop for a moment and turn around. ¨You pick!¨ She said to him as she placed her arms behind her back.

Shyntolin hmmed softly as he looked around .. "why dont you get yourself another dildo from the general store.. " he grinned at her softly and shifted to lean back against a wall where he could clearly see the general store so he could watch her .. he wouldnt tell her how proud he was of her .. not yet atleast.. he would wait to make sure she didnt get caught this time

Ashe would blush when he said that she needed to steal a dildo. She purred some more. she wanted to fuck. Great. She would lean closer and whispers. ¨T..The General store?! But that is my working place! What If I lose my job!¨ She softly said as it was truly her concern. She swallowed.

Shyntolin shruged at that some .. "dont get caught .. " he smiled at her lightly .. it was just an added bonus to keep her from making a mistake .. he knew that would get her going .. perhaps he wanted her turned on .. he yawned softly and shooed her on with his hand .. wanting her to get to it

Ashe squeezed her eyes and then rolled her eyes when he said that she then didn´t needed to get caught. She turned around and groaned when he shooed her. ¨Pffff..¨ In hear head hearing his voice. Don´t get caught..tsssk.. Well..If she would get caught and lose her job..then he needed to pay for everything she wanted! She would walk to the general store. She knew there was a backdoor so she would walk into the alley and towards the door. She would take her lockpick tools and starts the lockpicking. She bended forward and listend for a moment and tried to feel it. Tried to get that lock open. Hmm... It seemd that this would take a bit more time.

Shyntolin chuckled softly at that look she gave him.. and just shifted to lean against the wall.. waiting to make sure she didnt get into any trouble .. she was good at this .. he had faith in her .. but he wanted to wait and watch just in case

Ashe was still lockpicking. Her ears were hidden but she kept using them in case she heared somebody coming or other dangers. She had her tongue stick out and continued. ¨Come on..come on..¨ She whispered to herself. She tried to feel it, but everytime she was on the right spot, it seemed that the lock was stuck. She continued to try to open the lock.

Shyntolin let his eyes close .. this seemed to be taking longer than before .. perhaps the lock was giving her trouble.. his arms crossed over his chest as he waited for her to finish

Ashe would finaly feel and hear the click. ¨Yes!¨ She whispered to herself and she would then open the door and take her lockpicks. She would close the door and she would sneakily walk around. She would walk towards the sex toy´s. Well Master wanted her to steal a dildo so she would first grab a large glass dildo. She would look around some more. What did she wanted more? Her eyes caught the sight of the flavoured cock oil. ¨Oeh! Chocolate!¨ She would take that as well. She purred by the thought of putting that cock oil on her Masters cock and just suck and lick the hell out of him. She grinned. So a large glass dildo..flavoured hot cock oil in the flavour chocolate.... Oeh! She blinked. ¨A leather swing..¨ She would take that as well. Then she would walk towards the counter and looked at the register. She opened the drawer. ¨Pfff..only 5 mhl?¨ She would shrug and take the mhl and she then would take a silver anklet..a compromise.

She would then turn. She thought she did hear something. She would quickly walk to the back of the shop. ¨Shit!¨ She would put the silver ankled on, hide the leather straps of the swing, the money and the hot flavoured cock oil in her cleavage. That dildo? She would swallow and she would put her pantiesto the side. Luckly she already got wet from some idea´s so she would gently slip the large glass dildo inside of her. She moaned and groaned and let´s out some purrs. ¨Oh fuck! Oh Fuck!¨ She moaned. Oh..oh she was getting horny and horny. Once the large glass dildo was completely inside of her and the other items were well hidden, she would walk outside again, lock it and walk back to her Master. She was blushing and had a aroused look on her face as she looked back at Shyntolin. Well where was she supposed to hide it was the best place. But she couldn´t hide her arousing look on her face.

Shyntolin yawned again as he waited .. she sure was taking her time .. he was startin to get a little woried when she came out walking towards him.. his lips curled at that some as he watched her walk towards him.. he pushed off the wall and looped his arm back around her shoulder .. as they started walking again.. "you look like the cat that got into the cream.. " he smiled at that some

Ashe walked a little bit..differently but perhaps Shyntolin didn´t really notice it. She would blush and look at him and purred. ¨Prrr...PRrr the dildo...¨ She grinned as she whispered that in his ear. ¨It´s inside of me..¨ She bites her lip as she looked at him naughty. ¨I got also more..little things..¨ She purred but as they walked he would hear her softly moan..trying to controll herself as she didn´t wanted to moan loud on the streets. Her blush didn´t went away.
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: Ashe's Shop Steals Stories

Postby Odette on Fri Apr 01, 2022 3:49 pm

Ashe's third Shop Steal
Callista's Vulpine Cuisine

Shyntolin walked through the town his arm Ashe's arm slipped through his as they took a small stroll .. he leaned in lightly whispering into her ear.. "what do you think about testing your skills again today.. " he half smiled at her slipping his hand down to squeese her ass .. then give it a light patthen he shifted to lean against a building letting her look and choose which shop she felt
like breaking into today

Ashe was walking with her handsome master and loved their little stroll. The kitten wore tight black pants with her black ankle boots and a red shirt with a low cut, showing quite some cleavage. Her tail brushing along Shyntolin lovingly. She bites her lip as her ears flickered from his whisper. ¨Prrr...mrr..yes...I think we can do that Master.¨ She smirked at him and kissed his cheek. She would then shift her gaze towards the different shops. Most of them were closed..which was a good thing. ¨Mmmm..Let´s go for callie´s...alway´s money there.¨ She chuckled a bit. ¨Hmm..I assume you just going to stand there looking handsomely while I do the hard work hmm? Well..¨ She leaned closer and whispered: ¨As long as I get a nice reward afterwards..prrr..¨ She would nibble and lick his earlobe before giving him a wink and starts to make her way to callie´s.

Shyntolin squeesed her ass again before she left with both hands almost lifting her up off the ground with that touch.. "bring me back coin and you will get a nice reward when we get home.. " he nipped at her lower lip then let he be on her way watching her make her way towards Callies place a light smile touching his lips .. he was rather proud of the girl.. she was shaping up to be a rather fine thief..

Ashe couldn´t help but to purr to that! Oh boy! That sounded like a really really NICE reward indeed. Oh she was determined..she was going to bring her master coin. She would make her way subtle to the back entrance..and she would get through her knees and pulled out the lockpicking tools. She smirked and she would start to work on that lock. seemed they have improved their the last time she had managed to get inside easily. Her tail swaying a bit as she was working on that lock. was tougher..but..she could manage would take a bit more time..

Shyntolin he really was proud of her .. she had come quite a long way.. he was keeping a look out for her .. making sure he didnt see any one that would cause a problem for her .. his arms crossed over his chest as he waited .. lavander eyes tracking her easly

Ashe would smirk more..hearing that little clicking sound and she knew she was in. She would put her lockpicking tools back into her boots and she would look around for a moment but then stepped inside. She crawled a bit..crawling on her fours as she didn´t wanted to get seen through windows. It was a good thing the kitten was acrobatic as she was easily moving between different obstacles. She would get to the register and she would manage to open it. She let her orange eyes scan the money drawer.. ¨Mpf..60mhl..well..better this then nothing.¨She murmers a bit and puts the money into her cleavage.

Shyntolin watched her disapear into the building .. she was getting better at this .. he pushed up off the wall arms still crossed over his chest as he started to walk towards the back door of the restaurant .. he was tempted to pin her against the wall right there .. take her in the alley .. but he had more plans than just that.. then just fucking her.. she did well .. she deserved more than just a fucking ..

Ashe wouldn´t leave any trails and it didn´t take long for her to get out of the restaurant and closed and locked the door behind her. Just like nothing happend. She blinks. Purring a bit as she saw Shyntolin standing there and she would then smirk. ¨ should see what´s in my cleavage Master..¨ She teased and gave him a wink as she approached him. She would grab his hand and then guide him into her top, letting him feel the money she had stolen. Perhaps he much it was if he took his time.. She bites her lip and purred. Her tail swaying faster as she looked at him. ¨Did I deserve a nice reward when we get home? Is Master proud?¨ She whispered to him teasingly.

Shyntolin took his time groping at her breasts feeling the coins in her cleavage .. "very nice.. now lets not linger here.. " he mused and offered his arm to her .. leading her out from behind the shop and back towards the house.. he had plans.. a smile touched his lips as he went through his plans in his mind... he let his eyes linger on her as they walked..

Ashe bites her lip and purred when he groped her breasts and then nods. She would take his arm and smiled more. Nuzzling against him as she followed him towards the house. She had seen that look on his face..he had something on his mind and she was curious what that was. She was happy..happy that she made him that matters her most of all. She bites her lip..seeing how his eyes lingered on her. ¨What is it Master?¨ She said with a little blush as he was looking at her that way.

Shyntolin shook his head slihglty .. "oh nothing .. i think we are going to do something new today.. " he mused and walked up the steps to the porch of their house reaching out to open the door letting her go first .. then he followed closing the door behind them.. "get undressed and go to my bedroom.. i need to get a few things.. " he smiled at that slightly and leaned in to kiss her forhead then nip at her lower lip.. "i think you are going to like it" he smiled at that softly

Ashe would blink. ¨¨ She was curious now! She would follow him to the house and then she would give a smile and pilte headbow when he lets her go in first. She would blink and purr. Licking her lips as he said that she needed to get undressed and go to his bedroom. ¨Prrr..prrr..yes...master...¨ She bites her lip and then leans in as he kissed her forehead and nipped at her lowerlip. ¨Mmmm....prr...I think so too.¨ She giggles cute and she would put the money out of her cleavage and placed it on the table. She would put out her ankle boots and her pants and starts to undress there until she was naked and then she would place them on a chair before walking to his bedroom. She purred a bit louder. Her tail swaying faster. Oh! She wanted to know what he had plannend for her! But..she couldn´t wait to find out!
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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