
Questions and suggestions that don't fit anywhere else in this area.

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Postby Rhezha on Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:45 am

So I've noticed that a lot of fantasy worlds have their own set of idioms based on the local races/religions/locations and thought that it would be nice to have a list of idioms for people to draw upon to help their immersive writing. There's a few common ones I've heard, such as "By Kirva's teat!" for moriel, but I'm curious what people can come up with. This isn't meant to be an official list of canon idioms. More like a take a penny, leave a penny dish. If you like something you see, use it, if you think of something clever, add it!
I would request that any posts be in the following format:

Idiom: "Write idiom here."
Meaning: Quick explanation of what the idiom means, even if it's just an expletive.
Origin: Doesn't have to be a story, just state the race/religion or whatever the you feel the idiom would be associated with.

That's it! Keep it simple.
Note that these are for sayings typically used in the common tongue, using only portions of other languages, if any. (ie, not for common sayings in vulpani, see viewtopic.php?f=45&t=19686 for those.;))
If this is done in another post, I apologize for the repeat, I did not see anything in my rather brief glance through mb posts.
Example Post:

Idiom: "By Kirva's teat!"
Meaning: Expression of surprise or exasperation.
Origin: Primarily Moriel, other Kirva worshippers may use it as well.
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Re: Idioms!

Postby crow on Sat Nov 21, 2020 2:26 pm

Idiom: “I didn’t mean to lead a Chirot to a henhouse.
Meaning: To do something that led to trouble when you really should’ve known better.
Origin: Ambiguous, but probably one of the non-winged races that didn’t quite understand the full context of Chirot culture.
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Re: Idioms!

Postby Rhezha on Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:36 am

Idiom: "Claws and paws!"
Meaning: An expression of surprise or exasperation, usually followed by a statement of what surprised the speaker.
Origin: Cat folk
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Re: Idioms!

Postby CallieO on Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:13 am

Idiom: "I need to shake the cobwebs off my tails."
Meaning: "I need to wake up."
Origin: Vulpine

Idiom: "Lady hold me."
Meaning: "That's awful."
Origin: Vulpine

Idiom: "The tails reveal all." [Vulpani: "Yi ganyoni rilo lu."]
Meaning: "Your tail-language is giving away your true feelings."
Origin: Vulpine
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