2021 Dethsiris Aerial Race

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Moderator: Tehya

2021 Dethsiris Aerial Race

Postby CallieO on Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:13 am

Day 1: Qualifying Heat


Natural: Aavran, Wade, Mae, Annwyn
Rook: Tennibrook Balmossie, Varis
Mephos: Tul`Ravien, Jaescin, Rida Cherryglade

Wade strolls up to where the race start line was set: the sun gleams on the altered armor he wore; he had streamlined and lightened it for maximum speed.. he would attempt to press his sole advantage... Wade checks and rechecks, making sure he didn't forget anything when he went from combat to flight configuration.

Allivia glances about the crowd as she finds a nice spot to sit a wistful sort of expression on her face, most of the onlookers were excited and jubilent and she could surely understand why but for herself this was an event that brought a mixture of wonderful and horrible emotions. Not that she was about to miss it of course "Come now dear stop being so lazy and get up there" the crow perched before her looking as if it was giving some unheard argument "Fine. Ok, we can leave whenever you like, I hear the wind walkers will be racing next..." and that seemed to do it the stubborn bird deciding it best to go along with the white wing, lifting into the air offering the ice witch a fuller view of the day's events.

Mae had just enjoyed her bath and Aavran and was preparing herself for the race that would come. She had brushed her hair and put it up. Making a nice bun with some of her blonde locks lose. Some googles on her head that she could use during her flight to protect her eyes as this was about speed. She would then put on a sexy black tight catsuit that was like a second skin [https://imgur.com/0e9xY9F] and grabs the bottle of black rum and takes a sip as she looked over her shoulder to Aavran. A grin and a teasing look in her eyes. ¨So..are you ready?¨ She asked him as she was ready to go.

Wade stretches... he flew every day but unless it was like the brawl with the cannibals, wade doesnt often push his limits.. but today he threw them all in the trash... he focuses on the course, the path itll take.. green eyes go over what he can see of it, but mostly its the mental preparing to break the bones of what he knows in order to win

Rida sat straddled atop of anthemis the pearl white mephos with his forest green frills towering proudly at the starting line his wings folded along his sides and his head held high as she sat atop the special made halfling sized saddle that had been crafted for her once upon a time... She was to her knowladge the first of her kin to have mastarerd riding a mephos... not the last per say but the first all the same and she sat confidently upon her companions back leaning back with her gray skirt spilling out along her dancers legs and her forest green jacket barely buttoned exposing much of the white blouse beneath and her freckled bust at that... She was smilling a whide freckled grinn as the energy of the competition was infectious that was for sure... But despite the building nerves the halfling bard was humming a merry tune and tapping a rythm out with a set of castanets in one hand.

Varis makes his way to the starting point of the race. The dark skinned moriel male wore his white rook gear and walks with Bird Brains, his unbonded rook, and talks to him as thy move to get thre. Once there, Varis hangs back from everyone, seeing evryone arriving for the race and smiles as he sees those he knows. He thn turns to bird brains and talks to him some more, petting his head and body as he checks to make sure the saddle was on correctly.

Wade shakes his tails out castinf Fur Armor, the fur lays flat and seems to.. melt together forming a slick, aerodynamic stream..he moves them up, down, and them splays them. though he was wingless he had the ability to turn well because his tails could be turned together or separately to adjust his trajectory.. nodding, he makes a last few mental checks and snaps the visor of his helmet down and casts Pressurize and then takes his mark on the race line. Wade Kneels. <Roshari Vulpani> Trieste, I beseech of you now that today to grant upon me, you eternal servant and soldier, the gift of speed. May today give tou the glory and recognition that is in lacking."

Aavran had of course enjoyed the company of Mae, luckily he had gotten enough time to recover afterwards to prepare for the contest. The magi hadn’t dressed up for this, just his usual outfit as this was far more about skill than about flying speed, but he had to say that Mae looked like quite the distraction for the contest, but he wasn’t all too worried. The goddess always watched over him, so he was sure he would be doing quite well. Then again, if Mae was to win the contest that might be much better for his luck later tonight.

Jaed`Tenassa found a seat among the crowd in the stands. Several of her friends were in this race, and she was very excited to see them. As nervous as she was to be with so many people at once, she knew she wanted to come because she'd never witnessed an aerial race in her life.

Tennibrook will be riding her rook mount, Jilbo, and has five spears on her back, ready to throw at their targets in this race. She gives Jaed a friendly hug when she sees her in the stands, and says a prayer for victory in the match.

Mae would walk down towards the race once Aavran was ready as well. Her hips swaying as it was just her walk. Well it was about skill but also about speed. She would look around for a moment and she would see Wade. She waved towards him and then she saw Varis which she gave a wink. She would find a spot with some space and she would start to stretch herself and her wings. She looked at Aavran. ¨So..what do I get from you when I beat you hmm?¨ She teased him as she starts to stretch herself.

Jaed`Tenassa wished Tenni good luck and grinned at her friend. "You'll do fine!"

Rida would cotninue humming her tune whilst she gently brushed a hand along Anthemis neck following the frills giving him a good scratching as she grinned at him "such a handsome stud hmm?" she teased him a bit but he would puff out his chest in his pridefull way all the same soaking in the atention "mmm going to show them whats for no? show them what the two of us can do..." She would then continue the humming whilst weaving some of her bardic magic into the tune... casting a spell just to highten her sences a bit make her more alert... (enchanted evening)

Wade rises and shifts his left foot side to side, grinding into the earth. hands gently come to the ground and silver, yellow and red sparks arc just before his fingers touch the earth.

Varis smiles to Bird Brains and pats him ontop of the head aftr making sure the pair would be safe. He didn't enroll to win, he just wanted to fly. Varis was never one for compitions. If he won, he won. If he didn't, at least he tried, and who woudln't want to try with a wonderful rook he had been trainin gwith. "Don't worry, Bird Brains. It'll be fun." He said to his bird, seeing Mae wink at him, and him grinning back to hr and winking back to hr beefor looking down at Bird Brains. "Just don't try to make me fall off of you. If you do so, we're both going dow nand this tim I'll land on you. Got it?" He asked th bird, gtting th spears onto his back know that Bird Brains was ready.

Aavran grinned at Mae. “I believe you will already get enough for winning this thing. So perhaps you would have to offer me something for letting you win.” He said with a wink, having a certain outfit with a certain collar in mind, but then it seemed it was time to get ready for the actual racing.

Tul`Ravien made his way to the appointed location for the start of the race. The barbarian cut an intimidating and imposing figure with his hulking, muscled figure draped in a heavy cloak of grey wolf fur that fell open to reveal the battle harness cinched across his bare chest with a wide leather baldric that featured that strange 'symbol' at the buckle. It was the starburst of the All Seeing Eye, gleaming and ornately carved from polished metal with a large sapphire gem mounted in the middle. His legs and feet were adorned in soft, supple leather breeches trimmed with more of that deep grey wolf fur. His long dark hair was unruly and untamed pulled back into a loose knot at the back of the thick mane. He paused to look at the other competitors before turning his focus inward to mentally prepare for the race.

Wade nods. "Reborn ready. Lets light the night."

Annwyn rolled her neck a bit, preparing herself for the flight, though she arched a brow at Wade at his choice of words.

Pipistrelle was there, of course, sitting in the audience, a big grin on her face, waiting for the events to start!

Nighthawke emerged out in front os everyone in attendance... The 6'2" tall General turned and looked at everyone...

Jaescin leans down towards the head of the 'loaner' mephros that he was given to participate in this competition. "Listen," he said to the majestic beast of flying, a hand reaching up to wipe the sweat from the jungle heat off his brow, "... I want this to be a start to a good and wholesome relationship... if you fuck me and throw me off... I know where you live..." He gave the mephos a firm pat of encouragement, "... good talk."

<+Nighthawke> People of Belariath!! Welcome to House Dethsiris's Aerial Air Race!! It is our hope that youwill enjoy a fun time here rooting for you favorite Riders and Flyersas they compete against each other for Title, Prestige. Not to mention Prizes and to see who will be crowned Grand Champion!! The best of the best!! We are also happy to announce that the Talented Callie of Callista's Vulpine Cuisine will be serving her 34th banquet for everyone here so come and enjoy great food and drink while we watch our flyers impress us with their feats of flying skill.... May you all have a great time and thank you all for attending... The Race will start shortly...

Tenni smiles at Jaed, and then climbs aboard Jilbo, casting Feather Fall as her only magical 'enhancement' for this match. She wants to assure that if she falls, it won't be a fatal one. She sees Wade, the dalca'vulpine Musha Villa of her acquaintance, praying, and she gives him a respectful bow.

Jaed`Tenassa grinned at her friend, but also at Nighthawke who couldn't possibly see her where she was. But she would root excitedly for Tenni and Wade.

Wade chuckles. well, it would be an interesting day. he gives Tennibrook a respectful nod..but under that shiny, funky helmet he had his game face on...

Mae would chuckle from the words of Aavran and shakes her head. ¨Oh? Are you planning to let me win?¨ She teased him as she stretches herself some more. ¨Think I won´t kick your ass otherwise? Hmm?¨ She looked back at the other competitors. Well..It was going to be exciting. Then her blue eyes shifted to Nighthawke as he started his announcement. She would listen to him while stretching. She wanted this.. Those prices..perfect for her! It could help her with her keep and of course..extra money..clothing and jewelry were alway´s nice. She couldn´t help it. She liked luxery!

Jaescin looks to either side of him before the competition begins, storm-grey gaze falling on a number of familiar faces either in the line up or in the stands. A tap of two fingers to his head to Tennibrook, "Lady Balmossie," A nod of greeting given, "Good luck."

Tul`Ravien looked up from his thoughtful meditation and turned his sapphire gaze towards the unbonded Mephos that had been provided. After a moment of consideration he approached one of the beasts slowly and reached out to smooth a hand against its side in silent greeting with a slow nod of his head.

Annwyn rolled her eyes a little, offering the pair a languid smile. "That assumes either of you will win, darlings," She teased to Mae and Aavran alike. "But I do enjoy seeing the bravado."

Varis stood next to his rook as Nighthawke made the announcement, and he looked to his rook. "I promisee to feed you after this. Don't try to kill me."

Rida had her enchanted ring with both fly and feather fall if necesary but she didnt feel a need to use it right out of the gate instead she simply sat there humming her melody as she and Anthemis basked in the dethsiris sun... They had flown there often now back and forth between the guzzler and the portals and further then that as well... probably having circled most of the djungle many times and today a was a excelent day for flying... She did look about at her competition briefly... She feelt rather confident actualy... they were all in different categories after all and well the other mephos flyers seemed green to her... whilst Rida and Anthemis had been flying for quite some time trained by Callie and well she was a veteran. "we got this..."

<+Nighthawke> The first competitor competing in the Open Air Class is Admiral Aavran representing House Dethsisis!

Mae would chuckle at Annwyn. ¨Well we shall see dear who will win.¨ She chuckles some more and once she heared the announcement of Aavran. She would quickly kiss the lips of Aavran and gave him a cute sweet smile. ¨Goodluck handsome.¨ She gave him a wink and a little pet on his ass and then a applause as he was announced.

Aavran was armed with a bow and a quiver with five arrows. One shot for each temple would be a challenging thing, but most Magi were quite capable with ranged attacks. Sadly Aavran had practised far more with his mithril rapier, considering himself quite the adventurer, but hopefully this was something that came natural to him. As he saw the temple of Adenver he prepared his bow, and released the arrow at the optimal moment. The arrow flew, travelled closer to the target and then got swooped by the wind, causing him to miss the target. He doubted people with spears would have this issue. He tried to see how Mae would do with her shot, but he wasn’t allowed to hover so it was challenging to keep his eyes on the beautiful Torian that was his.

<+Nighthawke> "Our second competitor competing in the Open Air Class is Maestro Annwyn, representing House Dethsiris!"

Annwyn spread her wings launching herself into the air. She was a deft flier, her wings almost glittering with amethyst light as she cut through the air. She drew back on her bow as she neared the temple of AdenVer, loosing as she drew near but not stopping - a glance given, hissing as her shot missed the mark as well. No time to linger, though. She continued on, flying after Aavran toward the next target.

"'Lady Balmossie'?" Tennibrook replies to Jaescin. "Why are we back to 'vizhra'? Call me Tenni, hon. And best of luck to you, as well."

<+Nighthawke> Our third competitor competing in the Mephos Class is Jaescin, Overseer of Treasury, House Dethsiris!!!

Jaescin and his mephos took to the air with a swiftness. The human glanced at Aavran and the others that could manage flight without the assistance of rook or mephos. What that must be like, he would wonder as he closed in on the first target. And clearly did not focus on the right thing quickly or long enough as his arm flung the spear out at the target as the weapon shot past the mark.

<+Nighthawke> Our forth competitor in the Open Air Class is Mae, Master of the Skull of House Dethsiris!!!!

Mae would hear her name and she wold take the bow and quiver and put the goggles on. She could do this. She takes a deep breath and then her eyes filled with some darkness as her grin turned into more devious grin. ¨Let´s do this!¨ She would then spread her black wings and leap in the sky. Flying as fast as she could, Making speed by gliding as well and once she got by the first temple Adenver, she would focus, aim and shoot. She hits! She grins wider and then she speeds herself towards the second target. Great start!

<+Nighthawke> Our fifth competitor competing in the Mephos class is Rida Cherryglade! Hirophant of Gaea !!!!!!

Rida would peak up when she was anounced and she would grinn "hear that Anthemis?" she would whisper and then she would press her heals into his side "lets go show them what we can do.." and with that they took to the sky her mephos spreading his massive white iridecent wings and taking of into the sky the first spear grasped in Ridas hand as she broguht him in to a straight path towards Adenvar temple... But it seemed that she had been a bit to eager as when they got close and she feelt the weight of that spear she chucked it far to hard! over componsating and sending it flying far above the targeted ring... "damn..." she cursed under her breath "we will get the next one for sure..."

Nairun`moon is still resting from his injuries. With nothing better to do he decides to attend the air race. He's in the Thallis port booth along with some of Ray's other staff. Watching with a pair of binoculars. When Mae hit her target he cheered. Then he saw Rida miss and he winced. He clapped for her anyway.

<+Nighthawke> our sixth competitor competingin the Rook Class is Dame Tennibrook Balmossie, Unwavering Blade of Verkot!

Tenni lifts Jilbo up into the air and towards the temple of AdenVer, freeing one of the spears from her back and placing it in her right hand. She shoots, but she shoots from too far away, and the spear plummets downward before it can reach the target. "THat's okay, Jilbo, we'll get the next one," she assures him. "Just getting warmed up."

Jaed`Tenassa was clapping for everyone, but she clapped most for Tenni. She was sad the vulpine missed the first target, but she would get the next one, she was sure of it!

<+Nighthawke> Our seventh competitor competing in the Mephos Class is Tul Ravien., Citizen!!!

Tul`Ravien steeled himself as the Mephos lifted off of the ground. The Hunter was at home with beasts but this was a different experience. He flexed the powerful muscles in his thighs to balance himself as he guided the Mephos towards the Temple of Adenver. His brilliant sapphire eyes narrowed as he stared down the target ring and he pulled a spear from the holster on it's back and tested the weight. He hefted the spear and timed his throw as the beast swept past and sent the spear sailing through the inner ring before turning his gaze towards the next leg of the race.

<+Nighthawke> Our eith competitor competing in the Rook class is Varis, Apprentice to the Skull of Dethsiris!!!!

Varis gets ready to fly Bird Brains after Tul`Ravien goes off, casting feather fall on them before urging Bird Brains on to fly. With wobbly legs, the Rook takes off and is soon air born! "Good job, Bird Brains! Great take off!" he said to the rook and urges him towards Adenver and gts a spear out and hurls it at th middle target, and it was blown off course by the wind, misssing. He smiled and pets Bird Brains as thy head towards the next target. "You're doing fine, Bird Brains! Keep it up!" He said and did a worly loop in the sky.

Nighthawke looks at the last on the roster and looks back to everyone.

<+Nighthawke> Our ninth competitor competeing in the Opn Air Class is Wade bai Uth Matar, Musha Villa of the Savi'atar, representing Trieste!!!"

Wade braces, and as soon as Nighthawke finishes announcing him.. *THOOM* Wade leaps skyward, his tails stream behind him as he rises in a graceful parabolic arc, splaying his tails to guide him; drawing his bow with a quicksilver snap of the hands he nocks an arrow and aims... Wade fires wide of the mark but he pushes on. he hurls ever onward, unpreturbed and still unequivocally unparalleled.

Aavran had no clue how the contest was going. Most of the time he heard the modest cheers that told him that someone had shot an arrow or thrown a spear and had missed, but at times there were louder cheers to show someone had actually scored some points. Once there really was an outcry of joy, so apparently there were people more lucky than him. The way the wind had taken his arrow with the first shot didn’t hold him back this time. He didn’t slow down, didn’t hover, but instead put his full faith in the Goddess and when he arrived at the temple of Ishtar, he kept going in full speed, shooting his arrow almost without looking. And not only did he hit the target, but even managed to score in the inner circle. Now this was more like it.

Annwyn wasn't far behind Aavran, drawing back on her bow and focusing sharply - only to hiss again as, once again, her shot misses. Just narrowly, this time. Shit. Still, there were more opportunities, so she didn't cease flying. Forward.

[Varis poofs due to bad weather in her area.]

Jaescin comes upon the next target a few seconds behind Annwyn, this time not distracted with thoughts of what flying must be like and instead was set upon the task at hand. As the distance between target and human closed to striking distance, Jaescin flung the spear forward and released. His fingers closing into a fist as he sees the spear strike true. "Well done," he said to the mephos with a firm pat before turning to follow behind Annwyn to the next target.

Mae was focussed and concentrating. She flew towards the second temple. It felt good to fly and she had practiced the route. She flew and glide..flew and glide to make more speed. More darkness filled her eyes and some black fog could be seen around Mae. Once she was at the second target, she would focus, aim and shoot. She hits the inner rings. ¨Fuck yeah!¨ She grins and fly´s further.

Rida was making good time towards the second target though she was enjoying the thrill of flying fast through the sky anthemis and her pushing things quite a lot... and she would let out a whooop! as she they got closer to the second rings.... then she realised that speed didnt necesarily help with acurasy... and by the time she was about to throw they had already past and she threw the spear backwards... missing cursing once more before she squeezed herself tight against Anthemis back and muttered a prayer "come on... Gaea give us youre winds"

Tennibrook prepares another spear from her back as they ride over the temple of Ishtar, and she gets closer to the target this time, moving right up to the shot line, and fires a spear directly into the bull's-eye. "YES!" she exclaims.

Tul`Ravien ignored the other competitors in the race. Instead the Hunter foced all of his attention inward. The Mephos knew the route and would keep him on pace while only only requiring minor corrections. The Hunter reached behind him and pulled another spear free of the leather holster on his back. Again he hefted it and tested its weight as the Temple of Ishtar came into view. The muscles in his broad shoulders, powerful biceps and chest flexed like bands of corded steel as he lifted up the spear and narrowed his sapphire glare on the target before unleashing a mighty throw. He frowned as the spear sailed wide having mistimed his target when the Mephos flew by and grimaced as he turned towards the next Temple.

Nighthawke had taken a seat in the courtyard next to the divider righ tin front os the stands,,,An epnty chaor next to him.

[Allivia, rolling for Varis, scores a one-point outer ring shot.]

Wade flies at the next target whorling innthe air he shoots, goes high and speeds on, no longer concerned with hitting the mark, but just finishing the race.

Aavran was happy with his hit and thanked the Goddess for watching over him as he flew to the temple of Gaea. Again he aimed his boy and released the arrow, trusting the Goddess to guide his shot, once again hardly able to pay attention as he kept flying. The others were using the energy of Mephos and Rooks but he was doing this on his own energy so it was best to get back to the castle as soon as he could. He had the feeling he would need his stamina for when Mae was in the mood to celebrate afterwards. The shot wasn’t perfect, but he did score with the assistance of the goddess.

BlackDawn looked up at the sky for a moment, stepping out of the castle and a soft smile played on her lips. The soft breeze rustled skirt of dress around her feet, raven locks hung thick and loose down her back. Curls at ends swayed upon bottom as she moved, today it was put back and away from her face with a pair of pearl clamps at back of her head. The dress creamy in color, the front sporting a v-cut that snugged breast and narrowed waist - the skirt more loose around her feet. (https://image.geeko.ltd/original/fbbf59 ... e-93746-pc). The color stood well in contrast to her sunkissed flesh. Turqoize orbs glanced slowly aroound the courtyard, those eyes inframed by black shaped brows, long black lashes. Her hair skimmered in blue hues under the rays of sun, the elegant figure walked in the courtyard and towards the stands to clicking sounds of thin stilettos meeting with cobbled stones. She took her place in the stand, a hand placed on Hawke's shoulder before she sank down in the hair beside him.

Annwyn continued on the path, the third target coming up quickly. She took aim, firing...and again, a miss. She took a breath - getting frustrated wouldn't help. She just had to move, to keep flying, and try again. Though at this rate...she knew she might not make up the growing rift in points.

Nighthawke turns as Dawn arrived to sit next to him... A smile to his face as he leaned over and placed a kiss to her lips...Glad you could make it my dear He said to the Majordomo... He smiles when Archaon joined him and Dawn... Your Grace... Good to see you here,,, He said to the Lord of Dethsiris....

Allivia while still sitting in the stands far from the competitors still had a close up view of the action thanks to her familiar who while not nearly as fast as the racers was able to ignore any boundires. She couldn't help a smile as the flyer's near Gaea's temple and in doing so her own abode, a breathtaking seductress bathing nude in the sun upon the jungle beach the lovely vision caught from the corner of her familiar's eye.. she did hope that the competitors didn't notice, Gods help their aim if they did!

<+Jaescin> The next target came up sooner than expected, and in a way, Annwyn's shot gave Jaescin a little more information on distance and trajectory of a shot made, information he put to use as the mephos closed distance and the next spear was launched. Another hit! But only just so. He reached down, pulling free another spear as they raced on to the next target.

Mae was glad. So far things went well. She had no idea how the others did or how Aavran did but she was hoping that he did well but..well..not so good as her of course as she wanted to win! She would fly fast towards the other temple. It was a good thing that she had practiced and trained her wings some more. She would fly and glide, making more speed as she reached the next temple.The temple of Gaea. Like a bat she was flying and gliding. Still darkness was around her. She would see the next target. She would focus, aim and shoot. She groans as she misses. ¨Fuck!¨ She would continue to fly further. She wanted to win! She increased her speed more.

Archaon bowed head and smiled to Nighthawke "I tried to arrive as soon as I could, but at least I haven't missed everything." He'd chuckle softly. "Seems everyone is enjoying themselves from the sound of it."

Nighthawke smiled back to Archaon....."It sure looks thet way your Grace.. We have nine competitors competeing this time." Hawke replied to Archaon....

<+Rida> Well... this wasnt going to well... wish actualy put preasure of her some... she was a entertainer after all and what she was doing at the moment hadnt been extravagant in any fashion so as the third target aproached she pulled on those reigns and did a looop mid air anthemis crying out in joy and thrill as the wing sweeped him upwards and then she threw the jawelin as they came down... the spear arching right through the outer ring and she would laugh and whoop! "yees!" now that was how she was suposed to go about it!

BlackDawn leaned in for the kiss, a hand lifted to his cheek and brushed it gently. "Fashionably late today.." she jests, waving it off with a hand. She ofcourse had her reasons, there was thiings she had too finish first. She leaned back in chair, one leg slipped over the other and her turqoize gaze sought out of the contestants that she could see from here. She had arrived just before the Lord that now joined them, and she said to him with a soft smirk "Me, neither..I arrived just before you.."

Seeing Rida, directly ahead of her, do a loop, Tenni decides anything she can do, Tenni can do better, so she does a barrel roll, and at the conclusion of the barrel roll, launches her spear at the target, piercing the bull's-eye for the second consecutive shot. "Rikajsha!" she exclaims, an exuberant Vulpani cry of victory.

Tul`Ravien pulled another spear free from his side as he watched the riders ahead of him. Several had missed and one or two had made a successful shot. He lifted his head and steeled himself clenching the muscles in his jaw as hefted his spear and spurred the Mephos to race towards the target. He turned tracking the ring with his sapphire gaze and launched his spear at the target. He watched as the spear sailed through the outter ring scoring a hit and nodded his head as he turned his gaze towards the next Temple with determination burning in his gaze.

[Varis misses.]

Wade *ThumpThumpThumpThump Thump.. Thump.. THOOM!* Wade lands, runs then LEAPS again firing at the target but not even bothering to aim.. She had forsaken him so all he could do was finish his run. Without Triestes' blessing, he was nothing but an empty vessel making motions. he goes on pure animal, feral instinct, all reason lost to the madness of speed...

Aavran heard more cheers from the people watching so clearly more participants were doing well on the challenge. He had full confidence in Mae but there was no time to stop and look and would just see how well she had done by the time he arrived at the castle again. Kirva’s temple was the last temple to take a shot at and while the last few shots had gone quite well for him, he continued to place all of his trust in the Goddess. He released the arrow and this time took a moment longer to watch where his arrow went before making the turn to head back to the castle. He was pleased to see that it was another hit. Just on the outer ring.

Annwyn fired the next shot. Another miss. No way she was winning now, that much was clear. She sighed, soaring onward.

Archaon nodded as he was told of the number of contestants. "A good showing at least." he would stop himself as he saw some of the competitors fly by on their way to their targets. "Hopefully it will be a close competition. Suspenseful endings make it even more exciting."

Jaescin came up at Annwyn's rear, eyes tracking her next shot as it cut a path towards the target. He adjusted his aim as his turn came, letting the spear loose, the projectile making a valiant if not disappointing attempt as it soared past the mark.

Nighthawke nodded to Archaon.....There could be some tie breaker flights as well as the final flight for grand Champion between the chamions of each class..He replied as he looked see someflyers fly overhead....

Mae continued to fly eventough she hated that she missed a target. It was her first miss and she hoped that the next one would do better. She squeezed her eyes for a minute as the next temple was visable. She would make more speed by flying and gliding and once she was near the target, she would focus, aim and shoot and misses. She groaned. ¨For Fuck sake!¨ Her eyes started to fill with more darkness but she would fly towards the last target..by the castle.

Jaed`Tenassa watched with great excitement, screaming happily when someone hit the target, cringing when they missed and clapping anyway. This was even more fun than she had thought.

Rida was excited now! she had shown that she could do this... and quite the dificult throw at that... so when she was coming up to the next hoop she would eagerly twirl in the saddle and fling that jawelin high! watching if fly... and hit the pole holding the rings up with a clanger "damn it..." she cursed... so close!

Seeing that Rida missed the fourth target, over the Temple of Kirva, Tenni goes right up to the shot line and fires true, scoring a third consecutive bull's-eye. The Lady is truly with her today, she decides. She'd just wanted a good showing, and not to embarrass herself. She didn't expect to be the most successful person shooting, so far.

Tul`Ravien remained stone faced and showed no emotion other sheer concentration. He was in the Hunt and he was feeling his targets now. He hefted another spear as he neared the next Temple and when the Mephos banked for the turn he released it with a mighty throw. He watched as it sailed true and went through the inner ring before he threw back his head and unleashed a gutteral yell of triumph as he turned and spurred the unbound Mephos towards the final Temple.

Wade blinks.. dafuq? that one split second was all it took.. wade hits the ground and tumbles over and over finally smacking into the temples' wall. "Ow." Wade falls back stumbling.. he takes a shot, sure itd go wide.. once it was loose he opens his helmet and removes it.. his head rang as he walks along the course

Jaed`Tenassa felt bad for Wade and clapped for him anyway. "You gave your best!" she shouted, knowing she wouldn't be heard.

Archaon listened on as the crowd cheered and showed their support for their choice competitors. A good distraction to ease minds and provide morale. "If it comes to that, I'm sure it will be a finale worth remembering."

Aavran returned to the castle, having the feeling that he had done quite well with the help of the Goddess. Now there was only one arrow left and he aimed at the last target. Speaking a quick prayer to the goddess he released the arrow from his bow and watched it go. It was the last shot, so this one he could completely follow and again it hit the outer ring. He landed on the ground again a moment later, going to see how the others did with their final shot or throw.

<+BlackDawn> "Let us hope for that.." she said, a suspenseful ending would indeed make it even more exciting. And as far as she could see now, there were two contestants in the lead. Though, she'd arrived a little late - but she knew the route and saw that they were now coming in towards the final rings. Her eyes were on the contestants now, and her hand reached over to lay atop Hawke's. "I'm intrigued.." she said, this went far better than she had thought. They all looked like expert flyers..even the ones competing with a borrowed mount. Eyes drifted over to Jaed and Wade for a moment.."Ouch..I hope he's alright.." and Annwyn after. She had missed and missed, and Dawn felt for her.

Annwyn had one last shot, one last target...and again, it was a miss. She swept down, landing and staring at that final set of rings for a moment before shaking her head and walking away - moving to return the bow, carefully, to where it had come from. Her movements were stiff, sparks of violet light arcing along her wings and over her shoulders as she moved away from the course.

"Ahem..." Jaescin chided the mephos, two fingers nudging the creatures head more towards the target as the beast seemed more focused on the figure of the magi during it's flight path towards the final shot. "This is what poor training gets you." he said under his breath at the distracted mephos just before launching the final spear... which cut a deadly path, just not on target, zipping by and colliding with the ground below.

Mae was disappointed in herself that she didn´t managed to get those two targets but well..it didn´t matter. It was fun though! She hoped that Aavran was doing better. She could see the castle and she grins. Almost done. She was going to increase her speed and once she saw the target, she would glide again and focuss. She concentrated on the target and she would aim and shoot. Please hit! She thought. But she shoots and misses. She sighs, the competition started good for her. She would then land on the ground and walks towards Aavran. ¨Well...how did you do?¨ She asked him as she slids her arm around his waist as she gives him a cute sweet smile before her eyes shifted to the others to finish.

<+Rida> One hit... at the geaen temple... was that all that they were good for? they were skilled flyers and fast at that but it seems when it came to throwing jawelins Rida had a lot to learn still... cursing once more as the pointed shaft flew whide from the target and she would let out a defeated sigh...

Tenni launches the last spear, at Castle Dethsiris, and hits again, this time on the outer ring. That means that aside from her first shot, she'd scored a hit every time-- three in the direct bull's-eye, and one in the outer ring. She doesn't know how the others had done, but surely that's enough for first place in the Rook Division. She looks back at Tul, and doesn't see Wade behind him. "Wait... where's Wade?!" she exclaims. She casts her Message spell. "WADE! Are you all right?"

Archaon saw that most attempts were not as successful as others. "Hm, wonder if the winds have something to do with that." he commented idly. Still, the competition itself was pleasing, and the turnout was well received.

Nighthawke felt Dawns hand find his and looked to her and smiled....then his attention returned top the race,,, The flyers were coming home......

Tul`Ravien steeled himself for the approach on the final target. The Hunter pulled free his final spear and lifted it high. He had arrived out of nowhere, representing no one but himself, and he had put a showing, he reasoned. That was all that a man could ask of himself. With a slow exhale he launched his final spear and watched as it sailed wide missing the final target before he lifted his head with resolute pride at his showing and turned the mount back to find it's landing.

Wade gives a thumbs up.. and falls flat on his back. he doesnt even make the last shot.. it was DQ by KO..

Nairun`moon had been watching the race with a pleasant smile on his face. It was quite a spectacle to be sure. And, it was a good distraction from his pain. The drak was cheering for every shot. Dressed in a finely tailored red silk shirt with an overcoat of deeper red, gold roses embroidered on it. He has a jeweled dragon pendant on.

Natural: Aavran (5), Wade (3), Mae (2)
Rook: Tenni (7), Varis (2), Annwyn (0 at-large)
Mephos: Tul (5), Jaescin (3), Rida (1)

Pip, for her part, had run her throat hoarse from all the cheering.

Fade to black.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: 2021 Dethsiris Aerial Race

Postby CallieO on Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:18 am

Day 2: Grand Champion Race


Aavran (Natural Flier Champion)
Tennibrook Balmossie (Rook Champion)
Tul`Ravien (Mephos Champion)

Dame Tennibrook Balmossie had resolved to eat and drink only enough to fuel her through the upcoming race, not wanting to risk losing the contents of her stomach during the high-speed, high-altitude contest to come. Yesterday, Tennibrook had won the Rook Championship with an overall score of 7 points scored, missing her first target because she'd lined up about six feet behind the shooting line, before connecting on three perfect bull's-eyes in a row, followed by a shot through the outer ring above Dethsiris Castle. She'd gotten the best overall score in her qualifying heat, and had thus advanced to today's race to determine the first Grand Champion of the Dethsiris Aerial Race. She can do no worse than third overall in the competition, so she's guaranteed a medal at this point. The vixen is feeling proud and confident, no trace of nerves in the paladin at all. However, she *is* still well aware that she won't win this competition on her own. So as she waits for the race to begin, she lays hands on her rook, Jilbo, and asks The Lady's blessing over the race, protection for all the participants, and victory for herself personally.

Aavran was quite happy that he had been the winner of the natural flyers, even able to outdo Mae which he hadn’t expected, but of course it had been more about skill with the bow than about his skill in flying and every Magi was a born archer. Besides that he had been watched over by the Goddess and how could one fail when that was the case. The night had been exciting and exhausting but luckily he had been able to recover during the day and now
he was ready for the final. He had heard that Tul had done as good as him, but that Tenni nearly had a perfect score. That was threatening, but he hoped the Goddess would watch over him again.

Jaed`Tenassa sat in the stands, keeping a seat free for her friend Morgan Drakewing. She hoped he would make it on time so they could watch the race together. To Tenni she waved excitedly from her perch in the bleachers, hoping the vixen would see her.

Tul`Ravien stood in the open area next to the unbonded Mephos that he had used in the race the day before. The Hunter's powerfully muscled limbs were flexed and tense like bands of corded steel beneath his bronzed flesh as he reached out and smoothed a large hand over the side of the large beast in front of him. He had arrived today wearing his ceremonial Tribes leather armor. The tight leather baldric was cinched tightly around his broad chest with a buckle fashioned of dark metal in the shape of a star burst, in the shape of the All Seeing Eye, the symbol that had been granted to him. He lifted a hand and adjusted the dark leather baldric on one of his shoulders that he had fashioned from dried leathers and adorned with teeth and claws of the great beasts he had hunted while he mentally prepared himself for the coming race.

Mae walked with Aavran to the race. She held his hand while they walked towards it. ¨Goodluck today Handsome. Be careful. I´m sure you will do great! I´m still proud of you.¨ She would give him a kiss, a goodluck kiss. The black winged torian beauty wore a beautiful black dress [https://imgur.com/2k40Zb8] and her black heels and two whips on her hip. Of course she was followed by her two large undead wolven. She gave Aavran one last kiss and a wink before she would go to the seats. The Master of the Skull took a seat and crossed her legs, her two large undead wolven guarding her. Well she had a image to keep of course. She would toss some of her blonde locks over her shoulder as her blue eyes looked over the contestants. Well she hoped she did better but third place was still a nice place and she was happy for Aavran that he was the winner yesterday of the natural flyers. She was proud of him.

BlackDawn entered the courtyard, today she'd been determinded to not come too late. Although certain circumstances yesterday had made it so, there was no pressing matters upon her today. Turqoize orbs gazed around the courtyard slowly, to look upon the contestants already gathered. She was a vision in her dress today, soft clicks upon cobble stones as the elegant woman moved in no particular rush - hips swayed sensually underneath red fabric. (https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61y ... UL320_.jpg). With every step a glimpse of long, sunkissed legs could be seen, the fabric of dress rustled softly in motion with her steps. Long raven locks spilled with blue hues under rays of the sun, complimenting the color of her eyes beautifully.

Aavran of course took his time to give some attentions to Mae, and with the outfit she wore flying might be a bit difficult at the moment. His pants showed the way he enjoyed the Master of the Skull, but he wouldn’t blame her if he didn’t win this. After a moment he would get ready for the flight, this time they were going in the other direction, but that shouldn’t make all that much difference he hoped.

Jaed`Tenassa saw Morgan coming up the road toward the stands, and standing straight, she waved emphatically at him so that he'd see her, and the seat she saved for him.

MorganDrakewing does indeed join the crowd, keeping his red cloak drawn about him. His eyes spot Jaed, the little catgirl, his companion for today, or maybe his guardian as her master is racing. Wouldn't want any unsavory folks steal her away. He moves to the seat provided by Jaed. "So...which one is yours?"

Tennibrook looks up into the stands, seeing Jaed there, and she waves to her as Morgan makes his way to sit down next to her. Nighthawke isn't racing, actually; he's hosting, and Callie is catering the banquet. Tenni climbs up onto Jilbo, giving him a couple of light pats on his snout.

<+Jaed`Tenassa> "I root for Tennibrook," she replied, grinning at her friend. "My master down there." She pointed to the tall, blond General in the courtyard.

MorganDrakewing nods. "Ah, Tennibrook...the foxgirl, correct?"

Jaed`Tenassa nodded. "She had won the Rook Championship yesterday," she replied.

Mae would have a servant who would fill her a glass of bloodwine. She would take a sip from it as she watched the race. She gave another wink to Aavran as she of course was rooting for her Sea Admiral. She would nod to BlackDawn and Nighthawke as they arrived and of course she would give a friendly nod to Tennibrook`Balmossie , Tul`Ravien MorganDrakewing and Jaed`Tenassa. She takes a sip from her wine as she looked around for a moment. A devious grin appeared on her lips. Perhaps if Aavran did well, she could reward him with that outfit he liked so much. She would take a sip as she waited for the race to start.

MorganDrakewing nods at that. "So, you have been following the tournament all week? It's been a while since I've done this. I do try to keep up appearances at events like this."

<+Jaed`Tenassa> "It was so much fun. Everyone try real hard, but only these three we see here made it to this round." She giggled excitedly.

Tul`Ravien glanced towards the other two competitors and returned the nod from Mae when he noticed her glance his way. His attention turned towards briefly towards Blackdawn when she made her entrance. His brilliant sapphire eyes looked her up and down admiring the woman and her dress before he turned his attention back to the race at hand. He bent down and picked up the holster holding his spears and slung it onto the side of the Mephos before he gave the beast another reassuring pat and hoisted himself up into place on it's back to ready himself.

MorganDrakewing notes the excitement. "Then feel free to tell me the rules as we watch."

BlackDawn did make just a little stop, to fetch herself a glass of the Elven Red from the table of various food and drink set out for them. At least, she thought that it was Elven Red. A soft smile pursed her lips, it would be interesting to see. She'd turn then, seeing Mae greet her she would blink one eye at her, a soft smirk playing on her lips. Although, for a moment calm turqoize eyes looked into brilliant emerald ones. Brief, but it occured to her that they had a contestant she was not familair with. Otherwise, she knew most of them and a nod was given them in greetings - fair be fair, -all- of them. Perhaps her smile softened a tad more when seeing Jaed, but if that had happened it was short and hardly noticeable. Dawn made her way to the stands, and sat down there with a empty chair beside her...

Nighthawke appears out into the courtyard wearing his formal uniform of black black long slaeve shshirt and pantd with boots,,, the black surcoat displays the image of a hawke on the front along with his blacksword at his side,,,,the 6'2" Knight with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes spots Dawn elegantly dressed in red already there waiting for him...A smile as he walks up to her and places a kiss to her lips....Are you ready for theis my dear? He asked her... And then he turned to face the crowd...

Mae smirked back at BlackDawn and winked back. Well that dress was beautiful indeed. Perhaps she should find another red dress for herself someday. She would grin to see Nighthawke and BlackDawn together. How cute they were. She takes a sip from her bloodwine and looked at Aavran. He is probably going to start first so she kept her focus now on him. She just hoped he was careful. Another sip from her bloodwine was taken as she waited for the race to start.

<+Nighthawke> "People of Belariath!! Welcome to House Dethsiris's Aerial Air Race!! It is our hope that youwill enjoy a fun time here rooting for you favorite Riders and Flyers. Today we have our Champions for each Class... Admiral Aavran, Dame Tennibrook Balmossie and Tul`Ravien... They are the best in each class and now they compete against each other for the title od Grand Champion!!! Let us all wish them well and a safe flight.....Our best wishes to each of them....THE RACE BEGINS NOW !!!!"

Jaed`Tenassa clapped excitedly, standing up even, as others stood around her. She especially cheered when Tenni's name was mentioned. To Morgan she says loudly enough to hear, "I tell rules, yes." But she wanted to make sure the race had started first.

MorganDrakewing keeps close to Jaed, protective like a hawk.

Aavran waited until the sign was given and then jumped up from the ground, spreading his wings and flying towards the first target. Once again he was armed with a bow and a quicker with five arrows to use on the various targets. He started to build up speed, hoping the Goddess would watch over him today again. The trip to the temple of Kirva was a long one, but eventually he saw the target. He aimed his bow and released the arrow with a soft prayer to the Goddess. Before he could see if the arrow hit the target, he had to make his turn to head towards the next temple. Luckily his arrow managed to hit the outer ring of the target.

[Aavran scores 2 points; the Kirva target counts double.]

Jaed`Tenassa muttered to Morgan, "They have to fly to each temple of Dethsiris and shoot a target. They are going opposite direction today, starting with Kirva. Do you see the targets on each temple?" she asked, pointing in those directions. "They must hit them from the air." Nervously, she pulled at the hem of her tunic while she watched.

BlackDawn lifted a hand to his cheek, the kiss returned with softness. She looked into his eyes with a smile, and for but a moment calm eyes was twinkling. "As ready as I can be.." she said, and settled back in her seat, one long legs crossed over the other. Wine glass left to be swirled slowly in hand in lap, as if to 'air' the wine some more. She kept her peace as their General made his announcement of the champions - but she take note of one name. He was unknown to her, and from what she had seen yesterday he had done quite well. One should almost think that he was a hunter, a ranger perhaps with the accuracy of the bow when he made a shot. Hm. Could very well be. Her gaze drifted, she paid attetion to the spectators as well as the competitors. Perhaps a habit of hers from earlier days? Those eyes seemed to miss nothing at all.

MorganDrakewing nods at the expectation. "Seems like a test of skill and concentration."

It takes several long minutes for Tennibrook to fly the course from Castle Dethsiris all the way down to the Temple of Kirva in the southwest of the province. She flies over Dethsiris's largest mine, looking to her right to see The Lady's Holy Temple in the near distance. She goes deep into the jungle and comes across the Temple of Kirva. Remembering that the points are doubled for this first target, she goes right up to the line and launches her first of five spears off her back. It lands well left of the target. "Damn," she murmurs. And she'd seen that Aavran had hit the outer ring. She's already down 2-0. Not an auspicious start.

Jaed`Tenassa cheered loudly for Tenni, though she had missed the target. "You'll get it next time!" she shouts

Tul`Ravien took a deep breath and held it as he squeezed his muscled legs and urged the Mephos into the air. This time it turned to take the course in reverse and he lowered his head. Those brilliant blue sapphire eyes of his gleamed in the sunlight as he narrowed his gaze on the target. The Mephos made it's approach on the first Temple and he steeled his nerves as he set his jaw firmly in determination and reached down to the side of the beast and pulled out his first spear. He hefted it high into the air and the tip gleamed in the sunlight before he made his first throw as the Mehpos flew past. It sailed true striking through the outter ring and he nodded his head with grim satisfaction as he turned towards the next Temple.

Aavran heard the cheers from the people watching, telling him that his arrow had hit the target and kept flying. This time the ‘plotted’ course went far more towards the portal and the Magi felt somewhat worried as he crossed directly in front of it. It was a dangerous thing to do, but the rules gave no other option than to follow this path and again he muttered a prayer to the goddess that she watched him all of this race, from beginning to nd. Luckily nothing happened and was he able to continue his flight towards the temple of Gaea.

Mae would cheer when Aavran hitted the first target and when she heared that he wasn´t sucked into the portal, she was even more glad. She takes a soft sigh and then takes anoter sip from her wine. He was so lucky. She wondered if the rest was lucky as well.

"Okay, now take it nice and easy, Jibo," Tennibrook says, noting that the course lines are closer to the portal this time. Very close. Within 10 feet of it, which is a small margin when one is flying. Jilbo slows down a little bit and takes his time negotiating the curve, managing to do so successfully.

Tul`Ravien steeled himself as the Mephos drew near the large stone portal. He had no idea what exactly it was or what it did but he knew that some sort of magic was involved. That was enough to be wary. The Hunter eyed the portal with a narrowed Gaze and tensed as the Mephos flew incredibly close but thankfully it managed to skillfully swing past it and kept its course true towards the next Temple.

Aavran wondered who would thought it was a good idea to place the path directly in front of the portal, but he assumed that Night had been wise enough to have people on the other side of the portal to keep people from using it. He arrived at the temple of Gaea a moment later and once again shot his arrow towards the target. He had full confidence in the goddess but this time he could follow the arrow as it travelled. Sadly he saw how the arrow just missed the target.

[Morgan poofs.]

Jaescin did not have a long distance to travel, haven't recently taken up a residence in Dethsiris. And the continuation of yesterday's competition would find the man on the gathering grounds where spectators settled in to watch the final heat of participants. Dressed in usual affair, which consisted of a pair of thick brown trousers, above which rested a faded blue gambeson and worn leather armor, the man's clothing would appear well-used, though also well-serviced, but nothing stood out about his attire apart from clearly being a fighting man, or at least dressed for it. A plain looking hilt of a blade settled inside a plain sheath hung at his side, and a long dagger rested near horizontal on a thick leather belt at his back. Storm-grey eyes looked out and up at the competitors making their runs as he maneuvered himself into the stands. Breaking his gaze from the spectacle for a moment to find a seat, his eyes would find a familiar face. Recognition reaching those silently alert eyes as he saw both Nighthawke and Dawn. The distance closed, and Jaescin would comfortable drop himself into a nearby seat beside Dawn and Nighthawke. That gaze set upon Nighthawke a moment as he gives a slight nod of his head in greeting, "General, well done with this event." His attention breaks a split moment as he spies one of the servers moving through the spectator crowd and flags the servant down with the curling pull of two fingers. "Water," he said simply with the hint of a nod. his attention then to Dawn, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, subtle, but still reaching his eyes even so. "Majordomo, long time." His middle finger giving a light tap upon the table before them before his attention turns back to those now in the middle of their aerial run.

Tennibrook reaches the temple of Gaea a short time after Aavran does, the vixen prepping a spear from her back and waiting until the Magi is well out of range before launching it at the target. It falls well to the right. "Well to the left, well to the right; odds are the next one will be a perfect bull's-eye," Tenni says, keeping her confidence up.

BlackDawn laid a hand over his, the glass of wine was gently put down on the table beside her and she had a smirk upon her lips. A nod towards Jaescin, and then the Lady in red moved to stand. She looked out on the spectators, and a voice strong and powerful rose to speak to them "Our dear guests! The champions are now out of our sight, and at this very moment they are flying over the Temple of Gaea and towards the portal. They do not know of this, but if they do fly too close to the portal it will suck them in. So, let us see whom comes back to us! And my friends, do give them a round of applause as they return!" she smirked softly, nodded to the crowd. Yes indeed, it would be interesting to see which ones would return and not.

Tul`Ravien watched from his position in the back as Aavran and then Tenni made their approach and missed their shots. He shook his head as he lifted his next spear aloft. He could feel the winds shifting and blowing his thick mane of dark bown hair to the side and as his Mephos made his approach he hefted the spear. The muscles in his powerful arms and broad shoulders tensed as he timed the throw and launched it sending the spear sailing through the outter ring again as he turned and urged his mount towards the next Temple.

Aavran made his way towards the temple of Ishtar and judging by the sounds behind him, there was at least one of the others that had managed to hit the target. It was hard to say how things were going as he was ahead of the others and had to fly fast to keep ahead of the Mephos and the Rook. Again it was a rather straight line to fly as he headed over the temple, aiming his bow and releasing the arrow, leaving it in the care of the Goddess, as he felt everything was in her hands. Sadly he saw how the arrow once again missed, this was not going all that well.

Tenni readies her third spear and launches it towards the target at the Temple of Ishtar, but it sails above the outer ring and misses entirely. "Damn it!" the vixen exclaims, and now she's starting to get pissed at herself. Realizing that, she does her best to try and find her inner calm.

Tul`Ravien was feeling himself getting used to the windcurrents, becoming accustomed to the way that his weight shifted on the back of the Mephos when it made its approach runs. Each shot was slowly getting more and more accurate and on point than the one before it. He raised his head and held it back high as the wind caused his thick mane of brown hair to billow behind him. His sapphire gaze narrowed on the target as he approached the Temple of Ishtar and he raised the spear and let it fly with a mighty throw. He watched as it sailed through the inner ring, a kill shot and threw his head back as he released a loud and gutteral warcry into the air and turned his focus to the next Temple.

Aavran heard a very loud cheer behind him, telling him that either Tenni or Tul had managed to hit the inner ring. With the way Tenni had an almost perfect score the previous day, he assumed she was again in the lead this time and that she was his biggest opposition today, so he made another prayer as he arrived at the temple of Adenver. The previous day things had started here and had this been the one he had missed. Hopefully today he would score here, but the target was difficult located. This time he luckily hit the outer ring again, hopefully it would be good enough with just one shot remaining.

Jaescin watches as each contestant makes their run; his gaze focuses in particular upon Tenni, the knight had made a markedly good showing yesterday, though apparently was less on her game today, unfortunate. A sound of a faint thud would announce the delivery of his water, which he took possession of in a loose grip and drank generously - something about the heat here in Dethsiris seemed to spark an increase in thirst. His index would tap idly against the side of the glass as he continues to watch the race in progress.

Tennibrook reaches the temple of Adenver, seeing that Aavran had scored a point on the outer ring. "This time... this time for sure!" she exclaims, psyching herself up. She launches her fourth spear, and connects with the outer ring. Finally, she's on the board.

Nighthawke turned and smiles tio Jaescin...Thank you my friend,,,, the race has been challenging go far,,,,but we will see how the rest of the Race transpires...

Jaed`Tenassa wished she could see the contestants as they went through the path to each temple. She hoped Tenni was doing as well as last time. She muttered a small prayer to her goddess.

Mae had no idea how Aavran was doing as he was far away but she hoped he was doing well. She takes a sip from her wine. Her two large undead wolven growling softly. She would look up to them and grins. She was proud of them. Her blue eyes shifted back to the race. She would ask a servant for a bowl of grapes and soon that was being deliverd to her. she would take a grape and place it between her soft voluptious lips and eat it while watching the race.

Tul`Ravien could feel his excitement rising. He could feel his broad chest beginning to heave and he steeled himself. He turned his focus inward as he did when he was hunting beasts on the plains of the Tribes land. He sought that calm center that would harness the adrenaline coursing through his body as he he approached the Temple of Adenver. His hands tightened around the haft of his next spear and then he lifted it and sent it flying through the air. It sailed through the outter ring and he let the smallest hint of a smile pull at his mouth as he turned to head towards the next area.

Aavran had no clue that the race was already decided when he returned to the castle of Dethsiris with just one arrow remaining. He smiled at the people spectating from here, knowing several of them. He aimed his bow, hoping that this would be a nice shot at least and released the arrow. A moment later he would land on the ground, it had been fun even if he hadn’t won. Sadly the last arrow had been missed, but he saw that the same was true for Tenni.

Nighthawke turns Dawn's face to his and plants a kiss to his woman's lips...Then looks back to the Race.

Tenni had been paying very close attention to how well Aavran had been doing, and with him missing the last target, she knows she needs an inner-ring shot to tie. She closes her eyes for a moment, takes a deep, calming breath, opens her eyes, lines up her sight, throws the spear-- and misses. She frowns. "That's all right, Jilbo," Tenni says. "I'm proud that we made it this far."

Mae would see Aavran landing and she was just glad that he was alright and not sucked through that portal. She smiled and of course hoped that Aavran would join her. She would take another grape and then a sip from her wine as she watched and waited. Curious who the winner would be.

Jaescin with his gaze still following those in the air, does spare a glance to Nighthawke when the man shares words. "Not a small thing to organize, I'm sure." A straight-lined smile given as he turns his attention back to the sky, "Seems to be going fine, no one's died - yet."

Tul`Ravien tensed as he approached the final target. His fingers tightened around the haft the spear until his knuckles turned white with the force of his grip. This was it. He had arrived as an unknown. He had competed representing nothing more than himself and his own skill. He looked up and eyed the final target as his Mephos made the approach and lifted his spear into position. It sailed through the air after he launched it and he watched as it sailed through the outter ring striking true again on the final target. And then, and only then, did the large hunter lift both airs and let out another yell. This one triumphant as he guided the Mephos back to find land.

Nighthawke turns back to Jaescin.....Having to organize an event alone at the beginning was quite the challenge.....He replied.

BlackDawn stood like a stature for a moment, calm eyes gazed into the sky. Trying to figure out whom would return or not, they were but little dots far away up in the air. Her stale gaze broken by a kiss, a soft smile pursed her lips then and her concentration broken enough for her to sit back down. Whom would be the winner today? She gazed at Jaescin for a moment "He did a great job, don't you think..? And you and me, meet again." she smiled at him, rightfully they'd worked together in Thallis and now..they both found themselves once more under the same Lord.

Jaescin watches those now minuscule figures begin to make their way back after their run on the last target. The sound, tone and inflections of a familiar voice would pull his attention as storm-grey eyes turned to look at Dawn. At her question, he cast his gaze back to Nighthawke, "I would say so." he agreed before returning his attention to Dawn, "We do-" he said with light chuckle, "-small world, it would seem."

Final Scoreboard:
Tul`Ravien 7 points, Aavran 3 points, Tennibrook`Balmossie 1 point

Aavran moved to sit with Mae once he had heard that sadly he had come in the second place of this final. A shame, but Tul really had done very well. “Enjoying yourself?” He asked Mae with a grin, placing a hand on her lap and gently teasing her. He had won from the natural flyers and that of course was quite the achievement.

Tennibrook lands Jilbo down on the ground, and pats him gently, encouragingly, before climbing down off of him. "Third place," she says. "Oh, well. I had a good time." She waves to Jaed.

Tul`Ravien climbed down from his mount and turned to face the beast. He reached out and placed both hands on it's side as he offered a silent thanks to it for being such a trusted and true mount and helping him in the race. At last he turned and made his way towards the other. A look and a nod of his head given to Tenni and Aavran. "The race was well run. You were both skilled challengers. It was an honor to face each of you."

Jaed`Tenassa comes down off the bleachers and running to Tenni, hugs her. "It's okay you didn't win today," she said. "You're a winner in my book." She laughed at the silly, old adage.

Mae would grin when Aavran decided to join her. She would let him sit down next to her and of course didn´t minded his hand on her lap. ¨I do..but I´m glad you joined me as now I´m enjoying myself even more..¨ She gave him a wink and leaned in to kiss his lips. One hand caressing his cheek. She would break the kiss but held her face close to him. ¨You did well handsome.¨ She gave him another kiss before she would retreat. She would offer the bowl with grapes. ¨Want some?¨ She offers Aavran. She would then wave to a servant. ¨Can you give us two glasses of water and two glasses of black rum please?¨ She would then look back and grinned to Aavran. She would look at Tul`Ravien as he said those words to aavran and nodded.

Nighthawke received the final scores and spoke to Dawn and nodded to her,,,"It's official my dear" He tells her...

Aavran gave a nod to Tul. “You did most well, congratulations on your victory.” The Magi could handle a loss and it was not like he hadn’t won enough with getting the second place. He then kisses Mae and took some of the grapes she offered him. “I guess we will have some shopping to do soon.” He said with a wink as he knew she would love spending the vouchers she had won.. and most likely a few of his as well.

"Thanks," Tenni says to Jaed. "I had a good time, and we didn't get hurt. And hey, I get a bronze medal and a sizable prize package out of the deal." She turns to Tul. "Congratulations. A most excellent performance."

Mae would look at Tul`Ravien and once they both talked she would give him a friendly smile. ¨Congratulations.¨ She would look back at Aavran and grinned with a cute giggle as he kissed her and of course she kissed him back. She would grin more as he talked about shopping together. She would lean closer. ¨I would love that my dear.¨ She would give him a wink and takes a sip. ¨I´m glad you didn´t got sucked through that portal.¨ She said to Aavran as she placed her hand on his thigh as well, gently stroking and teasing him in return.

BlackDawn claps for every contestant as they came back one by one. She looks to Hawke and smiles at him. "Seems so..this took a different turn then what I'd thought." she admits, as one of those whom had not come with his own mount won. And what more, none had gotten sucked into the portal. She still wondered where they'd ended up if they had. she looked after Jaescin as he left, and slender fingers curled around glass of wine. Dawn brought it with her as she once more moved to stand, and her voice carried out in the courtyard. "I am glad to see none of you got sucked into the portal..although, the curious side of me will always wonder where you'd end up if you did." she chuckled softly, the woman's voice sultry. "The results of the race are as following! Lovely Dame Tennibrook, you've won third place today! You fought well, and I am happy to see you amongst the top 3. My good Sea Admiral - you won the second place, and I am sure you will be richly rewarded later this evening.."she smirked softly and said no more, but her turqoize gaze turned to Tul. "Tul Ravien..today you earned the title Grand Champion of Dethsiris Aerial Race. Well done, well done. Congratulations to you all. Salute!" she rose her glass in a salute to the 3 winners.

Nighthawke stood up with Dawn and smiled... The General rose his glass also...Tul`Ravien...Your flying skills were exemplary and I salute you... CONGRATULATIONS GRAND CHAMPION !!"

Jaed`Tenassa cheered with the others in the stands, and hugged her friend Tenni very tightly. "Congratulations, hon," she said with a grin.

[<+Nighthawke> Approach Tul to receive your trophy with our thanks...he requested of Tul...

Aavran of course couldn’t help but wonder if Dawn was thinking of something very specific herself, but of course he had the feeling that Mae would spend most of the night celebrating again.. just like they had the previous evening. “I am also very happy I didn’t get sucked into the portal, I can’t believe Night would place the route so close to it.” He said and kept teasing her leg. It seemed Tul was getting his prize so the Magi would focus his attention there.

Tul`Ravien looked back and forth between Nighthawke and BlackDawn. His sapphire lingered on the general and he looked the man up and down with a lingering look of respect smoldering in his gaze. Next he turned his gaze towards BlackDawn admiring the shape of the woman in that lovely red dress. She was someone else important, powerful. His lips curled into a slow smile as he nodded at both of them and approached slowly. "Thank you. Both of you. It was honor simply to be allowed to compete. I have not long left the Tribal plains or the company of the Spirit Lands." He said as he straightened his posture in front of the both of them and smoothed a hand back through his thick mane of dark brown hair. "I came hoping to put up a good showing. To represent myself and my skills. I am honored to have that oppertunity and to compete against so many other fine people. Thank you."

Nairun`moon had of course been in attendance for the championship race. He claps with the rest of the crowd as the results are called. The tall copper scale slowly getting to his feet still not fully at his best. It was a nice distraction, and he had to admit that Dawn looked absolutely stunning today.

Nighthawke presents Tull with a Mythril Long Sword with the inscription D.A.R. Grand Chamion etched on the blade...

[16:45] <+Nighthawke> !item give Tul`Ravien mithril long sword
[16:45] <@Desdaemona> Nighthawke gives item 'mithril long sword' to 'Tul`Ravien'

Mae would smirk to BlackDawn as she made that comment, knowing what she meant. She would applause for the winners and then returned her attention back to Aavran. Of course they would spend the night together..unless he got suddenly other plans. She would nod to his words. ¨I´m sure the General had thought about that. It went well..nobody got sucked through it..and otherwise I would´ve found you.¨ She gave him a wink. She would neaten her dress for a moment and then takes a sip. ¨You like this dress Aavran? I still have so many new clothing that I need to show you.¨ She grins and gave him a wink before she would take a sip again. Her hand kept teasing with his leg in return.

Aavran grinned at her words. “I always like all of your outfits.” He said with a grin and then took her hand, moving it slightly so she could tease him all the more. He wondered if the others would also get their prizes now or that this was Tul’s moment and that they would be rewarded more in private. Of course the sword and the medals were the true prizes of this contest and the rest was just a nice bonus. “Perhaps we should retreat soon to our room.” He said with a wink.

BlackDawn sat down, plush lips wrapped around brim of glass and she took a careful sip. The wine was strong for those whom weren't used to drinking it, and it had a sweetness that covered up it's strenght. As Tul approached them, she would gaze up at him and listen to him when he spoke. "Mm.." mumbled, glass lowered again. "Either you are as skilled as we've seen you to be today, or..were you just lucky?" she said in a pondering way, and perhaps in a bit of tease. Though, all jokes aside - she says to him "I can tell you are a huntsman. I saw it yesterday, and even more today."

Mae grins. ¨I´m glad to hear that hon.¨ She would look at his hand taking her hand and then she would grin more when he moved her hand so that she could tease him more. She also wondered the same thing, altough right now she had ohter things in her mind. She bites her lip as she looked at Aavran with those teasing eyes. She would lean closer and chuckles before she would whisper: ¨That sounds like a good idea..do you still have the energy for that?¨ She grins and then nibbles and licks his earlobe before she gave him a wink and retreat her face..teasing his legs some more. ¨You shall have to carry me to our room if you want more..¨ She grins and gave Aavran a wink.

Aavran threw Mae over his shoulder and carried her ass first away from the celebrations.

Mae shocks a little but giggles cute as Aavran threw her over his shoulder and carried her with him. Her two undead following them. ¨Aavran! Hihhi!¨ She giggles cute but let´s him carry her as she enjoyed. How cute he could be!

Tul`Ravien took the mithril longsword from NightHawk and held the blade in both hands with a look of reverence. "I've never had a weapon as finely crafted as this one. All of my weapons were made by the Tribe." He said as he looked down at the beautifully crafted longsword before he moved to strap it to his hip and and hang it from the baldric cinched around his broad chest. "Thank you. Thank you both." He said looking towards Nighthawke and then focusing his sapphire gaze on Dawn intently. "In truth? Both. The fates were with me but it was my hand and my arm that guided the spear. Not chance. Not luck." He said as his lips parted into a small smile. "The same as if I had failed. It would be on me. Not on fate, not on chance, not on the Gods." He nodded his head at the last thing that she said and met her gaze as he tilted his head back. "Tul Ravien. Tul is my given name. Ravien was my earned name. Spirit Warden. Guardian of the Tribes lands. I was a hunter, a scout, a ranger, yes."

Nairun`moon Thank you for having me." He leaned over to kiss her cheek in a friendly manner. Then leans back to fold his hands in front of himself. Looking to Tul "congratulations! That was an impressive show!" He claps just a little bit at that.

Nighthawke sits back down next to Dawn and holds her hand as she listens to her Talk to Tul...

BlackDawn nodded slowly to his words, she could recognize a huntsman when she saw one due to her own background with the vagrants. And later on, as a warrior and hunter herself. She still was, although her duties now laid elsewhere than her former occupation as a Warmaster. "Whatever it was, skill or by chance..or both as you claim it to be - congratulations." a glance at the sword in his hand, it was a lovely piece and she smiled. She'd not heard of a Spirit Warden before, honestly and was about to ay something when a distraction occured. First, a brush of hand to her naked shoulder, and then wet lips to her cheek. She looked up, blinking. "Nairun, isn't it? Captain of Thallis..I believe you had a run in with Mae recently?"

Nairun`moon smiled and bows cordially, but the movement makes him wince just a little. "Yes, that would be me. Mae was...very persuasive. So, here I am. I don't want to bother you with business. I just wanted to offer my compliments to you and the winner. You look lovely as always Dawn." After a moment he had to sit down. Despite his strong appearance he is still drained.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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