Aavran's Fruit Quest, 11/26/21

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Aavran's Fruit Quest, 11/26/21

Postby CallieO on Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:40 pm

Dramatis Personae:

Admiral Aavran, level 14 male Magi
Gavin Talshine, level 15 male Torian fire mage/artisan
Jaed Tenassa, level 8 female catperson healer/cleric
Mae, level 27 female torian necromancer
Tennibrook Balmossie, level 29 female vulpine/human paladin/cleric
Vexademus, level 28 female human mage

Admiral_Aavran moved onto the ship and was pleased to see that several people were already there. Most of them of course the crew that always were part of this ship, but there were also those that had been hired to provide extra protection to the shipment. The ocean of Dethsiris was a dangerous place with all kinds of creatures in the water and the sky, not to mention the pirates that used the large ocean to prey on smaller victims. The shipment would take six days, a long time for people used to portals but the fruit stored in the cargo hold could for some reason not handle the magic that was part of such transportation so the slower means were needed. It was unclear what other kinds of magic would ruin the fruit so the only ‘people’ allowed in the cargo were the undead minions of Mae. Aavran smiled as he saw that the Master of the Skull had already arrived on the ship and was currently talking with the captain. Surely Aavran would do some sailing as well, but the captain was more skilled in it than he was.

Mae-Deth was talking with the captain and she would then shift her eyes to Admiral_Aavran and smiles. ¨Hello Handsome.¨ She grinned and she would lean in to kiss his lips passionately. The black winged torian beauty wore a short black dress with stockings, jacket, gloves and her two whips and mithril scimitar [https://imgur.com/bwjREZw]. ¨So..are you ready again? Think we would meet a water dragon as well?¨ She grinned and lets her hands brush over his chest. She didn´t thought it would happen..but it was rather awesome idea.. A very dangerous..but awesome idea.

Jaed|Hawke|-Deth followed Tenni onto the ship, a little nervous because she had never been on one. Immediately, she felt the wooden deck below her feet sway, moving in rhythm with the water. Catching herself she fought to stay on her feet. She didn't like how this felt, but she hoped she would get used to it. Gripping Tenni's arm she went wherever the vixen went.

Dame Tennibrook Balmossie sees her rook, Jilbo, safely stored aboard the ship along with her changes of clothes and a small altar to The Lady, and boards alongside her ya'towa Jaed Tenassa. She's dressed in her mithril chain mail shirt over a green-and-gold gambeson, black pants, and black boots, with her mithril gauntlets and greaves, longsword, and dagger. Her wrist crossbow has been packed away on the ship. Upon seeing Admiral Aavran and Mae aboard, Tenni gives them a vulpine military salute, touching her right fist to her left collarbone, and says, "Admiral Aavran. Mae. It's good to see you again. Jaed and I are looking forward to the journey."

Admiral_Aavran eagerly kissed Mae, his hands taking some freedom with her form in the short moment they were allowed to have before the ship would set sail. “I am sure you will get a chance to sail again once we are on our way.” He promised her, knowing she loved it as well. He then turned his attention to Tenni and gave her a warm smile before returning the salute. “Good to have you with us Dame Tennibrook and a pleasure to have Jaed as well.” He said with a wink. “Only a short moment longer before we can head out. Hopefully things will be peaceful, although some excitement never hurts anyone.” Of course it did, but the admiral loved some adventure… although most people thought the stories that were shared from the ship’s travels were simply strong tales told by the sailors.

Mae-Deth grinned from the words of Admiral_Aavran. ¨Mmm...well good..because you know how I like to stand behind the wheel. Take control.¨ She gave him a wink and then shifted her attention to Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT and Jaed|Hawke|-Deth. ¨Hello dears. Welcome. Thank you for joining us.¨ She smiled to the both of them. She might not ´wear´ suitable clothes but mae liked sexy clothes..and well..she could fight in everything. [https://imgur.com/bwjREZw], besides..she still got weapons on her..altough she mostly used her magic and undead. She was standing next to Admiral_Aavran. One arm slipped around his waist. It was going to be a nice day. A good day for travel.

Jaed|Hawke|-Deth waved to everyone and finally noticed how everyone was armed to the teeth. She was a mere healer, with a pretty, mithril dagger that wasn't even hers, but she had never gotten around to giving it to her master. Oh well, it was better than nothing. She was wearing a simple blue tunic and leggings with that dagger strapped to her hip.

Vexademus-DETH had taken it clearly that she needed the practice on the choppy waters of the sea. She'd even brought along bottles that Van Masterson had previously given her to deal with any - motion sickness from the rock and roll of the sea vehicle. Boarding with unsteady steps, the greaves rubbed against one another with a small scrape, thicker thighs beneath the spread of the split robery adjusted. She would simply have to get used to wearing particular armors too. Gaeadamnit, even flying atop Big Sugar would have to be learned soon. Everything was moving fast and the brine on the air provided that touch of tongue inside her cheek as singular streaked strands whipped around her face.

Gavin|L| touched down on the ship with nary but the faint sound of the blue birds wings. Eyes canted around to see those already present. He looked to Mae and Aavran canoodling off to the side and raised a brow. He simply shook his head and then fell in step alongside Vexademus like it was the most familiar thing in the world. Mithril bracelet caught the light for but a moment as he grinned to her. "Why hello there, keeping busy?"

Vexademus-DETH smoothed index and middle left fingers over the pin home-crafted by His Grace's hands signifying her accepted dedication and slid a few steps with clothed backside leaned against the railing. Seeing by periphery of the fire mage torian, there was an inclination of head while withdrawing a small vial, uncorking it and shooting it back like some kind of liquor. Swallowing thricely, she chucked the glass thing over her shoulder to rid and licked her lips, "Well met there, Gavin. How is the court life treating thee? And aye, more than you could ever know."

Tennibrook, in contrast to Jaed, quite enjoys being on ships when they're not on fire, and is eager for this journey, a nice change of pace from her regular duties. She looks to Jaed. "I'm gonna head down to the galley and help plan the menu. That's what I did on the Flames' Wind. Are we bunking together on this trip?" The Tempest is much smaller than L`aquera's flagship.

Jaed|Hawke|-Deth swallowed bile in her throat, the ship swaying too much for her liking. Nodding to Tenni, she followed her below deck where the world didn't move so much.

Mae-Deth was happy that there was a healer on the ship. She shifted her eyes to Vexademus-DETH and grinned. ¨Hello miss Vexademus.¨ She would blink and then see Gavin|L|. ¨Hi Gavin! What nice for you to join us!¨ She was happy but..she needed to contain herself..only cuddles.. But she saw he was talking with Vexademus-DETH so she let them have a word. She would pat the shoulder of Aavran. ¨Well guess we can go now?" She grinned and then walked to the wheel. Her hips swaying as it was just her walk. She would order the crew of Aavran. ¨Get your asses to work! Time to go, Time is money..¨ She teased the crew as she commanded them and walked to the wheel of the ship. Her hands brushed along the wood. She grinned and a teasing look in her eyes as she watched over the ship. Waiting for the ship to go.

Gavin|L| chuckled softly. "Oh I gave up the court life for what is more natural to mine self. Twas a bad fit. I am now the head of the crafters of thallis. Such is better for me by far anyway. More time for studies and my passion that way." He seemed more comfortable now though, as if not so wary. "I must confess though, my life has taken a bit of a turn though. Unexpected you might say." He grinned softly and ran free hand through his hair. "I met a wonderful fire mage on the beaches of Dethsiris one day. She decided that I would not be going home that evening. And one does not simply defy the Empress. Not too long after she saw fit to make me her concubine. I've been exploring this new land with Her as my Mistress and Infernis. Though I do confess I have wandered off a bit on my own now and then!"

Vexademus-DETH rose a hand to pull some of the finer strands out of her mouth wayward, the wind taking all kinds of means to keep tearing at her locks. Peering over the railing with a look over her shoulder had her body following along in wake, holding onto the wooden surface with both hands now as she made to stay out of the way. Her clothing had been buttoned here, tied there, and fastened to allow greater movement. (https://i.imgur.com/wIcz1AR.jpg) That stiching glimmered in the light of today as she greeted the necromancer with an open face, "Miss Mae. Pleasant as always." Shift of legs and those greaves scraped with a grimace crossing mouth for the sound. (https://i.imgur.com/ejoNb0x.png) There was a nod to Gavin as she inquired, "No more of being Steward? And the explorations fair well? What of the new land, hm?" Lilt of head to shower spark of reflection from circlet that was heathered through streaked fringe. (https://i.imgur.com/n7C1Fnm.jpg)

Admiral_Aavran grinned at the way Mae commanded the crew. He knew the beautiful necromancer was only teasing right now, but there were situation that she truly was so demanding. Everyone seemed to have arrived on the ship by now. “Welcome everyone.” He said with a smile, used to being heard when on a ship, although the dragonship might be smaller than L’s ship, people would still have to nearby to catch the conversation that would be taking place. “We have some rooms for you to enjoy.” He promised Tenni, something that wasn’t all too true for the usual crew that shared a main room when not working. “It will take us six days before we arrive in the harbour of Thallis and I fear the temperature there will be much colder than here.” The sun that kept them company here was nicely warm, better than the humid heat that lingered in the jungle. “Hopefully it will be a peaceful journey. We will be making a short stop in three days, so try not break down the ship before then.” He grinned. “The cargo hold is off limits and Mae’s.. friends have instructions to treat everyone coming there as enemies.” The words were spoken with a smile, but the warning was most sincere.

Vexademus-DETH squinted as she heard the instructions and wondered if there was a chance of rot to be caught to the produce that was carried below. Again, there was that indistinct ignorance of necromancy that went so well with her being just a mage. Of course, it was so much better for herself, she thought, to have a few fingers in every sphere instead of just solidfying focus to just one path. Though, she had to admit, those creatures had been useful, if not always smelling like the best gardens. A small crinkle of nose and she inhaled slowly, turning toward Gavin with a wicked curl to the left side of mouth.

[Jaed poofs.]

Tennibrook nods in reply to Aavran's words. "That's good," she says. "I'd like to invite everyone to stop by my quarters, then, after dinner for games of cards and Greedy Pig to break the ice a little bit. Jaed and I will go down to the galley and help put together the menu for our voyage. She's a healer, and I'm a knight and paladin."

Vexademus-DETH mouthes to Gavin in question, "Greedy...Pig...?"

Gavin|L| chuckled softly at that wicked curl of lip. Oh he knew that expression all too well. It boded very good for some and perhaps not so much for others. He shook his head at her question though. But then he wasn't much for cards of late. Studies had long since sequestered him from socializing. But today was different he supposed. He just shrugged to Vex.

Mae-Deth smiled to the words of tenni and nods, but for now she needed to focuss on controlling the ship. She gave some more orders to te crew. Well.. Admiral_Aavran might think she can be so demanding..but she knew better. She only was commanding in the right way..and when she had all the right to be demanding. She spread her black wings for a moment. Stretching them. Knowing she often flew in the air for these ´sea missions´. Curious what they would see today. Let´s hope it would be a quiet trip..altough she assumed it wouldn´t. She looked for a moment at Gavin|L|. He hadn´t greeted her..perhaps he just..didn´t saw her..or perhaps he was busy. Or perhaps.. she shifted her eyes back to the waters as the ship was starting to move. She would soon collect money for her own ship.

Tenni goes into her quarters and prays the customary Sailors' Prayer to The Lady, asking for a fair voyage, speedy winds, and the safety of the crew and ship. Then she goes into the galley and helps arrange the menu.

Gavin|L| drew in a deep breath for a moment and looked to the woman next to him. He would whisper back to her a moment, his attention consumed by other things. This did not however stop his free hand from making gestures behind his back in Mae's direction.

Mae-Deth would blink when she got a message from Gavin|L| and she grinned. She looked for a moment at Gavin|L| and smiled. She would then send him a message back and then concentrated on controlling the ship. See! She was very useful woman!

<+Admiral_Aavran> The ship would sail out of the harbour of Dethsiris without any incident and the start of the journey was a most peaceful one. The weather was nice, quite different from the rest of the Empire and Aavran was of course very pleased with the invitation from Tennibrook. “Getting to know each other better over a game sounds like a perfect plan.” He said warmly and of course dinner would be nice too. It would be a long journey and as they sailed towards Thallis they would be greeted by various creatures living in the ocean but luckily so far nothing was hostile towards the ship. Eventually the sun started to set and took the captain over from controlling the ship.. almost as if that was his job.. giving Mae and the others the chance to enjoy the prepared dinner.

Vexademus-DETH felt righted from the fluid she'd imbibed earlier, hoping honestly she'd not have to interact with any camerie. Last time, there had been disapproval from one that she had been meant to 'ride' - and ended up coated with sneezed slime. Those cherry wood eyes framed by such lengthy lashes, skittered downwards from the form of the torian's face, spying the shining sear of bracelet and she stared at it. Various questions remained as to why he still sported it but she knew better than to question anothers' motives for anything, vying to simply mind her business for the moment. As the day wore on, the OverSeer was content to simply remain quiet and teem the boat from forward to aft, keeping to the railings.

Tenni eventually calls the main crew to dinner, which is roast suckling pig, chef salads, and baked potatoes. The vixen has laid out a few bottles of wine, some beer, and some lemonade and sweet tea for anyone who would prefer something nonalcoholic.

Vexademus-DETH fancies the wine, as soon as she's settled herself to dinner. Suckling pig is looked over and there's a salivation. Damn, those daily vials worked well! She'll have to send missives to him in thanks. And probably a gift. A small ghost of sorrow crossed her visage shortly before she's filled her plate and already eating with her hands, no need actual etiquette aboard-ship. Cheeks bulged out as she chewed, looking somewhat naughty with shine of butter grease along her lips and a bit laced along chin.

[Gavin goes to work.]

Mae-Deth would join the others while enjoying her wine. The food was nice, good for on a ship. Getting to know eachother over a game..she wasn´t sure if she was in the mood for that. Mae wasn´t really a person who liked to ´share´ personal stuff. She took more sips from her wine and frowned for a moment. Thinking deeply. She knew that on her journeys..trouble would come soon. It was only a matter of time mostly. Also.. she had still trouble sleeping...those sleepwalks..that voice calling for her. It was..getting irritating. She took more sips of her wine. For a moment just sitting there. Her legs crossed and wiggling slightly. What if...

Tenni permits herself only a small amount of wine, wanting to keep hold of her senses in case battle should happen soon. The roast pig is extraordinary, one of the best entrees she's ever had on a ship.

Vexademus-DETH had eaten her fill, the pork rather differently textured than her secretly prized beetle meat; she was now leaned back a bit, that tight fabric around mid-section only hindering her from eating more....damn her mentor. He had a thing for the way she moved in the arch magi robes and had them tailored just so - the abdominal circling cloth cinched tight because of her figure. She finished her glass, having been focused on listing a few things with the ticking of digits to thumb. Lips moved silent as if she were talking to herself, glisten of lick from retrieved droplet and she was refilling her glass, standing unsteadily - (because, of course, she had no actual sea-legs)- but putting hand to wall to venture about the room, small as it was. "Miss Tenni! It was very good. Seasonings were a plus. Have you been finding the flavor of Dethsiris somewhat different from Nanthalion?"

Admiral_Aavran shared some stories of the previous trips from the ship during dinner, but mostly the Admiral was enjoying the meal as everyone else was. Meals at the castle of course were most delicious, but no one clearly had to complain about the meal here on the ship. He was curious to hear the answer from Tenni and of course his hand playfully caressed Mae’s leg next to him. He was happy that neither of them had to sail the ship during the night this time and could simply enjoy some time in the captain’s quarters later, but he was eager to play some dice with the people gathered here today.

"Yes, Dethsiris foods are a welcome change from the foods of Nanthalion and even Balmarrow, back home," Tenni says. Tenni shares a story from her own past-- of her first battle at the age of ten, back when she was a page with no tails. How she'd taken out two invaders who'd been trying to raid Lord Ti'a'ha's slave quarters, and had chased down a third one who was on horseback and had grabbed a dear friend of hers, her former nursemaid, named Baroni. She'd driven him into a forest creek, and the two women had drowned him.

Mae-Deth would feel the hand of Admiral_Aavran and she would grin at him. She would lean in and whispered something in his ear and then took another sip. She almost had the urge to use her fear aura while telling a ghost story..but..she knew about Vexademus and how scared she got during the All hallow´s Eve party..and mae would try to behave.. She also couldn´t wait to have some alone time with Admiral_Aavran. She would simply listen to the stories the people shared but wouldn´t share her own. Not like she had anything interesting to share..besides.. she was kinda a closed book. Finding it more interesting to gather information then to share. Her own hand placed on the hand of Admiral_Aavran and holding it for a moment. Just seeking a bit of affection from him while enjoying her wine.

Vexademus-DETH felt the air already changing, the leaving of Gaea's Breast into the deeper waters and away from land giving way to the absent feeling of the aether. Moving her tongue inside her mouth, she was supping again from glass, kissing open wine for gravity to flow it willingly between tiers. Brows rose at the mention of drowning and she swallowed, again with the lingering droplet on her lower lip as she asked, "Drowned him...? As in...watching the last of those bubbles leave an open mouth with eyes wide open in surprise? Oh Hells Bells..." Her face grew a bit rosy in cheek as she considered the scene in her mind.

<+Admiral_Aavran> The world had gotten rather dark, the night well underway with the time the people were spending together, when suddenly an alarm sounded: “Fire!” It was not a word any captain or admiral wanted to hear shouted on board of a wooden ship. Aavran felt slightly relieved that the upgrades to the ship were finished and the wood had been magically enchanted to be somewhat resistant to fire. Looking out of the room the Admiral didn’t see any fire on board the ship, but any looking from the various portholes could noticed fiery creatures in the air. Much larger than simple fireflies but smaller than the Rook Tennibrook had brought with her. There were quite a few of them and in the darkness of the night the creatures seemed to be completely on fire and being quite used to that.

Mae-Deth would look up when she heared fire. Dammit! She would inmediately ran upwards. Preparing her large undead crows. She would squeeze her eyes. It almost looked like fireflies. She groaned. Well..guess she should try to get their attention..at least away from their ships. She would cast Corpse lantern on her large undead crows, hoping to create some kind of disguise so that the fireflies would see other ´glowing creatures´ and she would fly towards the fireflies. Trying to distract them and to get them directing to a different direction. Fire and ships..well..she wanted to try to avoide that even though the ship got it´s upgrades..if she could avoid damage and battle..she would try of course. Not want to risk anybody´s life.

Tenni straps on her mithril spear and wrist crossbow, and takes to the skies aboard Jilbo, hoping to lead... whatever this was... away from the ship.

Vexademus-DETH took to leaning back against the wall, trusting the curvature to offer her a steadier accompaniment of balance. But, as the shout of apparent flames took her attention, there was a look to the inspecting Admiral - gauging his view out the door and then further out the portholes. Hm. She downed the wine by mouthful and haphazardly settled glass (probably tipping empty over in her haste) and left the room quickly to climb top-deck so that she could get a better view; aiming eyes around in scan from port to starboard to see where she was needed. And, yes, the magess was already drawing in the transmutable energies she needed to fling a spell once she would target the threat. Fear of actual drowning drove her bravery; never the need to be heroic. Hands out like targeting crosshairs, she let go of the first energy bolt. "Bekir'Bluthel!"

Admiral_Aavran had no idea if the fire that apparently was part of the creatures coming to the ship would be able to light the ship on fire or that it was more a fashion sense or nothing more than appearance to attract the attention of their mates or scare of predators. Aavran didn’t think he would like sinking his teeth into something that appeared to be on fire. As Mae’s undead birds flew into the sky and started to move away from the ship, the fire creatures appeared to turn their attention to them, but as Tenni and her Rook moved into the air, some of the fire things turned their attention on that, flying towards Tenni, almost an arrow of fire visible in the sky. The magic of Vex didn’t hit anything and the creatures seemed to ignore it. Two of the firebirbs not named Gavin would come close to the sails and a burst of fire came from them, clearly aimed towards the sail, but luckily the magic enchant worked and kept the sails from catching fire.

Mae-Deth was glad to see that she got their attention but then that happend and she almost wanted to facepalm. Well there went her plan. She would groan and it seemed they needed to attack. She would send a message to Admiral_Aavran, asking him to get his man on the ballista´s for assistance. The sails..it needed to be protected. She would let her undead crows start to attack two of those fireflies things while she would fly towards the two near the sails. She would fly fast to get in front of them. Between the sails and the creature. Her eyes filled with some darkness and then she starts to first use serpent kiss on them. Causing a poison fog to go to them and drain their stamina. Her crows started to fight with those creatures while Mae missed. She groaned. Fuck! At least she got in front of them and could protect the sails now. Rather hitting her then the sails.

Tennibrook leads two of the firebirds away from the Tempest, and uses her mithril spear to strike along the left wing of one of them. Grinning as she scores a hit.

Gavin|L| growled out ferally at the cry of fire. He set down his distractions and staff flew to his hand from across the room. As he rose he was already tearing away his tunic and casting it aside. The scarred Torians form was on display though as he adjourned to the deck. He looked about shook his head. "No...I think not." If they were elementals then perhaps. Wings suddenly moved and the Torian flew into the air with a cry. "Buy me some time." Blue wings crackled and popped as flame suffused him. Lines of ember crawled through those wings as if trying to burst outward. The will of the Torian reached out towards the creatures. He would be trying to dominate their will or pull the fire of them to him..to use it for his own designs...

Vexademus-DETH saw how the bolt veered off and had forgotten to adjust for stance, balance, and environment when casting. Feeling disappointed, she was reminding herself in Infernis's scolding voice of course, to take a moment and adjust how she cast. He would be shaking his head at her just now if he'd seen. And though he didn't really need to see her make the mistake, she knew he'd know. Cursing a touch, she shook out her hands as if to free water droplets, setting herself up to try again. Deep breath taken as metal stance planted stoutly. Maybe it was the new mithril greaves? Eh, no excuses mage, she chided inwardly. Hearing Gavin's loud comment as he took to the air, she nodded. Again, those hands came up and targeted once more. "Bekir'Bluthel!"

Admiral_Aavran was shouting orders to the crew and the Ballistae that the Dragonship had were very much part of those instructions but it would be hard to get a balanced shot off as they could hardly be shooting at their own sails or at Tenni or Mae. The firebirbs near the crows were the best target, but they seemed quite successful in dealing with the birbs. Either way, right now the weapons were being prepared and aimed, no shots were fired yet. The crows were indeed doing quite well against the birbs, scoring what appeared to be a critical hit, taking out most of their vitality, but not killing one of their targets yet. Mae had the feeling her birbs were laughing at her at the failed attack while Tenni was success with her hit as was Vex this time. Gavin felt some connection to the fire birbs but not enough to turn the fight either way. More fire would be sprew towards the sails and this time a small fire started at the last of those attacks. Mae was attacked but evaded the fire, as did her crows, while Tenni and her Rook were hit by the fire.

Mae-Deth was getting irritated and looked down at the crew. Whattefuck took them soo long?! She was going to have to kill some people! She saw her crows working hard and managed to attack but then missed their second attack. She would see how the sails were getting on fire. She shifted her eyes to Gavin|L| and send him a message. Asking him to manage the sails fire. She would fill her eyes with more darkness. This was DONE! She would cast boneshards and starts to aim for those wings of the firebirbs in front of her..in the hope to defeat those so that the sails could be protected for more damage.

Tenni takes a hit from the fire, but quickly snuffs it out with her gauntleted hands. She turns in midair on Jilbo, tagging the same firebird on its left talon with her mithril spear.

Vexademus-DETH inwardly gave herself a pat on the back after surging one with an energy bolt. Already, she was feeling the lofting effects of the magic as she used. Mm; delicious. That blush worked further to cover her cheeks and her tongue wet her lips in anticipation, expression excited with eyes wide. The spellshaper is taking in more aether, tasting who else is casting. Though some magics are warm and contenting, others are cold and disconcerting. Seeing the fire take on life at the ship, bitch-mage sucked in a breath and began to climb the tagged mast where the flames were eating at the sails. She had wanted to cover Gavin, but couldn't ignore the fire. Concentrating her will to go faster to bring her within range of the embering fabric, she hurried. Once within the stinging radius of it (and probably getting a nice sear), she began to chant vocal to dampen flame, "...svent ibafarshan..."

Gavin|L| was lost to the song of fury and fire beating in his blood. He continued to reach outward to the birbs. It did not matter how long it took...he was the only one that could do this. If the others managed the fires he could hopefully hand the rest. Though he had to admit...the strain would catch him eventually.

<+Admiral_Aavran> The crew on the ship was working hard, not only loading the ballistae and aiming it but also gathering buckets of water to be used if more fire spread. Luckily Vex was able to put out the fire with her magic, leaving the buckets unnecessary for now but they remained should the birbs continue to cause chaos. Eventually a shot was lined up and the ballista bolt that was shot nearly hit the undead crows but ended up fully hitting one of the birbs and sending it crashing into the water. The light of that one was gone and soon not a trace was found of it. While more fire was spew at the sails, and again starting a fire near Vexademus, the others continued to do their attacks against their opponents. Mae and her crows were hit again, the same was true for Tenni. But all the birbs seemed to be getting weaker with the damage done to them. Gavin was unsuccessful to make some connection this time.

Mae-Deth was really REALLY getting irritated. Darkness came off of mae. Her undead crows would start to attack the last one that was near them and managed to defeat that one. Seeing their last one fall in the waters. Mae didn´t care anymore. She was too fucked up. ¨I´m going to CRUSH your skulls!!¨ She growled and with that she summoned a black skull. Her hands squeezing that skull and one of the firebirbs would start to cry in agony as it´s skull was literly started to get crushed. The eyes of Mae was turning into black. Her hair slowely turned black as well. Her skin slowely turned pale. A devious wicked grin appeared on her lips. Turning..transforming..

Tenni takes another hit from the firebirb, and this time, Jilbo says, "MAMA ON FIRE!" But the vixen, a seasoned combat veteran, doesn't allow the rook to panic. "Down, Jilbo!" she says. "Take us to the water!" He does so, and Tenni splashes some water on herself to get the fire put out. Then, from her lower vantage point, she readies her wrist crossbow and fires at the firebirb, missing by a wide margin. "Dammit."

Vexademus-DETH loosening her grip on the mast's slight pitons as well as turning outward those greave-clothed feet, the magess was ready to slide down the pole slickly. Suddenly, there was another shot of fire that reared up and she blinked, "Gaea-damnit!!" She began to cast again, sinking another bit of her will to snuff out the flames. Jiggle of fat ass and she was cursing some more while breathing hard from all the spellcasting, half-maniacal with lusty intention since that aether was flowing so delectably through her veins, crawling through like pleasant shivers! "...svent ibafarshan." Where did these things come from? It was a fleeting thought since her metal underwear was now wet. Oh, that might be a problem.

Gavin|L| shook his head and frowned as the damnable birbs evaded his control. He took out a blade and looked to his arms. This had worked before. Pain made the world sharper and keener. The scar on his arm was lightly sliced open "Always forward..."

<Admiral_Aavran> While Tenni dove towards the water to deal with some burning sensation, the ballistae was fired again and the birb that hadn’t been damaged yet got killed in a single shot, tumbling down to the water and splashing closely near Tenni. She would be able to see that the moment the body hit the water, nothing remained.. almost as if these birbs were made of fire alone. The birb that Mae had just scored a crit on would try to set her on fire while a badly damaged one tried to the same again on Tenni. The last remaining one.. just as badly damaged as the others.. once more tried to set the sails on fire, but the protection was too strong. Hopefully Vex would be allowed to keep her job now there were no fires to put out.

Mae-Deth would let her crows come assist her but they missed. She wanted to cast her magic and then it happend. She would widen her black eyes and growls..crying out as the fire hitted her wing and set a part on fire. Her eyes turned normal..and so her hair and skin. She would fall down with that wing on fire.. with a BANG on her back on the deck of her ship.

Tenni soars into the sky, catching a glimpse of Mae being set on fire and falling down to the ship. She'd try to help her if she got the chance later, but she's needed on offense now more than ever. Tenni readies her wrist crossbow again, watching the pattern of the firebirb that's been attacking her-- and fires, connecting with it. It falls from the sky dramatically, landing with a light fizzle. Like the one that had died just in front of her, this one seems to have been made of fire and nothing else.

Vexademus-DETH now slides down the mast, hoping there were no mates below to get smothered by that plump rear. Mithril landed and she straightened, those eyes intent on the flight of the fires. A lilt of head and baring of teeth to be licked succinctly from left to right, those lips parted and hands reached out as if gathering rope, pulling on it - kind of looking like a mime with those voluminous sleeves pulled up and elvish vambraces darkly enshrouded about forearms. On the mageling's whime came the shadows, bidden to her control and gathered to form sharpened arrow-like needles. Casting them out from herself, she managed to throw the spell shadow bolt with but a small hissing whisper, "...Sssjach'Bluthel."

Gavin|L| had had enough of this nonsense! Constructs of flame began to form in the air made of lattice work and rods. The 6 sides of the fire cage sought out the firebird that narrowly escaped. Blood trailed down his arms for a moment...but all he could feel was the keen focus of it all.

Admiral_Aavran of course rushed over to Mae as she came crashing down on the ship and would bring her.. willingly or not, conscious or not… to the healer that luckily had remained away from the fight so far. He was sure that the last of the birbs would be dealt with soon enough and that he could take that little moment away to have Mae patched up. And perhaps it was not even Mae’s well being that he had on his mind, but that of all people on the ship as he knew the darkness that could be part of her and was surely on the edge of breaking free. Two birbs remained if we don’t count Gavin and both of those continued to fight against the undead crows. And doing so very nicely…

Mae-Deth would have a death look in her eyes. She saw how her undead crows defeated another one. She wanted to cast a boneshard but was too weak for it. Luckly somebody had managed to put out the fire on her wing..but..it looked badly. She looked up to Admiral_Aavran weakly and let him carry her away. Perhaps a good thing as her darkness was indeed on the edge of breaking free. She closed her eyes and rested against him as he carried her away. Knowing that there was one left..they..could do it..

Tenni flies on Jilbo up towards the last remaining firebirb, swiping at it with her mithril spear, but misses when the bird soars above her at the last moment.

Vexademus-DETH felt the spell get off, and she almost did too. Poor creature with that addiction. There's a shudder of jaw, shiver of lower lip and clouding of her vision as she accidentally let slip a moan. That was probably what caused her to miss this last time. Trying to get her panting under control, there was a twist of spine as that face leaned back to gaze upwards, peering through those lengthy lashes, trying to take aim once more. These creatures were providing her means to use...again and again. Perhaps she should try a bit harder to hit them? Garnering another roil of that exquisite aether to exchange and shape it, she again threw the transmutation of shadow bolt towards the remaining flying flame. "Sssjach'Bluthel."

<+Admiral_Aavran> And just like that the fire birbs were no more. Not a trace could be seen of them now that their fires had gone out. No evidence that they had ever been there, other than some scorch marks on the sails. The rest of the sailing trip would go without incident and the fruit would be delivered safely in Thallis to be shared with the rest of the Empire. Upon return reports were filed about the fire birbs but as such things went.. the reports were not believed other than as a weak made up explanation of how the sails got burned, strong tales of sailors or the drunken sightings of people that had enjoyed their wine just a bit too much during dinner. The adventure has been completed.

Gavin|L| would frown at his efforts and began to land. Eyes fell to Vexademus as he landed. He had felt her magic and stepped towards her. An arm went around her to steady the woman. "I've got you.. " He leaned in close to whisper.

Vexademus-DETH would stagger a bit, feeling the torian's arm support her and the glazed gaze fell on him, "Oh..mmhm. Aye Gavin..." She sounded mostly far-off, that keen sense dulled by all the floating endorphines swimming through her. Post-bliss and she was almost smiling at the fire mage. And still, that heavy breathing and blushy countenance was slung heavily over slightly sliced Gavin. She returned low voice.

Mae-Deth grabbed the shirt of Admiral_Aavran tight as she growled and groaned when the healer was taking care of her wing. Her wings were sensitive part of her of course. She bites her teeth and looked at Admiral_Aavran with darkness filling her eyes, the room filled with her darkness as the healer was trying to heal. ¨FUUUCCK!! DON´T YOU DARE LEAVING ME NOW!¨ She growled at Admiral_Aavran. Good thing he was there.

With the last of the birbs defeated, Tenni does a high orbit around the Tempest to make sure there were no other attacks incoming, and satisfied that there weren't, she lands Jilbo at his spot on the stern of the ship. "You did good, Jilbo," Tenni says. "Mama's proud of you." "JILBO LOVE MAMA!" he replies in a squawk, and the vixen smiles lovingly, patting him on the beak and dismounting. She makes her way to where the rest of the crew are, to check on damage and casualties.

Gavin|L| nodded to her and held her close and began to lead her to her room.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

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