SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Work logs for SS employees. One topic per character.

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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Odette on Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:51 am

Name: Nighthawke
Item: Mithril Plate and Chain
Enchantment: +5 DEF
Discount: 25% mithril
Price: 468mhl 75cop

<Nighthawke> !money sub 468mhl 75cop
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Nighthawke subtracted 468 mhl 75 cop
<Mae-SS> [Witnessed by Mae for enchanting on Mithril plate and chain with +5 DEF]

Name: Nighthawke
Item: Visored helm
Enchantment: +5 DEF
Discount: 10% mithril + lvl 10 freebie
Price: 337mhl 50cop

<Nighthawke> !money sub 337mhl 50cop
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Nighthawke subtracted 337 mhl 50 cop
<Mae-SS> [Witnessed by Mae for enchanting on Visored helm with +5 DEF incl +2 DEF FREEBIE lvl 10]
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Shiho on Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:53 pm

Name: Mae
Item: mithril tattoo
Enchant: +5 DEF
Discount: 10% mithril
Price: 562,50

<Shiho-SS> !shopitem enchant Mae-SS #60839 562mhl 50cop +5 DEF
<Desdaemona> Tattoo- Mithril Ink enchant by Shiho-SS for Mae-SS (Mae) for 562 Mhl 50 Cop
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Odette on Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:30 pm

Name: Ronja
Item: Silver Necklace
Enchantment: Swap Gender + Change Self
Discount: none
Price: 100mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60910 50mhl Swap Gender
<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60910 50mhl Change Self
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Ronja
Item: Silver Necklace
Enchantment: Swap Gender + Change Self
Discount: none
Price: 100mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60911 50mhl Swap Gender
<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60911 50mhl Change Self
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Ronja
Item: Silver Necklace
Enchantment: Swap Gender + Change Self
Discount: none
Price: 100mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60912 50mhl Swap Gender
<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60912 50mhl Change Self
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Ronja
Item: Silver Necklace
Enchantment: Swap Gender + Change Self
Discount: none
Price: 100mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60909 50mhl Swap Gender
<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60909 50mhl Change Self
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Ronja
Item: Silver Necklace
Enchantment: Swap Gender + Change Self
Discount: none
Price: 100mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60913 50mhl Swap Gender
<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Ronja 60913 50mhl Change Self
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop
<Desdaemona> Silver Necklace enchant by Mae-SS for Ronja (Ronja Mapleshield) for 50 Mhl 0 Cop
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Naomi on Wed Dec 01, 2021 2:59 am

Name: Taurn
Item: Mithril necklace
Enchant: warmth + message + sex thought
Discount: mithril
Cost: 135mhl total

[19:58] (+Naomi-SS) !shopitem enchant Taurn 60999 45mhl warmth
[19:58] (@Desdaemona) Mithril Necklace enchant by Naomi-SS for Taurn (Taurn) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop
[20:39] (+Naomi-SS) !shopitem enchant Taurn 60999 45mhl message
[20:39] (@Desdaemona) Mithril Necklace enchant by Naomi-SS for Taurn (Taurn) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop
[20:39] (+Naomi-SS) !shopitem enchant Taurn 60999 45mhl sex thought
[20:39] (@Desdaemona) Mithril Necklace enchant by Naomi-SS for Taurn (Taurn) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop
Because I am one with the taker of life, and I love pain and suffering, misery and death as it loves me. These are things I am not willing to give up, if death is release then let it never find me so I may live long and suffer much.
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Odette on Sat Dec 04, 2021 9:48 am

Name: Shiho
Item: Mithril circlet
Enchantment: +2 INT
Discount: 25%
Price: 300mhl

<Shiho-SS> !money sub 300mhl
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Shiho subtracted 300 mhl 0 cop
<Mae-SS> [Witnessed by Mae for enchanting of Mithril Circlet with +2 INT]

Name: Shiho
Item: Mithril circlet
Enchantment: +5 DEF [Incl. lvl 20 freebie]
Discount: 25%
Price: 93mhl 75cop

<Shiho-SS> !money sub 93mhl 75cop
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Shiho subtracted 93 mhl 75 cop
<Mae-SS> [Witnessed by Mae for enchanting of Mithril Circlet with +5 DEF incl +4 DEF FREEBIE lvl 20]

Name: Shiho
Item: Mithril ring
Enchantment: +5 DEF
Discount: 10%
Price: 562mhl 50cop

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Shiho-SS 57922 562mhl 50cop +5 DEF
<Desdaemona> Mithril Ring enchant by Mae-SS for Shiho-SS (Shiho) for 562 Mhl 50 Cop

Name: Shiho
Item: Silver ring
Enchantment: +4 DEF [Already got +1 DEF and 1 slot Physical Armor on it]
Discount: 10%
Price: 450mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem deenchant Shiho-SS 58799
<Desdaemona> Silver Ring deenchant by Mae-SS for Shiho-SS (Shiho)
<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Shiho-SS 58799 450mhl +5 DEF
<Desdaemona> Silver Ring enchant by Mae-SS for Shiho-SS (Shiho) for 450 Mhl 0 Cop
<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Shiho-SS 58799 0mhl 1 Slot Physical Armor
<Desdaemona> Silver Ring enchant by Mae-SS for Shiho-SS (Shiho) for 0 Mhl 0 Cop
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Shiho on Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:56 pm

Name: Mae
Item: robes of the arch magi
Enchantment: +3 RES (+5 total)
Discount: 10% staff
Price: 540 mhl

<Mae-SS> !money sub 540mhl
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Mae subtracted 540 mhl 0 cop
<Shiho-SS> [Money sub of 540 mhl by Mae witnessed by Shiho for +3 RES enchant on robes of the Arch Magi, making the total +5 RES]
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Odette on Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:56 pm

Name: Shiho
Item: Robe of the Arch Magi
Enchantment: +3 RES [+5 RES in total]
Discount: 10%
Price: 540mhl

<Shiho-SS> !money sub 540mhl
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Shiho subtracted 540 mhl 0 cop
<Mae-SS> [Money sub of 540 mhl by Shiho witnessed by Mae for +3 RES enchant on robes of the Arch Magi, making the total +5 RES]
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Allie on Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:34 pm

Name: Wade
Item: Shadow Weave, Faux Half Plate
Enchantment: Morph
Discount: 10% RP Discount
Price: 90 Mhl

[11:53] <Wade> !money sub 165 mhl
[11:53] <Desdaemona> *transaction* Wade subtracted 165 mhl 0 cop
[11:53] <Allivia-SS> *witnessed Morph on Shadow Weave*
[11:53] <Allivia-SS> *witnessed Morph on Faux Half Plate*

Name: Wade
Item: Mithril Greaves, Mithril Vambraces
Enchantment: Morph
Discount: 25% Mithril Discount
Price: 75 Mhl

*see above for transaction*
[11:53] <Allivia-SS> *witnessed Morph on Mithril Greaves*
[11:53] <Allivia-SS> *witnessed Morph on Mithril Vambraces*

Name: Wade
Item: Mithril Greaves
Enchantment: +5 ATK, +2 DEF
Discount: 25% Mithril Discount
Price: 563 Mhl

[12:03] <Wade> !money sub 375 mhl
[12:03] <Desdaemona> *transaction* Wade subtracted 375 mhl 0 cop
[12:03] <Allivia-SS> *witnessed +5 ATK on Mithril Greaves*
[12:07] <Wade> !money sub 188 mhl
[12:07] <Desdaemona> *transaction* Wade subtracted 188 mhl 0 cop
[12:07] <Allivia-SS> *witnessed +2 DEF on Mithril Greaves*
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Allie on Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:36 pm

Name: Naomi
Item: Mithril Cloak Pin x3
Enchantment: Warmth, Message, Ignite
Discount: 10% Mithril Discount
Price: 405 Mhl

[13:12] <Allivia-SS> !shopitem enchant Naomi 58809 135mhl Warmth, Message, Ignite
[13:12] <Allivia-SS> !shopitem enchant Naomi 58810 135mhl Warmth, Message, Ignite
[13:12] <Allivia-SS> !shopitem enchant Naomi 58811 135mhl Warmth, Message, Ignite
[13:12] <Desdaemona> Mithril Cloak Pin enchant by Allivia-SS for Naomi (Naomi) for 135 Mhl 0 Cop
[13:12] <Desdaemona> Mithril Cloak Pin enchant by Allivia-SS for Naomi (Naomi) for 135 Mhl 0 Cop
[13:12] <Desdaemona> Mithril Cloak Pin enchant by Allivia-SS for Naomi (Naomi) for 135 Mhl 0 Cop
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Shiho on Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:34 pm

Name: Blackice
Item: Mithril brooch
Enchantment: Scent
Discount: 10% mithril
Price: 45 mhl

<Shiho-SS> !shopitem enchant BlackIce #58538 45mhl The scent of the sea
<Desdaemona> Mithril Brooch enchant by Shiho-SS for BlackIce (BlackIce) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Blackice
Item: Ornate Violin
Enchantment: Visual
Discount: 10% rp
Price: 45 mhl

<Shiho-SS> !shopitem enchant BlackIce #58786 45mhl Visual: A blue water glow ( ... instrument)
<Desdaemona> Violin - Ornate enchant by Shiho-SS for BlackIce (BlackIce) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Odette on Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:30 pm

Name: Shiho
Item: Mithril ring
Enchantment: Flavored cum: Chocolate
Discount: 10%
Price: 45mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Shiho-SS 57922 45mhl Flavored cum: Chocolate
<Desdaemona> Mithril Ring enchant by Mae-SS for Shiho-SS (Shiho) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Shiho on Sun Jan 16, 2022 9:44 am

Name: Naomi
Item: Boots (2x)
Enchantment: Warmth
Discount: 10% rp
Price 45mhl

<Shiho-SS> !shopitem enchant Naomi 58144 45mhl Warmth
<Desdaemona> Boots enchant by Shiho-SS for Naomi (Naomi) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop
<Shiho-SS> !shopitem enchant Naomi 58145 45mhl Warmth
<Desdaemona> Boots enchant by Shiho-SS for Naomi (Naomi) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Naomi
Item: Mithril earrings
Enchantment: Pleasureful pain
Discount: 10% mithril
Price 45mhl

<Shiho-SS> !shopitem enchant Naomi 49030 45mhl Pleasureful pain
<Desdaemona> Mithril Earrings enchant by Shiho-SS for Naomi (Naomi) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Naomi
Item: Mithril dagger
Enchantment: +4 ATK, +2 permanent damage from energy bolt
Discount: 25% mithril
Price 300 mhl for +4 ATK, 5100 mhl for +2 energy bolt damage

<Naomi> !money sub 637mhl 50 cop
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Naomi subtracted 637 mhl 50 cop
-*- Naomi nods to shiho and smiles as she steps back so as to not be a hindrance either. she had already allowed him to also add an enchant to her one earrign at her almost forgotten request. once he had easily done the earring ande boots she had moved back for him to work on the dagger
<Naomi> !money sub 3750mhl
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Naomi subtracted 3750 mhl 0 cop
<Naomi> !money sub 1012 mhl 50 cop
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Naomi subtracted 1012 mhl 50 cop
<Shiho-SS> [Money sub of 637mhl, 50 cop + 3750mhl + 1012mhl, 50 cop of Naomi witnessed by Shiho for extra +4 ATK and +2 permanant energy bolt damage on Mithril dagger]
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Odette on Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:56 pm

Name: Wade
Item: Mithril dagger
Enchantment: 2 slots focus Energy Bolt
Discount: mithril
Price: 225mhl

<Wade> !money sub 300 mhl
<Desdaemona> *transaction* Wade subtracted 300 mhl 0 cop
<Mae-SS> [Money sub of 300mhl by Wade witnessed by Mae for 2 slots focus Energy Bolt enchant on mithril dagger]

[corrected it: Desdaemona> *transaction* Mae subtracted 75 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Wade]
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Odette on Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:51 pm

Name: Nairun`Moon
Item: Mithril collar
Enchantment: Locator Anchor, Cum on Command, Unability to Cum
Discount: mithril
Price: 270mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Nairun`moon 61352 180mhl Locator Anchor
<Desdaemona> Mithril Collar enchant by Mae-SS for Nairun`moon (Nairun`moon) for 180 Mhl 0 Cop

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Nairun`moon 61352 45mhl Cum on Command
<Desdaemona> Mithril Collar enchant by Mae-SS for Nairun`moon (Nairun`moon) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Nairun`moon 61352 45mhl Inability to Cum
<Desdaemona> Mithril Collar enchant by Mae-SS for Nairun`moon (Nairun`moon) for 45 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Nairun`Moon
Item: Mithril ring
Enchantment: Locator
Discount: mithril
Price: 180mhl

<Mae-SS> !shopitem enchant Nairun`moon 61351 180mhl Locator
<Desdaemona> Mithril Ring enchant by Mae-SS for Nairun`moon (Nairun`moon) for 180 Mhl 0 Cop
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Re: SS Enchantment and Familiar Logs

Postby Allie on Tue Jan 25, 2022 9:26 pm

Name: Lianna Anirose
Item: Mithril Piercing
Enchantment: Fire Bolt - 1 Slot, Cum on command
Discount: 10% Mithril Discount
Price: 90 Mhl

[20:04] <Allivia-SS> !shopitem enchant Lianna`Anirose|Ressa| 60725 90mhl Fire Bolt - 1 Slot, Cum on command
[20:04] <Desdaemona> Mithril Piercing enchant by Allivia-SS for Lianna`Anirose|Ressa| (Lianna Anirose) for 90 Mhl 0 Cop

Name: Lianna Anirose
Item: Mithril Piercing
Enchantment: Ice Shards - 1 Slot, Fuzzy tail
Discount: 10% Mithril Discount
Price: 90 Mhl

[20:04] <Allivia-SS> !shopitem enchant Lianna`Anirose|Ressa| 60726 90mhl Ice Shards - 1 Slot, Fuzzy tail
[20:04] <Desdaemona> Mithril Piercing enchant by Allivia-SS for Lianna`Anirose|Ressa| (Lianna Anirose) for 90 Mhl 0 Cop
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