The day the sky went boom and uvelcras reaction

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The day the sky went boom and uvelcras reaction

Postby Tawny on Thu Aug 25, 2022 1:02 am


The massive BOOM and following Chaos Was something that awakened Uvelcra from a nice nap and that made him grumpy. Though he loved the Chaos it wasn't something he enjoyed not being the creator of. Once everything seemed to have settled down he looked about and raised his fist in anger and shook it. The ground around and in Valencia was hit with another massive earthquake crumbling more building as the volcano that protected Valencia, roared to live and a great billow of black smoke rose high in the sky but most would not see since the sun was no longer able to shine its light. But they would surely see the lava that began spilling down the side of the great mountain. If they somehow missed that show of his anger, the next could not be missed. Suddenly everything everywhere became Hot. Something had taken the sun and its warmth away and now Uvelcra allowed his building rage to show. Nothing was safe from this heat. Waters in ponds, lakes, and even the rivers was so hot that touching it for more than a few seconds would cause flesh to redden and if left in contact would bring blisters to the flesh within only a minute. The ground was hotter than any desert sands and even being inside gave little escape from it. The normally cooling winds offered nothing of the sort since it moved the heat as if it was blowing over a giant fire making it feel like a huge blanket of excessive heat was being a wrapped about everything.
Since he had no idea who had taken the sun and the light, all would pay the price of the crime until he was convinced that it wasn't all the people whom carried the blame. The only place that offered any coolness was his temple.
Meadow stayed in prayer and fasting pleading for his temper to cool and for him to withdraw the heat. She begged forgiveness and mercy for the lands and the people. And through her guards she sent out flyers all over the lands asking for prayers to be given in his name. The temple which was the only place that offered any shelter from his temper was open to any who wished to enter and find a bit of coolness from the scorching heat. Say a prayer or give offering on the anvil to Uvelcra helping to show not all people had forgotten him and was not to blame for the loss of the sun and light and sooth his temper so the He might end the heat wave.

This is a subplot of the on going SL created by L`aquera and may be played out or ignored just the main SL.
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Re: The day the sky went boom and uvelcras reaction

Postby Naomh on Fri Aug 26, 2022 9:42 am


Even earth and stone can be worn down and eroded. Exhausted now being a constant state for her, fear and worry forced to be hidden deep inside, the sky still gone and the oppressive heat causing even the water to be dangerous combined with frayed tempers and chaos was starting to ensue. More than a few noses have been bloodied now as more direct means of keeping order has been made an unfortunate necessity, and even the Lady of Thallis was nursing a bruise or two of her own when word came in from the Temple of Uvelcra in Valencia giving answer to where the heat was coming from.

Many choice words were given then, cracks forming in Naomh's composure forming into full breaks, then a landslide of emotion coming out. For over a week now she's been dealing with dead and dying, no sun, concern for her loved ones, fear for those who look up to her for help and guidance. Her farms, her people, her family, her home, the beasts under her care. All of it was badly damaged and now Uvelcra's trying to cook it all away with scorching heat? She did have respect for him, what proper person wouldn't have respect for a god? But enough was enough.

"He's havin' a breakdown hissy fit 'cause he can't have a li'l sun?! A lotta people are already dead an' now he's jus' gonna kill everyone 'cause he's jus' so FUCKIN' angry over somethin' we ain't done? 'cause he feels forgotten 'bout? Rand! Send a message to the Temple of Ishtar! See if a buncha priestesses, or even if Ishtar herself, can't go an' stroke his ego. Make him blow off some fuckin' steam!"
Naomh's tails flick in frustration and she takes a deep breath, calling out to the guardsman again. "...In words a bit more politer'n that, if you please, Rand. Thank ya darlin'."

Sometimes the best cure for frustration was a good bang, maybe with a bit of luck, and some talented Ishtarites, Uvelcra's rage can be soothed. At least long enough for a chance to recover before everything in the empire cooks to death.
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Re: The day the sky went boom and uvelcras reaction

Postby InsanityVixen on Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:28 am

Kerrigan received the request. She read the problem in the chambers for High Priests and blushed a little bit. A literal God, huh? She hasn't met one, yet.

So, she pulled out some parchment and inkpot, and began to write a response.

"Dear Madam Naomh,

If it would please you, and would please a God, I will volunteer my services. Not only to please my Goddess, and to show my devotion to spreading her word and her tenets, but to show the willingness of Ishtar's followers to appease the aggression of anyone, deity or mortal. Our bodies and therefore our services, are always available, no matter what.

I do not know what He desires in his playmate, but if you have any inkling of what Uvelcra might like, that would allow me to truly be prepared for him. Does he want a woman with legs? If so, I'll have a talk with someone we both know. If he does not care, then does he enjoy inflicting pain? Does he enjoy being rough with his toys? Does he like a more, Motherly, approach?

I need to know as much information as possible so I can get the right, I guess you could say, equipment, for this undertaking that will be performed.

With Love,

Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric."
Mysiq Vlia, Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric, Dritchani, Kierstiq, Britanie Darkflare, Al`vur Nek, Nuemalyys Orlausck, Drusilda, Amalia, Oar, Jyles.
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