Draconis Sentari - Drak Sen the new vision

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Draconis Sentari - Drak Sen the new vision

Postby DiasEesha on Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:10 am

This is my attempt to redress the consistent attempts to bring the Drak Sen [from here on out referred to as Sen] more in line with the other races of Belariath, along with accounting for the previous attempts and overall player opinions for how they should be addressed.

Please excuse any apparent brevity or shortness, the original writeup was lost.

My overall Goal with this is not to make dramatic or sweeping changes but to enhance and balance what has been considered issues either brought up in conversations, held personally, or held within the already posted opinions and suggestions. I can only hope that I have accomplished this goal and that it is supported and will improve the experience.

Things that I do not propose to change: Classes, Elemental connection [with an exception], starting stats, or sub-races.
Things that I do propose to change: Advantages/Disadvantages, Lore for the Scale types, appearance, FAQ to an extent, other minor tweaks potentially.

First and foremost, the Elemental Ties, at its base I have no problem with it, the Sen are not the only ones that have this but, and this will become a running theme, for whatever reason they seem to get doubled down on.
Therefore, I propose to adjust the Elemental Ties:

1) The Sen will retain the damage modifier percentage [10%] vs the opposing element.
1.5) The original disadvantage of +5 damage from the opposing element is removed, period. The Sen already have a +10%.

2) Sen will not suffer ill effects from normal conditions. They will however attempt within reason to accommodate to their preferred conditions.

3) A focused effort to force a Sen to be exposed to the opposing element will result in panic, illness, and weakness. IE, burying to any degree a metallic, surrounding a bejeweled with fire, submerging a mineral in water for extended periods of time, or suspending an earthen in air for a reasonable amount of time. ADDITIONALLY, if these conditions occur during the natural progression of a storyline they can apply. IE Being thrown off a ship, riding a mephos for an extended period of time, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages.
Honestly, the Sen in my opinion and echoed by others, get a lot of bad for very little good.

Minor change to tails: As the lore describes them as thickly muscled and covered in extremely durable scales it stands to reason that it should at least enjoy the +1 that would be given by a whip.

"Cosmetics": This this whole section is just crazy. The Sen enjoy nothing here, but you look pretty. As the greatest elders are the ones that dream the Sen into existence and comparing their "cosmetics" to other races this is just one gut punch after another for honestly no reason. The Sen have plenty of additional disadvantages.
As such, Proposed changes

1) Wings will now have a use, players may still choose between 0, 2, and 4 depending on how they wish to experience the world for their elder as each viewpoint as its own worth.
0 Wings, Obviously the Sen will not be able to fly, glide, or anything of the sort, Sen with 0 wings are normally imbued with a desire to experience the world as most of the races do. Mineral Sen may feature this most often due to their underground homes.
2 Wings, These Sen may glide, similar to the feather fall spell but not quite as slow. They can do no more. A foolhardy 2-winged Sen may find a very painful landing.
4 Wings, These Sen may glide with all the safety of a feather fall spell so long as they don't decide to show off. Additionally, they may ride thermals and air currents. Again, a foolhardy 4 winged may suffer a rough landing.
As a footnote: I have also considered providing four winged ones with rudimentary flight instead and giving two wings the current write up for the four wings. They can never be aces of the sky however, they do not have the hollow bones of the Torian and Chirot, nor in the established lore are empowered like the Magi.
No set of wings will keep the Sen safe from risky maneuvers, they are not aces of the sky by any stretch of the imagination. Only an Air mage Sen may fly normally regardless of if 4 wings are allowed rudimentary flight or not.

On the matter of horns:
Again, there's other references already in, the fact that horns restrict armor so much is another point of contention. Races with more significant horns do not suffer this penalty. Additionally, their appearance has no real variation.
Therefore: Sen horns will no longer restrict them from wearing helmets, if a helmet can be made to suit a horned race, or a race with ears of more significant size than the horns in a nontraditional position, then they can be made to suit the Sen.
Additionally, Sen will be able to have different styles of horns, however, horns should still be kept within reason, a Sen isn't going to have the hardware of a minotaur for example. However, a selection in the same vein though of more dragon like style as the Satyrs is appropriate in my consideration.

Third Scales, again another disadvantage based on a cosmetic explanation. Sen are stated to have a scale density of no more than 10% of their body in very tiny patches. Considering that one, Gambesons are a thing thereby protecting these miniscule scales from damage and chafing anyways at the very least chest plates should be allowed. However, my consideration is that fur is not particularly better, it would catch if unprotected, but no furred race suffers this disadvantage. Additionally, there is the consideration that the Sen still have more disadvantages to address.

On top of this I would suggest scales to be a bit more prominent on the body of a Sen. My suggestion here is either somewhere around a fourth [25%] or a third [33%].

I feel it pertinent to address why I believe these changes should be made.
The Sen have multiple disadvantages bundled all together the first paragraph of the original Sen description has 5 by itself. They have useless wings, can't use helmets, can't use plate armor, can't cast spells of an opposing element even if they are not an advanced class mage and take +5 damage from the opposing element. And that's not even getting into the Elemental Tie which adds 10% extra as a base. This double hit is unique to the Sen and especially egregious.
Additionally, the Sen have two additional Disadvantages, they cannot come into conflict with other Sen without good and just cause, they also will not maliciously harm a Sithian due to their views. So as a total they have 8 Disadvantages.

These adjustments tone it down while not particularly adding too much to the Sen overall. The addition of being able to wear plate armor does not particularly change the Sens overall ability for defense it however allows for more logical armor for the physical classes Sen can use. The addition of the +1 to the tail does not make a significant change to any balance compared to weapons but again suits the lore and description. The ability to wear helmets doesn't particularly empower a Sen to any significant degree however it allows Sen players to better reflect themselves in the same way the plate armor change would.
As an overall these changes are not meant to give a significant boost to the Sen only to balance them out compared to the multitude of downsides, they currently have with honestly very little in positives to balance it out.
Footnote: I will say I am completely okay with the Sen only being allowed the helmet and chest armor due to the previously stated in game solution.

Addressing the FAQ section: Some of this is just outdated and some of it is just silly.
1) The whole pregnancy thing is a non-issue now, its banned from tli anyways.
2) I agree that Sen do not particularly need muzzles however fangs and enhanced nails should be allowed.
3)Tail length: I feel like this should have a range added for clarity. I propose a range from 50% of the Sens Height to perhaps at most 150%. I feel like this range will suit the variances in the Sen subraces, my personal take is shorter tails would be suited to minerals and perhaps earthen, while longer would be suited to metallics and bejeweled due to their favored elements.
4) Sen still don't slither, I'm really honestly both curious and concerned as to why this needed to be stated.
5) Wing sizes are fine in my opinion.

Lore changes

Metallics: The Metallics are known for their striking scales as much as they are known for their arrogance. The consider themselves the ruling class among the Sen but the truth is far more complex. However, what is clear is that these Sen have all the arrogance of one. They are adorned with scales matching the metals that mortals seek the most, in such some have surmised they see themselves as the worthiest, the most desirable. To be adorned by such is to be the pinnacle, it also brings a fair bit of vanity to them. After all, if mortal kind will go to such lengths and use metals that match their scales for commerce, riches, and fashion then obviously they too are worth the same. Others ascertain that their connection to air is the source of this viewpoint for the sky is above all. Perhaps both are right, though the distinction doesn't seem to matter much to these Sen. They are prone to further adorn themselves with that which matches their scales, especially works of particular skill in order to become more radiant and may take slaves on the simple premise that who would not wish to be next to what so many desire. The one thing that is most true about these Sen though is that they are never quite seemingly satisfied, always seeking more, prone to travel and prone to going off on a whim especially if that whim may bring them more to adorn themselves with. Adventure and glory are the ambrosia of the Metallics for it brings the fame, fortune, and adoration they believe they deserve.

Earthly: The Sen of the Earth are by comparison to the rest of their brethren unsurprisingly the most stable of all, they reflect their elders' vision of nature's power. There are some that consider this perhaps a nod to Gaea, others ascertain that the Elders are wise enough to mimic the viewpoint for their own needs. Regardless, the Earthly ones do seem to share many characteristics with the spirits of Gaea that serve as protectors and keepers of the wild domains. Many choose to follow similar paths, being protective of nature, and reticent to cause any undue harm sometimes to the point of fear. Like all the Sen they intrinsically understand their part of the plan. Others that share in natures tones though have taken to the more open and free parts of nature. They may be seen fairly commonly cavorting with Satyrs and Nymphs and seemingly are fairly intent on enjoying the same things. No matter which path they take though, they are devoted to it, and hard to shock or anger. One will never find a more stable or less burdened mind in the Sen than one that belongs to these scales.

Bejeweled: The Bejeweled ones carry a second name, though not entirely accurate they are referred to as the gemmed ones on occasion. Regardless of which term is used these Sen all share a unique beauty even amongst their kind. With scales that reflect the beauty of a stone cut and polished to perfection they too exude such beauty in all they are. These scaled ones carry themselves with poise and grace, and seemingly are born with at least a silver tongue if not gold. To hear a Bejeweled talk is to listen to a wonderful melody, each one unique but no less than the last. However, unlike their metallic brethren they seem to lack the arrogance and vanity. Some surmise that this is due to their scales, for the gems that match them are made with time, pressure and heat in specific amounts, a balance that is necessary for their creation. Others say that is the Bejeweleds connection to the water that drives them to be adaptable shifting to fit the needs in the moment while still remaining ever flexible. What can be agreed on is that the Bejeweled have an eye for the balance of things, all being equivalent in the grand scheme. However, while a Bejeweled may seem quiet as the winter months, or as calm as the glassy sea, the truth is under the surface the machinations that give them their drive are always churning. They are however not prone to the whiles of adventure and glory as the Metallics normally delving deeply into whatever focus they desire until sated and then move on to the next.

Minerals: Of all the Sens the Minerals are the most unique truly. Much like the forces that create that which matches their varied scales Minerals are intense in everything they do. Minerals are perhaps unfairly called moody, though, it is not entirely inaccurate it is more that everything they feel is felt intensely be it love, anger, sorrow, or anything else. This intensity also extends to their protection of their lands and by extension the lands of the empire. There are few that live within the empire that will protect their own with such zeal. However, this does come with a few nuances. Due to their underground homes and their intense nature the Minerals tend to cavort with Dark Elves, sometimes to the point that the two are nearly indistinguishable save for appearance. It is not surprising to find a matron with a Mineral lover, nor is it rare for one to have a slave of the other. The one thing that Minerals lack compared to their Dark Elf lovers and allies is a disdain for those on the surface. For, they were gifted this as their domain shared with none other of their kind, perhaps this is why they defend it so intensely.

Some artistic references that I drew from also to hopefully help:
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Re: Draconis Sentari - Drak Sen the new vision

Postby Neko Nightstalker on Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:39 pm

just a quick thought on the elemental damages thing is that they don't stack. removing the class disadvantage would be a major buff to any sen going into their respective mage path.

will have to look over it more and give more opinion when i have better brain power
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Re: Draconis Sentari - Drak Sen the new vision

Postby DiasEesha on Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:06 pm

Ahh this is actually a fairly easy clarification and one Im happy to do.

From the original write up:

Drak Sen's are very attuned to the element they represent as well, and cannot use spells of the opposite elemental type, as well as being affected harshly by that opposing element ( Normal damage plus 5 ). <- This one to be removed due to the following one.

If they are faced with their opposite element in a combat situation meaning spells of their opposite element, they will suffer the damage equivalent much like the Elemental Mages, but only 10% extra. <- This one stays as part of their racial disadvantage.

If a Drak Sen player takes an Elemental Mage advanced class, the inherent 25% extra damage weakness overrides the racial weakness as it is much stronger. <- This part specifically will never be touched as it is a class feature and not a racial.
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