Lightning Storm logs

Work logs for Apoth workers. One topic per employee please

Moderator: Amethine

Lightning Storm logs

Postby Amethine on Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:38 am

Lightning Storm, Clerk/Blender

Post worklogs here.
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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Re: Lightning Storm logs

Postby Thunder on Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:21 pm

Date: 12/12/2020

Name: Lightning Storm
Position: Clerk/Blender

Time start:
[12:41] <Lightning-APOTH> !time
[12:41] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2020-12-12 18:41:15 - please remember this is NOT game time

Time end:
[18:41] <Lightning-Apoth> !time
[18:41] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2020-12-13 00:41:11 - please remember this is NOT game time

Total time: 6 hours

Alchemy (Mastered)
Tending/Etiquette (Apprentice)
Potionmaking (Novice)

Sold Healing Basket and relaxing massage oil to Aavran

Total for (month):6 hours at 20mhl = 120 mhl
Total for (month): 6 hours at 20mhl + 50 mhl for Master(1) =170 mhl

Date: //2020


Time start:
Time end:
Total time:



Total for (month): hours at 20mhl = mhl
Total for (month): hours at 20mhl + 50 mhl for Master(1) = mhl

Date: //2020


Time start:
Time end:
Total time:



Total for (month): hours at 20mhl = mhl
Total for (month): hours at 20mhl + 50 mhl for Master(1) = mhl

Date: //2020


Time start:
Time end:
Total time:



Total for (month): hours at 20mhl = mhl
Total for (month): hours at 20mhl + 50mhl for Master(1) = mhl

Grand total For the full Month: Hours @20 mhl + 50 mhl for Mastered Skills (1) = MHL
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Posts: 257
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Location: Oklahoma, USA

Re: Lightning Storm logs

Postby Thunder on Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:14 pm

[2022-08-23 00:04:25] <Lightning-Apoth> !time
[2022-08-23 00:04:25] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2022-08-23 05:04:25 - please remember this is NOT game time

[2022-08-23 00:41:02] <Lightning-Apoth> !time
[2022-08-23 00:41:04] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2022-08-23 05:41:02 - please remember this is NOT game time

[2022-08-30 20:03:54] <Lightning-Apoth> !time
[2022-08-30 20:03:56] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2022-08-31 01:03:54 - please remember this is NOT game time

[2022-08-30 21:05:10] <Lightning-Apoth> !time
[2022-08-30 21:05:11] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2022-08-31 02:05:10 - please remember this is NOT game time

2 hours

40 mhl + 50= 90 mhl

Tending/Etiquette (X2)
Potionmaking (X1)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Posts: 257
Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:40 pm
Location: Oklahoma, USA

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