
Stories, poetry and pictures created by players here

Moderator: Tehya


Postby Wadeywade on Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:05 pm

'The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.' -Albert Einstein

Day 888

Wade lifted his head from the carpeted tower he laid on, his orange and black striped fur glistens in the sunlight as he naps after feasting on sushi. When he had fallen into this world it was a complete shock to the senses; he was an -animated- cat. A cat! of all things. Without thumbs now, there was no way Wade could grab the hammer and carry himself out of this oddly embarassing situation. He even tried biting it but couldnt prop himself up long enough and turn his head without falling over.. Finally after an hour or two of trying a variety of ideas, Wade gave up.

But thats when he smelled: fish. Fresh, cold raw fish. Wades' little belly growled and when Wade opened his mouth to object, a cute meow ensued. Putting a paw to his head (and simply compounding the cuteness), Wade follows the smells. Now he can smell a slightly tangy, sort of malodorus smell with earthy tones of liver and beef.. Wade comes to a fence with a stack of boxes next to it. Cocking his head, he ponders for a moment if its a trap, his orange and black-striped tail flitting side to side with a quick sweep then pausing for a couple of seconds, only to flit to to other side. Finally, hunger won out and Wade hops up the stack and into the adjacent yard, after a brief pause to survey the scene.

It was a well kept-yard with all sorts of cat toys and houses spread throughout. And ironically, Wade also realized: Now he couldn't jump back. "Who is this?" a sweet, kindly voice said behind him. Wade spun around to see a tall (to him), freckled woman in a lavender dress. her red hair and green eyes stood both in contrast to the dress yet still seemed to work with them. "Hello there." the young woman reached down and scratched his head which, actually felt good. Still, it was shocking when she bent down and picked him up! "My, you're a little cutie." The woman giggled, petting him softly as she held him. Then she lifted him up and held him so she could look him face to face.

"Whats this?" She says, looking at a green tag on the collar he wore. "Wade, what a cute name for a cute boy!" The woman puts him face to face and he purr-growls at her a moment before resuming his purr. "My name is Oona." The red-haired woman said setting him next to a food bowl. You dont have to show Wade twice; he begins snacking and he hears Oona leave, but he is too busy eating. During this of course he would think of many things had the deliciousness not distracted him: How he got here, how he ended up a cat.. How was he going to get home. After a healthy sized meal Wade hops up on a carpeted tower of wood, he turns a few times and flops down. He could stay here. A cats' life wasnt a bad one really. And so, as a day turned into a week turned into a month, eventually he realized that somehow, he had to get out of here.. Then he was scooped up again and felt Oona scritching his little ears, which felt amazingly good, actually. Wade purred and purred as this strange but kind woman sat in the box window petting him. Still, he has to get home, somehow.

The time was still good to him though, it made Wade realize change had been a staple and a driving force in his life; and there was irony in being a cat since, by all accounts, he had already spent quite a few of those nine lives. But Wade regretted none of it, honestly; there was a love-hate relationship between him and his home. Wade realized though that he.. Still was a part of it, and it is a part of him; this clarity was brought on by a dream of that world, restored.
A few hours later Wade awoke to a door opening. Quick as ever, Wade hops down and bolts for the door, his little paws skitter across the wood then gain traction on the carpeted hall as he sprints through the door. "Hey, wait! Wade!" He heard Oona call after him then another, gruffer voice: "Oona, wait!!" Wade reached the hammer and Oona was just a few steps behind. Leaping Wade balances on the handle and two things happen almost at once: the woman, Oona, almost wraps her thin fingers around the handle but there is a jolt that pushes her hand away, and then they vanish: The cat and the hammer vanish in a blast of rainbow light.

"Ow!" Oona exclaimed and when the cat and hammer vanished, she utters under her breath, "Well, that was odd."
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

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