Stativet and Svendesal

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Stativet and Svendesal

Postby Wadeywade on Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:19 pm

(Note: because Stativet came out so short, I am also posting the next to last installment along with it. Also I had no idea the contents of the meeting ahead of time, so I had to remove several irrelevant sections of this story ending in its short length.)

Day 913

Wade appeared someplace he finally knew: the Belariath forest. running a hand over his face Wade would tuck the hammer in his belt and make his way towards town. Rebuilding had begun thankfully, and in some way that was comforting to know Nanalthion would go on, and Wade silently hoped the harder-hit places were recovering as well. On his way he found an Imperial House Guard, and after a brief but enlightened conversation, Wade procured an invitation to the upcoming Nobles meeting; a fact simply driven by the things Wade had seen and experienced at least having an answer why would be nice. A day passed, then two, then a week and finally, the fated meeting. Wade comandeered his coach and horses and drove himself there, making a bit of a show of it cause, air mage...

Sitting in the sea of so many familiar faces , Wade listened. Most of it he had no idea what it meant; but at least they, as a whole, as a people, had honest answers. Wade was more stunned by that than the news and yet, he always knew that was a very distinct possibility because, nothing ever truly remains static. And, he had come to embrace change as a good thing, mostly. Wade rose finally and spoke his bit which, honestly, we both thought would be more and were surprised also by its' honesty. Seemed to be a good night for it, honestly. But at a point, Wade realized that it was what it was, and so took his leave. Some had spoken a righetous anger, others gave a contrition, knowing they had too
much to do to be concerned with reprosals. Some even offered help, and that was less a surprise and more a confirmation the wind shifts, and so do people. Wade saw alot of that this night, and it was warming in a way words fail.
Having taken his leave of the gathering he returned the horses and coach, after which Wade wandered for a few hours, taking in the sights, smells and sounds of the world that had been the place of the entirety of his life until now; before finally heaving a great sigh. He took Bromäker in hand and, raising it to the Belariath sky, concentrated. The journey was not over, but now he felt a semblance of control, now that he had surrendered to the river, so to speak. "Take me where I need to go." Wade whispers, bringing the hammer close to his face as though to speak to it intimately. Rainbow-hued lightning flickered across the metal and then, a rainbow wall of light ensheathes him, and he is gone, again. And so he goes.
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

Re: Stativet andSvendesal

Postby Wadeywade on Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:20 pm

Day 963

Wade crashed to earth and rolled, the rainbow wall faded away now, Wade lifted himself up and looked around. it appeared to be some sort of obsidian and white granite hall, with seven doors. In the center stood a chair, which Wade ignored as he makes his way towards the door. Coming outside he was greeted by a pitch blackness so, turning about Wade went back in to find a lantern, which convienently, there was suddenly so, lighting it, Wade ventured forth. When he walks back out now there was a stone road and Wade muses, "I was just thinking that 'I hope its not muddy out, these are nice floors'" and Wade could swear he didn't see a road, first time to that door.

"I wish there were stars to illuminate things a bit." He says out loud, walking along the red-stoned streets. A few minutes later, maybe even more like five, Wade began to notice a few dim stars, which, as he walked, More came and the first of them became brighter. A moment later, a moon began to rise above the horizon. "Hell, I could dig this. If only there were a pub." Wade says whirling slowly; and sure enough no sooner did he say pub than one was waiting as he turned to one side of the street. Over his head a pale blue sign hung, a mug featured on it with lines behind it, showing its' forward motion through the air. Wade chuckles, "That tracks." he says smugly as he walks inside; There is a simple L-shaped bar with a few tables, the open end flanked by a stair to a veranda-like section with a glass roof.

Shrugging Wade walks behind the bar and sure enough, its fully stocked. Wade pours himself a Drink and sits.. What was this madness?! Ok, Madness was about an episode ago and being turned into an animated (but extremely cute and sweet) fucking cat! But this.. Made that look so incredibly mundane, all of a sudden. Wade sighs and now an orange light came to the windows, curious, Wade gets up and goes to the door throwing it open; he expected maybe a coach or wagon with lights: Instead he was greeted by a dawn, the frost kissed lands stretched across a great forest where a rainbow-hued, golden sunrise began to come across the horizon. Wade suddenly felt like he had been travelling non-stop for ages, and so, closing the door he tracks back inside and finds a hammock hanging in the back, behind the kitchen. "Noice." Wade says and no, its not a typo, thats how he says it. Anyways, pulling himself into the hammock with the fuzzy soft blanket and pillow and feeling like 900 days straight was a bit much for anyone without a siesta, Wade is soon fast asleep.

And he dreams.

Wade stands in a grassland not unlike the one he was just looking at; the grassy plains wave softly making a gentle rattle of grass seed-pods clashing. a moment later a large but quite feminine hand lands on his shoulder and a voice says. "Don't turn around, Wade. You're dreaming." Wade makes a face like, I -knew- that, but says nothing. "As you now know, the world you have called home, has now become a wider.. problem to things at large. the destruction caused reverberated across the multiverse, and an important thing was almost lost." Wade knew the woman speaking was Trieste, someone whose blessing, guidance and strength he had called upon much in his new life. "So, the eldest of the Gods had to choose. Many were considered and, given you are the only one who really -knows- a wider multiverse exists, even though your own knowledge is flawed, was why we chose you."

Wade frowns. "What of my wife? my friends? my home.." He could feel anger rising in him but that hand just gave a gentle squeeze. "My dear child, you can return to them any time you need or wish, by way of the Bridgemaker. That was no accident: in the causalities of events, the enchantment -you- created captured some the magic energies of that cataclysm and harnessed it. When we realized what would happen we influenced you to enchant the hammer, and that enchantment created the bridge. Now.." The Lady paused, sighing a moment. "Don't you wonder, why? I'll tell you: that damaged this place, a place vital to keeping the multiverse fro
collapsing in on itself. You, will keep it alive, and going. Your imagination already has breathed a new life into it, and soon you'll discover it.. will be a place that won't ever bore you."

Wade soaks all this in, and after an almost painfully long pause he says, "But Lay.." He had finally found love and now.. But Trieste says in a warm tone, "You may bring her But, this truth is yours to protect, a great secret none must tell; so if LayTrayin is to go, She too must bear this secret under the pain of death and damnation, as must you." Wade smiles, "Oh, you got my word, but Lay will have to answer for herself. shes my wife, not a slave or concubine so, as a free woman she must choose herself. Further," Wade turbs to The Lady but then her hand appears on his other shoulder, shes always behind him.. "Further I must take care not to tell her my choice and skew her vote. But, if she says yes Im definately in." Wade hopes for that, but wont force the issue.

"You'll be okay. some things will work out, others will not. You must trust us, as the gods trust you." And with that Wade starts himself awake. climbing from the hammock he sees it was pretty much the same time (maybe a little later.. or had he only slept a few hours? surely didn't feel like it) as when he had laid down, early morning. Yawning Wade finds a coffee pot and makes some coffee, and after that and a decent breakfast (Wade found an Ice-filled stone and wood box full of foodstuffs, weird but he took it as a sign to eat) Wade retraced his steps back to the Seventh Hall, which in the light was both majestic and at the same time, kinda sinister.

Shrugging it off Wade heads inside to find now not one, but six chairs in a ring around Bromäker. picking the hammer up Wade says to it, "Take me to the one who makes my heart crackle. take the bolt to the lightning rod." jabbing the hammer at the sky there was a blast if rainbow light, and a moment later Wade vanishes.
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

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