A Dark Announcement

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

A Dark Announcement

Postby Twerlinger on Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:15 pm

Overnight the fae's were busy from the dark tower. The robed figure writing and sending them out almost as fast as the sugar cubes enticed them in. Missives sent to all the Nobles of the realm, major and minor, and to the Mangers of every business, as well as the heads of the temples.

Once received and seal broken, the contents lay as follows

'Greetings to you upon this day.

I am pleased to make it none that in going forwards I will be taking over Ruler-ship of the Tower of Umbara, at the behest of the Archmage, Lady Miyuka, and the Empress, Lady L`aquera. I have promised to fulfill my duties to the best of my ability for the Empire and the Emperor, and to this end, if there is of any need that we might be able to help aid with, then please find myself, or either the Headmaster or Assistant Headmistress of the Tower, so that we can work out how best to aid any that might seek our aid.

I am not looking to seek to step into the shoes of Lord Archaon, or replace him and all that he has done for the Empire, but to work alongside his memory and his deeds, to continue with his ideals and vision for the realm and the tower itself.

I am looking forwards to perhaps getting to meet and exchange ideas with all, in the hopes that we can ensure that the Empire shines its brightest and we can bring prosperity to all in what ever form they may desire.


Lord Twerlinger.'

Each missive was sealed with a black stamp of candle wax and the seal of the tower to prove its authenticity against the doubters that might be out there
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