Slavers are automatically sanctioned by the ISA as TRAINERS. If you are assigned a slave that has been brought to the attention of the ISA for conduct unbecoming a slave, then the following applies:
1. The fee paid to the trainer will be set by the ISA and will be paid by the OWNER.
2. The training of the slave will consist of the "Behavior Skills" classes, to be determined by the ISA (Attitude and -at least- one other), and is dependent on the severity of the behavior:
Attitude ~ Some slaves are flat out rebellious. With these stubborn slaves, this skill will teach them to adjust their perspective to learn the truth of their situation.... that they are slaves. The past is no longer relevant and they must accept their new position in life as slave to their Owner. This is a base skill and must be learned prior to any other forms of behavioral modifications.
Social protocol ~ {Required skill- Attitude} Once the slave understands that they are a slave and accept this fact, they need an understanding of how they should act as slaves in a social setting. Verbal speech and other forms of communications allowed by a slave are taught.
Physical protocol ~ {Required skill- Attitude} This skill teaches a slave the physical requirements of a slave. They are taught to submit to violence and refrain from combat situations. They are also taught to treat everyone with respect, as their actions will reflect onto their master. IE...They will refrain from stealing, starting fights, raping...etc...
Public behavior ~ {Required skill- Attitude} This skill teaches slaves proper behavior while in public settings, especially while they are not under the supervision of their master.
Private behavior ~ {Required skill- Attitude} This skill teaches the slave the proper ways to behave with their master. They are taught to follow his commands quickly without argument.
Misc. ~ Anything that isn’t already covered above, please contact the Head Trainer to see if its appropriate.
3. While training these slaves the training room fees will be waived.
4. When training is finished, the trainer will have no further contact with the slave in the capacity of a trainer. If the slave approaches the ISA Trainer, for advice/further training, they are to be turned away and sent back to their owner. This is ONLY regarding the "punishment" training. IF the Owner wishes to have the Trainer continue training, and is willing to pay the Trainer's freelance fees, then that is up to those involved.
If you are posting as a Trainer:
Post your training logs in your Slaver thread as follows: