The Rise of a Valencian God

News, information and events at the temple of Uvelcra

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The Rise of a Valencian God

Postby L`aquera on Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:20 pm

While the idea was kicked around for the Temples to be shuffled towards Valencia, the issue was we didn't want cookie cutter shops and temples for the new place. With reason of course since Valencia itself offers far more then just another shadow conversion of Nanthalion. It has its own shops, metals, workers, religion.. Obviously the Valencians are Gaea worshippers, but wouldn't some of them as well worship another God? Indeed so. Something more primal and chaotic. A new God was created and is approved, however, we'd like to see stories of this new God made from a Valencian form of view, how they looked at him, how they might have worshipped, made shrines, how they thought of him, what their views were upon his help with the Moriel invasion to the Nanthalion invasion.

We are looking stories to add within the Gods pantheon itself, some that will be recreated into rituals for the Valencians new God and a few Shrine descriptions that best fit this God. Does this mean we will be looking for Priests of this god? Maybe... or maybe, not.. Following is the history had so far, a description and something that covers the Invasions of both the Moriel and the Nanthalions. Please read it carefully, submit a story or thoughts, this is a contest of sorts, and the stories we take and the stories used for rituals will gain a Voucher of 800 meherial to either the MMR or the SS. That could get you a lot of funsy things. :) This contest is for EVERYONE, not just those in religion.


Uvelcra, Volcano Fire God. Description and History

Long ago when this land of mountains and peeks and dipping valleys had held its first natives before the Valencians took root within its beauty, they worshipped the hot fires that lay just beneath the earth. Helped form it, shape it, gave it life. The natives were not some restless breed but more tribal and hardy and they saw within the spitting mountain and its volcanic heat to the lava that flowed, power of an incredible nature. Once the lava was cooled they noticed how well crops would grow, how streams had been diverted to run through their dipping valley home and thus began praising the mountain itself. Each year, nearly one third of their crops was brought to the lip of the volcano, left as an offering and prayed to that the God within that shook their earth and turned it to red hotness and cooled ash would smile upon them. Never take their small homes from them and keep them safe.

Uvelcra heard their cries. He stayed the mountains spewing lava, he let the earth rest and when it would come time, he would shake the ground around them to give warning. The tribe quickly learned the signs and would move their homes further from the mountain, wait until next year and move closer to plant again. It was a time of prosperity but with prosperity, came knowledge of other Towns. Of other races, of magic and mayhem and the people lost their way to the God. They stopped offering sacrifices, they stopped caring. Uvelcra grew very broody at this, he would shake the earth, let the mountains spew forth and demand they acknowledge his presence, yet.. it was all for naught. Eventually the people of this tribe moved away, finding they did not wish to share their crops. To aspire in their knowledge and not fear a God that could only control the hotness of the inner earth.

Uvelcra grew further broodish, his temper was as easily cooled as the lava that was left to flow and become solid after a few days, but because he had no one to brood too, he kept his secrets of the mountains, to himself. Soon however, he would not be alone. The fortuitous arrival of the Valencians heralded his undying curiosity and he wondered if they would recognize what he, Uvelcra could do.

They stumbled across his old Shrines and a very few statues made in the likeness of the God, and when he felt them ready, he shook the mountain to expose a crack within it and the wealth of Gems and Valacite that lurked, waiting for them to discover, to become awed, to use and in turn to spill their thankfulness upon him. Such went as planned; they soon began restoring the statues, creating new ones, much finer pieces of art, lovely shrines. They came to his mountain often, beseeched him to watch over them, to steer the Moriel that were so hated from their new beloved home. And Uvelcra, delivered. When a large group of Moriel came sneaking about, seeking out the smoke of campfires and stoked metal worked stores, the mountain began to rumble and a terrible fire and lava flow ensued. All Valencians heard it, ran to see and hear the screams of their enemy that would now no longer be able to pass from that vector.

Pleased were the people and soon once more gifts were brought to his mountain. Art work. Fruits. Poems, Gems set so delicately within chains. He became less broodish and more open. Whispering to the ones that most heeded within their works. He began leaving dreams for them, signs and soon the culture began to slyly change and worship.

The War with Nanthalion changed all.
History tells us that the great God of the mountains began with a small native tribe. Faded and then was recreated, pleased again by the Valencians settling within his guarded treasured mountains. Yet, while prosperity had finally become natural, normal in every day speech, Nanthalion itself began its invasion. Began its war and susequently, brought the Valencians to their knees. Where was the God Uvelcra? He was watching, stroking that strong if not hot chin, watching the invaders, seeing the magics of fire, wind, earth and waters and letting his minds eye carry him towards a more prosperous future. With Elemental magics came the Fire elemental Mages.. and in such, he was most agreeable. His servants within Valencia had been and done very well for him, but with these new invaders, could not he expand upon his worshippers? Oh yes. And the God of Fire and Mountains began to think and scheme and ultimately welcomed the invaders and a new prosperous group of worshipers.

Description of Uvelcra
Uvelcra is not the tallest of the Gods and yet he is forged within the lava sculpting itself. Hard of body and muscle, dark red wavy hair that was always set free and wild. Eyes of a smoldering grey to match the ash he could spew from his mountains and his favored weapon, a Hammer to slam into the mountain itself and make it do his bidding. His temper is often quick but easy to cool and his hearty laugh is oft heard booming along the mountains. He also has a penchant for the very young, whispering in their ears, startling them, watching them tease and taunt each other to a higher way of being. A mischief maker but a wise God indeed.
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Re: The Rise of a Valencian God

Postby Rheya on Sat May 17, 2008 7:56 pm

Sogram told me about this yesterday and after I read through the information, I've created a back story to enter for the contest if it's still available!

It was hot. She was sweaty, covered in dirt, arms not only ached they throbbed in pain from the day’s labor within the mountain. It was another day for Rheya, and she was happy.

Still an apprentice, it was her job to go into the mountain to seek out the ore the master smiths would use to release their true potential. Perhaps the rocks she’d gathered today would become a sword of beauty. She hoped so at least. Despite the teachings of her Master and the Priests, she was not good at allowing the release of the beauty her God created without imposing her own will. She looked at ore and saw what she wanted it to become; not always what Uvelcra has already determined.

“Praise Uvelcra!” she heard murmured from the workers at the tunnel’s entrance ahead of her, and it brought a smile to her lips. Like so many recent days, a priest from the temple was down in the mountain with them. It was a good omen to have a priest here. They came down periodically to inspect the work of the apprentices to ensure nothing was being done to anger the volcanic God. When he was angry, tunnels would collapse and people would die. But these recent visits were of greater importance; Rheya was eighteen now. She knew the priests had been watching her work now for several months, to judge her effectiveness and determine her fate. And just as she wished to impose her will upon the ore, she wished desperately to impose her will on her own fate.

It was hard to come out of the mountain into the light of day, and while she was eager to press on and speak to the priest, she found herself needing to pause to let her eyes adjust. There were three choices the Priests could make for her: to continue with her training on the path to becoming a master smith, to become a priestess to train and guide others, or to be returned to her family, to never progress beyond her current training. It was her greatest fear she would be sent home. She loved the work in the mountain and wanted it to never end. Now she was procrastinating and she knew it. She could see the outline of the Priest and knew he was waiting for her. She needed to face this and find out her fate.

One deep breath and she was walking towards the entrance, towards the priest and her fate. “Praise Uvelcra” she called out as she came upon the priest in red robes. Upon hearing her voice he turned to face her and for a moment she was taken aback. This was not any priest, it was the High Priest himself, a man she had only seen from a distance throughout her life and she had never before heard of him coming to the mine. She was sure now she was to be pledged to the temple and she found it hard to contain the joy she felt inside.

“Greetings Little One,” he spoke in a firm yet soft voice. “I have been waiting for you. Come, let us walk.”

Trembling a little, she deposited her ore the bin and began to walk side by side with the High Priest.

As they walked, the priest paused at times to look at the mountain with a pleased smile to his lips. “We are in a prosperous time, Rheya. The ore comes easily from the mountain and our smiths are turning out Uvelcra’s glory in such quantities our trade with other villages is at a high.”

He fell silent then and Rheya only nodded in agreement. “I’ve been able to fill my bin each day for months now, High Priest. I work hard so that we may bring Uvelcra’s glory to light.”

Having led Rheya down a lightly traveled path towards the temple, the high priest stopped to take a seat upon a large boulder and motions for Rheya to kneel before him.

“We have noticed your abilities Rheya. It is why I am here.” His face is kindly, and stoic, but she’s heard the whispers about him. He is a fire mage and a Priest. He is one of Uvelcra’s chosen.

Kneeling before him as he bade, she looks up to the Priest, so eager now to know what they have seen in her and what it may mean for her fate. But it is his next question that brings perplex ion to her eager expression.

“Do you know why we are often chosen to assist in the rehabilitation of Uvelcra’s chosen? Even now we have a mage locked in our temple who is in danger of self destruction.”

Chewing upon her bottom lip for a moment, she ponders this before regretfully shaking her head. “I do not know the answer to this, High Priest.”

A bemused look over comes the Priest as he reaches out to lightly stroke Rheya’s hair as he continues. Uvelcra loves all of his servants. Especially those as dedicated as you Rheya. What have we always taught you about the earth, the ore, and the forge?”

Comforted by his gesture of kindness, Rheya finds herself relaxing more with this influential Priest. “Uvelcra gives of himself through the earth. We take his body, the ore, and use fire to free the shape He desires it to be.”

Still stroking her hair gently, the priest nods in agreement. “Very good Rheya,” he replied a little more softly and in such a way for the first time Rheya felt something inside her that left her trembling. A chosen of Uvelcra has a special ability. It’s a magical ability to wield fire as easily as some breathe. It is my gift and the gift of only a few from our village. A chosen one must learn they are but a tool in a series of tools Uvelcra decrees us to use. They are a catalyst to change one thing to another. If a chosen one doesn’t know this, doesn’t know how to channel their power, they can become consumed by the energy within them.”

Perhaps sensing her trepidation, he strokes her hair one last time before drawing one hand into his robe while using the other to tip her chin upwards so he may look into her eyes. Many generations past the Priests came to the understanding of how important the chosen ones, the mages of fire, are to Uvelcra and we made a promise to him. We promised to seek out as many mages as we could to guide them to an understanding of how their talents may be used for his glory. And from this work, we began to see a pattern among families. We have found a way to predict the birth of such a mage and in doing so, we are able to mold that life to its most productive state. It is far easier to guide a chosen one from birth than it is to rehabilitate one who has gone destructive.”

The trembles Rheya had felt were growing with each word he said. She knew she had no magic of fire within her, she remembered being tested many times over as a child. “I .. I don’t understand,” she stammered, “I am not a chosen one.”

Chuckling in his deep tenor voice, the fingers at her chin gripped more tightly for a moment as the Priest lifted her eyes to his once more, “We believe you have the seed of one inside of you. We have already spoken to your father. Following the next full moon you are to be turned over to the temple. You will reside with us, and serve us, until such a time as we deem you are ready to participate in a ritual of renewal. At that time, we will use your body as a vessel for a chosen one.”

His words overwhelmed her. Part of her felt as if she should be happy to have been chosen for such a task, but for the moment, all she dreamed for herself had been torn from her. For the moment, all she felt was a loss so deep tears streamed down her cheeks.

“I want to serve Uvelcra at the forge. I want to continue my training and learn how to harness the power of fire to create. Please don’t condemn me to the life of a servant!” Begging with all her heart, she would risk the wrath of the mage to plead her case.

Far from make him angry though, it only brought him to chuckle once again. “Oh dear Little One, your training has not yet begun. There are many ways to serve Uvelcra and you will be trained to tend to a different type of fire.” Standing then, the mid of his robes equal to her as she kneeled, she noticed the large protrusion beneath his robes that had not been there when he led her down this path.

“Gather yourself and return to your father. In two weeks you will be sent to the temple and you will be cleansed. In the meantime, you will remain cloistered in your home and away from the touch of any man. Do not fret, your training will help you grow in your service to your god.”

He left her then, to sob on the mountain, in her solitude. She was not ready to give up her dream of becoming a master bladesmith. She would not report to the temple as ordered. In two nights time, Rheya would leave her village and strike out on her own, violating the order of her God and Temple.
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