aliases for every day use

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aliases for every day use

Postby tjoden_Aurora on Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:33 pm

i'm lazy ok? so i came up with these to shorten the more often used commands in TLI. here are the ones i have down perfectly. still working on a few more.

NOTICE: i should note that these are for mIRC. not sure how they work on the others, dont use them, not familiar with them. if they do, post something to let everyone know.

um, i think the really handy thing about these are that you dont have to do much mouse work if you're trying to read thru the posts. you can just type the aliase rite into any line of any window and it'll make des output your request.

this one is for actions, isn't THAT helpful

Code: Select all
/a /me $1-

this one sends a pm to des, easier than typing out her whole name, i suggest you rig up something on the end of that to log you in, handy dandy.

Code: Select all
/des /msg desdaemona $1-

something like this

Code: Select all
/login /msg desdaemona !login <pw> <sn>

Code: Select all
/logout /msg desdaemona !login <pw> <sn>

this is for pulling descriptions quickly

Code: Select all
/desc /msg desdaemona !desc $1-

i'll be posting a few more as i come up with them. they're not that helpful, but they do make thigns a tad easier. currently working on a log in script.

Postby tjoden_Aurora on Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:47 pm

something i've noticed about TLI is when you end up needing to get voiced in a certain channel you have to quit the whole thing, rejoin, and login. not true, i think.

when ever i find myself in that sort of problem all i do is:

Code: Select all

i'm currently working on a script/aliase that will work off the mode change to do this in one /loginout sorta thingy. but there ya go hope you guys find that helpful.

note: that doesn't really work unless you have your login/logout aliased up to those commands...something like this:

Code: Select all
/login /msg desdaemona !login <pw> <sn>
/logout /msg desdaemona !logout <pw> <sn>

Postby tjoden_Aurora on Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:22 pm

here are a few for quickly checking up on those chars you encounter

this one's for checking equips of said char.

Code: Select all
/equip /msg desdaemona !equip $1-

you just type in...
Code: Select all
/equip tjoden aurora

if you wanna check out my equips. just stick the char's full name on the end of the /com and you're set with these. i made em to be super easy.

this ones for stats
Code: Select all
/stats /msg desdaemona !stats $1-

this one is for spells
Code: Select all
/spells /msg desdaemona !spells $1-

and finally, the one i use the most. the one for char descriptions
Code: Select all
/desc /msg desdaemona !desc $1-

again, all you have to do is drop these little babies into your aliase section of your script editor and you're ready to rock, roll, or most likely read.

Postby tjoden_Aurora on Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:24 pm

ok, here's another one that i use. mostly in the shops. you might find yourself wanting to use it in the bar *big wink*

this is a /com for the !balance command. it'll output it right to the pm window with des so you can check your monies realy quick, really easy, dont have to let people know you're doing it or go to the trouble of opening the window

...yet again, i'll say that these aliases are mostly just here cuz im REALLY lazy. so enjoy.

Code: Select all
/balance /msg desdaemona !balance

that one doesn't even need your name, just type in
Code: Select all
and you're good.

Postby tjoden_Aurora on Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:57 am


ok, check this know how sometimes when you log in a different nick and you're in the ooc chan and the rp chan and you dont get voiced in the ooc room? what do you do?

if any of you have been reading these, you might try this:
Code: Select all

note: that is an aliase that i described previously ^^

well...i think i found a better way. its alot quicker and it doesn't involve logging in at all, its 4 characters, maybe some of you already know about this.
Code: Select all

yep, that's all you have to do, just type slash aych oh pee. and it'll pop you out and right back in and log you in if you're already logged in.

hope this helps.

Postby tjoden_Aurora on Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:14 pm

and here's a little gem for getting that weather info in a flash

Code: Select all
/weather /msg desdaemona !weather

Postby Ehlanna on Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:07 pm

And how about ....

Code: Select all
/news /msg Desdaemona !news
/mail /msg Desdaemona !mail list
/info /msg Desdaemona !tli-info
/quests /msg Desdaemona !tli-quest
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Postby tjoden_Aurora on Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:07 pm

yay! thx! *copies!!!*

Postby Ehlanna on Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:54 pm

Ok, to address the timing issue when changing nick and being de-voiced after a new login - normally due to a script being involved. This is just the basis of an idea and would need some tidying up:

In aliases:
Code: Select all
/to {
  if ($0 == 0) {
    set %CHANGETO $$?="Enter IRC Nick to change to"
  else {
    set %CHANGETO $1
/toEls {
  /set %CHANGETO Els{LI}
/toElspeth {
  /set %CHANGETO Elspeth{LI}
/changenick {
  if ( %CHANGETO != $null ) {
    /nick %CHANGETO
/logels {
  /msg Desdaemona !login ARealPassword Elspeth
  /unset %CHANGETO

In remotes:
Code: Select all
on 1:DEVOICE:#Lonely_Inn_OOC: {
  if ( %CHANGETO != $null && $vnick == %CHANGETO ) {
    if ( $vnick == Els{LI} || $vnick == Elspeth{LI} ) {
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Re: aliases for every day use

Postby Joshua_Jericho on Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:19 am

Something of a necro-post, here, but I thought I might share my alias system for mIRC, quite a handy one that works around the aforementioned issues with not getting a voice, and allows easy switching between multiple Nickserv-registered nicks, with auto-login and guaranteed voice with Des.

One to voice, first, because I set these up in reverse order. This one requires no customisation at all, just dump it into your aliases.

Code: Select all
/vo /.timer6 1 7 /msg Desdaemona !voice

And one for Nickserv to login to that, and avoid being made a Guest and looking like an idiot in front of the whole OOC.

Code: Select all
/ID //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <PW>

Now, this one, you obviously need to customise by replacing <PW> with your password. If you have multiple characters, with multiple registered nicks, it's a good idea to create multiple aliases. So if you had Adam, Brian, and Charlotte, you might create the following aliases.

Code: Select all
/IDA //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <APW>

Code: Select all
/IDB //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <BPW>

Code: Select all
/IDC //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <CPW>

You should see where this is going. Next step is logging into Desdaemona. The basic code I use for this is...

Code: Select all
/des //.timer2 1 4 /msg Desdaemona !login <PW> <Nick> | /vo

At this point, the use of the first alias becomes apparent. Now, obviously, you may have multiple characters, and this is also pretty easy to customise. You turn the /des into /desA, and the PW and Nick you change to Adam's password, and Adam.

Crazy as this seems, I actually go a step further. This next alias changes nick to Joshua_Jericho, logs me into Nickserv, logs me into Desdaemona, and ensures I get a voice, and is the one I use the most.

Code: Select all
/jer //.timer9 1 2 /Nick Joshua_Jericho | /DesJ  | /id

Short, isn't it? So I type /jer, it changes my nick, and executes all the aliases above. I use the same Nickserv password for all three nicks, so I only have one /ID, and I customise my /Des commands with a single letter. Simple, right? If you change the first /nick to, say, Joshua_Jericho-BT, or JJ-AFK, it also becomes an easy work alias, or an AFK one.

I actually have one more I use for my initial login, as well. This is a command to join the OOC, then log in to Desdaemona and autovoice myself.

Code: Select all
/jc //join #lonely_inn_ooc | /desj | /v

That's not so hard, right? Didn't think so.

I have, however, covered a lot of semi-techical stuff in this, so... for those of you who got this far, and are still reading, here's the Quickstart guide to setting all this up.

Step 1. Copy and paste the following lines into a notepad file, or text editor of your choice.

Code: Select all
/vo /.timer6 1 7 /msg Desdaemona !voice
/ID //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <ID>
/des //.timer2 1 4 /msg Desdaemona !login <PW> <Nick> | /vo
/name //.timer9 1 2 /Nick Your_Nick | /Des  | /id
/OOC //join #lonely_inn_ooc | /des | /vo

Step 2. Now, make some edits. Find and replace works well.

<ID> goes to your Nickserv password
<PW> goes to your TLI password
<Nick> to the character name of your TLI character
/name to anything you want, say, the first three letters of your nick
Your_Nick to the nick you use on your TLI character.

Step 3. Dump this into your Aliases window. With those active, typing /name (Or whatever you changed it to) will change your nick to your character, log you into Des and Nickserv, and get you a voice. /OOC will join you to the OOC, login, and voice you.

Step 4. (Optional). If you have multiple characters, and want to get clever, keep going. Instead of the above lump in your text editor, you'll be wanting this.

Code: Select all
/vo /.timer6 1 7 /msg Desdaemona !voice
/ID1 //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <ID1>
/ID2 //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <ID2>
/ID3 //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <ID3>
/ID4 //.timer4 1 4 /msg Nickserv id <ID4>
/des1 //.timer2 1 4 /msg Desdaemona !login <PW1> <Nick1> | /vo
/des2 //.timer2 1 4 /msg Desdaemona !login <PW2> <Nick2> | /vo
/des3 //.timer2 1 4 /msg Desdaemona !login <PW3> <Nick3> | /vo
/des4 //.timer2 1 4 /msg Desdaemona !login <PW4> <Nick4> | /vo
/name1 //.timer9 1 2 /Nick Your_Nick1 | /Des1  | /id1
/name2 //.timer9 1 2 /Nick Your_Nick2 | /Des2  | /id2
/name3 //.timer9 1 2 /Nick Your_Nick3 | /Des3  | /id3
/name4 //.timer9 1 2 /Nick Your_Nick4 | /Des4  | /id4
/OOC1 //join #lonely_inn_ooc | /des1 | /vo
/OOC2 //join #lonely_inn_ooc | /des2 | /vo
/OOC3 //join #lonely_inn_ooc | /des3 | /vo
/OOC4 //join #lonely_inn_ooc | /des4 | /vo

Doesn't that look scary? Now, I've obviously set that up for -four- characters, but I'm sure clever folk like you lot can extend the principle. Once again, the trust find and replace is your friend.

Obviously, number your characters 1 through 4 at the start, and keep them in that order.

ID1 can either stay as as ID1, or change to, say, ID then the initial letter of the appropriate character. Be sure to change it -everywhere- it crops up, though. (You can save yourself some work on the Nickserv aliases by having the same Nickserv ID for all registered nicks, so you only need one /ID, no numbers).

/Des1 can stay the same, can change to reflect appropriate character. You also need to change <PW1>, <Nick1>, <PW2>.. etc. Apply the same principle to /OOC and Your_Nick, and wham, problem solved.

...Anyone who needs or wants a hand, come find me under JJ. MB PM is fine, and I'm online fairly often as Joshua_Jericho, Shatril, or Saphamira.

Since I can't figure out how to change display name...player of Catiline, Umber and Saphamira! Often around on IRC GMT evenings and weekends.
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Re: aliases for every day use

Postby Thria on Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:27 pm

Fairly sure i posted this somewhere else, but it should be a little more effective and is fully extendable to as many characters as you have...
Code: Select all
alias voicecheck {
  var %nicks name1;name2;name3
  var %pass pass1;name2;pass3
  var %name char name1;charname 2;char name3
  if ($me !isvoice $1 && $me ison $1 && Desdaemona ison $1) {
    msg Desdaemona !login $gettok(%pass,$findtok(%nicks,$me,1,59),59) $gettok(%name,$findtok(%nicks,$me,1,59),59)
    timer 1 300 voicecheck $1

ON 1:JOIN:#:{
  if ($nick == $me) {
    timer 1 5 voicecheck $chan

  if ($vnick == $me) {
    timer 1 300 voicecheck $chan

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