Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

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Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:36 pm

Holidays and Festivals
A Guide To Celebrations

***********by ***********

Lord Krom of Stromgald
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:46 pm

Chapter 1:The Glories of Celebration
Why do we celebrate? Why do we rejoice? Why feast and fast for holidays or events we deem important? To many minds, a good story is better than a direct answer:

Not too long ago in a neighboring kingdom adjacent to the Empire ran by Stormbringer, there was an old king who died. But before he died, he split his kingdom up into two separate kingdoms for each of his sons to rule accordingly. Everything was perfectly divided in half; the people, the housing, the farm fields, the castle, and the land per acreage. But the two kingdoms were vastly different even though they once were one. One son was a jealous, cruel and heartless man who was filled with greed in his soul. The other son was full of life, selfless and thoughtful towards his pupils. The evil son governed the land of Shara while the good son governed the land of Delra.

One year, the evil king spoke declaring, "All my subjects spend too much time in festivals and celebrations. You enjoy holidays and celebrations too much! You spend all your time at banquet and not work hard enough for me! From here on out, I banish all festivals in the kingdom of Shara!" The subjects lowered the heads but obliged the new decree.

The neighboring kingdom of Delra was quite the opposite. The Good King declared, "All my subjects spend too much time working and not enjoying life! From here on out, I demand more celebrations and festivities to honor life!" And so the subjects cheered and obliged to the new decree.

After a couple of months, the subjects of Shara worked night and day, slave laboring for their king. They grew tired and thin as a result of excessive hard labors. They held no pleasure in their life, but gave a hard days labor everyday. The neighboring kingdom of Delra was quite the opposite. They grew plump as they pleasured themselves in at feast and banquet day and night.

This continued until after a year or two had gone by. The Kingdom of Shara, the subjects and the animals were too tired to even more from pure exhaustion and frail bodies from grueling labors. Slipping performance occured with fewer food at harvest and raw materials crafted into fewer precious products. In Delra, too few people were working because they spent all their time in festivities. There was a shortage of food and lack of products available.

Then out from nowhere, a massive beast of reptilian lineage known as a dragon came scorching the earth with it's fire. No warrior could penetrate the thick scales of armor with their arrows and swords. The King of Shara hide in his castle while the King of Delra stood to the balcony yelling at the dragon, "What do you want!?"

The dragon swooped down to the King of Delra, craning the massive head down to the small person and said "I demand a kiss!" And so the King of Delra, in fear of the continuation of the destruction of the kingdom and his pupils, he kissed the snout of the dragon. In a whirl of smoke and glitter, the massive dragon shrank and before him was a beautiful woman wearing white. Her voice was as beautiful as a songbird in the morning dew. She spoke," Thank you for rescuing me from the curse. My name is Festivity, Daughter of Queen Celebration. We are the guardians of all holidays. We bring diversion and distraction to those struggling with life. We put markers on the road of time, allowing for things past to be remembered. In measuring time, we give hope for things future. We guard anniversaries, victories, and holidays that make a person particular and unique. We are life's balancers. We are life's rhythm makers. Let me live once again as a welcome guest in your kingdom and in your brother's kingdom."

Of course, the young king of Delra welcomed her with joy and thereafter they lived long and merrily.

Festivities and celebrations do many good things for the mind, body, and spirit. They provide recreation, reward, hope and order. Without festivities, life is tedious and repetitious, even to the point of being dull. The most delectable treats lose their flavor and desireability if they can be had at any time. The balancing act between work and play must be maintained in order for colors to never lose their luster, foods not to lose their taste, and entertainment never loses it's value.

Celebration is important for recreating the past so that we can appreciate it better. By recreating festivities of old, we accomplish at least four things at once. We are reminded of the origins of certain customs and ideals. We learn more dramatically by recreation than by reading alone or studying in books or ancient tablets. We preserve beautiful ceremonies and actions, which otherwise would be lost. And we may find a few old customs desireable enough to impose permanently on our own private lives. Selecting some ceremonies from our own past may help to dignify our own futures. For a short period then, traditional festivals allow us not only to think as out ancestors, but to live like them.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:14 pm

Chapter 2:The Feast and Steps before First Course

We are escorted into the banquet hall wearing our most precious and richly costume of attire; fine silks and plush velvets adorned with jewels and gems. Well dressed young servants escort us to our table. The most noble guest or our host sits at the high table, raised above the others on a platform known as a dais, so that they better may view those gathered and so that we may see them better. Behind the high table, a rich curtain of precious fabric is draped as a canopy referred to as a baldaquin, marking the place of honor. Everyone is seated to the tables according to their social rank at long, elegant tables. The higher social ranking individuals naturally closer to the high table instead of the lowly class who are at a farther view from the guests of honor and the noble himself.

The feast hall's banquet master, the Surveyor of Ceremonies, carries a very large golden keys upon a heavy chain which dangles upon his neck. He welcomes the guests with loud shouts so all gathered can hear him. "Wassail, wassail, leavu freond! Welcome, Welcome! Good cheer, dear friends!"

Elaborate ceremonies before the exquisitely prepared foods are served. The feast certainly is not coarse, crude food guzzles and gorged by graceless gluttons. Feasting is a theatrical ceremony in which etiquette and dramatization is practiced. The dishes alternate with the entertainment- food then instrumental music, food then song, food then juggling acts, food them mimes and magical tricks, dancing and more dramatic performances.

Presentation of the Salt
The Surveyor of Ceremonies sings through the halls cheery tunes as he works and oversees the festivity is maintained in accordance to tradition and specifications of the noble. By presenting the salt to the guests at the high table, it is a show of placing them in a seat of power. Salt is a considered precious and rare spice that is luxurious and not a necessity to daily living. It serves not only as a practical purpose for use, but also that of symbolic purpose to announce those of greater caste and placing them in a seat of power.

The Pantler Cuts the Upper Crust
Followed the presentation of the salt, the Surveyor summons the next phase of the feast and that is the Pantler. The Pantler is a noble servant wo is in charge of the bread. They typical wear long, fringed fabric on their shoulder for ceremonially carrying loaves of bread. This fabric is known as a portpayne. The Pantler cuts the upper crust from a round, spiced colored loaf of bread utilizing special, ornate knives. A horizontal cut lops the top of the bread off and presents it to the most honored guest. This act is to demonstrate that they are the "upper crust", meaning one of very high social importance.

Breads were a very important aspects in the feast. They were richly in color and great care given into their creation. Hues of red created by the use of rose petals, green with parsely, and gold with saffron. From such fragrant loaves, the Pantler earlier would have fashioned the other guests' platters; individual metal or porcelain plates are very rarely used. Instead, bread was created in a manner that they would become the plates known as trenchers which support the various finger foods associated by a feast. Given many sauces and gravies are utilized in noble feasts, the trencher serves as a way to soak and not waste any of the rich sauces that a noble can afford. At the end of the meal, a delicious bread plate can be eatten by the guest, fed to the resident dog, or saved as a food gift called alms. A special servant known as the Almoner collects such gifts in a huge bowl called the alms dish and distributes them to the needy and poor generally waiting outside of the castle gate.

The Laverer and the Aquamanile
The surveyor of ceremonies now calls for the Laverer with a waving of the large golden key. Bowing elegantly and twirling the fringe of a long, scarflike towel around his neck, the Laverer helps each guest to wash ahnds with spiced and herbed warm water. It is poured from a pitched called an aquamanile into a bowl. The aquamanile is generally crafted from some sort of a beast or predatory animal with the mouth being the spicket from which the water is poured from. Hand washing was not only part of the ceremony, but also for hygienic reasons due to the fact that most noble feasts lacked utensils. Few spoons and knives were made available and never a fork. Rather, the most important table instrument was that of the fingers. Every feaster eats with the fingers to assure that finding pleasure lingers.

Credence Testing of the Drinks
After the Surveyor directs the wassail, the presentation of the salt, cutting of the crust, and ceremonial handwashing, several more table customs remain before the first course is brought and the entertainment begins. The Cup Bearer first must taste the wine. The drink is poured from the Butler, the master of wine and barrels. This testing, known as credence, assured the host, noble guests and feasters that the drink is pure and safe for consumption. Sometimes a stone known as a bezoar was used instead by dropping into the fluid. Should the bezoar change colors, it was indication of impurities or poison was added.

Wassailing and Blessing
Once the credence test is successfully completed, all the feasters raise glasses in a toast. The Surveyor of Ceremonies bellows, "Wassail, Wassail! Drink Well! To your health!" The banquet audience responds, "Wassail! Wassail!" The resident clergyman or priest then blesses the food of the feast. Then the horns of instruments such as horns, trumpets or other musical device is utilized to signal the first of the course.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:08 pm

Chapter 3:The Feast and The Courses

Illusionary Foods
At the announcing of the horns, servants bring the first course. The presentation of the foods is always of an illusion, afterall, feasts are meant to be special and entertaining. The high table is served first followed by the other ranks of the social class being served in accordance to status. Meats, fish, fowl, vegetables, fruits, and sweets are all served for appearance and textures as well as the taste and fragrance in specific orders to tease the palate.

The illusion comes with the alteration of many foods. Game birds were cooked but then re-feathered and ornamental detail given to color the beaks and feet of the animals to give the illusion that the bird was still alive. Illusion foods delight by being surprising and out of the ordinary. It is considered quite entertaining and the more realistic and surprising, the higher credit is payed to the host. Golden Apples are spiced meatballs wrapped in gold hued pastries with marzipan green leaves. St John's Urcheon looks like a hedgehog, but it is actually made of meat wrapped in brown carob pastry with edible quills. Four and twenty blackbird pie is a carefully crafted pie in which once a guest cuts into the top pastry, birds fly out of the pie and flit about the hall.

Subtleties are dramatic festival foods; large spun sugar, almond paste, marzipan, or pastry sculptures. They carry the shape of impressive animals, nobility figures, warriors or some other status symbol in which it is a work of art that is edible. Fire breathing dragon displays often have cotton and camphor nestled into it's mouth which is then set ablaze.

Banquet music
Feast music not only announced courses but also is the entertainment to enjoy while going through the variety of courses. Musicals walk in procession or play in a gallery built high on a wall over the feasters. The music however, no matter how cheering and pleasing, also aids in digestion. It has been rumored by many that the melody, tempo and beat of the music affects the rate of speed in which feasts dine and processes the food through their bodies. Properly composed and stimulating music affects the mood of each course.

Feast Staff

Chief Cook
This individual walks and talks with the authority of a nobleman, but is simply the one responsible for the food presentation, taste, and entertainment value. They wear about their neck a long handled tasting spoon which is both symbolic as well as functional so they may taste quality of food prior to being served to the host's guests and feasters.

The Carver
Cutting of meats is not only a duty, but an art form. Dramatic displays and knowing the anatomy of animals aids in master carvers into preparing appropriately sized portions of food for the guests. The motions delivered by the Carver is as graceful as a danger with particular foot positions and bows required as accompaniment for various flourishings of the knife.

The Warner
The Warner is the chief food sculptor who creates the subtleties. They are nicknamed such because they often "warn" guests of upcoming courses. They mingled amongst the diners to ensure all things are up to their desire and expectations and then warn the Chief Cook if things are not as desireable as meant to be.

Banquet Officers
There are many officers or those responsible for various entertainments in any given feast. Of course, given the number and size of the party may give some individuals double or triple duties. Each Officer carries a symbol though as a signifiying their position in the feast which also announces their duty they are responsible for.
Almoner----------------Large Alms Dish-------------------Collecting food gifts
Butler----------------- Large keys to cellar------------ Protecting and mixing wines
Carver-------------------Ornate Knives--------------------------Carving meats
Chief Cook--------------- Large Spoon-------------------------creating food art
Cup Bearer----------------Tasting Cup------------------------Testing drinks for safety
Dresser--------------------Tweezers of Scissors----------------Arranging food on platters
Juggler------------------- Balls, Daggers, and Rings------------Feats of Juggling
Laverer------------------Aquamanile and fringed towel---------Ceremonial Handwashing
Magician----------------- Balls, scarves, and boxes--------------feats of magic
Master of Venerie----------Hunting Horns-----------------------Presents game animals as trophies
Mime-------------------------Mask-------------------------------Wordless Drama
Minstrel----------------------Lute--------------------------Song entertainer
Musician---------------------Instrument-------------------Musical melody provider
Page----------------------Small cap with feather--------- Directs guests to seats and refill drinks
Pantler------------------ Portpayne------------------------Cuts bread
Quistron------------------Heavy Gloves-------------------- Turning spits for roasting meats
Rotisser-------------------Long Needles-------------------- Designing, preparing roasted meats
Saucer--------------------Stirring Spoon------------------- Preparing sauces and glazers
Servitor---------------------Baldric--------------------------Serves food at table
Survey of Ceremony-------Large Gold Key--------------- Directs feast festivities
Warner-------------------Painting feather-----------------Creating subtleties

Typical Feast
It goes without mention that most manor houses and the like do not have the required staff for all of the banquet officers. However, many of the functions are universal and jobs are spread out to those who are available and part of the staff making some individuals to carry two to six of the job duties listed. The Butler for example may also be the Cup Bearer, Pantler, and Carver.

The nature of the feast also dictates many things. Anywhere from decorations, types of foods presented, costumes worn, songs sang, and games or rituals involved all play a special role into the feast. The feast though is generally always at least a twelve course feast in that all courses have small bits of food given at any time and are all delicately crafted to be finger foods. The types of food are chosen for contrast of colors or spice. A sharp food alternates with a sweet, a lighter with a heavier, a fragant herb follows a heavy spiced meat, etc. This keeps the palate on a heightened level and assaulting the senses keeps things intriguing and full of punch.

The Courses

Course 1---------------------------------------------------Entertainment 1
Fruytes melior- plum, apple, and.................Instrumental music by lutes
pear with rosemary, basil, and rue..................viols, bells and drums
in a pastry tart

Course 2---------------------------------------------------Entertainment 2
St John's Urcheon- whimsical.....................Magician Acts
hedgehog sculpute of chopped meat
wrapped in carob pastry

Course 3---------------------------------------------------Entertainment 3
Almoundyn Eyroun- almond omelet..............jugglers with balls and daggers
with currants, honey and saffron

Course 4---------------------------------------------------Entertainment 4
Saumon Rosted- roasted salmon..................Minstrel's Songs
in onion and wine sauce

Course 5-------------------------------------------------Entertainment 5
Fruytes Royal Rice- artichokes filled..............singers of ballads
with blueberry rice

Course 6------------------------------------------------Entertainment 6
Aigredouncy- honey glazed.....................Dancers
sliced chicken rolled with mustard,
rosemary, and pine nut

Course 7-----------------------------------------------Entertainment 7
Astrological Temperament Cake..............Mood music

Course 8-----------------------------------------------Entertainment 8
Astrological Temperament Cheese..............Songs

Course 9----------------------------------------------Entertainment 9
Dukess Wynges- roasted chicken...............swordmanship displays
and pheasant wings....................................and illusionary magic

Course 10---------------------------------------------Entertainment 10
Elderberry Divination Cakes-.....................Dramatic Play
small crullers in unique shapes

Course 11---------------------------------------------Entertainment 11
Circletes y Roundels- small.......................The fire juggler
almond spiced cakes on roundels,
platters with words or poems
the guests must sing written on them

Course 12--------------------------------------------Entertainment 12
Parade of the Subtleties-....................Musical instruments honoring
ceremonial carving and eating.....................the special guests, end of feast
the sugar or pastry sculptures
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:10 pm

Chapter 4:Darkhowl (January)
Moon Phases
Darkhowl 1 (January 1) - New Moon
Darkhowl 8 (January 8 ) - Waxing Moon
Darkhowl 16 (January 16) - Full Moon
Darkhowl 23 (January 23) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

Darkhowl 1(January 1) - Festivals of Shae Weyr Drak Sen - Galanoran
Galanoran – To Celebrate the Dawn

A new year Festival, Held the 1st day of Narvinye during the first new moon

The blossoming of spring and new life, this is the New Year and elaborate banquets are prepared and each Drak Sen of the Dream Sphere chooses a Dream (idea) to bring to reality. Some take mortal or other racial lovers, some travel, others plan to learn a new craft or art. All things to promote life, growth and development, also the preparing of fields and nurturing nature for the long summer takes place at this time. The celebration on the first day of their New Year involves a great deal of dancing, many games and the erection of the ‘Year Pole’. Normally crafted of stone with images and symbols of plenty, joy, celebration, life and nature carved into it. Animals of the land and sea as well as dragons of course and in the morning a ritual is performed, sun mead (made of winter preserved sunflower seeds, honey and barley having aged through the Rudh) is drank by the entire community as a toast. Most often only 25-35 Drak Sen inhabit Shae Weyr though they have many friends of other races invited.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:11 pm

Chapter 5:Wolfmoon (February)

Moon Phases
Wolfmoon 1 (January 31) - New Moon
Wolfmoon 8 (February 7) - Waxing Moon
Wolfmoon 16 (February 15) - Full Moon
Wolfmoon 23 (February 22) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

Wolfmoon 1(January 31) - Festivals of Islasoros - El Fundando (midwinter)
This celebration of the nation’s founding is held on the forty-sixth day after Rey del Cielo, and marks the midpoint of the winter. Islasoros was almost assuredly not founded in the dead of winter, but some historians speculate that the three most influential lords of the archipelago did meet during this time. Personally, I think they agreed on this date to liven up an otherwise dreary and dull season. The upper class uses this night as an excuse to commission the most gaudy and ridiculous finery possible, as a means of demonstrating the wealth of one’s house. Then they congregate to drink and gossip and dance well into the morning hours. The lower classes are much simpler in their revelry. They gather at someone’s farmstead, or the largest festaus in town, then drink and sing bawdy songs, and regale one another with adventurous and amusing anecdotes. Personally, I far preferred slumming with the lower classes on this night. The drinks were worse, but the company was infinitely better.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:12 pm

Chapter 6:Icebreak(March)

Moon Phases
Icebreak 1 (March 2) - New Moon
Icebreak 8 (March 9) - Waxing Moon
Icebreak 16 (March 17) - Full Moon
Icebreak 23 (March 24) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

Icebreak 19(March 20) - Festivals of Islasoros - Dia Contrato (spring equinox)
The Day of Contracts marks the beginning of spring in Islasoros. Traditionally, this means the beginning of a new fiscal year, as well. As such, large contracts are often sealed and declared binding on this holiday. Lesser business arrangements will happen during the week leading up to it, with affairs of greater importance dealt with closer to the holiday itself. For upper-class children, this marks the beginning of a new year of studies, and for freely hired servants and laborers, it signifies the renewing of their service agreements. Indentured servants enjoy no such privileges, but such is their lot. The day is generally closed with large meals with one’s family, as the heads of households sometimes will not have another opportunity to dine with their loved ones for several months to come. Of course, this doesn’t keep them from dallying with their mistresses when the opportunity permits. After all, courtesans are much more time-efficient than wives, and the season to come is incredibly busy.

Icebreak 20(March 21) - Festivals of WyrmCove- Shalande'
also known to human kind as the beginning of Spring is a time when the world renews itself from the yearly cycle of life. The earthen scales celebrate this time with many festivals and gatherings that last for sometimes a day, other times a week or more. During these festivals, many races indulge in all manor of pleasure.. be it dancing, drinking.. or other more..cunning perversions. This is a particular time of joy for those of the earthen scale and invite all who care to join, so long as they do not disrupt their entertainment. Those who have been known to disrupt such events have been tied to an April Pole, and used for different rituals.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:12 pm

Chapter 7:Blooming(April)

Moon Phases
Blooming 1 (April 1) - New Moon
Blooming 8 (April 8 ) - Waxing Moon
Blooming 16 (April 16) - Full Moon
Blooming 23 (April 23) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

Blooming 8(April 8 ) - Festivals of Shae Weyr Drak Sen - Cuiva otel`me`a
Cuiva otel`me`a – Awakening to the light

A spring celebration, Held the 5th day of Viresse during the waxing crescent moon

A time of change, this is when many Drak Sen of the Shae Weyr adopt a child of another race for a small duration of time. Be they outcast, abandoned, orphaned or parents that simply wish their children to learn more about the Drak Sen and their history. It is also an opportunity to bond with the races they have just Awakened to co-existing with, hence the name of the festival. Also because many of the Earthly and Bejeweled Drak Sen of the community have paternal and maternal instincts and the urge to nurture life and growth as well as to negate the programming that dragons are bad. During this time a great party is held for the week, races and various contests are held (garment making, sculpture, baking and anything creative). Ribbons and prizes are also awarded for keep sakes. One of the most popular games is the ‘Dragon Hunt’. Small crystal eggs minded from within the cliff near the hidden location of the sleeping Dragon are enchanted with one of the Elder Dragon’s Dreams. Then those in the community (non Drak Sen) search through the cliff side dwellings for one of the eggs. Once found they are kept and the joyous dream can be viewed by the holder when saying, ‘elea’ elvish for “see”.

Blooming 14(April 14 ) - Festivals of the Red Fist Barbarian Clan - The Day of Elders
This day is to honor the Elders of the village for offering their great wisdom and leading the clan. The life of an Elder is stressful and often times the cause of death of males in the clan. It is a great honor to become an Elder, but to keep the position, they must be able to beat all those physically and be wise enough to keep the clan under control. This is the day where gifts are made and presented to those Elders who lead the tribe into victories and settle disputes amongst those within the village.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:13 pm

Chapter 8:Dryad's Dance(May)

Moon Phases
Dryad's Dance 1 (May 1) - New Moon
Dryad's Dance 8 (May 8 ) - Waxing Moon
Dryad's Dance 16 (May 16) - Full Moon
Dryad's Dance 23 (May 23) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

Dryad's Dance 1(May 1) - Festivals of the Red Fist Barbarian Clan - The Day of Masten
This is a day dedicated to the evil son of Father Red Fist and the Great Mother, Masten. It is considered to be the day where Masten will return and be reborn. On this day, if a child is born, it is thought to be Masten himself. Masten, being the dark son, is feared by those of the Red Fist Clan so fear any child that is born on this day. If a child is born on this day, the Elders will meet in the Spirit Hut and summon the Great Spirits to debate whether the newborn child has the soul of Masten or not. If the Great Spirits decide that it is Masten’s reborn, the newborn is to be placed into the fires of the Spirit Hut and die to release the soul of Masten so the Great Spirits may take him away for one more cycle.
If there is no child born on this day, the entire village remains in silence from sun up until sun down. It is thought that if one is unable to control their own needs to speak, then they are being influenced by Masten himself. By speaking on this day, an individual could end up being beaten, cast out of the clan, or even killed. The only individuals able to speak are the Elders and Shamans, but only they can speak of the wishes and demands of the Great Spirits. The entire village meets around a great fire listening to the gospel of the Shaman and Elders. This is basically a day of worship and hopes that Masten’s evil ways will not be reborn.

Dryad's Dance 2(May 2) - Festivals of the Red Fist Barbarian Clan - The Day of Orvin
This is a day dedicated to the good son of Father Red Fist and the Great Mother, Orvin. It is considered to be the day of Orvin’s birth. If all have lived through the day of Masten, then it is considered that Orvin has beaten his brother. The day is spent working with neighbors to rethatch their roofs and spending time with each other. To get reaquainted and form stronger bonds with those in the village. Arguments and hard feelings are put aside, this is the day to honor the good son and welcome his spirit to the village. The night is full of games and activities as well as a great feast in honor of Orvin’s Spirit.

Dryad's Dance 5(May 5) - Festivals of Islasoros - Comerciovías (mid-spring)
The Tradeways holiday marks the traditional opening of northern ports. While particularly harsh winters have kept the ports closed beyond this date, by and large, they are open very close to this holiday. In either event, ships generally do not set sail until this day, just to be safe. The ports swell with citizens on this holiday, and many merchants set up booths with candies and trinkets just off the main portside roads. Entertainers will gather to amuse the crowds, and priests will congregate to offer their blessings to the ships and crews about to embark. The entire district turns into a carnival of sorts, as the people celebrate the coming of a new year of opportunity to amass more wealth.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:13 pm

Chapter 9:Steel Rule(June)

Moon Phases
Steel Rule 1 (May 31) - New Moon
Steel Rule 8 (June 7 ) - Waxing Moon
Steel Rule 16 (June 15) - Full Moon
Steel Rule 23 (June 22) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

Steel Rule First Day of Rain - Festivals of the Red Fist Barbarian Clan- Tears of the Great Mother
This day is thought to be the actual day Father Red Fist and the Great Mother were wed. Noone knows which day it is except the Great Mother in which she reminds the clan by “shedding her tears” of joy. The clan on this day will stop what they are doing and assemble around the Spirit Hut. The “tear” or rain that run off the Spirit Hut’s roof is considered to be blessed and the Elders collect the water that run off. They then will bathe in the waters to cleanse themselves of any bit of Masten they may possess to continue leading the clan and village with good intentions only. The villagers will simply watch or bathe themselves in the Tears as well. They will be giving thanks to the Great Mother for keeping the Elders pure and clean from the ways of Masten so they may better serve their people. During this month, the Red Fist are very sensitive to anything that may be deemed “evil”.

Steel Rule 8(June 7) - Festivals of Shae Weyr Drak Sen- Merende tel`anar
Merende tel`anar – Festival of the Sun

Summer Festival, Held the 10th day of Narie during the waxing gibbous moon

This Celebration takes place for the Drak Sen to revere their Elder Dragon, Shae’anar, OceanSun in the common tongue. Most times gifts are given in the form of charms of all shapes and sizes yet with a normally draconic theme to them. The common mediums used are pottery, metal, paint, glass, wood and the like and the colors they prefer to use are: gold, copper, brass, lapis, aquamarine, turquoise and sapphire. Most often they make wind chimes, decorations for the house and other useful or beautiful adornments. Then they hang these outside the homes of the person they are giving the gift too so that when morning comes the sunrise glitters off the myriad of colorful items to illuminate the cliff -side like a city of gold and crystal. It is considered most simply a time of gift giving, many choosing this time to propose to their beloved. Activities of the day are lighthearted and fun; gliding contests of using the updraft off the ocean (a dangerous, exhilarating game), as well as swimming and Dolphin Talk (feeding the dolphins of the cove and playing with them while teaching them tricks and trying to ‘talk’ to them).

Steel Rule 12(June 11) - Festivals of WyrmCove- Balfarosh
which in the more common speak is also known as the Summer is a grand time of heat and chaotic order for the mineral scales such as myself. The intense heat of this time brings about the more subtle yet perverse actions of those who regard disorder as a grand pleasure. The mineral scales regard this as a time of free action, seeking their vision of celebration at the cost of all else, except for the will of the Elder Dragons. Rapings, chaos, and all other diversions of orderly chaos are prevalent during this time. The mineral scales, myself included, indulge in these acts be it visually or physically..the beliefs that chaos brings about order are more prevalent during this time.

Steel Rule 25(June 24) - Festivals of Islasoros - Festivo Del Purezo (midsummer)
I have trouble deciding if the Festival of Purity is the absolute most, or only second most, hypocritical and abhorrent holiday my people celebrate. Most are petty, and a couple are truly enjoyable, but this day and Rey del Cielo are prime examples of my former society at its worst.

According to legend, the main island of the chain was once inhabited by elves. The human civilizations that had emerged on some of the larger satellite islands allied together and slaughtered them all. Allegedly, these elves made frequent raids on the humans, stealing and eating children, butchering men, raping women, and burning entire villages to the ground. Allegedly, having procured some forbidden fragments of said elf society, I highly doubt the validity of this claim. Just the same, at the midpoint of the summer, during one of the hottest days of the year, the worst prisoners are released in the large forest that sprawls across most of the main island, but not before having their appearance cosmetically altered to make them resemble elves. They are given crude wooden spears, and a couple hours to disperse. Then come charging in the ‘heroes’ of Islasoros to hunt and destroy these ‘elves’ like diseased dogs. Then the bodies are burned in a large bonfire, and praise is given to the bravery of our ancestors. And the clergy considered me dangerous, depraved and deviant. And that’s the hypocrisy of it; for such an educated and advanced society, my people are extremely xenophobic.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:14 pm

Chapter 10:Summerburn(July)

Moon Phases
Summerburn 1 (June 30) - New Moon
Summerburn 8 (July 7 ) - Waxing Moon
Summerburn 16 (July 15) - Full Moon
Summerburn 23 (July 22) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

Summerburn 22(July 21) - Festivals of Islasoros - Terrica (summer solstice)
This holiday, once known as Tierra Rica, but bastardized down to its current Terrica over the generations, commemorates the discovery of the first large vein of gold on the archipelago. Since that land happens to be held by the most influential of the three ruling houses, the holiday dedicated to it occurs on the longest day of the year, the beginning of summer. This is a fine time of year, where most meals are cooked outdoors and people gather in large groups in market squares or open fields to share food and drink. The different cities vie for the prestige of having hosted the greatest celebration of this national holiday, and to that end they decorate the streets and hire bards and minstrels to entertain their citizens. The only prize for being the ‘best’ city on this day is pride, but to the Islasorans, pride is no small affair.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:14 pm

Chapter 11:Thunder's Reign(August)

Moon Phases
Thunder's Reign 1 (July 30) - New Moon
Thunder's Reign 8 (August 6 ) - Waxing Moon
Thunder's Reign 16 (August 14) - Full Moon
Thunder's Reign 23 (August 21) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated
Thunder's Reign 8(August 6) - Festival of the Red Fist Barbarian Clan- The Great Spirit's Day
This day is spent to honor the Great Spirits. The entire village will fast from the night before to the next night fall. The women of the village will prepare a large feast, but none can eat until later. The Elders shall make a large fire and burn various plants in it to ask the Great Spirits to come visit the clan. To help favor the Spirits to come and visit, the males already accepted into the clan shall dance around the fire in a tribal ritual with bloody handprints of various game coat their bodies. Once when the Great Spirits arrive, or so the Elders claim to see them, then the feasting may begin. They continue to feast until the sun rises in honor for the Spirits and giving thanks for their watchful eyes and wisdom.

Thunder's Reign 16(August 14) - Festival of the Shae Weyr Drak Sen- Yavie ie`annun
The Masquerade, Held the 15th day of Urime during the full moon
Perhaps the largest celebration of the Shae Weyr, this festival oft times draws people from far away to come and celebrate due to the stories that circulate. Costumes of varying degrees of splendor and simplicity are worn, many having spent all of the Rudh and then some making them. A huge bonfire is started atop the cliff where tents and stands are erected. For the children there are storytellers, costume contests, face painters and the like. But when they are tucked into bed for the night the adults truly celebrate this holiday. The chase begins where many women run into the forests to be chased and captured, being just before the harvests it is a time when many consummate the love of previously chosen beloved ones or find a new lover. But it is a time of pleasure and all enjoy the warmth of the summer nights.

Thunder's Reign 17(August 15) - Festivals of WyrmCove- The Gathering
"The Gathering" is during the more common time of Autumn, bringing about the subtle changes the world takes. All manor of color and life come about during this period. The Metallic Scales, the general rulers and overseers of all scales, hold great feasts and banquets for all Drak Sen and others to attend. These feasts are indeed grand, even more so than the traditional human festival called Thanksgiving. Many various foods and desserts are abound to gaze upon, but the true nature of this time is only between the Drak Sen, for they receive their true name only during this time.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:14 pm

Chapter 12:Fading(September)

Moon Phases
Fading 1 (August 29) - New Moon
Fading 8 (September 5 ) - Waxing Moon
Fading 16 (September 13) - Full Moon
Fading 23 (September 20) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

Fading 16 (September 13) - Festivals of Dwemner Tribe - Hour of Evil
On the first full moon of the autumn months, the Hour of Evil is celebrated, a somewhat new holiday. The festival is based around a play written by Ran `Trall, a legend amongst the Dwemner, the same Storyweaver who wrote Dram` Dram` Tar, During the festival, the Storyweavers perform the play, which tells the tale of a group of darkwings who burned down a village. It was only made annual after what the common folk refer to as "The Darkwing Incident." , in which Kain, the sun of the elder at the time, Dakin Thrail, reached his Rolebirth. Upon reciting the proper vows to become an honored warrior, his wings turned a deep, ink black, his once bright blue eyes a dark, empty gray. He was exiled from the camp, and henceforth "Hour of Evil" has been performed, as a reminder of the horrors of that day.

Fading 25 (September 22) - Festivals of Islasoros - Trigal Caidos (autumnal equinox)
The Fallen Wheatfields, as the name implies, celebrates the harvest and marks the beginning of autumn in Islasoros. Several sweet and nutty breads are baked only for this occasion, so as you can imagine, this day is greatly anticipated. Where the Tradeways bolsters spirits after a bleak winter, and Terrica is time of free-spirited revelry, Wheatfields marks the end of the business year’s most active cycle, and so is seen as a time of peaceful reflection on a profitable summer. Young lovers will often procure some of the aforementioned breads, gather cheeses, and select some fruit, then go camp in the tranquil near-wilderness around the cities to spend an intimate evening together. Mothers and younger children often tidy up the house during the day and gather together after sunset to hear wizened old sages tell stories of the nation’s history.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:15 pm

Chapter 13:High Harvest(October)

Moon Phases
High Harvest 1 (September 28) - New Moon
High Harvest 8 (October 5 ) - Waxing Moon
High Harvest 16 (October 13) - Full Moon
High Harvest 23 (October 20) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

High Harvest 11 (October 8 ) - Festivals of Red Fist Barbarian Clan- The Day of the Passing
This is the day thought to be the bloodiest of Red Fist history. This was the day, it was believed, that Father Red Fist stood against the raiders where his fists became stained with the blood of the attackers. This was the day where many of the ideals and values the people of the Red Fist came from. People of the Red Fist are more protectors than they are raiders as a result to this day. They work together and more of a “peaceful” barbarian clan. This day is spent to honor those of the clan that died on this day from the raid. It is spent in song and dance with food and drinks in everyone’s hands. It is considered a disgrace to your family if you do not have a wooden cup in your hand to drink to those fallen heroes.

High Harvest 23 (October 20) - Festivals of Shae Weyr Drak Sen- Nienor`sira
Nienor`sira – A Time of Mourning or Tel`nainilokie – To Lament the Dragons

A time of worship, Held the 21st day of Marquelie during the waning gibbous moon

A reverent time for the Drak Sen, this is a day of peace when a lament for the lost and sleeping dragons takes place. A day when the histories of the dragons going into their slumber, the loss of the Wise Ones and the time when the Bestial Dragons ruled. It is a day of fasting; only drinking water from sun-up till sun-down. When night falls every household sets a loaf of bread and a goblet of wine outside their doors. It symbolizes a sacrifice and a greeting, for also during this time are drifters and loved ones that traveled normally scheduled to return. For those that don’t the bread is crumbled and cast out to the ocean the next morning with the wine. A sacrifice made in hopes that it will symbolize food and wine to see their loved ones through their travels or as a blessing if they have passed away from this plane.
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Re: Holidays and Festivals - by Lord Krom

Postby Krom on Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:15 pm

Chapter 14:Gaea's Rest(November)

Moon Phases
Gaea's Rest 1 (October 28) - New Moon
Gaea's Rest 8 (November 4 ) - Waxing Moon
Gaea's Rest 16 (November 12) - Full Moon
Gaea's Rest 23 (November 19) - Waning Moon

Events around the World Celebrated

First Day of Snowfall - Festivals of Dwemner Tribe- Dram` Dram` Tar
This annual festival is a particular favorite of those young Torians not yet assigned roles in the Dwemner tribe, in which they are left to freely exact practical jokes on all they please, without any punishment. It starts on the first day of snowfall in that area, and usually causes quite a bit of havoc in the camp. At the end of the day, once the camp is no doubt in utter disarray, the elder and council assemble, and explain to the children the burdens and responsibilities which they face in the future, and why it is important that this sort of thing be allowed of them. The pranking stops at Sunset, and the next day is spent by the children repairing any damage they may have done. The Festival is called Dram` Dram` Tar due to an old tale told by a master Storyweaver of a dwarf who was tortured by a group of pranking Torians while walking near the camp, his name being Dram` Tar.

Gaea's Rest 4 (October 31) - Festivals of WyrmCove- Dragon's Twilight
"Dragon's Twilight", or more simply a sort of Halloweenish type holiday, is celebrated unlike the traditional human equivalent. During this holiday, the Drak Sen pay homage to the fallen of their kind be it strong warriors, mighty mages, or benevolent healers. Quite simply, this is a more respectful time as the Drak Sen honor their fallen comrades and their achievements with their hearts and souls. Such a holiday is a bit more personal to a Drak Sen, for no known record of human history has never depicted a Drak Sen partaking in such a holiday. Those who disturb such a time honored tradition are met with a swift and rather unlikable fate. Thus has it been my sworn duty to record all manner of history by will of the Elder Dragons, and with this command, I shall fulfill their wishes.
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