This Fur and no Further

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Postby Stormbringer on Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:07 pm

1. A cat person would not act as you described at any time

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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Stormbringer on Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:57 am


Have humanoid bodies, normal feet and legs, male penis not a doggy one, fingernails can be thicker and rather more pointed than human, though shorter than claws, head bears a muzzle according to the user preference, teeth are restrained but larget than human, fur is at user discretion, ears and tail are wolf-based.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby miyuka on Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:49 pm

I'm at a bit of a loss at this. Not that I do understand the rulings for things, but I'm just curious as to why? I suppose I can understand genitals, but what's the big deal if a wolven has claws or hands with sharp nails? Or if a vulpine has more of a muzzle or less of a muzzle? Is it offensive to someone? I mean we have so many 'furry' races within the game as is. Are these extra features somehow offensive or something?

I think the oddest one for me is the fact that centaur can have hooves but Minotaur don't. I'm not asking for a change in the rules or for an open discussion as to what people think I just seriously want to know why this is such an issue here in a fantasy based game...where we already have established furry chars, and the fact that they aren't animals, just have animal like features.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Tawny on Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:20 am

I could be way off base here but I am thinking that the more animal like you allow a char to look the more likely it is that ((some)) people will tend to rp their char more animalistic that is allowed in this game base.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby miyuka on Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:39 am

I really really really hope that's not the reason... I mean come on, we're all adults here <.< never mind all my plushies and pikachu related things.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Stormbringer on Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:47 pm

If we were all adults here I could just delete the rules page and say 'act responsibly while you're in TLI'
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Kalas Dune on Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:45 pm

Miyuka, I have seen at least a dozen people prove you wrong, in just regards to them doing exactly what Tawny mentioned. Cat girls/boys hunting mice in the inn, lapping up milk from bowls and saucers. And I say people, not characters, these arent just alts, these are the players with multiple characters doing these things and arguing when told to stop that there arent rules that say they cant, thus we have rules added. Blanket rules suck ass, but without them, all we get are indignant retorts about how it isnt in the rules, thus everyone suffers for the children who refuse to read between the lines, and push the envelope.

Just remember, most rules put in place, both here and in real life, no matter how dumb or inane, are the result of someone doing that prohibited thing, and after being told not to, argued about it because there was no specific rule stating that they shouldnt.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:53 am

On a lighter note,
Reminds gwyn of warning labels such as:

"For external use only!" -- On a curling iron.
"Do not use in shower." -- On a hair dryer.
"Do not place this product into any electronic equipment." -- On the case of a chocolate CD in a gift basket.

They wouldn't be there if *someone* hadn't tried it.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Cangelosi on Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:07 pm

I'm kind of glad we remodified the Wolven rule. I would have hated having to chase Shadow Wolf around with shears.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby miyuka on Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:00 pm

So the reason is that people will abuse what's given to them...basically. K, I'll just accept that and move on.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Sakkara on Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:57 pm

In regard to lapping milk from a saucer, was it actual cat people doing it because they were cat people or was it slaves under a form of humilation discipline? Ive seen a number of characters forced to act "animalish" because thier owners wished it. Is that suddenly wrong?
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Tawny on Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:15 am

I dont know about who Kalas saw doing such, But the two i saw doing the lapping were infact cat people, as well as watching one person rp a vulpine chasing a thrown ball running on all fours in a game of fetch with their owner. I, over the years have seen catgirls rped as being in heat. I have seen a catgirl played as not only chasing a mouse in the inn but catching it and eatting it. These actions were clearly not a slave being punished when they were being done. I have seen people argue with Ops when told to stop such actions and I have seen such arguements lead to uproars in the OOC room. So the best defense is a good offense. Write the rules in Black and white and then if it happens and people wish to argue the ops can point to such rules and shut down the persons arguement before it gets started. Which in turn keeps a peaceful OOC room and game at best, and at worst give the ops something to base a ((time out)) for those who still wish to argue the rules.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby miyuka on Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:40 pm

I get it.

Sakkara, No, you can still force your slaves to drink from a saucer of milk if you wish to humiliate them...hell I'm sure you can drink from a saucer just to be weird. But you aren't compelled to do it for some animalistic instinct or whatever.

Acting like a cat and -being- a cat are 2 different things.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Tawny on Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:40 pm

Close Miyuka but not exact. Acting like a cat and -being- a cat((Person)) are 2 different things.
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Re: This Fur and no Further

Postby Terak Thistleborn on Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:33 am

Questions about minos....just needing some clear info. Minos have bovine heads and hooves right?
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