Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

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Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Wed May 19, 2010 12:28 am

gwyneth slips into the cave's entrance now that the spiders have receded and she judged it safe to come here again.... there were several things she wished to talk to the High Priest about.. and the visits were always fun, but mostly, this was business, this time. She'd waited for the Temple to settle down after the kirvite festival... after her conversation with Ubique she thought that may be wise, and safer. eyes alert, careful not to step on any of *these* spiders... she was, after all, walking into their territory. Those who'd tried to get into her cabin had suffered a much different fate. she respected Kirva when in Kirva's temple.. but she was a high elf, and a slave, and a healer... as she'd reminded Miss Ubique.... and Kirva had no use for her. Master Carthad however, often had a.. different opinion.. than His Goddess. she heads towards His office unerringly... ignoring the acolytes who tried to draw her attention away.
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby xmastersethx on Wed May 19, 2010 1:10 am

Carthad had a less....closed minded....view than some of his other followers. Though many would simply point out that his view radiated mostly from the area between his thighs. Gwyn was an exception to this, slightly. The fact was that the little slaveling often had interesting information for him, and was more than willing to share on those points. A certain trust fostered between them, as he'd never had a reason to raise a hand against her. He would be seated at his desk, looking over tomes, work logs, that had been added too quite a bit during the last few days. He was glad, Kirva's six days had been a time of decadence and debauchery without fail. THe rush of the spiders had been sign enough that she'd heard the message and sent a sign. His own little undead beasties would spot the arriving girl better than any sentry, and he'd look up as she entered his chambers, "Gwyn...what brings you to my temple pet?"
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Wed May 19, 2010 3:22 am

gwyn smiles at Master Carthad, slipping into His chambers and shutting the door behind her.... "several things, actually. gwyn is trying to find out how this started, with the gods... somehow she finds it hard to believe they all agreed on anything, let alone abandoning the Empire." she pauses... "gwyn flew in about a week ago from the Chirot homeland.. her gift from the Mother was working fine until she crossed the mountains into Valencia.. and then she fell, rather suddenly." she gestures towards the edge of the Empire... "They are still out there, just not here... and if we can figure out why they left, or, if it was even their choice... has anyone considered the fact that this feels much like when the Spirrette attacked?"
she paces as she speaks... she wasn't as badly affected as some, at least not on the surface... but it bothered her, having her skill limited, and she was afraid someone was going to die because of it. she pauses, looking up at Him a moment, then lowering her eyes... she was not, perhaps very slave like at this moment, but He'd seen this side of her before, and should have been expecting something like this from the inquisitive slave.
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby xmastersethx on Wed May 19, 2010 3:58 am

Carthad wasn't surprised, not terribly, but there was a bit of a frown that crossed his features at the complete lack of ceremony she presented. No greeting, no coming to kneel at his side, only that final deferential look down when she came closer. Title forgotten as she'd release that deluge of questions, and something about it seemed the least bit rehearsed, if not just repeated.

"It is different gwyn, as the gods are still listening. did you not here of the avatar of fire that appeared central in town? Or the rush of spiders that had come with my temple's offerings? The Gods are most certainly listening. When the spirrettes came, their magic lay like a blanket, suffocating out the voice of the gods. We could feel it weighing upon us that wield the divine more like a weight being lifted. Their presence is gone, or rather an echo of what it once was. They will return in time, once their motives are more clearly understood."
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Wed May 19, 2010 4:20 am

the slave shivers, then forces herself to settle at His feet... "the spiders.. yes.. they tried to come in gwyn's home... but the fire must have occurred while gwyn was still in the Homelands, or on her way back. Though gwyn did notice that the spiders avoided the Mother's Shrine, there were none there. she supposes that in itself is a sign." she peeks up at Him... "a girl apologizes, Master, she is out of sorts... her wings, well, she did not have those in the first place, they are a gift from the Mother... but she has also lost her magic.. she can heal with herbs and stitching and splints, but can cast *nothing* and she worries it will cost someone their life. And now, she hears of slaves being trapped and killed? A Noble's slave? and she wonders if there are others that have not yet been discovered, and who was the real target of the one?.... the slave, the Noble, or something else?" she pauses.. she knew it was unlike her... but she needed answers, and this the Temple she'd chosen to begin with... she trusted Him.... even though her Master did not understand it. "and hanging over it all, gwyn's chain sister has gone a bit.. insane with the absence of Gaea. She is unpredictable, dangerous to herself.. and yet, she cannot seem to stay away from Lord Shaka.. and if He decides He wishes her back, Master will fight for her." she leaves the rest unsaid.. her Master was a great warrior unto Himself.. but...
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby xmastersethx on Wed May 19, 2010 6:13 am

He let a hand come down and caress through her hair, and then over to the side to tease along a sensitive elven ear. So much of their relationship was sensual by nature, he knew it would soothe her a bit to feel a bit of his touch in a slightly erotic way. Her words made him nod, "It is understandable gwyn, these times stress a great many people. But as always we will come through, the Gods are playing their games, but they crave followers. They will need to return in time. WE need only last until then. THe matter of the dead acolyte is being dealt with, Sutara i believe was tracking my scent...soon i will ask the corpse directly. He won't escape justice, and his death will be messy to say the least." He'd let that hang in the air, knowing the girl didn't like much talk of violence, but in a way that might reassure her.

"I hadn't thought about the effect Gaea leaving might have on the nymphs. Poor lexi, I would imagine she would be very distraught...out of sorts. She was such a help in guiding me toward the one that assaulted my temple. If you can think of a way for me to help her, I will do so gwyn."
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Wed May 19, 2010 1:49 pm

gwyn nuzzles into His hand, taking that comfort He offered, eyes closing, and focusing on His words as she tries to make herself relax.... "yes Master..." she says softly... "and if He is killing slaves, He deserves every moment of that.. messy death." it was not violence she minded, especially if it was deserved... it was the strong abusing the weak, it was a needless torturous death of one who'd done no wrong... she considers the second part... "is that the only slave that has died that You have heard of? the acolyte? or are there other victims? Is there a way gwyn can help, or One she should watch for? to avoid?" Mistress Sutara was an excellent hunter, but She could only be in one place at a time, after all.

"Master is keeping lexi under control.. mostly... though the moment He leaves her she's off again, and always seeming ending up with Lord Shaka. gwyneth.. is concerned about her. if she slips her rein with the Necromancer, it could end up far worse then what has happened at Master's hand. but no, gwyn can think of nothing You could do, except perhaps if You see lexi acting oddly, and Master nor gwyn are there, see if You can get her somewhere safe until she comes to herself again?" she knew her sister and Master Carthad had an.. acquaintance, much as she did with Him. and she knew He wouldn't harm her, it wasn't His way to damage the property of Others.
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby xmastersethx on Thu May 20, 2010 2:16 am

He continued the motions of teasing digits, sliding and stroking along one ear, then over her head and along the other, deep and sensual caresses as she'd seem to nuzzle happily. His head nodding lightly, "Indeed he for how you can help....I will know more once I raise the acolyte, or speak with her spirit. Once I know what she's seen, I'll have a better idea of whom I'm hunting, and then you can keep that sharp ear of yours to the ground, hmm gwyn?" He'd say to her with a light smile, rather confident in her ability to hunt. He knew that he certainly wasn't the only one she had an 'acquaintance' with, but for enjoying her he also had a eager source of information.

"As for alexis, yes I suppose I can do that. Is is the hand of that particular master she craves? I have noticed the effect a necromancer's aura has on comforts her to a degree. That might be enough to allow me to...occupy her in the case that neither you nor your master are able to be with her in a moment of weakness. Whatever the case, when I can have an eye on her, I will keep it there, hmmm? At least until this absence has passed. Tell me little one, am I the first temple associate you've spoke to on the matter?"
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Thu May 20, 2010 2:49 am

gwyn allows herself to be soothed by His touch... "gwyn's ear's already to the ground, and yes, you were the first she went to.... Master Christolf can be difficult to find... and gwyn hasn't stopped by to see keiara yet. her hand reaches out to run over His leg fondly.... "gwyn does not know what lexi's attraction is to Him, gwyn has avoided Him for six years... wisely she thinks. though it's odd Your aura does not bother this girl, not like Kain's" she shivers.... "but yes, gwyn would appreciate that. gwyn and lexi have had some issues in the past, but she is still family. if she gets herself in trouble, gwyn will put her between and try to smooth it out. and gwyn worries for her. gwyn has been in dangerous places before, places where one has to be cautious or step over the line of what is permitted a slave.. and lexi is not thinking clearly. she won't allow her to get herself in trouble if she can help it."
she leans into Him a bit more, peeking up at Him... it was a rough time for all of them, Free and slave... all who believed anyway.... "gwyn has... been trying to stay strong, Master has His hands full enough, He does not need this girl to worry over as well. she apologizes again if she came over as brash at first. her head is so full of things... it is hard sometimes to stop and think about what order things should be properly done. and spending months in the Chirot homeland did not help that. she has been... in some ways too Free recently, and in others had to be too defensive."
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby xmastersethx on Thu May 20, 2010 5:22 am

He felt the light and skilled hand slide over his leg, caressing over thigh and knee, his hand continuing to pet on her. A doting touch reserved for a good girl, tickling her cheeks as he might a kitten as she seemed to relax. Her more appropriate submission and softer demeanor peeked free as he'd stroke her so and he was glad to see it. At her mention of the other aura's raising a hand, causing him to stroke his chin. "My only thoughts might be the source of their authority over the dead...some achieve it through merely arcane means. Some pull it from primal spirits. You are connected to the divine dear little gwyn, as am I. Perhaps it is because the darkness I draw my strength from is divine by nature, it doesn't set you ill at ease, it is a power you find natural, even if you don't always agree with it." He'd say to her simply enough, a theory of his he'd never really voiced to another. He could most likely write several treatises on magical theory at this point, but who would read them? Who had the time to write that much? He had a temple to run, a House to serve, plenty to keep him occupied. "You are a good slave gwyneth, and a good slave sister. Lexi is lucky to have you I think, and if you need aid, you know you can come to me. We can always negotiate a price, hmm?" He'd say to her lightly, though there wasn't as much playfulness in his voice on that last part. Equivalent trade was important to the necromancer, and she knew it.
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Thu May 20, 2010 1:09 pm

gwyneth peeks up at Him as He strokes over her face and hair, still nuzzling lightly against Him.... considering His words... "That may have much to do with it yes... Your darkness, and Kirva's Darkness is something gwyn at least understands...some of it could also be that it is most definitely Yours, and as You have never been a threat to gwyn, You do not poison her, or give her horrible nightmares.. or threaten those she loves... she has no reason to feel ill at ease. combine that with the divine and gwyn's understanding of the divine..." she tips her head and kisses His fingers lightly... she flushes softly at His praise, she tried to be a good slave, and a good slave sister, but she knew she did not always succeed, especially in her thoughts. this business of lexi and the dark Lord had the potential of putting her Master's life at risk, and that made her thoughts not so good indeed. she'd contemplated simply chaining lexi in Master's tower until the crisis past, but Master had vetoed that idea for now... but then, gwyn had been trained in and then had suffered through decades of a much harsher form of slavery than her Master often practiced. "yes Master, gwyn will keep that in mind, and of course price can always be negotiated... " intentionally pushing herself away from that dark anger and into more proper frames of mind, she shifts lightly, pressing her body closer to His, sucking one of His stroking fingers into her mouth... speaking after she has bathed it thoroughly with soft tongue "of course, sometimes what gwyn... needs.. requires little negotiation." she chuckles softly.... a thought coming to mind, she was so distractable of late "it is interesting what One sees as a good slave, and good qualities, Another sees in gwyn as 'weakness and fear' and 'asking for aggression that puts gwyn in danger'." wondering if He would recognize the Moriel who said it just from the words... "of course, if She ever decides to act on such thoughts rather than just remark on them, She may discover just how 'weak' gwyn is."
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby xmastersethx on Thu May 20, 2010 4:07 pm

He watched that blush spead across her skin and would smile lightly, knowing that there were plenty of ways to make that blush deepen, to spread even moreso along inches of soft, supple, and delectable flesh. Her words on his nature only made him nod, "I suppose that's true enough. I've never had a reason to threaten you gwyn, from the day I met you in the inn you've been more than....maleable to my wants and needs." Carthad couldn't read her thoughts, so those bits of doubt struggling with the praise he gaev her would be unnoticed and almost banished his ability to read her face as soft little mouth latched along his digit. Tongue had bathed the others, before she slid deep on one finger, and he curled his finger inside, teasing along her tongue in a deep caress before she was pulling back from that apendage. Her supple little frame closer to his, cuddling into him almost from her spot on her knees before him. A slow exhalation leaving him, trying to keep his frame from reacting to easily, as he'd chuckle, "Yes well sometimes its negotiation...and sometimes its merely serving the whims of the moment. We seem to coincide there nicely.." her words of another though allowed him to pull his mind from more carnal situations. "Have you been demanding aggression as of late gwyn? This weakness and fear stemming from your worry of your slave sister and your master? Its a slave's proper place to feel such things, a sign of her slave's heart."
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Thu May 20, 2010 8:34 pm

gwyneth lets fingers trail up His leg for a moment as she considers His questions seriously.... *had* she been somehow demanding aggression? she shakes her head slightly... "gwyn may beg such from One she trusts... but she does not believe so in this case, Master... this is One she is wary of... gwyn tends to slip into Moriel at times, it was part of her training, and This Moriel Woman does not approve, so gwyn tries to stay away from Her so she does not anger her. And then, She followed gwyn, when gwyn sat well away from Her on the other side of the bar.... " considering again what had happened.... "She seemed to want to talk about Kirva, and.. debate with gwyn between Kirva and the Goddess gwyn followed, and gwyn... well, gwyn was unwilling to enter such a discussion with One she doesn't know well.. some are easy to offend, and gwyn was trying *not* to give Her an excuse to get violent. and... a comment was made that Kirva would not want gwyn anyway, she is healer, slave, and high elf.. and the Woman responded that She would still accept gwyn's blood.. which of course gwyn had to counter. Master would not have been pleased. at which point gwyn inquired why She was being so aggressive, when gwyn was trying to stay out of trouble... and that is what She said, that the way gwyn moves, the way she talks.. and because she is so good she invites aggression and danger onto herself... at which point gwyn invited Her to discuss it with gwyn's trainer, but She declined to speak with Jabbuk Olplyn about it." she could discuss this with Him... He wouldn't want to go out and speak to Anyone about the threat made to her... or threaten anyone. though she would not be surprised if He guessed Whom she was referring to. she peeks up at Him... and grins.. "now from You gwyn may request a spanking, or whipping... or from Master Infernis, or Jabbuk, or her Master or Mate... and gwyn will not argue or fight One from several others if she believes they won't harm her... but she does no go around intentionally aggravating Those who have.. threatened her in the past."
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby xmastersethx on Thu May 20, 2010 9:09 pm

Carthad was left with a few long and good moments to ponder all that she said. The story told him being painted in his mind. The only issue would be that he could think of more than one actor that could fit that role of the arrogant moriel demanding debate over a controversial topic. UNable to resist the urge to dash that which looked serene, sweet even. He'd certainly thought that about gwyn when he first saw her, but rather than seeking to destroy the visage of peace and gentleness, the High Priest's desires had run lower on his form.

"Hmmm, I suppose then that you weren't seeknig aggression in that matter. It certainly found you though, didn't it? Some simply cannot stand by and watch something which is good, serving its purpose diligently and contentedly, continue to exist. It as an echo of their own inner chaos, or the fact that they have not found their own true purpose yet. I have met many within the temple who suffer from such a situation gwyn, who claim to follow Kirva but in truth they don't know. They come to the temple look for answers, when they can't see that the Goddess is in herself, the answer. I think your devotion and your happiness in it rubs against them as surely as Shaka's aura rubs against you."
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Re: Inquiry in the CODL (for Carthad)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Thu May 20, 2010 9:38 pm

gwyneth chuckles.. "it did... it's one of those times gwyn wishes she was more free to act... she did warn Miss Ubique that she is not quite the.. easy target... she appears to be. gwyn thought the warning from gwyn better than a more... severe result from Master after that threat." not realizing she'd let the name slip, still, He had no great care for her, He wouldn't cause more issues over it.... and after sparring with gwyn He at least recognized that she wasn't as helpless as she appeared. "gwyn is, the way it most pleases her Master for her to be, that it also pleases herself is a side benefit. it is just odd to gwyn to persecute her for being happy and a good slave, when the Same would be just as likely to persecute her if she were a mouthy bad slave. it is the.. injustice of it that bothers her most she thinks. Luckily, Miss Ubique has very little say over gwyn's life." she stretches lightly.. nuzzling against Him once more, lightly, teasingly... though she seemed more calm, less distracted ow she'd been able to talk about it, get some things out of her system... "unfortunately, there is nothing gwyn can do other than avoid, she cannot change who she is, nor would she like to... she cannot change how she was trained, and often does not even notice she has lapsed into Moriel. it depends if she's just returned from some time with Jabbuk." she shrugs... "so, she supposes if she does anger Her that much, she will just have to deal with the consequences and move on... defend herself if she's pressed to... "
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