A Wolven's Penance

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A Wolven's Penance

Postby Sorgram on Thu May 13, 2010 9:31 pm

The dark draks moved along the forest quietly...stealthier than many would ever know he could. His Ruby eyes searched the forest, looking for prey worthy of the God he worshipped. The wolven was probably sitting in.the gods classroom arguing with him now. That wolven would debate the scales off a mermaid, but he chose the wrong entity in which to debate or argue with at the wrong time. Having found out what had happened the night of his death. He did not agree with the termination of him by the Torian. The god would have most likely wanted the wolven beaten down and taught a lesson. Not the out right death. However, the situation was beyond his control now. He could only choose to honor his god again and ask the god to grant a resurrection of his god chosen second.

Moving carefully, he had been tracking a creature worthy to sacrifice to his god. He had already sacrificed in his name for six days. Now because of the situation, he had to find something worthy of his god in hopes to bring back the wolven to his service. He would have words to say to the male about his actions during this time. The fire priest was at a loss on how this could happen. The black drak shook his head as he had been called by his Liege and HAD to attend her. For two days, he thought, for two days the soft hearted wolven would be able to handle things. For two days. Not only did he show his back bone during this time, but he did so tho their god. Thanks for Isla, who managed until his return. Damned wolven would get it when he was returned. Hand scrubbing latrines would be his personal penance for him. for now, he would work on his behalf. And so, he searched.
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Re: A Wolven's Pennance

Postby Sorgram on Fri May 14, 2010 8:21 pm

She stood near the bank of the river as he lurked in the shadows. The night was giving way to morn and the first light was cresting the horizon. Watching her from afar, he studied the woman. She was dark with light hair, perhaps white. Seemingly lost, his red eyes watched her from a fair distance, she was looking around for a familiar path. However with the way the weather had been, he knew that one unfamiliar with the forest would soon lose their way. Silent, he lurked in the shadow, studying her movements, discerning her abilities and her talents. She moved with ease when she did move, she was unsure of her surroundings but not her footing. As the sun crept over the horizon, she was revealed to him fully for the first time.

The moriel, as he made her out to be, was tall, nearly maximum height for her race. Her hair was white, long and in a single pony tail down her back. She moved with a dancer's grace and a cat's agility. His eyes moved down to her hip and smirked at the curved their. Were she a doe and he a wolf, she would be prime prey, as it were, he was pleased with what he saw. One day, she might birth a few well and easily, her breast was small, but his preference was met and he continued to observe her from afar. She looked around as if she was being watched and he thought he saw her shiver. Lurking in the shadows was his favorite sport as he often spied nymphs in their pools. This was similar, but more intriguing as he felt his god had a dislike of her kind, as they once had attempted to invade his people. Now, perhaps a bit of payback could be obtained for him.

Knowing that she would be at a disadvantage as light crept higher and her bearings were lost even more to her. As blind as a human would be in the light, she was now during the day. She kept looking around, her red eyes trying to see what it was that she felt wathing her. Moving closer he moved forward inch by inch, just like a panther on the hunt for a delicious doe. Perhaps this sacrifice for his god would repay some of his friend and confidants insolence.
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Re: A Wolven's Pennance

Postby Sorgram on Thu May 20, 2010 10:10 pm

The moriel felt nervousness and fear. That damned slave had wandered off and she had gone to search for him. Cursing herself, she knew that she should have left him to perish on the top world. Nothing but trouble, the damned slave was a bane to her and now would be her downfall. Snap!

'Who's there?' she spat. Not having the common words, she spoke in her tongue, not expecting an answer as she felt that none of the surface dwellers should know her language. However, she was more afraid as she heard the words that reached her ears in the next moments.

'Hello, princess, enjoying a daylight stroll?' The accent was not moriel, but it was perfectly inflected and accented as needed, but there was a dreamy quality about the speech that made her think of nightmares she had when she was younger. One never shared with anyone for fear of seeming weak. The main cause of her consternation was the use of princess. How could he have known? She wore none of the accouterments of her station and technically, she was not that high, but still a princess. She cursed under her tongue and spat in the direction of the voice.

'Who are you? I demand an answer and obedience.' The laugh that was returned brought a chill to her cold heart. It was the laugh of the winner of a duel between hated rivals, when that rival lies bleeding and his life is being begged for.

'I am your Nightmare. I have come to take you to a place where you will realize that your waking world was nothing to the horrors you may soon experience. Every travesty you have ordered, seen done, or heard about will be repaid by your service to the Fire and Mountain. Perhaps, you will get off easy and you will die. Perhaps, you will suffer greatly and die after many years with the followers of the Mountain and Flame.' There was a certainty to the tone with which he spoke. It was chilling that his confidence was so high. However, she was not one to lie down and submit. She had fought many and won most battles, allowing no one to bring her to her knees, without being brought down as well.

She drew her blades, a ringing sound would be heard around the clearing she felt she was in as the two blades left them and the metal vibrated with their quick release. The laughter only intensified as she heard, 'So this spider has venom. Shall we see if it can bite? '

Responding, she would insult, 'Cowards fight the blind and weak.' Spinning, she allowed her skills in sightless fighting to come out. Listening, she felt he was near and even felt a warmth around her as she swung purposely around, trying to strike at him.

'You have skill princess, and I am honorable, I shall fight blind as well. If I win, you will be offered to the Fire and Mountain. If you win, you gain freedom back.' Feeling something brush her back and shirt, she would spin around, aiming high and low to make a strike. However, she felt only air as she heard a distinct tugging and ripping of her shirt.

'Nice try, princesssss, but it seems I was a bit quicker.' Feeling a draft now on her stomach, she cursed as her shirt had been ripped and she now had a bare midriff. A moment later, she heard a similar ringing as when she had drawn her sword. 'Now let the fun begin.'
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Re: A Wolven's Penance

Postby Sorgram on Fri May 21, 2010 12:45 am

His honor was high and in questioning it, perhaps, he had chosen foolishness. Taking a strip of her blouse, he used it for a blindfold, making himself as blind as she was. Perhaps moreso, to him, it did not matter as he was not about to lose this battle. Having found the prey he wanted, he let the Razor sing. As the sword cut through the air, the gas parted as meat parted to a sharp cleaver. Her hearing would no doubt alert her to his position, but he allowed himself only even breathing and a sharp ear. Sensing a step and a tell tale whisper from the air, he raised his sword and blocked, inches from his shoulder, her blade. She had struck well and her skill was evident. Silent, he stepped carefully around, waiting, observing as he had been trained to catch what another does.

Her first strike had been half luck and half skill, she had felt him and struck out, coming high. Her stroke had struck metal and she felt a bit hopeful that he may not be that skilled. She struck again, believing that he had moved to another spot and again, her strike was well landed, but his blade was present as a block. She now felt his strength in the blade as it had moved barely as she had struck with significant force. Also, she felt another softer resistance, as if she had landed in flesh or leathers. Gaining confidence, she struck rapidly a quick succession of blows, driving forward to gain ground. Perhaps he was wounded, as he gave way, but each blow was met with metal and not flesh, that strike began to seem lucky.

She had shown skill and even managed to cut his shoulder slightly. He had misjudged the strike and held his sword too close in. The blade had found a bit of flesh, but it was only a scratch and would heal rapidly. He resolved to not allow her to land again and increased his effort and concentration to that end. She rained several skilled and quick blows towards him and he managed with no lack of luck to block them all. He almost admired her talent, but he believed he had a measure of her now as well as a thought she might be tiring. The drak had let this continue for a bit longer than he planned and now must go on the offensive.

The moriel sensed the change almost immediately and realized her mistake. The dark woman had been giving her all, thinking that the had done the same. However, she came to the knowledge that he had been only defending, to get a measure of her. Managing to twist at the last moment, she felt his first offensive blow come at her, the swirling hips and dropping shoulder saved her a knock on the head. Moving around again, she tried to attack but he was moving fast now and he presence seemed larger and wider as he spun in a whirlwind of strikes. Managing to block them all, she was feeling more winded as his fury of blows came at her, again and again. At last, she felt the blade against her neck, the point pressing in as she had been lazy with a block. A hand grasped her wrist and squeezed. She bit her lip to remain silent and held on as long as she could.

His thumb pressed into her wrist at a point to make her release the blade, twisting slightly. Nodding in respect, he removed his blindfold as she had made no sound during the disarming. A smile broached his face as the moriel hissed at him. 'Well, kill me, cur, I will not submit.'

'Nay, I would not want you to. However, I do have need of you to be cooperative.'

As the blow landed, she realized that she felt the heat of sun on her face and that its warmth would forever be a repulsive feeling. Blacking out, she would not awaken for much time. Only to do so, bound on a cold metal surface, in a dark cavern. Looking around, she could see a large room, many pews for people to sit and a great pit. Below her, she saw a figure, knelt in prayer, chanting. Whispering, she smirked, 'I see you kneel for me.'

A chill bled her face as she heard the reply, 'It is the Fire for which I kneel, to await his acceptance of the sacrifice.' She saw no fire, but off in the distance, what was that...
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Re: A Wolven's Penance

Postby marot on Fri May 21, 2010 1:13 am

He stands in the temple..or a version of it. Wavier, less solid. His fingers rubbed his eyes. Damnit, he was dead again. But now it was different, there was no body to it before. Why was he here? He heard an echoing clang as a stein was slammed down on the Anvil. He turned to see that Avatar standing on it. "So. It was you? No trick or false god? I was afraid of that. So why am I here?"
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Re: A Wolven's Penance

Postby lyllamarie on Fri May 21, 2010 1:28 am

He was no longer a man, but he was a God, sitting upon his anvil as he kept that stein upon his knee. The coalfire pits of eyes were turned to the edges of that dreamscape, where the mortal world continued and went about without him. He observed Sorgram and his hunt for a sacrifice for the Wolven. He observed the oread.. amongst others.

There was nothing beyond his ken, that wild mane furrowed by the many pushes of his fingers through it. There was no answer forthcoming to Karram. Not yet, not as he continued to drink the draught of infinity and watch the images move. There was a sense of no time here. Nothing but what the God shaped of it.

Around them, the Temple fires burned and crackled, and upon one wall a myriad of candles were lit and flickering.

"One for each of the prayers that come to me.." he motioned, voice thick as he finally spoke, motioning to it before forearm rested on his knee. ".. the ones upon that wall had begun to flicker out long before .. this.." he motioned to a wall, where darkness absorbed the pattern of once fiery candles.

There was a brief change, a flare of torch light as it burst from the empty abyss beyond. Uvelcra smiled and growled at the same time, the ground trembling when his feet stomped. The soul of the moriel would be watched intently as it was offered.

He was tempted to take it right away, and indeed the cold pallor of death would heat as a slow licking flame would begin to grow in around the woman's form. It tasted, it tested. The God's expression becoming faintly darker.

"Tell me.. Karram.. Why ARE you here?"

The dark ash of his gaze turned to the Wolven, intent on an answer.
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Re: A Wolven's Penance

Postby marot on Fri May 21, 2010 1:58 am

"I can only guess, but i'm good at that. I'd say by that candle there that since it still flickers i've not given up on you and so you have not forsaken me yet. Yet being as to the nature of my demise i'm thinking i'm not to be greeted with open arms"

Leaned on that wall looking at those darkened candles a bit sadly, sighing. His eyes met those of the god. "I still think you do not wish me on my knees begging and weeping. And my question was valid. Of why. But...the forum was woefully a bad choice by me. I should have shown restraint and bowed then. Asked why in prayer here. I do apologize for that decision"

Sighs softly. "I presumed to know how a god thinks. I am smart but that was ridiculous. But. Now i ask. Do you know of love and caring? You know I took your oread fluora under my protection. And the first thing i pictured when i saw you was her in her confused and in pain. And me being helpless to do a damn thing"
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Re: A Wolven's Penance

Postby lyllamarie on Fri May 21, 2010 1:33 pm

The flames would soon encapsulate the moriel, just as his hands clamped down upon the soul and let it fight and scream within the cup of them. The fire burst happily, greedily upon the anvil, before it diminished; leaving nothing but a steady seed of flame that flicked and glowed. That seed becoming two.

Uvelcra smirked, large arms crossing against broad chest as he looked back to the Wolven, prompting him to turn towards the male and lift up his stein. The first draught was of contemplation, staring at this mortal from across the rim, the second was pure pleasure, using his fist to wipe the remains from his beard.

"You presume to know a God, when such is not the case. You think I do not know the heart ache or cries of my people. Those I brought to this valley? Those I have protected and watched over for centuries? Does it not seem odd that only when my gifts are finally denied that those prayers are the loudest? What is the saying. You appreciate what you have lost.." a motion to those candles that still flickered and brightened. "You turn your anger on yourself when you turn to me in such a state. YOU demand answers from ME, when it was not your Gods actions which prompted him to turn silent, to let the Volcano simmer and cool.. "

There was only so much time spent in the company of a God before something had to give, and as he switched from looking from Karram to the Anvil within the Temple.. He grinned, noticing for the first time a great statue of Valecite and narrowing his eyes.

"What would you give to be back with your oread? What would it take for you to come to an understanding the gifts I give.. and that when I take them away, it is not for You to question me, but for you to question yourself.. ?"

"I will return you back to your body Karram, but you must do something for me."
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Re: A Wolven's Penance

Postby Sorgram on Sat May 22, 2010 12:33 am

The priest kneeled on aching knees. Had his temple been the only one needing ressurections? Truthfully he only cared that he needed to do them. So he knelt in supplication to his dirty of worship. For hours he had knelt, the moriel cursing him the full time.

THEN....fwoosh....the guano bathing bitch had been taken in one of the most majestic displays he had ever witnessed. Remaining on his knees, he now waited for that connection to return...and that permission granted to request the return of the two who were gone. So he knelt....waiting....hoping...prepared to chastise the wolven for not considering others that he would hurt...namely the fire draks himself...oh and the oread too.
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Re: A Wolven's Penance

Postby marot on Sat May 22, 2010 1:34 am

"I will do anything i can to protect her. And anything you ask of me. I'm sorry we cannot bring you more lit candles, but few appreciate your importance. They want sex and violence, not caring that without fire we all die. You have shown me you were my true god all along. The duality of your nature mirrors my own. Too closely i suppose. I forgot the vast difference in power between us."
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Re: A Wolven's Penance

Postby lyllamarie on Sat May 22, 2010 3:12 am

"You will go on a Quest for me.. gather stone from the mountain, and make a small shrine about eight feet in height, above five feet wide, above five feet deep. It should hold a statue that demonstrates these days to all of the world.. to all of this.. 'Empire..'. There should be a plaque, without words, made of valecite and mithril, placed below this. You must find the items yourself. Once you do, assemble them yourself where everyone can see. Then, we will be well.."

The wolven was already in the process of finding the fires of relife, and Uvelcra would trust the remaining bits to his High Priest.

The dream world would fade, and when the dawn came, only the brutal reality of the true world would be what remained for the Wolven..
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