A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby xmastersethx on Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:19 am

He watched her collect the two ales and smiled lightly to her, leaving a few more coins on the counter to stand for a heftier tip, and then he'd follow after her. A few moments of eyes lingering on the roundness of taut little bottom, and then inside the booth they went. He saw her take the seat closer to the door...clever of her. Though if she'd be quick enough was another matter altogether. Still a bit of music and ale first wouldn't be disagreeable. A warning in her head? Or perhaps another bit of inward gloating as she'd hear the sound of metal sliding on metal, the curtain being pulled shut behind them. Leaving them alone, isolated from the rest of the inn, and completely free from prying eyes.

Across the booth he'd go then, sinking into the seat as the little bard took her instrument and moved into position, "By all means begin. I'm looking forward to the performance," Of course if he had his way, and he usually did, he was looking forward to multiple performances.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby Mockingbird Sticks on Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:01 pm

Sticks let the cool ale wet her throat, then set it down. Her voice became even and dramatic, and she started speaking in a rythm familiar to performers.

"This is the tale, a tale sad and brief,
a tale of a mermaid and her lad on the reef," she put the instrument, to her lips and and rested the edge of the end on her navel, playing a solemn tune, though it was still energetic.

"She was a singer below, and he a sailor above
He noticed naught once, the song for her love" Her lips gently returned to the instrument, and raised it higher, shrilling the pitch and the song was peppier this time.

"The fish girl loved him, and loved him true
He loved the ocean, in all it's lovely blue." Now she accompanied the shawm with a single wing, rapping it's tip against the wood of the booth and the song built into something a little more frantic. The belled end of the instrument now waved to the rythm as well. She continued, her voice coming faster and a little more desperate.

"I love you my dear,' she called the the railing,
But the ship never slowed, always was sailing.
She cried out to her god, to bring her man close
But never known for mercy, was old Akakios."
The song picked up even more, until it could almost be considered raving, and now her entire body was part of the show. She writhed in time to the music, both wings strumming a patter-beat beside her, and head following the shawm as it slashed back and forth through the air. When she came up for air, her gleaming dark hair was tousled and half over her face, and her pale skin was flushed with effort.

"She watched him from the from the drink,
And he watched his ship sink.
She found his body at the ocean's bed,
And she loved him once and left him for dead.
You may think that god's reaction most trite,
But the boy loved the mermaid for the rest of his life!" She threw her head back and laughed, then pitched forward to play the shockingly cheerful and relaxed ending. When she was done, she leaned back and brought her eyes to his, to judge his reaction. "I learned it from a sailor a few weeks ago, she explained."
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby xmastersethx on Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:00 pm

Took a drink of his own ale, satisfied little sigh escaping him as he'd pull it away from his lips. His head would dip as she said she'd begin, and he'd listen to the song with rapt attention. Drinking from his beverage here and there, at first an inward frown that she was going to play such a depressing song. He hadn't come to the booth to hear a dirge...of course it wasn't as if such a tune would spoil his mood for the other things that he wanted. The tune was still lively though, and he did have an enjoyment for new music, at least until the novelty wore off and he'd make a judgement about whether he liked it or not.

His foot would be caught bouncing lightly though, foot patting into the wooden boards of the inn as her song picked up its pace. Then her entire body started to shake, to writhe and wiggle as her song grew more passionate. Would she catch it? the predatory glint that moved in his eye as he watched her move, the flick of his tongue out over his lips, almost serpent like? Of course maybe he was just catching a bit of stray ale that lingered there. As the song reached climax and she'd burst into laughter he would do the same, finding the ending more than just amusing. As the jovial laughter leaked from his lips and he'd raise a hand to stifle it with a sip, a bit off froth stuck to upper lip, "Very well played my dear. And I'm sure the appropriateness of the morbid passion of the story given the general mood of your new surroundings isn't lost on someone as clever as you."
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby Mockingbird Sticks on Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:34 am

The Chirot across from him smiled her cocky half-grin. She'd caught an odd glint in his eye, but his short, stifle laughter wasn't lost on her keen ears. She wet her throat, drinking down a good third of the tankard, and set the tankard down on the table. As daintily as she could manage, she wiped the foam off of her mouth with one finger and sucked the tip clean. Hot as the day was, the cold brew was magnificent. She brought her eyes down to the mug again, weighing her next words carefully. Sliding her wet fingertip around the mug, she responded, "Thank you, friend. No, it isn't. It's like watching wolves, bears, and mountain lions all trying to sleep in the same cave. Noone knows who the toughest predator is until he eats their heart. And even when they try to be civil, the bear plays too hard with the mountain lion and both get scarred. That was the first song any lowlander has ever taught me without being after my money, my possessions or my... dignity." She sighed, and raised her eyes back up to the necromancer across from her.

"So, friend. Do you know any good songs? Maybe a hymn in praise to your moriel goddess?" Her eyes lingered on his, and she strove to slow the panting from her performance.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby xmastersethx on Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:25 pm

He chuckled again, raising his mug toward her in a toasting motion and drained still more of his own drink, letting the now empty tankard whud down to the table lightly. His eyes latching onto her own, but he wasn't above letting his orbs be drawn to that froth covered finger, the way it slipped between her lips to he suckled clean. Of course he'd seen the razor sharp teeth inside of that mouth of hers..so perhaps following the line of that temptation wouldn't be the best course of action...but her panting body causing pert breasts to heave distracted him quickly enough from that morbid thought.

"I may know a ditty or two my dear, but particularly in regard to my goddess? Well, the question you need to ask yourself is how do you know that in return I won't be after something in return. Certainly not money or posessions...and perhaps it depends on how you define your diginity." He'd say with smile growing more wicked. It was dark flirtation, or at least could be seen as that, a more playful side to the polite human she'd been speaking to. Or she'd see it for what it was, perhaps the only sign of what a real predator he was before he'd make his move.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby Mockingbird Sticks on Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:11 pm

The Chirot had tried to play out all of her options, but planning never had been her forte. She had run up to a block on this very moment. She knew very well that she could be imagining the feral glint in his eyes when she got flirty, sexy though it was. On the other hand, most of her playing-with-fire scars had healed, erased as if her lesson had never been learned. And he was damned interesting. 'Play it scary,' she thought, supressing the shudder and forcing herself to move fluidly. She began to wish that she had a dagger of some sort to hide in her bodice. Sticks gave him a wicked, razorblade grin. "I said they were after those things. Not that they got them," she bluffed, putting all of her effort not to let any bitterness into her voice. She softened, grin slackening into a languid half-smile as she took another healthy pull from the mug, finishing it out. "To clarify, friend, my dignity is simply my ability to say no. I've been known to lose it to drink and circumstance, but those are all my choice." She stared dead into his eyes, hoping that he didn't notice the bead of nervous sweat pushing through it's heat-created relatives down her cheek, onto her chin, and finally onto her breast.

Every instinct told her to run. She wasn't a fighter. What was she doing, staring down a man that she now knew full well was one hell of a lot more dangerous than he had first appeared.

The part she couldn't understand was why she WAS still here. She tried telling herself that it was to start her reputation as a dangerous woman not to be messed with. Deep down, she knew that she was still here because of that animal stare. Whether it was because she wanted him or she couldn't help but play with danger, that part was certainly a point of contention. Of course, the fact that the first creeping relaxation from her tankard had begun just as she realised all of this didn't help anything.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby xmastersethx on Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:56 pm

He laughed and it was a deep and jovial sound, his hand reaching out to grip his mug and he'd rise as if going to fetch another drink. Slinking around the table still laughing before he was nearly right beside her, and it woudl stop as suddenly as it began. Face still showing heavy lines of mirth, but his eyes were back to that feral hunger...and perhaps in these moments the wolf showed his truest gaze. "Well, I never plan on taking away your ability to say no Sticks, but the real thing to consider, is whether I'll even heed the word or not." And with that mug was dropped. Tankard meant to fall before her eyes, a moments distraction perhaps, or maybe he really wanted the free hand, as he'd move.

His weight pressing down against her, pinning her to the back of that couch, the pert perkiness of those breast flattened to broad and powerful chest, the deep slide of them evident, grind as he'd try and settle his form against her. Just trying to get enough pressure so that if she wanted to struggle, it would be a wrestling match. Something he knew he could easily win. Head turn, lips searching, dragging along her neck and tongue flicked out to lay a long but light trail of saliva on the soft flesh in a taste of her, "Mmmm...delicious little bardess..." He'd whisper out breathily as she'd feel a palm sliding down her side, gripping into her hip, holding her there and against him firmly, whispering into her ear so softly, "Be a good girl for me Sticks...do as I say...and nothing bad need happen to you."
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby Mockingbird Sticks on Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:04 pm

Sticks watched him, warily but with interest, adding a small chuckle to his laughter, just to keep things light. She muttered a dark curse under her breath the second the human's steps brought him between her and quick escape. Chills ran up her spine as his laughter stopped, and she crouched in the seat, preparing to make the dangerous choice of taking wing indoors. When the cup dropped, her reflexes snapped and she backhanded it away, inadvertantly opening herself to his lunge. When his weight crushed her she struggled, trying to squirm her way into a more open area. Hands gripped, held firm, legs wrapped around him for leverage currently useless to her, she tried to shy away from his questing lips but couldn't deny the tingle they left. It had been a while, after all.

She went limp underneath of him relaxing and catching her breath. She didn't struggle against his searching hand, even when it drew her hips against his. The chirot musician put the small, creeping feelings rising in her in some dark and primal corner of her mind, to glare coldly back at him. "Sorry, friend. I've never been very good at taking direction." She lunged, then, sharp teeth flashing and seeking to bite his face.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby xmastersethx on Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:28 pm

He was surprised to feel those lithe little legs of hers wrap around his waist. A surprised bit of eagerness from the lovely little chirot? No he felt a light push, trying to wedge her body against his for leverage...of course with their difference in weight and the way he had her pinned to that chair, she'd find that any hard pushes of those hips would only erve to grind the tender portions between her thighs and perhaps taut little rear directly onto his crotch. Any such friction would be met with a dull pulse and the beginings of an idea of the slumbering serpent that lay slightly plumped beneath the silken folds.

He felt her go limp and he smiled at her, something akin to tenderness on his features even as hunger burned in his eyes, "That's a good girl.." Then her words, the coldness of them putting him on guard. Turning his body roughly, releasing his hold on her, but his weight still vey much against her as he'd turn his body to let teeth sink into his shoulder. THe enchantments of his robe should hold, but that didn't mean he wouldn't feel the pinch of those sharp teeth clasping around robed flesh. His hand coming up to grip her hair and tear her head back if he must, "You'll regret every bit you fight girl..."
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby Mockingbird Sticks on Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:33 pm

Sticks felt elation as his grip slackened, and she pushed against the chair with her wings, pressing upwards with all of her vaunted might. A sinking feeling hit her as she realised that her mouth wasn't filling up with blood so much as cloth. Too strong, she thought in the part of her mind that could still think. Must be enchanted. Just as she realised that she wasn't getting anywhere by gnawing on him, her head was jerked back as her scalp felt a wrenching pain. She relinquished the useless hold on his robe, panting with the effort of her fight. Barring a lucky shot, she knew that he was afar too strong for her. And a priest, no less!

Her eyes rolled in panic, seeking some kind of aid even as tears began to well up. "So, what now?" shedemanded. "You just take me here? What if someone comes to stop you?" Gripping her empty tankard and swinging for the the fences, she knew that it was useless, but this bastard was a monster. No telling what kind of depraved things he would do to her, and she would be damned before she let him think that she was okay with the idea. And even with all of the rebellion welled up in her, she was deliciously conscious of that growing, throbbing, warm organ pushing against her rapidly moistening womanhood. But damned again if he would let him glimpse the slight spark of hunger in her eye before she closed it and turned from his piercing stare.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby xmastersethx on Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:57 pm

Carthad couldn't help but laugh at that suggestion from her, all the more amused by the way her eyes turned toward that curtain, as if praying that her white knight would burst in with sword drawn to slay the beast of a necromancer that had planted his frame atop her. "You mean what if one of the brave heroes from the empty inn we just moved from decided to push aside a curtain into a situation they know nothing about? People aren't so foolish here Sticks.." He'd say and throw himself against her hard, his entire body in a crushing gesture as her arm swung with that mug. It would imapct bluntly on his back and he'd give a grunt, but he meant for the impact against her to be thunderous, hopefully knocking the air from her, as well as the makeshift weapon from her hand.

He was careful enough not to break thin little bones for now though...but she was tempting him. "Yes girl, I'm going to have you...I'm going to very much enjoy your sweet little body, and if you want to ensure there's no permanent damage, I'd once more suggest your cooperation." He'd say as his right hand came between them. Gripping the front of that top and darkly arcane words would be muttered, the necromancer's infection spell whispered and the fingers would shift. Melding together as skin receded into wicked green talons that would grip into that fabric and shred through it as if it were liquid before his hand. Ribbons slashed, but flesh carefully avoided to free firm perky breasts, his head against her neck, nipping sharply and giving a wet suckle to tender flesh.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby Mockingbird Sticks on Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:28 am

The Bardess' heart sank as she truly heard the truth in his words. Noone was coming, and she was all but powerless. She grunted as all of the breath left her lungs in a rush, forced by his superior weight. Her ribs, light and thin, creaked but held out. She went slack again, but this time it was no ruse. The tankard clattered to the floor as her arm hung limp, leaving her chest exposed to him as she struggled to force air into her system again. Her eyes caught his foul magic at work, transforming his hand into a grotesque claw, and she was enthralled with the horror of it. Her first real gasp of air came as the shock of the warm summer air hit her suddenly exposed breasts, and she squirmed weakly, now. She once again wished vehemently for a dagger to plunge into his neck.

A soft sob escaped her as his teeth nibbled the skin of her neck, a display of dominance taken, not given. She spotted her last chance, knowing that the whip she used as a belt would do no good this close. Her shawm lay forgotten on the table, and she reached for it. "If..." she gasped again as a particular grinding thrust brought his tumescence against her painfully eager sex. "If noone will punish you... I'll have to!" She grabbed her shawm and awkwardly swung it at his lower back, trying to get him to raise up so she could jam the pointed reed into his face or throat, anything to take that pulsing, hungry viper away from her panties and give her a moment's relief to think. Her breath was labored, now, though no longer entirely from his assaults. The voice inside her that wanted her to let him ravish her was growing stronger, and it scared her as much as he did. Almost.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby xmastersethx on Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:58 pm

He had studied her closely earlier, indeed she'd let him take in every inch of her body in hopes to make an easy mark of him. He knew there were no weapons on her form unless she had a blade -very- clevery hidden...and as he was groping and shredding her clothes the places she could hide them were becoming fewer still. His head went down, that one hand still in her hair, holding it back, keeping her painfully arched as the taloned claw went lower. His mouth found her breasts, and that tongue would dart over those pert mounds with ravenous intent. Tongue rolling in the valley between, tracing light circles around, but never quite touching sweet buds of her nipples. No those sensitive little nubs would be tortured in the moments to come.

Interrupted in that plan though as the shawm struck his back and a growl left him, his head did indeed shoot up but it wasn't the only thing that occured. The taloned hand had moved to cup her rear and in hte moments of impact his hand tightened reflexively. The closing palm tore the fabric over her tight left cheek to shreds as well, but uncontrolled as it was, a trio of razor thin but just as sharp and painful lines would be drawn in her flesh, cutting into her perfect rump with those claws as he'd snarl from the impact. The scent of fresh blood stiking his nose, "Keep it up girl...and there will be many...and far more obvious scars."
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby Mockingbird Sticks on Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:56 pm

Sticks gasped and reared up, unintentionally grinding her body against his attempting to escape the explosion of pain from her rear. She dropped the instrument and gripped the shoulders of his robe. Her whole body shook with adrenaline from the cuts, and her breath was ragged as she stared tearily at him. She hadn't felt this exposed in a long time, clothes in tatters, ravenous monster on top of her, staring down at her nudity. Her chest heaved, with sweat beading over her skin even as her nipples stood erect from the excitement and sudden exposure to the air. Her pale face, flushed and tear-streaked, stared innocently up at him with pleading eyes and parted lips.

"N... no...." she whispered, trailing off. Her eyes clenched shut and she turned her head as far as she could with his hand knotted so in her hair.
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Re: A Brave New Land (Open for anything)

Postby xmastersethx on Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:14 pm

That grip into his shoulder, that arch of her form, almost making her body -feel- eager even as tears welled up in her eyes. He'd pull off of her a bit, standing once more, even as his hand stayed in her hair, keeping that tight hold as she dropped her only 'weapon' instrument falling to the side. The claws he'd used to slice those thin stinging lines into her bottom were in front of him now, "That's better...now you're starting to understand. I've been so gentle with you up until this point...I could get so much rougher."

Taloned fingers manipulated to delicately pluck free the sash of his robe and the folds would slide open before her eyes. Framing down the middle and exposing that flesh, partial expanse of broad and powerful chest. THe smoothness of flat and toned stomach, teasing glimspes of statuesgque thighs, tight in their crouched power as he'd lean over her. Lastly, between them, hanging low with hint of fatness, yet still to heavy to stand on its own, that girthy apendage would hang. "I would suggest giving in..."
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