RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

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RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:41 pm

Katherine Bone Smigel To all Marc's online friends. I am sad to say that Marc Van Hatten Passed away Sunday evening at Surrey Memorial Hospital, at the age of 29. He fought his disease long and hard. We will miss our friend. There will be a memorial at Fraser Heights funeral home, On Thursday November 18th at 2:00 pm.

I'm sorry to have to report that we lost another dear friend on November 14th. We all have memories of him, the gimp with attitude, whether we were friend or foe, he was always honest in his opinions, sometimes too much so. His quests were some of the most memorable, he worked hard to help new players and improve the game for everyone.

Marc meant a lot to me, both as a friend and as a rper. I was worried about him, have been for a while, though he denied anything was wrong. I'll write more later, right now I can still hear him, yelling at me, that if I get my asthma messed up crying about him and end up in the hospital he'll kick my ass, so I'm going to go for now.
Please don't decollar fluora, from Karram, I don't know what I'm doing with her yet.
I'm intending to write up a glorious death in battle for Marot.

thank you,
gwyneth/fluora/ me.

Marc played the following characters, amongst others: Marot, Paige_Rhaine, Seridaen, Andrew Talos, Heljhen and Karram Fartham
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Myra on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:47 pm

Never going to forget Marot and Myra's experiences together. They really made Myra who she was and left us both laughing so many times. (who else would dare to tell Myra she was hardly worth a copper and stick one up...)

Marc was/is a great friend and always so full of life, never did I hear him complain of what life handed him and he always looked forward to what was going to come his way. His quests were the best that I've seen, so well thought out and he honestly gave everything he had to this place. He will be missed without a doubt.. for who is Myra suppose to yell at now ...
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Greywind on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:49 pm

Oh jesus, no, please...
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Archaon on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:50 pm


What can you say about a guy who has been both a good person, and sometimes an obnoxious dick? I mean that in a good way of course. He was entertaining. Funny. You knew things were gonna go into chaos when he was around. He had great ideas, great ambition to do things he set his mind to whether or not it got him into trouble with us. You just couldn't help but laugh in the end when he did his thing.

Marot always made me laugh, even if I was mad with him for being crazy. I'm gonna miss you bro. More than you will know. *settles an oreo pile next to his place in the world*
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Ehlanna on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:51 pm

This is something I have been expecting, and dreading, ever since I first knew the pecky little Canuck.
He was a pest, that cannot be denied but, there was a spark to him. So many times he came so close to getting a ban in some way sharp or form - and he did get a couple!

He did not ask for, nor did he need (or get), any special treatment due to his illness. How he remained so cheerful, exasperating and just ... so Marot (that has got to be a new noun!) in the face of his woes I do not know.

What I do know is that he will be missed. By me, by others, whether or not he got in their faces and annoyed them. There is a slightly scratchy-shaped hole in TLI ...

Goodbye Marc, and thank you for letting me be your friend at a distance.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby taria on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:52 pm

We were a bit hit and miss in getting along throughout the years, but Marot was always a good man. He was always there to lend an ear to anyone who was down in the dumps, to help a newcomer, or to just offer a bit of a smile to anyone who needed it. He will be missed greatly in the world of Belariath. One would hope that we could not take for granted those we interact with here on a daily basis, perhaps, we should all burry the hatchet on bad blood as we never know if we have the chance to fix it before it is too late.

I had the sheer luck that he and I had the chance to make things right before he passed, for that, I am ever greatful as he was a good friend for as long as I could remember; perhaps one of the first I had here in this game, and one of the first to remember me when I came back after each and every hiatus I took through the years.

To those I don't get along with for whatever reason, I'm sorry.. For those I may have hurt through the years, I'm sorry.. I will not spend time on dwelling in bad blood oocly.. Ic.. it happens.. but ooc? I am going to take this as a wakeup call as I could have still been on bad terms with this brilliant person who has done nothing more than make me smile through the years.

We will all miss him, as we do the other players we have lost through the years; and I hope that he will find himself in the legends area of the site as he is just that. You could not come to Belariath without knowing who Marot was.. or one of his characters.. He was a big personality, with a big heart, and a big following of friends who will all cry over this loss, I know I already have. We love and miss you Marot!
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Twerlinger on Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:55 pm


I didn't know you to well and yes we had a couple of run-ins, but you were defiantely a spark in this place, someone who made things exciting, unpredictable and enjoyable to be around or even just watch as things unfolded.

You will be missed lots. I have no true words to say expect.. I wish you the best wherever you are now and hope that you are still being you
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby kitten on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:00 pm

no words can describe the level of sadness.

with hope, he is in a perverts heaven and flipping us off wearing a feathered purple hat.

And maybe a few kilts to look under met him at the door.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby RazyCal on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:02 pm

At the palace ball for the Halloween party...I met up with a ghoulish person. We had changed our names to be our costumes so I didn't know right away who the wolven was I was playing with...I admit, I cheated and checked his whois...I realized is was Marot as Karram and it was a wonderful rp. We played around the costume ball, eating food and dancing and eventually doing some...tli-things. I didn't realize he was so sick. My favorite memory has to be when Naidra and I first opened the SaS back up and we had a special tasting with him. He always called me a whore after that and that may seem mean and weird but I guess you know his sense of humor. I loved watching him talk about Canada...It was hilarious. During the winter olympics when the world was watching Canada too, it was so funny to see what he would say. I'll miss him a lot...I never went on one of his quests but he went on quite a few quests with me and he was a hoot each time. I'm so glad I got to play with him on Halloween...He will be missed
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Stormbringer on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:04 pm

I've had to ban or kick him more than once for being that obnoxious dick but in the end he was always part of the TLI family, even if he was the mad uncle we had to keep locked in the topmost tower and only let out when it was a full moon.

The world is always a poorer place when someone who gives more than they take is removed from it and the world of Belariath is poorer today.

As I have unfortunately had to say in the past in similar circumstances, please leave any online obituary pages for those who knew him in real life and post your memorials here. Once people have had time to reflect I'll take their memories and tributes for a special web page.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Zeph on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:06 pm

Marot was an amazing man and a great friend. And i am greatful to have been able to call him friend.

I have known him for nearly as long as i had been at TLI , which was close to 10 years. And he will be greatly missed.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby lyllamarie on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:13 pm

Wow.. He was my age. I can't believe he's gone. That just squeezes the heart. A lot to digest. I don't even think this game will be the same, certainly not OOC.

I knew he had been missing for a while, he was there however a few weeks ago. Big Breaking Ben fan. He loved Quests, coming up with new events and offering his input on others. He was SUCH a pain in the ass, so many times his character's.. HIS exuberance got him and his quest party in trouble, all because he wanted to be the hero.

I can't seem to go further into just big a part of the game he was, its not measurable. It's just felt. I, am really going to miss him.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Aramis on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:15 pm

I admit I didn't know Marot that well, and we butted heads the few times we bumped into each other ICly. However, I can't deny his spirit. Even when we didn't get along, he wouldn't back down, and I admired that.

I'll never forget the day, years ago, when Mayalaya ran into my elven ranger/druid Lucius. She was currently on an "exterminate all chirot" kick, and had pulled off a large scene involving piglets dressed as chirot, with little fake wings, and names painted on their sides. Once she was done, she was just going to sell them off to the butcher, until Lucius rescued the one named Marot from her. Ever since then, he's raised the little piglet into a full sized pig. I always did have fun teasing him about that, he'd get so flustered, but would laugh it off in good humor. He was always a good sport, so I'll never forget that.

If anyone wants the Marot-piggy, free of charge, let me know. Otherwise, I'm just going to give him to the temple of Gaea. That joke's lost its appeal.
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Elise`whitepaw on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:17 pm

i will miss him to dearly... he was a fantastic friend helping out when i needed some one or felt worthless he made me feel better... i tried tho help him when i could too...

i remember how i got to know him he was being a dick... so i called him on it... form that calling him out we talk for hours... i get to know him and we came to be friends
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Re: RIP Marot/Karram/Paige/Andrew Talos

Postby Miss Magical on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:26 pm

If I were to think of you, the fleeting moments would not do,
If I were to think of you, it's not few words that I would choose,
If I were to think of you, the few times we talked I cannot pick,

Because when I think of you, it's always the smiles that will remain.

I'm new here, so I can't -- and won't -- claim to know much. The name Marot isn't something that I remember too sharply, with as many memories as anyone else can claim to have made to fall back on for comfort, but I do remember the few conversations I had with him to be the type that made me grin that honest sort of smile that I love having on my face, and my memory is bad enough that it's all I'd ever hope to get from someone so easily. But I do believe that those who show strength and spirit are rewarded, someway and somehow, so I'll offer this hope that where-ever you are, where-ever you go, you always show that strength and spirit, Marot.
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