
News, information and discussion about the tower of Unigo

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Postby Archaon on Sat May 03, 2008 8:51 am


Research is the basis of magic, potion and poison. Without research, magic would not come to pass, potions would not be brewed, and poisons unavailable to use. Using research, one can dabble long and hard, using many different elements and ingredients to bring something to life. An opportunity, if you will, to create something anew, be it a spell, an enchantment, a potion, or a poison.

What Can Be Researched?

A long debate on what could be open for this profession has garnered a small list of subjects that can be researched. This list may be added on to in the future. Each type of research also has a relevant skill next to it that if the research has can add to their research roll which will be further explained momentarily. Please note that the skill isn’t necessary to have in order to do the research, these just simply add to your research roll.

*Magic Spells (Enchanting)
*Potions (Potionmaking)
*Poisons (Alchemy)
*Enchantments (Enchanting)
*Special projects (varies depending on the project)

Research does not take a single day to discover something that could turn mithril into something unique and extremely priceless, nor does it take an entire lifetime to make something simple. The idea behind this is to create a concept to roleplay, offering a path that could take weeks, even months, of play to truly bring something unique and special to the world. It is an opportunity to say "Hard work and determination have paid off" when something that you've strived to bring to the world has been successful.

It must be noted that for RP/work log purposes it is completely alright for a player to RP out researching a spell/enchantment/potion/etc that is already in existence, perhaps in an attempt to improve it. When this is done just for the sake of generating RP you do not have to go through the process of getting it approved and further more DO NOT make a note of it in the researcher's log section. The researchers log section is specifically for new projects that have been approved.

When choosing what to research, due to the advance Illusion rooms, a researcher can work on any sphere they wish to work on:

Who Can Be Researchers?

Unfortunately, not everyone can become a researcher. The concepts of creation and discovery will be a difficult, and sometimes frustrating thing. Einstein didn't discover the Theory of Relativity in a day's time, and he wasn't the brightest at Math. Researchers will be able to collaborate with the Towers of Magic, the Silent Embrace, Healing House, and the Apothecary to create wonderous things. As such, the following are requirements to become a researcher.

*You must be at least Level 10
*Must have a magical class, either Single or Dual Class

For those who are level 1-9 do not fret, you can still become a part of Either Unigo or Umbara as an assistant researcher. You can help the researchers in their work but you cannot work on your own projects. This will add a small bonus to the research roll of 5%

How Does Research Work?

This took a lot of thought. As mentioned before, research doesn't yield perfect results in a single day. In fact, it would be highly unfair if that were the case. Research takes time and patience. A short guideline is provided below on how this will work, and hopefully bring exciting new play to the world.

First, before any IC research begins, a concept idea must be presented to be looked over. If the idea is widely accepted, then IC research can begin. It must be a unique idea, and not anything that deviates from anything that currently exists. Having 20 variations of one thing would defeat the purpose. The person designated as the head of research is whom you have to seek out to propose your idea so that he/she can make sure the write up for your idea is in tune with what the Dev team would like to view it. Only one thing can be researched at a time. Every researcher will have his or her own section for research in order to properly track their progress.

A Percentage roll (using a 1d100) can be performed after 1 month of IC research. The base success of research begins at 10% + one percent for each magical class taken + 1 percent for each rank of a relevant skill towards the research. (Example: Joe, a level 30 Firemage x5 with master level potionmaking, wishes to research a potion that grants him temporary nightvision. After 1 month, he is able to determine success of his research, which will be 20%. 10% base, plus 5% from his x5 firemage levels, plus 5% from his mastery in potionmaking. Had he been assigned a research assistant he would have had 25%. Failure does not necessarily mean the research is a waste however. Each failure adds an additional 10%. This is where patience and determination pays off. Note! A research roll may only be performed once every month.

So How does the roll work?
Once your rate of success is determined, the head of magical research, or an op present will witness you rolling a !r 1d100. You must roll lower or equal to your rate of success. In the above example, Joe's level of success was 20%. If his roll was 20 or below, then it is a success. If his roll was 21 or higher, then it is a failure. He has to spend another month performing the research and can then try again, but this time his chance of success will be 30% due to the added 10% from the previous failure. Each Failure or success must be annotated in the researchers note page (not to be confused with tower work log) with date, name of witness, and the roll.

The following skills once learned can help raise your pay (20 mhl for each level gained in said skill):
Alchemy, Enchanting, Potionmaking, and Scribe
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Re: Research

Postby Archaon on Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:38 pm

After some trial and error with this facet of employment, I have reduced the level requirement to become a researcher to level 10. Hopefully this may prove to be a beneficial and entertaining path of employment for those whom are interested :)
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Re: Research

Postby Neko Nightstalker on Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:37 pm

will research be open to just employees or any mage?
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Re: Research

Postby Adonai on Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:50 am

Neko Nightstalker wrote:will research be open to just employees or any mage?

As such, the following are requirements to become a researcher.

*You must be at least Level 10
*Must have a magical class, either Single or Dual Class

Honestly would think it would have some requirement of some type of contract atleast though.
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Re: Research

Postby Neko Nightstalker on Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:45 am

it says to become a researcher. so does becoming a researcher mean getting hired by the tower or simply having the prereq?
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Re: Research

Postby Ishtori on Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:30 pm

Though I am the head librarian I am not able to say this for sure. My thought on the matter would be that you have to be an employee since they are the only ones who'd have access to the instalations of the tower to do the research... However Takao would be the one who'd say yes or no.
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Re: Research

Postby Takao on Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:25 pm

A researcher would be someone who works for the tower. After all, we can't have just anyone walking in off the street to make full use of our facilities.
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Re: Research

Postby Joshua_Jericho on Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:35 pm

Just drawing on a thought or two I had a while back.. could bringing new spells into the game be potentially added to the list of tasks for researchers? As in, when some helpful person makes an OOC spell suggestion, gets it approved by Dev, etc - it then gets passed over onto the researchers to make reality?

Just a thought. Looks good though, and eagerly anticipate the RP which this will bring.

Oh, and one more thing. To encourage that RP, do you think there's an opening for "assistant" positions, open to characters below level 10, (but still magical classes), who could take notes, make the coffee, play gopher, etc? It just seems a way to keep the Research RP from becoming lots of monologue. Not that there's anything wrong with monologue!

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Re: Research

Postby Takao on Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:08 pm

I would say something like that would be possible. At the very least we always need test subjects.
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Re: Research

Postby Vysanth on Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:07 pm

I simply adore this idea.

I wouldn't be up for Research as a Job (ie Mhl-earning), as I don't play often, but if I play say once or twice or week, how much Research would be needed to qualify as 1 month ?
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Re: Research

Postby Ishtori on Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:57 pm

Depending on whether you take full time or part time.

Full time requires an hour per week.
Part time is only half an hour.

Also depending on the place you might be required to put your work every single week or just that by the end of the month you just have the total required time. Not sure how Takao handles on this though I prefer when it's counted monthly since sometimes people just don't have the time to do it every week but can easly put the monthly time anyway.
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Re: Research

Postby miyuka on Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:46 pm

In addition the following skills will help to improve your pay as a researcher:

Alchemy, Enchanting, Potionmaking, scribe
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Postby Lindor on Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:30 pm


Re: Research

Postby miyuka on Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:04 pm

You need to talk to one of the tower heads for that. This isn't the proper forum for employment seeking.
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