Non-Denominational Bondings

Questions and suggestions relating to deities and temples

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Re: Non-Denominational Bondings

Postby One on Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:43 pm

Couple of things that I'm seeing here that I'd like to address from a personal level:

From Almondus:
Bondings can be as much about property and alliances as anything else.

In the case of Infernis and Winn, there -are- slaves and property to consider. Although there is no financial advantage to consolidating estates or fortunes or those sorts of things in character, slaves and their players were a factor in our decision. I totally agree with this, thank you for the input.

From Miyuka and Miss Magical:
I've been wondering, what's the importance of a bonding being officially recognized by the empire?

The importance comes - in this case - from a purely IC standpoint. Those who know Infernis and Winn as characters and may be aware of the personalities and evolution involved might understand that this is an enormous step for both. Years in the making. Understand that one half of this whole also mostly shares your views .. That 'marriage is just a piece of paper' is in Infernis' IC world view .. Where the character comes from, such unions were only made for political and financial gain. He's -made- the leap with Winn IClie, has crossed the line from that way of thinking. Winn began the game as a vapid, submissive slavegirl innocent and is now a scholar, an artist, and a slave owner in her own right. This is about character evolution. The decision to bond or handfast was made with the proper gravitas.

I appreciate all of the attention that L`aquera and Stormbringer have given to this topic, given that versions of it have occurred in the past .. I agree with both proposals in Stormbringer's post and feel that 'handfasting' is the best term, and Reeve officiation is the best solution.

It may just be two signatures and an exchange of rings, but it took a lot of time and effort to get here. May the groom fuck the bride on the Reeve's desk.
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Re: Non-Denominational Bondings

Postby miyuka on Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:09 pm

Ok I think my question was misinterpreted. What I meant was why does it have to be officially recognized by the empire? Why can't you be bonded (such as Miyuka and Braids) by a religion that isn't recognized by the empire? In my case, I wrote a little short story about it that is on the website. That's what I was concerned about. Not that I'm against the reeve or the captain of a ship or what have you, being able to preside over such things. That only adds to the RP potential and sounds like a great idea.
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Re: Non-Denominational Bondings

Postby Infernis on Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:32 pm

miyuka wrote:Ok I think my question was misinterpreted. What I meant was why does it have to be officially recognized by the empire? Why can't you be bonded (such as Miyuka and Braids) by a religion that isn't recognized by the empire? In my case, I wrote a little short story about it that is on the website. That's what I was concerned about. Not that I'm against the reeve or the captain of a ship or what have you, being able to preside over such things. That only adds to the RP potential and sounds like a great idea.

1) Infernis is disdainful of religion to the point of open mockery. And he's seen the gods in person a few times. Had beers with Uvelcra. Twice. He has no issues with the gods, personally, but religion makes him lol. He has no religion aside from his own overweaning arrogance and self-confidence.

2) I'd like to see it officially recognized simply because that is the 'climax' of this bit of character development. Bonding is seen as a connection of two free-willed equals, and getting it 'officially' noted is basically a mutual announcement of this fact.

Infernis and Winn already have the relationship, they already see each other as mates and equals and partners, this is just a way of letting everyone else know, of telling everyone else what Winn and Infernis already know.

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Re: Non-Denominational Bondings

Postby miyuka on Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:13 pm

Ohhh, I got ya. Can definetlly dig that. Nobles and Reeves being able to preform such a service for non-religious weddings would be awesome. *offers pink streamers and confetti* totally should use my place for it...
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Re: Non-Denominational Bondings

Postby Stormbringer on Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:45 pm

The propsals I made are going to stand as decisions.

If the Reeve doesn't feel able to perform civil ceremonies s/he can employ a suitable scribe to assist.

Handfastings can be listed in a topic on the board somewhere, if a central record is desired, but carry no imperial benefits.

Those being joined can make whatever pre-nup arrangements that they want but they sre strictly between the two characters/players. Admin will not get involved either IC or OOC to sort out any subsequent problems.

Those who want to do it can obviously have this arrangement reinforced by a second, tribal ceremony if it helps their gameplay. This is for a case where, for example, the correct way for the OoglyBoogly tribe of Trolls to mark a union is for the bride and groom to walk three times round the circumference of the fattest member of the tribe whilst reciting the alphabet backwards. Those secondary ceremonies should be privately arranged. They will not form a part of the Reeve's handfasting which is a standard ceremony for all comers.
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