V.E.G.A. - (To be Renamed and Reworked)

The province of Valencia

Moderator: Sorgram

V.E.G.A. - (To be Renamed and Reworked)

Postby Zeph on Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:09 pm


The VEGA serve Valencia and the Lord Steward Viceroy but above all else the VEGA serve the Emperor through the Viceroy. Valencian Guards do not worry themselves over trivial matters. People being raped, small skirmishes between citizen, unless Imperial property is damaged, or other such matters or conflicts that do not warrant the attention of the Viceroy’s guard, unless any of them is meant to tarnish the Viceroy's or Emperor's good name or property. The small matters are beneath them as it is just daily life occurring and they will not waste their time and energy to solve these issues unless given a direct order by Viceroy to do so. The Valencian Guards view their purpose as the overall protection of the area of Valencia in the air and land. This protection extends to all properties within the lands, both private and Imperial, including damage and theft or as decreed by the Lord Steward Viceroy.

Collaborative Efforts:

VEGAs and the IGs are separate units but function for the same greater good of the Empire. The Imperial Guards are the main fighting force whose coverage encompasses the entire entity of the growing Empire. VEGAs function is to maintain order, protect the Empire's interests, and serve the Emperor Strombringer's wishes under the orders of the Viceroy. Within the borders of Valencia, unless the greater threat draws them to other regions in the Empire. Their orders come from that of the Viceroy and serve him directly to handle any situation. They are a smaller unit, but their function is just as important and vital as the larger Imperial Guard units within Nanthalion. Should the situations arise that the VEGA cannot hold back a threat in Valencia aid from the Imperial Guard, Noble houses or the Militia will not be turned away.. The Viceroy and the Imperial Guard Commander, or who ever commands the forces giving aid will work together to resolve the situation.


It is considered an honor to be selected as one of the few that will be given the right to ensure the safety of so many. That anyone chosen to serve under the Lord Steward Viceroy should show the pride of the duty that they have been given.

The Valencian Guard's primary focus is the protection of the Viceroy's personal investments,businesses.
The Empirical structures, commerce and trade are a top priority for the guards to monitor and oversee to their protection. Upon becoming an Valencian Guard, they have sworn life and limb in service to the Viceroy and the Empire during their time of duty. It is an oath to remain loyal and in service until the time comes when they are killed, dismissed from their term of service, or they choose that they have fulfilled their obligation to the Viceroy and the Empire, or wish to go on with their life as a common citizen.

It is passion for one to spend most of their time practicing and training to become better as a disciplined soldier. They spend countless hours working with other members of the VEGA so they can function well together in the case of any uprising, battle or skirmish. They study strategy and tactical formations to ensure that they will be superior in any situation where conflict arises.

Recent revelations have deemed that the expanded nature of this protection extends to the air as well as the lands immediately surrounding the enclosed valley of Valencia. The Vegan Guard has expanded it role and scope to include a branch of mephos riders called the VEGA Dragons. All members of VEGA are eligible, though as the mephos select their own riders, not all will be accepts.


The uniform consists of a simple black hooded robe with silver trim. The Crest of the Lord Steward Viceroy is stitched upon the robes back as well as on the emerald sash found pinned from the left shoulder draped across the soldier's body. Each VEGA carries a calling horn which gives off a deep, resonating sound. All soldiers are to carry the alerting horn at all times to communicate with one another. Should a situation arise, a blowing of the horn will alert any VEGA that there is trouble and their presence is required. Rank insignia are found upon the upper arm sleeve depicting their status and authority within VEGA. The emerald sash hold the same function as that of the Imperials badge, it allows those wearing t it to communicate with each other via the message spell. For those members of the Dragon Corp, the crest of the Lord Steward Viceroy is wings with a pair of dragon's wings.

VEGA's Oath

As Valencian Guard, I swear to:
Honor and Respect the Empire, Guests of Valencia, and Laws governing the Empire.
Keep myself physically strong, mentally prepared, and maintain high moral values while on duty.
While on duty, respect each member of the Guards and treat them accordingly.
Give my weapon, and life if need be, to serve the Emperor and Viceroy, their investments and follow the orders of my Superiors to the best of my ability.
Obey the orders given to me with the understanding that it is for a greater cause.
Be truthful in all matters
Behave in a manner becoming of an Valencian Guard.
Never use my status as an Valencian Guard to enforce rules upon other citizens when off duty.
Never seek out my fellow Guard to fight my personal battles
Never leave my Superior's side and remain loyal to them through thick and thin. I shall never abandon my post for this is a mark of disloyalty.
Show mercy to those begging for forgiveness.

If I break any of the Codes of the Valencian Guards, I swear to:
Accept punishment handed to me by my Superiors according to the severity of the rule broken.
Be willing to discuss my actions in a respectful manner and not hold grudges.
Do my best to correct my mistakes and to learn from them so I may not make them again

If I wish to resign from the Valencia Guards, I swear to:
Ask for my release from the Valencian Guards and will perform any tasks that are asked of me to be released.
Relinguish my uniform to my commanding superiors.


The purpose of the VEGA is to enhance role play and to provide more storylines through training, being of service, and protecting the Empire. Characters can unite under the same cause and carry out storylines together and work as a team. What is expected is that the VEGA respect the rules of the game and does not use the VEGA as a way to intimidate others OOCly. Nor ICly except in proper scenarios that are carefully controlled.

The VEGA are not a protection agency that gives the right to break rules or start fights. If you are caught doing such, severe penalties shall be given and possible bans will be put into place if this rule is not followed. If there is ever question on what you are doing or may be breaking rules, ask for an Admin ruling or your Superior's approval before taking any actions. Above all, this is for fun and to create a unique role-play atmosphere, so please do not abuse the privilege of an organized VEGA system for your own personal gain to destroy or skirt the rules governing the system or you will be removed from the position and will face an extensive ban.

VEGA have two states - on duty and off duty. On duty they work as a team in planned storylines and they fight as a team. Off duty they are individual characters and will NOT use other VEGA, whether on or off duty, to help fight their personal battles. The VEGA code of honor insists they fight for themselves, even if they are sure to lose.

Ops may direct the VEGA to appear 'on duty' for a specific purpose such as protecting an imperial building, or as part of a more complex storyline. The VEGA are not a general police force.
On duty, they should use the -VEGA modifier to their nick and may be taken to wear some visible symbol of their status.
Baron Zeph Kincade Viceroy of Valencia
Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:39 pm

Re: V.E.G.A. - Valencian Enforcement and Guidance Authority

Postby Zeph on Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:14 pm



 Level 20+ (Recommended)
 Appointed by Viceroy
 Be either physical or magical.
 Hold 5+ Ranked Skills of Soldiering or Comparable Skill
 Considered a full-time job in which employment rules apply.
 Expected to setup training events/scenarios for the unit to participate in.


 Level 15+ (Recommended)
 Appointed by General and/or Viceroy.
 Be either physical or magical.
 Considered a full-time job in which employment rules apply.
 Hold 4+ Ranked skills of Soldiering or Comparable Skill
 Expected to setup training events/scenarios for the unit to participate in


 Level 10+ (Recommended)
 Be either physical or magical.
 Considered a full-time job in which employment rules apply.
 Hold 3+ Ranked Skills of Soldiering or Comparable Skill


 Level 5+ (Recommended)
 Be either physical or magical.
 Considered a full-time or part-time job in which employment rules apply.
 Hold 2+ Ranked Skills of Soldiering or Comparable Skill


 No level requirement.
 Be either physical or magical.
 Considered a full or part-time job in which employment rules apply.
 Hold 1+ Ranked Skills of Soldiering or Comparable Skill

These restrictions are set in place to balance out the game as best they can and should be followed to the fullest extent.


First Aid/Triage
Winged Riding

Base pay:

Commander - 260mhl/mo full time + Skills
Captain - 180mhl/mo full time + Skills
Lieutenant- 100mhl/mo full time + Skills
Centurion- 80mhl/mo full time + Skills
Private- 60mhl/mo full time + Skills

Increases in pay will be given out for mastering up to two of the ranked skills giving a 10 mhl increase in pay for each skill that is mastered of officers those including Commander, Captain and Lieutenant. A 5 mhl increase for enlisted, Centurion and Private.

Benefits include running or taking part in quests and taking part in major story lines. These benefits will be given in the form of a payout by the Viceroy. Which will be approved by an Op, requested by the Viceroy.

Hiring and Promotion to next rank:

All wishing to join VEGA will start out as Private under the command of one of the Captains or Lieutenants and can be promoted for taking part in quests, events and major story lines. Promotions can be handed out by those that are set in charge and requests for promotions should be posted on the mb or sent to the Commander or the Viceroy via pm on the mb or in game.
Baron Zeph Kincade Viceroy of Valencia
Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:39 pm

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