What TLI will never put up with

News from the admin relating to developments in the roleplay, changes to the web site, etc

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What TLI will never put up with

Postby L`aquera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:15 am

JUST recently, we had a fairly new player go off to create his own channel. This is not a bad thing, we don't really care nor mind. It was a Role Playing sexually based channel. Again, nothing wrong with it. Not until we caught wind that he was privately pm'ing people asking them to Join his channel. This raised red flags, it is considered piracy/pilfering of our players, but.. thats also a grey area. As long as there is no out right advertising or speaking of your channels you chose to make, it is not our business. What did become our business, was when we found out that people were role playing out very young children, being .... well I can't go into it. Its purely disgusting. It was disturbing on so many many levels that I can't even type it out.

What we do here as adults and the very reason we don't allow people coming in here as PC's under the consenting age of 18. Is that we all understand we ARE adults, not children that could get in the way of something... that... that.. oh my god I still can't say it....... I admit there aren't a lot of things as an adult I can't talk about but this is one of them, not because I want to keep someones privacy, because that will be wiped away, but because its damned fucking disturbing!!!! I don't even want others having to know what was done and condoned by this player that USED to be in TLI. NO LONGER! TLI will NOT support any kind of channel that supports.. that.. ever.

This is to let all our players know, and our future players, that if you go into this mans channel, you are no longer welcome here, because then you are condoning that sort of.. disgusting, behavior. And we won't be associated with it. End of subject. Non-negotiable.

The player was Aiden, and his channel was Blackheart Castle. No it wasn't on this, sorcery server, or I'd have it tossed off the server since they will not condone it either.

So if you know someone going over there, or are going over there? Get out. Stay out. If we find out, you'll be out. Thats it.

SB will be making a statement tomorrow morning on this subject.
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Re: What TLI will never put up with

Postby CallieO on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:52 am

I could not agree with you more.
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Re: What TLI will never put up with

Postby Stormbringer on Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:15 pm

Piracy itself can be something of a gray area because players often talk about other places that they play in whilst still being an active member of TLI. So the best definition of it is players who visit OOC and do nothing in active roleplay, just promote an alternative game. It's a variation on trolling for private play.

What is not, and never will be a gray area is the involvement of children in any capacity. Most of you know that I run erotic art sites. You may also know that we don't allow any depiction of a person that is (or appears to be) underage. Not on the sidelines. Not even on their own in a gallery of non-erotic art there. And certainly not in any way taking part in sexual activities. We've allowed practically every other topic as valid artistic expression but never that.

That stance has carried over into every roleplaying channel that I've owned. We don't allow characters or NPC's under the age of 18. Not for any reason. You want to play your character being pregnant? We allow that but you can never bring the offspring into TLI. You want to do age play where one of the characters appears to be a bit under 18? Different societies have different opinions and different laws about the age of consent and we recognise that. We don't get involved if you keep it away from TLI. You don't co-channel it. You don't talk about it in OOC. You don't play it here.

That's where our tolerance ends. The sexual involvement of a pre-pubescent child has no place whatsoever in any civilized society. The fantasy of such an act has no place in any art or roleplay with which I will be associated. I have no time whatsoever for anyone who finds such imaginary acts amusing or stimulating. Nor for anyone who knowingly condones such acts.

Let's be very clear about this because I don't want any misunderstanding. We're not going to crucify you if you unknowingly wander into such a roleplay and immediately leave when you realise what is happening. But if you:

- play such activities
- stay and watch such activities as an observer
- run or remain an active member of any roleplay which condones such activities
- promote such roleplays to TLI players

then you have no place in this community.

There's no three-strikes. There's no being allowed back after a year, or five years. If you have any part in acting out, promoting, or condoning a roleplay which includes the sexual abuse of any pre-pubescent child you will be permanently and irrevocably removed from TLI.
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Re: What TLI will never put up with

Postby taria on Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:40 pm

Oh dear god.. Thank you guys for doing this.. As a mum, I cannot say enough how much putting a stop to this behavior means.. It truly speaks worlds about the fact that we can trust our ops. Thank you guys for helping to keep this place clean of this crap! =D>
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Re: What TLI will never put up with

Postby viceregine on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:04 pm

Thank you for the heads up! I've never played with him, and I am very thankful for that now.
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Re: What TLI will never put up with

Postby Extremis on Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:08 am

To be honest when I read this i puked a little in my own mouth.
Thanks for the heads up.
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Re: What TLI will never put up with

Postby Lindor on Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:22 pm

Thank you. This is an important issue... I can stand behind TLI because ya'll DO have standards like that.

Re: What TLI will never put up with

Postby Marren on Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:26 pm

=D> =D> =D> I've played a few characters over the past several years, the youngest of which i think was 20. Im a mother myself, and I'll be da--ed if I'll play a game that allows such atrocities. ever. ever ever. SB putting his foot down is fairly impressive for me. I've never known anyone who worked in the erotic arts industry, and sadly i must admit that i viewed them (before finding TLI) all as nasty, perverted old farts. however... SB brought to light that these people are infact people. their human like me. (at least, IRL they are human.) I fully support SB and his staff in their decision to banish such things as this from TLI and Belariath. this game is freaky enough, we dont need to get down right nasty. thanks to StormBringer and staff, for bringing TLI to us, a place we can escape the real world, in all its horrible splendor.

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Re: What TLI will never put up with

Postby Wadeywade on Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:22 am

What Marren said. Also I just wanna say thanks. Crazy is one thing, but theres a fine line between crazy and stupid and where that was going, wasnt crazy. i kmow crazy, and thats not it.
I know its gotta be tough to police against stuff like that.. I mean, not hard stopping it thats easy, putting up with it, stomachi it while you do.. that takes fortitude. Thanks guys, for being that shield so the rest of us dont have to be.
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