Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind)

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Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind)

Postby Isla on Mon May 23, 2011 1:49 am

Darkness had crept over the land, how often had such things awaken the chiort woman, how often had there been moments where she had felt a pull, to what she had no idea but there was a pull. She felt like she was drowning, something she'd not felt in a time, not really. She sat up in bed, gasping, sweating before she was up and dressing. "So odd.." she said, rubbing the sweat from her, the cool water easily accessed by the small hole in her floor was dipped into, rubbed all over her features, her hair soaked before she managed to stand and breath deep. She turned, looking to Alren, so many dreams she'd had, such terrible things, perhaps she'd stayed away to long, her anger, the underlying hatred for a Goddess that all others worshiped was felt again, familiar, creeping into her mind. She had fought it for so long and now it had come back.

She licked her lips, moving toward her closet, pulling out a light robe, not bothering to change from the lighter nightgown she wore, instead just wrapping herself and watching him again, "I.. we.. need to go.. before I do something.. insane.. to.. to a simple shrine..." she took a breath again and shivered, knowing he would understand, he'd heard her talk in her sleep, making the Goddess pay for things that her own family had done to her long before she even knew who Sheara was.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Mon May 23, 2011 2:06 am

Alren was sound asleep in bed as Valene stirred. A weak mumble passing his lips as she rose up and spoke. Her words not fully registering with the man as he muttered something about needing ten more minuets and turned over. The clean white sheets settled around his hips as he twisted and brought a pillow over his head to block out the invasve light of day.

His mind groggy, but not so much that the next words she uttered were lost on him. Brow furrowed as he tured once more on the bed and withdrew the pillow and flug it at her. "No need to be so dramatic dear. What's on your mind?" He asked in a groggy voice. His hand brought up to rub the sleep from his eyes as he sat up on the bed, legs swiging out over the edge to rest upon the chilled wooden boards of their floor.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Mon May 23, 2011 2:38 am

"I.. just.. can't sleep.. my dreams.." she shook her head, taking a deep breath, rubbing her neck a moment, shifting a little bit, licking her lips, "yes.. I know.. dramatic.. just..." she sighed, settling on the bedside, "I just.. wanna throw something.. or.. beat something.." she looked at her hands, "I.. don't know why either.." she sighed, her eyes flicking to him, "I.. err just I need to go.. to see if I feel like beating the shrine still, if its still there." She smirked, shifting a little more, a deep breath again taken as she moved to lay herself back, her eyes flicking up to the ceiling. She shifted a bit, "would you go with me?"

She moved to stand up, "please?" She asked, "I don't really want to do something stupid.." she licked her lips, "I mean.. last time I.. I felt like this I wanted to.." she sighed, dropping back to the bed and shaking her head.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Mon May 23, 2011 3:09 am

Chirot cleric was awakened in the dark of the night, by the voice of his goddess, the faintest of whispers, as it had been since the time of the silence had begun. That whisper was enough. He rose, and stirpped off whatever he had fallen asleep in before replacing the clothes with a creasp, white linnen robe. that done, he kissed the brow of his sleeping slave, and then dashed off, sliping quietly into the shrine, and lighting the fires while he waited, knowing -someone- was coming.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Mon May 23, 2011 12:51 pm

Alren's eyes softened as he listened to his mate. "Of course I'll go with you love. You ask so little of me, and it's a simple request. Besides,"He said as the cobwebs cleared from his mind. "I'm a bit of a wall flower.. getting out would do me a bit of good," He added giving her a sly wink before he rose to his feet beside her. The morning light played over his naked body. A natural glow comming over his lightly bronzed skin as he moved to get dressed in his usual robes.

He was conserned for Valene. So much had happened to her since he'd known her. The mutilalation she'd suffered when he first layed eyes upon her, her attack by Cole and even the tramatic way she'd found herself bound to the element of water. She was a strong willed woman, but even then she had to have limits. Alren knew that he couldn't be an answer to all of her questions and was honored enough that she sought his company.

"would you like a bit of breakfast before we go dear?" He asked leaning in to give her cheek a quick kiss, trying to slate her unease with a ritual of normalcy. "Or should I just bring an apple or two with us?" He asked as his thoughts drifted to Sheara. He'd only been in the temple once before. He sought the Godess's approval in his binding to Valene. The mage was curious about her. He knew so little about the divine and their ways. Though he followed Ishtar, he was never fully certain what that ment. Perhapse he'd find his own answers this day.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Mon May 23, 2011 9:29 pm

She shook her head, "no.. just.. lets go.." she said, not feeling hungry, not feeling anything really only irritation and anger, perhaps it had been that she'd used the potion to sleep, or maybe it was only a fleeting fever that consumed her mind with rage but it was there. She wrapped herself in the robe, she didn't feel like dressing really, this would be enough as she moved forward. She pulled her hair up, wrapping it and pinning it so it was off her neck, almost feeling like she wanted to take the scissors to it.

She looked at him a moment, moving to take his hand, a quick kiss on the cheek before she felt that drowning sensation again. She pulled back, groaning as she moved to the door, her wings twitching, that rage once more starting. Perhaps it had been the nightmares, the memories, her back ached with wounds long since healed. She growled a little again, shaking her head and stepping out to the house, then headed outside, her wings opened as she breathed deep, that heaviness still in her chest.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Mon May 23, 2011 9:43 pm

The pale chirot in his white robes moved with quick, sure steps about the shrine, gathering things, never his eyes or hands reaching for anything in particular, but rather, only letting the goddess guide. oils, flogger... candles, a clean cloth with which to cover the alter, and then he moved behind the statue itself, her eyes still closed, though the metal seemed nearly to vibrate in anticipation, to touch, almost as warm as flesh. He moved to the wall lined with gongs, chimes, and drums, and took up the tightly wrapped mallets, beginning to play, the notes drifting over the wind while he, and the goddess, awaited their guests.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Mon May 23, 2011 10:12 pm

A tempered smile found his lips as Valene kissed his cheek. It was hard to truely feel at ease, at peace with her in such a state. The mage took her hand and lead his mate outside. The fresh air was little comfort to the man. A few living sylabls of magic slipped past his lips, breathing life in to a spell that would cause him to rise off the ground. The man looked back to Valene, waiting for her to take to the air with him. They knew the way to the temple and it would be an easy flight there.

His loose robes whipped about him as he came along Valene. A hint of mischiff in his eyes as he slipped below her and turned around on his back to look the woman in her eye. "Soo... " he started.. looking in her eyes. "What exactly do you think you'll find at the Temple love?" he asked.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Mon May 23, 2011 10:23 pm

She'd pushed herself from the ground after, heading straight over the tops of the trees, her wings beating the air, her eyes flicking to him, "I don't know.." she said, being truthful, "I have no idea what I will do either.." she let her fingers move a bit through her hair. "Don't.. don't let me destroy it Alren.." she said quietly, "Don't let me.." she choked a little, "I don't want to.. but.. I just.. feel the need."

It was hard to describe to him why she felt like that, why her own feelings were just.. wrong but they were there and they were wrong. She shouldn't feel such underlying hatred, she wanted to know, maybe it was placed there for a reason, perhaps her time of relaxation had gone far too long and her emotions needed a good shake up, no that wasn't it.. that wasn't it at all. She was just genuinely angry and for no reason her object of anger was the shrine.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Mon May 23, 2011 11:15 pm

The wind tossled his short brown hair about wildly. "Valene.. you are the center of me. You know that whatever I can do will be done. Now... lets see what Sheara has to say on this.." He said rolling back over to look at the green carpet of trees pass below them in a blur.

It wouldn't be long untill they reached the temple now. Despite himself Alren felt a growing sense in the air. A build up of presure before a storm. Something was happening, something that just very well might drag him in. Arms held fast to his sides and he flew towards the temple.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Mon May 23, 2011 11:27 pm

Through the portal and onto a familiar yet different path she circled over the place once, hearing the musical notes pealing through the air long before she would ever reach it. She'd made one long circle before tightening it and taking a deep breath, landing "shit.." she said quietly, her eyes flicking over the entrance, hesitant to consider entering. The hesitation only lasted a moment before actual and pure rage raced through her. How dare the bitch was the only thing she could hear, how dare she do this, to abandon everyone again, to leave them including the most devout of chirot. She hissed, her fingers curling in on herself she left the shelf, grabbing a rather large club like stick and moved back, her eyes flicking to Alren again.

She sneered as she pushed her way into the cavern entrance, "Stop ringing her bells.. she's not listening.. nor does she care.." she hissed, blinded by her own rage, barely able to actually think she started toward the statue.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Tue May 24, 2011 12:03 am

Stormwind brought the song to an end, and moved to stand in front of Vale, presenting a target if that was what she needed, and also,keeping her from being able to take a swing at anything else. "the bells, were not for her, but rather... for you, perhaps, in fact, for both of you. for it would not do for you to arrive in this time of need, only to believe that you were alone, and turn away.

As for, her not listening Vale love, if she were not, then how would i have known to come. I can think only, that she heard your need, felt your disquiet, and sent me to wait for you. Would that not after all, make sense?"
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Tue May 24, 2011 12:20 am

He could feel the rage boiling off of Valene as she picked up a stick and stalked inside the temple. Alren duetyfully followed. She'd told him long ago of how she'd defaced the statue here and in doing so reconnected with the Godess in an odd fashion. It was a rather curious way of worshiping, but getting one's anger out would have it's perks. Looking the way that Valene did now.. Alren could only hope that it would resore her calm.

The mage was quiet as Stormwind stepped between Valene and the statue causing Alren to lift a brow. Perhapse he was mistaken about just what it ment to worship Sheara, but then the mage wasn't well versed on any of the Gods. He remained silent for now, content to let the chirot work things out lest he do something out of place and embarress Valene. The mage was merely concerned for Valene's saftey, for her hold upon herself.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Tue May 24, 2011 12:44 am

“Stand aside..” she hissed, “you stopped me once I won't let you do it again..” her eyes held his, absolute rage boiled in them. “She left us, no sleep.. then I find a way around it and..” she growled, “I won't go back to having those nightmares.. stand aside..” she hissed and tightened her grip on the club. She had never wanted to actually hit him, never felt the need but suddenly she felt it, like a burning sensation up her arms, through her chest, like she was on fire. It hurt, her eyes watered, a hiss left her and she started to shake.

She dropped to the ground, her knees had gone weak, falling like a crumpled lump she just lay there sobbing in rage and anger, feeling impotent, lost. She felt like she was chained there, unable to pick herself up, fire swirled through her mind then was extinguished by the nature of her own magics, though the rage, the rage stayed this time.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Tue May 24, 2011 1:05 am

He watched her arms twitch, itching to strike him, and he invited it, wanted it, if only that would calm this rage of hers. after all, it was not the first time he had offered himself as a target to those who wished to offer their rage as an offering to the mother. What mother, after all, had not stood silent, and let one of her children's temper tantrums boil over her until the anger had cooled. When Val crumpled however, he sank to his knees as well, and whispered. "i had never once meant to stop you, but only to give you something to rage upon." he said , gesturing to Alren to join them if he wished, even as Storm reached out and gathered Val into his embrace.

"did it ever occur to you, my dear.... that she had not left, but rather, that going quiet for a time, was the only way she could see to draw you back to her? Back -here-?" he asked, again like a parent who had spent so long being ignored by her favored child, that the only way left to reconcile, to get her to pay attention, was to first make her angry Storm thought, Though he would not of course say so aloud, as it would only serve to anger the woman further, and cause her to refuse the outstretched hand of their mother.
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