Unigo Spells - Light & Fire

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Unigo Spells - Light & Fire

Postby lyllamarie on Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:18 pm

These are for Unigo and Common Fire spells. Like always, please post any questions or concerns in the Spells and Magic forum.

Common Battle Spells

Fire Streak:
Level required: 10
Class required: Fire Mage
Spell prerequisites: Fire Mage X1
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef

Description: Fire Mage X1: The first step for most all Pyromancers, this deceptively simple spell sends a narrow stream of flame swiftly crawling from the casters fingertips toward their intended target. Its progress appears almost as though a long, thin trail of oil were igniting mid-air, and though this spell lacks the punishing impact of the spheres more advanced techniques, it can set a foe aflame all the same.

Mechanics: This spell creates an streak of fire that springs from the caster's finger and streaks out towards the target (which must be no more than 30 feet away per slot used). It deals damage as per the normal Ranged Magical Attack rules using a !ranmagatk + slots.

Fire Seed
Level required: 10
Class required: Fire Mage
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: clomagdef
Description: Fire Mage X1:

One of the most basic conjurations, the Fire Mage conjures a bit of non-magical fire that shoots from his fingertips. The spell is mainly used to start non-magical fires, either for cooking or to cause a good case of arson. No larger than a peach seed, the flame will light most combustible materials on contact. This spell is often used to light campfires, though a considerable number of mages have been known to cast a Fire Seed for mischief, such as onto a rival’s cloak.

:MECHANICS: The Fire Seed remains intact and burning for one minute per slot used in this spell. It is non-magical flame and therefore mostly harmless to most warriors and mages. However, in the right circumstances, the Fire Seed can cause mass confusion and distraction. If used against an opponent, a successful hit is normal !damage halved, but the opponent takes 1 point of damage each round following until a round is taken to put out. The Fire Mage can hold the Fire Seed in his hand for no more than one minute before it burns out and must be remade.

Ice Shield
Level required: 12
Class required: Fire Mage
Casting method: none
Defending method: none
Description: Fire mage X1:

A basic defensive spell learned by the Fire Mage, this conjuration is designed specifically for Ice/Water spells. Upon casting, a shimmering field of magical energy surrounds the caster, almost skin-tight. This shield of energy defends the caster against his opposing element, that of Ice/Water. Powerful as it is, it can only blunt the most powerful attacks.

:MECHANICS: For every slot of the spell learned, the caster is able to add 1 to his Magical Defense against Ice/Water spells and 'only' Ice/Water spells. Other elements are not affected. So, for 15 slots, the Fire Mage adds a +15 to his defense when attacked by an Ice or Water spell. Yes, this means that a fully Defended Fire Mage can have a modifier of +45 against Ice/Water spells.

Fire Cell
Level required: 15
Class required Fire Mage
Casting method: !Ranmagatk
Defending method: !Ranmagdef

As they become attuned to their craft, Fire Mages are able to refine their control of flames. One crafty Pyromancer created a spell that allowed him to entrap his prey in a cage, the bars crafted of flame. When this spell is cast, a small ball of fire moves toward the pursued, and upon reaching them, encircles them, and bars of translucent fire grow to form a cage fit to the victim around them.

Mechanics: The mage would make a !ranmagatk + slots vs a !ranmagdef to capture the pursued. If capture is successful, the victim remains in the cage until the mage dispels it, or 2 rounds/actions per slots invested. While inside the cell the captured one may use only !ranmagatks or !ranphyatks as a mean of defense. If the mage is knocked out, or the victim is targeted by damage causing spells, the cage dispels immediately.

Flame Shield
Level required: 17
Class required: Fire Mage
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: clomagdef
Description: Fire Mage X2

This spell has doomed many enemies that have tried to fight close in against a Fire Mage. Upon casting the spell, the Fire Mage is engulfed in a flickering shield of dancing flames. Depending on how devoted to the spell is known, the Flame Shield can do considerable damage to anyone coming close enough for hand-to-hand combat. However, this spell is very draining of the Fire Mage and most mages will avoid casting the more powerful spells while this spell is in effect.

:MECHANICS: This shield lasts for one round per slot invested, with a normal stamina cost the initial casting, plus 2 per round following each round the shield is active: the fire-mage cannot evade to regain that stamina while the shield is up. For every 2 slots rounded down, the caster adds +1 Magical and Physical defense against Close Attacks, which can stack with spells magical and physical armor, plus defensive enchantments, but cannot stack with any other defensive or shield spell. In addition, because of the intensity of the flames, for every 3 slots utilized, 1 point of damage is inflicted on any successfully landing a close attack against the fire-mage; magical or physical. The caster may choose to drop the shield to evade within the same round, but cannot be recast until his next attack turn.

Fire Flick
Level required: 30
Class required: Fire Mage
Spell Prerequisite: FireBolt Level 10 or FireStreak Level 10
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Description: Fire Mage X5:

One of the ultimate expressions in the Fire Mage's art, this spell is an extension of Fire Streak which furthers the spell to its logical conclusion. A caster makes a sweeping arc motion in front of him and a burst of fire streaks shoot from the caster's hand, all capable of targeting a different opponent. Depending on devotion to the spell, two to five streaks of fire can be sent forth at once. Due to the complexity of the spell no more than one fire streak may target the same person. However, should the Fire Mage end up facing a creature larger-than-humanoid size, such as a wyvern or dragon, one fire streak may be targeted at individual section of the beast's form, peppering the creature with multiple strikes. (I.e. Head, Tail, Wing of a Dragon)

:MECHANICS: As the Fire streak spell, except starting with two streaks, a caster gains additional streaks for every five slots of the spell learned, the caster can cast one additional fire streak from his fingertips, up to a maximum of five fire streaks at 15 slots. An opponent may be targeted with 'one' fire streak per casting of this spell, so this spell is best saved for when facing more than one opponent. Starting stamina cost is 1 plus 1 for each slot used plus 2 points for each streak used, so a full 15 slot spell with five streaks would cost 26 stamina. Each streak requires separate rolls to attack. A !ranmagatk +slots is used for the attack.

Level required: 25
Class required: Fire Mage
Spell prerequisites: Fire Mage X4
Attacking method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef

By means of casting this spell, a caster creates a dense cloud of smoke which is nearly impenetrable to the naked eye. This is used as a mean to prevent the seeing of something, whether it is a fleeing party or an advancing army. Any one that remains to long in the effected area can be weakened from not being able to breathe clearly.

Mechanics: The mage casts the spell and clouds of smoke arise from a nearby fire source. The smoke spreads out and covers and area in yards equivalent to the number of slots taken multiplied by ten. (IE, 15 slots equal 150 square yard area.) If an attack is successful, anyone within the area of the smoke will begin to suffer stamina reductions. 1 point per round for every time Fire Mage is taken. A successful defense will prevent the stamina reduction but view will still be impaired. This causes a -15% to all attacks, and only with the assistance of magic meant to clear the sense, or keen night vision could one see through the smoke. Duration is 2 rounds for each level of Fire Mage studied. If the wind is high, magical or natural, the duration is halved. Stamina cost is normal plus 2 per round the smoke is in effect.

Common OOB Spells

Alluring Flames
Level required: 10
Class required: Fire Mage
Spell prerequisites: Fire Mage X1
Casting method: other
Defending method: other

Description: Fire Mage X1: There is something to be said about a roaring fire or even the flicker of a flame upon candle. It attracts the eye, holds us, mesmerizes us. Holds our attention in the dance of its sinewy motion and the allure of its colors created. By use of this spell, the Fire Mage envelops himself in the flicker of their element, they manipulate it into a mesmerizing lure of color and light until the individual watching is lulled to a point of inaction; it keeps them looking until the fire mage is long gone and only the vision of their flickering flames are left behind to seer at the very air.

Mechanics: The words should be sensual, alluring, the hand motions smooth as if caressing the air around them. Once the spell is released, and with ooc consent, the opponent is held for 2 rounds unless violently shaken, pushed or shouted at in their ear, in a mesmerized state; all other actions halted to simply stare at the fire mages trick of flames and light. This is strictly used outside combat, and requires the Fire Mage to retain eye contact and both use of their hands.

Level required: 10
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Description: Fire mage X1:

A spell of distraction and mere noise-making and annoyance, this conjuration gives the caster the ability to fling bolts of shrieking flame from his fingers which later explode and throw off more light and noise. Utterly harmless, the spell can cause no damage whatsoever and most often is used to give a display of power or at festivities. There are those that have been known to fire a few off in an opponent's face to startled and stun.

:MECHANICS: The more slots a caster has in this spell, the bigger and better the fireworks he can create. Should a Fire Mage use this spell on a creature, the opponent has to roll a Ranged Magical Defense roll. If he fails against the caster's level plus slots used, he is stunned for one round, unable to do anything more than blink the lights out of his eyes and try to get his ears to stop ringing.

Level Required: 10
Prerequisite: Fire Mage X1

A spell by which the Mage is able to control the nonmagical fires in his vicinity. His spell allows him to control the surrounding atmosphere from temperature to lighting. He is able to increase or decrease the torches from a mere wisp of smoking ember to a roaring brand until the torch is but ash. A fire can be taken from a mere candle flame to a raging bonfire, though this is not considered damaging against living individuals. Temperature can be increased or decreased in the immediate area, from cool to sweltering hot. For each level of Fire Mage taken, the spell envelops for a five foot radius around the mage.

Flame Message
Level required: 15
Casting method: none
Defending method: none
Description: Fire Mage X2:

A variation on the Messenger spell, this conjuration allows the caster to use flame to transmit his words across the distances. Upon completion of this spell, the Fire mage speaks his words to a small fire he sits before, staring into the flames and willing it to travel to a secondary location. He 'must' know whom he is talking to, and they 'must' have a secondary fire ready for the Flame Message. Those staring into the fire will see and hear the Fire Mage, as he can see and hear them in turn.

:MECHANICS: For every slot of the spell used, another exchange of words can be given before the spell flickers out. No more than fifteen words per exchange on either side. Words are heard clearly, if somewhat lower in volume and the visuals are very clear.

Path of Flame
Level required: 25
Prerequisite: Fire Mage X 4

A powerful mage is able to use the flame as a means of travel. They can cast a spell linking two fires together and travel instantly to another place. The mage must have another fire to go to and if the fire is doused before the mage arrives they will be cast out somewhere along the way. This spell requires that the mage have been at the destination spot within the last 6 months. For every level of Fire Mage the mage can travel 25 miles.

Mechanics: The spell takes two rounds to complete, the first to cast the spell and enter a fire. On the second the mage travels and is transferred to an awaiting fire at the destination spot at the end of the round. The fire must be at least campfire or hearth size. It cannot be a torch or candle flame.

Level required: 10
Class Required: Fire Mage
Prerequisites: Fire mage X1
casting method: Other

Before becoming totally mad with power, Fire-Mages have a bit of compassion left to them in their early studies of the power of flame. This low level spell allows them to assist a comrade who is injured and near death. Channeling their energy, they are able to instill a bit of their life force into a fallen target. Although not the prettiest methods, they are able to seal wounds and stop bleeding. The shock of the method also awakens the target. The wounds are not healed perfectly and will still requires a healers attention to prevent scarring and permanently correct.

Mechanics: The fire mage casts the spell and touches the target on their wound(s). The fire mage transfers a bit of their life to that of the target, preventing death and stopping the flow of life blood. It provides one hit point to the target for every three slots taken in the spell. For every level of fire mage, the caster can attend one wound on the target, though no more than 5 hit points can be given to the target. The caster loses the same amount of hit points and stamina cost is equal to slots used in the spell.

Fire (Unigo) Battle Spells

Comet Flare:
Level required: 10
Class required: Fire Mage
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Description: Fire Mage X1:

A Fire mage is less likely to smile and more likely to strike an offender where they stand and make them a grand example of what not to do. When anger flares out of control, the Fire mage casts this quick and deadly spell by snatching up a small object and curling his fingers about it. The magical flames they command quickly engulf this object which is then hurled at their opponent with incredible speed. When one sees this flaming object heading their way, the impression of a comet coming down upon them might cross the mind before the pain of the flame is felt upon their skin.

:MECHANICS: The caster MUST find an object no larger than a glass, curl their hand about it and cast the spell to imbue the object with their fiery flames. The caster has only one round to hurl the object at their foe or the fires themselves will destroy the object they hold. The cost is 1 stamina plus 1 for each slot used in casting the spell and is a typical ranged magical attack versus a ranged magical defense. For every three slots in a spell, the Flare does an additional +1 to damage. Thus a caster using 9 slots to cast the spell would use 10 stamina to cast and receive an additional 3 points in damage on a successful attack.

Flame Whip:
Level required: 10
Class required: Fire Mage
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: clomagdef
Description: Fire mage X1:

Another of the basic conjurations learned by the Fire Mage, this spell creates a length of flame, thin and long in length. It is mainly used as a weapon in close combat, the Fire Mage lashing out with the Whip at any who come too close. Due to the magical nature of its creation, the whip can do considerably more damage than a true whip.

:MECHANICS: Upon casting this spell, the whip forms. A strike of the whip is determined by a !clophyatk with a +1 Atk per 3 slots put into the spell. Because its a physical strike, armor modifiers 'do' count against this spell; however, if successfully hit by the weapon, the opponent suffers +1 point of fire damage per times Fire Mage is taken. The whip can exist for one round for every slot used. Stamina cost is normal for the initial casting, with normal stamina cost for every round used per the physical attack rules.

Solar Flare
Level required: 13
Class required: Fire Mage
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Description: Fire Mage X1

Description: The Unigo student has learned to delve into the unpredictable nature of fire, separating and evolving its connection to the sun and celestial stars above. As the name suggests, the Fire Mage is able to create an arch of pure, volatile light that targets the enemy from above, flaring in a bright fluorescent burst at the intended target. Due to the nature of this spell, it can not work within enclosed areas, to do so would risk the Mage himself.

Mechanics: This spell requires a standard !ranmagatk vs !ranmagdef with normal stamina cost. This spell does not work if the Mage is within a closed off area with no outlet such as window, open door or roof. It deals normal damage if the attack is successful; when this spell reaches 15 slots, a successful attack will temporarily blind the target for 1 round after, causing them to suffer -25% to their next attack roll.

Level required: 15
Class required: Fire Mage
Spell prerequisites: Fire Mage X2
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef


Heat perpetually radiates from the flesh of a Pyromancer, varying in intensity depending on their mood. The truly skilled can learn to focus and direct this natural swelter, sending a wave of super-heated air blasting out in front of them with a clapping together of hands. Though the intense heat may only lightly sear the victims flesh, the sudden rise and fall in temperature could put a great deal of stress on their system, and can send a person into shock if they already suffer serious burns.

::Mechanics:: The caster expels a wave of blistering heat, searing the flesh of a single target and briefly raising the temperature to near unbearable heights if successful in casting. A standard !ranmagatk roll determines success of the spell, damage determined by the halved result of a standard !damage roll. However, for every point of damage from a fire spell the victim has taken since the fight began, they stand to instantly lose 1 stamina. The determined total of fire damage taken is rolled with a standard !r 1d#, with the outcome being the total stamina lost. Stamina lost by the victim cannot exceed the number of slots in the spell x 2. This spell cannot be cast for another 2 full rounds after being used.

Rain of Fire
Level Required: 20
Class Required: Fire-Magex3
Spell Prerequisites: Fire-Bolt x10 or Fire-Streak x10
Casting Method: !ranmagatk
Casting Defense: !ranmagdef

Description: Destructive is the fires that the Pyromancer wields. He or she, has also learned the devastating affects of raining fire from above, fire so hot it is likened to molten lava spewed from the volcanos and the heavens above to reach a very wide area.

Mechanics: This spell requires two rounds of uninterupted preparation, with the spell firing off at the end of the second round after everyone in combat has acted. If the Fire Mage is successfully attacked within those two rounds, the spell is ruined and he must start over. should he succeed, the shower of fire from the sky is centered on a pre-determined distance away, no more than 5 feet per slot of the spell. The diameter of the damage is 2 feet per slot, to a maximum of 30 feet. Everyone within range of this attack must make the appropriate ranged magical defense roll against the Fire-Mage. Those that fail, take normal damage from the flames and are stunned for !r 1d5 rounds. The Fire-Mage may also choose, at the onset of preparing the spell (and must be stated) with the added stamina cost of 2 per 3 slots, to have the very earth catch on fire from impact, causing an additional point of damage for every time Fire-Mage class is selected, the following round. This includes the Fire Mage himself if the spell is directed too close to where he is standing.

Fire (Unigo) OOB Spells

Fire Sprite
level required: 20
Class Required: Fire Mage
Prerequisites: Fire mage x3
casting method: other

Description: A fire sprite is simply a Flame Elemental of minor proportions, an entity comprised entirely of flames that climb no higher than a foot and a half, typically coming to resemble a humanoid figure. Whereas the larger of these curious beings are fearsome and mindless, these smaller versions are uncannily clever, in most cases polite and soft-spoken, able to converse in any language that has been spoken around campfires throughout the ages. They don't serve as the best translators, though- in fact are of no real practical use to have around whatsoever, beyond functioning as source of light and heat, but are surprisingly good company, if nothing else.

Mechanics: Using this spell, the caster can summon a Fire Sprite to serve as a companion for a period of up to one month. Once that month is up, the Sprite can no longer remain in our realm, and will inevitably fade away. Though a new sprite can be summoned, it will never again be the -same- sprite, making a lasting relationship with a single sprite impossible. If the caster summons a Flame Elemental with a sprite active, that sprite is sacrificed, becoming that elemental using the original casting method.
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