Offical Mysitical Familiar list

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Offical Mysitical Familiar list

Postby Almondus on Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:32 pm

This is the offical list of Mysitical Familiars that any player can request at the SS. More can be added to the game if they are approved by the High Council.

To submit new ideas for mysitical familiars go here:


Name: Illiania

Description: The Illiania is a very comely creature, and it knows it. It's base is that of a feline animal, usually small lynx or short hair. It's face is small with large prominent eyes made for night vision, with long ears that can swivel at a rough 120 degree angle and long sensory whiskers. It's forelegs, from the middle back and up, house the long feathered wings that it uses to fly for short spurts or to glide from one rock face to another. It's tail also sporting more feathers to help in navigating sharp turns while in mid-flight.

Abilities: The Illiania is, for all intents, a simple house cat with the ability to glide from high perches and sustain flight for short spurts of time. It cannot fly like a bird, but can unfurl its feathers to lengthen its leap into a short glide that can reach anywhere from up to 35 to 50 feet, depending on conditions. It is an agile climber and prefers high perches or canopies as it's natural habitat. The Illinia is also a nocturnal creature, thus has developed the ability to manoeuvre within near dark areas, though will suffer in absolute darkness - its whiskers, like any normal house cat, is used to feel the air around it like tiny receptors, letting it know if a space is too small or how close another object might be in comparison.

Height: 8 inches from head to toe.
Length: 12 inches from head to rump, tail is another 6 inches
Weight: varies, but roughly about 6-10lbs
Colour: Fur is usually cream or tortoise shell colours. Feathers bright jewel colours.

Name: Wisp

Colours: Ranging from bright whites to pale yellows, they are some light yellow colour most often, and never anything but white or yellow.

Wisps are a strange breed of creature, not having too much in common with a majority of Gaea's creations. Their origin, too, is debated for they are obviously magical creatures more-so than natural ones with their 'bodies' mostly compromised of a floating globe of light that illuminates the immediate area around them in a soft, shadow less light. As such, they are very insubstantial creatures with a very small solid core that is not visible to the naked eye. Wisps are able to hover off of the ground anywhere up to eight feet and seem to have extreme difficulty projecting them up much higher. While winds do affect them they have far less an impact than one might expect on the tiny, aerial creatures who seem able to 'anchor' themselves in place against sudden bursts of wind, causing them only to shake or dance slightly in a small region of air.

Wisps are mischievous little creatures with a definite intelligence, though the extent of it is debated. They can communicate telepathically to those within a few feet of them but only in a very rudimentary fashion, projecting either a word or two into the mind or a sense of an emotion (it should be noted that this is not an emotion itself, per-say, but rather the knowledge of the wisp's current state of being. The wisp cannot project an emotion it is not currently feeling). Further, they do seem able to read emotions on a very basic scale and it is not out of the ordinary for the happy little creatures to find a way to either tease a sad or depressed sentient around them or to try to do things to make them feel better -- whirling around their victim's head as fast as possible, for instance.

Wisps are known for their glowing bodies, but also for their ability to simply seem to vanish, extinguishing their light. Stories of them luring adventurers to dangerous stretches of bogs are known across much of the Empire, and not without truth to them. Whether or not Wisps intend to put the lives of those they lure in jeopardy is unclear but most agree that it is not, that it is merely the semi-sentient creature playing it's version of a joke, not unlike what one might expect of a Pixie.

Wisps are not brave creatures, naturally, and do seem to have an understanding of danger. They are very light, very weak, and only able to sustain quick motions for a few seconds (again, enough time to bob about a victim's head or some such silly motion) and are entirely useless in all ways in a flight, most often choosing to go invisible and 'hide' somewhere until the angry emotions pass them by. They seem to be naturally attracted to sources of magic, including spell-casters, to some extent as reports of seeing them are much more common amongst magical users.

While it is true that the creatures seem to prefer living in damp, marshy areas they seem to have no 'natural' habitat and feel at ease both in colds or heats, though they are at risk of injury or freezing in temperatures lower than -20 degrees F or greater than 110 degrees F.

Size: Spherical, about the size of a basketball when illuminated, which is as powerful as the 'Dawn's Early Light' common spell, though this illumination does not counter sources of magical darkness.
Weight: Very, very light, less than 1 pound total. They are very frail, too, with nearly any forcible contact hurting them very, very much.


Able to project a soft, shadow less light about an area equivalent to the 'Dawn's Early Light' common spell. When not projecting the light, the owner loses any telepathic connections with the Wisp, unable to give it commands or to receive any thoughts (because they are out of Line of Sight).
Able to communicate with very limited telepathic ability to those within a few feet of it.
Upon bonding, you may pick 1 common, Out Of Battle Level 1 spell for the Wisps to have the ability to cast once per scene, though the actual target and usage of the spell may only be explicitly controlled by the owner if it has been Ritually bonded. The spell cannot be any from amongst: Change Self, Feather Dance, Floating Disc, Fuzzy Tail, Lie Speak, Light, Lock, Lurk, Message, Pleasureful Pain, Reflect, Swap Gender, Sweet Bliss, Tongues, or Wizard Mark. It should be noted that 'caster' refers to the Wisp when determining the spell's effect, not the owner.

If ritually bonded to a Wisp the owner will take on personality traits both of the Wisp's natural mischievousness, at times, as well as a natural trust/obedience/attractiveness to magical users. The higher the level, the more potent this trait though, like a wisp, this does might not affect certain people that the owner might not like, or perhaps just there is not the attraction there naturally.

Name: Gachatara

Description: Fox/otter cross with small feathered wings, four legs, short fur, identified by a stripe down the muzzle, or up the tail. Sharp eyes, and narrow muzzles, with a darting, quick-moving intelligence. Their ears tend more towards the vulpine, or feline, standing out from slim heads. Rather than mewling, or keening, they whistle, and click, as if communicating underwater.

Short-range gliding ability, without takeoff.
Keen sight, and hearing.
Sharp claws, and the determination to climb just about anything.
Exceptional balance.

Height: 8 inches from ground to tips of ears, standing straight (which is rare).
Length: 12 inches at full size, roughly another 6-8 inches for the tail.
Weight: Varying, though usually within 8-12 lbs, more when wet.
Colour: Fur tends to be either silver or red, like a squirrel, though rare colours are known to exist.

General Write-up/background.

The Magi are so like us, it is easy to forget their true nature. Alien, foreign, outcasts from another world that burned as they fled. Their continent is perhaps the last surviving preserve of fertile earth from a world abandoned, and as such, is peopled by all kinds of alien and unknown creatures.

Besides the Magi themselves, these include some familiar faces, such as the common robin, and some entirely new, though not too far removed from the common ancestry they share with the plains below.

The Gachatara are among these creatures. Sleek, sinuous mammals, something akin to a cross between a fox and an otter, with narrow muzzles and sharp eyes. Four-legged, short-furred, and possessed with a bright-eyed intelligence, famously territorial when it comes to the protection of nest and mate.

The young are carried, as in most mammals, by the female, and usually in litters of three or four. Their overall lifecycle is surprisingly long for such small creatures (Not much bigger than a housecat, or fox at the largest), and as a result, they tend to live for around fifteen to twenty years, taking at least one of those years to grow to full size.

A nest, not located in water, as one might suspect, but high in leafy trees, tucked into the embrace of branches or knots. Neat, feathered wings to match their habitat, though the creatures are incapable of take-off, and instead, must rely on sharp climbing claws to ascend to treetops before launching themselves onto the mercy of the winds.

A soft-furred tail for balance, often seen waving in the air as a Gachatara runs from branch to branch. They are a rare omnivore within the forest, snacking on berries and fruits where they can find them, though particularly partial to small birds, even squirrels.. the occasional tree snake if they are lucky enough. Males are usually best identified by a single stripe of the opposite colour running down the centre of their muzzle, females, by a similar stripe going up their tail. Thus a black Gachatara might have a white stripe, or a silver, a deep red one.

They communicate through soft whistles, clicks, similar in ways to the chattering of squirrels, and a soft croon of pleasure more akin to whale song than anything else, though obviously, much quieter.

It is, however, notoriously difficult to separate a Gachatara from its family unit. Those wishing to domesticate one have to be quick. They form family ties with days of birth, and will never truly trust another after that. On the flip side, if one can catch such a creature within a few days of birth, and take the care required to raise it by hand, their loyalty is unparalleled.

Name: Ursling, Urslings
Type: Fairytale creature
Color: Wide variety, but restricted to variances of natural bear colours, black, brown, white, grey, lighter or darker of these colours, nothing out of the ordinary like pink or purple.

Ursling (single), Urslings (plural), though like their larger cousins are a different breeds all their own. They are about the size of a small to medium dog, ranging in colours and personalities. Depending on the colour desired though one would find a different type of personality, the lighter breeds tending to enjoy a desert environment and so are a bit rare to see, their darker cousins though prefer the forest. Due to their nature they are often found in the company of a druid or a worshiper of Gaea though sometimes you can see them with a creature that enjoys magic, however they would not receive the benefit. Rangers, druids and a worshiper of gaea would receive a bit of a tracking bonus, able to use the keen sense of smell and the hunting nature of the bear to track game or find their way through a forest. More often than not the smaller races, the pixies and nixies can be found to use the bear as a mount, with a little bit of training or a stronger bond purchased the bear would follow commands rather well, a nice alternative for those smaller creatures that hate the height of a horse.

The range of the tracking is determined by a roll of a 1d10, five or more and the scent is able to be picked up whether it be from a shirt a piece of cloth, personal item or a footprint. However if it is picked up from the ground or anything not from the actual person being tracked it cannot be more then two hours old. This tracking ability is also out of battle; unable to be used in battle, but perhaps it could be helpful in a quest. The bear can track the scent up to a certain amount of miles determined by the roll of a 1d20, from one to twenty miles. Should the bear though encounter water along the way; a 1d10 will be rolled in order to see if he can pick up the scent on the other side, 5 or more being successful.

This tracking skill is also most useful for those that have a ranger or druid class. If a ranger or druid is using this tracking skill they will receive a bonus of +1 for every time the class is taken to the tracking rolls.

Size: No longer then three feet in length
Height: Ranges from one to two feet in height give or take.
Weight: Their weight can vary from a smaller one being around 10lbs, to a larger weighing around thirty.
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