Free Form and Diced Tutorial -- 2/05/13

Questions and suggestions about the rules of the roleplay and how things work

Moderators: L`aquera, Ehlanna, Stormbringer, lyllamarie

Free Form and Diced Tutorial -- 2/05/13

Postby lyllamarie on Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:48 pm

This was a brief tutorial on free form and diced Combat, held on IRC in #TLI-Quest on Feb 05, 2013. Take a look -- any questions, this is the place to post them :)

Session Start: Tue Feb 05 13:52:24 2013
Session Ident: #TLI-Quest
[13:52] * Now talking in #TLI-Quest
[13:52] * Topic is ' 18+ Only! The channel within which quests associated with TLI are run - see for more details and viewforum.php?f=114 for Quest-related info.'
[13:52] * Set by ChanServ! on Fri Jan 25 00:13:06
[13:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Sutara
[13:52] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Sutara

[14:03] <@Sutara> Ok, I will need two volunteers for today. I need both to be pretty familiar with how free form works here, and those who are semi-familar with the dice system
[14:03] <+Malekith> I can
[14:03] <+Kirin> Yeah. That looked like a great quest. I was paying particular attention to you, Angst, and Carthad.
[14:03] <+Kirin> I will volunteer, Sutara.
[14:03] <@Sutara> Ok
[14:03] <+Malekith> I'm pretty well versed in general free-form
[14:03] <+Malekith> I mean I OP in another game
[14:03] <@Sutara> Kirin, you'll be my antagonist, Malekith, you'll be Kirin's opponent.
[14:04] <@Sutara> Now, before we get started, let's keep questions/comments down to a minimum.
[14:04] <@Sutara> In your own words, what is free-form fighting?
[14:06] <+WhiteMist> free forming is allowing your partner to fight you on a level playing field reguardless of level
[14:06] <@Sutara> Anyone can answer.
[14:06] <+Durigon-HoF> I will just be watching. You wont hear much from me
[14:07] <+Malekith> To me, free form fighting is where you use you fight, guided by your stats, letting your opponent have reactions to your acts, enabling fair fighting around, typically, unless it is so lopsided a fight, both parties will take damage
[14:07] <@Ehlanna> In mine: free-form combat is combat that whilst honouring relative differences in stats is more heavily weighted toward the detail posted to denote what happens
[14:07] <+Kirin> It is a creative outlet for combat situations without using dice.
[14:07] <+Latanya> Free form fighting is the interaction of battle between one or more parties without the usage of dice; where all parties equally attack and defend, taking in consideration their opponent's skills and ability to competently write out an attack and/or defend action without godmoding.
[14:09] <@Ehlanna> To me, diced and free-form are the same ... it is just that with dice the outcome is defined and specified for you. With free-form you are free to 'make it up as you go along'
[14:10] <@Sutara> So far so good, Ehlanna is more accurate when it comes down to how, game wise, we view free form. It allows you and your player the freedom of duking it out, where your detailed posts and partners responses will determine reactions and what actually happens. For the most part, most should respect their relative level or stats, but as a guideline, and not as a rule as in how dice may (continue)
[14:10] <@Sutara> -- determine things. Has anyone here not had experience with free form situations? End
[14:11] <@Sutara> I'll take that as a no - which is per usual, since dice systems can vary greatly!
[14:13] <@Sutara> Now, I'll have Malekith and Kirin post some examples of free form. I've told each what not to do, and what -to- do, once they are finished with their first set of posts, I'd like those observing to tell me what was done correctly, and what -was- done correctly. I'll add this in, a lot of what people can consider free form can be considered objective in terms of right and wrong, but there are (continue)
[14:13] <@Sutara> -- a few tenants everyone generally follows. End
[14:13] <+Durigon-HoF> Ive gotten my feet wet in both dice and freeform. And now finally understand the flow of it and that I have no spells that are worth shit in combat so now i know not to bother using them
[14:14] <+Kir^Trelander> Uhm, can I say something about the strength of freeform real fast?
[14:14] <@Sutara> Sure Kir
[14:15] <+Kir^Trelander> The best thing about freeform isn't level playing fields or anything like that. As noted, generally it is an expectation for 'realistic realization' of levels to be taken into account. Freeform is where you can further define your character through style, -and- work cooperatively with another player who may be higher level to have things work out for one of your ongoing stories.
[14:15] <@Sutara> Indeed.
[14:15] <+Kir^Trelander> i.e. Hey, you're higher level, can we work out where this happens in the combat? or 'If this happens, can we keep it to this so that this story still progresses'?
[14:16] * +WhiteMist nodndos
[14:16] <+Kir^Trelander> I think -most- will be fairly accomodating if you find yourself picking a fight for the sake of a story, whereas dice often just kinda...means you get put directly into your place.
[14:22] <@Sutara> welcome Garthel, we're just going to be posting examples of free-form fighting and the what not to do's, and the to-do's.. :) Kirin and Malektih will be posting for us.
[14:22] <+Garthel> Cool. Thanx.
[14:26] * +Kirin laid a bronzed hand to the door of the inn and pulled it open. The tall, halfbreed mage stepped inside and pulled the hood of his robe down, allowing tendrils of his stringy, neck length white hair spill out. Today was not a good day for him; he had heard of a certain individual who had been making advances on a Sheykan woman who was near and dear to him. Knowing the offender's
[14:26] * +Kirin description, he strode in further, eyes narrowing as he scanned about the room and its patrons. Thinking he found his man, he approached Malekith at the bar. A soft growl came to his throat as he snuck up from behind. Suddenly, his hands reached out, taking Malekith by the hair, and he slammed the man's face into the bar, cracking his skull open and spilling blood everywhere from his shattered
[14:26] * +Kirin nose.
[14:27] <@Sutara> Alright, pause, as Malekith composes his reply.
[14:27] <@Sutara> Tell me, from that post, what went right, what went wrong?
[14:28] <+TricianStronghorn> Kir didn't leave an option for Mal to respond/counter, sayin gthe action had happened.
[14:29] <+WhiteMist> he didnt get a chance to catch him sneaking up on him and pretty much everything after
[14:29] <+Garthel> Agreed. He didnt have a chance to respond or react
[14:30] <@Sutara> In general, how many 'actions' should someone provide in a post when free-forming?
[14:30] <@Ehlanna> One for each limb!
[14:30] <+Hiro`> 2
[14:31] <+TricianStronghorn> I would say one or two, depending on circmstances
[14:31] <+Garthel> At least two Id think.
[14:32] <@Ehlanna> I would say 'up to two' - a reasonable movement, and a potential combat action
[14:32] <+Kirin> Or a reaction to your partner, and an action of your own.
[14:32] * Garrit`Forster (Garrit` has joined #TLI-Quest
[14:32] <@Sutara> The 'attack' always counts as one, and generally, aside from walking up to someone, which can be construed as one, you want 'one' attack per post. 'nods to Ehlanna'. The punch, the jab, whatever action initiates or counters an action from someone else, is your post. If you try to push more into it, your short-changing your partner :)
[14:33] <@Sutara> a reaction and action. very good
[14:33] <@Sutara> You'll notice later, its not unlike diced combat and how turns flow.
[14:34] <@Sutara> Ok, pause Q/A, Malekith will post his response.
[14:34] * +Malekith was sitting at the bar, the male moriel was being especially aware of what was going on these days, there were possibly people out to get him, and he was always on the lookout, watching, listening, and now that there had been the missing egg? He would definitely be keeping his eyes and ears open, the thief was a quick sonuvabitch, not always as much mentally, but he could move fast
[14:34] * +Malekith and as such, he had positioned himself with a nice line to the door. he would always keep a hand in his pocket the knuckle dusters on the right hand this time. He heard the door open and the feet approaching him, sounding as though they were trying to sneak up on him, he turns as the man gets closer, seeing the move to attack and his left had would dart out to try and push the grab aside,
[14:34] * +Malekith quickly getting to his feet, stepping forward to the man and slamming a punch, full force into his chest with the right hand, the knuckle duster positioned perfectly.
[14:35] <+Malekith> ((sorry that should be aimed at his stomach))
[14:36] <@Sutara> Alright, from this post, what went right, what went wrong (if anything!)
[14:36] <+Malekith> ((Or chest rather, that was an omission on my part))
[14:36] <+Kir^Trelander> Always avoid 'positioned perfectly' or 'perfect shot' or 'impeccable accuracy' or anything like that. It means any post where the fight is not 'fixed' is going to contradict you, which leaves both parties irritated. Try to define your movements, your intentions, but not outcomes.
[14:36] * Garrit`Forster (Garrit` has left #TLI-Quest
[14:36] <+Malekith> I meant that the weapon was held properly
[14:37] <+Kir^Trelander> Ohhh. My bad, thought you meant the duster was hitting perfectly.
[14:37] <+Malekith> I will admit it was rather poor phrasing
[14:37] <+Kirin> I feel really embarrassed asking this, but what exactly is a 'knuckle duster'?
[14:37] <+Malekith> brass knuckles
[14:37] <+Malekith> right?
[14:38] <@Sutara> Kir does have a good point though! Try not to define your hits as infallible, but a good example Malekith :)
[14:38] <@Sutara> Yes
[14:38] <+Malekith> thats what I always assumed
[14:38] <+Kirin> That was my guess. Just checking. :)
[14:38] <@Sutara> What part of the post did Malekith do right?
[14:39] <+Hiro`> he attempted to do his actions but left room for them to be countered or accepted by his partner.... ie 'attempted to grab' or 'aimed a blow' not 'grabbed' and 'hit'
[14:39] <+Malekith> If I may say what I thought I did correctly?
[14:40] <+Malekith> a more subtle thing?
[14:40] <@Sutara> Sure Malekith.
[14:40] <@Sutara> Good observation Hiro
[14:40] <+Malekith> I thought it was important that I justified my heightened awareness of the situation, using recent RP events to explain why he would be sitting there and ready to run or fight
[14:40] <+Malekith> why he would be on the lookout for someone sneaking up to him
[14:41] <@Sutara> You also provide a good demonstration of giving information about the character, we know he was a thief, so he's probably not as strong as say, a knight, we know he was on edge.. These things, people tend to play with depending on their style, but keeping them in mind can help your partner recognize where the fight may lead, and vice versa.
[14:42] <+Malekith> also, note the ooc change to it asap
[14:43] <+Malekith> I hit enter and then realized that it came across as a godmode
[14:43] <@Sutara> That happens.
[14:43] <+Malekith> yeah
[14:43] <+Durigon-HoF> wow..
[14:44] <+Malekith> just saying, that it is always best to admit to your mistakes or ask for clarification
[14:44] <@Sutara> Alright, any other comments before we move on?
[14:44] <@Sutara> or Questions
[14:46] <+Durigon-HoF> Thank you for the tutorial : )
[14:46] <@Sutara> Okay. Now, before we move onto diced combat. We've seen a few comments of why free form is a strength, what other benefits come with it, what are some weaknesses, and, in your experience, what are some basic tenants you think should always be followed, OOCly or ICly?
[14:47] <@Sutara> You're welcome Durigon :)
[14:48] <+Kir^Trelander> The main problem I see with freeform is that it's only really good if you can enter that scene of 'cooperation' with the other player. You are making a story, and it's less about win or lose. If winning is actually important, as it often is in the case of strangers, both sides can feel irrefutably, justifiably cheated.
[14:48] <+Kirin> I think the tenants kind of came with the initial question of what it is, especially by Ehlanna. One basic tenant is to account for the relative strength of your opponent/partner. If someone has 100 levels on you, you're not gonna break his/her face.
[14:49] <+Malekith> If I may, personally, I think it is no fun if one party walks away unscathed from a free-form, it always feels nice to have a decent hit get through, and it adds depth later, maybe your character broke someone's nose, giving them a reason to hate you, or maybe they just ruined a favorite cloak
[14:49] <+Kir^Trelander> 'Winning with words' is what both people who are uncooperative are looking for. They end up quibbling in their mind about this or that, and it turns into a very non-collaborative atmosphere.
[14:49] <+Malekith> but it gives a chance for even a low level fighter to not go down too badly'
[14:49] <@Sutara> Very true, and you'll find in my experience, when that channel of cooperation is open, regardless of levels.. there can be a lot of 'give' on the higher level characters part with things are amiable!
[14:50] <+Malekith> indeed, if i may use a recent example?
[14:50] <+Kirin> Exactly, which makes revenge scenes all the better, if the person is someone you play with regularly.
[14:50] <+Malekith> exactly
[14:51] <+Kir^Trelander> Well, for an example. Sutara can kick Kir's ass, she -really- can. When they enter combat, I go in looking to lose, but lose interestingly. The only exception being BSM, when Kir is her which case he will get fucked up, but she generally let me apprehend her and keep her from the natural urges of BSM.
[14:51] <+Kir^Trelander> But that's an understanding between us as the players. If we weren't in that zone of cooperation, I'd feel pretty bullied.
[14:52] <@Sutara> Alright -- onto diced combat!
[14:54] * +WhiteMist bullies Kir
[14:55] <@Sutara> Alright, in diced combat, what are the first three characters you type to roll the dice?
[14:55] <+WhiteMist> !
[14:55] <+WhiteMist> !CD
[14:55] <+Kirin> !init ;)
[14:55] <@Desdaemona> Kirin (Kirin Frostbane) makes an Initiative Roll of 11 + (level) 7 = 18
[14:55] <@Sutara> lol, Kirin and Misty are both correct
[14:55] <+WhiteMist> thats 5!
[14:55] <@Sutara> What is !init for?
[14:56] <+WhiteMist> to see who goes first
[14:56] <+Malekith> initiative
[14:56] <+WhiteMist> !init
[14:56] <@Desdaemona> WhiteMist (White Mist) makes an Initiative Roll of 26 + (level) 68 = 94
[14:56] <+Kirin> Initiative.
[14:56] <@Sutara> Kirin, Malekith, can you roll !init for me?
[14:56] <+WhiteMist> suck it Kir!
[14:56] <+Malekith> !init
[14:56] <@Desdaemona> Malekith (Malekith) makes an Initiative Roll of 44 + (level) 4 = 48
[14:56] <+Kirin> !init
[14:56] <@Desdaemona> Kirin (Kirin Frostbane) makes an Initiative Roll of 48 + (level) 7 = 55
[14:56] <+Malekith> awwwww
[14:56] <+Malekith> :(
[14:56] <+Malekith> so close
[14:57] <@Sutara> !init, is always rolled before the start of a fight. The highest number wins, obviously, and is determined by level and a d100 die. The mechanics can get forgotten, the 'highest number wins' shouldn't.
[14:57] <@Sutara> Now, when dicing, each one will start with !cd, short for combat dice, pretty simple.
[14:57] <@Sutara> What determines what is typed after !cd ?
[14:58] <+Malekith> attack type
[14:58] <+Kirin> The stats involved in the attack, whether it be ranged magical, close magical, ranged physical, or close physical.
[14:58] <@Sutara> How do you know what kind of attack type it is?
[14:58] <+Kirin> The weapon or spell being used. Melee weapons (daggers, swords, clubs, etc.) would be close physical. Bows would be ranged physical. Spells have in their description what the roll is.
[14:59] <@Sutara> If I'm not sure what kind of attack my spell or weapon uses, where can I go?
[14:59] <@Sutara> to find out+
[15:00] <+Kirin> The Belariath website would be one place.
[15:00] <+Kirin> I think there's Des commands too?
[15:00] <@Sutara> There is :)
[15:00] <@Sutara> You can type !list spell Fire Bolt and get an example in Des's PM.
[15:00] <@Sutara> She will tell you the spell, its casting type, and its defending type, as well as a link to it on the website
[15:01] <+Kirin> But actually Sutara, I have a question for you. Why would you use !cd instead of the relevant attack command, such as clophyatk, ranphyatk, clomagatk, ranmagatk? Has that been outdated or replaced?
[15:01] <@Sutara> Good question -- neither are outdated.
[15:01] <@Ehlanna> Kirin: some items, spells grant bonusses to stats
[15:02] <@Sutara> You can also do !list weapon weapon name for weapons.
[15:02] <+Kirin> Ah, good point. I didn't consider that, Ehlanna.
[15:02] <+TricianStronghorn> But you can put a + whatever at the end of clophyatk etc to count those bonuses
[15:03] <@Ehlanna> And !list armor (or armour) <armour name>
[15:03] <@Sutara> Yes, if you're doing a diced roll with no extra's, no modifiers, just the attack style and the +atk bonus, you can do !clophyatk +3, or !ranmagatk +2, etc. However, these rolls will not take into consideration any bonuses you have for specific stats, like int, str, etc.
[15:04] <@Sutara> A more detailed view on combat rolls is here:
[15:04] <+Kir^Trelander> Well, technically, if an attack gives you a +10 bonus to strength, you can't add +10 to clophyatk, because all the bonus does is give potential for the higher strength roll. It's not an all out bonus on the attack itself. But hush hush, I digress.
[15:05] <@Sutara> If Kirin is going to hit Malekith with, let's say, a dagger, which is +1 to attack, what kind of roll is he making?
[15:05] <+Kir^Trelander> Close and physical, baby!
[15:05] <@Sutara> what is the correct syntax Kir?
[15:05] <+Kir^Trelander> Either !clophyatk 1 or !cd str agi +1
[15:05] <+Kir^Trelander> Either !clophyatk 1 or !cd str agi +1
[15:07] <@Sutara> You'll notice why you have a choice on either, one allows you to modify the respective stats involved in a dice roll for any extras, one does not. Kirin, lets see a !cd roll with a + to str, because Kir is mighty and has an armband enchanted to proove it.
[15:09] <+Kirin> !cd str agi +1
[15:09] <@Desdaemona> Kirin (Kirin Frostbane) makes an unspecified Dice roll for (d11)7 + (d6)3 +modifier +1: 10 modified by +1 producing a final result of 11
[15:09] <@Sutara> now do !cd str+5 agi +1
[15:10] <+Kirin> !cd str+5 agi +1
[15:10] <@Desdaemona> Kirin (Kirin Frostbane) makes an unspecified Dice roll for (d16 (11 modified by +5))7 + (d6)5 +modifier +1: 12 modified by +1 producing a final result of 13
[15:10] <@Sutara> It seems pretty simple, you got some extra stuff, use !cd, you don't? use !clophyatk. Right? Questions?
[15:12] <@Sutara> Alright, onto defending. which can, sometimes, be a bit harder to calculate then attacking!
[15:13] * @Ehlanna points out the possible handy !deflist command at this point :)
[15:13] <@Sutara> Now, obviously if Kirin hit with a close physical attack, Malekith should be defending with ..... ? :)
[15:13] <+Malekith> !clophydef
[15:13] <+Kirin> He blocks with his chest, of course. ;)
[15:13] <@Desdaemona> Malekith (Malekith) makes a close physical defense roll for (d21)4 + (d2)2 + 0 = 6 (unmodified) giving result of 6
[15:13] <+Malekith> -.-
[15:13] <+Malekith> c'mon, really des?
[15:13] <+Malekith> a 4?
[15:13] <+Kir^Trelander> Wow. That is a cool command, Ehl, but still no accounting for enchantments. :P
[15:14] * +Malekith rerolls
[15:14] <+Malekith> !clophydef
[15:14] <@Desdaemona> Malekith (Malekith) makes a close physical defense roll for (d21)6 + (d2)2 + 0 = 8 (unmodified) giving result of 8
[15:14] <+Malekith> hahahah
[15:14] <@Sutara> and, as Ehlanna points out, the first thing to consider in a defense is your characters armor, which is can be found by doing !deflist in Des's pm.
[15:14] <+Kirin> Or if you mean stats, Sutara, then the defense to a close physical attack would be... agi and res, right?
[15:14] * Hiro` is now known as Hiro`class
[15:14] * Desdaemona sets mode: -v Hiro`class
[15:14] <+Malekith> can I slap Des?
[15:14] <@Sutara> No
[15:14] <+Malekith> :(
[15:15] <@Sutara> You're correct Kirin, now what comes into consideration for defense, aside from the actual roll, and armor?
[15:16] <+Kirin> Are you referring to enchantments?
[15:17] <@Sutara> Yes
[15:17] <@Sutara> What is the usual cap on defense enchantments?
[15:17] <+Kirin> +5.
[15:17] <@Sutara> That is per item, and in total?
[15:18] <+WhiteMist> 15
[15:18] <@Sutara> Correct -- what other factors may effect your defense?
[15:19] <+WhiteMist> armor
[15:19] <@Sutara> We covered that.. 'spanks Misty'
[15:19] <+WhiteMist> >.> <.<
[15:20] <@Ehlanna> Hmmm - had a thought ... we have the !combat commanf for general help, would a command to show the relevant stats for each atatck/defence type be handy?
[15:21] <@Sutara> Your defense is a calculation (usually done automatically with just a few things typed in by yourself..!) of the attack type, and its relevant stats, your characters armor, any defense enchantments currently in use by the items your character has, and any SPELLS your character had activated during the course of the combat scene.
[15:21] <@Sutara> I think that would be nifty Ehl
[15:22] <@Sutara> I have about 10 more minutes to go. So, I wanted to cover stamina costs, and finally, moving from free-form into diced combat.
[15:23] <@Sutara> Once you've figured out what numbers go where for a diced fight, there is the inevitable calculation of Life Points and Stamina costs, which tell you how winded your character is getting (stamina) or how wounded (life).
[15:25] <@Sutara> What is the standard cost of stamina for an action or attack?
[15:26] <@Ehlanna> !cd int agi Stealing Sutara's panties at cost of 2 Sta ...
[15:26] <@Desdaemona> Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes a Stealing Sutara's panties at cost of 2 Sta ... Dice roll for (d250)194 + (d250)83 +modifier 0: 277 (unmodified) producing a final result of 277
[15:26] <+Kirin> 2, I believe? This is the area where I get rusty.
[15:27] <@Sutara> 2 is correct. 'snatches her panties back!'
[15:28] <@Sutara> Where is this -not- the case?
[15:28] <@Sutara> -hint- you can find it on the dice.html website :)
[15:28] * @Ehlanna resists Sutara's distant enchantments! :)
[15:28] <+Kir^Trelander> If the skill says otherwise, or spells where it says '#stam per level'
[15:28] <+Kirin> Torians/Chirot in flight while fighting, or spellcasters casting spells of more than one slot in power.
[15:29] <@Sutara> Yes, and, for the most part, ranged physical attack/defense is listed as 1 stamina per action.
[15:29] <@Sutara> What happens if you run out of stamina?
[15:29] <+Malekith> you lose?
[15:30] <+Kirin> You can't take combat actions, and would have to !evade.
[15:30] <+Kir^Trelander> You are forced to take an evade action, I thought.
[15:30] <@Ehlanna> You get given to Fugly to make soap out of ... ;)
[15:30] <@Sutara> If you reach 0 stamina..
[15:30] <@Sutara> Running Out of Stamina
[15:30] <@Sutara> When your STA drops to zero you can no longer take any action to either attack or defend, so you must yield. The only exception would be if your final attack took your opponent down to 0 LFE. Since they would have the next action, and since at zero LFE they are dead, you regain 2 STA during that final round. So you can drag yourself off the ground to win the combat.
[15:30] <@Sutara> It's better to !evade, BEFORE, you reach 0.. :)
[15:31] <+Kirin> Oh, wow. Good to know.
[15:31] <+Kir^Trelander> I fearlessly challenge exhaustion to attack me. I will win.
[15:31] <+Kir^Trelander> (not after this though).
[15:32] <@Sutara> and, one more point on stamina in combat -- when !evade best employed, and does it take a turn to do so?
[15:32] <+Kirin> Hmm...
[15:33] <@Sutara> when *is !evade best employed+
[15:33] <+Kirin> Probably best employed if your opponent is stunned or otherwise incapacitated so you don't get attacked, and yes that takes your turn.
[15:34] <+WhiteMist> no you have to attack when your opponent is down!
[15:34] <@Sutara> or, as noted, before you hit 0 STA :)
[15:35] <@Sutara> and lastly == when is it appropriate to move from free form into diced combat?
[15:36] * @Ehlanna lifts hand
[15:36] <@Sutara> Yes Miss Ehlanna? ;D
[15:37] <@Ehlanna> What? Oh, sorry - just lifting it up under your skirt ... ;)
[15:37] <@Sutara> Eek!
[15:37] * @Sutara pushes her skirt back down, flushes.
[15:37] <@Ehlanna> Whenever anyone involved in the combat asks for dice to be used
[15:37] * @Ehlanna hands back Sutara's sexy black lace panties :)
[15:37] * +Malekith smiles....mmmm Sutara without panties
[15:38] <@Sutara> Here is a sticky question -- 'blushes deeper.. wonders when she wore those..' can you refuse such a request Ehlanna?
[15:39] <@Ehlanna> In essence, no
[15:41] <@Sutara> Right-o :) So, when free-forming, it really is important to keep the lines of communication open, and to not define your movements as infallible or 'done'; it can, in some respects, lead to a feeling of unfairness, or perhaps the other person simply wants dice to meter out the way the fight is going to move. If your partner calls for it, then its dice, and that's that.
[15:41] <@Sutara> Any questions on anything covered today?
[15:42] <@Ehlanna> One thing I'd say ...
[15:42] <@Ehlanna> Just because you can type out bouncing and leaping around like a spring-heeled ninja fruti-bat does not mean that you should. By all means use flair and elan, but also try and be reasonable!

--session end--
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