Facebook Vs. TLI

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Facebook Vs. TLI

Postby L`aquera on Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:03 am

I think or rather believe this has been said before. I honestly don't care for the FB TLI channel that many of you flock too. However, its also not something I actually give a crap about. So far this past month, all I've seen is hurt, harsh words and jealousies passed from there, to TLI...

While we have no jurisdiction within FB nor, frankly, would I want any, whether we of TLI like it or not, your drama over there is carrying to the OOC and PM's over here. And this we can do something about and 'will' do something about.

It isn't fair really, when you sign up for a 'social network channel' to gripe and vent and talk and have some laughs and when something goes bad and fighting or words get tossed about over there, that you bring it here. It means little escape for those that don't want to have the drama bleed over.

I can only assume whomever started it, was looking to simply connect with friends over a different base. I doubt they had this in mind at the time nor likely assumed it would turn into #Cattyville101. We as Ops tend to hear about it, or get emails about what was discussed there. I can only shake my head most of the time. All I can ever think when I get them is.. "Don't you have a life? Wouldn't you like one? Do your parents know you are pretending to play an adult?" No. I'm not very nice in my critique of it. Nor have I ever been. Because frankly.. we see the 'bad' bleed over. Never the 'fun' bleed over.

So when your drama from over there, is dragged over here, we 'will' and 'can' do something about it. That means 'you' will have to suffer the consequences of 'your' actions for 'bringing it' here. When it should have been left there. It isn't supposed to be our problem.

I've said and have said and have said a number of times to ops and SB how much I seriously dislike how convoluted it can get when it hops from FB to TLI or from TLI to FB. But at least on FB if you really don't wish to speak to anyone, you can simply set your facebook to ignore all incoming from said person. In TLI, you aren't allowed to ignore anyone on your whimsy without Op approval for reasons that have already been specified. SO then, that leaves those that might fight, could fight, rumors, text punches and so forth that happen on FB can be dumped on those in TLI that really want to escape any BS happening over there.

That.. is going to end. Leave your drama from there.. THERE... or you will be dealt with here, if you bring it to our door. We've said time and again that players make the rules. I wish sometimes that when your emotions get the best of you, you remember what venue you are in before spouting. Pretty soon if it doesn't stop, we may start a discussion of a way to shut down the dramatics from spilling over here. We have enough here folks. Don't you think? Why would you want to add more to it?

You really don't. We Ops, really don't. I seriously don't want to start adding more rules. Its a headache. I don't want to police grown adults. I just want to play. Don't you?
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Re: Facebook Vs. TLI

Postby Stormbringer on Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:05 pm

Apart from the apparent inevitability of triviality wherever two or three are gathered together, I'd like to remind everyone that using words from the game like Belariath, The Lonely Inn, etc, in the titles of groups, channels international conventions, and so on, is not welcome.

It implies an official sanction of said gathering, which in most cases does not exist.
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