Dance in the darkness, part 2 of 6, first arc: Spoken

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Dance in the darkness, part 2 of 6, first arc: Spoken

Postby Wadeywade on Mon May 15, 2017 2:03 pm

1-2)Spoken- The Lady speaks to Wade in his dreams, giving him both insight, and an important mission as Savi'atar.

The dreams were always the same, and every time Wade had it, he would remember a little more. He was standing in the dayhan, the sun rose and set at a pace unheard of in the real world; that was one way knew he was dreaming, sunrise to sunset taking about three minutes was of course unnatural. Looking around another thing Wade noticed was there were no other buildings in the dreamscape, just the dayhan and the island. And the endless sea beyond.

Wade heard movement. Turning to the door the air mage saw the statue of Trieste, moving as any living person he knew, the stone seemed animated in a way he could not explain; the material was still stone, but reacted the way flesh, muscle and fur did. *-You have come far, Wade uth Matar.-* the statues lips did not move, but Wade heard the voice clear as a bell. *–but you have a way to go so you are where I need you.-* Wade knelt down. “I.. have done the best I could. I’m sorry Im not as smart or as sure as you need me to be. I do truly try.” The statue walked across the building putting a hand on his head. *–You have all the potential you need. You must simply tap into it.-* The Lady said, Wade shivers under the cold stones’ touch.

*-No other of my children could lose their tails, and not suffer great sorrow. But you, were human before, you knew life without them. That is why, I needed you.-* The Goddess lifted his chin. *–Rise, my Savi’Atar, and let me tell you a story.-* Wade stood and sat beside her, quietly, the usually very loquacious air mage quiet. *-Long ago, there was a city of Tel’buk, and this coty contained ancient lore and history spanning all the way back to the Exile of Najaka.-* Wade nodded, he thought he knew this story. Truth is, he was about to learn the whole story. *-This was home of the Savi’atars, from this place they spread and from this place their mission to stop the spread of the dark stain some of Her children intended to spread. It was also here the Run’ya Najaka were borne, a fruit of forbidden practices and knowledge-* Wade listened intently.

*-Most of this is in the Scrolls of Telbuk. Suffice as to say, what they cannot tell you is the Run’ya concocted a rite, using earth magic they caused a series of volcanoes to explode and the city was buried, thought to be destroyed.-* The statue smiled at him. *-That was, until a lowly air mage from the heart of the Empire discovered it, preserved instead of destroyed.-* Wade nodded.. he remembered the solemn scene, one which he never recounts because it was both macabre and sad. The surviving chambers had become tombs of those who survived long enough to seal up those places.

*-So, the knowledge of the Savi’Atar was returned to the world, and now, they seek to snuff it out again. And you must stop them. They will steal the bell and more importantly, the scrolls.-* The Goddess pointed, *-Thallis was a diversion so they could keep you occupied. Tramiyor knows well what you would have done before, and he has been studying you.-* Wade nodded. “He has been one step ahead of me since he popped up in Thallis.” The Lady chuckled. *-not any more. Infiltrate his gang, by whatever means you can, and stop them before their plan reaches fruition.-*
Wade would not remember any of this, not all at once. Then one morning when he walked into the dayhan he got the most unusual sense of deja vú. Walking to the statue he looked at the hands gripping his mithril longsword. Still tight, he still could not remove the blade. Damn, he thought but as he turned to exit he got that feeling again. Turning back Wade sits, cross-legged. “Tell me.” He says, “Remind me my Lady…”


“But I don’t think I can take on all his forces alone.” Wade says drumming his feet against the stone portion of the wall, his back to the double paned glass. *-You are the Sundered. You have the ability to defeat a legion of R-N alone. But, you will not be alone. One must go with you, in that moment she will find destiny of her own.-* Wade quirked a brow his legs stop moving. “Callie?” He says inquiringly. The statue shook its’ head. *-No, her destiny is elsewhere. I mean the one you call apprentice. Her path has just begun, show her the way by truly embracing your path.-*


Wade opened his eyes. Sitting up he sighs. Trying to hold onto the dream only makes it slip away, it seems. Putting his feet to the floor Wade walks across the cabins main room, Malec in his own room. Opening the door she lay there naked, and he felt something stir in him; she was beautiful laying there bathed in the light of the moon pouring through the window like silver water.Her skin was light enough to catch the moonlight, her bare breasts free of their normal confinements were perfectly molded and if Malec wasn’t breathing Wade would almost mistake she was made of marble. Walking to the bed, Wade took a few breaths before he took her ankle, shaking it. “Malec, Wake up.” Wade said softly.. he regretted waking her but the urgency of what they were about to do was compelling.

“Huh wha?” Malec sat up then instinctively covered herself. Once her eyes focused she waved Wade out of the room, which of course he obliged her. Ten minutes later she came out wearing the dress Wade had provided from his rather odd and somewhat deep well of clothing. “Nice.” He said, trying to pay her a compliment; even a great detective can sometimes miss an obvious truth, and in this case it was intent. “Don’t patronize me. Its an ugly color.” She said, flopping on the couch. “So whats so important?” Wade paused… and paused. And paused. “I.. had it. This time I had it and.. it slipped away.” Malec Stood up. “Wade, just when I thought you’d actually ask me to mate you.. like you did the others.”

Wade was caught flatfooted. “Wha-.. wait, what?” He shakes his head both hears twitch. “Are you mad?” Now it was Malecs’ turn to look shocked. “What do you mean?” She said softly, the girl had done just as he had instructed, and Wade had seemed to really, really like her. “You.. Don’t..” Wade looked at her a moment. “Don’t what? Malec, you aren’t making sense.” The catgirls’ ears flattened sadly against her head. Wade jumped back in maybe a little too soon; “You are the apprentice supreme because… well, you saw what happened with the others. One way or another, they were lost to me. I can’t mate you..besides, you intend to take another master after me anyways..” Wade says sardonically and the next thing he knows a mug hits him in the head, his head rocked back. “Ow!” He said, already a lump began to form. When he brought his head back into position, she was gone. “Damn.” He says, looking at the door. Rising Wade wobbled across the room, managing to grab the doorframe as he lurched through the door his vision blurry to say the least.

Wade wobbled across the small dunes and to the trees, using them to hold him up as he makes his way into the cave. It seems to take an eternity, but finally, to cool of the stone and the darkness.


Malec watched Wade cross most of the area between the house and the cave looking like a sailor on shore leave. “Damn.” She said nearly in tears.running to the door, she unlocked it and opened it, running for the front door. Just as she felt the suns’ kiss on her skin, Malec saw her teacher lurch off the wall and pitch into the sand. “Double damn!” Redoubling her speed the apprentice ran to his side. Dropping to her knees in the sand she made sure he was still alive, then Malec rose and sprinted into the cave, falling several times because she rarely, if ever, wore a dress and forgot to pull it up at first. After eating a lot of sand and saying a lot of unlady-like swear words, Malec finally made her way into the cave. “Marena!” She shouted, not seeing the mermaid at first. Then a moment later, Marena surfaced. “Hello!” She said cheerily, but that smiled faded seeing how serious the girl in front of her was. “Whats wrong?” Marena said and Malec pointed. “Its’ Wade. He got hurt.” Marena swam ashore quickly, sliding out of the water she waited as her legs formed and she was able to wobble to her feet and find her ‘land legs’. Malec helped steady the healer, then they made their way up the former lava tube to the mouth of the cave.

There Wade still lay, unconscious. Marena knelt, her hands glowing. “Formidable..” she said softly, his life-force still strong but he had still taken a bad blow. As she worked, Malec slinked back into the caves, and when Marena looked around, she was gone. Turning her attention to her patient, she used her healing magics to fix that thick skull of his (both literally and figuratively, one could say) as the lump faded. Wades’ eyes snap open and he sits up. Marena stops him, pushing him down gently but insistently. “Shh. What happen, Formidable?” The mer wondered why Malec had left but Wade did not answer, not in words. He simply said nothing.

Sighing, Marena finished. Wade tried to get right up but the mer healer grabbed him again, gently. “Slowly,” she said, and Wade, for once, listened. Marena rose with him and both looked at each other a moment. Wade frowned, the air mage sighing softly. “Wait here.” He chided in a near whisper then turned walking down the cave towards where Malec sat, her back to the wall. Wade turned the corner and almost tripped over his apprentice, but managed to recover well; looking rather nonchalant and casual in the process.

“Oh there you are.” Wade said, using his years of training in the art of deception to hide the fact he had been hit in the head then hit a wall not long after. “Are you okay, Malec?” Coming to her feet quickly she threw her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry, teacher. Master. Sir.” Stumbling over her words as tears spilled down her cheeks Malec wrapped her arms around his neck. Wade chuckled softly putting an arm around her. “You wrecked one of my cups. You’re gonna have to pay for that, you know.” Wade teased, hugging her. “Its ok, but if you ever hit me again you’ll be sorry.” He said seriously. Gulping Malec nodded, not only had she spent enough time with him to know he was more than capable but the mage-ranger had a reputation, as well as a few stories.

“I-I am sorry..” Malec said more nervously, shaking a little. Wade chuckled softly feeling a little bad for her. He pats her softly on the back but she jumped the first time his hand touched her back. “It- oh, hey; easy.. its’ ok.” He says with a small laugh, “but don’t do it again.” Wade changed the subject. “So, lets go up to the house. And.. about before.. I am sorry if you got the wrong impression about why I have you here. One day you’ll be a.. whatever sort of mage you wanna be; and Ill be the guy who got you there, yay!” Wade hugged her again. “I just have.. really bad luck in that way. I guess part of it is, I don’t wanna lose you.” Malec looked up at him with new tears as he led her back up the tunnel to where Marena waited. “Really?” The bardess said as they walked. Wades’ ears twitched slightly. “Really.”


Back at the cabin Wade sat on his couch resting his still sore head. Marena had returned to her garden in the cove and Malec sat looking at the cup she had thrown at her teacher, the soft, thin copper was smashed sideways. “I am-“ Wade held up a hand. “If you say you are sorry one more time, I swear to the Lady I am gonna zap you with a lightning bolt.” Then he laughed, and with a groan, bent over and picked up the cup tossing it in a basket that was open. The cup backboarded off the lid and landed inside, the lid fell shut. “Bingo bango bongo. Outta sight, outta mind, so there.” He stated and laid back, closing his eyes. A moment later hands massaged his neck. “I am sorry, sir, I assumed this.. relationship-“ one of the air mages’ eyes popped open, looking at her; “of ours, my learning magic.. I am sorry I assumed it was more than that.”

Wade sighed and sat up. He touched her on the leg and Malec jumped when an arc of energy arced across. It wasn’t enough to seriously hurt her, but it did hurt; for a moment. “Ow!” She exclaimed pulling back. “I warned you. Stop saying sorry, Malec. We both.. Assumed things which were not true. Truth is, something is coming and it involves you, as well as me.” Malec cocked her head the catgirl looked puzzled. “What are you talking about?” Wade frowned. “The thing I keep trying to tell you it.. keeps slipping away before I can. That is another reason I have kept you close, I know you aren’t a vulpine nor do you worship the Lady beyond giving her proper respects inside the dayhan.” Malec nodded, then shook her head. “Wait, She is gonna call ME?” The bardess’ eyes got wide. “Why?”

Wade shrugged. Then he patted the seat beside him. Malec rose and sat beside him and the air mage-ranger pulls her close. “Yes. But I don’t know why. Maybe just because you are my apprentice.” He said with a shrug, and Malec gulped. looking at Wades hand, then she looked at his big, endless dark green eyes. “So now what?” She asked, and Wade sighed a little. “We wait until the next time I dream it. Then.. we do whatever she asked.”

That night, Wade was awoken by a hand on his leg. “Wade, wake up.” Malec said to him softly, the catgirl sat on his bed naked her tail wrapped around her waist. “Huhwha.. did I forget to take out the trash?” Wade said sleepily, the random thought seemed to come from nowhere. A few seconds later his jade green eyes focused on her sharply. “Malec, whats wrong?” Shaking her head slightly, she removed her hand from his arm quickly. “N-nothing, you were talking in your sleep. What do you remember?” Wade cocked his head a moment then looked up and smiled. Grabbing a quill and some ink, he began to write quickly; page after page after page flowed from his pen.

For forty five minutes the air mage sat and did nothing but write. What he wrote, was a detailed plan to trick Tramiyor into revealing his hand and then put them in a position, just the two of them, to neutralize him and his goons. “Impossible..” Malec breathed, but Wade held up a hand to silence her and kept writing. Page by page she read what he wrote. Eyes wide she shook her head. “No. No.” Then she kept reading. When Wade finished, he set the quill aside and waited for her to catch up. He did not speak, and when she took up the last page (they were numbered), Wade finally said, “its up to you. But once you commit, there is no turning back.” The vulpine said softly, almost sadly. “I am called to make my own sacrifices. I cannot comment as your teacher or.. anything else. The choice has to be yours.”

Malec sat heavily. Looking up with paler green eyes. “M-my choice..” she said heavily. Wade nodded. “Yours and yours alone. What say you?” He said to her neutrally, making sure she didn’t feel pressured. After several minutes, Malec sighed audibly. “Ok. I mean if its gonna protect Thallis and the city and all that.. Okay.” Wade frowned, to him her apprehension was quite obvious, but he nodded. “We begin training tomorrow, starting with camouflage basics then on to hand to hand combat. We will round the day out with logistical information.” The apprentice nodded softly. Wade took her hand, “its gonna be dangerous, but I will be right there with you and we will get out. Alive. Okay?” The air mage said softly, more to reassure himself than her. Nodding the catgirl tucked herself under Wades’ arm.

It was comfortable, despite the harsh words and copper cups that had been thrown around today; as the sun dipped on the horizon and dark began to take over the place that was no place, Malec snuggled against Wade sexily. “Malec you don’t have.. I mean..” she put a finger to his lips. “If your plan is what you outlined, then I want the choice this time.” Moving her finger Malec kissed her teacher softly at first, then warmer as Wade moved into it, cupping the back of her neck and drawing her down on top of him, her naked flesh hot through the sheet on top of him. Malec shifted and Wade through the sheet over the top of her as well now their naked bodies pressed against each other; Wade hooked her calves with his feet and pushed, opening her legs. The catgirl complied, moaning as she kissed and rubbed against the vulpine; her wet sex came down against his hard shaft and she whined wantingly. “Please, master..” Malec whispered, and Wade gripped her hips pulling her all the way down, his cock sheathing easily inside her soaked sex. Moaning wantingly, Malec rolled her hips her slickness coating the air mages’ groin as she fucked against him, her breasts heaving and falling as they worked against each other.

Wade gripped her hips driving upward each time Malec rocked forward, he could feel himself bottoming out inside her the head of his cock touching her cervix a few times.. Malec rode faster, wildly now, she gripped her nipples tugging them until they were two rock hard stones; then the catgirl slid a hand between her leg playing with her stiff clit as it peeked from under its hood. This drove her over the edge, throwing her head back she yowled a high pitched, wild scream as she came, her orgasms causing her to convulse slightly before she collapsed against Wade tiredly. Sliding out of his apprentice (this caused her to whimper and stick her lip out at Wade), the air mage/ranger slides out from under Malec, climbing up behind her Wade grips her hips moving her so she was on her knees at least.

Giggling Malec complied, wiggling her butt cutely at her teacher. Wade grabbed her ass and positioned himself, then he thrust inside her with one deft thrust causing her to shudder and moan, her slick cunt squished happily as Malec cried out in desire. Gripping her hips now the air mage fucking her hard now. He grabs her hair pulling; Malec rocks her head back moaning heatedly; with a slightly surprised shrug Wade tugs a little harder his other hand snaking between her legs to find her clitoris his fingers expertly massaging it. This was almost too much for the apprentice, moaning sluttily her legs almost gave out; the world swam and she rocks back into her master fucking him with no desire to ever stop, her second orgasm building like a tsunami inside her tight velvet passage and irradiating out into her body like the light of the sun across space.

Wade felt it too, the more excited she got the tighter she seemed to get; by this time the airborne ranger was about to explode into her; just then Malec cried out her cunt guching quim then she collapsed forward. As he came out of her Wade too came, huge hot gobs spurting across her back and into her hair. Wade fell back, his head throbbed but otherwise, he was good, Malec lay panting and spent on the other end of the couch.
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
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Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

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