Pixie/Nixie Dust

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Pixie/Nixie Dust

Postby Kooky on Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:34 pm

So.. even in their write-up, it's totally a thing where some people try to collect it. That must mean it is special! How about we make it special?

While small folk have the ability to make others small already, I'm suggesting this that sets pixies/nixies apart a bit more from Fae without further stunting what they can and cannot do.

Pixie Dust- either an innate ability or a spell

A pixie/nixie can gather up the dust from around themselves and either fly it over someone or something or blow it upon them and make them float. This float goes no higher without aid than 1ft per nixie/pixie level. It is floating, meaning it is not controlled flight and resembles anti-gravity, often used in cases of mischievous sport or for a nixie/pixie to use their own flight to pull an object or shrunken person along with them with weightless ease. Very useful for moving dollhouses!

I suggest this because by using their dust in such a manner, it could be a way for a nixie/pixie to ward off danger, making to float in place while they take flight and flee. Unlike Fae, nixie/pixies do not have access to any actual combat spells, nor can they even wear armor to protect themselves or take classes which could allow for better defense. In short, you can squish a pixie with flick! But at least this would give a better means for play and a mechanic allowing for them to flee. I'd love any thoughts/insight into this. It need work and clean up, and a better mechanic formula.. but it's a start!
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Re: Pixie/Nixie Dust

Postby CallieO on Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:36 pm

I like it.
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Re: Pixie/Nixie Dust

Postby Amara on Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:20 pm

Would this be usable when in either form? or large only? small only?

I'm seeing more of a benefit of when they're in tiny form - and can't carry anything while they are flying.
I see a comical setting where a pixie/nixie is up on one of the rafters of the INN and trying to get something to
'float' upward toward them.

pixie/nixie dust loosely based off of a TK spell? (I dunno- it's what I think of.)

I like the idea of it.
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Re: Pixie/Nixie Dust

Postby Kooky on Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:20 pm

It would be limited to small form only. I've always seen the dust as coming from their wings, and they lose their wings in larger form. So to me it makes sense that they can't access the dust when they lose that connection, that part of themselves.

The idea itself honestly comes from both Tinkerbell as well as a book I have that's essentially a huge encyclopedia of fae, pixies and goblins. It's something that pops up in nearly every tale of pixies. The book itself is really neat because when you flip it upside down and backwards, it becomes another section. This is how the book is divided by "light and dark".

This is also something that I just feel nixies and pixies have been missing out on, because the dust is mentioned here, but has no purpose yet despite it's a huge part of their essence when you think about them and how they fly, leaving glimmering trails, or make animals and people sneeze.
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